LOCAL LOKE. (Advertisements In this column charged for t the rate of cents per line. Wilbur Weeks arrived last ev ening from Salem, for a visit with Corvallis friends. Gene M. Simpson attended the poultry show in Albany Thurs day. Ex-Governor Geer editor of the Salem Statesman, . is about to retire, to be succeeded by I. A. Manning, the present city editor. Dolph Norton left Thursday lor Hood River, having been the guest of his parents in -Corvallis for a day or two, . . - . "-E. S, Hornady returned to Nashville Wednesday, having been in Corvallii looking after property interests, i W. P. Lafferty and family, moved Thursday into the residence formerly used as the Presbyterian parsonage. ; Workmen have been ' engaged this week in remodeling the inter lor of the Andrews dwelling on Fifth street. Mr. : and - Mrs-,, An drews will occupy the residence about the first of March. F. O. Gray, arrived a few days ago from Furnas cbunty, Nebras ka. He is seeking a location in Webloot. . In Nebraska. Mr. Gray was a neighbor of J, J. Cady of the furniture firm of Hollenberg & .. Cady. - " " A sale nf trie Milner interest fnthe Milner & Wellsber store transpired Thursday, The pur- - 1 2- T "v r " t ill. tuaaci is r. yj. j-ray, wnuse laic eisewnere. An invoice ot tne stock will begin Monday. Mr. Milner who retires from the"firm, has as yet no plans for the future. The sale was made by Ambler & Waters ' A. Martha Washington tea is to be given by the ladies of the Methodist church the evening of - February 22nd. The ladies will appear in costume appropriate' to the occasion and all the features will be characteristic of the . time, including a patriotic programme. The occasion will be the 25th an . niversary. of the Ladies Home Mis sionary society of the church. Following is the program of the oiano recital o-iwpn oft-pr tVio v, i O .'.. iimcs press nour last nignt Dy 4 r Prof. Tafllandier in college chapel: Schumann's: 1." Tramerei, Abends, Warutn. 2. -Fascmngsschwank aus Wien Op 26. 3. Marche des Op 6. Mendelssohn's: 1. "Spring Song, Spinning Song. 21 Etude Op 104. . 3. . Rondo . Capriccioso up 14. .. ... Corvallis and Independence are now in communication via the Independent telephone.' Connec of the first messages was from J. M. Staats at Independence over the new line to the Times oEbee at Cor vallis, giving notification of the new arrangement The line '.work- J " 1, ... ea exceueniiy. me route is via the Mountain V View, rural line, thence via Tampicoand Soap Creek : to J. M. Staat's farm and thence to independence direct. A line is to be extended at once to Monmouth. " Connection with Dallas, Airlie and Kings Valley via the Independent : line was established some time ago. . .- They had a coyote chase out in the Eellf ountain country, the other day. Boys enroute to school espied a coyote in a field, and gave the alarm to a number ' of the neighbors by use of the rural tele phone at M....M.: Waltz's house. Ed Belknap, Ed Williams, A W. Haw ley and others of thexneighbors ap peared shortly afterward with hounds and the fun began. The coy ote took to the creek, and the ac count is that the dogs were thrown . off the scent, and being inexper ienced got aftqr a jack rabbit and thereby brought the sport to an in glorious ending. . ; The city council has ordered a fire alarm system for Corvallis. The arrangement will be such that ev ery Independent telephone whether m residence or office, will be a firer - . alarm box. In case a housewife discovers a blaze about the premises1 she can .step to an Independent phone and call up central, giving the operator . notice of the fire. The operator by an electric appliance, " presses a button, and the fire bell ' begins to ring. The taps of the bell will be such" that the district in which the burning house is lo . cated will be known to every Fire man, Within a half a minute or less, after the time the fire is dis covered, the alarm bell will be ring ing. It will be a great convenience , ; and by reason of its promptness will doubtless save much property. J '. It will be installed within a short time, and the cost not to exceed -: $200. - Services tomorrow at the Catholic church at the U3ual hours, Clay Rinehart, a former OAC student, but now attending a Salem business college, arrived yesterday, and is visiting Corvallis tnends. To accommodate a constantly enlarging class in embroidery, Mrs. Adams will be at her rooms every day until further notice. Congregational church: Sun day school at 10; class for young men, 10; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; Evening service, 7:30; preaching by Rev. Daniel Staver of Hubbard. Roseburg Review: Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cain left Tuesday morn ing for their home at Corvallis after a month's visit here with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Livingston. Postmaster Johnson is to offici ate at. a civil service examination today, in which applicants for pla ces as R. F. D. carriers will be ex amined. The applicants are six in number, and are all holders of cards from the civil service, which cards are issued to all, who apply for pla ces as carriers on . R. F D, routes. The inquisition will take piace in the office of the county judge at the court house, and will begin at 10 o'clock ; It is not known for what routes the applicants are wanted, but it is supposed that the new Monroe R. F. D. route, shortly to go into operation, will be available for one of them. Telephone construction is ex tending beyond Alsea. over into Lobster valley thence down to Five Rivers, iip that stream eight miles and on to Fisher pqstoffice on Buck creek, three miles from the mouth of that stream. The line is being built wholly by settlers along the loute, and the work is very creditable to the enterprise of these people. They will have instanta neous communication with theput side world, whereas, under present conditions it requires three to five days for a letter to go from Corval lis to Fisher. The work of string ing the wire is about completed. Following is the program of the local oratorical contest to take place in the armory- next Friday night at 8 o clock. 1 he winner is to represent O. A. C. in the state contest, which occurs . at NewbergJ March 10th: Music, orchestra. Ora tion, "Nature," Lucile Jean, Rob erts. Oration, "Chief Joseph, the Nez Perces, Ralph C. Sheppard Oration, "Gustavus Adolphus, the Hero, ' '. Hainan. Bilyeu. Vocal solo, "Waiunjc," ' TyeHrWilliamsV Oration ."Marcus Whitman," Lou ise Gilbert. Oration, -"Alfred the Great, the Reformer and Author," T2dna Smith; - Oration, 'The Great Puritan and Conservator of Liber ties," 'John Withycombe. Music, Prof. Taillandier. 'Oration, "A Message of Light from Darkness," Laura Pratt, Oration, "The Russo-Japanese War; Its Place in His tory," M. V. Weatherford, Music, orchestra. Awarding of prizes. WINTER EXCURSION RATES. To YaquinaBiy A. l ew Depart ure on the S. P. Eecognizir g a long felt want, and de siring to give the'-public . cheap rates to the Coast in the winter as well as the summer, for persons who desire to see the bounding billows .in their wildest moods and imbibe the: pure ozone of the winter air at the Coasti'The'" Southern Pacific in connection with theC.-& E. have placed on sale taking effect Nov. 2; 1904, and continuing until March 31st, 1905. from all points on their linesroucd trip tickets to Yaquina Bay at the same rate as during the summer time. These tickets will be sold on WedneedayS""and I Saturdays only and will be good for re turn sixty days from date f sale.-"'"" Miee rr,nthoni'8 baths will be in oper ation and anyone who desires a genuin health resort duting the - winter cannot do better than to spend a month' or so at Yaquina. Similar tickets will be sold from vA.1 bany, Corvallis and Philomath and. all points on the C. & 12. ;' Full information as to rates, baggsp etc, can be obtained by" applying to the nearest S. P. agent or direct from W. E. Coman, G. P. A. S. P. Co Portland , o Edwin Stone, Manager ,C. & E. Albany, P. S. Through tickets to Portland are sold by the C. & E- at Corvallis and by the S. P., Portland, to Corvallis via Al bany and the C. & E. at the same rate as via the Westside, 2.60. C. & E trains connect at Albany with the . Albany. Portland local both ways. . . - For Sale. - Mill feed, flour, wheat, oats, vetch, chicken feed, potatoes, wood and grave Delivered to all parts of city. ' Phone 342 Opposite Steam Laundry John Beach." Page Woven Wire Fence Best in the market Most economical for farm or other use. Orders' promptly filled. Address Charles E. Allen, Agent. Ji4-im . Philomath, Or."- TELEPHONE WAR. Skirmishing Still on What Businessmen Say. Some The telephone war is still on. Superintendent Thatcher of the Bell company was onthe scene for a while a day or two ago'. The old company has forced one of-- its phones into the local express office by getting an order from the head office of Wells Fargo at Portland, directing the local agent to permit the old phone to be installed. Many businessmen of the town, resent the interference of the express company in the matter. , All of the business men are stockholders in the Indedpeudent company, and when the Express , company gets into the fight on the side of the Bell company, it strikes a blow at each businessman and many citi zens who are also stockholders. The present offer, of the Bell company to put in phones free or at greatly reduced rates, occasions much comment. It reminds people of an advertisement that appeared in the local papers;about a year no-n. in which the same pomnanv gave notice of a proposed advance of rates. ; January .30, 1904. the local Bell manager gave . official notice that on all new phones in stalled after February 1st at resis dences, the rate would be $1.25 per month. The rate before that had always been $!.-' There was then no opposition nor sigh that a riv al telephone company was to ap pear, and instead of free phones provided the subscriber would pay 1 a month for three more months as now, the Bell people were act ually giving notice of an advance to $1.25 per month. I therefore ha telephone in Corvallis now is to be had free, it was not the Bellj but the Independent phone that caused it.; The reason that the Bell phone is free is that it is try ing to drive the Independent com pany to the wall so the rate can be put up to $1.25 or higher as was proposed last January. If the Bell people succeed in driving out the Independents, -where will the rates go? Will there be free phones then? These are the questions people are asking all over town. They are saying that to stand in with the Bell now and to Help kill the Independent is ' simply to pre pare the way for the Bell to become master so that it can advance the rates and make Corvallisites pay dearly for the free phones the JBell Corvallis business msn are deep 4' -a iy concernea in tne ngnt, ana are watching it from an - interested j standpoint. ' With two exceptions they are steadily refusing to install the Bell phone again. Every' pres sure possible has been brought to bear on them by the Bell people. "We are not goiDg. to "put in the Bell phone again," said one of these business men yesterday, "at least, I am not, and I do not be lieve the other business men will.' We realize that if we J stand to gether now and refuse to put in the Bell, in short time this fight will be over and there will" be no de mand lor us to put it in. Bu if we yield now, and put in the Bell, we will have to keep it up. all ;the time, which means that we "'will have to keep - and : pay ' for '" .two phones instead of one, and none of us can afford that. I know that the solicitors of the Bell phone are telling around that the business men are going.to put in the Bell, but they are lying. - One of theoi admitted to me that he had to lie in order to do any business in this town." " '.- ;; ; ' Another business man . said; ''This -telephone fight Is bur fight. It is an attempt to , bulldoze - the business men to reinstate the Bell phones in their places of . business. This, the business 'men ; ':. do , not proposeto do."' They cannot afford to pay for two phones. Of course, the Bell is free how' but it won't be, if it wins in this fight. It isn't long ago that the Bell was giving notice of an advance in . rates, and. a cut rate now; when there isN oppo sition won' t wash &with sensible people. . It will be the biggest mis take Corvallisites evermade if they do not stand first, last and .all the time for the Indepeadent company. They give a far better service, ev eryone has their phone, and they have never proposed higher rates. Another business man said: "You can depend' upon it, that business men are going to stand pat in this fight. They are trying to force, us to put in the Bell phone again, but we will not do it. -If residences are putting in these free Bell phones on that supposition they will be fooled, that's all." A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber all lengths. f- . . A At Corvallis saw mill for I6.50 per M. IJ 2 cedar : shingles at $1.50 per thousand. E. Wi Strong,1 ' 21-tf PICTURES OF THEM For Lewis and dark Fair -Photoing . , Everything at OAC . . Great photos of OAC will form a prominent feature in the educa tional exhibit of Oregon at the Lewis and Clark Fair.. The offi cial, photographer of the exposition commission has been taking pict ures for a week at the" college for use in the exhibit, and he is to re main for several days more. He has a huge photographic lens for panoramic photos, and some of his group pictures will be nine feet m length. The cadet regiment of over 400 men all drawn up in . line of battle in front of Administration building will be one of the promin ent groups, while the entire student body will be another to attract at- teiftion. One picture is a flash light of the interior of the chapel, and.a series of photos will be the various classes. Pictures . of the bujldings, exterior and interior, to gether with views of the grounds anH arm will make of the exhibit afineiillustation of OAC, and give the Fair visitor, Eastern and oth erwise, a nne idea of Oregon s great- fes educational institution A COUNTRY PATRON Takes a Hand in Telephone War .Argues for Independent System. - Editor Times: The recent ar ticle in the Times in ' regard to the telephone war in .Corvallis has aroused considerable , interest in the country as the country people are vefy much interested in the Inde pendent telephone system in . Cor vallis. ; . Let us see what these country in terests amount to. The Mountain View line, which ha the honor of being the first to enter Corvallis has 13 phones, re presenting probably 50 "people. Next comes the Philomath line with 1 forty five people. Next comes the Monroe line with 17 phones and representing about 65 people. Next is the Belltountain line with -20 phones, representiug probably 80 people. - ' The next line to come in, I think was the Soap Creek line. This, line has 10 phones. Think what it means to these intelligent, educat ed people but isolated from their fellowmen. ..' .- .The telephone' opens up to them a Sew interest ; in. :( lit e,r and.-., gives txTem an opportunity, to - communi cate with their friends at a mom ent s notice, liiis line also con nects Corvallis with Kings Valley and also with Independence, Dallas and other points north as far as Newberg, all on the free" exchange plan '. " - -. x ouowing in quick, succession was the Plymouth church line, the Inavale line, and one or two others all tapping sections of Benton-coun- ty peopled with citizens of "wealtli and influence. I thiuk it is safe to say that Benton county people in terested are at least 300, and they represent taxable property- to - the value of at least '500, 0007 perhaps if the tax list was consulted, much more than this, certainly no less. : JNow l understand mat mere are several business men who are help ing the Bell people to fight the In dependent telephone system Can they afford to antagonize the coun try people who are interested in this system? The Independent peo pie did- not sneak into Corvallis. It came before tbc people, along with the Bell system and one other. S5's- tem , and . was chosen because . it offered the best terms to the country patrons, ine system nas grown more rapidly than its promoters had expected, until at the present time one living in the north end of the county can communicate with one living to the west or south of Cor vallis at a moment's notice. The cost to the farmer is insignificant in comparison with the benefits receiv ed, - Let the country patrons speak up in defense of the system that has given them an opportunity to com municate with all ' the " business houses and also a large part of the resident portion of the city, at a very; small cost. Let them give the business men of Corvallis who are aiding the Bell people in this fight, to understand that they are doing so at their peril; that if they 'wish to retain the good opinion and pat ronage ot these same country peo ple, tney must at least remain neu tral in this fight. A Country Patron Ladies! If you once-useCom pressed -Yeast,, you will have no other. . Asl for it, at Homing's. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that ' the' final account jias been filed m the - matter of the ljzst Will aud . Testament of Guilford iiarnard, deceased, and Judeje Virgil B, Watters has set Saturday. February lit at 11 o'clock a. m; at County Court room, Court house to hear" objections thertto if any Uipi-a tw - . , ' ; .Bc-br, Kyle, Executor. ' Dated this Dec 2g, 1904, - 20 PER CENT OFF ON Suits and FOR 30 DAYS, CASH ONLY. No reserve, every garment in the house Kup penheitners and all, See our north -window. - The "Flatiron" Hat Latest Spring Styles Just Received - Always $3, never less. F. L. MILLER. Our Great Sale ! The attendance for the first two weeks of onr Great Sale demonstrates beyond any question the unsurpassed interest that has been awakened by this sale, and we can assure om customers that 'we shall do our part to furnish gratifying bar gains to all who visit our store to take advantage, of this k sale during. the balance of the - Every article in the store REDUCED exceat W. L. Douglas Shoes . . . Here are a few hints of the vast number of Bargains on sale: r-Clothing and overcoats at clearance prices ' - Mens furnishings, shoe's and hats at enrance prices AH dress goods, silks and velvets at clearance prices uioaKs, wraps, jackets ana i? urs, nan price Laces, embroideries and ribbons at clearance prices 'Shirt waists and seperate skirts at clearance prices Muslin underwear and corsets at clearance prices Lace cuatains, rugs and portiers at clearance prices Fascinators and circular shawls at clearance prices Table linens, towls and bheetiDg at clearance prices - ' " 1 Mens, boys and womens shoes at clearance prices Blankets, comforters aim table covers at clearance prices Eiderdown sacques and robes at clearance prices Sheets', pillows and pillow cases at clearance prices every Jlrtick Reduced Our New Spring Stock wili arrive early in February and we must'have room to reeeiue it. Our shpw windows are our silent salesman.' 1 4Z SL- Z- Z- Z- Xi- Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Big Line fresh Domestic Plain and Fancy A large and Orders Filled Prompt! plete. Visit our Store rest. ALL Over - month. c?- .'Sv -" -S -" -V- -S -5x -x I S' -25 -2y -7 -7 v OFTEH; CSMfQ - m Qualitv is the idc and Imported. 1 varied lino. tfi QiiSFlOS li nawarei ' f ifra ; ; W m i hI Com- - , H vst' do the H