Gofyftis .Times. Official Faper ol Benton County. OOBYA.LlJ.4, OBEQON, FEB 18, 1905. TWO ARE HELD. Evidence Strong Against Lebanon Bank Suspects What it is. Battered twenty dollar pieces and other circumstantial evidence make a strong case against the men sus pected of robbing the Lebanon bank. They had a preliminary hearing in Albany' Thursday, and two were held in $4,000 bonds. They have been taken to the Port land jail for safe keeping. Four lawyers appeared for the prosecu tion and three for the defense. The examination took place in the cir ct it court room, which was packed with curious people, - P. M. Scoggin, the Lebanon banker, was the first -witness and sta td that the loss of the bank was $5 ,308. He stated that $25. 40 was found in the safe where it had been overlooked by the burglars. Frank Cummins, the conductor on the Lebanon train, testified to see ing four men on the railroad track this side of Lebanon and he thought that Dunn and Crossley were two of the men. He was corroborated by M. E. Pugh, his brakeman who had also seen the men. J. A. Wiesse, a section hand of Froman's testified to finding the revolver on the track between this city and Lebanon on the morning after the robbery. Robert Pomeroy, bartender at the depot saloon, testified to the presence in his saloon of Dunn who he said, had spent several hours in the place and had again visited the saloon on the following day. John Catlin also testified to seeing Dunn and three other strangers in the Pomeroy saloon the day before the robbery. Mrs. Schultz, of Portland, keep er of a lodging house, told of Cros sley' s living at her Louse and stat ed that he had paid her after the robbery in gold, a $20 gold coin, badly battered. Sheriff Tom Word also testified to the finding of muti lated coin on the person of Cross ley and the money, 196.75, was in troduced as evidence as was a purse containing three $100 bills and a certificate cf deposit for $500 issu ed by the First National bank of Portland on the ahernoon of Feb ruary 9, the day after the robbery. He told how he had Crossley ar rested when the latter was in the act of leaving the city, the finding of a pistol scabbard in which the revolver found near Froman's fitt ed nicely. He was corroborated by Deputy Sheriffs K. E. Moreland and J. S. Downey, both of whom testified .ro?!tive'y that the- mutilated coins were found in the possession of Crossley. It' was shown by these witnesses that Dunn and wife and JHtndryx lived in the same house, that they had lately lived in afSu- lence. ' CHy Recorder Van Winkle, afier bricy reviewing the testimony, heir, Dunn at-d Crossley in $4000 each to appear before the circu.t i..n t, while be dispis-ed. Headryx 1 Mrs. Dunn, The two last r.n:t:u .-were held aa. witnesses in t!;v sum of $300 each, but in the u-r- of Mr. H-ndrvx an arrange 1 . v ?as later ajade by which he r.s released on ' his own reccgni- : ; The o ' .:.! to jai: until . their bail t"nou!d be arranged. - A Word t) the Wise ' -i.-.A. wood is getting higher in "pi ice w:-d further from town every year. Or a ;-r now for summer delivery. 200 cords now partly sawed stove lengths, 12 cords seasoned wood. 22;o pounds vetch seed. -;,co5 pounds clover, red and white, aifalfa. . - Alaike, timothy, orchard and ? rye gTass, speltz, rape, all fresh. Eeeds. A Mao a line of garden seeds. Order now before the spring rush. Tread power, silo, elevator and cutter, Poland China hogs. Yonra for Business. Telephone 155. L. L. Brooks. Compressed Yeast can be bad at Homing's.-'- It saves much time and lador, The New Photography Studio. lata ready to handle what work you give me in a firstclass manner I welcome you to my studio, upstairs in new cement building " on South Main street. B. Thompson. Mill Feed Prices. Feed can be had at the t following prices at either the Corvallis or Benton flouring mills: Cracked corn per bush ,80 cents or i.40 per roo pounds; roll ed barley, i.i o per per sack; chop bar ey 1.05 Der sack ; bran and shorts atth 8Ual prices. -Xt;e.CrvKiu9 Flouring Mills.'-. IN THREE PLACES. Torch Applied in Deliberate Effort to Born Corvallis Sawmill. A deliberate attempt was made Thursday night to burn the Strong sawmill at Corvallis. Fires were lighted in three places, and coal oil was used bv the incendiary in the effort to carry out his purpose. The j torch was applied at midnight, while watchman F. A. Pierce was at lunch. Fortunately, discovery of the three blazes was prompt and the complete destruction of the mill property thereby prevented. The loss is placed by Mr. ' Strong at $1,000. The most destructive of the three fires was in the lumber yard. There a pile of sticks used between layers in stacking lumber lay between two big tiers of maple and fir lumber. Coal oil was poured on the pile and the match applied. Evidentfy the nightwatch had just sat down to his midnight luncheon when the torch was used. The firebug had evidently been watching him. In lighting his fire he also took into account the location of the night watchman. The latter left the mill and went to the mill office across the street to the sov th to eat. The incendiary then selected a place in the yard where a fire would be most difficult for the nightwatch man to see. Between the spot where it was set in the pile of stickers, and the watchman, there was. a house and the highest piles of lum ber. As soon as tne stickers were lighted, the incendiary hastened across the street to the lumber shed i and at the north end of that struct ure proceeded to light another fire. The north end cf the shed was se lected, first because the wind blew strongly from the north, and sec ondly perhaps, because there too, the blaze would be more or less ob scured from the nightwatch. A pile of shingles was there, and pour ing coal oil on them, the fire bug applied another match. Unfortun ately for his purpose, the shingles were more or less green and damp, and would not burn sufficiently to make the attempt successful. Oth erwise, hundreds of thousands of fine dry lumber would have been burned, and the loss to the mill people been carried far into the thousands of dollars. From the lumber shed, the in cendiary went to the engine room in the mill proper. There were other places better adapted to start ing a fire. The planing room was full of combustibles and in every way advantageous for starting a big and deadly blaze. It was, how ever, in full view of the mill office where the watchman was eating his midnight meal, and there a fire could not be lighted. So, the rascal went into the engine room. There he punched a hole in cans of oil used about the machinery. The oil ran out on the floor and into the sawdust and to this mixture, the match was touched. It blazed up readily, but its discovery followed so soon afterward that it was ex- : tinguished before it- had . gained much headway,. In fact, E. W. Strong, appearing on the scene, got so close to the firebug that he heard the man jump out of the window in making an exit from the office room. Footprints found there yesterday morning show where the firebug landed as be leap ed from the window. - Meanwhile, the first of the fires set out had been discovered. Rob ert Campbell lives in the house just north .of the yard, and he was astir on account of the illness of a daughter. At five minutes to 12 he saw the blaze, and hurried out to give the alarm. He lound the watchman in the office. . . Pierce hurried over to the fire while Campbell went to arouse - the Strongs and ether . neighbors. Pierce saw at a glance that the fire was far beyond his control, and he hurried up town to give the alarm. In but a few minutes, he and offic er Osburn had the fire bell ringing. The department . was quickly on the scene, and by using all the hose available, s managed to get a stream on the blaze. The fire however, had got in between the layers of lumber and had spread to such an extent that its complete extinguishment was difficult. It was far into the morning, before it was finally put out. At the other places, the fires were easily controlled. There was no draft in the engine room and the shingle pile at the north end 'of the lumber shed was green. " Neith er gained sufficient headway to do more than nominal damage. In the yard however, the destruction of lumber went on until a pile esti mated at a hundred thousand feet was ruined- The loss is partially covered by insurance.; Three emp ty bottles that had contained coal oil, and the strong smell of kero sene, , noted by . early arrivals on ; the scene are mute evidence against the guilty hand , that plan ned the complete destruction of the well known mill property and its big lumber product -It is general ly believed to be the same hand that lighted the Bryson and Greffoz fires. OF FORTY SEVEN. An Earliest Benton County Pioneer Death of Mrs. Michael. , After an illness of thirteen weeks, Mrs. Jane Michael, mother of Mrs. M. P. Fruit, died Wednesday night. Her. brother, Drury Hodg es, is lying very ill at Wells,",, and was unable to attend the funeral. The obsequies occurred from the home of Mrs. Fruit at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon; with the ser vices conducted by Rev. John Reeves. The interment was in a family burying ground five miles south of Brownsville, where child ren and husband are buried. Mrs. Michael was one of the earliest of Benton residents.1' She came to the county and settled near Wells in 1847. She was then Miss Jane Hodges and was 19 years of age. She was born in Indiana July 28. 1857. After a removal first to Ohio and then to Missouri, she started across the plains in 1847. The trip was made by ox team with all the trials and privat ions incident to those days of pioneering. After a residence of four years on Soap Creek, she was united in marriage to Eli Michael. That was July 27, 1851, and Mr, and Mrs. Michael went at once to a donation claim five miles south of Brownsville, which is still a holding of the family. There, ten years ago the husband died, and there until four years ago, the wife resided. .During the latter period Mrs. Michael has made her home with her daughter, JMrs. Fruit, in this city. The surviving relatives are, Mrs. Fruit of Corvallis and Mrs. McGee of Albany, daughters, and David Michael, of Prosser, Washington, a son. J. E. Michael the Corvallis ferryman is a nephew of the deceased. J. M. Church. Resolutions adopted by the Ex periment Station Council . of the Oregon Agricultural College on the death of the Honorable J. M. Church: . ' . - " - Whereas we are called upon at this time to mourn thedeam of' a most excellent citizen, a generous friend, sound conselor and efficient regent of this institution, therefore. Be it resolved by this body that in the 'death yof Hon. J. M. Church," industrial education in Oregon los es a firm and influential advocate; That, this College in particular suffers severe loss in the withdraw al of his wi?e and conservative counsel from its deliberations; That, his kindly good-will and many high personal qualities hav so endeared him to this institution that his name will always be linked with its progress and substantial growth during the trying times tf its youth; That, as evidence of our admir ation for his many worthy qualities as a man and a citizen; and as an expression of our grief at his e miss we hereby cause to be spread upon the minutes of this body the foregoing preamble and resolutions; and further, that a copy be sent to the press, and members of his family-. ; Corvallis, Oregon, ' Feb, 14, 1905. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurers office to pay all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds up to and including those of Sept 9, 1904. Interest wili be stopped on same fiom this date. Corvallis, Feb 1.5, 1905. ' W. A. Buchanan, Treasurer of Benton Co, Or. End of Session. At three o'clock yesterday alt ernoon, it was expected that the legislature would adjourn about 6 o'clock; though there was possibil- V lty ot an evening session. At that time, Kuykendall . had not signed the general appropriation bill, and was declaring that it should not go to the governor until the last min ute of the session. The governor was declaring that he would veto the measure, regardless of whether or not the legislature had adjourn ed. It was also stated that there was plenty of strength to pass the bill over the veto if Kuykendall would sign in time for the measure to get to the governor and back to the houses before adjournment. The college appropriation v is in the threatened measure. ' - v Branard & Armstrong wash silks at Moses Bros. """ H'ghpst prinew paid for chickens and t'gs r,t Moi-.es Broe.' 'Remnant and Rummage v "Sale! A quantity of remnants havfc accumulated during our late clearance sale, there are remnants of black and colored dress goods, silks, velvets, waistings, skirtings, white goods, flannelettes, outing flannels, table linens, ginghams, prints ptfroale, embroideries, laces, etc all at nominal prices. Odd lots of underwear, Shoes, hats, mens and boys swiff odd pants, black ..strwairticojais, muslin underwear, outx ing flannel night gowns, etc, all at'ltannnage price. fc SPECIAL A lot of Novel ty Dresf .Patterns at rummage prices. All remnants and ci3 lots must "be closed oujin a lew days. A We have botjoh l New York Jlack to enlarge imd lishment-.-arcI ; ing prices. U call ar;1 i:..- prices. f - iUt-rcci fully, w Our ad., bat our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line Fresh Domestic nam ana rancv uoi ; A large and Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit 0111 tore we do the rest. e. OUNCEMENT Millner & WelUher's .or?? which we expect a First Class' Estab oc ds at the lowest liv- rdvmy invite you to get our x.'ds and ray. ADS. OFTEN GH&NGB t IffO nes and Imported, varied line. ware SUMMONS, the circuit court of the state of 0r for Beaton county. tiorgo A. Houck, " plaintiff, vs. H. U. DonaV and Mary Don at, his wife, and Robert W. Blaci, defendants. To H. M. Donat and Mary Donat, his wife, and IJebert W. Black, defendants abov named : " In tK name of the state of Oregon, yon and eacft of you are hereby summoned and require to. appear and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit, Sow;jou file with the clerk of the above entitle' court, on or before the last day of the timet prescriued in the order for publi catioifoir this summons, made by the county judge'. of Benton county, state of Oregon (being the county where the above entitled Suit is pending in the circuit court Df said tcunty and state), which said order is here iirStter referred to, to-wit: on or before six weejts from the day of first publication hareof, and you are hereby notified that it jroa fail so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want there- oof the plaintiff will aDDlv to the above en- Utitled court for the relief demanded in said I complaint, namely, for a decree of said cir pjcuit court declaring and decreeing that thera is-oue irom me ueieuaarts, li. M. JJonat, Ifary Donat and Robert W. Black, to plain tMt . upon said promissory notes and said f&am of $3,200 in gold coin of the United States, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from Octo-' ber 2, 1903. until paid; and further decree- lag tuat i-.ioo ts a reasonable sum to be al lowed, and allowing the same, to plaintiff attorney's fee for institutinz this suit : also decreeing that the plaintiff have a first lien on the following described real prop erty, to-wit: The southwest auarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section 5, town- snip i.0 soutn, range 5 west: also beginning at the southwest corner of section 5, town BhiplS south, range 5 west, and run thence soutn to the county lin between BentGn and Lane counties in the state of Oregon, thence east along said county line to a point du south cf the southeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of said section 5, thence north to the said southeast corner of the said west half of the southeast quar ter of said section 5, and run thence Wist along the south line of said section 5 to lha place of beginning ; also beginning at the southwest corner of the donation land c'aim of Robert Boyd, being claim No. 44, in town ship 15 south, range 5 west, and run thence north along the west line of said Boyd claim to the center oi the county road as now traveled, thence north 82 degrees 30 min utes west 4.10 chains along center of road, thence west along center of said road 10 chains, thence south 43 degrees 15 minutes west along center of said road 16.30 chains to a point in west line of said section 5, township 15 south, range 5 west, thence south to southwest eorner of the northwest quarter of said section 5, thence east to place of beginning, excepting from last de- scrioea tract a certain tract of land contain' ing about 10 acres deeded by George A. Houck and wife to Charles Clem by deed dated April 8, 1808, and recorded in Book "W" at page 491 therein, records of deeds for Benton county, Oregon, all In Bentoa county, Oregon, together with all and sin gular the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances tnereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, for the full amount of said $3,200 and interest as above, with $300 attorney's fees, and the costs, disbursements and expenses of this suit, -and the sale ot said real property: that the above described real property be sold in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of real estate mortgages, for gold coin of the United States of America, by the sheriff of Benton county, Oregon, and that the proceeds derived from such sale be applied, by the party making such sale, as follows, to-wit : First, to the payment of the costs and expenses of said sale 7 second, to tne costs and disbursements of this suit ; third, to the payment to plain- tis of toe Euia of $300 as a reasonable at torney s fee herein ; fourth, to the amount found due in said decree upon said notes and said mortgage that is, the sum of $3,200, together with interest thereon at the rate of b per centum per annum from October 2, 1903 ; and, lastly, if any remainder there be, to the defendants, on demand, as their in terests may appear ; that all of the defend ants be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title and interest ef, in and to said real property, and of all equity of redemp tion therein, except only the statutory riant of redemption ; and for sucb other, further and jdtft'ereiit- rule, orderVr relief as to. the court may seem proper apd equitable in the premises. i This summons is published in the Corval lis Times once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of February 11, 1905, and ending with the issue of March 25, 190o, under and in pur suance of the directions contained m an order made by the Hon. Virgil B. Watters. county judge of Benton county, Oregon, dated February 10, 1905. Kate ot the first publi cation hereof is February 11, IOOd. B. E. WILSON, Attorney for Flaintiff. - SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Ore eon for Benton county. Richard Graham, plaintiff, vs. Jane Hogue, uiannda JNorcross, Amelia iiu, JvranK ury den, Ella Johnson, Minuie Hill, Clara Woods. Priscilia Doran, Mary . Wortman, Edward W. Hogue, Emma Becker, C. C. Hogue, Ida F. Irving, Charles P. Hogue, Mary Powers Clara D. Monteith, Sarah L.. Hogue, Chester Hogue, Harry W. Hogue, Maud MeCona Flora Rentz: Cnarles D. Monteith, Margaret Monteith, Ima Story and Mary A. Story, tie fend ants. To Jane Hogue, Ciarinda Xorercss, Amelia Kill,-. Frank Dry-dsn, Ella Johnson, Minni' Hill, Clam Woods. PrL-cilla Doran, Mary A Wortman, -Edward W. HoAue, Fmma j-V'.-lrer. C. C. Hogue, Ida F. Irving, Cnarles P. Hosue. Mary Powers, Cle.ra D. Monteith Sarah L. Hogue, .Chester ' Hogue, Hurry W Hogue, Maud McConn, Flora Itentz, . Charle D. Monteith, Margaret Monteith, Ima Story and Mary A. Story, the above named de fondants : In the name of the state of Oregon, yoi and each of you r.re hereby summoned am required to &opcar and answer the ccm plaint of the pluinLKi in the above eutitlet suit in the abovo entitled court, now on lii i:i tne oliico of the clerk of isafd court, en- on before the 2Tth day of March, 1005, said day being the la.?t aay of the time prescrioed tne order of liubiication ci tr.is :-,uii1luotif made by the couniy judse of Benton count; Oregon (which said order is hiroinauer re fonvd tc). to-wit : on or before six wes from the day of first publication hereof; ant you are Hereby notiiieu tfiac 11 you tail sc to appsar and answer the said complaint a herein' required, for want thereof the plain till win apply to the above entitled cour for the relief demanded in his said com plaint, namely,- for a decree determining al conhictme and adverse claims, interests ani etate3 in and to all the following described lands, to-wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of do ration land claim No. 77 of . Thomas G Hogue, in township 13 south, range 5 west, Avillamette meridian, in Benton county. Ore gon, and running thence north along tha east line of said claim 34. S3 chains to th south line of a tract of land sold by Jame P. Hogue to William H. and Charles F. .Jex ander on the 15th dav of March. 1869. b deed recorded in Book "H" at page 312 Benton county, Oregon, deed records (HoguJ creeK being the said south line), tcenc westerly following the meanderings o. sai(f Hogue creek to the southwest corner of sail tract of land, said point being tne intersec Hon or Jtioeue creek witn tne norto line the I. of the said donation land claim, thenc west to the west boundary line of said clain Mo. 77, thence south to the southwest cor ner of said claim, thence east 40 chains ti the place of beginning, containing 145.2 acres of land, more or less, in Benton coun tv. state of Oreeon : "that defendants have n claim, interest or estate therein ; that plain tiff's title thereto is good and valid; an that. . the defendants be forever barred an enjoined from asserting any claim whateve in and to said nremises adverse to plaintiff and for general relief and costs and dia Imi i?3TnTi fft nf said suit. This summons is published In the Cor All is Times once a week for six successivi and consecutive weeks, beginning with th issue of February 11, 1905, and ending wit thA issiifl of March 25. 1905. in pursuant! of an order made by the Hon. Virgil It WAttera. county Judge ot tfenton county Oregon (being the county where the abovi entitled suit is pending m the above entitle court), dated reoruary xi ayoD. iate first publication is February 11, 1905. E. R. BRYSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon - Office, room 14, EanK Bldg. Hood . 10 to 13 and 2 to 4. -. Phone, n'oa 83. v Residence 35.1 CKirvaUis, . 1 : Oreg'o