The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 11, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XV1I.-N0. 37.
B.F. IRVII Kditor,
and Proprietor
; SUMMONS.. V'.V "'
In. the circuit court of th state nf n.
f. for Benton county. -
lueurge a. iouclc, plaintiff, vs. George
foafer and Annie Senator, Edward Donat
u jignes juonat, aetendantsr i
10 hdwani Donat and Agnes Donat, de
dants above named: .' .-
In the name of the stain nf dres-nn
d each o you are hereby summoned and
iuircu io appear ana answer tiie com
lint of the plaintiff in the above entitled
it, now on file with the clerV of the above
titled court, on or before 'He last day of
3 time prescribed in the order for publi
tion of this summons, madn hv th innntv
ilge of Behton county, . state of . Oregon
oing tne- county where the above entitled
it is nendina in the circuit court of tiid
hmty and state) , whiclftaid order is here-
iter referred to, to-wit: on or before six
eks from the day -of fh-st publication
reof , . and you are - hereby notified that if
u fail so to aonear and answer the kaiiI
mplaint asTiereim required, for want
Jreof the plaintiii -will '.apply to the above
titled court for the relief demanded in
id complaint, namely; for a decree of said
cuit, court dedaring-'lirfd' decreeing that
-jre is due from the defendants, George
hafer, Annie Schafer. Edward Donat and
pies Donat; to plaintiff, upon said promis-
ry notes ana saia mortgage In said com
aint described, the sums of $4,760 in gold
in of the United States, together with in
vest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum
r annum from September 18. 1903.. miHl
e date of said decree ; and further decree
k that S450 is a reasonable sum to he nl.
wed, and allowing the tame to plaintiff, as
jtorney's fee for instituting this suit ; also
creemg tnat tne piatnun have a first lien
me lonowing aescribed real property, to
t: The east half of the southeast quarter
section 5 the west half of the southwest
arter, the northeast Quarter of the sntith-
fest quarter, the northwest ouarter 'Of the
uineast quarter, tne soutnwest quarter or
e northeast quarter, and the south. half of
e northwest quarter of. .section '4, ' all of
e foregoing being in township 15 sotith.
use o wesc Also Beginning at the south
st corner of the northeast nnartfir nf tn-
ha 5, township 15 south, range 5 west, and
u uience west a,za cnams,- thence north
chains, thence " east 15.25 -chains, ind
ence south 20 chains to the place of begin
ng, containing 30 1-2 acres, more or less,
1 of- the forecoine' beinsr' in Rpntnn '
late of Oregon, together with all and singu
la me tenements, nereaitaments and appur
nances . thereunto belonging or in anywise
'PertaininE. for the full . imnnnt nf' caM
1.760 and interest as above, with ,$450 at-
ruey if lees, ana xne costs, msoursements
id expenses of this suit, and the sale of
m real property - tnat tne above described
al property be sold in -the ,iriaTnir nm-
ded by law for the foreclosure ;of real es-
te mortgages, lor gold coin, of 'the United
ates of America, by the sheriff of Benton
unty, Oregon, and that the nrnraw-da
ved from such sale be applied, by the party
aklng such sale, as follows, to-wit : First,
the payment of the costs and attiptirpq nf
Md sale; second- to the costs and disburse-
ents of this suit ;.: third, to the payment to
aintiff of the sum Of S450 hs a rnsnnnht
jttorney's fee herein: fourth, to the amount
tund due in said decree UDon said notes
fid said mortgacer that is. the f sum of
1.760, together with Interest thereon at the
liie oi t per centum per annum, from Sep-
maer io, ivua, untu tn. date of saw de
ee r and, lastly, if anv remainder thi h
l the defendants, on demand, as their inter-fcts-may
appear ; that all of the dafendants
IP foraver - barred and .- foreclosed, of all
ght, title and interest of, In and to said
id difterent rule, order or relief as to the
urt may seem proper and eouitable in the
remises. . .
This summons 13 published in the Corval-
s Times once a week for., six consecutive
eeks, beginning with the issue of Pebroare
1, 1905. and ending with the i nf
Uarch 25, 1805. under and in Dursuanp.e nf
jie directions contained in an order made
y tne tion. Virgil js. Waiters, county, judge
f Benton county, Oregon, dated February
0, 1905. Date of the first tmbllcation here-
is February 11, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Ors
on for the county of Benton.
George I,. Cnamberlain as mvcor of
regon, F. I. Dunbar an crfr.ia: ... af.t
lid Charles S. Mcorc as state Ireasnrer nf
he state of Oregon, constituting the state
kind board, plaintiff, vs. H. M. Donat. Mary
'wii", xiuuen w. ciacK ana ueorge A.
iouck. defendants.
To H. M. Donat. Mary -Donat. Robert W
Black and George 'A. Houck. the above
amed defendants :
in the name of the state of Oreenn. vnn
nd each of you are hereby required to ap
ear and answer the comDlaint of the nhnvn
amed plaintiff in the above entitled court,
iow on nie with the clerk of said court,
fithin six weeks from the date of the first
ublication of this summons, and "you are
lereby notified that if you fail to appear
nd answer said complaint as hereby re
luired, the plaintiff will apply to the court
or the relief prayed for in said oomnlnint
o-wit : the foreclosure of a certain mort
Mary Donat and Robert W. Black to plain-
gage maae ana executed bv H. M. rinnnt
iu on lub iiio aay oi uctooer, i03, to se
ure the payment of a certain Dromlsanrv
lOte of said H. M. Donat. Mnrv rinnnt nA
Robert W. Black for $2,000. payable one
fc-ear after date, with interest thereon at the
rate oi o per cent ner annum from date anH
ivhich said mortgage conveyed unto plaintiff
ue luiiuBmg utj&criueu real property situate
n Benton county, Oregon, to-wit:
The southwest auartar and tlie west half
pf the southeast quarter Of section 5, town-
uip xo Eoutn, range a west; also beginning
i. uic suuinwest corner oi section 5, town
UlU xo SOUtn. ranse fi west, nnri jMinninw
Jon and Lane county, in the 'state of Oregon,
ueuut: buuLu io tne county, line Detween Ken-
boint south of the' southeast corner of the
Kvest half of the southeast ouarter nf said
Iseetion 5, thence north to said southeast cor-
ier oi ine saia west naif of the southeast
marter of said section 5. and running tiionr.
west along the south line of suidseetion 5
lo the place of beainnine: alsn Wmm-nff
the southwest corner of the donation land
' aim oi rtoDert iioya, Demg claim No. 44,
running thence, north along the west line of
.aiu ouyu ciaim co tne center ot tne county
road as now traveled, thence north 82 de
crees SO minutes west 4.10 chains ninno-
said center of road, thence west along the
t.iiti--r ot sam iuau j.u cnams, tnence south
43 degrees 15 minutes west alone the pen.
ter of said road 16.30 chains to a point ou
south, range 5 west, thence south to the
southwest corner of the northwest ouarter
'uc ncoi ui odiu ouuliuu y. townsnin is
of said section 5, thence east to the place of
beginning, excepting from last described
tract a certain tract of land containing about
10 acres deeded by George A. Houck and
wife to Charles Clem by deed dated April 8,
-Loso, ana recoraaa in 1500K v at page
491 thereof, records of deeds for Benton
county, Oregon ; and a further decree barring
and foreclosing you, the said defendants, of
and from all right, title and interest in and
to said real property and every part thereof.
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Virgil E. Watters. iudee of the
county court of the state of Oregon, made at
chambers February 10, 1905. The date of
the first publication of this summons is Feb
ruary 11, 1905. and the date of the last pub
lication thereof is March 25, 1905.
j ..'- ' . J. P. YATES, "
. :.:.. ' Attorney for Plaintiff.
Physician fc Surgeon
P?fth7V0St0 Residence Cor:
Ja.m.,1 w 4 p. m. " Orders lriav V
eft at Graham & WortfaamWrng store!
Has been completed in, our,- stor,e
and we lee 1 like the good Tiouse keep
er who has completedr house"5 cleaning '
Now :,we are.Vread A or the new r year
and . every day see the latest novelties
coming into our store. Greatest line
ot 1 adies shoes and
hougljt. . Shirf waists,;. hosiery , ' and
maay; departments receivings a share of
v the spring shipments
i Free Bus.'
Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New :
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. . Furnace Heat,
capes. Hot and cold water
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam-
ette Valley. .. ' ,.;
Rates: - $1 .00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. i p:
Graham Wei Is PHarmac
- That's the Place
Is largly dependent upon The ' -Teeth.
' Give - them , proper :
care and attention, you will
-y.'Wct have a full line of tooth ;-: : :v
Jbrushes, tooth washes and ' .
- - - tobth powders .i:.;u.:.....y 'ff ".r:.
TJiai's: the.:place
Graham & : Wells Pharmacy
.wash eoods ever
Fine Light Sample Sooms.
J. C Hammel, Prop.
Electric Lights, Fire Es-'
on every floor., Fine single i
: , 7 ; :
Begin' Serving Two YearB' Sen
;?tencefor Fraud in Postal Ser-
- r vice Will Be Taken to the"'
, - Penitentiary atMounds
" ' ville, W. Va. '
'Washington, Feb.-7. August W
Machent. former general , Superin
tendent of the free-delivery postal
service, and Diller B. Groff, of this.
cityr both under sentence of two
years;, imprisonment and $10,000.
fine for ,- postal conspiracy, .. today
snrtendered themselves to the Unit
ed States marshal and were placed
in the cellroem- of the City hall.
Samuel' A Gioff, whose counsel
sought to have his removal to the
penitentiary deferred because of ill
ness, "was ordered brought into
court," and later was placed in the
cell room with the others.
i Tfo) case came up today in the
criminal court on receipt of a man
date handed down by the court of
AppealB ditecting the immediate
execution of the sentence of : Ma
chen. Dr. Lorenz and the Groffs.
Attorney Maddox, for Samuel A.
Groff, produced a certificate of two
physicians saying that' he was not
in condition to be moved from his
bouse, and 'suggested that if the
district - wanted Uo imperil bis
clients life, as well as his liberty,
he bad better take a gun and go to
the house. . " -
f United States District Attorney
Beaoh replied that Samuel Groff,
his surety and his attorney, had
been' advised of the possibility of
thi(. mandate for some time; that
Samuel Groff had visited the dis-
ana tnat liron s son yesteraay com
municated with the district- attor
ney's office to know what clothing
hie father might take with him to
the penitentiary, today. Under
these circumstances the district at
tourney suggested it waB rather a
sudden stroke of illness, Mr. Beach
insisted upon the immediate ap
pearance of the prisoner and he wa9
sent toi. Nothing has been heard
today of Dr. Lorenz, who is report
ed ill at his home : in Toledo, O
Machen and the Groffs will be tak
en - to the Moundsvllle, W. Va.,
Philomath Items.
On last Mondav afternoon, Feb
ruara 9th,k when Mrs. Bradford op-
enea her door in answer to the door
bell, the members of her Sunday
scnooi class to the number of twenty-six,
entered her parlor. : it was
her fifty-sayenth birthday, and it
was a very; pleasant, surprise. - The
afternoon was .spent in pleasant
conversation and reminiscences.
DnriDg the . afternoon an elegant
massive oak rocker and a hand
some pieced quilt was brought in
and presented to Mrs. Bradford as
a testimony of the good wishes of
her class, after which they all as
sembled on the front porch and
Mus Flossell Overman took a pho
tograph of the group. Altogether
jt was an occasion which will al
ways be a bright spot on memory's
payes of each - one present. The
f.Hii.ts of those present were, Mrs.
Mulkey, Oliver, Loggan, Rayburn,
Lytle, Minton Mrs. James Sheak,
Mrs. Prof, Sheak, Friend, Lay ton,
Fruitl, Merrick, Roderick, Rugg,
Buoy, Newton, Bishop, Oastle, Ma
son, Pimm, Allen, Overman, Mrs.
R..Z. Brown, Mrs. "Alfred Brown,
Bennett, Morris and Boles.
Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins are
visiting Mr. Watkin's mother, near
Philomath. - ;
. ' '" '
' Born Pebreary 4 to Mr. and Mrs.
Virgil Howell, a son. . " -
Pittsburg, Feb. - 2. Mrs. W. S.
Flower, the offending daughter ; of
the late Charles Lockhart, who by
his will was left only the income of
$300,000 for life, will be taken care
of liberally by her two brothers and
two sisters, each of whom is left al
most $37,500,000 - ' ' ;
-, It was announced late today that
the four more fortunate brothers
and sisters had held - several meet
ings and had decided to each hand
over to Sarah "Eleanor - Lockhart
Flower about $7,500,000," which
would make up a purse of $3o,ooo,
ooo, equal to the share remaining
of each cf the other children.
It came out today that Lockhart
did not disinherit his daughte ber
cause of her elopement. " While he
was very angry at . the time she ran
away "and married the poor dentist,
Dr. mower, of Pittsburg, Bnd later
she was taken back into the family
circle.- When, however, there came
a little one to the home of Dr.
Flower, in casting aboutfor a name
the mother did not include the
name of Lockhart, and this ' is eaid
by close friends of "the family to
have offended her father greatly.
The story of the first meeting be
tween the bid millionaire and his
daughter after she had married was
made public today. She had been
forbidden to set foot in the Leek
hart mansion, but she came quietly
and often to see her sisters and oth
er members of thehousehold,' always
choosing a time when . her father
was mo9t likely to be at home.
She had not broken bread in the
house since her. marriage, and one
day, when luncheon time arrived,
she arose to go, as she felt she would
not be welcome at her father's ta
ble." When she-was about to leave
the housej he said: "Sarah, since
you are here you. might :as well Etay
for luncheon." 'And. she did.' -
After that Mrs.' Flower was a fre
quent caller, and she and her fath
er seemed to havff forgotten their
differences. In the last months of
his life Mrs. Flower was often at
the home of her father and during
his last illness she assisted the fam
ily in administering to hia wants.
There was then the belief that he
would provide for his daughter
equally with his other children, and
the fact that be did not do so caus
ed great surprise:
Of his boundless wealth Mr. Lock
hart gave only $365,000 to charita
ble institutions about one week's
income. -" .
That the wealth of Charles Lock
hai't will reach $15o,ooo,ooo is as
serted by men with whom he was
intimately associated. He received
quarterly from the Standard Oil
TJcrrrpany $2p25o,cooY oi$ 17,ooo,ooo
a year. This has been going on for
years. ' He was also the owner of a
large amount of real estate in New
York City. .
Washington, Feb. 7. After a
continuous session of nine hours the
senate at 8:45 passed, .the Joint
Statehood bill. As passed the bill
provided for the admission of the
states of Oklahoma, to be compris
ed of Indian territory and Oklaho
ma, and New Mexico according to
the present boundaries, with Ari
zona eliminated, and in this .form
the bill passed. . - . -';'&;
Portland, Feb. 9. Judge Albert
H. Tanner, law partner of John H.
Mitchell, and one of the most promi
nent attorneys and citizens of Port
land, was indicted yesterday after
noon by the Federal grand jury for
the crime of perjury alleged to have
been committed on January 3I
while before the grand jury as a
witness in relation to the dealings
of Senator Mitchell with Frederick
AKribs, the land speculator.
At the sam time this indictment
was returned three others were also
reported to the court, one against
Hamilton II, Hendricks for suborn
ation of perjury; one against Geo.
C. Brownell in amendment of the
indictment for subornation of per
jury returned a week ago, and the
last against Henry Meldrum, Geo.
Waggoner, .David W. Kinnairsd,
Rufus S. Moore, a brother of State
Treasurer Charles S. Moote; John
W. Hamaker and Frank J. Van
Winkle, for conspiracy to defraud
the government.
The indictment of Judge Tanner
is the most sensational returned fof
some time, for it brings before the
public with unexpected suddenness
the name of a man heretofore en
tirely unconnected by rumor or fact
with the far-reaching frauds now
being unearthed. The indictment
further charges that it was loyalty
to his partner, Senator Mitchell,
and a wish to spare him from the
shame of the second indictment re
turned a week ago which caused
him to attempt to hide, according
to th6 allegations of the indictment,
the true state of affairs as : exlstant
in the business of their law office.
Washington, Feb. 8. By a vote
of 326 ayes to 17 noes the house at
3:50 o'clock passed . the Esch
Townsend bill, extending authori
ty to the Interstate commerce com
mission to fix railroad rates. The
Davey bill, the democratic substi
tute, was defeated, 151 ayes to 186
noes, .- -
Entire Front Blown' Out, , Money
Gathered in Sacks and Robbers
Make for Portland ; by
Train Other- News. "
Lebanon, Or. Feb., 8. Robbers.V
who left no clew whatever after a
neat job, cracked the safe of Leba
non Bank some time last night and
got away with over $8,000, all the
money there was in the bank. Lo
cal parties are suspected. The
cracksmen seemed to have had no
horses in the vicinity, and escaped
on a railroad velocipede. When
the bank waB opened this morning
the vault and the safe were found
badly wrecked. Many $2o 1 gold
pieces were scattered about the
vault. The robbers carried sacks
of chittim bark from a warehouse
near the bank, piling them around
the vault and the safe when the
charges were fired. These deaden
ed the sound so that although it
was beard by persons in the hotel
near by, they thought nothing of
the explosion. ' ,
A stolen railroad tricycle at Tall
man station leads to the belief that
the robbers escaped on that to Al
bany, took an early train there for
The bank carried burglar insur
ance for $lo,ooo. Scroggins Bros.
Bank at Sheridan, belonging to the
same firm, was burglarized a year
ago. One member of - the firm
slept in the bank all winter until a
week ago, when he gave up the
practice, thinking it unnecessary.
Posses of deputy sheriffs and chi
tons - were,..; organized : early . . this
morning as soon as the crime was
discovered. They immediately took
up the chase at the point where the
bandite left the railroad trackB and
made for the timber. The posses
are mounted and are heavily armed,
Police officers in every city and
town in the state have been notified
and ase keeping a lookout for the
men in case they show up in aDy
towns. Excellent descriptions of
the men were obtained.
It is believed by local detectives
that the crime was committed by
the same gang who has operated
successfully in Portland and in tbe
suburbs of the city during the pact
three weeks. - For four nights they
have committed no crimes in this
city and detectives have been wait
ing th hear of a "trick" in some of
the smaller towns of the state.
Entrance was gained to the bank
building through the door of ti e
office of Dr. Booth in the rear of the
bank. The robbers bored through
the-main eafe and then cracked tne
inner safe with some explosive.
Indications are that three or four
men were engaged in the work, au(
some Lebanon people believe tha.
the robbery was committed by
"home talent," because of the e
curing of the chittim bark a block
away. The bank' is situated on
Lebanon's leadiag business corner,
and it waB necessary for the robber
to carry the bark the entire lengtb
of an alley in the rear of a etring of
business houses, including the St.
Charles Hotel, and then cross the
street to the bank.'
. Berlin, Feb. 7. The Tageblalt
reports that a plot against the czar's
life was discovered by. Emperor
Nicholas himself. His majesty was
walking through the corridors of
Tsarskoe Selo Yesterday, when he
noticed a letter addressed to him
self lying upon the floor. He pick
ed it up and found that it contain
ed the announcement that 12 men
had sworn to kill him in revenge
for the St. Petersburg massacre of
January 22.
The letter caused . much excite
ment throughout the palace. Elab .
orate precautions were immediately
taken to protect the czar, who ha3
not left the palace since.
The same paper also announces
that more fighting has occurred at'
Warsaw between the 'troops and
strikers ' in which several were
H 2 cedar , shingles at $1.50 per
thousand. E. W, Strong, jzi-tf
Highest prices paid for chicker s
and eggs at Moses Broe.' ' j