The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 25, 1905, Image 2

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    Oorvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
TO OWN locks:
"Events transpiring in Russia are
of immense import. They may be
the beginning of another French
revolution. The iron hand of aut
ocracy has held Russian millions
in servility far longer than those
millions deserved.They were in act
ual serfdom until forty years ago,
and have been scarcely better than
serfs sjnce, yy 1ft htimatt rights es-'
S 1 . - 4. 1 .. . 5.41.
teemed and exaitea in every umci
nation, it is but natural that Rus
sian peasantry Should request it,
Sunday they" marched under peace
ful banners in an attempt to see the
czar, and their answer was bullets
and volleys from imperial troops.
All the day, rioting continued at
St Petersburg, and at nightfall the
streets were red with blood that a
merciful snowfall blotted out.
At Sevastopol Monday, 8,000 sai
lors attacked and burned the admi
ralty yards. An industrial strike
that in fact carries the seeds of rev
olution with it, is spreading all over
the empire. Sedition pervades the
army, and in several instances sol
diers have refused to obey superior
officers, Several detachments that
were ordered to fire on a mob, fired
into the air. - One statement is that
the czar is in hiding and that the
real authority is in the grand dukes,
What scenes are to be presented in
the drama on which the curtain
come ricino Txrrr1r1 Turin 1 if"
watches, almost shudders to see.
Supervisors Claims.
Following is a list of claims as
filed by the supervisors for the Eev
eral road districts as salary for the
4th quarter 1904.
A T Wison sup dist no 1
H M Fleming
H J, Hall
Lewis Wentz
E M Dodele
John Price
WM Clark
A Cadwalader
C R Ballard
- C R Ballard
J R Fehler -
-G- R Taylor
J E Banton
E N Starr -DB
J M Herron
Doke Gray
C E Banton '
Henry Hector
35 W Harris
J O Wilson
$lo 00
7 5o
32 5o
.5 00
7 3&4 35 co
8 20 00
9 27 5o
10 3 quar3o 00
10 4
16 l7
28 75
22 50
65 00
37 So
- 5 00
7 S3
20 00
4o 00
i3 75
At Oregon Gty Avery's Resolution
for Government Purchase.
There is rental of effort to open
the locks at Oregon City - free
traffic. Fifty cents per ton is now
charged for all the freight tnat
passes either way through the locks
It is claimed, that this fifty cents
per ton serves as a differential by
which freights on both rail and
water is kept fifty cents, per ton
higher than it would be were the
tax for passage through the locks
removed. The plan is for the fed
eral government to purchase the
locks and open the river to free
navigation. Such a course was
berlain in his message. A con
current resolution on the subject,
introduced by Senater Avery has
passed both houses by unanimous
vote, and is as follows."
Whereas, an act was passed by
the legislative assembly ' of the
state of Oregon m 1 870 appropriat
ing money to the Willamette Falls
Canal & Locks Company to aid in
the construction of a canal ' and
locks in the Willamette river, at
Oregon City, Oregon, and by the
terms of said act the . said corpora
tion was empowered to charge at
the rate of 50 cents per ton for frei
ght and 10 cents for each and every
passenger passing through said
locks; and '
Whereas, the rate thus permitted
to be charged fixes the amount
chargeable against all freight and
passengers whether carried by. riv
er or rail traveling in either direc
tion along ' the Willamette river;
Whereas, the producers and ship
pers of the state ought to have the
benefit of this tax, which if remov
ed would increase the value of com
modity now passing through . said
locks ; and . .'
wnereas. tne Willamette river
ought to be open to free navigation
and this can only be accomplished
by government ownership of the
said canal and locks at Oregon
; Now therefore, be it resolved
by the senate, the house concurring
tnat our representatives m congress
be and they-hereby are memorializ
ed to introduce in' congress, and
endeavor by all honorable means to
procure the passage of a bill pro
viding for the purchase by the gov
ernment of the said canal and locks
at Oregon City, . and if the price
thereof cannot be agreed upon be
tween the present owners thereof
and the government that an act be
passed authorizing the condemna
tion of said canal ; and ' locks, or
the construction of a canal and
locks on the opposite side of the
river from that now constructed,
and appropriating a sufficient sum
of money for that purpose.
Any and all persons knowing of
any objections to the allowance of
said claims, should file them with
the clerk on or before the 1st day
of Feb, I904. V
By order of county court.
This Jan 14, 1905. .
Victor P. Moses,
Co. Clerk of Beaton Co. '
Read this Column, You may
Just What You Want.
A Reward
A suitable reward will be paid for the
Teturn to my place or for information
that will lead to the recovery of a red
setter pnp, six months old.
: Grover Avery, Inavale.
. ; For Sale v
30,000 choice English Cluster hop
roofs,-one year bid English walnut trees
and .Red and Black Logan berry . vines
in any quantity. Write for prices.
J. B. Munn
Dallas, Oregon. r"
Our best hat advertisements ap
pear on the heads of our customers.
Nolan & Callahan.
OCT Co' 9 Steamers
Leave Corvsllis Mondays .Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a. m. For
further information call on.
'. ' . Agent. "
Both phones. " ' 1
At or about Thanksgiving -one yellow
or dark sable colored dog. White breast
white ring around neck: white fore feet;
tip of tail white; small strap around neck
and small snap fastened in strap; ans
wers to name of Tarn. Liberal reward
offered for any information leading to
, his recovery. Address
1 ' Dan Savage, ,
Willamina, Or .
Compressed Yeast can be had at
Homing's.- It saves much time
and lador.
When you wake up in the morning,
And do not feel just right,
You settle down to. breakfast ;
With a want of appetite. '
There is nothing that is better
To revive "your sinking soul,
Than a cup of Seal Brand coffee
Steaming in the flowing bowl. .
Xt is Seal Brand coffee '
Don't forget the special brand. -Its
such a splendid seller;
And our patrons call it "Grand."
Buy it once, "&nd try it;
You will ijnd it out of sight u;
All pur customers want it,
And the price is always right.
, - P. M. ZIEROLJ?.
Those wishing typewriting done
at reasonable rates call on Mamie
C Starr, cor Washington & Main.
OJbat eood
Is a ?Uatei)
Of Benton Officials Bill Introduced at
Salem Affects all of Them. '"
A bill -to reduce the salaries of all
the officers of Benton county has
beerf introduced in . the house at
Sale. The proposition is to cut
twenty per cent off the present sal
ary of each official, the law. to tak,e
effect at the end of the turrent
terms. ' It would make reductions
as follows: Sheriff, from $2,000 to
$1, $00; clerk,-from $1,800 to $1,
440; recorder, $1,000 to$8oo; coun
ty judge, from $900 to $720; treas
urer from 28500 to $400; county
superintendent, from $1,090 to $800 i
lhe assessors' pay usually - ranges
from $800 to $950, " and there is
provision in the bill for the salary
of that officer to be cut with . che
rest, at the rate of twenty per cent.
. The present salaries of the offi
cers are at a point where they have
stood for a long time. The sher
iff's pavever since the time of
Peter Rickard in that office has
been-$2,ooo per year with an al
lowance for a deputy only during
circuit court terms. In iqo-?, the
allowance for the deputy amounted
to $34-91- Fr 1904, the allowance
was $29 60 for the year. The
practical condition is that the sher
iff receives $2000 and pays his own
deputy. The cost of the deputy
hire amounts to several - hundred
dollars during the course of a year.
It cost Peter Rickard $600 per year
during the four years that he serv
ed in the office. " Sheriff Burnett
does not keep a regular .deputy in
the office but has one in every pre
cinct in the county. :By reason of
his long experience and fine ability
as an accountant and otherwise he
is able with such help as he occas
ionally provides at his own expense
to conduct the office on the $2000.
The proposal in the case of the
clerk is to cut the salary to $1440;
Uuder the present arrangement the
pay is $1,800, with ah allowance
for a deputy only during court
terms and in making up the exten
sions on the tax roll. The arrange
ment was made away back in the
Hufford dynasty in the" county
judge's office. Before that, both
the sheriff and the clerk were each
allowed a deputy at county expense
The court was of one political faith
however, and the sheriff and clerk
of another, and when a wave of
retrenchment struck the county,
the deputies were both cut off, save
the present small allowance The
deputy allowance in the clerk's
office amounts to about $175 per
year. In 1903, it was $182; in
1 904 , . $ 1 84. -Clerk Moses pays his
deputy $600 per year, putting up
the extra amount of more than $400
out of his own pocket.
In the recorder's office, there , is
no deputy allowance. The salary
is $1,000, and it is always paid, by
the public for recording deeds,
mortgages, and other documents.
The fees during the two years of
Recorder Vincent's first term were
in round numbers, $2,250, against
his salary of $2000 for the 2 years.
The fees received in the offiee from
the 1st of July to January ist, were
$615.60 The salary for the period
was Ssoo.
The treasurer's salary is $500,
and it is proposed te reduce , it to
$400. Treasurer Buchanan gives
a bond of $20,000- and j this bond
costs him $60 per year. As cut the
actual salary received by the treas
urer weuld be $340. The propasi-
tion is silly. - .'-
The aounty superintendent m
this new bill is to be cut from $1,
000 to $800 per year. . The k super
intendent visits each school in the
county twice a year. There are 58
schools and a trip to each of them
twice a year is said to involve about
4ooo miles of traveling;- - '
It is said to be the plan to with
draw the bills originally introduced
by the Benton members. These
were Carter' s bill to cut the , salar :
ies of the county judge and county
superintendent, and Avery's bill
abolishing the office of county -re
corder. It is supposed ' that the
hew bill will pass. It is also sur
mised that in case it does, that
thereafter there will be allowances
for deputies in the principal offices
M Hail Orders Received During this Sale will be Filled at Clearance Sab Prices.
35th omw jaMarx 35th
Has commenced and like its thirty-four predecessors, it will continue until February 1st
4nd be conducted on the same broad plans that have made them the.
greatest bargain opportunities of the year
if it don't keep right time. ' Per
haps yours is not running as it
should, "suppose you bring it to us.
New mainspring, none better, $1
Cleaning, ordinary watch, $1 .
Can not be done better at any price
Matthews the Jeweler.
Roomi2 over Nat'l Bank
Night Was Her Terror. '
"I would couch nearly all night long '
writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexan
dria, Ind., "and could hardly; get anv
sleep. I had consumption so bad that if
1 waited a blocs I would cougn mgnt
fully and spit blood , but when all oiher
medicines tailed, three i.UO bottles of Cr
King's New Discovery "wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds." Zt is absolute
ly guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La
Grippe? Bronchitis and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Price 50c and fi.oo.
Trial bottles iree at Allen & Woodwards
Chicken Feed.
Cracked corn for chicken feed,
any quantity from one sack to car
load lots. Cheaper than wheat.
carry a fall -line of , poultry
supplies. r.l,. Miller. 1
Silks and Dress Goods
Black, -white and colored dress fabrics,
black and fancy silks, velvet and velvet
eens at a great sacrafice
$ 50 values reduced to $ 41
75 do 59
1 00 do 83
1 25 do 1 04
1 50 do 1 21
Ladie's Furs. '
v All the latest styles, and here ia
$L 50 Furs reduced to $1
2 50 do
3 50 ' do
5 00 do
7 50 do
Ladies Cloaks.
I will sell all the odd sizes and styles
of ladies and Misses Jackets I have at
$2 00. 1904-5 Tourist Coats and Jack
ets and Misses Coats and Jackets at a
Big Reduction.
At a general reduction ofT 10 per cent.
A few styles that I will discontinue at
Half Price.
Mens and Boy Qothing and Overcoats.
Every suit and overcoat reduced, including the staples. Blue Serges and black
unfinished worsteds. ; These garments were not bought up for this sale but are the
famous Hart, Shaftner StMarx and Banner Brand make.
5 5
00 Mens Suits and Overcoats $
$13 50 Mens Suits and Overcoats $10 60
15 00
16 50
18 00
20 00
12 15
13 25
14 40
15 95
5o Boys Suits and Overcoats selling at
00 do
00 v do
00' : , do
00 - ' do
Broken lines of boys and mens suits at Half Price.
Shoe Department.
Everything in shoes and. slippers for
ladies , men and children at persuading
prices. .
Ladie's Hosery and Underwear.
Clearance sale prices prevail in this
department. The Black Cat Brand are
25c Armoufs washing powder 3 lbs 1 5c
15c Rex 100 per cent Lye..... ...3 cans 25c
Good Sardines, 6 cans..............L;......25c
Arm & Hammer, Schillings Soda 4pk 25c
Naptba Soap 4 bars. .. 25c
Western Yeast per pkg ........,.............03c
I X L Macroni and Cheese, 3 cns......25c
I X L Chicken Tamales, per
Sniders Oateup, large bottle............I9c
Red Ribbon Con Cream, per, can ..10c
Blankets, . Etc.
V Clearance sale prices prevail on blank
ets comforts, white quilts, sheets and
Ladie's Shirt Waists.
Wool and silk in all the new colors and
styles. . ...
Reduced from $5 00 to $4 00 .
do . do 4 5oto 3 63
5o to
00 to
5o to
00 to
5o to
25 to
. ' Special.
12c Vicuna cloth." reduced
12c Napped Shirting do
Best quality outing flannel
Our Annual Clearance Sale includes every Department of this Great Stock of Good Merchan-
dise, and the radical reductions apply to every article excepting only a
s few lines the prices ol which the manufacturers control,
The White House.
Regulator Low Prices
$3 Rate to Portland and Return.
The S P is selling round trip
tickets petween Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going " Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
of Monday , following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon : train . from : Albany
to Portland to Portland on Satur
days if Eastside is taken. Passeng
ers to pay local fare between Cor
vallis and Albany.
VT'tf Our - patients are our
VV ill best advertisements '
"XT ' Every ,pair of glasses
'Y-Olt fitted by us sells others
1 We want to add yon to
DC our chain - '
To fit you ia to fit your
VyllCfiiends in the future
NSy MATTHEWS the Optician.
X Room 12 over Nat'l Bk.
Join the crowds onward to Nolan &
Callahan's great reduction sale.
It's hard to convince the long
range doubter, but if you will take
a little time to drop in during No
lan & Callahan's .Reduction Sale
they will show you values in Suits
and Overcoats that you positively
cannot resist if you are in the
Moses Bros, are all right on gro'
ceries. -
To be
; Healthy Wealthy Wise
.Trade . at
Moses Brothers