The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 14, 1905, Image 1

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    fit,. -'''MP'-- ' V,--, v "- ..-
Wli VS www to i.y a;
-- w i I i loan
Vol. XVlI.-No. 37.
You Can Secure: " i
:l T.' -s:fc-k:VS'v-;:;V
argains Cbroughoiit
Our Entire Store ; v
Every department ',
filled with choice
goods and. prices
should interest y 6 ti
, Store with two Fronts :
Jefferson and Second St
Free Bos.
Leading Hotel in. Oorvallis,. Recently opened. New :
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con- !
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-'
capes Hot and cold water
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in'the Willam
ette Valley. - '..' .;"-'". ' -' ".
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. "
IS mill's iHiisie Bouse
of Albany, Oregon removed to 350 ,
Alder street Portland Oregon. Write
. for prices , save money . Special atten- -tion
to mail orders ..
Gecilian,the Perfect Piano. Player.
' Hunters' Supplies,
bportmg Goods,
( of a Kinds, and Fine Cutlery '
- i
Fine Light Sample Rooms, a
Hotel '
J. C Hammel, Prop.
on every floor. . Fine single i
Fishing Tackle,
Sewing - Mach. Extra's,
4jun St
Russian Squadron la at Chagos Isl-l
ands in Indian -Oataa-r-Japan
'- Warns Chile Not to .Sell .. ;
; Warships Other News.
Tokio. - Jan. lO.-T-lnformatibri
wnicn ns reacnea cenam . reiiuVrtfai,M jaB t! .athe dfcfrict ov
quaiters. tere states .that the rP?JVa ith5sQbsiurinei tfitteVVli'y
eian generals in Man.ohanarfrtoBa3 iQ atside ofUrt
mg cotifadence in .General Kurop-jjtg- eetrismioiv
kin, and, that the Russian :situationf -ir'ttckian tt696:otifcess! tsiaes
arouna . muisuen .. ib serums-
It is feared that it , iiprqpatk;in at
lacks the Japanese position; along!
the Shakhe River, he. will court o isr;;Aruf vg j a
aster, and that his fnrtherretrejitj
wurmean the demoralization ofs h transfened t? the pantse.
army.,. , ',' . -
iU" luwujai s"". , ,
tbat tliere is constant DiCKencg .c ;
Russian Manchurian headqajrttersgbwa& ocrasio'n of one of the
tented, llieir aissatistaction wgirw-j- thJJiiHed Staled
nlng with the series of retreats f-Theg w yyue
the battle of Telissu and the , wuh,Tia ,ocmo4oj y ?Bnffelpr"whnVtis
tne nattie oi lenesu ana tne wun-
d rawal from Liag Yang,, when
was uBiieveu u was puebiuw iu ,uui
that place. The climax came vyM
buc nuoDiau ucicat ftiuo; uatti .t
the Sbakbe RivfiTj ;fiowJn . lSMp-
paikin's strongly worded pyJSef m,
recting the forward.-ttsbvehien vtfil
ed October 2. - fhis defeat brons,nu
a storm of criticism ori Hhe ofc?
mande r- i n chie f v. a nd j resuKid
discord among the officers..
Long inaction, the JnfGrroau
alleges, is nndermining: the "mo,
of the - Russian : arMy' and i?
pointed out that xecenC skirmish
and outpost bril?hss
the Russian soldiers
i her'r'pd-JVss 54f-fi3.ii
sbow'their former tightin's sWrit o
I qualities. !;. . . .-
churia from Port. Arthur :ll picib
anly be placee ia .advanced.' posi
tions for. the -purpose . 6f enablir g
th8 Japanese to shell .far into the
Russian lines.
Paris, Jan. 10. Japan bis in
formed Chile that farther sale of
vessels io Russia will be followed
by summary punitive measures,
i bis information comes direcs from
the foreign office, but has not jet
been published in Pairis.
According to an tfficiel-of the of
fice, J pan is greatly "irritated over
tne mailer, aca b&e even gone so
far aa to hint broadl? tbat tbe Cai
lean ccast would make a fine target
for the Japacese warrbipf-
At tne same time a similar pro
test was made to the Argentine Re
public, in spite of the fact tbat such
a threat might be considered an of
fense against the Monroe doctrine
The source of this information
leaves no doubt as to its correct
nees. ' " ' . '
Dr. Motono, the Japanese minis
ter here, sajg he baa no knowledge
ofauy such communication on tbe
part of his government. At;, the
same time he took occasion to criti
cise tbe new republics. A member
of the Japanese legation, said tbat,
if the United States should take do
measures to prevt nt any further ac
tion of this sort, it would not be
fair to invoka the Monrce doctrine
against Japan. - ..:
Speeking ucofiBciaily,; members
of government circles say tbat tbis
incident shows that Japan hes
grown so Eelf-cooipldCfcnt over its
victories that it can run the risk of
losii g the good will of even the
Unittd. States.- ;. '
P..vrf. Louis, If of liaaritius,
iaa. 10. It i-3 rumored here that a
Japacese'squadron is fit Diego Gar
cia, Ch.eeos IslsW.a. The Rus:iin
Admiral was informed January 2
that Japanese warebips were pru
cetdiDg to meet the Russian equad-
ron, and tbe vigilance flf , The-. l-Ucr
ivsfi redoubled. ';;'
The aid de-camp of the "Rugfian
AdmiralLjij an interview I'ut "Twas-
tave, capital cf the island of. Mad.
a'gascar, was quctd a saying that
the Russian squid?on : wou'd fe
quita a uQo::4h; to crcsaj the Indian
Ocean,; ;;', i ,.;.' ;;:-'- ?
The Chagos Ijlacds C fire . in "tse u.ew, sei a iorjt;vara ex-1
te'cs:on.of the Maluivs group, w ti.oh
i 3ni) miles soatEwest of the coat
eflcdia.. They ts;- claimed by
The- ": correa-
JANUARY 14. 1905.
pondeni at Port Arthur otbb Dai
ly says that on January 8, 20
Japancse.were killed by theexplo
fcicu of a contact mineinside one of
Abo forts, and that two .mines in the
town also exploded., " .
-.No fity Shown.
f t'oryeara fate aafter me 'contrnu''
ously Writes ff. ;! A. GoUedge, yrbena
Ala. - "Lfcad terrible. case'of Piles
usiBg;34TumJriB. :. When tall failed
Cucklsn'is Aim Salve "Ored tnei Eanal
f If, good ; for Baros nd" all . aches and
da eaf5dditionalRlrviv6ie
the tffixd BXBEditron ot tire -Tab-
iWoV-Tra .W'mteraWrni
i. - - MFW Xork,;J'n.: iu. ibev Daii
r,a-w;iH.m- Astr.1 la-t.
jig ef ljmEte;j by a jeweler - who bas
vgoH mHndn9i)f , dollars' worth to
,?6 $20,000,000 - ancT?traordinary
pjf cantibnjCwere takeii tolprotect
the'ewests f f 6'm Vtbje ves, - ten - detec
tives bei" g , employed -gZg? &; 4y
The value of jevtels. worn' by the.
piinoipsl gnrfta wa?:'-'. ' :
Wbrilt'? $?5o,QbpMrs.te!Iiiav
n W6r:fc$4305ot $5oo,ooors;:
4 John JiccbAslbrMrs." Gornelins
Vanderbilft Sr hiitl O, Hf PBel
uioiJti: Mrs.iQlarence:Hi Mackay
;rVorth $300,060 to $40o,ooj, Mrs.
Perrv iJirnoot. MrsUftlriohs, Mrs
indjeate-;4tr.Ormt(AV,li0 jg., Alfred Gwynoe
are fJ)M.:t1j vm vves ftbtf Fft K .
Moiidn,Mr8. Mvs. Jantea A. Bar-
den. .'T-j,'' - .;v
W'irth $2oo,noo to o.,"oois Mr?.
Harry Payi e Whitney, "Mrs. Paj'ne
Whitney.- Mm. George J. Gould,
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbiilt, Jr.,
Mrs. Oliver Hai riman.
Washington, JaD. 16. A sensa
tion was caused in ibis city today
by the discoyery of what appeared
to be a definite and serious attempt
to blow rrp or deface the statue of
Frederick the Great, given to the
TJi ited States by Emperor William
of Germany and erected in tbe Ar
senal grounds, near the Army Col
lege, on the Potomac River wat-r-front,
in the Southern part of the
city. It was believed at first that
a crank had made a real effort at
dtrbtruetion ot the statue, but after
a careful investigation the police of
ficials say the material used was in-.
capable of producing damage. Ibe
evidence so far secured, the police
announced tonight, tends to show
tbat the attempted effort to injure
the etatut was amateurish to a de
gree. - It is regarded as an attempt
to work up sensation. .
' Daiectives learned treat a . negro
hackman named Aithur Catb took
the man thought to have perpetrat
ed the affur from the Pennsylvania
railroad to the etatue. Apparently
he had iust arrived in the citv.1 His
bagggge consisted of a small and
worn drers suit case. The man
told the hackman to drive slowly tq
tbe barrack grounds. ' When, the
sttue was reached, the stranger
alighted, ran up the steps leadinig
to the westerly terrace- of fheJ war
college -esplanace, arid 'di?(sppeare8j
behind tne pedeer't.! of 'tbetatuej
A miacte later he ran buck ta7 thai
cab, and tliehackiiun' o'.lbed thii't
bis crip was mining "I'hw ;. na'abj
iumced iito ,th'cVb: kn-i -brdeferlj
the baf ktnkb t)ndnvij-';6ut: 'of, t:-t-hT;:
grounds as I quickly ' aspwsnble."
So inv fcfter; getting out cf th
grounds tab :straige' : jiimpfectwut,;
paid the hickmaii aba distfppe-.ited.:
The man had 'hung'1 hisjbitCris'e:
bv a wire"hafokito'uthe" wita fVnea
surr'6uhding : th'e-'"1-ft't'tf"it' A'-w;
minu'es, later a egro idi3cavred -r it
and nisibdged it 'iroWthe'ftjka;
ft fell 'to t&e'gb'u;nd,,i-';i:t; 'ieipiodedj
Aside ff bm throwing a fe'wsfljchs;
of mud upotf th4 step 'Of thefpedes-i
tal,-uo barto was:Ticto.,':-J,l';I PV
;; One tff ct'bT-tbW11 edWitotf ' w'Ib
the hnnied building 'f ;a-S'ifia'i
.Vi;t?h toX.heeid.e tMisfcat-wfeere
a waiCGpGrancwni'. ba.-..tstKz:w at?
Refi;8mbe.r N:din-& CUJaa
Ndin &
a-is ; -now: ? ms -it
full blast..
Bat'iaics ;''ftl V;?.l';':'tj kfifc
- rjNIRODUCED.: - 5:
Much Good 'la Expeoted vto
"AcebmplieEedatthe JTanda
V of the Solohs,- for sthe 4"
' .-Cv
Salm, Jaa.
I tAmbngy the
bitig itkrbdnced ib the rbduse" oday-
ppsred by irrigatl' commission, j1?-11 f.V "''A!
r-. iuV ii j;'--irt.:0';--- ' 'should be tent to tbftsc,t&hng .. . . v
frf-:eie.!itun of road supervisors, -to. -. . "--'JiaV:'-:-- r &. -? .
avjtfcf?tze lanq;.t teconcjemned fort
l.nd. t be condemned for'
tchVbly.pufp for
prixiifeitg' and f 8tatn:rAng ; upon; -fill
oVigiriat bo? tsi'-, paekagt aioc' cases
co'i&'tbija''&tlstih, powder, and
fvpe of the date of manufacture.
That the articles of Incorporation
shall be prima facie evidence of the
exicter.caof corporattptf. -'i-
To; define the frights pf riparian
owners". ' '. lijiXt'1
1 and sawiniil refuse into etreams;
To authorize scbopl Buperintend-
inVi'qVi:tte8..f '.
To authoriza. corporations ' tp at
as administratorsj v guardians, ' r&J
? To protect timber against . forest
fireej' providi hgf dr ;the appointment
f forest rangers and ;ft closed ":$e:
--To extend the time
labor, eofiimissibneri V
of the .
v To es t ablis h a board : of com mis-
sipners'ipr'lhb ;pTom6tib
formity of legislation ;n'-Jhe'mtea
States.'..'"' j ' ' "J '' - -
ties et
tors.- ;
Relating to the state
appointing a librarian. . I.
To provide for tha moiithly paj
mect'of salaries to employes in state
ins;ii.utioo8, , ' ' -
Repealit g the $5,000 limitation
on tha value of human -life where
death requited by negligence.
Regulatiug' the appointment,
qualificauou and duties of, cotacies
public.- ; ;;;
Amending the insurance code by
levying a license on insurance c.m
panies. --. ' - "V ' , : . ' . ; ' ' . .
Sal-m, Or., Jan,, 11. The lar
ceny of .the bill making gambH' g a
folony on the last day of theseial
?fSsioa i)f 1903 led to 'etrii-iient
measures by 'he senate, this moan
ing to prevent a recurrence of such
a crime. : Immediately after organ
ization, Coe introduced a resolution,
prefaced by a reason for such ac
tion providing that the president of
the senate appoint a responsible
person to act as tenate bill messen
ger, under, 6th, who ehall le. he'd
accountable for all bills and : docu
ments transmitted to or from the
house, j Members and f clerks in
trusting bills to the messenger to re
ceive receipts from him,' and he in
turn from persons to whom they are
delivered. "';',: .. ,.,,. ' ' f
; In speaking to a motion to adopt
the resolution, Coe said that a house
bill making gambling a felony, ia
troduced by Hutchinson of Multno
mah," and carried id the house by a
'majoti;y bf'one;;was EtiOlen ;tnthe:
evening of the last special..', session
while q its way to th eeu&te, that
a' so?.ndal :ie?uUed a.nd .that he . .did
cot WantiAay ioScei acting for., the
ti'fchiite to hidu
cr steal ' any , m re
I) l-P. ji.'V-.'. I-! ;! J(;r. !;;') ,-f.t
.'SicceisecGndad.the motion,-which
carriM.-unnimosly..irr -; ',
. The atiai.rfeK.6'atione to investi
gate ef'a'-'s offices ' and institutions
were offered. Miller declared tr at
the investigating ccmmittees in thej
past cad put tne state ux. a great
expnsb'fof clerks ', and steaogra-'
pir-'er s.-; He m ovtd tt at a com.rnitt ee
if ttVf Kbq 'dfcted - 'to; 'consider,
'the fenlEtfobs of invesfiga'tiioQ and
tl eci 'd iebrJ fe n J fTi t i' ve "a nd f c oft;m vd
method tcPbefyjloedHe ttrettgth
ens'd1 bis etitn'tlbb!by 'ins'aDeing
the disjpfctaraiBbe iff ISbibiSo ;ib'thsj
stats' lynd cffiWbf 1855, which wad
x cft(d ijVeV" ed tf til -i9.-;l :-i thob gb!
tne cocfe? wer9 experttd at - grea
nxfr.iib esc. islkt y-e; aeagion)
I he liKtvo e-i'.utr-d and Rjsodi
M l-rkry aud Smvth appointed &i
-:.Li5s'v kint?4-v ucc. ice- firrt i't
; ol ihA Vc-ia -sh'ct-r cSUt-ct
f .b ; 1 1 i 'v(; f y ; t -s ; il' i i:f ? k''- i-f ;.i g
tix levy h Jabcary 1 of esch year.
B. F. IRVMSB Edlte.
and Proprietor .
The . inteclvbn Is to .enable certain
towns in Grant conaiyto levy tax
in January, v,-h!ch had failed to io
so in ,D?cfcmber The bill - was re
ferred to Rand, chairmag of the last
judiciary jjemmittee. - .
'Miller introduced a etnais, joint "
cqncnrre c tjesolat ion pi qvidig that -.
the joint ePrppf iatio s b'Ul b' m- !
trodQced andvpriiitedJDijt Itss ? tbaa
seven -day si r to adjourtrntnt,
Adopted. pl '$ j:..;r:: fXM:
A niotioo by M-tlarkey that each - '
roemhsr be '6 utkot i z-d to m p!oy-..l
1,0 pe clerk or Stenograhis-fcd'wJ.t-.
j : t.;r-
oint concurrent reolistion No? lJ; ;'iJ
by PiefceJ prbvi4iDghai;nQ7bille
p? ,Tnoaocea ;. w-m.ner
.-.i. . I- -nrw ''1' j.
adgpteUtp'-fdrftiBht membeig :? ilbS
fivevcopiea of the .dsily ppers, to- bb-1 !
1 ... -V
ft? Salem JaoS 12.The.foilowibft:1?i!'-
bills haveVbeen ictfouuced.inthe -.U
Senate: ' , t .-.,'', v- "
"' To permit sclicofiJistnotB .1 'etna
munieij'? I'-r-f' to ery. t.'ic" t , .; -cial
"taxisvs by' Fcbrbsiry ilQOS;; J v '
J. To provide: rfotacoostitutionar ;k';1;
convention. 'ifrprc-i I '. '
:" To amend sabdiviFioa 3. of ; 8360 - .
of the cede, so as tb provide that in .
apportioning school fund.j each die- ;i '
-trict shall firBt baid.$10Oipfc'teBd7.;v.
of $50, before the per xapiti'dietri-; j!f v
bution ia made. - . -,'",';-'- -'h-,
To repeal .pectin. SflOfi'to 39 1 1 of
the cbdeVVltirig to health cficrB Iav;-
at Ast fQt C;oi;B, jMjGtToiner fjr&t
. To fix tbesalsTr-f tf state t fficrs. . ;. I
vTq amend fee pbaftercf Hiilshora :
' To c: e 1 tf the T i .; :d Eaaern" Or-
T 1 p, .-a caen d section Ijjo of the. ;
'Tape'ffoitf'lS f;lSKt rj'r-;;; ;';-
v 'br'wMo'tu'tubiCioa fichibl-;;:s' ;
Abo;lthing the effioo f ftjunty
recorder4 in Bcn'oac-.1, i ty. . -'7.-.
To a meet? tie,ct artf rof. Sprirg
6eld. ' ' V- .'"'', ; " '
To establish a.'bQT6!ib rf Mines
and Geolcgy "t b State Universi
ty, and appropriating jrboney there- -for..
. .- . --;' ;
For the piottction of salmon. !
For the protection rfcslmoa and
stu'geoD. . ' ' .'
: To repeal eettpp 2o27of the code..
,. For the prctectian of s'u-geon. :
; For protection of salmon.
To create aetata iiiitiin? ftureatr?.
-' To irie'kt -rsouoty survt-i ors ex-of-
ficio r'admaeterf ' ; ,-'. ;
To fix fees ct connt? , rf cordera
and cif-rkt. a.nendir'g ct of 19 :3..
F.oV relief of M's M iry NiHbler
ti the m-.'unt of $77.45 for meals
for meiuw;; uf Tracy and Mtrrill
posse. . t , ...V: . : .,
To amn ' section 132 of the code
prescribing the procedure at the tri
al cases.: - : - - ' -; ,! '
(by r-qv.est) For relief cf Mrs. .
Amanda J. Ilerren.
To regulate uss of .-water fromj
stream in Orfaob; - i; '
.''1T0 aouer.d ;s,tctiuo.; 22 the
code rel-tiag to protection af game;
birds ia Eastern Oregon. . . .
To amend section 5lo8 of the
Code, authorizing municipalities to
condemn water rights. :
To authorize the transfers of es- ;
tates iu guardianship from one
-county to another.
To amend section 2o22 of . the
code, 10 protect piairie chickens ia
ii.a-t m Orej n.
' To a&end cection 2olo of the- .
code rtlatirg U oer si.d . antelope.
I.y; ceaaetxinv i 4 jud tor public
school" puny sesi : . '." . '
To abplisii.cfSt;3 ,sf 'c;bbty recor- -
Ur 1 . liikfv c.rt v.- ':'-
To fix -salary arptuy n bi t clerk
- To. fix S5i:'ie- of ecb'd -t?per:n- :
tende; t iii Baker (uotj'. ; .' .
R -.i-i. g-eoiBtt?; sa'Vio t-frbtrlfTdf
Baker :,Mum v.. .. -"; ,, : -.v
Tj tmen i toe Ti rre; B title regis- ,
trra'io . !a?. ; '
(by. request) To; rtgu!ateped.?
dling. . " - - . -,-'-- .
- To incrcrpbrate Haf Springs, 'Ba
ker ty. ' - i :vi.-,i,v.'-;i;,i ;?; -;,, ;
At tbe clcsVof tbe yfir 1594;' inwbicb :
oursak-J have been tbe tovgifeiE 'in the.
history of our house, -n B'wish to thanTt.
our patrpn-asd frsens; kf&e generous
part incur success and bag "Co assure
them -thati-:OTaifii istiae! in: sUuilhat
QualityvFftipt Pet4 fj.'j.s,-st 'Hf.-a4,Val-
nea imply, a3.d,-tt?;;t wi-.h ,t!.c'r rppoit, '
we will cairyJiHi; ColAi) "&'Cal; bas-,
.iness to 'rab-fe tct.-Ji-fcV succ in 1905
lhf:-n-!2tie&ort'K;j H sil-ocr :rieiids -.
; r i's New
'.6 s;r,