The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 15, 1905, Image 1

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    jonnty Cls Cm
i - m
fool. XVII.-No. 37.
b.1. ntvnra Kditon
and Proprietor
bought. Shirt waists, hosiery and
many departments receiving a share of
J the spring shipments.
StoGk TakihA
Has been completed in our -store
and we feel like the good house keep
er who has completed j house cleaning
Now we are ready tor the new: - year
and every day see the latest novelties;
coming into our stored Greatest, line :
of 1 adies shoes and wash goods- ever -
Call and See.
Greatest Sensation of the Whole
Land - Fraud -Investigation
Money Rsceired by the - -Firm
From Swind-
' lers Went to Mitch
ell. "
Free Bos.
Fine Light Sample Booms.
J. C Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in Obrvallis. Recently opened. New;
brick building. . Newly furnished, with modern" con-
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es- '
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. ; Fine single ;
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam-
ette Valley. ' ; , .- " v r;v.
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. -
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
That's the Place
Is largly dependent upon The
Teeth. Give them proper
care and attention, you will
We have a full line of tooth
brushes, tooth washes and
tooth powders ;.
That's the Place
Graham &Wells . Pharmacy
Portland, Feb. 11. 1 Judge Alfred
H. Tanner; one of the moat promi
nent attorneys of Portland, and law
partner of Senator John H. Mitch
ell', recently indicted by the federal
grand Jnry for perjury in connection
with the land Iraud cases, made a
full confession in Judge Bellinger's
court at 2:30 pi mf today. . , ;
"Judge Tanner admittsd that the
partnership agreement which he
furnished the grand jury when tes
tifying for Senator Mitchell, - was
made up within the paBt three
months and dated back to March 5,
9ol. He say 8 further that 'this
was done to prevent Mitchell from
being caught on the indictment later"
presented, of ; receiving "moneys for
illegal'Iees while ft- United States
senator when, as a fact, all fees ; re
ceived from . government c depart
ment work were to go to Mitchell.
Judge Tanner and his. eon aided in
formulating this agreement, and
then the two went before the grand
jury Bwearing to . taisenooaa to
shield the aged senator id bis etr,ag-
gle with the government s prosecot'
ing "officere. " ftS
The confession came a8 a bomb
to the commuuity, although iiot to
the government's principal officials,
District Attorney, ifrancia J. Heney
and Chief of the Secret Servioe
Force W. J. Burn?. In the indict
ment pre-ented by the ; grand jury
agamst Judge Tanner tor perjury,
the government plainly 5 charged
him with conspiring to protect, bis
partner, . He was accused of -hav'
itig aided itf p rlnr' this agree
ment within tbe past three months
at bis own office and through the
in Btrn mentality of hie son," A H.
Tanner, jr., he was also accused of
knowmg that Senator Mitchell re
ceived as his share of the profits in
the firm business, a portion of the
money paid by Frederick A. Kribe
to have cases expedited before Her
mann. Further the accused was
charged with kcowing that Senator
Mitchell had a personal account in
the Merchant's National bank. A
list of 8 to 10 witnesEes was affixed
to the indictment containing these
charges. The government plainly
indicated its case and the offioials
conneated with the prosecution ex
pressed no doubt of conviction.
The fidelity ofSenator Mitchell's
close friends "has been tried in ma
ny cases, bnt the public was not
ready to learn that a man of Judge
Tacn9r's prominence and standing
would commit perjury even to save
his business partner. After once
swearing to a statement calculated
to clear Senator Mitchell, the pub
lie expected that Judge Tanner
would maintain bis position. But
it appears that the government se
cret service force, under Mr. Burns,
and the district attorney, wove the
web of guilt with such irresistible
strength that the business, partner
concluded it was folly to hold out
longer and jeopardize himself ad
his son to exculpate one who had
voluntarily committed a crime. -
The story of this case dates from
the early investigation -of land
frauds by the present grand jury.
When Senator Mitchell realized a
force that ranked John H. Hall had
entered the field of inquiry, he ar
ranged to forestall the charge of re
ceiving money from any source lay
ing him open to indictment under
the statutes regulating senators and
representatives in congress. The
partnership agreement was then
framed, and in -its provision was
made-showing that Senator Mitch
ell expressly provided against any
department business going to his
personal agent. -This agreement
was submitted by Judge Tanner
when he was first called to testify.
The document bears the date of
March 5, 19ol, and'is signed by
the two lawyers; as principals, and
Harry C. Robertson, witness. Mr.
Robertson is private secretary to
Senator Mitchell, and has been in
the Mitchell-Tanner law office for
many years: Judge Tanner affirm
ed that this document was made
and executed at the time indicated.
His son was called by tbe grand ju
ry asd swore that he had not writ
ten the agreement within the past
threemonths, and generally attest
ed what Jibe father had said..
But. the government secured oth
er evidence. Three stenographers,
Edith Bern, Amie C. Spencer and
Mftggie O'Brien, were called, to tea
tify.;Pi2I. Cunningham, who sells
type-writer' paper and supplies, was'
asked td swear as to the time when
the'paper on which the agreement
is written, was sold at -his store.
J. W; Nwkirk, cashier of the First
National ink, - and j Ralph W. 1
Hoyt,- cashier of- he' Merchants
Bank, wore also called upon to testify-regarding
bank accounts, dis
tribution of money and personal
funds. - ' - - ' ' ,
This evidence developed the need
of ha vingjjarry 0.-Robertson tes
tify, and , be was summoned . from
Washington. : He spent much time
with the grand jury, and was twice
recalled,-' laughter and applause
from theio-quisition room greeting
the ears cf men outside . jus.
testimony. - : V v"f?
It "seemed to spectators that Mr.
Robec tEO!j had given testimony that
met "with general -'approval. -
These- suspicious developments
were intensified this morning when
Judge Tanner and Mt. Robertson
wt rein a long consultation with
District Attprcey Heney and Mr.
Burner' Ijae purport of , this talk
could only !be guessed r . but ; watch
ers believed that the government was
being made the possessor of import
ant information. The climax came
in the aflerncqa when' announce-:
ment. was made that Judge. Tanner
bad made a full confession of bis
guilt as a i perjurer, and admitting
that the partnership agreement had
been prepared r.ecently to clear
Senator Mitchell, . .
The effect of this sensational de
velopment was stunning, and seem
ed to leave no. doubt i of - Senator
Mitchell's uitimbte fate. - With the
government in possession of such
evidence that it could : force Judge
Tanner, to a confession against bis
partner, and this" confessiou accum
ulaVive evidence agaLost the sena
tor. jBonviction seems to have been
aaue qttisa certain : " ... '
Five Men Are Named as Conspira
tors Evidence Shows Cayler
Tried to Set. Marie Warely
AgaiqBt Heney. -: :.
Portland, Feb. il. JohnH. Hall,
Harry L. Reese, A. P. Cayler, Hin-
ry W. Ford and J H. . Hitchmgs
will in all probability . be indicted
by plotting against United States.,, T ,.. Tnooau,fl t.,.
District Attorney Francis J. Heney.
Auburn, Cal., Ftb. 11. Henry
Carr, the . San Francisco second
band dealer, who sold the pistol to
Adolph Weber, was cross-examined
at this mbrnieg's session , of the
murder trial. 'The witness demon
Btrated by the weapon itself his
means of identification. The bar
rel was shaky and portions of the
nickel plate were worn off. - '
At tbe noon adjournment, Adrian
Wills, the Bchooimate of Weber,
was on the Btand. Wills took the
defendant to bis home the night of
the fire. His shoes and' stockings
mere wet and - were changed at
Wills' home. During the evening
the defendant repeatedly suggested
that they go up to the barn where
the pistol was found. ;: Wills" also
stated that at the defendant's sug
gestion the? and Lincoln Merrow
had ice cream, and that the defend
ant wanted to go and call on some
young ladies. All this happened
within a few hours atter the mur
der; ' .... . - - -
After quiet repose for several
days this sensational case seemed
this morning to be near . a climax,
three important ' witnesses were
summoned to testify before the fed
eral grand jury, among the number
being State District Attorney John
Manning. These ... witnesses have
added important testimony to that
already. before tbe grand jury, and
there is little doubt in the minds .of
those who are following the inquiry
that an indictment will be returned
against therefore mentioned men.
District Attorney Manning ' was
before the grand jury previously,
and took refuge behind his position
as a permanent grand juror, and
declined to testify to the federal in
vestigators in regard to facts that
had come to", his : knowledge as a
State-officer. . -
'United States District Attorney
Heney -took a different Mew of the
st&ts officiaPs'duty at that time and
Saea 01 juage cemnger a decision
tbtflifite'h.'latter took it
under'advir.eme'nt. ; Mr. Heney &"
testimon y -vt aa- not material, and
waived- further eftort bo that Judge
Bellinger did not pass on the deli
cate ppint.r" -; -''f'S-.r;'-:-
Recent developments made Man
ning's testimony more vital. ; He
was accordingly .summoned' this
hour with tbe - federal grand j ury
narrating particulars of the .affair
JNew lorx, Feb. H. icicles on
the cables and trestles of the bridge
across the East River have been
source of great danger - since the
rain Thursday nigbt, and the police
were finally compelled to close the
Brooklyn, bridge to foot passengers
Soire of the ioicles were many feet
ia leLgtb, and weighed more than
100 pounds, loosened by tbe sun's
rays, they tell frequently and 1m
periled the lives or those on board
passing ferry-boats, who insisted on
remaining outside the cabins. - In
one instance a chunk of falling ice
struck a horsa harneesed to a wag
on on the deck of the boat. The
animal became frightened
plunged into the East River
fell on a large cake of ice and
rescued after much effort. "
. He
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Eeeidence Cor.
fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at uranam tz wortnam's drug store.
The ;
Corvallis, Oregon.
.Both Phones.
would also have the -effect of. cen
tralizing the government's prosecu- -tion
upon the ring of R. A. Booth,
Binger Hermann, J. H. Booth, R.
A. Downs, P A Kribs and the large
operators who have been 'gathering
in vast acres of timber land
Friends of Bridges argue that he
has not profited by whatever may
have been done at the land office
district, as his position was a mi
nor one, and that ha is warranted
in placing tbe blame upon the men -who
have been enjoying . the real
fruits of the work.
New York, Feb. 11. The Casino
Theatre is on fire. The whole in
terior of the theatre seems to be
ablaze. There was no audience in
ed, but Lillian Ruesell's "Lady
leazle" company was rehearsing.
Several members of the company,
were obliged to jump to the street
from windows, v
. The fire burned through the en
tire r balcony, reached ahe Stage,
broke through the roof. Every one
escaped from thetheatre without se
rious injury."; One chorus girl was
slightly hurt and the stage carpen
ter was. overcome by smoke, but
was taken out in safety. 1
'- The building will be a total loss.
The fire gained great headway, ow
ing to Insufficient water pressure. '
The theatre is a large brick build
ing at tbe corner of Broadway and
Thirty-ninth street. It was built
in the '80s, and was famous for a
long time as. the home of the Aron
son musical comedies. The audi
torium in the house is one story
above the street level and is reach
ed by a winding staircase. This
fact makes it doubly fortunate that
there was no audience in the house
when tbe fire started. -
as they came to. him
Following his appearance Attor
ney A. J. Vantyne and Patrolman
H. L. Carlson were called and gave
their testimony on thesameubject
A. P. Cayler, who returned to
the city a few days ago, "and who
was accused of being implicated in
the plot to entrap Mr. Heney with
Marie Ware and later with the ef
fort to get evidence that he - had
been r seen with her at a lodging
house, testified yesterday. He ling
ered around the court room much
of the morning hours, but emphat
ically declined to be interviewed,
and resented all imputations of his
complicity.. -
Tbe charge egainst tbe men is
that they sought to have Marie
Ware entice Mr. Heney to her apart
men t8 or other " place where -they
might be found together at d ex
posed. As she did not agree to
lend herself to this purpose, it is al
leged next that she was urged to
acquiesce in the ccheme of produc
ing testimony that she bad been
seen already with Mr. Heney at
eome lodging house.
Patrolman- Carlson has thrown
important light on the government's
case and the testimony of District
Attorney Manning seems to have
filled a gap. .
Indictments will., probably be re
turned this afternoon, but may not
be presented, until - the grand jury
reports on all of the cases remain
ing unfinished Monday. The work
of this jury in -the land fraud and
allied cases will terminate Monday,
as District Attorney Heney and As
sistant Oliver E. Pagin will leave
Portland Tuesday for Washington.
Final, report is expected Monday
evening.; - . " . -
Since the Journal's Btory of yes
terday to tbe effect that ex-Receiver
J. T. Bridges of the Roseburg
land office, had agreed to give tbe
government full testimony .in re
gard to the cases being- investigat
ed, there have been many develop
ments indicating that such is the
case. ' Bridges is in ..close touch
with the government in all of that
work now being prosecuted, seems
perfectly friendly, inr every respect,
and his numerous friends believe
that he is giving ; the . government
all the evidence that - he 'possesses.
. Such a development aa this would
leave the burden of all blame for
land office irregularities and ", offen
ses resting , upon the shoulders of
ex-Register J. H. Booth. 7 It
JSTew York, Feb. 11. It is great
ly feared that the Antarctic expe
dition, commanded by Dr. Charcot,
which started more than a year ago.
from a South American port in the
hope of reaching the . South ; Pole,
has - been lost, eays a . Times' dif-
patr.h Sfmn .Paris. , :It is known. t
have encountered lerrlbla bluimr-
in April last year, and has not been
beard of since, nor have any traces
of its movements been discovered
by Uruguay, which Bent out a par
ty to its rescue. Charles Rabot, a
member of the committee of the So
ciety of Geography in Paris, intends
to organize another search party to
ascertain its fate.
At Summit.
Troy Mays, of Elk City, visited
this place Tuesday.
Frank Davis, of Harlan, wts;
here on business Tuesday. '
John Marrow has branched out
in the chicken business on a large
scale. He has purchased two in
cubators and baa a flock of chick -ens
besides. We wish. him success
in bis new venture.
Ada Henkle visited over Sunday
at Summit.
The C. & E. dining car is side
tracked here this week.
-T. Ranney was a" business visitor
at Corvallis. Monday. . ,
Andrew Hamar is with his sister
Mrs." Carlson, at Toledo, assisting
in caricg for her sick child, . Wil
bur. . ; .
French Batler has been at his
father's home. He left for Blodg
ett Tuesday. -
There is a rumor afloat of a tele
phone line being put in at thi
place some time this coming summer.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. F.
O. Address, Box n.
Pays highest prices for all kinds ot
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.'
Twenty years experience. .
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
H 2 cedar shingles - at , . $ 1.50 per
thousand. E. W. Strong, j2i-t
Highest prices paid for chickens
aud eggs at Moses Bros.'