Vol: XVII.-N6. 37. CORVALLIS, OREGON, JANUARY 25. 1905. B.F. rBVINB Editor, and Proprietor For jaiwaw You Can Secure iargains Cbrougbout Our Entire Store u Every department filled with choice goods and prices should interest you Store with two Fronts Jefferson and Second St. XH.HARRI! A TRAIN HOLD-UP PASSENGERS ON O. ROBBED,' R. & N. Free Bus;' Fine Light Sample Rooms. ' SVf : Hotel :- -.Cbrvallis J. C Bammel, Prop. Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. 'Recently opened. New: bric. building. Newly furnished with modern-con-! veniences." Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-' capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. 'Fine single i rooms. JUegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. Hates: $1 .00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. . : ami's music 'Store - of Albany, Oregon removed to 350 Alder street Portland Oregon. Write ; for prices, save money. Special atten- ' . v tion to mail orders ,... ............. - Cecilian, the Perfect Piano Four Masked Men Make Their Es cape Posse Starts in Pursuit Watches", and Draft for $750 Included in Booty Robbers Board Spo kane Flyer. Portland. . Jan. 22. While the "Spokane Flyer" was rushing through the darkness between East jeer answered with , & plead. The robber opened' the wal let and found that it contained, be sides some bills, a draft for $750 This" he took and then returned the wallet to its owner. . While this was going on, the oth er two bandits met Pullman Con ductor John Hayes in the car. Hayes had jast finished making his collections and carried a large sum of money on bis person. They went through Hayes' pockets and relieved him of $75 in. cash 'and a watch. ; The bandits then forced Hayes with their ' revolvers to go back to the smoker. They pushed him in and then the four withdrew to the door, . keeping their victims covered meanwhile. As they gain ed the aisle one of, them reached up ana poHed the air cord. The engin- whietje, and Portland station and Thirty-fourth street, ehortly before 7 o'clock last night, masked bandits entered the rear door of the Walla Walla sleep er, the last car of the train, and at the point of a pistol compelled the occupants to deliver their valua bles. The robbers then stopped the train by pulling' the air .cord, sprang off into the night and dis appeared. -They fired several shots as the train slowed down and thns frightened away pursuit. John Hayes, the well-known Pull man conductor, was one of the vtcUickerexchaDger, offered tims aod togeiner witn me passen gers the robbers obtained from them $750, several watches Pioneer Guii t6re r Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle, , Sporting Goods, Sewing JVlach-. Extras, of airr; a "p; rvi H. E H Ci r pro ,. - rnofM i ie rr- . bw, WI VtLllv?, JWm V v t. r a arait lor and about $15o in cash As ebon as the '. robbery became known at police headquarters- offi cers were notified to 'be on the alert, and a posse of policemen, de tectives and railway officers Jeit on ! engine for the Bcene of the robbery. Officers guarded the bridges and the Vancouver ferry. The posse spent the, night looking for evidence at the scene of the robbery and in searching throughout the neighbor ing country. The tram left the Union station on time, at 0:15 o'clock. The train crossed the bridge and pulled into the iiiast rortland station. I1 our men were near the station- at . the time, but made no effort to board the train. , It is thought that these four men were the'robbers and that they boarded the train as it started to pullaway tbrongh Sullivan's Gulch. As the train gained headway the rear door of theWalla Walla sleep er, the last . car, opened suddenly and two maeked men entered the car. They both had revolvers in their hands. They walked to the little door leading into the smok ing room, in the rear end of the sleeper, covered Biz men, Sinot, Norden, Duffy, Coman, .Nicholson and Atherton with their revolvers. Both men appeared to be about 5 feet 10 inches high and weighed 160 pounds. - w "Hands up!" commanded one of tbe two. : Those in the smoker, realizing that a robbery was in progress, lost no time in complying with the re quest. As they did so, they noticed two other maeked and armed men pass the door of the smoker and go into the eleeper proper.; ' y In the meantime those bandits in the smoker prepared for business.;- They went about if coolly, as though they were old' hands. While one covered the victims the other advanced and startt d to go through the men's pockets. Sic not was relieved of all the money be had on his person, something l;k $25. The robber then advar " ' to' Nordon and took from his pcx -- small -purse containing seviv..i dollars. He noticed a diamond stud in Nordon's shirt, and started to remove it "For God's sake, don't take that," exclaimed Nordon. "It belongs to my mother and I wouldn't lose it for the world!" ' i The bandit who stood at the door then spoke up: Let him have the diamond; take his watch." ; .-.'- .' , Nordon's watch was removed, to gether with the chain, and placed in one of the banditejpockets. Then tne ronoer turned to Duffy. From Duffy he obtained, some" gold and silver coins. Just how much could not be ascertained last night,, as Dnffy went on with the train and did not return to Portland, From Dan Coman the: bandit also took money and a watch. He next rifled Nicholson's pockets, getting $100 in gold, but missine a wallet Nich olson carried in his inner vest pock et, whieh contained a larger ' sum. During , the searching Atherton had appeared extremely nervous, and when the bandit took from his pocket a long wallet he began ; to the train began immediatelv to slow down. The bandits then made a rush for the rear platform, sprang from the train into- the darkness and made their escape. Several shots were fired at this : time, - evidently with an intention of frightening the passengers. The train came to a stop and the members of the crew ran back to learg the cause of the disturbance. They were quickly told by the ban dit's victims. J. A. Rockwood, the to return to Portland, and Sinnot agreed : to accompany him and tell the etory to the police. The men got .off the train. at Thirty-fourth street 'and made the return trip to the city, while the "Flyer" continued on her journey, in charge of . Conductor William Dunn and Engineer Chas. Whipple, the regular members ' of the crew. . Sinnot and Rockwood immedi ately made their way to police bead- quarters, after notifying the railway officials. When they arrived at the station, Railway Detective Fitzger aid was awaiting them. Briefly they, told their story. Captain Moore ordered all detectives out, and the posse,- under charge of D teotive Fitzgerald, west at the rail road yaJds, where an engine was waiting to take them to the scene of;the robbery. Captain Moore sefiVapecial officers -to guard the bridges, and detailed Detectives Vaughn and Hillyer to go to the Vancouver ferry. ; , Other, officers scoured resorts in the North End and other parts of the , city. The posse very carefully search en the vicinity where the ;men left the train. . . It was impossible to learn whether the bandits had hors es picketed near the place or Dot.! Every man who crossed the bridges leading from the East side was subjected to a rigid examina tion. . VERGE OF REVOLUTION RUSSIAN EMPIRE IN A FAIR WAY TO CRUMBLE. St. Peteisburg, Jan. 21. Itis ru mored that M. Smirnoff, manager of the Putiloff Iron works, where the great strike began, was murder ed in the night. At Summit. J R Graham came down from Eastern Oregon last Monday to take charge of his farm. Frank Yantis, who has been in Mr.,; Graham's employ for 18 months, is soon to leave for Fossil, Or., i . " ' -,. : Mr. and Mrs. King of Wren,' vis ited ibis week at Summit. ." Miss Bernice Grant was a Corvij ii pasenger? ..Wednesday 'do her -ay to pastern, Oregon to remain for some tlrile"; ; , Laura Kelley returned from Cot- I taca Grove Tuesdav. from ft visit to her mother. - Marga'ret Savage and Mr. Keefer were lately married. Lizzie Crain of Winlock, is visit ing her relatives in this placd. Florence Rigdon, late of Alliance, Neb., has returned to her home at Nashville. ' ' Mrs. Caves has returned to Sum mit after an illness of three months at her mother's home. . Appeal to the Czar Workmen de termined to Tell Their Griev . . ances If Czar Refuses, Blood Will Flow. . Berlin; Jan. 21. The Tageblatt's St. Petersburg correspondent says he learns . from the strikers' com mittee that 14o,ooo men will march to the Winter Palace today and de mand to hand a petition to the em peror alOne. . utnerwise, ne says they will storm. the palace and fire the city. 7 Four regiments are de clared to be in readiness, but they will not fire on the strikers. Despite official assurances at midnight that - the situation was well in hand, and that ample steps had been taken to protect the vast industrial section of St. Petersburg and insure the. safety of the city, the greatest uneasiness pervades the entire population. v Picked troops are stationed at va rious points; in the city, and each house contains a miniature garri son' with gendarmes in the ' court yards and machine guns ready for the first' emergency. The Winter Palace is strongly picketed, with Grank Duke Vladimir in command. Final Instructions were issued to night. . " ri The plan of the government is to prevent the workmen from coming to the'eenter of the city today by guarding gates and bridges. A col lision is therefore believed to be more imminent, and the workmen themselves are thoroughly convinc ed that such is the case. But the authorities maintain that the loyal tv of the troops is beyond question, pointing out that the only time Russian regiments showed treach ery was in the .revolution of 1821, when the guard regiments partici pated. but they say that the troops then were practically soldiers of fortune returning to Russia after the Napoleonic wars, imbued with the revolutionary ideas of France It is more fully realized, however, that, if the troops mu tiny or actu ally j ol 0 the workmen,: tbe. govern ment will be faced, not "with riot, but with revolution. - Father Gopon, at the request of Minister of Justice Muravieff, went to the ministry of justice Saturday and had a long mt-rview with M. Muravieff, at which the minister tried to pursua ie him from his pio gramme for Sunday. Father Gop on, however, could not be budged and at the end of the interview he left, sayin : , "We must each do our duty ac cording to the light given us." The plan of the workmen fs to assemble at three points, the Pouti- loff and Oubokoff works and the Island of Vaseili Ostrov, and march to the palace square. Xney are fully convinced that the emperor will be there to receive their peti tioD. - y The representative of the Aeeo elated rre&s went among many groups of the workmen, but found no one who expressed doubt as to the emperor's meeting them. Al spoke of him , most reverently and they insisted tnat he is kept m lg norance of tbe truth, and tnat once he has heard of their grievances they will receive justice. They said that just wnat was wanted was shorter hours and more pay, and also more liberty, but tbe ideas of most of tbe men on the latter point are v rudimentary. They declared their peaceful intentions and said they did hot want to fight. They seemed to entertain no fear of being shot down. . ' 'The soldiers are on out side. said one of tbe leaders. "They may fire on the palace, but pot on "The galleries hissed her and ' the people called out: J "Take them off: they are not di amonds, but drops of Russian blood." The strikers are continuing their agitation with unabated activity. Throughout the morning they have been parading the main streets in the center, of the city and closing every industrial establishment. The agitateon hitherto . has been carried on with remarkable absence of actual violence, the committee of the union having issued such in structions that everything be done as quietly as possible. Father Gop-. on, who was reported kidnapped during the night, is at large this morning, going about organiz- ng and directing everything. Hia dictam is that the meeting shall take place in the palace square, no matter if it result in a massacre of the men. He says they must be resolved to do or die. If in search of jardiniers call on B. Bl Horning. He has a fine line : Hay for Sale, I have A No 1 hay for sale. Ind, John Lenser. phone 251.. , ,; Remember Nolan' & Callahan's January Sale is now running in full blast. Bargains all along the line. - . . , us.' No one of the workmen raised a voice against the - emperor, though they did not spare some of the im perial family, especially Duke Alex is, whom, with others,, they charg ed with being responsible for Rus sian defeat in the Far East, saying that they kept the emperor in ig norance of the true situation. Some of them . repeated currant gossip about Grand Duke Alexis and the Russia" fleet. "We know what theatre some time mistress came on the stage covered ; with jewels," said one of the men St. Petersburg, Jan. 21. With riotous strikers to the , number of hundreds of thousands paraded the streets of the capital city, and the continual spread of the feeling of unresi mrougnom tne empire, the Russian government b in a terrl- hlA nrflriinafnani- . H.won nnraa than the news of the disasters in the Far EaBt is the alarm in official quar ters felt over the domestic situation. ' Troops are guarding the palace and all hnhliA hml tiniA Kiif 1 ia v s . deemed wise to call upon them : to suppress the disorder, except in ex-, treme cases. Last Friday evening an organiz ed mob attacked the Marcus card-. V-q vA fa ntnrtf a oHfimniarl 4a throw the manager from the win dow, and it was reported that the strike fever had extended to the Aiexandroveky Machine Works, where 7000 men are employed; the Haiti nartriArta fa rwrr nnrnorl r the government, and Baron Streg- htz' cloth factory the latter employ ing 3000 people of both sexes; the state distillery and the Kaller and "di.- ,j:;ii : ti 1 esofthe; Russo-American Rubber Company, the Youkoff hoop facto- - : : tablishment were the latest acquisi tions to the tied-up industries. At the latter works the police were un able to control the mob of strikers and the military were ordered to their, assistance. It was learned late Friday night that the - employ es of the 6tate playing-card Factory,' tbe Vagounine Paper Mills, employ ing 1000 hands; the Atlas Machine Works, the Wolff & Max Drin tine- works and numerous large plants had joined in tbe strike. The city is almost in darknesB, owing to the strike of electric light employes, and it is . stated that newspaper publication will be sus pended. The situation grows hourly dark-v er, and the prop pec ts for a settle ment of the - difficulties vanished when tbe minister of finance refus ed to receive a delegation of work ingmen. It has been decided by the work ing men to hold a great representa tive mass meeting at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon in the palace square, to present a great petition for the redress of their wrongs. The workmen have agreed - to go to this meeting1 unarmed, and will not meet violence with violence. Fath er Gopon, the priest wbo heads the strikers' procession, dressed in cler ical attire and carrying a crucifix, is much in evidence, and will lead the procession on Sunday. Despite the pfforts of the police and military, tne agitation is grow ing, and this morning an uncon firmed report said that a large to bacco factory at Moscow had been fired by incendiaries and complete ly destroyed. Notwithstanding the peaceful tone of the stiikets' mani festo,, there is-a deep .1.1. de current of bitterness, and ib le-.i-t spark will suffice to enkiiidle- ihc flame of revo!u ion. In addition to the army of striking workmen, there is another serious proposition for the imperial government to consider, Students' riots, the activity of Zem stvoists, famine in Bessarabia and the Reservists uprisings all go to show the state of political unrest in Russia. -. : ..' .' '- happened in a ago, when his " ' N Pity Shewn. " :; ' ?'For years fate was after me continu ously" writes F. A. Galled ge, Verbena Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles causing 24 Tumori. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me, Equal ly good for Burn and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's drag Store. '- -. -: .