The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 21, 1905, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
Governor Chamberlain is on ab
solutely solid ground in his con
tention that the legislature should
not use the emergency clause mere
ly as a bar to the referendum veto.
In adopting the initiative and refer
endum amendment, the people of
Oregon withdrew certain powers
that in the state constitution they
had hitherto granted the legislative
assembly. ' For instance, in estab-
; lishing the referendum, they reserv
ed to themselves the right to scru
tinize all legislative enactments,
and if so desired, to declare by pop
ular vote, such enactments, or any
- of them to be null, void, and of no
effect. The incorporation of the
referendum in the state constitution
means all this, and the legislature
has no right by frivolous and false
use of the emergency clause to seek
to withhold from the people their
known and full right of veto. .The
people have so voted, and the heavy
majority they threw for the meas
ure is the voice of their authority
It is, , in fact7 proper that they
have the'right of veto, and it will
be well if their resort, to it be fre
quent.. The fear that the people
may use the veto is the best and
and strongest influence to compel
virtuous and only virtuous legisla
tion. That fear, in fact, is the best
influence in the world to teach leg
islators to behave themselves. Scru
tiny now of the bills at Salem will
probably show that every measure
of doubtful or dangerous purport is
accompanied by an emergency
clause. The very attempt to seek
evasion of the referendum veto, is
in itself a sign of guilt, and a look
beneath the surface will probably
disclose in all such bills a wicked
provision ora thrifty scheme. In a
special message. Governor Cham
berlain has fairly warned both
houses not to undertake by usa of
the emergency clause to deprive the
common herd of the right to veto,
and if, as report has it, the legisla
tors insist on the opposite course,
they will be certain to find the peo
ple, almost to a man, on the side of
the governor.
Read this .Column, Yoa may Find
Just What You Want. ,
- . A Reward --.'V
A suitable reward will be paid for the
return to my place or for in formation
that will lead to the recovery of a red
setter pup, six months old.
Grover Avery, In avale.
OCT Co's Steamers
Leave Corvallis Mondays Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a. m. For
further information call on
Both phones. -
For Sale ".
30,000 choice English Cluster hop
roots, oae year old Khglish walnut trees
and Red and Black Logan , berry vines
in any quantity. Write for prices.
J. B. Munn
Dallas, Oregon.
Toys for children at Hodea' gun
store. '
Our best hat advertisements ap
pear on the heads of our customers.
Nolan & Callahan.
Lost. . .
At or about Thanksgiving one yellow
or dark sable colored dog. White breast
white ring around neck: -white ore feet;
tip of tail white; small strap around neck
and small snap-fastened in strap; ans
wers to name of Tarn. Liberal reward
offered for any information leading to
his recovery. Address
Dan Savage, , ;
Willamina, Or.
Compressed Yeast can be had at
Homing's. It saves much time
and lador. ; .
Highest prices paid for chickens
and eggs at Moses Bros.'
Enrollment at 0. A C More Than
Twice as Large as any Other In
stitution in Oregon.
The enrollment at the Oregon
Agricultural College has reached
634. The number of students is
104 greater than the total attend
ance of last year, when the high
water mark was is esti
mated that the enrollment will easily
reach 700 the current college year,
which ends June 12th. The pres
ent enrollment is classified as fol
lows: .graduate work, 8; seniors,
40, juniors, 47; sophomore, 97;
freshmen, 286; subfreshmen, 63;
specials, 30; special agriculture and
dairying, 40; music 23; total, 634.
A notable feature of : the enroll
ment is the heavy increase in at
tendance from Eastern Oregon
counties, which show a net gain of
400 per cent in the past four years.
Union which sent eight students
last year has 33 students on the
rolls at the present time. The dele
gation from Harney is increased
from four last year to 16 now, Mal
heur from five to 15, Umatilla from
7 to 14, Lake, from 3 to 8, and
Klamath from 1 to 10.
Among the banner counties are,
Iinn, 50; Multnomah, 48; Union,
33; Clackamas, 32, and Marion 30.
Every county in the state is
represented on the rolls. ... The list
by counties is as follows:
Baker 7
Benton r. 114
Clackamas '. 32
Clatsop , 9
Columbia 10
Coos 7
Crook.. 3
Curry............. 1
Douglas 16
Grant.. ." 2
Gilliam....; ................... 3
Harney,... .. 16
Jackson 13
Josephine.... .. ..... . 4
Iincoln ..
Umatilla. . . .
Wasco ............... ......... ......... 28
Washington ........ 20
Yamhill 23
No. counties in Oregon.. . 33
lotai jno. counue represented.. 33
No. students from Oregon 575
California 8
Colorado 2
England .... 1
Illinois. .. :3
Arkansas...... 1
Idaho........... ........................ 3
India 3
Iowa 3
Kansas 1
Michigan .". ... .. . .. ,i
Missouri 2
Nebraska .... ... .......... . .. 10
New . Hampshire 1
Ohio'. .-. . ;. ... 1
South Dakota . , . . . . . . .- . 1
Tennessee . . 1 ......... 1
Utah ..... 1
Washington ... . .-.". . . ... . ... 16
Total ; 634
Call for Warrants
Notice is hereby given ; that
there is money in the city treasury
to pay general fond warrants num
bered as follows 340. 3410, 3411
3415.. 34i6. 3425 3431- Also from
no. 3432 to number 3437 inclusive,
Interest wil. stop on sams from
this date. ',
Daied at Corvallis, Or, Jan 20,
1905- , -
W10. McLagan,
City Treas.
If in starch of jrdiniers call on
E. B. Horning. - He has a fine liDe
if it don't keep right time. . Per
naps yours is not running as it
should, suppose you bring it to us,
New mainspring, none better, $1
Cleaning, ordinary watch, $w -
Can not be done better at any price
Matthews the Jeweler.
Room 12 over Nat'l Bank.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long,'
writes Mrs. Ohaa. Applegate, of Alexan
dria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that If
1 walked a block . I would cough fngnt
fully and spit blood , but when all oiher
medieinea failed, three 1.00 bottles of Dr
King's New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds.?" It ia absolute
ly guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colda, La
u-nppe, tsioncnius ana ail lnroat and
Lung Troubles.. Price soe and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Allen & Woodwards
Benton Salary Bills Delegation Went
Down Oats not Wanted.
Considerable opposition appears
to have developed locallv to thp re
form bills introduced by Senator
Avery and Representative Carter
in the legislature - Senator AyerVs
bill plans to abolish the recorder's
office and transfer the care of the
records to the county clerk. It pro
vides a deputv for the clerk at
salary of $400 a year. The salary
01 the recorder is js 1,000 pef year,
and the authors of the bill fi on rf.
that $600 would be saved the coun
ty by the arrangement. .Serious
opposition however, is said to have
arisen. It general, it is not art out
spoken but more of an under-sur-
tace hostility. Some of the-f epub
licans sav there'is "rxilitics" im it.
but in what way the abolition of
1 county office said to be
'politics" is hard to understand
There are democrats too, who, say
that the"' move is a. step backward,
though the big county of Baker,
with a city in it of 10,000 inhab
itants is stepping in the same -di
rection by abolishing the county
recorder's office there, the bill for
which introduced by republican.
Senator Rand, has already passed
the senate. ' .
There is also opposition to ' the
reduction of the salaries of tire coun
ty judge and ,he county school su
perintendent. This bill was introd
uced by Representative Carter, and
is now pending in the house. , It
cuts the salary of the county judge
from $900 to $700 per vear. and the
county superintendent frorn&iooo
to f 800, The cut in the county
judge's salary is to take place at
the end of Judge Watter" s term, a
year and a half hence, and - the
lowering of the salary of theuper
intendent is to take effect in 1908,
when Superintendent Denmanrs
present term ends. A meeting of
the republicans, called by the coun
ty chairman was held Tuesday ev
ening, and action taken to inform
Representative Carter that there is
serious opposition here to the pend
ing bills. The following morning,
a delegation of workers went to Sa
lem to make a talk against the
measures. It is probable that all
of them will fail of passage, in
spite of. the fact that there are
many who believe that all of them
should become laws. (
All Mail Orders Received During: this Sale will be Filled at Clearance Sale Prices.
v Supervisors Qaims. v
"Following is a list of claims as
filed by the supervisors for the sev
eral road districts as salary for the
4th quarter 1904. . -
. . .... " . I--.
A T - Wlsoa sup dist no 1
H M Fleming
L L, Hall
Lewis Wentz
E M DDdele
John Price
A Cadwaladc-r ;
C R Ballard .
J R Fehler
G R Taylor
J E Bmton -E
N Starr .
D B Farley
J M Hetron
Doke Gray
C E Banton -Henry
B W Harris
J O Wilson
jlo 00
7 5o
32 5o
5 00
7 3&4 30 00
8 , 20 00
9 2750
J.0'3 quarto 00
. lo 4
1 12
' 13
1 14
" 2 1
28 75
;22 50
65 00
--37 50
- 5 00
7 5-
: 20 00
2. 25 op
' 4u 00
1 3 7 s
Any and all persons knowing of
any objections to the allowance of
said claims, should fil them with
the clerk on or before the let day
of Feb, 19x4.
By order of county court. .'. '
This Jan 14, 1905. '
t Victor P. Moses,
Co. Clerk of Beaton Co.
Call for shoes at Moses Bros.'
Chicken Feed.
Cracked corn for chicken leed,
any quantitv from one sack to car
load Jots. Cheaper than . wheat.
We carry a "full line of poultry
supplies. F. L. Miller.
Watch - for Moses Baos.' cew
spring goods. : .
Holiday goods at cut pi ices, at
Moses Bros.' ,;v
If you want7 fine china go to
Zierolf's. He has the largest and
most complete line in the city. 1-1
$3 Rate to Portland and Return.
The S P is selling round , trip
tickets petween Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning V Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East 0$ West side, but good only
on" afternoon j train from Albany
to Portland to Portland on Satur
days if Eastside is taken. Passeng
ers to pay local fare between Cor
vallis and Albany, r .
Has commenced and like its thirty-four predecessors, it will continue until February 1st,
" and be conducted on the same broad plans that have made them the
t ' ' v greatest bargain opportunities of the year. "
, Silks and Dress Goods, -
Brack, -white and colored dress fabrics,
black and fancy -silks, velvet and velvet
eens at a great sacrafice
$ 50 values reduced to 41 -v
75 do " 59
. 1 00 do 83
1 25 do - 1 04
' 1 50 do 1 21
v Ladie's Furs
: All the latest styles, and here is your
chance . -
$1 50 Furs reduced to $1 05
' ' 2 50 do - .1 75
3 50 do 2 45
5 00 do 3 60
7 50 . do 5 35-
MENS ANDB OYS UNHFRUrAP greatly reduced.
Ladie s Cloaks. - ' v
I will sell- all the odd sizes and styles
' of, ladies and Misses Jackets I haye at
$2 00. 1904-5 Tourist Coats and Jack
ets and Misses Coats and Jackets "at
Big Reduction. '
- Corsets.
' -" '.-'- .
At a general reduction of 10 per cent.
A few styles that I will discontinue at
Half Price. v '
Mens and Boys Qothing and Overcoats.
Every suit and overcoat reduced, including the staples. Blue Serges and black
unfinished worsteds. . These garments were not bought up for this sale but are the
famous Hart, Shaftner & Marx and Banner Brand make.
( $ 5 00 Mens Suits and Overcoats $ 3 94 $13 50 Mens Suits and Overcoats $10 60
7 50
9 00
10 00
.12 50
5 98
7 20
8 00
9 98
15 00
16 50
18 00
20 00
12 15
13 25
14 40
15 95
00 00 .
Boys Suits and Overcoats selling at
-..' do ',.-'
do ' .
Broken lines of boys and mens suits at Half Price.
' V - : Shoe Pepartment. s. .
Everything in shoes and slippers for
ladies, men. and children at persuading
prices. f
r - , J-die's Hbsery and. Underwear.
" Clearance sale pyiees prevail in this
department. The Black Cat Brand are
Groceries. :.
25c Armours washing powder 3 lbs 1 5c
15c Rex 100 per cent Lye........3 cans 25c
Good Sardines, 6 cans. ..:.............25c
Arm & Hammer, Schillings Soda 4pk 25c
Naptha Soap 4 bars...........l.. 25c
Western Yeast per pkg ..." 03c
I X L Macron i and Cheese, 3 ens... 25c
I X L Chicken Tamales, per en,"........!.. lie
Sniders Oateup, large bottle ............19c
Red Ribbon Con Cream, per can........ 10c
Blankets, Etc
Clearance sale prices . prevail on blank
ets comforts,; white quilts, sheets and
pillow cases. 1 -
, . Ladie's Shirt Waists.
Wool and silk in all the new colorsand
styles. .
: Reduced from $5 00 to $4 00 ;
do , 4 5o to 3 63
do 3 00 to 2 92
do 3 00 to 2 31
do 2 5o to 1 88
do 2 00 to 1 38
do 1 5o to 1 19
do 1 25 to o 98
12ic Vicuna cloth reduced
12c Napped Shirting -. do
Best quality outing flannel now....
Our Annual Clearance Sale includes every Department of this Great Stock of Good Merchan
dise, and the radical reductions apply to every article excepting only a
- few lines the prices oi which the manufacturers control,
The White House.
Regulator Low Prices
Our patients are our
best advertisements
Every pair of glasses
fitted by us Bells others .
; We want to add you to
our chain
To fit you is to fit your
fiiends in the future
MATTHEWS the Optician
. Room 12 over Nat'l Bk.
. f
Join the crowds onward to Nolan &
Callahan's great redaction sale.
It's hard to convince the long
range doubter, but if you will take
a little time to drop in daring No
lan, & Callahan's Reduction Sale
they will show you values in Suits
and Overcoats that you positively
cannot resist if you are in the
Moses Bros, are all right on gro
ceries. -
To be 'oft ej
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
Trade at
Moses Brothers