The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 28, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVII -No. 37.
H.F. TRVINM Kdltor,
and Proprietor
r Eara
YbuXan Secure
; : ,'-- '-,"' . .
aitis throughout
Our Entire Store "fW
Every department
filled vvith choice
; goods and prices
should interest you
Store with two Fronts
Jefferson and Second St.
v :,j
Strikers Issue Proclamation Calling
Upon the .People Jo Revolt
Strikers -Are 'Joined by. -.
. "Socialists Govern- -
ment Property '
Burned. . -St.
Petersburg, Jan. 24. The au
thorities are confident that they
have tha situation well, in hand.
There is no confirmation of the re
port that: the emperor, empress and
their children are going to Copen
hagen ' .. "
Father Uopon'e popularity is un
impaired, bnt the social democracy
is last assuming the leadership and
urging the people to -violence. It
is learned that Gopon has. sent the
following letter to the social demo
crats: .. .s : . - ri',; -.; "
i'They have fired upon and mas-,
sacred us, but we are not vanquish
ed, and the day o our triumph iff
near. Dj not spoil our triumph by
taking up arms and resorting to vi
olence. ; Contents yourself with
destroying the portraits of him who
is no longerpur emperor,"
ThTs appeal failed to Opacify i so
cial, democrats of workmen,' "who
are clamoring fox. vengeance. ,
The strikers today are circulat
ing proclamations. People are ea
gerly accepting the documents
which are signed "The Kussian oo-
cial- Democracy." , One proclama
tieb issued'yesterday, after describ
ing the bloodshed of bunday, fays:
- ,"Whekdirected the soldiers, to
aim rifles :; and fire - bullets at the
breasts of laborers?- It was the em
peror, the grand dukes the minis
ters, the general?, the nobles of the
ourt.-i Tnev are . murderers ifc slay
-Fine Light Sample Rooms.
. iff
J. C Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. ; Recently opened. New
brick building. , - Newly furnished, with modern con-g
veniences. ; Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, ;Fire Es-
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. - Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam- $j
ette Valley, j , . 1: j , s
Rates:: $1.00, $1,25 and $2.00 per. day..
bave.all slruek and'there will be no
newspapers in Moscow today. The
gas and electric light works are idle
asJ guaided by the troops. :-; V
-r lCp, to noon 1000 strikers , had
quit, work at Moscow. ' "Ten: thous
and .are now out. " The employes
of Hoppers' actoriesVtiita . morniBg
refused to quit work, but a mob of
500 strikers forced an entrance to a
factory and ejected the workmen
and demolished the machinery.
Employes of tanneries were per
suaded to join the strikers this af'
t6rs.'1oni.',' All arms" have been rv
?ed from gunsmith shops, most
o.t which have been closed to" pre
vent the strikers from obtaining
weapons. -... ' : . ';:..
The revolt is spreading rapidly.
This afternoon tb.8 employes of the
Ba&brusbin, Michaeloft, jamilinder,
and bshraeder faotones, in tbe-Mas-
cow district, joinedpthe strikefs. $
f rom b .bastopot- com6 details of
the'inutiny-6f 'S.OOO.nraged J sa
ors, the burning of the naval yar&
and the sacking of the city. -1 Sol
diers have refused to fire upon 'the
mutineers and joined the outbreak;
f rom Libau comes , word that the
imperial yacht Standard is expect
ed there to convey the' czar aud his
family to Copenhagen. -The czar's
whereabouts is a secret, and tb
Grand Dukes Vladimir and Serglus
have seized the actual reics of gov-1
efhrnebt. 1
The workmen in other cities, no-
tabljKharkoff, where the" locomo
tive works are located,1 pave gone
out on strike, and prospects are that
the 'strike will be extended throagn-
out All industrial centers in Khseia.
Armed bodies of men are reported
marching on the capital from vari
ous quarters. Twenty thousand
men'tre known to be en route to St.
Peter;urg from the Capitol works,
16 Chiles away. The report that
worKingmen ,from the .provinces,
are coining has - precipitated a pan
ic amns the arietocratic; element,
and fdldiers have been sent to" in-,
tercei.f;hese advancing bodies. 4 f
:Rr-ors from Finland " are jAhe
effecf f that revolution ; has Sroken
out ijiHreughout c thatf coantry and
ttlEiggforsi win .a.etata in
errection '-
the Finnish coast, comes the report
that strikers have raided the govern
ment rifle factory and de
stroved the railroad for a distance
of A ve mi!e3.. .. '
At Vienna the strike ba3 com
menced, though the town is 4&uiet,
. At noon 'thousadds of strikers
had assembled at - Nevsky Prosp'
pekt. Outgoing trains are carrying
the wives ana children ox many
prominent citizens to outlying pla
ces of Fafety. .
it. . i .
"To arms, comrades! Seize the
gunsmUhsjJay low the prison walls,
liberate the defenders of freedom!
''Demolish police stations and all
government and state buildings.
We mus.t throw down the emperor
and the government and lave our
own government! Long live the
revolution!". "
The proclamation issued by the
strikers, dated January 22, reads:
"Comrades: So long as the au
tocracy exist?, no improvement in
our condition is possible. There
fore we continue to inscribe on our ' During the night the strikers tore
Emperor" fWantedv to Know the
Cause of the Uprising; but Is
Deceived by Lies VladiC
. -mir Prevented the Em
. pefor from Meeting , -7
' , Strikers. '
London, Jan. 25. The following
dispatch has been received from St.
Petersburg: : r. ;" -
"It is stated on good authority
this morning that the czar has been
but imperfectly informed as. to"' the
events of the last few days. It is
said that when the noise of firing
by -troops on the mob Reached Tsar
skoe Selo Sunday, the czar, who
was dining at the time, suddenly
sprang from his chair and address
ed the company: ' " - i-v s?.
" 'I beg you in the name of God
and for.-tne good of the fatherland,
tell me the' truth about this move
ment' among the people. What
does it all mean? Ia my life or. is
my throne endangered?" ; 1 ; -; ,
h The grand dukes it is said,
Bought to calm the czar by mislead
ing information." . -; ; ; ?
-When shown the above dispatch
this morning a person who speaks
ith the highest authority . because
of his connection with court circles
in.St. Petersburg 8aid:v.rO " V""r
Every word of the telegram is
true r The movement js ho more
industrial uprising, c It is not even
a political insurrection. Its real
character is an attempt by ? grand
dukes, led by ; Grand - Duke Vla
dimir, to .depose the czar and - seize
the throne for Vladimir. It was
Vladimir who permitted the strike
to grow, who prevented the czar
from receiving the strikers and who
ordered . Sunday's ; massacre...'- ': His
objsct isof ferment discord between
the eopea3 the-c'zai"aDdwbee
the tiil-iipeaS iiixo'adsiaipVSait
to the army to make him czar, say
ing:; ". 'Pat tne in his stead and
you and I will save Rustua."4 j -
South Main St., CoryaMis, Ore. -
Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
banners . the.: following demands
The immediate cessation of war;
The summoning of a' constitutional
assembly of representatives.: of the
people elected by universal and
equal suffrage and direct secret bal
lot; the removal of class and race
privileges and restrictions; the in
violability of.person and domicile;
freedom of conscience, speech, the
press, meetiri . s, strikes- a,od politic
al Bseociaticn.". T -
:r A third proclamation applies ' to
the people not to attempt to injure
private property. v -
'Revolutionists are reported to be
actively preparing bombs and in;
fernal machines. ':
The revolutionists talk wildly of
issuing a manifesto declaring a pro
visional government. They seem
to -have broken off completeiv
with the zemstvos, which they tnr
with contempt on account of w?
they call its "truckling" to autr -
Art Calendars, Sofa .Pillow. Covers,
And other Photographic Novelties. ,
Gun 6tore
- Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle, v
Sporting Goods,. Sewing; Mach. Extras,
oi au rvinas, ana r-ine Cutlery - :
down the telephone wires which
run from St. Petersburg to Tsars'
koe Selo ad also attempted to
plunder the big Universal Provider
etore, but were repelled
: Fifteen hundred workmen broke
into the Ssostroresk rifle factory
and.rp!undered all the rifles in the They destroyed the nar'
row guage railroad from St. Peters
burg to Sestroresk and-are report
ed to have "destroyed a section of
the railway running from St. Pe
tersburg" to Moscow. '
fenee. Many of the police were kill--edVinstantly.
.Others were frightfully-
Hostilities continued for four-
days. Frequent clashe3 occurred
during this period,' the police using
their rifles freely and killing many.
It is estimated that more than 100
deaths occurred. v The uumber of
deaths ia stated to be very ' great.
and the fighting still continues.
Watch for
spring goods.
Moses B303.' near.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 25. At' to
day's session of the municipal coun
cil a resolution was moved strongly
protesting ' against the firing of
troops upon defenseless workmen
on January 22 and declaring that
the council revolted , against such?
ruthlessness, which undermines the
pillars of civil order, and considered
it to be its duty to vote $1250 for the
victims'8 families, . ,
"" The president prohibited discus
sion of the -resolution, but an
amendment voting the money with- '
out question as to whether the vic
tims were innocent or gnilty was
permitted and adopted by a large
majority. -
Remember Nolan? & -Callahan's
January Sale , is uqw running ia
full blast. - Bargains all along Jhe
line. v7:;v ' - : '
' Sevastopol, Jan. 241 The burn
itag of ths admiralty yards at Se-1
vastopol was the result of a mutiny
of 8,000 sailors who, joined by the
soldierp aie racking the city.
Wea the doors of, the barracks,
v-re thrown open yesterday several
. 'iis&jid sailors forced their way
-, tb street, and seizing every?
-ing ihey sould lay their hands
returned to tbe-om
Berlin, Jan. 25. Adispatchfiom
Lodz, Russian roland, to the Frank'
furter Zeitucg, a very conservative
and thoroughly reiiable.? organ,
states that Borne days ago "a social
ist leader was shot dead in that
city by the police on the street, al
though the man could easily have
been arrested without trouble.
Immediately after the killing the
executive committee of the socialist
party held a secret session, at which
it was decided to take vengeance
for the murder. All members of
the party who could be reached at
short notice were gathered together
and informed of tbe resolution.
From the meeting place the
Reds proceeded through various
streets, dynamiting everything in
sight. ..They threw, bombs into the
prison yard, into Vodka saloons,
into the hallway of the Town Hall
and through the windows of various
municipal buildings, and finally
moved against the barracks and
bureau of the police. A determio
ei; attack was made on theee struc
tures. ' '
Bombs were thrown among groups
of policemen gathered for the de
Tew York,' Jan. 25. Not since
the blizzard of 1888, by which all
storrns are estimated as great or
email, has New York been snow
bound as it is tonight. The city
itself is lying nnder a foot of snow
that in many places has been bank- n
ed by the wind to a height of sever- N
al feet. Surface travel early in the '
day was abandoned, overhead trans
it was irregular and alow, and it
remained lor the underground roads
to carry home, so far as they could
reach, the hundreds of . thousands
of workers of the down-town dis- ,
tricts. . - .
Tha entire coast line rom tho "
Dslaware capes nothj-has been in .
the grasp of a storm which, because
Of tns-bevy fsli of .eaow, the
tensity of cold and ths force of the
gale, has exceeded in severity any-:
thine experienced in years.
Everywhere railroad traffic is de
layed; reports of disasters to shipj
ping are coming in, and with the
rapidly falling thermometer much
suffering must ensue. So severe
was the storm in this city that even
during the day hours several per
sons were frozen to death or died
from exhaustion. Tonight the hos-
pvtais, tne ponce stations ana ine
nouses of refuge are crowded to
their capacity.
i in as weanons.
Even Prince Trubetzkoi, who iel ters' quarters end - practically , de
a flt Arm -1 IV1 rcirrxrr t n iant ! .? i 1 il mi . j
mousnea mem. i ne mutineers
the reformers of Moscow, is regard
ed by them with suspicion, and even
hawed, because in L an article pub
lished by the Prayo he described
the revolution as a "Port Arthur
inside of Russia," which Russia
would have to overthrow. M. Mes-
sen, editor of the Fravo, whose ad-
vauced liberal views are well known
has;been arrested. ' -
St. Petersburg, Jan. 24. The
fires of " revolution ' are blazing
throughout Russia. From many
parts come details of strikes, up
rising and violence. . . - -
Rebellion has broken out at Ran
dom, Poland, 7 miles' south of
Warsaw. The rebels have destroy-.
ed the public buildings with dyna
mite. A pitched battle occurred in
the streets between rebels, who are
well Armed, and troops. , Three of
ficers, many rebels and' soldiers
were killed.
At Moscow tne strikers are
marehing about the city gathering
j recruits sb they go. The 'printers
Tokio, Jan. 24. Tbe Japanese
are keenly watching the develop
ment of St. Petersburg. The newspapers-publish
extras with accounts
of the riota, which are eagerly read.
The people were shocked at the
death roll, and there is a wide
spread feeliug that the bureaucracy
will be powerless to stem the tide
of reforms, and that the downfall
of the bureaucratic system must
end the war. A member of the
foreign legation paid- -'
"The war U over unless the Rus
sian pbople are crushed with an
iron heel. It has brought about a
crisis. The Japanese army is now
fighting the battle cf the Russian
then seized the officers and set fire
to the buildings, and rushed wildly
through the streets crying, "The
revolution has begun."'
A detachment of sailors made
straight for naval quarters and
preparations were made to meet
the attack from inside the buildiDg.
But the soldiers mutinied and re
fused to fire, saying that if they
were compelled to 6hoot,- officers
would be the targets.
The rioting sailors in the . mean
time had set fire to the - vast com
plex of buildings forming the old
admiralty yards. ' At 50 points at
once ore was set and the names
spread rapidly. The majority of
the structures will be destroyed.
lThe sailors are still running amuck.
r It is reported that the last divi
sion of the Baltic Equadron, now
en route to Madagascar, will be re
called.;. 1 -.- ;
Malclrig? Powder
Madces CleoLi Bred
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.'
Holiday goods
Moses Bros.'
at cut prices, at
'Full insuctions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook."
book1 for making - all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake
with Royal Baking ".Powder. Gratis to any ' address.