The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 21, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVII.-No; 37.
rf coRVAL,iii Oregon. January, 2i 1905. : :
B. J. IRVHTB Editor,
. atad Proprietor
1 a - b si
r" It "
You CanSecure : .
l IB
argaitis Cbr ougboitt
Our Entire Store -i . .J, f
Every departments
billed . with choice V
goods , and prices
should interest: you ,
Store, with two Fronts
Jefferson and Second St.
Free Bus.
, Leadipg Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New:
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con-;
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-i
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. I Fine single i
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in tne Wiliam-
ette Valley. .
Rates: $1,00 $1.25 and
mill's IHusic Rouse
.- of Albany, Oregon , removed to 350
' Alder street Portland Oregon. Write
for prices, save money. Special att em
tion to. mail orders ,x v
Cecilian, the Perfect Piano v
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
of all Kinds, and
J H. E. HODES, -
Fine Liglit Sample Rooms.
C Hammel, Prop.
. ' ' '. . i
$2.00 per day. ;- rv ;
Fine Cutlery
move in that
n!S:;SPEEuH .
; J CERrflKgfelS SECENT - :
(JaL's jlia AceiS!sra.t'MaliciQQd and
Atrocious ' Liars" Leaves .the
Senate to Rettirn no More
-r - Unless' Cleated-rIany
4 Vl'(vr.!u$anatore1 Cireet ' . ;;l
WasbiogtorCD. C", Jan.' 17.
With. " dramatic fervor, 'Senator
Mitchell of Oregon, on the flodr of
the senate this afternoorf, denoanc
ed his--accuserB' anT and publicly
branded "them s ''malicious and
atrociows hars.r.-s He proclaimed
his innocence of the charges upon
which he and Representative Her-
mane were recently -lnaictea in
Portland, ahd expreesed ' confidence
in his ultimate, .vindication. . He
declared ' - -
-vt, assert in ihe.'most cositive.
unqualified inanner that each and
every one of these -charges, in so
far as they . involve me,, are absor
lutely, unqualifiedly, v atrociously
false, and I. here; and now indig
nantly and defiantly denounce, aut
thorized and publicly brand them
as malicious, atrocious liarSi ,1
fy my defamers and challenge them
to produce any evidence other than
that of condemned thieves, forgers
arid perjarers to sustain any such
charges." , '
; 1 o'clock Senator Mitchell took
the floor of thB sen ate and commenc
ed reading his stitement. - There
was a large attendance of senators.
Mitchell's voice was trembling as
he started and nearly ' broke - down
with emotion. . Later bis voice grew
stronger and he read the sttaement
in a clear, determined and forceful
Senator Mitchell exnlained his
having certain land claims passed -upon
lavorably. by Representative
Hermann, then commissioner of
the general land office, as merely
the duty a senator owed his con
stituents. He declared that he had
no, suspicion that any thing was
wrong, with the homestead entries
n question, and that his pereonal
concern in the case was identical
with that in hundreds of others.
"I have done this invariably
without making any charge or ac
cepting compensation of any kind,
and so long as I remain senator I
shall continue to do these things
for my constituents, eo help me
God, even at the risk of a hundred
indictments," said the senator. ,..
In unmistakable language ; the
senator charged that -the. alleged
confession of Puter was i secured
through promises of ; lenieaoy or
clemency made by the government's
representatives - After emphatical
ly and specifically denying thit Pu
ter had paid ' him $2,000 for his
services, he said: y " f ;
"I. denounce the said S. A. D.
Puter this self-confessed and xluly
convicted land' thief, forger and
perjurer who, with his associates,
facing the penitentiary, as having,
under promise of leniency or clem
ency made by . Francis j J. Henev,
prosecuting officer, repreeentiog the
government, made this inlatn us
and atrociously false charge aga:i'
me for the purpose and with r
expectation of savin g. himself n
his convicted partners in crilije
from deserved punishment." "
Mitchell expressed the belief that
he might have beea imposed upon
often in espousing . claims which
may later have been proved not
valid. . - .r ;.' . :
But," he declared, "it is only
by the gravest distortion . and mis
construction that any of these let
ters or any of my acts m reference
to them can be construed as badges
of fraud and corruption." ' ,
"It may bethought or"said by
some that I have violated precedent
in coming here at this time,"- he
saidj "but let me tell yoUi Mr. Pres
ident jipd senators while I am-sub
ject to serious charges, I have not
been proved guilty of any of them.
I am an innocent man, and I have
at this stage of the proceedings the
same right as any other senator to
come here in defense of my charac
ter, which is as dear to me as that
of any other senator on the floor,
' ""Were it proper at this time to
ask an investigation of the charges
against me by this body, I would
direction j but
in vfew of theiacj that an indict-,
ment has been; Reported against me;
I deem it my-duty to firet respond
to ttf claims of the court, u But ; I
trust and believe that the time will
comc- hen I can with DroBrietvde-
marS of this "senate a thorough in
vest-. Ration." V" "
(Jruicising public officers J'who
knowingly miscoastrue the public
ct8Hf"public men.'and' thus- seek
to qwXDTt and- convert ' -tnem-mtq:
baofrs of dishonesty," Mitchell
eaid",.-' . - ' '
? Il,conclusion, permit me to de
clare-that the representatives of -any
govw-pcaent who will tolerate .this
are-ua wortny oi tne eaaite,- posivJ'fr:?.$
V'As-for myself; I defy them here: I
Andow to produce- anv evidence
wofth a moment's consideration 7
.. .. - - . . j
whichwill connect "me in anv.Ple ot Oregon last June will be eith-
wrongtui manner whatever in any
of tHfi land frauds in Oregon or else-r
wham -t r -
Iti-was during con?iderationtoi
the inference report en the Philip - l.
pme fiancbise- bill in the senate to
day that Senator Mitchell i entered.
tnetaamber and took a seat m the
rear, near the main doorway, It
was his first appearance, since the
indictment for alleged ..conspiracy
in the land fraud . cases in Oregon
found against him. In a , moment
he was surrounded by senators, who
assured him of- their faith - in his
abiljty to demonstrate, -bis ''inno
cence., , - i
" It. was at the conclusion of the
routine business,- when nearly eve
ry member had .paid his - personal
respects to the Oregon senator, that
Mitchell arose. His call, "Mr.
President," brought ; profound still
ness throughout the chamber. . -
The scene throughout his speech
waiintensely dramatic. Nearly
every member of the senate was
preseet and the public and press
rgalleries were ,;cro wded. : Mitchell
was given the closest attention,, every-senator
turning, toward him
and listening intently
Mtchell began the statement in
a lew, broken, tone, . and at times
hta Vmntlnrv wan sr 4nt.nnn bfl
oo&Sx norrifoeeedr t'the' cCriMa
sion of that part of his speech his
emotions agaiu overcome him and
words were almost inaudible whis
pers. When he concluded the gal
leries applauded until suppressed
by presiding officer of the senate,
Foraker of Ohio. -
At the conclusion of his speech a
number of senators shook bands
with Mitchell' and assured him of
their belief in his innocence. Among
them were Teller, Patterson, Stew
art, Newlands, Kearns, DuBois,
Fulton. McComas, Scott, McCu ca
ber and Daniel.
Mitchell could continue on the
floor without' objection from any
one. It is not Mitchell's intention
to do this, however, and it is be;
lieved he will further part
in the proceedings this session
l?Dit'.and, Jan.- 17, Alarm is
spreading among homesteaders in
Southern Oregon as the federal in
vestigation into timbei frauds ' pro
gresees in that direction. The work
of the government's secret agents is
much more far-reaching than had
.been expected. It is now apparent
that there is to be a searchingin
vestigation into the "condition of
lands aud timber taken up by sup- i
posed homesteaders, who have not
complied with provisionsof the law
I-- garding the making of improve
i: nts and residence on 'the land.
I i-i said -thousands willcse lands
oy cancellation of their filings, and
n many cases indictments will re
sult from perjury committed in
making final proof. In many mb
stances, it is-said, perjury has been
committed in making homestead
filings on valuable timber claims,
in order to secure the timber with
out paying the $2.50. per acre re
quired by law. A. large number
of citizens who have thus secured
timber claims by swearing that the
land was more valuable for agricul
ture than for the timber are now
being listed by the agents of the in
terior department. In every case
where a valuable timber claim has
beea taken as a homestead the fil
ing will be canceled. If final proof
has been made, the ' patent ' will be
canceled.. . v
No Pity Shown.
"For years fate was after me continu
ously'' writes F. A. Galledge. Verbena
Ala. "I had a terrible case of Files
causing 24 Tumors. When all failed
Buckten's Arnica Salve cored me. Equal-
ly gooa - tor .Burns and . all acnos and
pains. - Only 2.1c at Allen & Woodward's
drug store. ' . ' :
' AT SALEM. " t
Many Amendments ' Proposed
;Some.of Them of Yital Import
anca. Bill Was Introduc-'
vedlnVthe:Houes by a ' - ' .
i i-w asco Member. . - ' .
Salem, Or., Jan. -13. Almost
every important provision of the Jo-
i i. ; i . l . a l
opwunjaw auopieu uy me peo-
er wholly eliminated or so modified
as to be meaningless,; if the bill in
troduced irt the house yesterday by
ayne oipwasco - pecomes a law.
- ' - The ,biH was framed by theHquor
interests, and it is expected to
arouse one of the', hottest fights of
the session. ; ; By-its terms county
prohibition-is abolished- and each
precinot must decide for itself wheth
er the1 sale vof. -liquqr - Within its
boundaries is to be permitted. Nor
can all precincts' in - the state avail
themsel ves of the local - option law,
for the new bill makes the law ap
plicable; in incorporated cities and
to wns, only to"residence precincts,'.'
and in none others can the question
of prohibition be-raised; - . " . :
The difficulty,-of caHing an elec
tion to "'.decide-; whether- prohibition
shalt be adopted- is greatly; increas
ed, for the Jayna bill , -requires the
signatures of 4U per cent of the reg
istered voters -to the petitibn'before
the election can be held. . -
The sale of liquor by- wholesale
is expressly removed from . the ap
plication of the law." Many minor
changes are also made.
If the Jayne bill is adopted and
receives the governor's approval the
local option law will no longer be
recognizable. -.1?' -A-
, the Jayne but- amends sections
and 18 of the local option law, re
peals section 14, and adds three
new sections.
Section 1 of the original law
provides lor an election by any
county, subdivision of a county or
precinct, whenever a petition there
for-is signed by 10 per jent. of the
registered voters, and in no event
shall more than 500 signatures be
necessary; -- -
- As amended by the Jayne bill,
such an election can only be held
by individual precincts, upon peti
tion of not less than 4O per cent- of
the registered voters of the precinct,
and it is farther provided that only
s . - ' iii 1. . 1 : .i.
precinciB lying uimer wuuuy wuu
in or without the boundaries of an
incorporated town or city may hold
sueh election. The effect of this
provision is to make it impossible
for precincts lying partly withio
and partly without a city or town
to adout prohibition.
Section 2ofthe locsl option law
provides that liquor may be sold in
caseB ot illness upon the prescrip
tion of a regular physician,, "pro
vided that a physician who does not
follow the practice of medicine as a
principal and usual calling shall
not be authorized to give the pre
soription called for in this section."
The proviso auotsl is omitted en
tirely in the Jayne bill, thus open.
ing the way, for druggists or other
persons hot- regularly practicing
medicinfc as a principal calling to
give ! prescriptions - ior aiconouc
drinks.. ,
Section three of the local option
j a w provides that prohibition elec
tions may be held in June 01 any
year. The Jayne bill provides that
they shall be held only in the al
ternate years intervening between
the general elections. In other
words the- questions of prohibition
can be submitted to thevoters of a
niecinct only once in two years, m
stead of every, year, as nnder the
original law. - ' .;,
The proposed. changes in section
seven and 8 are unimportant and
incidental to the plan of precinct
local option as distinguished from
local option ot r counties or - groups
of precincts. . -;
Section ten of . the local option
law declares that when an election
results in favor of prohibition, the
sale of liquors shall become unlaw
ful immediately upon the counting
of the votes in the county court, 11
days after the election. The Jayne
bill would cive an interim of 90
after the count before probiiion be
comes effective.
Under section 12 of the origina.
aw, when an election has resulted
in favor of prohibition the issue -cannot
' be raised again for two
ITOOVC . I f hn InvtvtA Kill T Vc af K-
er an election results for or against
grohibition, no other election uaa
be held fortwo yearsr: : . v -
Section 14 of the local option Jaw -
is repealed in accordance .with the
plan of precinct local option. ' , '
toectioa 15 ot the original ' law is
so amended by the Jayne bill that
even after a precinct basvoted " in
favor of prohibition, it does not be
come operative until the county has 1
reiunaea . - io any person inereto -
engagepl in the sale of liquor ,'the
pror tion ate amount".-of license fees
paid by him for the unexpired term.
Section IV. of - the original -law -
made it "the; special duty of the
district attorney to file or have
filed complaint" in all cases wheie .
the law is violated. . -With , a just
appreciation of the embarrassment
whioh this provision may cause a
district attorney, and : an evident .
deBire to take such' responsibility
from his shoulders, the Jayne bill :
amends this section so tbat the dis
trict attorney is obliged to file com
plaint only, "when there is proba
ble cause to believe'.' that thev law
id Koinflr ' irlnla'fail ' an1 ', nrV ah- - 4-liA
same la made to appear by the -
affidavit of some person V who par- ;
ports to know the fact." . :" J . ,
Section 18 of the local option law
is as follows: '
"In all prosecutions under this ',
act, by indictment or otherwise, it . -
shall not be necessary to state the .
kind .of liquor sold, nor to describe
the place where sold; nor : to show
the knowledge, of the principal, to
convict for the acts of an agent or
servant; and in all cases the persons
to whom intoxicating liauors shall
be sold in violation of this act shall x
be competent witnesseSi , The issue
of a license or internal revenue spe
cial tax stamp by the government
to any person for the sale of intox- .
icatinsr liauors shall- be prima facie
evidence that such person is selling,
exchanging or giving' away intoxU
nahno linnors. . . - - V 5! -J-J I it--'
3Syne" bill its as to teadJ t
"In all prosecutions under this
ant. h indictment or otherwise.
the offense charged' shall be stated
with the same particularity that is
required in the case of other offen
ses against the criminal law ot this
state, and in all cases the person to
whom intoxicating liquors shall be
sold in violation of this act shall
be a competent witness."
Section 20 of the Jayne bill is
designed to give the counties and
precincts that went "dry" last .No
vember a chance to try out the
question agaio. If 10 per cent of
the voters are dissatisfied with pro
hibition and sign a petition calling
for an election, the question shall
be resubmitted in the June election,
1906. .. . ..
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany .12-45 P- m
- ' Corvallis 1:45 P. m
" arrives Yaquina..
5:40 p. m
Leaves Yaquina..
Leaves Corvallis. .
Arrives Albany . . .
For Detroit:
Leaves Albany ....
7:15 a. m
11:30 a. m
12:15 p. m
Arrives Detroit 6:00 p,
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit...... 6:30 a. m
Arrives Alban y ............. 11:15 a. m
Train So 2 cok sects with the S P train
at Corvallis a ad .libany givhig direct ser
vice to- Newport and adjacent beaches
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1:00 p.m., reaching Detroit at 6 :oo, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.' ; ... ,
Train No. X arrives in Alhanv in time
to connect with S P south hound train, '
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany beforeQeparture or t, p north
bound train.
For further information apply to
Edwin Sxonb,
H. H. Crordse, Agent Corvallis.
Thoa. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
53053-Fanion 35473
Imported black Fercheron stallion.
Will be at Corvallis after January I. For
further information address
' . . . T; K. Fawcett, "
" Bellfountain, Or.
Remember Nolan & Callahan
January Sale is now running in
full blast. Bargains all along the
line. ,'