The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 08, 1905, Image 4

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TLe C jiiiitiJb anl Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Miss Nora Pratt of Blodgett,
spent Sauday with Corvallis
Mrs. E- Woodward and daugh
ter Winon", arc home from a weeks
stay with Portland friends.
Mrs. Frank Hussey of Sherid
an, is visiting in Corvallis, the
guest of Mr. and Mrs.. W. M.
Mrs. Evans, who "has been a
resident of Job's addition for some
time, left the first of this week for
the old home, in Nebraska, to re
main. -Thee wa a practice dance in
the Armory Saturday afternoon
from loupto-six. There was a big
crowd and a jolly time enjoyed by
' the students. .
W. H. Millhollen was a visitor
in Corvallis Saturday. Mr. Mill
hollen has been a resident of the
Oregon metropolis for two years
past, and is well pleased with his
new home.
Robinson & Stevens, the new
real estate firm, are fitting up
rooms in the Hemphill building
for offices. In a short time now
they will .be able to meet patrons on
the ground floor.
Isaac Harris of Portland, was
in Corvallis Friday and Saturday
renewing old acquaintances. He
is one of the younger sons of H.
E. Harris, head of a Corvallis pion
eer f-m:!y.
The magnificent imported
Shire stallion which A. C. Ruby &
Co., had on exhibition in Corval
lis until recently, has been dis
posed ot at Independence. The
percheron brought here by the
same company is yet in Corvallis.
General T J., Thorp returned
'riiXi.y iiuui a tjiip .ij,aM:. vv nue
absent he visited in Baltimore and
Washihington D. C. Mrs Thorp
who has been the guest of her
daughter in Portland accompanied
General Thorp home.
John Ingle returned Saturday
from a several weeks' stay in Wal
la Walla. Mr. Ingle's visit was ofi
melancholy nature, both his father
, and mother having died during his '
sojourn in that city.
Arrangements are being made
for holding the annual convention
here of District No 4 Knights of
Pythias. This district embraces
a large portion of the, Willamette
Valley. The committees having
arrangements in hand is composed
of W. G. Emery, Robert Johnson
J. Fred Yates, A , Rennie and Dr.
Harper. The date of the gathering
is February, 22nd.
The recital by the vocal de
partmen, under the direction of
Mrs. Green of the college, Friday
evening was a success in every par
ticular. The appreciation of the
department was shown by the large
audience present. The chapel was
' crowded even to the stairs in the
halls. From the first number to
the last number, each part was ex
pediently renedred, and showed
much study and cultured taste.
A dinner party was given yes
terday at" the home of Dr. and Mrs
B. A. Cathey, in honor of the 84th
birthday of Mrs. Cathey's mother,
Mrs. Hannah McFeron.' Guests
besides the family were . two sons,
John and James McFeron of Port
land, and a daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Robinnett of Halsey. The occas
ion was very pleasant, and her
many friends wish Mrs. McFeron
many returns of the anniversary.
Interest continues to increase
in the union revival meetings that
are being Held by various churches
of the city, led by Dr. W. J. Har
sha of Denver, the eloquent evan
gelist. There are meetings at 3 p. in
and 7:30 each day, and the church
is crowded. Sandav, mass meet
ings were held in the Opera House
and there was hardly a vacant seat
in the place. A feature of interest
at the Sunday afternoon meeting
was a vocal solo by Dr. B. A. Cath
ey, eutitled.i "The Old Fashioned
Way' ' ' At the evening service, an
anthem, was effectively rendered
sy. Mrs. Lake, Mrs. . Bush. B. W.
Johnson, Otto Herse5 Mr. Bauer
and S. N. Steel , , -and .-. there were
two excellent numbers by a quar
tette composed of Otto Herse, John
1 Fulton, Dr. Cathey and R. N.
White. The meetings are to con
tinue until Feb. 14th. (
Grandma Fees started yester
day for a visit with ralativea and
friends in Eastern Washington.
Rev. H. A. D9ck and family
are preparing to make a trip .East.
Tbey go to seek relief for a eon who
is afflicted from a spinal ailment.
Miss Beseie Dilly went to
Monmouth yesterday where she
will enter the normal school. She
has already bad some "experience
a a teacher, but it ia her desire to
qualify htreelf as completely as
possible for the calling.
J. P. Connor is seriously ill at
bis home in Corvallis. In the past
year he has been several time pros
trated from a heart affliction, but
the recant attack seems to be mote
serious than the previous ones.
Last reports from his bedside are to
the effect, however4 that lie is
somewhat improved.
A Portland street car, running
at a high rate of speed from Monta-,
villa, left the track Monday mo n
ing and toppled over with 66 pas
sengers. Rudolph Johnton, a la
borer ia the Standard Box factory,
was instantly killed and it is ex
pected that of a number of passen
gers injured two or more will Burely
die. John P. Hoffman, who re
sides in Montavilla, and works on
the east side, was amoug 'the un
fortunate passengers, but his - inju
ries are not serious, cosisting only
of a scalD cut and minor bruises.
Real Estate Transfers.
Hannah May Troxel to W. R.
Troxel, 80 a near Hoskins, $1000.
A. R. Norwood et al to J. W.
Foster, 10 a near Bruce, $100. ;
C. M. Dexter to C. A. Wood
land near Philomath, $2,250.
E. A. Chapman and wife to A.
L. Hathaway, 5 lots, bl 7, Wilkins
add, $160.
James Mcl. Wood to Rose Green
160 a west of Philomath, $480. '
C: A. Wood to C. M. Dexter,
lot in Philomath, $600.
Anna M. Beach to Mrs. Mary
Canan, 2 lotsblk 23, $2100.
G. T. Boyd to David Perrin,
small tract near Dusty. $600.
Alice Talleo to Amelia Baird 3
1-2 a near Monroe, $100.
John Bier to B. F. Bier, lot 9 bl.
17, Corvallis, $1,000.
Wm. Herron to Sarah E. Miller,
interest in 151 a near Kings Val
ley $100.
Hester A. Herron to S. A. Mil
ler, 71 a in Kings Valley, $r.
. G. A. Waggoner to Florence
Gilbert, lots in N. B. & P. Avery's
1 st add, $725. ......
Florence Gilbert to Eli Spencer,
3 lots inN. B. & P. Avery's add,
M. C. Miller to Eli Spencer, 4
lots blF, Avery s 1st add, $725. ;
Eli Spencer to Emma M.- Beach
4 lots bl. F. Avery's 1st add, $700.
Wm. Post to Mary A. Yantis.
1 a near Summitt. $100.
M. C. Pickett to Benton county
roadway in Alsea, $100.
Geo. A. Sebrell to Benton coun
ty, roadway in Alsea, $100.
Wm. Ryder to Benton county,
roadway in Alsea, $1.
R. D. Spencer to Benton county,
roadway in Alsea, $1.
No Pity Shown.
"For years fate was after me continu
ously" writes F. A. Oulledge, Verbena
Ala. "I had a terrible ease of Piles
causing 24 Tumors. When all failed
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me, Equal
ly good lor Euros ana all acnes and
pains. Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's
drug btore.
' Over 1,000 Members,
The 2500 of Albany, Oregon, has
now over members, and is
increasing rapidly. It" costs now
$2.50 to join, the applicant paying
his own examination fee to the doc
tor. The coBt of joining . will be
increased td $3.50, on March, I905,
At the rate it is now increasing it
will during this year reach its hm
it, 2500 memberB. Only 3 deathB
in 4 veare. Only 50 'ents dues
for each year. Officers receive nc
pay. No , lodge meeting. , All
oDen and Equare. No rent. It
bears investigation. Best thing of
voor Docket book.". Join now. r lm
St. Petersburg, Feb. 5. General
Kuropatkin has tendered to the
czar his resignation of the com
mand of the forces in the Far East.
General Grippenberg has been
removed from the command of the
Sscond Manchurian army at his
own request, having declared that
he had been dishonored by Kuro
patkin's orders to retreat at the bat
tie of the Han River.
Presented By Amos D. Hyland as a
Christmas Gift.
Some time ago a gentlemen tran
siently in Corvallis, observed, while
at service, that there appeared to
be no Sunday school library in the
M. E. Church of this city. -Later,
this gentleman wrote a letter of in
quiry to his sister, Mr. Dinges, of
Corvallis. As a result of the cor
respondence which followed a
Christmas present of 144 volumes
of well-selected books was forward
ed to the M.E. Sunday school here.
The donor was Amos D. Hyland,
a former wealthy resident of Lane
County, but who recently died in
Oakland, California. The hrst is
sue of these books to attendants of
the school was made last Sabbath,
and it was with evident pleasure
that the literature was given out
and received.
Superintendent Waiters is es
pecially gratified with the gift, and
as an evidence of his appreciation,
presented to the school for reception
of the books a handsome ash case
which was made in the best style
of Sheasgreen & Buxton's work
manship. Mr. Hyland was richly blessed
with spiritual endowments as well
as with the thiugs of earth, and it
was his desire to do that which
would reflect the glory of the Fath
er. Among the acts which he per
formed in pursuance of this idea
was to give to a number of Sabbath
schools of the state the nucleus of a
library, and the plan and purpose
was an admirable one.
At Kings Valley.
The Vallev school will be closed
this week. Miss Logan will attend
the teachers examination in Cor
vallis. ,
The Hoskins' Bcbool will close
for this winter next Friday.
Mrs. Anna Robinson, who has
been with her parents, starts for
Portland today to join her husband
Arch Robinson. Their furniture
was taken to Airlie yesterday by
Ed Watson. .
Protracted meeting started yes
terday at the United Evangelical
church. The members of the Unit
ed Evangelical church have built a
large shed to shelter teams.
Tom Ramsdell expects to put up
a small sawmill1 at bis place to
manufacture fencing, using the
same power that be uses on his
wood saw.
M. L. Frantz, of Hoskins, has
just completed a band-saw frame,
He has done all the blacksmith and
carpenter work himeell, and the
job is one ibat eny workman might
claim with pride. He expects to
u he machine in the manufacture
of waehirg machines and other
work in that line.
S me animal supposed to be a
coii ,r has killed several htad of
gon'r' for Mr. Vanmeeier, and sev
eral nead of sheep for George and
Will Dodele. ; ,- TJno.
Ore. City Trans. Cos
St- iiner Pomona leaves Corvallis for
Pon 1 ind and all way points on Monday,
Wei'iasday and Friday. ,For further
infoi uiation call on ,
G. L. Buckingham, agt,
Both phones.
Wood Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court will at the March
term 1905 thereof receive sealed
bids to fuinieh wood for the Court
House as follows, towit: .
2K cords" of oak grub wood four
feet long and not less than 3 inches
in diameter. " ; -
25 cords of old growth booty red
fir wood, four fett loog; and
25 cords of split maple wood, 4
feet long. , , v
Said wood to be delivered at the
Court house, in Corvallis, Oregon,
between June 1 and Aug 1 , 05 and
to paid for in count j orders when
said wood isv accepted by the Court.
All bide muet be filed with the
County clerk on r before one
o'clock p.' m, Wednesday March 1,
I905. The . court reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, v ;
Attest: Victor P. Mose,
County Clerk, Benton Co. Or.
Feb 2, 19oo. - ' . " '
To the Public.
The undersigned have purchas
ed the interest ot Levi Henkle in
the City Dray Company. . The
terms of the transaction incl ude
the good will of the business, Mr;
Henkle having retired . from the
firm. .Thanking the public -for
past patronage and soliciting a con
tinuanoe of the business of all the
old. patronB and of such - new ones
as may Bee ht to favor .us.. We are
Very respectfully,
Robinson & Fuller.
Headquarters of the firm are at
Wellsher & Gray's . .. store. Ind.
phone 126. - ' f3-wn
Don't Miss the
Mud &k$mM out Sod$
Cbe store tbat saves you money
Also all
for the
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware.
Eyes tested free of charge
and glasses fitted correctly
" at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a spe- v.
cialty A.. ...
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
- Souitli Main St., Corvallis, Ore. j
5j Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
i : . .. . . ; : ;-', - I
S Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, f
4 And ' other Photographic Novelties, . - V
T-Ti inters'. Si mnlies
. , , "jrxr-""' -.-a -
: Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
. .. Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
i H. E. HODES, y -
To call at onr furniture store and let us show you
some nice art squars that we are offering until clos
ed out at greatly reduced prices, -
Passing - Our
J . hose malleable iron beds we have
been telling you about. They are cheaper than any
other because they will last longer, Remember
they are warranted for 25 years. It's to your inst.
And get our prices on granite and tinware. We
have just received a large invoice of these goods.
Whether you are going to housekeeping or just fur
1 nishing one or two rooms let us figure on your bills.
Everybody welcome to come in -
Kinds of
Gun Store!
Pish in cr
Physician & Sturgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bids'. Honrs:
' IO to 12 rod 2 to .
- Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, : : . Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poetoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Both Phones:
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box n.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 1878,
United states Jantt oraco,
- Oregou City, Oregon,
Not 9. 190.
Notice Is hereby elven tbat In comnllanco
with the provisions ot tbe act of Congress of
JnneS, 1878, entitled "An -act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California Oregon
Nevada ana wasningion Territory- as extended
toall the Public Land 8tate by act of August 4,
1892, Charles O Huff of Corvallis, county of
Benton, state ot Oregon, has this day filed In
this office his sworn statement Mo. 6519, for the
purchase of the 8. X of 3. W. X of Section
No. 32 In Township Mo. 11 South, Bange No. 6 .
West W. M., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable forlts tlmoer
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
P. Hoses, County uierK, corral us, Benton uoun
ty, Oresron. on Saturday, the 18th day ot .Pen.
He names as witnesses: .
Liwrence Stovall of Philomath, Oregon. . '
George Stovall " " , "
Caleb A Davis " " "
Zebediah H Davis o; Corvallis,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 18th
day ot February, 1905.
Algernon b. uresser,
CoRVAULiiH, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
' Buys County, City and School
- Warrants. -
Principal Correspondents,
PORTLAND ( Tendon & SahFraii
SEATTLE r cil4CO Bank Limited.
STEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The' Repub
lic. ..-,.:.;
LONDON, KXG. London ft- San Franelseo
Bank Limited. . . . . s .
CAKAD A . CnlonBank Canadfoa
- --
Olives in bulk, : fresh ' acid fine, at
Homing's,'1.-' - dsitf