The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 04, 1905, Image 3

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i - .
I Advertisements In this commu . cnorgeu
t the rate of cents per line.
i(CW "ft' J -VJ
vallis visitor this week, irom the
Bohemia mines.
Miss Grace Jolly "of Philomath
has been the guest this week of
Misses Frances Gellatly and Daisy
Brown. V
'Marshall Miller is this week
having a small cottage erected on
lots adjoining his own on First
Mrs. Horace Locke returns to
day to her home - in Portland, after
a week's visit with Corvallis rela
tives. -
At Congregational church to
morrow: ' n o'clock service, "Was
Christ Manly." Union meeting
in the evening.' ,
The Pierian literary society is
to entertain the Jeffersonians this
evening, at the college. The affair
is an old maids' and old bachelors'
party, and a jolly time is anticipated.-"
.. -S-.v
An appeal has been taken, in
the Neis-Whitaker hop contract
case. The case was tried at the
November term of the circuit court
and resulted in a verdict for the
Whitakers... .
Henry Allen of Corvallis, is
now garnering suui&uus uii lmuiu-
facturine in Montana. ' He is now
suoerintendent in the census de
partment, and is" at the head of a
gang of men in the Montana work.
, And now they have ; indicted
Brownell. They say he induced
others to lie. .In the Oregonian
some some years ago, Joe Simon
indicted the Clackamas statesman
of doing his own lying.
By a vote of 14 to 13, the sen
ate Wednesday turned down the
bill for a constitutional convention.
Brownell made a big speech for the
bill, and Pierce, democrat from
Umatilla led the opposition.
The father of Rural Carrier
Connor is seriously ill at the home
near Philomath. During the afar
sence of O. B. Connor, who is at
thejDedside, Jay Cooper is covering
- rural Route No. .2, his substitute in
turn driving on Route No. i. -
Robert McGrew who has been
Residing sincftcoilege,. x)pen.ed?JnJ
. what was formerly .ihe.parsoriage-
01 ine u,vangeiicai . cnurcn, .. nas
gone with his lamily to his home
' at Weston. A son remains in col
lege. . The family expect to return
to Corvallis again next year.
Tomorrows special on account
of the funeral of; the late .Edwin
Stone is ; expected from Yaquina
about 11 6'ciock. It is for the ac
commodation of the employes .of
tneroaa, tneir iamines, ana iDe
friends of Mr. Stone. It leaves Al
bany for the return" immediately
after the funeral. -
The funeral of the" late Ed
win Stone will be held at Albany;
at 1 p. m. Sunday. - The funeral
services will be held in the , Mason
" ic hall and will be conducted by
St. John's Lodge No.. 1.7 A. F,'. &
A. M. Tgmple commandry No:f 3
Knights Templar ' and - Albany
lodge, No. 359, B P. O. Elks will
act as an escort. The remains will
be interred at the Masonic . ceme-
tery; vs. - - I .'..'.,V-.V" :. : ; ,, '
-The Christian church having
been without a regular pastor since
the first of the year, arrangements
have been made with Rev. . Frank
E. Jones of Selma, California, to
- act temporarily in that capacity! or
a few weeks,, and it is probable he
may consent to continue permanent
ly. He will occupy the pulpit to
morrow at the morning services, to
which all are" cordially invited." He
comes highly recomniefided - as a
iorcerul speaker, and : an energetic
ana tireless worker. - ; . ,
. A Lincoln . County customer
recently sent . in a mail order to a
. local drug store. Af ter . enumerat
ing certain drugs that were wanted
the order went on to say,. "Send
also one bottle of oort wine and
one bottle of whiskey.' ' The drugs
were sent, but the accompanying
- letter bore the melancholv e-n1an.
ation that the town is dry and' that
the wet goods could not be sent.
"That's what you got. for the
way you voted." wrote the drug
gist." An answer came back-
"You bet I voted for licker."
Joy was unconfhied at he
Firemen's Smoker Tuesday - even
ing. An hour and a halfS was de
voted to , a lantern entertainment
presided over by Prof, Lake; Slides
had been borrowed from the Port
land Camera Club which holds
membership in the American Club
and has all manner of slides avail
able, and these were thrown on the
canvas. There were also numerous
i local pictures wnicn provided great
amusement. The remainder of the
evening was spent at, cards, pipes
ana cigars. ,
The billvfor creating a second
judge in Judge Hamilton's district
has passed the house. -
E. R. Bryson went to Toledo,
Thursday, to take testimony in a
case before a referee.
. Father Springer returned
Wednesday evening from a visit
in Portland.
A. J. Johnson returned Wed
nesday from a business- trip to
, " S. H. Moses and , wife of Phi
lomath visited relatives in Corval
lis Thursday. . .
Ira D. Bodine returned yes
terday from a business trip to In
dependence and Dallas. -
- r The bill for horizontal reduc
tion of the salaries of Benton, offi
cials passed the House Wednesday.
Miss Wjnnie--Loganhas re
turned from Seattle, Washington;
after a six-months' visit with-relatives,
. . j
In the estate of the late Sey
mour Chipman, W..L- Shedd, E.
Woodward and W. N. ;- Newton
have been appointed appraisers.
' George JFuller who has . for a
year been employed at , Fischer,s
Mills, has bought but Lee Henkle' s
interest in the dray - business,
- .
Forty nine Corvalllsites have
paid dog tax since January 1st. A
large number of canines are still
untagged. "
Members of the . Ladies Coffee
Club and their friends were enter-
tamed at City Hall Thursday ev
ening. The feature was a magic
lantern exhibition.
Mahara's Minstrels are to
parade at two this afternoon. Ac
counts are that the street parade is
wprth the price of admission.
Mrs. Harold Strong and chil
dren are to leave Wednesday for
California to join Mr. Strong who
is finishing a law course" at Stan
Late news describes the serious
illness of his only brother there,
and William Leadbetter expects to
leave today or Monday for London,
CanadaS - "
. At their last meeting the W
O. W. members received fraternal
visit from State' Organizers Day
and Tichner. There was
tion of candidates, and a
The legislature is memorializ
ing congress to establish an exper-
That -Wasn't Lony Corvallis Officers
and Tneir Midday Raid.
They were playing that one of
them was a crazy and that .the
others were a posse trying to. cap
ture him. They were all boys, but
some of them were big enough ;n
stature to - That accounts
for what happened as a result of
the play. The lunatic in a slouch
hat and tattered garments ' played
his part for all there was in it. He
gesticulated, jabbered and looked
wild of eye. He feigned so well
that a passing college professor
was fooled.- " The latter took it to
be a case of the real thing and hur
ried home to telephone to the sher
iffs office that a crazy man was
loose up on the commons south of
the; college and that a posse was
after him. " . ,
At the sheriffs office, Deputy
Wlls got into a bold, stern look,
and after phoning the chief of police
to meet him at a certain comer,
sallied forth to catch the lunatic.
Indue ft me the officers met, but
after that Wells traveled so fast in
the. effort to cage4 the crazy ican
that the Chief couidn't keep up
and the r under sheriff was alone
when he reached the- tribe.
"Where's that crazy man?" in
quired . the deputy between gasps
for breath, after his great haste.
. . . r . v 1 J ;
r our teen pans 01 eyes leveiuu sur
prised glances at him for a second
and then fourteen faces broke out
into as many" well defined grins.
; "Say, musn't say a blamed word
about this," the two officers said to
each other as they walked back to
town.. "No; not a word". Neith
er did they, but the lunatic asylum
couldn't wait till it got to town to
tell it. ,
At a Strange Time, and
Strange Persons-What Does
e. .. it fflean - :
rmen-t station at Yaquina Bay for
experimentation of oysters. , crabs,
and other shell fish" with a view to
discovery of varieties that may be
come of commercial value in the
the state. ' ;
The regular monthly session of
the county court transpired Wed
nesday. It "Was one of the short
est sessions on record. The pro
ceedings were confined to ' the al
lowance of the usual grist of bills
and to ordering the county clerk to
call forbids for wood. '
l Fruit & Waggoner bought
yesterday seventy five feet of ground
in the block north across the street
from Hotel Corvallis, and are short
ly to begin the erection of -a ; livery
Lstable thereon, The strip .begins
75 feet north of the southwest cor
ner of the block - and extends
northward. ' It was owned by E-E
Wilson and E. R. Bryson, and
went at $806. The deal was made by
Ambler & Watters. v,.
An interesting specimen of
hog meat has been under investi
gation at the college, in vthe past
few days. The meat - came from
Easter " Oregon? ' and ."conditiohs
seem to indicate that the" animal
was affected with varioloid, another
name for a very light form of small
pox. "This is the opinion of , Prof.
Pernot, bacteriologist, arid it is cor
incidedsin by Dr. Withycombe,
director)of the station. The books
tell of no case of the disease in a
hog, but record instances of variol
oid in horses, cows and sheep.1 A
sample of the meat, on - account of
its extraordinary character, ,- has
been sent to the bureau at Wash
ington D. G. ; . 7 "
Wheat valley 87
Flour.. 14. 10 to $4 25 per bll.
Potatoes $ ',75 to 85 per - cent
Eggs Oregon, 29 3oper doe.
Butter 12 c to per lb.
Creamery 22 to 32pe r lb.
." Corvallis. '
Aimottncement Extraoydinary
I This announcementt the most important ever made by any mercantile house in trie
Willamette Valley, must be of vast interest to every man, woman and child in this city
and vicinity. . - - - . . . '
- Our 35th Qearance Sale closed yesterday, and in giving thanks for your generous
patronage, I make the following extraordinary announcement. I will refund the money
on all cash purchases made on a certain day ofthe month of February, the day selected to
be announced in the "Times" of March 4th. No matter what you purchase for cash at
retail rates, be it a five cent or $100 purchase, if your duplicate checks bear the date of the
LUCKY DAY, your money will be cheerfully refunded. ' . .
Be sure and save' 'your duplicate checks secured with cash purchases as no money
will be refunded except on presentation of duplicate cash checks.
Buy something every day and you are bound to beoneofthe lucky ones. My popular
low prices will prevail during this month. All goods marked in plain figures.
- .. .. Mail orders accompanied by,cash will participate in this offer.
Corvallis Oregon.
S T "fd'T ""T 8"Fl! Regulator Lov Prices I
Read this Columnv Yoa may
. . Just What You Want. :
'jLadiee! If ypn once us9 Com
pressed 1 Yeast, you will have no
other; Ask for it, at Horning'e
- If you want hne china go to
Zierolfs. tie baa the .largest and
moat complete line in the city. 1-1
- s -' Wall Paper.
. Largest line ever shown in Corvallis,
To make room we will sell eood wall
paper 5c and 10c per roll. Come and
see. - Hollenbug & Cady.
' There was a fire alarm Thurs
day morning, ana tnereto nangs a
ale. It was an incendiary fire,
pure ana simple, une torca- was
applied to the woodshed that Stands
thirty or forty feet in the rear of
jewelry store. .Three
bottles of coal oil were used in the
-ffprt.t stariv.vtbe anfigissiipri.
The bottles were found afterward
and they leave no . doubt tbat it
was an incendiary's hand that ap
plied the match.' . '
All the details of the affair are
full of the. peculiar. Tbe effort
was to burnthe wood ,ia the shed,
whereiu the case was identical with
the Bryson fire. This is one pf the
things that causes talk, and more
or less wonderment why the fire
was set if only the destruction of
wood is desired. Such was the
plan at G-reffoz and Bryson' s, and
in each case coal oil was used.
Another curious thing at Gref
foz is that the match was lighted
at naif past Eixl or twenty - minutes
o seven in - the morning. That
was. a queer time to start a fire.
There had evidently been a watch
and await until the nightwatch had
gone to bed. All in all, there are
streaks of qucerdom all through
the incident; and a lot of mystery
besides.- Who is it that 1 wants to
burn woodsheds? . What do they
want to burn them for, anyway ?
The Greffoz blaze was discovered
and put out by R. F. Tatty, the
baker, Mr. Lowe, the ' telephone
man, and others who happened to
be in the Vicinity.- -
1300 shares of Great .Eastern
Mining Co stock for. saleat!io cents
a share. Address Locfc "box 62,
Corvallis.- j28-4t
Wheat 80 per bushel. ;
0&tB 40
Flour 1.15 to i.2oper sack
Butter 50 per roll
Creamery 7 o per roll '
Esjgs 25 ; per doz v
Chickens' 15 per pound -Lard
12 per lb
Moses Bros, are all right on gro
ceries. ,
Highest prices paid for chickens
l and eggs "at Moses Bros.' c -- "
r " Chicken Pie Supper.
There is much activity among
the First Methodist ladies this
week, preparations on an extensive
scale being under way for their
chicken pie supper. The event oc
curs Saturday night in Miller's hall
and everyone has an invitation
Plenty to eat from 5 to 8.
Fo,r Sale. -
fe nice" houses in Cbrvatlisn
well located. Also farm implements
1 McCormick binder, 1 Bain wag
on-, steam woodsaw, all in good
order. Write or enquire of
- Chas. Everett,
Second & VanBuren sts.
-:A .-. Corvallis.
ON ALL : .
and Overcoats
$0 reserve, every garment in the house Kup
,penheimers and all. See ur r th vnndow.
Wben you ake up in the morning,
.- And do not feel just right,
You settle down to breakfast
With a want of appetite.
There is nothing that is better
To revive your sinking soul, -Thana
cup of Seal Brand coffee
Steaming in the flowing bowl.
It is Seal Brand coffee
Don't forget the special brand.
Its such a splendid seller;
And our patrons call it "Grand."
Buy it once, and try it;
' You will find it out of sight
All our customers want it,
And the price is always right.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that
there is money in the city treasury
to pay general fund warrants Nos.
as follows: 3409 3406. 3410, 341 1
3415, 3416,3425, 3431,.. Alebfrom
no. 3432 to number 3437 inclusive,
Interest wil. stop on . same from
this date. " .
Dajed at Corvallis, Or? Jan
; m. McLagan,
- ' , ; :'. , City Treas.
s The "Flatiron" Hat
Latest Spring Styles Just Received
: Always $3, never less.
F L M I l l ER
At Dunn & Thatcher's.
-Cracked cotn t- -Graoulated
Granulated bone
Crystal Gfit "
1.60 per cwt.
1.75 "
1.60. " ;
"And we handle the very . best poultry
and stock foods. ' .
- Call and look over our stock of grocer
ies, granite and tinware: also carry 'nails.
Y7'ft nr - patients are
W til best advertisements
be ,
. To fit' yoa is to fit your
VllC fi iends. in the future
Every pair of glasses
fitted by us sells others
. We want to add you to
our chain -
,HATTHEWS the Optician
toom iover ss&t i sje.
, 'Short",on Perunaj ut "longon
prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pouud box
es, J1.50. - - F, Li, Blfer,
For Sale.
' Mill feed, flour, wheat," oats, vetch,
chicken feed,- potatoes,' wood "and 'gravel
Delivered to all parts of city. " . ' ' -r -Phone
342i Opposite - Steam Lau ndry
v . ' John Beach. " "
. Page Woven Wire Pence
Best in tbe market. Most economical
for farm or other nsei5 Orders promptly
filled. Addresj. ' : '.. ' - . :
r' Charles K Allen, Agent, .:
"Ji4-im . PhilomathOr. :
A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber
all lengths. : .
v. At Corvallis saw mill for f 6.50 per M.
I Notice of Final Settlement. -.
Notice is hereby given that the final
account has been filed in the matter of
the Last Will and Testament of Guilford
Barnard, deceased, and Judge Virgil E,
Watters has set Saturday. February nt
at 11 o'clock a. m. ' at County - Voxut
room. Court house, to hear objections
thereto if aDy there be. ' . i . . -.
Robt. Kyle, Ector
Bated this Dec 29, 1904, . - -
Rubber Goods
Millinery, . . .
Shoes, Etc. . .
GriiEAT SllOK S ALE.-The Largest Assort
ment of Shoes ever offered 011 speeial sale in Philo
math, comprising the entire stock of Men's, Women's
and ChUdreh's Shoes, will be on sale during the month
of February, at ' " s
J- E; Henkle's Gash Store.
Eacfi will be offered at reduced prices. This reduc
tion is made for cash only. There are special prices
on Rubber Goods men's, women's, boys', children's
rubber boots, rubber and oil coats. . We also call you
attention to our large assortment of Millinery Goods
which are offered on special sale,
J.'E. HENKLE, Philomath, Or.
Physician & Surgeon,
Omce np stairs in Burnett Brick Res
idence on the corner of Madison and
Seventh at. Phone at honse and office
- All Calls promptly attended.
. AT'
Only St '
tiU Fuildiug,
t6 in Couirty