The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 14, 1905, Image 2

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    GorvaUls Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
0OV.IXI8, OREGON, JAN 14, 1908.
Just before the Independent tele
phone system came to Corvallis, the
eld company published a notice,
stating that the rates on all new
phones would thereafter be $1.25
per month. In the telephone fight
that is now in progress, various
persons are offered Bell phones at
- very low rates, in some instances,
free. The present effort of the Bell
is to drive the new company to the
wall, so that there will be no com
petitor in this field. Is it not self
preservation under the, circumstan
ces, for the people of Corvallis to
stay with the new company? Will
it tie better to stand by and protect
and maintain the new system, or
will it be better to join with the
Bell lor destruction of the Indepen
dent, so the Bell can have the field
all to itself and put up rates as it
proposed to do just before the Inde-
. pendent company came ?
: Corvallis has probably the best
telephone system of any town
of: , its size- in the- United
. States. 4 That is the testimony of
all the strangers who have seen the
Independent system. It is a sys
xtem and a, service far superior to
thatjOf any other town in Oregon
It is a feature for Corvallisites to
show;to strangers when they come
to the Fair next summer, as one of
the attractions of Corvallis as a
home city. Iyocal business men are
heavy owners in the system, and to
stand in with the Bell phone in
the present fight by subscribing
for its phones, is to stand in against
our own people, againsjur own
capital, against our ownfown. Iet
the Bell have the long distance but
give all the local business to the
Independent that should be, and
is the motto of every Corvallisite
who stands first and always for his
own people and his own town.
Real Estate Transfers.
' F. S. "Holmes to J. M. Holmes,
45 a near Albany; $100.
M. Schmidt to Fred Yates, small
tract in Corvallis, $10.
Minnie E. Risley et al to Geo T
Vernon, 13 a in Alsea, $1.
W. L Perry and wife to R. I,.
Taylor, lots 1 & 2 blk 1, Hoffman's
add, $550.
H. T. French and wife to Eliza
beth Belknap, small tract near Cor
vallis, $2,425.
P. Winkle and wife to Wm.
Newman 163 a near Bruce, $4843.
Samuel Mclane to A. M. Mc
Caskey and wife, 41 a near Philo
math, $550.
J. B. Crooks and wife to U B
church, lot in Philomath, $125.'
X, 3. Horner and wife to C. H.
Barnell, 1 2-2 lots in block 22, Co.
add, $1,100.
. U. S toS- C, Dixon patent to
129 a in Southern Benton.
U. P. Burnett to John Smith
sh stiff's deed to 52 a on '. Ingram
Islind, $435.
Robert Barclay et al to G W &
S A McClure, 43 a near Monroe,
Thos A Parr to W D Risley, 62
a in Alsea, $500.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long,'
writes Mrs. Ghaa. Applegate, of Alexan
dria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that if
1 walked a block I would cough frignt
fully and spit blood , but when all oiher
medicines failed, three i.OO bottles of Dr
King's New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds." It is absolute
ly guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La
Gnppe, Bronchitis and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $ 1.00.
Trial bottles free at Allen & Woodwards
Chicken Feed.
Cracked corn for chickeD ieed,
aDy quantity from one sack to car
load lots. Cheaper than wheat.
We carry a full line of poultry
supplies. F. I,. Miller.
53053Fanion 35473 -
Imported black Percheron stallion.
Will be at Corvallis after January 1. For
farther information address
T;K. Fawcett,
Bellfountain, Or. -
Statement of Expenses of Benton County, Oregon, for
the Year 1904.
County Court and Commissioners Salary of Judge, Commis
sioners, Bailiffs, Livery, Experting Books, Etc ....$1299 80
Circuit Court Salary of Bailiffs, Reporter, Jury and Witness
Fees, Meals, Special Counsel, Etc.. 61015
Justices' Courts Fees of Justices, Constables, Jurors, Wit- '
nesses, Etc 4.. - - 92 40
Sheriff's Office Salary and Expenses of Sheriff and Deputies 2029 90
Clerk's Office Salary of Clerk and Deputies....... T984 00
Recorder's Office Salary of Recorder and Deputies............... 1000 08
Treasurer's Office Salary of Treasurer..................!........... " 499 99
School Superintendent's Office Salary of Superintendent,
Fees, Etc :. 1066 96
Stock Inspector Salary, Etc 25 00
Assessor's Office Salary of Assessor, Deputies. Ex. Help, Etc 1101 55
Assessment and Collection of Taxes Copying Tax Rolls,
Extra Clerks, Collecting, Advertising. Levying on
Property, Etc 484 85
Tax Rebate Taxes Refunded 3r 86
Current Expenses Books, Stationery, Postage, Expressage,
Telephones, Etc. (all offices).... 921 62
Court House Expenses Janitor, Lights, Water, Fuel, Re- ,.
pairs, Supplies, Fixtures, Etc.............. 2377 20
Jail Board of Prisoners, Medical Attendance and Medicine, .
Kepairs, supplies, .Fixtures, ntc... 42 50
Poor, Care of Salary of County Physician, Poor Farm, Pro
visions or Transportation Furnished, Hospital Charges,
Burials, Etc.... 1950 00
Indigent Soldiers Relief Furnished.... 1 15
Insane Examination and Expense. ... . 107 65
Bridges Built by Contract, Material and v Labor, Etc 1040 93
Ferries .......... 709 10
Election Expense Registration, Ballots and Supplies, Pay of
Judges and Clerks, Deputy Sheriffs, Etc 1681 35
Scalp Bounty County Bounty, one-third State Bounty 74 00
Miscellaneous Including State Fair Exhibit, and Care and
Quarantine of Smallpox Patients 569 08
ProsecutingvAttorney's Office Preliminary Hearings 208 50
Tot. Exp. for 1904, Except for Roads and Highways.. ..419909 82
And Among Strangers Fred Hartley
and Trouble he Made at the
A queer case of insanity came
der the notice of the authorities
ednesday. The telephone late
uesday evening, notified Chief
ane that a strange man by pecul
iar behavior was frightening wom
en and children in the vicinity of
the railroad crossing. The man
was walking backward and for
ward on the railroad track for a
considerable distance with such side
acts as had every door in the vi
cinity barred and inmates of ' the
houses watching breathlessly from
every window. When Chief Lane
and Sheriff Burnett arrived on the
scene the man started off in the di
rection of Albany, but soon stopped
and was overhauled by the officers.
The story he told is probably
true, though the man was so halt
ing and contradictory in his state
ments that his talk challenged ex
treme doubt. He gave his name
as Fred W. Hartley. He said he
was born in England, and that he
had served a year in the army of
Canada. He had lived in the
south, had tramped it through Ne
vada, California and Oregon, and
had worked in the logging camps
of Washington. Several weeks
ago, he seems to have gone
to work for a farmer named Parker
in the vicinity of Philomath. The
day he was found at the crossing,
he had left Parker's, he said, and
had walked to the place where he
was found. He didn't know where
he was going, he didn't think- at
least that he did. '
The man was given a bed in the
city jail, and the following day
was examined as to his sanity, with
Dr. Lee as the examining physi
cian. - He was adjudged insane,
and Thursday morning was taken
to the asylum by Deputy Shejiff
Wells. He is about .28 .years of
It is bad enough for the mind to
collapse when the victim is sur
rounded by relatives and friends.
When he is a stranger in a strange
land, it is pathetic It matters
not, of course to the victim, but it
does affect those who have sym
pathy for a fellow being. ,
To the editor of the Times: An
impression has gone forward that
we are not retailers of groceries. In
order to correct this, I wish to state
that we have a very full line of gro
ceries and sell at retail. Should it
not be convenient for you call in
person, you can call tis up. as we
have both phones. Yours muy,
S. L. Kline. .
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given - that
there is money on hand at the coun
ty treasurer's office to pay all ord
ers marked not paid for want of
funds up to and including those of
August 3, 1904. Interest will be
stopped on same from this date.
Corvallis, Jan r4, 1905.
W. A. Buchanan, '
Treasurer Benton county, Or.
Toys for children at Hodes' gun
If in search of jardiniers call on
E, B. Horning. He has a fine line
He Died Recently at Canyonville B
' A. Stewart.
Information concerning the life
and death of the late B. A. Stew?
art, who settled in Benton in 1852,
is contained in the foliowing hand
ed the Times for publication:
Burel Allen Stewart was born in
Fountain county, Ind., Jan. 25,
1837- . '
V hen six years of age he moved
with his parents to Missouri. May
9, 1852,. he started to Oregon,
crossing the plains with an ox
team. Oct. 25, 1852 he reached
Corvallis. After living, in and
near here for nearly 20 , years he
moyed to Canyonville. Oregon.
Jan 3, 1905, he died after a brief
illness. He was a; Mason and was
buried by that order. He leaves a
brother, a wife and four, children,
at Canyonville, and numerous rela
tives in Corvallis. His sister, Mrs.
David Blake reached . Canyonville,
a few hours before his death. An
other sister, Mrs. James Bush . re
sides near Seattle.
Watch lor Motes Beos.' cew
spring goods.
Notice. '- -
Notice is hereby given that a meeting
o! ' he Womans Christian Temperance
V on of Corvallis, Oregon, will be held
m .ue parlor of the Union, in its build
W. on lot 8 block 3, original town Cor-v-i
lis, Benton county, on Thursday Jn
u h v 19, 1905, at the hour of two o'clock
p :n. lor the pnrpose of authorizing the
s of the building of said ; Woman's
CI istian Temperance Union, and for
tli- transaction of such other business as
m .y come before the meeting.
All members of the Women's Christian
Temperance Ui.ion will please , take no
tice of this meeting as larije an attend
ance as possible is desired. By order of
tt.e executive committee.
P. 0. Wilson.
13-3 ' Pres. '
Holiday, goods at cut prices, at
Moses Bros.' '
If you want fine china go to
Zierolf's. He bus the largest and
most complete line in the city. 1-1
$3 Rate to Portland and Return.
The S P is selling round v trip
tickets petween Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany
to Portland to Portland on Satur
days if Eastslde is taken. Passeng
ers to pay local fare between Cor
vallis and Albany. ' :
To the owners of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, s, 6, 7,
8, 9. 10, 11, 12, Block 14, Original Town
Corvallis: Notice , is hereby given that
the viewers appointed to assess he cost
of the construction of a sewer through
the middle ' of the alley in Block 14,
Original Town Corvallis, will meet in
the council chambers in the City Hall in
the City of Corvallis, Benton county,
State of Oregon on Thusrday, the 12th
day of January, 19.05. at 7 o'clock p, m.,
for the purpose of making said assess
ment. Dated at Corvallis, this 31st day
of December, 7904.
J. W. Crawford
Caleb Davis ''
- - W. S. Linville "
. . , ' Viewers.
All Mail Orders Received During this Sale will be Filled at Clearance Sale Prices.
of as CLEARANCE SALE as as V
Has commenced and like its thirty-four predecessors, it will continue until February 1st.
and be conducted on the same broad plans that have made them the
. greatest bargain opportunities of the year.
Silks and Dress Goods.
Black, white and colored dress fabrics,
black and fancy silks, velvet and velvet
eens at a great sacrafice
$ 50 values reduced to $ 41
75 - do 59
1 00 do - 83
1 25 do 1 04
1 50 . do 1 21
Ladie's Furs. ;
All the latest styles, and here is your
$1 50 Furs reduced to $1 05
2 50 do 1 75
3 50 do . 2 45
5 00 do 3 60
7 50 do 5 35
Ladie s Cloaks,
I will sell all the odd sizes and styles
of ladies and Misses Jackets I have at
$2 00. 1904-5 Tourist Coats and Jack-,
ets and Misses Coats and Jackets at a
Big Reduction.
At a general reduction of 10 per cent.
A few styles that. I will discontinue at
Half Price.
Mens and Boys Clothing and Overcoats.
Every suit and overcoat reduced, including the staples. Bhie Serges and black
unfinished worsteds. These garments were not bought up for this sale but are the
famous Hart, Shaftner &f Marx and Banner Brand make.
? 5 00 Mens Suits and Overcoats $ 3 94
7 50 do 5 98
9 00 do 7 20
10 00 do 8 00
12 50 do ' 9 98
$13 50-Mens Suits, and Overcoats $10 60
do .
15 00
16 50
18 00
20 00
12 15
13 25
14 40
15 95
2 5o Boys Suits and Overcoats selling at
3 00 - do
4 00 . do
5 00 do
6 00 do
1 99
2 4o
3 21
3 95
4 83
Broken lines of boys and mens suits 'at Half Price.
Shoe Department
Everything in shoes and slippers for
ladies, men and children at persuading
- Ladie's Hosery and Underwear.
Clearance sale prices prevail in this
department. The Black Cat Brand are
Groceries. Ladie's Shirt Waists.
25c Armours washing powder 3 lbs I5c Wool and silk in all the new colorsand
15c Rex 100 per cent Lye........3 cans 25c styles.
Good Sardines, 6 - cans........: ..v...25c Eeduced from $5 00 to $4 00
Arm & Hammer, Schillings Soda 4pk 25c do do 4 5o to 3 63
Naptha Soap 4 bars 25c do do 3 5o to 2 92
Western Yeast per pkg ..03c do do 3 00 to 2 31
I X L Macroni and Cheese, 3 ens 25c do do 2 5o to 1 88
I X L Chicken Tamales, per cn.. ..lie do do 2 00 to 1 38
Sniders Catsup, large bottle 19c do do 1 5o to 1 19
Red Ribbon Con Cream, per can.... ...10c do do 1 25 to o 98
Blankets, Etc. Special.
Clearance sale prices prevail on blank- 12 Jc Vicuna cloth reduced to .....10c
ets comforts, white quilts, sheets and I2c Napped Shirting do .....10c
pillowcases. Best quality outing flannel now loc
Our Annual Clearance Sale includes every Department of this Great Stock of Good Merchan
dise, and the radical reductions apply to every article excepting1 only a
few lines the prices of which the manufacturers control,
The White House.
Regulator Low Prices
Our patients are our
best advertisements .
Every pair of glasses
fitted by us sells others
We want to add you to
oar cbain
To fit von is to fit your
friends in the future
MATTHEWS the Optician
Room 12 over Nat'l Bk.
Join the crowds onward to Nolan &
Callahan's great reduction sale.
Barred Plymouth Rocks. .
A few choice '; cockerels for sale,
from $2.50 up. Also a ' few hens and
pallets.- - i
7 W. G.Emery.
. di4 xm. Corvallis. -
Call for shoes at Moses Bros.'
Get your coal oil at Moses Bros.'
J :.. South Main St., Corvallis, Ore.
1 Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers,
And. other Photographic Novelties.
For Sale. . -
Fine corner, good nine room house
good woodshed, excellent well of water,
some fruit, three blocks from postoffice;
bis bargain at 900. Call on or address
C. H, Everett, Corvallis.
dioim. - ' '
.. It's hard to convince the long
range doubter, but if you will, take
a little time to drop in daring No
lan & Callahan's Redaction Sale
they will show you values in Suits,
and Overcoats that yon positively
cannot resiet if yon are in the