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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND v VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comiu&s aaa Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men 1 tion and Other Items of ' , Public Interest. y The Coffee Club is , to give a danciug pajriy at Fireman Hall, Monday evening. . Rolla McLagan of Shedds, Wets iLe yuL iliib vyctk of his sis ter, Mrs. Jesse Spencer. ' V. C. Swann of Albany." was the guest this week of his brother in Corvallis. 1 ' Preaching services'by Rev. M. J. Ballantyne of Dallas," at Beulah tonight at 7:30 f and Sunday n a. m. and at Pine Grove at 7:30 p. m. Norton Adams has disposed of his' residence property in Job's addition to A. N. ilarlan. Pos session is to be civen the first of March. . Presbyterian church, M. S. Busa, HILlc bcliOol 10 a. m., preach ing 11 a. m., by Rev. Dr. Harsha, "Seeing the Invisible." C. E. meeting at 6 p. m. " i A telephone message Tuesday summoned James McKenzie to the bedside of bis father at Newberg. ThelderMr. McKenzie is , suffer ing from an attack of heart trouble ' caused by lagrippe. - ' J ; Invitations .'to a grand ? ball at Pullman, Wash", have just been received by officers of OAC regi ment The cour tesy is highly appreciated by tne . OAC boys. ' S. L; Kline left Tuesday for San Francisco, on business. He was accompanied by Mrs. Kline Mr. Kline will open his business office in San Francisco, to attend promptly to any special orders that may reach him. ' The OAC boys basket ball team and subs consisting of Moores, Stc:v,-er, C-tc, Stokes. Ben son and Bilveu. went to JDallas yes terday, where last night they were to meet the. Dalias team m a match game. 1 The union evangelistic serv ices Sunday will be held in the Opera House, Rev. Dr. - . Harsha will speak at 3 p. m. on "God's Call to the Unsatisfied", and at 7:30 p. ro. on "Foe and Friend." j There will be a large chorus choir aad special tiuisic for both, serv ices. You.are invited. J. F. Scott, a graduate of OAC in the class of 1902, has just been appointed to a clerkship in the tiostoffice at Aberdeen. Wash., in a competitive -examination. His '. grade was 82 1-2, eight per cent higher than the next competitor. The fact once more illustrates the value of a diploma obtained from OAC. 1;. ..';-, . , .... .. . --Tonight in the Armory, the OAC girls are to play a "game of basket ball with the Chemawa lasses. : Game is called at 7:30, and the admission is 25 I cents. The lineup of the OAC's girls will be, center, Una Stewart; lorwards, Mertie Harrington and . Edna Smith; guards. ? Frances Oil Ietly and Agiies Svveek; subs, El- ma Edwards and IUella VanCleve. 1 Strange as it may seem, to people in Oregon, the "Lewis and Clark fair is but little, talked about in some of the middle states, and people there are wondering if what they have heard rumored of it is reallv true, or . only rumor. ' A prominent lady of Lincoln,' Nebras ka, writing recently to Corvallis relatives, asked' 'Is there to be a big fair in Portland this year? We see occasional mention of such an event in our papers, but only brief notices, liot.giviug particulars." This item Is written only as a sug gestion. , . 1 It is expected that next Tuesday JL'eDruary 14, wm De a aay 01 pray er. : This is the last day of - ReVi Dr. Marsha's work in Corvallis, and as in 'other places where he has labored so also here it is hoped to close the work in this most fit ting manner. All the business houses asked to close from 11 a. 1 "p. m., that, a.great mass meeting may be held in the tpera jrionse. Rev. Dr. Harsha will deliver a special address onj , "A Challenge to the Agnostic." There will be special music. -Time will be given or dinner so that all may be at work by 1 p. m. Make your arrangements to come at 11 a. m.; Heed this call to prayer. Dr. Harsha's closing service of Tuesday night will also be held in the Opera Hcuse. ' - x 1 There will be the usual morn iog service at the Congregational church tomorrow, but on account or the Evangelistic services there will be none in the evening, end no service at Plymouth in. the after noon. Christian Endeavor and Sun day school at the usual hour. The annual Bbooting; tourna ment of the Corvallis Rod and Gun Club occurs February 22d. Cash and other prizes offered for the oc casion aggregate over $100. In " a similar Bhoot last year there was an attendance from all over Oregon with more than sixty sportsmen participating. The programme proper consists of six events, and in addition to these there will be a variety of sweepstake shooting. The events comprise, 10 targets, un known angles; 15 targets, unknown angles; 20 targets, reversed pull; 10 target?, unknown arjglee, six 25 targets, unknown acgles. Of the foregoing event3 the "first three transpire in the forenoon, and the others after dinner. -A prize will be given for the highest and loweet average. - . . Warpaw, Feb. 7. As the result of efforts to open the bakeries, and other establishments today, several were killed and ; many arrested. Peasants are afraid to bring in pro ducts and the prices of provisions has gone up. A report from Radom states that twenty workmen were killed and wounded in . conflicts with the troops today. . V . ! - Ai Skarzyayko twenty-four were killed and forty wounded. Troops have been Fent to Kutno, where se rious disorders are reported- : , At Lodz the strikers, entered a mill: today and destroyed the ma chinery." ' The situation is'' growing woree. A critical time is expected on February 9, when the strikers will be paid and - the mills - shut down indefinitely.. , ; ,r " Ore. City Trans. Co s i Steamer Pomona leaves Corvallis for Portland and all way points on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For farther information call on G. Is. Buckingham, agt, : Both phones. ' r t Wood Wanted. Notice Is hereby given that the Couiitv Court will at - the MsnVh tttrn 19 5 thereof receive staled bids to furnish wood for the Court Hojfe as follows, towit: 25 cords of cak grub wood four feet long and cot less than 3 inches in diameter. - 25 cords of old growth body red fir ojd, four fett loi g; arid 25 dnrls of split miple wood, 4 If t ioni. ; . Said wood to be delivered t the Court bouee, in Corvilis, Oregon, between June 1 and Aug 1, 05 and ti paid for in count) orcUra when said wood is accepted by tae Court. All bids rauet be ; filed with tae County clerk on or : before ode o'clock p. m, Wednesday March 1, lq?5. 'The court reserves the right to reject any or all bide. Atte-t: Victor P. Moee, County Clerk, Beaton Co. Or. Feb 2, 19o5; To the Public. The undersigned have i purchas ed the interest ot Iflvi Henkle i n the City Dray' 5 Company. The terms of the transaction include the good will of the business, Mr, Henkle having retired, from the firtn., ' Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting a con tinuance of the business of all the old patrons and of such new ones as may see fit to favor us. We are . :. ..' . ;. Very respectfully, Rnhinnon ftr Fuller. ' Headquarters of the firm are , at Wellsher & Gray's j etore.; Ind phone 126. . , -; ; v - WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY Couvaij.18, Orsgok. j Kcspotisibiitty, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic j Exchange. Bays County, City and School 1 Warrants. K :.5. i. SASS FRANCISCO I. pOrtlanu SEATTXE TAOOMA London & Sam Fran- C Cisco Bank Limited. Y - -I - f 'T " r: i NIW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The. Repub lic. ,1 LONDON, TCN'O. London ft San Franclaco Bank Limited. CANAD a , UnlonBank Canadfoa - Olives in bulk, fresh and ; nej . at Homing's. . ' ' -: ' dai tf - Oia.lSTOXl.ZL. : I Beanthe ! : Tli8 Kind You Have Always Bougg Bignatura Ot In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County. , ... Geo. T. Vernon, Plaintiff, . vs. ' N. P. Slate, G. O. Vernon, J. H. Vernon, Thomas Slate,.John Slat?, WlUlum Slate. dward Slate, Belie elate and Herbert Slate, Defendants. To each and all of the above named defendants. : lu the name of the State of Oregon, sou and e- eh of you arehereby required and to appear and answer the complalut filed again at you to the above cause on or before the 27th day of Marrn, 1905, and if you fa 11 so to answer for wan thereof tl.e plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief demauueJ iu his complaint to'clt, an order and decree of the said Conn, making partitiou of lot one and two in Sectio n 2, Township 14. S..K. 8 West, Will. Mer.- in Ben ton Couuty. State of Oregon, containing, la 61 100 acres more or less, according tome several interests of the Plaintiff and said Defendants therein, or in the event tuat a partition thcre- ofcan not be made without prejudice to the rights of plaintiff and defend an la therein that tne sale inereot De maue Dy one or more rei erees, as may be decreed by the Court, and the r oceed s derived therefrom alter providing the costs of this proceeding among the - parties of this cause be paid to tne plaintiff ana deiend ants according to their several interests therein as f nau be rouna Dy sam uourt. This summons is served upon you by pub Ilea ilon pursuant to an order of the Hon. Vir gil E. Watters, Coumy Judge of Benton County, State oi Oreiron. made on ine 10th day of Feb ruary, 1905. The date of the first publicatio hrenf is Fehruarv 11th. 1905L and the date on last publication wiU be on March 231h, 1305. f W- S. McFADDES," Attorney for Plaintiff. ' - Notice for Publication. Timber Land, Act June 1878, . united states Land umce, - Oretou City, Oregon, Nov 9. 190. ' Notice is hereby ertven that in compliance with the nrovlslous of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timoer tanas in me fciares oi uauiornia Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" us extended toall vhe Public Land State" by act of August 4, 1892,' Charles O Hull of Oorvillis, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed lu this office bis sworn statement No. 6519, for the Surchaseoftnes- H of 8. w. a oi section o. 82 in Township No. 11 South, Range No. 6 West W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timoer or stone than for agricultural Duronsea. and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P.Moses, County Olerk, Corvallu, Benton Couu ty, Oregon, on Saturday, tne lata day ot a eu. 1905. . - ' - . '. He names as witnesses: L wrence Stovail of Philomath, Oregon. George Stovall . ' " . " Caleb A Davis " " ' Zebadiah H Davis oj Corvallis, " Any and all persons claimlne adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 18th day of FeDruary, 1905. : " Algernon u. juresser, ' ' 1 :' ': . Beglster.. ' Summons. In the Circuit Court of the 'State Of Oregon for the County of Benton. s Geo. E. Chamberlain as ," ; .. Governor of Oregon; F. I - JJ unbar, as secretary I of State and Chaa. S. I Moore as State Treasur er of Oregon , constitut ing the State Land Board, - riaintin, : vs. Summons, Rowland Fisher,. Ethel . E. Schbu; Cora E. Ford4 Hairy Ford, Ida R. Morris, l)avrd Morns, Margaret Fisher, L. E. Smiifi,.and.E E. Wil- son. admlnibtrator witia . the Will annexed ot jane JUizabeth Eisner, de ceased, . Defendants. J To Rowland Fisher. Ethel E. Schou. Cora E. Ford, Harry Ford, Ida R. Mor ris, David Morris, Margaret Fisher, L,. E. Smith and E. B. Wilson, administra tor with th9 Will annexed oi'Jane Eliza beth i-isher, deceased. In the name of the State of Oregon, you ere hereby required to apoear and answer the complaint of the above nam ed plaintiff in the above named Court, now on h!e witn tne Ulerlc oi said Uourt, witbin six weeks ftoni the date of the. firsi publication of this summons, towit: Feb . II, 1905, and you are hereby noti fied tiat if you fail to appear and answer sai'i v"omplaiiit as hereby required, ( the i pin. u in will apply to tne Uourt for- the ; relit prayed for in.said complaint, " to-' wit; the foreclosure ot a certain mort-; gaji made and executed by Jane Eliza bet i: Fisher and Rowland Fisher on the 8th . ty of December. 1900, to secure the. payment of a certain promissory note of Jan. Elizabeth Fisher and Rowland Fish er ) able one year alter date with inter est t nereon at the rate of eix , per cent per Hunum from date' until paid, and whim said mortgage conveyed unto .the' plaintiff the following desciibed 1 real: property situated in Benton County, Ore gon, and described as fellows towit; - (JOBimencing fxt a point 46.60 cbs. E. of the S. E. cor. of the N. B. i of the S. E. of Sec. 20. T. 11 S. E. 5 W. run ning thence N 90 cbs. thence K. to the W line of the D. L. C. of Philip Mulkey, Notification No. 958; Certificate ' No. 2923, T 11, S K 5 W, thence S to the N E corner of J. Chatham Roberts DLC Not No 04b In SE 5 W, thence W 4.75 chs thence S 35 degrees, E 8;03 chs thence N 6.5a chs thence W to the place of beginning, - Also ' . Lets Nos. 1-2-3-4 and 5 in Sec 21 and Lot No 10 in Sec 22 all in T 11 S R 5 W con. 157.23 acres. ' Also a etrip of land 30 feet wide running along - the full length of the W side of a piece of land con. 17.83 a. des. as fol. ' Beginning at the N E corner of Claim No 55 jb T ii SR 5 W W M. thence W 18 chs thence S 9.91 chs ' .-. thence :. l'j ; ; 18 chains thence N. ; 9.91 cha ' to ' ' the place of beginning, all of which pieces of land together , containing 279.87 a. Also beginning at a point 37.50 chs E of the S E corner of tbe N W X of , the S E of Sec 20 T 11 S R s'W thence E 9.10 chs; thence N 90 chs; thence W 6.60 cbs; thence S 30 chs; thence W 2.50 cbs ; thence S. .60 chs to the place of. begin nidg, containing 74.40 acres more or less. ; Excepting from the above described premises towit: Beginning at a point 50 links E of the S W corner of Lot 5 in Section 121, T 11 S R 5 W thence N 4.og chB thence S 75 degrees E 10,23 chs; thence S 24 degrees E 1,48 chs; thence W 10.55 chs to the place of beginning, containing 2.82 acres more or lesf.' J'' Ahd a further "decree ' ' " barring ' and foreclosing you, all of said defendants, from all tight, ! title or interest in ot to said real property jtnd from every part thereof. . - . ' , This summons is published by order of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, Judge: of the County Court of the state ot Oregon for Benton County, made at Chambers at Corvallis, Oregon i', February 10, 1905. The date of the first publication ; of this summons is February 11,1905, and the date of the last publication thereof is March 25th, 1905. - J. F. YATES, .-. v Attorney for Plaintiff. - HOLLENBERQ & CADY. Cbe store tbat saves you money. - 1 nion nion Also ai i GARDEN for the HODESr GROCERY; Watches, Clocks, Jewelry : and Silverware. Eyes tested free' of charge . and glasses fitted correctly at prices within reach of all Fine watch repairing a spe- -cialty. .....I............ ;: Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. EMERY'S f ART' South Main St.', Qarbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture i O. A.-C. ATHLETIC'-AND :,. Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, : And other Photographic Novelties. Pioneer - Hunters Supplies, Fishing Tackle hLX Sporting Goods j Sewing Mach; Extras, Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery ; 1 J H. E. HODES, - One thousand people, to visit our store during the next 30 days and look over our immense stock of. house fur nishings. Roll upon' roll of Wall Paper. Three tons in stock and on the waj'. Prices lowest ever known in Corvallisl -. Our spring line of Co-Carts will be ready for inspection about Feb 15th, They are up to date. Better look them over- . ' - . Just a word about Ranges. No range ever sold in Corv llis has given better satisfaction than- the Toledo. Our many customers who are using this range will testify to its merits as to Quick baking,' economy of fuel and reliabi lity. 1 Ask for pur terms, we can suit you as to terms and payments. " V. " ; Sets Kinds of SEEDS season Corvallis, Ore. 7l SCENIC VIEWS Gun Store -f CORVALLIS, OR. Sets Is STUDIO i - ' 1 SUMMONS.' - '' In the circuit court ef . tbe state ot Ore gon for the county of Benton. George -E. Chamberlain as governor of Oregon, F. L Dunbar as secretary of state, and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer of Oregon, constituting the state land board, plaintiff,! vs. George Schafer, Anna Scbafer, Edward Don at, Agnes Donat and George A. Houck, defendants. - ' ' To George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward Donat, Agnes Denat and George A. Houck, the above named defendants : . In the name of the state of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in. the above entitled court, now on file witn the clerk of said court, within six weeks from the 11th day of Feb ruary, 1905, the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and an swer said complaint as nereln required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made and executed by George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward Donat and Agnes Donat to plaintiff on the 12th day of October, 1903, to secure ' the payment of a certain promissory note of said defendants for $2,000, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from date, and which said mortgage con veyed unto plaintiff the following described real property, situated In Benton county, Oregon, to-wit : - -- i The east half o the southeast quaftterCf -section 5 ; the west half of the southwest -quarter, the northeast quarter of the south west quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter of section 4, all in town . ship 15 south, range 5 west ; also beginning at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 5, township 15 south, range . 5 west, and run thence west 15.25 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 15.25 chains, thence south 20 chains to the place of beginning ; and a further decree barring and foreclosing you, the said de fendants, from -all right, title or interest in or to said real property .and every part thereof.. , This summons fs published by order of the Hon. "Virgil E. Watters, made at cham bers in Corvallis, Oregon, February 10, 1905. The date of the -first publication of this summons is February 11, 1905, and tbe last publication thereof March 25. 1905. J. t . YATJSS, Attorney for Plaintiff. -, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orezon for the County at 3enton. L. E. Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Eowland Fisher. Defendant. Summon To Eowland Fisner, the above named defend- ant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are iiereuy summoned ana required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitled action now on file with the Olerk of;the said court on or before Saturday the 2.7th. day of March, 1903, said day being the last day ot the time prescribed in the order of publica tion ox mis oummouH ui&ue -oy me uoumy Judge of Benton County, Oregon which said or der is hereinafter referred to towit, on or be fore eix weeks from the date of the first publica tion hereof, and you are hereby notified that If you fail so to appear and answer ae herein re- . quired, tne piamcin wm late juagment against you for the turn of $55 0.00 with interest there on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 10th day of November, 1901, until paid, and lor $50.00 Attorney fee, and lor tbe iurthur sum ol $.00.00 with interest theieo.i at the rate of ft pel cent per annum from the first day of Feb ruary, 1904, until paid, and for $10.00 . attorney fee. besides his costs and disbursements herein and for tbe sale of your curtesy Interest in the real property of Jane. Fisher, deceased, situated in Benton county, Oregon, to satisfy such Jud ment, the same having been attached in this action under a Writ of Attachment duly issued herein to the Sheriff of said Connty. This Sumipons is published in the Corvallis Times once a week lor six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Feb ruary 11th. 1905, and ending with the issue ct March 25, 1905. in pursuance oan order made by the Ron. Virgil E. Walters, Connty Judge of Benton county, Oregon, at Chambers.' Dated the 10th day oi February, 1905. Date . of first publication is February II, 1905 . .... E. It. BBYSON, . Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement In the Matter of the Estate . of James 'Watkins, deceased. . ! Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ' as administratrix ot the estate of James Wat kins, deceased, has filed her final account as such administratrix with tbe clerk of the coun ty court of the state ot Oregon for Benton coun ts and the paid court has fixed Saturday the 11th dav of March, 19o5, at the bonr of 2 o'clock in the afternoon as the time, and the county court room In the county court house. in Corvallis, Oregon, as tbe place, ' (or hearing any 1.1ns ail oblectionsto sala account, and the settlement thereof. Dated this Febrn- My U' 1905 ' ' ; ' llarindaE. Watkin..' Administratrix of the estate of James Watkins deceased. 1 . . . .- . -Notice to Creditors.:- . In the Matter of the Estate ) ot ' Mary Elizabeth Mangas, deceased ) Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern- ed that the undersigned lias been duly appoint. . ed administratrix of the estate of ' Mary Eliza beth Mangas deceased, by the connty Court of the state of Oregon, ior , Benton connty. 1 All persons havlne claims against said - estate are hereby requlredto present the same with -the proper vouchers, duly veilfled as by law requir- ed, within six months from the daw hereof, toy the undersigned at her residence or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon. . 1 . - -. - - t Mary Bier. - Dated this February 11.1905. - U.-.kI.h Administratrix of the estate 61 JSloeta Mangas, deceased v - : - : '