The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 08, 1905, Image 1

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    3rantj fcietk'e O1&09
'- ESI - - . -
Vol. XVII.-No. 37.
B. r. IBTim Kdltor,
and Proprietor i
M..JW .-SI'. R! I ' 9 17. HI. . m -'.'. ! M - "
J ..' f 1 - . - r ' r'. ' if I I 1 mm . J ','., 1 V -I ' - M. '.-'- . .1 .S
Stock Taking
Has been completed in our store
and we tee 1 like the good house keep
er who has completed house cleaning
Now we are - read tor the new year
and every day see the latest novelties
coming into our store. Greatest 'line
ot 1 adies shoes and wash goods ever
bought. Shirt waists, hosiery and
many departments receivings share of
the spring shipments. . ,
Call and See
$5 Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms.
Jr C Eammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in Corvallis.' ; Recently opened. New:
brxck building. Newly furnished, with! modern con
veniences. Furnace "Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-'
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor Fine single;
rooms. Elegant suites.: Leading house in the Willam-:
ette Valley. - , ,.
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Graham & YVellsf Pharmacy
- That's the Place
Is largly dependent upon The' -Teeth.
Give them proper
care and attention, you will 7
We have a full line of - toothy
brushes, - tooth washes and '
"tooth" powders.;,..
That's the Place -
Graham &ltyells Pharmacy
Attempts io Secure- Big" Tracts of
School land Governor Gets ?
- Confession Pater Paid in -Caeh
Other News. ..
- Salem, Feb. 2. S,,A. D. Pater,
convecled of conspiracy to deiraud
the government - in timber-land
cases, and under indictment, on
further charges, was caught today
in attempt to secure title to 3200
gprao nf at.ata anhnnl ?a.nri in ViAlfl.
tion of law," and the state land-board'
has $2000 of his good money and
evidence eufficient to show . the
fraudulent nature of the transac
tion. k .
-. Basil Wagner, of this city, . pro'
cored the men to make the applica
tion for the land. As -each filed bis.
application he told Clerk Brown
that Wagner would call for the cer
tificate of sale.' . . i
Applications to purchase school
land near Klamath Falls were filed,
by nine residents of Salem who
swore that they wanted the land
for their own use and benefit, and
had made no contract, expressed or
implied, to convey the land to any
other" person. No . certificates of
sale were issued, but Clerk 'G G.
Brown called the . attention of the
state ladd-board to the Auspicious
applications and an investigation
resulted. ' :' " - ' -
One of the applicants was taken
before the governor, where he - was
elosely cross-questioned, : until he
admitted that he bad .made the ap
plication-at the instance of an agent
of Pater and made the initial pay
ment with a bank draft furnished
by Puter. " . -Governor
Chamberlain immtdi-
ate ly called a special meeting of
the state J arid-board to consider the
matter, and Puter appeared before
the board. He asked leave to with
draw the applications and receive
his drafts, but trie land board re
fused to recognize his right to have
the money returned.
The drafts will be returned only
to the persons who deposited them,
and when these men appear they
will- be brought upon the carpet and
questioned as to the truth of their
affidavits. Whether the $2000 will
eventually be returned or will be
held by the board as forfeited re
mams 'o be determined.
Twenty dollars apiece was the
price Puter was to pay the men for
their services in making the appli
cations, securing certificates and
a8eigoing tne same to Iruter or per
sons whom he should Dame. If
the men desired they could retain
a one-tenth interest in the land in
stead of receiving the' $20, but so
far as learned the men took the
money rather than the one-tenth in
terest. ,
This one of many illegal trans
actions was discovered by Clerk G.
G. Brown; Several days , ago ap
plications for 640 acres of land were
offered, signed by Maud Coffin and
her mother, and sworn . to before a
Portland notary. Brown was bus
picious and sent back word that the
applicants would have to appear be
fore him to make the affidavits
Todav the nine applicants mention
ed above appeared to apply for the
land which Puter had tried te g
tnrougn i;omn, and otner lands in
the same vicinity. They appeared
one or two at a time, and each tend
ered a draft on Ladd & Bash's
bank for $200 as a first payment on
320 acres of land. .
There was nothing in this part of
the transaction to show the hand of
Puter, though Brown suspected that
tbe famous land dealer was back of
the whole business. Wben Randle
appeared and made his affidavit, he
was escortee to tbe governor s office
and put through a sweatbox. .
The story Randle told and after
ward put in tne torm ot a sworn
statement was that two or three
days ago Basil Wagner, of this city,
approached him and asked him if
he did not want to buy some state
Land Wagner offered to furnish
the money and give him a one
tenth interest in tne land or pay
him $20 for tbe one-tenth interest
Wagner told him the transaction
was all right, and he' went into it,
After presenting the application
and depositing the darft furnished
by Wagner, he signed a blank as
signment, convening his interest in
the certificate of sale, which had not
yet been issued. Then he was paid
the $20.: -.,-..'!
While all of this was going on
Puter was in the - rotunda - of the
capitol and got wind of thetrouble.
Wheni the board met .in epecial
sessioii he asked for a hearing and
was gfanted an opportunity to say
anything he wished. He told; the
hoard "t net the land was being pur
chased'? for , California' capitalists,
who.furnished the money, and that
he wa& their agent. He did not
deny that theapplicants had ; been!
hired :faf act as mediums for v the
transfer'of the title to the lahd, but
tried to make -it appear legal by
representing that the applicants
were fo retain tone-tenth interest,
which, he afterward purchased for
$2o..sf " .- ,
Wajner appeared ' at the time
but had nothing to say. The board
would reply to his request
for a return of the bank drafts fur
ther Ahan ta say that the drafts will
be returned to no one but the ap
plicants in person, and perhaps not
to tiem.' . .
Omaha, Feb. i. The bitter cold
whfch haa prevailed for 48 hours
ovet Nebraska and,, Western. "Jdwa
continued t.onight, accompanied in
part Qt JSebraBka by a snowstorm.
The minimum in Omaha was 24
degrees: below zero;, early in the
day at Lincoln it was 22, and at
Sioux City it reached 30 below;; .
Man trains from the west, were
from Saat to , six : hours late.;; In
Omana the street-car service was at
standstill for 24 hours on account
of the cold. . .
Over the entire state of Nebraska
tbe cold weather nas . been tne se
verest for many years and intense
suffering of 'livestock is 'reported
from many places.
London, Feb. 4. The , crews of
the Black-Sea fleet are on the verge
of mutiny. : Kevolutionary - htera'
ture in. great , quantities has been
tounc oa the ships, lne - men are
in a dungerous frame of mind, and
an outbreak is .feared at any. mo
meht: 1' r-
The intense feeling of revolution
iB strengthened by the fact that 38
of their comrades are being sen
tenced. to death as ringleaders in
the first outbreak. -.
Washingcon, Feb, 4. It is learn
ed on excellent authority that the
government attaches great import
ance to the fact that Binger Her
mann, before retiring from thegen'
ral land office, caused to be de
stroyed 36 letter books containing
copies of letters be had written
while commissioner, an average of
ten letters a day. for his entire term.
Hermann contends that these let
ters were of a private nature. Tbe
government has secured the testi
mony of one or more clerks who
saw the letters in question which
shows that many of them were in
reply to letters which Herman re
ceived making inquiry about pub
lic land business of one sort or
This fact will be held out by the
government to establish its conten
tion that the letters were of a pub
lic nature and that the t books de
stroyed contained government re
cords, but it baa further been learn
ed that .all the letters' which the
commissioner copied in his private
books were sent through the mails
under the government frank.
Clerks and messen, era who mailed
letters did not place stamps on
ibeuj, yet each envelope containing
one of those alleged "privateT let
ters bore on its face- notice that
there was a penalty of $300 if used
for private purposes.
II Mr. Hermann s contention is
true, the government will show that
he violated the postal laws and laid
himself liable to a fine of $300 for
every private letter sent under his
frank, and, if all his letters were
private, the maximum : penalty
should be imposed, which will nev
er be done, of course. Mr. Her
mann would be fined $0,000,000,
for each letter book contained ap
proximately 5oo letters.
But if the government presses the
case against Mr. Hermann for llle
gaily using the government's frank
on private correspondence, that
charge will have to be-, brought in
the District of Columbia, where the
letters were mailed. This letter
book incident, which for a time was
set aside, now promises to play an
important' part in the government's
case against ex-Commissioner Her
mann. '-.'.: ' ;.
Strikers Armed With Guns and
Smuggled Dynamite Ominous
, Quiet Broods Over City of . . .
Warsaw Crash is Boon
:- Expected. .
Warsaw, Feb. 6.--4Revoluti6n is
running rampant throughout Rus
sian Poland. Ibis ' statement is
made with positiveness,' despite the
ominous quiet which hangs like a
pall over this ; ancient city this
morning: despite the official 5 state
ments made f by Russian bureau
crats that he situation is vastly
improved and can no longer be call
ed serious even in the face of the
reassurance cabled to the United
states from this and other Russian
cities -by newspaper correspondents
who allege that the trouble is over.
One' - hundred thousand k strikers,
armed with - firearms and dynamite
smuggled across the Austrian, fron
tier are ready ; to assemble at a mo
ment b notice at any ... given point
and offer their lives as a sacrifice to
better the condition of their fellows.
A.general strike has been declar
ed throughout the governments
Kaliesz, Radom. and . Kielce.
Churches are being burned by or
thodox believers, ; who have lost
faith owing to the manneir in which
their priests ' haye betrayed them
bv siding with thejgovernment.
I he governments of Radom, Ka-
hesz and Kielce were declared in a
state of siege Sunday. The procla
mations setting forth that fact came
after 12 hours of turmoil, during
which neither life nor property
were safe. It isdifficult to obtain
accurate facts and figures from these
outlying districts owing to the
strict maintenance cf internal cen
sorship and "the general state'" of
chaos which has made commcnica
tion other than by post next to im
possible. ,, s..
Most of the news is brought here
by couriers, who, having only; ob
Eerved their happenings in their
particular districts, and areot able
to give connected accounts of - the
general situation, but their combin
ed stories tell a tale of - horror- and
crime and of conditions which in
dicate that the bloody days of 1863
and 1864 will be repeated and that
unless every demand is granted
to the strikers, or unless those con
trolling them decide that the "day
haB not come to deal Russian rule
in Poland a death-blow, the. world
will witness another of Poland's sin
ister tragedies. r
The statement can be made with
out fear of contradiction, that the
strike of the discontented, workmen
throughout Poland is practically
general to day, and that the figure
of 100,000 idle men represents
very conservative estimate. - . : .
Whether the peasants have al
ready made common eause with
the-workg in the cities is still a
much mooted question, and the au
thorities exprese confidence that the
agitation has not reached the agri
cultural d.etricts. The strikers here
while leticent as to their plans, in
timate that before long- Poland will
be aflame and that all classes will
make common cause against: Rus
sian oppression "'-jXyyv'
. Highest prices paid for chickens
and eggs at Moses Bros.' -
re-establish the ancient Polish mon
archy and secure for it the recogni
tion of both Germany and Austria.
This failing, the old plan, so ot
terly unsuccessful when last tried,
nearly a hundred years ago, is to
be readopted and Poland declared a
republic. Feeling certain of the
success of their plan to re-establish
the kingdom of Poland, the leaders
pf the movement do not care to fore
cast the possible consequences, po
litical or otherwise, which the procl
amation of a republic would have
in its wake. - ; '
There is a well defined disposi
tion among intelligent Czechs : to
trust in the acquiescence of both
Germany and " Austria and with
possibly even Russia, irr the restor-.
at ion of Polish throne. It is urged
by them that Germany has grown
tired .of the great burden caused by
tbe indefatigable Polish agitation in
her own provinces and that while
she would never recognize free-Prussian
Poland as ( Buch individually
Emperor William may be willing
to act in conjunction with Empe
ror Francis Joseph and relinquish
the provinces which were added to
their domains by tbe Polish parti
tion. v - '
Strange as it may seem, the
Czechs who favor the plan express
no fear that,, the Austrian govern
ment may take steps to prevent, or .
if this cannot be done,' break up the
Polish congees. They Bay that
the Austrian government is willing
to listen to .proposals and will Hot
exercise police duty over a body at
least four-fifths of which owe no al
legiance to Austria and can claim
the protection of other governments.
There are ;ithoEe who claim to
know that the leaders of the con
gress will receive notice in due time
that the political freedom of Poland
was absblutely out of diplomatic
reckoning and that a serious at
tempt to bring it about would, if
ceceeeary be met by armed ' force.
Thes3 conservatives say that the
congress will busy itself with ques
tions only which will in no way
lead up to the liberation of Poland,
but will have only the object to se
cure for the PUto provinces ? the'
restoration of Polil&;a8 the official
language with alH tha concessions!
thereby implied and a larger meas
ure representation in the German
and Austrian legislative bodies than -is
at present the case.'..
Prague, Feb. 6. A congress of
the leaders, of the movement ; for
Free Poland," will he held in this
city in the near future; at which the.
advisability of proclaiming the- re
union of the thiee Pplaads as an in
dependent government will be dis
cussed in all its various phases.;
Ihe mam body of the : delegates
will represent Russian, ' Austrian
and German Poland, but there will
also, be present many ' men- who
have shaped the policy of the revo
lutionary movement, ; from - Paris,
Berne and Vienna. n addition, a
large delegation from the. United
States, headed by Philadelphia,
Chicago and PittBburg ' Poles,, has
promised to attend.
So far as can be learned ' at this
time the congress will declare those
who believe in its object - must re
frain from participation in any an-ti-Ru8sianmov6ment
that has not
for its Bole object the-liberation'-of
Poland. It is alaoVetated by; jfell-
informed parties here ; that the sug
gestion to proclaim a Polish repub
lic will not be considered, but that
ways and means are to be found to
Xennewick, Wash., Feb. 4.
John C. Evans accompanied bv
two friends from the East, broke all
Northwest records ? for. sprinting
in an effort to get away from a deg
which was carrying a stick of dyna
mite with alighted fuse attached.
They got far enough ahead ' of tl-
the dog to miss any seriouB resul s
when the explosion came, but they
were thrown prostrate by the ool
cuseion and suffered many severe
bruises. ,
Evane, wishing to entertain bis
friends, took them to a deep hole
in the Columbir river to fish wi'h
dynamite. : Evans was accompaii-
led by a fane bird dog. When lUv
ans lighted the fuse attached to tl '
stick of dynamite and threw th
misBile m the water, the dog imme
diately jumped in after it. ?
liivans and bis triends . Baw - tlf
danger ot the dog ; and yelled ; fur
him to come back.' This the di ji
did, but with the explosive in bis
mouth. : The men ran; but the dcg
had no trouble jn keeping up aci
refused to drop the explosive. Ev
aasBaid they broke all '.records iii
trying to get away, and kept scold
ipg the dog to: discourage further,
pursuit. ' .'.:., r--. . " 1
They only ran about" loo feet
when tbe explosion came. The con .
cussion threw the three ; men to th-
earth,' jarred them' considerably
and burned tbe clothing on their
backs. There was nothiag to mark
the place where the dog had bet n
but one hind-leg and a hpledn tbe
Berlin, Feb. 4. German milita
ry experts familiar "with', the "inner
conditions of the Russian army de-.
clare that the autocracy, cannot de
pend 'on the loyalty of any of tie
troops outside of the few -regiments
serving as bodyguards to the czar
and the grand dukes. ' - '- -
Military men here, in the ligbt
of history and .tradition, therefore,
regard the recent mutiny of eol -diers
an4 marines at' Sevastopol a?
immeasurably the most "dangerous
event of all tbe recent -turmoil in.
Russia. V
They proclaim their belief that it
is the forerunner of widespread in-;
subordination, fraught' with fdr
reaching consequences, ' - :
J v