The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 15, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
- Social Gossip, Personal Men-
tlon and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Born, Sunday, to Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Hall, a son.
MTicc Tftlipl TTv1 snpnt Srttvinv
" s i - -
2 -r - . ..I j : .u 3
in ruiuauu vvilu u icuuj,
- Mrs. Emily Hartford left Sat
urday for a visit with her sister at
Jap Wilson of Canyon ville,
arrived Saturday and spent Sunday
.with his three children who are
students at OAC.
:- Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wellsher
"spent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. E, C. Cummings in Portland.
Wallace Colbert, whois at
tending school in Salem, spent Sun
day with Corvallis relatives.
Mr. Burrell. driver of one of
the city deliveries, has been con
fined to his home with illness since
Friday. r.
Miss Verna Matthews gave a
party Friday evening in celebration
of her 12th birthday. There was
"a jolly time for all present.
.Mrs. M. M. Davis left Satur
day for a visit with her son Harry,
at San Bernardino, California. Mr.
Davis accompanied her as lar. as
A Iinn county man has worn
the same pair ot trousers tor 50
years. The pants and Oregon' s
constitution are about the same
Preparations are in progress
at the court house for the March
term of circuitcourt. Sofar there are
but 19 cases on the docket, all of
minor importance. Court convenes
Mafch 28th.
- A verv nent catalogue of the
library at OAC has appeared. It
cctstdEi; ILirtT-two P-ses and will
materially aid Librarian Nichols,
as well as users of the books.
What is said to have been the
coldest night for more that three
years was last Friday. Plumbers
have been in demand since repair
ing broken water pipes.
Mr. and Mrs. William Howell,
vi ho for a number of. years have
operated the Farmer's Hotel -in
this city, are. to go to Harrisburg
about the first of the moDth They
are to take charge of a lunch coun
ter and confectionary establishment
and may eventually put in a res
taurant. There is not yet tti
ant in sight for the Farmers Hotel.
A Washington dispatch of
February 1 o,- says the president
within a few days will send to the
senate the nomination ot Harry B.
Miller of Grants Pass, to be consul-general
at one of the most im
portant paints in the Orient. It
win piuuauij uc nuuC jajjau.
Among the Albany ites attend
ing the basket ball game Saturday
evening were, Misses Flo Nutting.
Emma Sox, Bessie Cameron, Eva
French, Nellie Miller, Fern Fox,
Gertrude Bussard, and "Willard
Marks and F. C. ; Stellmacher.
Invitations are out for an af
ternoon function at the home of
Mrs. M. Elston Lee today. It is
given in honor of Miss Helen F.
, Barnes, national secretary of the
' Y. W. C. A., who will deliver an
address before the company this af
ternoon. Monday morning , a
workmen began tearing
tititions and remodeling
ior of the reading room,
Main street. The place
occupied by the Ingle
force of
out par
the inter
on south
is to be
& Tozier
harness shop. The
has been moved tip
reading room
stairs in the
same building, and Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Swann have also taken quar
ters lmstairs for the present. Col.
Philips, who occupied apartments
in the building, has. taken up his
- residence at the Occidental hotel. '
A movement hasbeerTinaugur
ated at Albany to beautify the
homes, clean up the streets and put
the city in fine shape to receive the
thousands of Iewis and Clark vis
itors that will pass through" the
valley this summer. Railroads
have granted stop-over privileges
which will be utilized all along the
line, orvains should, polish up
tor the occasion, also, and ' it is
none to early to begin. Around
many homes, however, are eviden
ces that our citizens realize the im
portance of the movement.
Mr. Vanderhyde, of JeffareoD,
was a Corvallis visitor Monday.
O. J. Blackledge, returned
Monday from a brief business trip
to Portland. .
Miss Rice, recently the sub
ject of a surgical operation in Port
land, is expected home Saturday.
Miss Mabel Withy combe tnfl
Mrs. Selling were . among
Corvallisites who made the trip to
Yaquina with the legislative part.
' Fred Stimeon, Karl Steiwer
and Rae Walker are among popu
lar students confined to their rooms
with grippe.
Mr. and Mre. Woodward and
Fred Weatheriord, of Albany, at
tended the Coffee Club party Mon
day evening'.
The Ladies whist club is to be
entertained this afternoon by Mrs.
Gus Hard ng at the home of Mrs.
L. F. Wijson, On College Hill.
Miss Esther Cox, of Portland,
is the guest of Miss Leona Webber.
She is the daughter of Ralston
Cox, well known to old residents of
The Marsh field Sua has the
following to say of a former O. A.
C. student: "R. D. Burgess is a
full-fledged M. D., and has just re
turned to San Francisco from Hon
olulu. Albany Democrat: Mrs. H.
W. Locke, of Portland, will open a
new and up-to-date stock of millin
ery in the near future in a part of
the building occupied by N. D.
Pratt's furniture store.
"Have you made the acquaint,
ance of Webberly yet?" "Yes; what
does he do?" "Well, I am in doab(-
Every time I meet him he smells
of gasoline and I donrt know wheth
er be owns an automobile, drives a
tank wagon or has been cleaning
bis clothes;".- -
A Martha Washington tea is to
be given by the ladies of the First
Methodist church on Wednesday
the 22d from 5 to 8, in the church
parlors and from 8 to nine a pro
gramme will be rendered in the au
ditorium. The price of the supper
has been placed at 15 cents.
After thirty-nine years of ac
tive ownership in thq business, 1
Emery Allen retired Friday from
Allen's Pharmacy. He has been
succeeded by his sod, John F. Al
len, who ' henceforth will be sole
proprietor. The senior Mr. Allen
is in his 73d year and intends to
devcte the remainder of bis life to
leisure. -
It is only once in several years
that the people of the Willamette
Valley have their opportunity of
skating on ice. The present cold
weather has caused the' ponds
throughout the court? to freezn
over with an ice tnat is sufficiently
s roog to allow skating,
and many young people have' bsen
enjoying the spoit for the past few
days. -
Mrs. Rilla M.Hyde, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer,
died Saturday morning at the home
of her father-in-law, John Hyde,
on Greasy, as a result of a sudden
illness. Her funeral ..conducted by
Rev. T. Miller, occurred Monday
at o'clock from tbe family home
and the remains were interred' in
Pleasant - Valley cemetery. De
ceased was aged 19 years and 11
months, and leaves a husband,
Charles L. Hyde, besides numerous
relatives to mourn ber sudden de
mise. Corvallisites will have oppor
tunity to witness a fiist-clas3 vaud
eville at the' Opera house Friday
night. A combination of the best
stars out of the Portland vaudeville
theatres is to make the experiment
of a tour of the valley towns, with
a view of making the arrangement
permanent for such a tour onca or
twice a month. Such an arrange
ment could be made that would
give the interior a chance to see the
very best that comes to Portland
without disarranging the Portland
shows. In Friday night's pro
gramme a farce of high character
runs through the performance, mak
ing a bill that is expected to be ex
ceediDgly attractive.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Warrants. :
Principal "Correspondents. :
FOKTXAXD - flxmdon & San Fran
SBATTXE . r ciseo Bank limited.
TAOOMA x 1 .
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan ft Co.
CHICAGO National Bank oi The'Kepub
lio. LONDON, ENG. Iondon ft San Francisco
Bank Limited. - .
CAN A DA .Union-Bank Canadfoa -
0. A. C Girls Win Prom Chemawa
Game Next Thursday,
In a score of 16 to 6, the - OAC
girls' basket ball team defeated the
Chemawa girls in a game at the
Armory Saturday evening. ' A
large crowd witnessed the event
and there was plenty of enthusiasm
Next Thursday evening the OAC
team meets the Albany girls in a
game in tnis city, and a return
game is to be played later in Al
bany, the championship now rest
ing between Albany and Corvallis,
Concerning last Saturday's game
in Corvallis, the Albany Herald
has the following to say:
"The game was somewhat slow
but resulted in a victory for Cor
vallis by a score of 16 to 6. The
contest was thoroughly enjoyed by
the Albany visitors who pronounc
ed the Corvallis girls the better
players as against the Indians, but
it was thought that Albany could
defeat the team and after- last ev
ening's game Corvallis was chal
lenged for a contest and a game
was finally agreed upon to be play
ed in Corvallis Thursday evening
the Corvallis girls promising to
play a return game in this city dur
ing the following week.,' -
Those wishing typewriting done
at reasonable rates call on Mamie
C S-arr. cor Washington & Main.
-- Wood Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court will at . the March
term 195 thereof receive sealed
bids to furnish wood for the. Court
House as follows, towit:
2; cords of oak grub wood four
feet long and not less than 3 inches
in diameter.
25 cords of old growth body . red
fir wood, four feet long; and
25 cords of split maple wood. 4
feet long.
Said wood to be delivered at the
Court house, in Corvallis, Oregon,
between June 1 and Aug 1, 05 and
to paid for in county ordtrs when
said wood is accepted by the Court.
All bids must be filed with the
Cou ty clerk on or before one
o'clock p. m, Wednesday March 1,
1q 5. The court reserves tbe
rigl t to reject any or ell bide.
Atte t: Victor P. M )sc,
County Clerk, Benton Co. Or
Feb 2, 19o5.
" - To the Public.
Tue undersigned have purchas
ed ti ii tjreft ol Iivi Hnkle .in
the C ty Dray Cirnpajay. The
t-rois of the tracsait'un t- include
the pojd will of the business,- Mr.
Henkle having n tired from the
firrr. . Toanklng the uu61ic ' for
p ir t pat'onage and soliciting a con-
tu. aace of the business ofal tin
oil patrons and of such new ones
ae iuay see fit to favor u?. We are
. Very respect'ully,
Robinson & Fuller.
H adquarters of the firm are at
W .lsher& Gray's ttore. Iod.
pi u e 120. ......... ti-im.,
In 1 he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Ben urn County. . .
Geo. T. Veinon, Plaintiff,
vs. -i
N. P. Slate, 6. O. Vernon. J. H. Vernon, Thomas
Slate. John Slate. WlllUm Slate, itdward Slate.
Belie Slate and Herbert Slate, Defendants.
To each and all of the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Orezon. yon and
e-ch of you arehereby required and -to appear
and answer tne compiaiut meet against you in
the above cause on or before the 27th dav
of March, 1905, and If you fa ll so to answer for
wan' thereoi tne piniutm win apply to tne saia
court for the relief demanded in his complaint
to" It, an order and decree ot the said Court,
mafclne Dartition ot lots one and two In Sectio n
2, Township 14, S. R. 8 West, Will. Mer. in Ben
ton county, state oi uregou, containing, is oi
100 acres more or less, according to the several
interests of the Plaintiff and said Defendants
therein, or In the event that a partition there
ofjeau not be made without prejudice - to the
rights oi plaintin ana aerenaants tnerem tnat
tbe sale thereof be made by one or more ref
erees, as may be decreed by the Court, and the
p oceeds derived therefrom after providing the
costs of this proceeding among the parties of
this cause be paid to tne piamtiii ana aeiena
ants according to their several interests therein
as shall be louna Dy saia uourt
This summons is servea upon you by pub
lication pursuant: to an order of the Hon. Vir
gil E. Watters, County Judge ot Benton County,
State ot Oregon, made on the 10th day of Feb
ruary, law. rue aace or tne. nrst punucauo
hereof is February 11th, 1905, and the date on
last publication will be on' March 25th, 1905. f
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act. June "1878,
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
. - . Nov 9.100.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toaU ihe Public Land States by act ot August 4,
1892, Charles O Huff of Corvallis, county of
Benton, state of Oregon has this day filed in
this office his sworn statement No. 6519, for the
Surcnaseottnea. x oi a. w. oi section
o. 82 In Township No. 11 South, Range No. C
West W. M., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its UmDer
pr stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
P. Hoses, County Clerk, CorvallM, Benton Ooan
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day ot Feb.
1905. - ....... . ..." . ,
Ee names as witnesses:
Lawrence Stovall of Philomath, Oregon.
George Stovall . '. ... ' "
Oaleb A Davis ; "
Zebediah H Davis o; Corvallis, .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 18th
day ot February, im.
Algornon S. Dresser,
. Beglster.
Cbe store tbat saves you money
Onion Sets
Onion Sets
Onion Sets
Also all
for the
; Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
, and Silverware,
Eyes tested free of charge
and glasses fitted correctly
- - at prices within reach of alh
Fine watch repairing a spe
cialty Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. ji
Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers,
- . . And other Photographic Novelties. r
Pioneer Gun Store
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,;
Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery ;
H. E. HODES, -
One thousand people to vifit our store daring the next
30 days an.d look over our immense stock of house fur
nishings. Roll upon roll of Wall Paper. - Three tons in
stock and ,on the way. Prices lowest ever known in
Our spring line of Go-Carts will be ready for inspection
about Feb 15th, They are up to date. Better look them
over- ' .
Just a word about Ranges. . No range ever sold in Corv
llis has given better satisfaction than the Toledo. Our
many customers who are using this range will testify to
its merits as to Quick baking, economy of fuel and reliabi
ity. Ask for our terms, we can suit you as to terms and
payments. :
Kinds of
In the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Benton.
George B. Chamberlain as - governor of
Oregon, F. 1. Dunbar as secretary of state.
and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer Or
Oregon, constituting the state land board,
plaintiff, vs. George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat, Agnes Donat and George A.
Houck, defendants.
To George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward
Donat, Agnes Donat and George A: Houck,
the above named defendants :
In the name of the state of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled court,
now on file with tbe clerk of said court,
within six weeks from the 11th day of Feb
ruary, 1905, the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, and you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint as Herein required, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit : the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage made and
executed by George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat and Agnes Donat to plaintiff
on the 12th day of October, 1903, to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note
of said defendants for $2,000; with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from date, and which said mortgage con
veyed unto plaintiff the following described
real property, situated in Benton county,
Oregon, to-wit:
The east half of the southeast quarter of
section-. 5 ; the west half of the southwest .
quarter, the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter, the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter, the south half of the
northwest quarter of section 4, all in town
ship 15 south, range 5 west ; also beginning
at the southeast corner -of the northeast
quarter of section 5, township 15 south,
range 5 west, and run thence west 15.25
chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east
15.25 chains, thence south 20 chains to the
place of beginning ; and a further decree
barring and . foreclosing you, the said de
fendants, from all right, title or interest in
or to said real property and every part
thereof. -
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Virgil E; Watters, made at cham
bers in Corvallis, Oregon, February 10,
1905. The date of the first publication of
this summons is February 11, 1905, and the
last publication thereof March 25, 1905.
Attorney for Piamtiii.
Summons. -
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of 3enton.
L. E. Smith, Plaintiff,
vs. Summon
Bowland Fisher, Defendant.
To Rowland Fisner, the above named defend
ant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are hereby summoned and required to appear
and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in tbe
above entitle 1 action now on file with the Clerk
of tbe said conrt on or before Saturday te 3th
day of March, 1905. said day being the last day
of the time prescribed in the order ot publica
tion of tbis Summons made by the County
Judge of Benton County, Oregon which said or
der is hereinafter referred to towit, on or be
fore six weeks irom tne date ot the first publica
tion hereof, and yon are hereby notified that if
you fail so to appear and answer as herein re
quired, the plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of $T5 o.oo with interest there
on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from
the 10th day of November, 1901, until paid, and
for $30.00 Attorney fee, and for the further sum
oi s.uu.uo with interest meieo i at the rate ot
cei cent per annum from the first dav of Feb
ruary, 1904, until paid, and for $40.00 - attorney
fee. besides his costs and disbursements herein
and for the sale of your curtesy interest in the
real property oi jmie r itjuer, uctxnswi, sibuaieu
in Benton county, Oregon, to satisfy snch Jud-
ment, the same naving oeen . anacnea in wis
action under a Writ of Attachment duly issued
herein to the Sheriff of said County.
This Summons is published in tne Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Feb
ruary nth. ivk)o, ana enaing witn tne issue ct
March 25, 1905, in pursuance ofan order made
by the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, County Judge
of Benton eotiutv, Oregon, at Chambers. Dated
the 10th day of February, 1905. Date ot first '
publication is February II, 1905. . .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the Matter of the Estate
James Watklns, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
as administratrix of the estate ot James Wat
klns, deceased, haa Bled her final account as
such administratrix with the clerk of the coun
ty court of tbe state of Oregon for Benton coun
ty, and the said court has fixed Saturday the
11th day of March, WjS, at the hour of 2 o'clock
in the atiernoon as the time, and the county
court room in the county court house in
Corvallis, Oregon, as the place, for -hearing
any n::i all objections to said account,
and the settlement thereof. Dated this Febru
ary li, 18oa. .
MarindaE. Watkins.
Administratrix of the estate of James Watklns
de sed. .
' - Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter ot the Estate )
of S
Mary Elizabeth Mangas, deceased )
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed admtnlstrat-ix of the estate ot Mary Eliza
beth Mangas, deceased, by the county court of
the state of Oregon, for Benton county. All
Errsons having claims against said estate are
ereby required to present the sume with the
proper vouchers, duly veiifled as by law reauir
ed, within six months from the dat hereof, to
the undersiened at her residence or at the law
office ot E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon.
Mary Bier.
Dated this February 11. 1905.
Administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth
Mangas, de ceased . - -