The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 11, 1905, Image 3

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    LOCAL LOB.23.
( Advertisements in this colnmn charged foi
at the rate of centsperHne.
James Flett left Thursday for
his claim on Five Rivers.
. Mrs. Harold Strong and child
ren left Thursday for California.
Miss Georgia Hartless return
ed Thursday from a three week's
visit in Seattle, with Mends.
Miss Clara Bohannon returned
Wednesday from a month's visit
with relatives at Balston. ' "
. Miss Mvrtle Soauldine return
ed to Portland Thursday, to resume
her musical studies. , :
Mrs. Johnny Johnson returned
Wednesday from a visit with relat
ives at Independence.
D. M. Smith has purchased
property and is building a residence
at Sunnyside.
Prof, and Mrs. G. Taillandier
go to Portland today, to hear the
great pianist, De Pachmann.
W. D. DeVarney has been a
business visitor in Forest Grove
ii-1 - i
wis wcck.. .
Iewis Hollenberg returned
layt evening from Iowa, where he
has been for sometime on business.
, Aftor a hrAt tticit with their
eictoT- Mrc TJ : A OatYipv TKhri
and James McFerrpn returned to
their home in Portland Friday.
v w una in fvuuixicii. auu
daughter returned to their home at
Halsey -Wednesday, after a' visit
with Corvallis relatives.
. There is to be a big dance at
Wilhelm's hall, in Monroe on the
evening: of the 14th.' Parties from
Corvallis are to attend..
Mr.' and Mrs. Lazzie King re
turned to their home in Portland
Thursday, after a visit withiMr.
King's parents in Corvallis.
' This evening, at the college,
the Amicitian Literary society is to
. entertain me memoers 01 ine rertj
nian society. .
Mrs. A. B. Cordley is to give
a dinner party this evening, in
honor of the birthday anniversary
of Prof. Cordley.
- Mrs. A. JtS. Uordley gave an
-v afternoon'' Tft ednesdayy in honor
of Miss Winnifred Miller, of Eu-
J. D. Mann arrived Thursday
for an over Sunday business visit
ie nas purcbasea a ntteen acre
prune orchard and is located at
.Liberty, three miles south of Salem
Another large shipment of city
telephone . instruments arrived
Thursday morning for the Inde
pendent company. Among the
goods was also the switch board for
the . Monroe system that has been
( put in by the Wilhelms. -
A model life saving station
equipped with a crack crew willbe
one of the Government displays at
the ,JL,ewis and Clark Exposition
Daily drills will be given Tshowing
.how Uncle Sam saves the lives, of
, persons shipwrecked off the coasts
The roads about the grounds
of the Lewis and Clark Centennial
will be paved . with crushed red
granite, brought from South Amer
-ica. : The granite, wty?n crushed-!
and laid out on the ' roads, works
together so as to make a hard, com
pact road, almost free from dust. -'
It is hoped that the Independ
ent telephone line from Corvallis to
Tangent will be completed this
week. : When this connection is
- made, Corvallis will be in commu
nication by the new company lines.
with Tangent, Dallas, Atrlie, Falls
City, Nashville, Independence,
Monroe and Junction City. Service
is given between these places 'and
Corvallis over the rural lines, ., and
the method is entirely- satisfactory
tp patrons.
' Kenearsals are in : pr6gress
almost daily now among the la.
dies of the First Methodist church
tor the Martha "Washington " tea
that is to be given by them in the
church February 22nd. ",. Costumes
of the Washington period, and a
patriotic program will Defeatures of
.' the evening,, and a supper will fol
low in ine cnurcn panors. it is a
' public function, and will no doubt
attract a large audience.
- Invitations have been received
in this city announcing the mar
riage on the 1 8th Inst of Miss
Dora Linderen. and Carrol Cum-
miners. Thp pvptit tak-ps nlarp at
'.Melrose. Miss Lindgren is a grad
; uate of OAC, and was formerly
&ienorather for S. T.. Kline, Mr
Cummings is a teacher in the Cor-
;vaius public-schools, aM an -ex
emplary young man. Both parties
have hosts o-.sincere friends who
join in good wishes and congratula-
A: C. Schmitt was a business
visitor i n Corvallis Wednesday.
Miss Kate Tied mann left Wednesday-for
The; age limit of the 3500 is
now 15 to 45 years. ; - s-.,-v
Miss Nora Pratt retunrs home-l
to Blodgett today. v.-.-.
W.M.Clark of Summit, was
a business visitor in Corvallis
Thursday. . ", . . . -
J. II. Rycraft, who has been
for a year or two in Idaho, arrived
Thursday. He has enough he
says, of Idaho. " : ' . ;
Mrs. 3. R. Farra : entertained
at Whist Monday evening. About
20 guests enjoyed Mrs. Farra s
hospitality. "" . . ' . , ' v
John Mills of Salem, paid a
fraternal visit to the - local lodge
O. O. F. this week, and visited
friends while in the city.
-Emil Howard, who has been
studying medicine in, the East, was
summoned home to Monroe this
week by the serious illness of his
little child, who has typhoid fever.
George A. Waggoner has
been for several days at Salem on
business connected with the . pub
lication of his book which is short
ly to appear. .
-Regular services at M. E.'
church South tomorrow morning,
by the pastor.; We join in the
union services at night. Every
body welcome.; - '
At their hall next Wednesday
evening, the united Artisans are to
have a general jollification. There
will be a program, a banquet and
other features, and . each member
will bring some friend with him. .
Mrs. E." C. Hay ward , gave a
whist party Tuesday evening in
honor of Miss Winnifred Miller.
Miss Mabel Withycombe captured
first prize, the consolation being
awarded to Prof. Shaw.
-Tuesday, Prof,. Coote received
at the clerk's office his final citizen
ship papers. His witnesses were,
T. H; Davis and J. D. Wells. Prof.
Coote. who is a native of England,
has resided in the United States
since 1877.
The first railroad locomotive
ever run in Oregon will form - an
interesting , exhibit in the Trans
portation building - at the '. Lewis
and Clark Exposition. The loco
motive is the property of Davis
Hewes' of San Francisco, who had
it for thirty years.
A canvas was made Thursday
morning among business men, rela
tive to holding a mass meeting at
the Opera House, Tuesday. - It is
proposed to close all business hous
es from 11 to 1 o'clock, that busi
ness men may join in a union de
votional service. Dr. Harsha will
speak, and the public is invited. -
The 1,900 pomkT imported
French Percheron stallion Banyard
was sold'by S. Y. Evans Wednes
day to Link Allen of Kings Valley.
The price paid was -N $3,000. 1 The
sale is the second of the kind made
by Mr- Evans within a' week the
other animal going to a Monmouth
Miss Mabel Withycombe gave"
a successful party - Monday even?
mg. I he amusement was "500. "
Her guests numbered twelve and
were as follows: Misses Grace
Gatch, Mary Nolan, Edna Irvine,
Juliet Cooper, .Winnie Miller,
Mabel Davis, Messrs F. L. ,Kent,"
M. B. Moores, Karl Steiwer, Rae
Walker, S. Damon, and D. V.
Walker. -
d the
pt and
Shooting of James Lewis Gophejr Gun
Figured Was Set for SqarrreUs.
While entering the unoccupied
farm bouse on Spencer Bicltnell's
place Thursday afternoon, jjames
L. Lewis wasaccidentally sTot ; in
his right leg.'" -About 25 numter 5
shot took effect in the fleshy por
tion of the limb, mostly abovje the
knee. The weapon was a gopher
gun, set eight or ten feet'froifii the
door, and which Mr. BickrieM ex
plains, bad been set for squirrels.
He says the gun was placed rja the
middle of the room and so adj usted
that the squirrels would discharge
it if they attempted to eat ttif fcait.
The discharge of the wbapon
came as Mr. Lewis enterei
door. He is a real-estate age:
was at the farm with a pros
buyer. They had been looki
er the land, and it was piopos
enter the house. Mr. Bicknell was
not, with the party, but Mr. Lewis
had a skeleton key. Fitting jit ,to
the lock, he opened the door and
passed in, -e when a blinding,' flash
and a loud report stopped proceed
ings. A hasty examination jand a
flow of Blood f rem two fiozen
wounds in his leg showed thjkt he
had been shot. Without 'v waiting
even to examine into the cause of
the shooting, the party put Mr.
Lewis into their carriage and hur
riedly drove to Corvallis. Dry Per
not was summoned, "and with 'much
diligence and patience, he managed
to extract a dozen of the shot. -- A
further attempt at removal will be
made in a few days. No permanent
injury is expected as a result pf the
shooting. . The distance of the
weapon from the victim v was j great
enough to permit the shot to scatter
well, and no bad wound was mude.
Announcemit B6iiy
- - This annburicement the most important ever made by any mercantilehousa in tKe
Willamette Valley must be of vast interest to every man woman and child in this city
and vicinity . ' .. - . , ,
Stop to Look atlO. A. C
Route to Yaquina.
Many members of the Oregon
legislature will be in Corvallis to
day. They are to arrive about a
quarter to one o'clock by special
train from Albany. The party will
be en route to Yaquina -Bay, and
stop3 over at the noon hoifr at Cor
vallis fori look at the college. , The
party leaves ba!em by the repu'ar
train at iiv and on. arrival at Alba
ny takes the'speciai lor Corvallis.
The stop at Corvallis will be of
indefinite duration. It will largely
be left to the members of the ex
cursion to determine. Time enough
will be taken to eat luncheon pre
pared by college ladies at Agricul
tural Hall, and to take a look at the
college. In honor of the visit of
tie legislators, and to give them a
cnance to see tne college in -operation,
all the departments will be in
session today and a week from
Monday will be made a vacation.
The legislative party will number
about 100.
Valentines, pi' - kinds at greatly -reduced
prices See Gerhard.
. Gerhard has valentines to please 1 ev
eryone, ' Prices way down, come early:
"Short" on Peruna, but '.'long on
prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pound box
es, 1.50. - vj: P. L. Miller.
Olbat GOod
Ts a matcb
if it don't keep right time. Per
haps yours is pot , running as it
should, suppose you bring it to us.
New mainspring, none better,. $i:
Cleaning, ordinary watch, $u
Can not be done better at any price
i . v Matthews the Jeweler.
v - Room 12 over Natl Bank.
Probably on Madison street, on Mon
day Feb 6th, a small black parse con
taining $20.15. Finder please return
to John Smith and receive suitable - re
ward. , , , .
, Estray Notice.' '
Dark bay and roan pony, square crop
ped tail with rope around neck ; came to
my place Dec 20, 1904. Owner" pay lor
this notice and expense of keening. ..
. h. L. Brook ,
Phone 155 . , - 'j "r
" ' Lost.-'-
At or about Thanksgiving one yellow
or dark sable colored dog. White breast
white ring around neck: .white fore feet;
tip of tail white; small strap aronnd-neck
and small snap fastened in strap; ans
wers to name of Tarn. Liberal reward
offered for any information leading to
hisrecoveiy. . Address
Dan Savage,
' ; Willamina, Or. '
Night Was Her Terror. -would
cough nearly all night long,
writes mrs. unaa. appiegate, ot Aiexafl
dria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
Bleep. 1 fiaa consumption so bad that 11
1 walked a block I would coueh frignt
fully and spit blood , but when all oiher
medicines failed', three 1.00 bottles of Dr
Kind's New Discovery wholly cured me
ancri gained 50 pounds." It ie absolute
ly guaranteed to core Coughs, Colds, La
: . t. 1 -. . . 1 mi . i
imppc, uruucoius ana ail i nroax ana
Lune Troubles. Price soc and $1.00.
Trial bottles lree at Allen & Woodwards
AtDunn & Thatcher's.
Cracked com
Granulated shell
Granulated bone
Crystal Grit
$1.60 per cwt.
1.60 "
i.75 "
1.60 "
And we haadle the very best poultry
and stock foods. 1 - ' : ." ..
Call and look over our stock of grocer
ies, granite and tin warer also carry nails
No Pity Shown.
"For Venrfl fffc TOOQ oftof ma VMi4itin
ously1 writes ?. A. Gulledgek Verbena
Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles
causing 24 Tumors. When all failed
Bucklwn's Arnica Salve cured me, Equal
ly good for Burns and. all aches and
pains. ; unly 25c at Allen & Woodward
s . Oar patients are our
best advertisements ,
Everv rair of elassee
fitted by us sells others -v
' We warjt to add you to
our chain
To tit j va is to fit yfT
f. ;en'Js in t'nr futuve .
MATTHEV, 5 tic
R-vni T2-cve NatTr.
Our 35th Qearance Sale closed yesterday, and in giving thanks for your generous
patronage, I make the following extraordinary announcement I will refund the money
on all cash purchases made on a certain day of the month of February, the day selected to
be announced in the "Times" of March 4th. No matter what you purchase for- cash at
retail rates, be it a five cent or $100 purchase, if your duplicate checks bear the date of the
LUCRY DAY, your money will be cheerfully refunded
Be sure and , save your duplicate checks secured with cash purchases as no money
will be refunded except on presentation of duplicate cash checks
, Buy something every day and youare 'bound to beoneofthe luckyones. My populaf
low prices will prevail during this month All goods marked in plain figures .
- ; - : t Mail orders accompanied by cash will participate in this offer -
-' ' " - , . - -
Corvaflis, Oregon.' Q T lT TKTTI7 Regulator Low Prices
r JL.A-J.J. Ai
Read this Column, You may Find
Just What You Want.
Ladies! If you once use Com
pressed Yeast, you will have no
other. Ask for it, at Hornine'e.
If you want fine china go to
Zierolf's. He has the largest and
most complete line in the city, i-i
Wall Paper.
Largest line ever shown itr- Corva llis.
To make room we will sell scood wall
paper 5c and ioc per roll. Come and
i. - Hollenbug & Cady.
1 100 shares of Great Eastern
Mining Co sjtock for sale at 10 cents
a share Address I,ock box 62,
Corvallis. - ; i28-4.t
. ,por Sale.
A few nice houses in Corvallis,
well located. Also farm implements
1 McCormick binder, 1 Bain wag
on, steam woodsaw, all in good
order. Write or enquire of
Chas. Everett,
Second & VanBuren sts.
- Corvallis.
When you wake up in the morning,
And do not feel just right,
You settle down to breakfast
- With a want of appetite.
There is nothing that is better
To revive your sinking soul,
Than a cup of Seal Brand coffee
Steaming inthe flowing bowl.
It is Seal Brand coffee
' Don't forget the special brand.
Its such a splendid seller;
And our patrons call it "Grand.
Buy it once, and try it; t
. You will find it out of sight
All our customers want it,
And the price is always right. -P.
V Calf for Warrant?.
Notice, is hereby given that
there is rfroneyin the city treasury
to pay general fund warrants Nos.
as follows i 3409 3406. 3410, 341 1
34i 5 34i6. 3425i 343i Aleofrom
no. 3432 to number-3437 inclusive,
. Interest wil. stop on same from
this date. . ,
Da,ei at Corvallis, Or, Jan 20,
Wn. McLagan,
City TreaB.
. Vox Sale. : -
NMillfeed, flour,, wheat, oats, . vetch,
chicken feed, potatoes, wood and gravel
Delivered to all parts of city. ' 1
Phone 342-" Opposite Steam Laundry
' . John Beach.
Page Woven Wire Fence
Best in the market. . Most economical
for farm -or other use. Orders promptly
filled. Address ' ' ' --.
" - Charles E. Allen, Agent. -Ji4-im
Philomath, Or,
A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber
all lengths. j '
At Corvallis saw mill for $ 6.50 per M
.- Notice of Final Settlement.
- Notice is hereby eiven that 'the . final
account has been filed in the matter of
tncijast WUl ana- Testament of Guilford
Barnard, deceased , and Judge Virgil E,
Walters has set butdruay, February lit
nt 11 o'clock a. in. at; .County Court
room, Court house; to bear - objections
tn-to f:i ' i--. i.
' Rot.r. i(ft Executor. .
Dated this Dec ap, 1904, ' , "
v., x on all "
Suits ,.ani Overcoats
No reserve, every garment in the house Kup
penheimers and all: Sea urr i ndow.
Kr-ff '.?iriT- f-''-j'j.i,.,. !
' The "Flatiron" Hat
Latest Spring Styles Just Received
Always $3, never less.
n LFlfV
aULvi. tM 8
Rubber Goods
Millinery, '. . .
Shoes, Etc.
Great Shoe SALE.-!?The Largest Assort
ment of Shoes ever offered on special sale in Philo
math, comprising, the entire "stock! of Men's, Women's
and Children's Shoes, will be on 'sale during the month
of February y at ' '
J. B. Henkle's Gash Store.
Each- will be offered at reduced prices, This reduc
tion, is made for cash only. There are special prices
on Rubber Goods men's, women's, boys', children's
rubber boots, rubber and oil coats. We also call you
attention to our large assortment of Millinery Goods
which are offered on special sale, .
J. E. HENKLE, Philomath, Or.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Res
idence on the corner of Madison and
Seventh st. Phone at house and office
. All Calls promptly attended. - '
First Nat'l nk PuiMing,'
Only Set Abstracts in County