The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 11, 1905, Image 2

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    GorvaHis Times.
OBclal Fafer of Benton lnnty.
JJHajor McDonnell Selected to Command
Porces of Picked Hen at
Lewis and Clark Expo
sition." "Plans for the organization of the
- Xewis and Clark Exposition Guards
are now completed, and men to
form the guard are being enlisted.
Major C. E. McDonnell of Portland
has been chosen chief of the guards,
and he will be assisted by three
other officers.
The guard will consist of seven
. ty-five mensetected by the company
commanders from the military com
panies of Oregon. A height of five
feet, eleht inches is required. The
command will wear military uni
form9 and carry guns loaned by the
-'state military authorities. The
strictest military discipline will be
The band of seventy-five men
will be divided into three shifts,
each commanded by an officer, and
each shift will serve eight hours,
the schedule being from 8 A. M. to
4 P. M.: from 4 P- M. to midnight,
and from midnight to 8 A. M. The
soldiers jwiII be paid $1.50 per day,
with free board and lodging. They
' will live in . tents , outside the
grounds, in a fashion somewhat
similar to that adopted at summer
pnrntnTTTiPTits. The cuards will be
gin their duties about the middle
of March, and their terms of service
will continue until the middle of
November, a month after the close
o the Exposition.
T-tf T4.
j Ray -t Acheson. manager of the
Albany College basket "ball team,
weflt to Corvallis yesterday after-
ituuu iul mc puipusc j ut setuimg
a game with 'the 1, Corvallis . girls.
The Albany., girls since defeating
the Chemawa. girls, 1 claim the
championship of the "state and this
is disputed by' the - Corvallis girls.
The latter, however, refuse to come
to Albany to play, but are willing
. to play in their own hall. Albany
. Herald. . .
' The fact about this matter is that
. the OAC girls -offer to play at
Albany 11 Albany . will play
a return game at Corvallis,
fct,:,.i, t a -1
?w iicn icxllci. gatuc jty xxuucauu,
the Albany manager, who doubt
less gave the . above inform
ation to the Herald refuses to
play. Acorrection of the Herald's
statement ought to appear in its
own columns so that the facts may
not be subverted. The Albany
manager can quickly get a game by
doing the fair, thing and playing a
?me at :Albanv and another at
Corvallis. If he don t want to do
that, he is afraid, and won't be fair,
For Sale.
', At the United Evgelical : parsonage:
. A bed room suite, sewing: machine, ex
tension table, conch, . kitchen treasury.
At nome irom 9.30 to 11.30 a j m
H. A. Deck.
A Word to the Wise
Oak -wood is getting higher in pi ice
and farther from town every year. Or
der now for summer delivery. 200 cords
now partly sawed stove lengths, 12 cords
seasoned wood. , x --'
2200 pounds vetch seed.'
3000 pounds clover, red and . white,
alfalfa. . . " -
Aleike, timothy, orchard and rye
grass, speltz, rape, all fresh seeds. A
Also a line of garden seeds. Order now
before the spring rush. . -
Tread power, silo, elevator and cutter,
Poland China hogs.
Yours for Business.
- Telephone 155. . L. L. Brooks.
,' " For 1. ;: ,
" At lowest rates. ' Go to Commercial
restaurant; Corvallis. Newly furnished
and fitted. Everything clean, and the
table supplied with the best the market
affords. Spencer Bros. & Henkle.
The New Photography
' Studio. I am ready to handle what
work you give mejn a firstclass manner
- I welcome you to my studio, upstairs in
new cement buildhjg on' South Main
fl-3t B. B. Thompson.
Those wishing typewritine done
at reasonable rates call on Mamie
C Starr, cor Washington & Main.
- Seasoned Ash - -
- Wood for ,e. Call on City Transfer
Cojor leave orders vlth J, K: SmWi &
Co. fi-3t
Things Dene by Solons, Past and
. Present Normal Schools and
Mitchell Resolutions.
y Salem, February 10. Senator
Walter Pierce of Pendleton, is a
newly appointed regent of the Ag
ricultural College. He was named
by Governor Chamberlain for the
vacancy made by the death of J. M.
Church. - Senator Pierce is one of
the best known men in Eastern
Oregon, and incidentally is one of
the brightest members of the Ore
gon senate. He conducts a farm
of several thousand acres in Uma
tilla county, and has a law practice
in Pendleton. He was once a
country school teacher, and for a
round dozen years was engaged in
public school work, either as teach
er or principal.' He served several
terms as county school superintend
ent, a term or two as county clerk
and is now a hold over senator.
He has accumulated a handsome
competence, and at perhaps'45 is a
success in life. He is affable and
amiable, and is one of the most
popular legislators now at the cap
i a1., as we 1 as ohe; of the most in
fluential, Geographical reasons
made an Eastern Oregon appoint
ment necessary, and preeminent
qualifications made the selection of
Senator Pierce a happy one. The
appointment was made while he
was recommending other residents
of- his sectton for the place. Gov
ernor Chamberlain made the nomi
nation in response to the request of
Hon. B. G. Jeedy, master of
the state grange, who, with
others, pressed the name of Sen
ator Pierce for the place.
In its late resolutions of indorse
ment, the legislature gave Senator
Mitchell all it had to give., : In
view of the facts, it gave the Senat
or a great, great deal. President
Roosevelt is known to be behind
the prosecutions that have resulted
in the double indictment of Senator
Mitchell. . This same President
Roosevelt once approved the dis
missal from high position of an
Oregon man, and the republicans
of Oregon at once sent that man to
congress.. Binger Hermann's elec
tion under the circumstances was
a hard slap at the administration.
The administration, now that Mr.
Hermann has been indicted by an
Oregon- grand jury, thinks Mr.
Hitchcock acd Mr. Roosevelt were
right, and that the republicans of
Oregon were; wrong as; to the late
land commissioner. Now, however,
when President Roosevelt's prose
cutor, especially appointed to push
the land iiaud cases, and his grand
jury return indictments ; against
Senator Mitchell and the state leg'
islature in unmistakable language
heartily indorses Senator Mitchell,
the question becomes, what does
President Roosevelt think about it?
State it as you please, dress up.the
language as you please, this one
thing is true;yin" order to indorse
the Senator, the president had to
be slapped; and it is the secoud
slap Mr.: Roosevelt 7 has received
from Oregonrepublicans. " 1 He got
one on the right cheek, and - then
he turned ' the left ' and thev
didn't do a thing but smite.
Once before Oregon republicans
resoluted for Senator Mitchell.
That was right after he was elected
United States Senator for the first
time. ; W. Xair Hill, 'in tb Ore
gonian had just exposed the exist
ence of the Pennsylvania family.
Joseph Wilson, congressman from
Oregon had died and a special elec
tion was" to be held to fill the va
cancy. The republican convention
Lmet at Albany, - in the spring of
1872 to name a candidate, .friends
of Senator Mitchell feared that an
uncontradicted " story of :the -Pennsylvania
incident would prevent the
Senator from returning to his seat
at Washington. They demanded
that certain commendatory reso
lutions be passed by the Albany
convention. Others resisted, and
there was a's fight on the floor of
the convention. Captain Apper
sori, Benton Killin, - Harvey Scott
and others were among the dele
gates. The Mitchellites won, and
the platform carried with it a-plank
declaring that Oregon republicans
in convention assembled did hot
believe the story, about 1 Senator
Mitchell, and that they hereby re
newed their confidence in his integ
rity, sobriety and virtue, or words
to that effect.1 With the adoption
of the platform a number of stal
warts bolted. When it' came time
to nominate, Dr. E. R. Geary,
whom it was expected all along to
be the -nominee, declared on the
floor of the convention . that he
would not accept the nomination
on such a platform. Others were
sought to accept the honor, but it
was not until after much delay that
Hiram Smith, - a Harrisburg mer
chant finally announced - that0 he
would accept the nomination and
make the race on that platform.
He was named, but he was overwhelmingly-'
beaten in the election
by the,.' late J. W. Nesmith." Old
time republicans at the Capitol tell
over again the story of the old re
solutions as they laugh about the
new, whi:h new' pronunciamento
went through under stress of being
a rider to a motion for final ad
journment. ' v
The bill granting authority to
Corvallis to issue bonds for con
struction of a water works-and ap
pointing a water commission to
build and conduct the plant has
passed both houses, and has proba
bly been signed by the Governor.
It passed the Senate a couple of
weeks ago, and passed the House
without change Wednesday at an
evening session, lhe amendments
to the city, charter, which passed
the Senate some time ago; alsp pass
ed the House Wednesday evening.
Bills to eliminate Normal schools
have a rocky road to travel. Dan
gers environ and assail such bills
at every turn. So far an untimely
fate has awaited every ; measure
aimed at destruction of a Normal.
Senator Miller's bill in the Senate
proposed to abandon all but bae of
them, and it died a violent "death.
It was debated with great vigor
and much ability at a special order
Wednesday forenoon. The fight
lasted two hours, . with Senators
Miller, Hodson and others for the
bill, and Senators Pierce, Kuyken-
dall, Coshow, Whealdon, and oth
ers against. Seventeen nays and
twelvea yaes was the final vote,
taken mid a breathless silence, for
there was extreme interest in the
outcome of the struggle.
The scene called to mind . anoth
er legislative occurrence of a score
of yeaTs ago, more or less. , That
other incident happened at a time
when . there was no Oregon State
Normal school. . A pending measure
the House proposed the estaDhsh
ment of one. Friends of the meas
ure were converting Christian Col-:
lege at Monmouth into a State
Normal school. A plea was that
little or no state support would be
required. . The figure then asked
was perhaps $8,000 in all. . Eight
thousand dollars for the entire nor-r
mal school work of Oregon for two
years. That was , not very many
years ago. , Several people in- Ore
gon that sat Wednesday m the Sen
ate lobby and listened to the debate
on Miller's bill, sat also in the
House lobby on that other occas
ion and heard the public promises
that little or no state aid would be
required for the normal work if the
state would only accept the tender
ed college, and make of it the Ore
gon State Normal. . The normal
work for the next two years, if the
legislature allows the amounts ask
ed by the four Normal schools will
be $217,000 or $211,000 more than
m those halcyon days when the
state first launched out in the Nor
mal school business. What if the
good work should go on at the
same rate of . increase, and if so
what would be the Normal school
item in the appropriation budget
a dozen years hence? : '
1 They say Miller s bill would
have passed the Senate ' if it had
provided for abandonment., of all
but two of the Normals. That
may be true. Talk in the lobby
afterward was that" a Normal at
Ashland and another at Weston
would be all right. Possibly; such
a measure might have passed the
Senate. It would doubtless, have
failed however in the House, where
a Yamhill merabers bill, providing
for that very- thing, never got past
the committee. A great many
people would ave liked -" to see
Miller s bill pass, and they say so.
There is talk that such a bill may
be taken up(for passage ' by the in
itiative and referendum. That is
one way in which the log rolling
that perpetuates ' the Normals,
would be impossible, and the aband
onment of some of the Normal in
stitutions be sure ! to be provided
for. :, ;.-s.- -.
The bill td abolish the Drain
Normal was knocked out in; the
House today.' The vote was 34 to
25. As originally introduced the
bill provided for abandonment of
two of the Normals. . The commit
tee amended it so as to provide for
abandonment of the Drain school,
reducing the whole number to three.
Wise ones have guessed from the
very first that even as amended the
bill had no chance to survive, and
its violent death today shows how
hard it is to kill off even one little
Mill Feed Prices. -
Feed can be had at , the following
prices at either the Corvallis or Benton
flouring mills: : . Cracked corn per bush
el, 80 cents or 1.40 per 100 pounds; roll
ed barley i 1.10 per per . sack; chop, bar
ley 1.05 per sack ; bran and shorts at the
usual price's. ' ; , - ,
The Corvallis Flouring Mills.
' J25-tf x - -
ettinant and Rummage
A quantity of remnants have accumulated during our
late clearance sale, there are remnants of black and colored
dress goods, silks, velvets, waistings, skirtings, white goods,
flannelettes,,, outing flannels, table linens, ginghams, prints
percale, embroideries, la,ces, etc all at nominal prices. ,
Odd lots of underwear, Shoes -t hats, mens and boys suits
odd pants, black sateen petticoats, muslin underwear, out
ing flannel night gowns, etc, all at rummage price.
SPECIAL A lot of Novelty Dress Patterns" at rummage
prices. All remnants and odd lots must be closed out in a
few days.. .
To be 4 i
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise,
Trade at
Our ad., but our goods change,hands
every day. Tour money exchanged
.for Value and Quality is the idea.
Bigc Line Fresh Grdceries
Domestic and Imported. ' . y
Plain and Fancy Chinaware
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
rest. -
English Walnut Trees.
We are special growers. Have the best of soft shell and
hardy variety that come into bearing at an early age pro
duce annually and abundantly. ; Big money is made in wal
nut orehard. They are a poor mans chance and are cheap
ly harvested. Orchards in good bearing give returns of sev
eral hundred dollars per acre. We give this special study.
Write for free descriptive catalogue which treats 1 on .walnut
culture. Contains valuable information. . K - '
E. R, Bryson,
' , Graduate Nurse,
Miss Deetta Jones, graduate of Port
land Sanitarium, six years - experience,
highest recommendations, local refer
ences.1 Indpendent phone 334. P. 0.
box 247, v fi-im
- Compressed Yeast can be ha f
Horriitig's . - It saves macb n ;
and lador. ' ,
In the circuit court of the state of
eon for Benton county.
Donat and Mury Ltonat, his wife, and Kof
Uearce A. houck. ' Dlaintiti. vs. H.
w. isiacK, aeicuaants.
To II. M. Donat and Mary Donat. his
and Robert W. Black, . defendants aq
named : : - -
In the name of the state of Oregon.
and each of you are hereby summoned
required to anoear and- answer the
plaint of the plaintiff in the above erfti
suit, now on nie with tne cleric or tne aa
entitled court, on or before the last dan
the time Drescrioed la the order for du
cation of this summons, made by the cod
Judge of Benton county, state of Ord
iDeing tne- county -wnere uie aDove entil
suit is pending m the circuit court of
ounty ana sta.S.- wnich said order is ut
matter relerred to, to-wit: on or Detorel
weeks from the day xt first publical
nereoi, and you are hereoy notined thai
you fail so to anuear and answer the
complaint as herein required, for want thi
of the plaintllf will apply to the above
titled court lor tne rellel demanded m
complaint, namely, "for a decree of said
cuit court declaring and decreeing that til
is due Iroiu the detendants, rl. M.. Dot
Mary juonat and Kopert w. iiiacK. to pit
tut, upon saiu promissory notes and
mortgage in said complaint described.
sum of $3,200 in gold coin of the Unl
States, together with interest thereon atl
rate 01 b per centum per annum from VI
ber 2, 1903, tmtil paid; and further dec
ing mat is a reasonable sum to be I
lowed, and allowing the same, to Dlaii
as attorney's fee for instituting this e
aiso decreeing tnat tne plaintiff have a I
lien on the following described real pi
eny, to-witr
The southwest quarter and the west
of the southeast Quarter of section 5. tc
ship 15 south, range 5 west; also beginil
at the southwest corner of sention 5. tnl
ship 15 south, range 5 west, and run thfj
south to the county line between Benton j
Lane counties in the state of Oregon, tha
east aiong saia county line to a point
south of the southeast corner of the
half of the southeast quarter of said seel
o, tnence nortn to the said southeast coil
or tne said west half of the southeast q;
ter of said section 5. and run thence J
along the south line of said section 5 to 1
place of beginning : also boeinnins: at 1
southwest corner of the donation land ell
of Kobert Boyd, being claim No. 44. in
ship 15 south, range G west, and run tha
nortn along tne west line of said Boyd
to the center oi. the county road as
traveled, thence north 82 degrees 30
utes west 4.10 chains along center of
thence west along center of said roadl
cnams, thence south 4d degrees 15 mini
west along center of said road 16.30 cha
to a point m west line of said section
townsnip 15 south, range 5 west, thd
south to southwest corner of the norths
quarter or said section 5. thence east
place of beginning, excepting from last
scribed tract a certain tract of land contJ
lug s.o ,,- . ucros deeded by George!
xiuuca. auu rue to naries i;iem Dy
uaiea April o, xaye, ana recorded in
"W" at oage 491 therein, records of ,
for Benton county, Oregon, all in Bed
county, Oregon, together with all and 1
gular the tenements, hereditaments and 1
purtenances thereunto belonging or in
wise appertaining,, for the, full amounts
saia ii,zuu and interest as above, with i
attorney '-s fees, and the costs, disbursema
ana expenses t this suit, and the said
said real property; that the above desorij
real property be sold in the manner provil
ay law tor tne ioreciosure or real esa
mortgages, for gold coin of the United Std
of America, by the sheriff, of Benton couJ
ureson, and that the nroceeds derived f
such sale be applied, by the party mak
such sale, as fellows, to-wit: First, to
payment of the costs and exDenses of s
sale ; second, to the costs and disbursema
ot this suit: third, to the naytrient to old
tiff of the sum of S 300 as a reasonable
torney's fee herein; fourth, to the amo
found due in saia decree upon said notes ;
said mortgage that is. the sum of S3.2
together with interest thereon at the rat3
6 per centum per annum from October I
laud ; ana, lastly, if any remainder there I
to tne uetenaauts, on demand, as their
terests may appear ; that all of the des
anis he lorever barrsa aud foreclosed of
right, tipe and interest of. in and to s
real property, and of all equity of redea
tion therein, exvept only the statutory ri
or reaemntion ; snd lor such other, furtJ
and attierawt ruie, orr. cy relief as to
court may seem proper anil . equitable ill
This summons is published in-the Cor
lis Times once a week for six successive j
consecutive weeks, beginning with the
of February 11, 1905. and ending with
issue of March 25, 1905, under and in p
sunn?o ot tne c rections contained in I
order made by the Hon. Virgil E. 'Wattd
county judge of Benton county, Oregon,
February 10, 1905. Dase cf the first pull
cation nereor is t eoruary n, ioo.
Attorney for Plaintiffl
In the circuit court of the state of Ol
eon . for Benton county.
Richard Graham, plaintiff, vs. Jane Hogl
Clarinda Norcross, Amelia Hill, Frank Dj
den, Ella Johnson, Minnie Hill. Clara Wocl
Friscilla Doran, Mary A. Wortman, Edwa
w. Mogue, Emma Becker. C. C. Hoeue.
F. Irving, Charles P. Hogue, Mary Powei
uiara u. Monteith, Sarah L. Hogue, Ches
Hogue, Harry W. Hogue. Maud McCoJ
Flora Renlz, Charles D. Monteith, Margal
juonteitn, ima story ana Mary A. story,
To Jane Ho!?ae, Clarinda Norcross, Arael
mil, jTanK uryaen, Ella Johnson, Mini
Hill, Clara Woods, Priscilla Doran. Mary I
Wortman, Edward W. Hogue, -Emma Bek
J. J. tiogue, Ida F. lrvmg, Charles I
Hogue, Mary Powers, Clara D. Monteil
barah li. Hogue. Chester Hogue. Harry
Hogue, Maud McConn, Flora Rentz, Char!
1). Monteith, Margaret Monteith, Ima Std
ana Mary A. . story, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon, y
and each of you are hereby summoned ai
required to appear and answer the coa
plaint of the plamtift in the above entitll
suit in tne aaove" entitled court,, now on f
in the office of the cierk of said court, on
before the 25th day of March, 1905, said d
Deing the last day of the time prescribed
the order oi -biiation cf this summed
made by the county judge of Benton countl
Oregon (which said order is hereinafter n
ferred to, to-wit : on or before six weel
from the day of first publication hereof; ai
you are nereDy notined that if you fail
to appear and answer the said cumDlaint
herein required, -for want thereof the plail
tin win appiy to tne aDova entitled coa
for the relief demanded in his said cod
plaint, namely, for a decree determining
conflicting and adverse claims, interests ail
estates in and to all the following describf
lands, to-wit : I
Beginning at the southeast corner of dl
nation land claim xno. 77 of Thoma3 I
Hogue, in township 13 south, range 5 wea
Willamette meridian, in Benton county, Or!
gon, and running tnence north along ta
east line of said claim 34.83 chains to td
south line of a tract of land sold by Jam!
P. Hogue to William H. and Charles F. xlef
ander on the 15th day of March. 1869. H
deed recorded in Book "H" at page 311
Benton county. Orcson, deed records (tlogii
creek being the said south line), thend
westerly following the meanderings of sal
Hogue creek to the southwest corner of sal
tract of land, said point being the intersej
tion or Hogue creek with the nortn line a
the L of the said donation land claim, thend
west to tne west boundary line of said claii
No.. 77, theaoe south to the southwest coJ
ner of said claim, thence east 40 cnams i
the ilaf-e of be.-uniiintf. containing 145.2
acre3 of lar.d, more or less, in Ben on coud
ty. state of Oregon : that defendants havo a
claim, into reft or estate therein; that plaid
tiff s title Cher -to is gooa ana vana ; an
that the defendants be forever barred an
enjoined f-ra asserting any claim whatevd
in and to unit premises rdverse to plaintiffl
and for ti -p:t,1 relict and costs -And did
bursnie"t'4 of said s uit. I
This s rumou? is published in the Corl
vallis Tu:.;s onoe a week for six successive
and consc utive weeks, beginning with th
issue of F. 'nn.iT 11, 1905, and ending witi
the issue of March 25, 3 905, m pursuance
of an order rano by . the Hon. Virgil B.
Watters. couniy 5nlgo of Benton county,
Oregon (boin Thi county where thp above
entitled i - w.-.?ids in tne above -entitled
court), diited February 1 : 1,905. Data ot
first publi cation Is February OA, 1$05.
E. R. feRYSON,
: Attorney foVjlaintiff.
BIdg. Hours:
"isidenca JSl. -
; ' .... - a:.'
' i ' - : Oregon,