LOCAL LORE. STEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. Tie Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items of Public In.terest "Saucy Susan" caps at Kline's. Born, Saturday, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Elgin, a daughter Mrs. Thomas Jones returned Friday from a visit in Independ ence. Mrs. B. Woldt and daughter, Miss Minnie, were Portland visit ors from Saturday until Monday Surveyor General Daly was up from Portland to audit accounts at the college Saturday. Mrs. W. T. Bohannon who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Jones, is to leave Sat arday for her home at Seaside. . This Wednesday evening, the Knights ot Maccabees are to hold their installation of officers. All members should be present. J.'W. Ingle left (Monday for Walla Walla, summoned there by the sad news that his father was at the point of death. ...... H. V. Meade, editor of the Grants Pass Courier, and brother-in-law of Judge, Watters, was a Eorvallis visitor the first of the week. - The First Spiritual Union of Cor vallis will hold services in Barrett Lyceum on Sunday at 3 p. tn. A cordial invitation is extended to ""everyone. The Corvallis Band of Meicy -will meet at the free reading room at 3 p. m. on Saturday, January 14th. Mrs. Cauthorn, president. Mrs. Fl'nt, secretary. After a three weeks' visit with Ber . daughters,. Mrs. Sherman Wade and Miss Belle Ranney, at Ofex, Eastern Oregon, Mrs. John I Rickard returned home Monday ' In company w'th Lewis. Hol Jeaberg who goes to Iowa on busi ness, Mrs. Jane Harlan, aged 83 years; left Sunday for a visit in Nebraska. She expects to return to Oregon in the spring, with re'ar tives who willyvisit the Lewis & Clark fair. ( ' There was installation of offi eers at the Rebekah lodge Monday night, with a banquet and a gener- al good time. Tbe new officers are; Past noble grand. Mrs. El Jen Mundy; noble grand. Sadie Dixon; vice grand, Grace Huff; financiat secretary, Mrs. - Lee Henkle; recording secretary, Mar garet Fowells; chaplain, Mrs. Levi Oren. Two OAC students united their lives and fortunes Sunday. They were J. C. Wright, , whose Some Is at Stiver Lake, Oregon.' and Miss Mae .Harris ot bnmmer Lake. The wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. McDowells, at high noon, in the presence of a small party of friends. The cere mony was -performed - by Rev. G. H. Feese of the M. E. church. The young people will leave in a week or ten days for their new home in Lake county. , Only the best of wishes follow" them. The contract to supply the State Insane Asylum and. the pen itentiary flour has been awarded to the Corvallis Flouring Mills. - No tice of the award wa received bv August Fischer Saturday. The contract requires 1. 100 barrels for the asylum and 400 for thepeniten tiary. . Many of the mills of the state, including a number of East ern Oregon mills were bidders "for the contract.' In making the award quality and price is the basis for determining which is the best bid. Last year the Pendleton Flouring . Mills secured a part of the contract. , A better lecture has not been heard in Corvallis in many a day than that on, "The Possible Man delivered at the First Methodist church by Rev. G. H. Feese, . Fri day evening. Because ot counter attractions in town on the same evening, the attendance was not large, but the audience was appre ciative. The lecture ' was a polish ed, scholarly address, with truth, wit, and humor so cleverly inter woven mat all who listened were charmed. Taken as a whole, the address was an appeal to humanity to live closer tc God, and truer to principle, castiug aside the tads and frivolities that govern too many lives today, smothering out the nobler and more elevating of life.' things Bo n, to the wife of Charley Wiley, in Corvallis, last wek, a girl. Bert Hollister is incapacitated for duty at tne Centt nnial Meat Market on account of illness. ,. Dr. J. M. Guthrie, who has beea for some time visiting at the home of R. H. Colbert, left Friday for B llaire, Kansas. Fred Clark was able to be up town Moaday afternoon, having al most recovered from a three-week ' illness which coDfimd biaa to his home.. The Times is in receipt of a let ter, without a signature, enclosing money. If the writer will send his name the request will be granted. The letter is postmarked at Albany. The condition of Miss Grace Huff was not materially changed yesterday afternoon. The case is appendicitis, and the physicians be lieve an operation to be imminent. The Guild of the Episcopal church meets at the rectory Thurs diy afternoon. As business of im portance is to be discussed, all members are urgently requested to be presjnt. The 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Perndt of Granger, was taken to Portland Sunday, for an operation lor removal ot tumor in the back ol toe nose. He was ac companied on tbe trip by Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Pernot. Prof. Covell is a member-elect of the city council. Councilman Johnson resigned Monday n'ght, and the council elected Prof. Govell to the vacancy. He ha consented to serve, and will probably be sworn in at an adjourned meeting Friday night. Councilman . Johnson re signed, because be has become a bidder for a water franchise and contract. r . i O. A. C. wallopped Monmouth at basket ball Saturday night. The scire was 41 to nine in favor of the Aggies. The team work of the lat ter was conspicuous, and the - indi vidual play ' in several instances, bi illiant. The team is apparently stronger than t any past time. The lineup was Steiwer, Rinehart, Moores, Stokes and Sann. In the second half, Cate and Bilyeu reliev ed Steiwer and Moores. A big crowd watched the play Thomas McFadden, 1903 coach of the O. A. C. football team, ar rived yesterday; for. a day's visit with Corvallis friends. He is en route from California 1 1 Belling 'hm, where he is engaged in the pract ce of law. This season he coached the De Pauw eleven at Greencastle, Indiana, and had a very successrul season. His servi ces for coach next year are sought by the De Pauw team, but Mr. Mc Fadden expects to itire from the bos ness. -Corvallis poultry fanciers are heavy winners in the poultry show at Seattle. All of the awards have not been heard from as" yet, but well known Corvallisites have taken awards as follows: White Wyan dbttes: Dr. Lester, first and second hen, first cock, first cockerel. Buff Leghorns: Gene M. Simpson, first cockerel; W. J. Fisher, first cock. Silver Penciled Wyandottes: J. M. Pcrter, first cockerel and second pullet. The city council had a midnight seance Monday evening, it was the regulaf meeting, and business was piled up. The session began at 7:30 and did not end until near o clock in the morning. , After the clock struck twelve, the breth ren locked horns over the extension of the city limits. All kinds of visions were had by those in attend ance, other than councilmen. One proposed that a dozen hot tamales be sent for as a peace ottering. Another suggestion was that a doc tor be sent for to write prescriptions in the hope that a little stimulation might help out. -Hamar Buthn, aged 13, wasi sent to the Bovs and Girls' Home at Portland Saturday. Before he left there was an examination in the county-judge's office. The father waS there, and was amazed when the son. in answer to an inquiry, stated that he had not been to school during the past three months. The father, who saws wood about town, thought he had been there all the time. The parting ot the lather with his boy was a melancholly scene, but the transfer of the lad to a place where he will.be surrounded by kind people and have the care that he so much needs, is by far the best for all concerned. Notice of Final Settlement. - Notice is hereby given that the final account has been filed in the matter of the Last Will and Testament of Guilford Barnard, deceased, and Judge Virgil E, Watters has set Saturday, February nt at 11 o'clock a. m. at County Court room, Court house, to hear objections thereto it any mere be. ; .. v- . . . Robt Kyle, Executor. Dated this Dec 29, 1904, -, Chickens and Eggs Wanted Moses Brothers 500 ALSEA CREAMERY CHEESE BEST ON THE MARKET 13cts Only 13cts PER POUND FOR THIS WEEKj ONLY Corn Meal in Wk H ODES' G e do mot OFteif cmm Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is " the idea. Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain anfl Fancy Chinaware A large and Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store we do the rest. 6 B Highest prices paid for chickens and eggs at Moses Bros . . Moaes Bros, are all right on gro ceries. v Eastern Oysters. -: At Chipman's Restaurant. Our best hat advertisements ap pear on the heads of our customers. Nolan & Callaban. Bargains. One ton vetch seed. Also Eng Hsh rve erass. Soeltz, vetch straw, Poland China hogs, Shrop shire bucks. . ' 7 1 Kitelsmen woven wire fence tnanMnn. :' 1 3axle wagon. 1 reversible 2horee tread power. 5 cords ot wood. Silo cutter and elevator; one 24- foot silo, holds is tons. Power cutter, elevator, . gang plow and silo will be eold for $125. L. Iv. Brooks. Telephone 155. Ladies! . If you once use Com Dressed - Yeast, yon will have no other. Ask for it, afr Homing's. ' v ' ; Wanted. ' Work, washing, or housecleaning. dress box 43, P, Ov, Corvallis., Ad s varied line. fiortiing Comnressei Yeast can be had at Horciog's. It saves much time and lador. For Sale. Black Minorca cockerels .. for sale from choice laying strain of Minorcas, Pure blood eg;3 for sale in season. ' . J. A.,Gilkey, College Hill, Corvallis. To Whom it May Concern. , All persons are hereby warned not to buy, or trade for, any stock or other property that is on my farm near Dustv. without mv written permission for the same, and all persons are nereoy notinea tnat l will not -be responsible for any bills contracted by my son George Clark. Mrs. Mary J. Morriss. Philomath, Or., Janf 4, 1905. " Is a Uateb if it don't keep right time. ' Per haps yours is not running as it should, suppose .you bring it to us. New mainspring.gone better, $1 ' Cleaning, ordinary watch, $1 Can not be done better at any price Matthews the Jeweler. ; ;j : : Room 12 over Nat'l Bank. . TO HOMESEEKERS. Farms Stock Ranches and Qty Proper ty Some Snaps. We have properties that no other agent can handle if you are interested come and see us. If you do not know us ask some citizen of the connty of us and our buaioess methods, We expect to carry on a legitimate real estate business in this 6unty whether you have a home for j sale or desire to purchase one it will be to your interest to come and see us. Try it. "The following bargains are handled exclusively by us; watch this space for new bargains next week. No 333 5oo acres, 150 acres in culti vation, balance timber and pasture, good house, 2 good barns and other out buildings; fine fruit; located near Wren, Ore. Price $6,500. No 334 100 acres, nearly all in cul tivation, fair houBe'; well fenced; located at Wren, Ore; price 2500. No 524 : 1370 acres ; 300 acres in cul tivation, good, buildings; fine pasture timber, water and fruit; 3 miles from railroad station; price $l2;50 per . acre. 523; 4 lots; house of 6 rooms; wood shed; chicken house; well and pump; 16OO. No 525 One acre of land, house and store combined ; barn and other out buildings. Stock of groceries, store fix tures and house furniture; price 1000. No 526 333 acres, 60 in cultivation; balance pasture and timber; good house, and 2 barns; good fruit and water; price 3.50o. 4 1-2 miles from Philomath. No 527 5 acres all in cultivation; lo cated right in Philomath; price 600. No 528 21 acres nearly all in culti vation; new house and barn; fine fruit and water; some timber; 1 team, wagon and harness, 2 cows, chickens and house hold furniture;i mile north of Philo math; price 2,500. . No 520 160 a. 30 acres in cultivation : good house and barn, fine fruit and wat er; good timber and pasture, 100 acres tenced, 8 miles southwest of Philomath ; price 15OO. 53O 62 acres, iS in cultivation, balance posture and timber, good water and out range, new house of 6 rooms. 2 barns. good orchard, located 1 1-2 miles west of tne Alsea store. Nine head cattle, one team, wagon and harness, 4 bogs, house held furniture, some farm implements etc, prie $no0. 53I, 80 acres, 50 in cultivation, bal ance tiaiber and pasture, good house. 2 barns, fine fruit and water; 4 miles Ironk Philomath ; price J300O. ; 370, 1 3-4 lots, eood house of 5 rooms, good barn, fine fiuit and water right-in Philomath; price 1400. ; 532, 234 acres TO in cultivation, balance good timber and pasture; 83 acres fenced new house, 2 barns, well watered, young orchard, 3 miles west of Philomath, price $10 per acre. , 533. 1 lot, large new house and barn in Pdilomath,- nice fruit, a fine house, price $1700. 136 160 acres 6 in cultivation, good orchard , fair .buildings, well watered, 2 million teet cedar umber and 5 million feet of fir. 12 miles southwest of Pnil omath on Alsea road ; price J2OO0. 419, 920 acres, 180 in cultivation, 40o seeded to grass, 60 bottom land slashed and seeded to clover and orchard grass, balance timber and pasture, good house of 6 rooms, good barns,- water piped to nice stream running through farm, on county road 2 miles from siore and post office; price $i0,o00, 534, 2 lots in Corvallis, house of eight rooms in good condition, barn to accom odate 4 horses, other out building, price I150O. 535, 2 lots, house of 6 rooms with base ment in Corvallis. nice shubbery, all in good condition; price $2200. 536, 1.70 acres, 18 in cultivation, 4O in good cedar and balance pasture and fir timber, 100 of aove in bottom land, log house and barn , 1 team harness and wa gon, 4 head cattle, chickens and all farm tools and 7 tons clover and timothy haj , Id miles from railway station; price $1550 537, 32 acres, 80 in crop, 1I5 under cultivation, balance pasture, fine running water in pasture, house of 8 rooms, in good condition, barn to accommodate 8 horses and 18 cows, hay for same and other out buildings, all under fence with orchard aud small fruit, 18 cows, . 16 yearlings, SO sheep, 4i goats, 5 horses, 1 "bull, 21 pigs, iOO chickens, 5 turkeys, new binder and mower, disc plow, har row with seeder attached,- new wagon and harness, 1-4 inst. in threshing ma- cnme. Alt tools including cream seper ator; price $26 per acre including stock. 539, North half of block 22 in Wells and McElroys add to Corvallis; price 30o. ; V--. ' : , , - ; v ; - 540, 267 acres, new house of 6 rooms, 2 barns, granary etc. . Well fenced; -100 acres binder cultivation balance pasture and timber 1 1-2 miles to school; 9 miles to county seat; price 35 per acre. , 541; J40 acres; iOO in cultivation bal pasture and timber, good improvements, 7 miles from county seat: 3-4 mile to R. R. siding, on co road; price 30 par acre. 642, 2-3 of acres, .nice location on col lege hill; price 7O0 ' 543, J62 acies, house 6 rooms, barn 20 xioo ft, other out buildings, 25 in cult. ; balance pasture and timber; 3-4 mile to P. O.; 10 miles below Alsea store; price 81O. 5A4. 1 1-2 acres adjoining Corvallis; ho'- ie 6 rooms barn etc., some fruit; price 900. . Ambler & Real Estate Ageilts. V,'. Petersburg, Jan. 5, Street eares of foe Russ have been sus pended by official order owing to the tone of its editorials since the fall of Port Arthur. The Narshrady has received its first warning! B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoars: IO to 12 and a to 4. Phone, office 83. . Residence 351. Corvallis, : : Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office oyer postofSce. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store. C. H. Newth, . . Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. Office In Zierolf Building, Cor vallia. O J. FRED STATES ATTORAu I -AT-LAW. First Nat'l Bank Building, Only Set Abstracts in County Dolls; dishes and all kinds of pretty things for the little folks, at Moses Bros. 127 E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Lcuw. P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER Coallis Office at Huston's Hardware -Store. P. O. Address, Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. W. E. YATES, Lawyer Corvallis, Oregon. Both Phones. G. li. EAliRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All calls attendd Notice of Final Settlement. V Notice lo hereby Biven 'hat the undersigned executrix it the estate ol William Groves de ceased has filed in the county court of Benton county, state of Oregon, her flnal account for settlement' as such executrix, of- said estate. and that Satnrday the 7th day January at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m has been fixed by said court as the time for hea'rins all and any objections to the said report and the settlement thereof I EMMA K. (iKOVKS, Executrix of the estate 01 William Groves, deceased. Dated tals lOth.day Dec 1904. Notice for Publication Timber Land, Act June 1878, United States Land Office, Oregou City, Oregon, Nov 9. 190. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended toallihe Public Land States oy act of August 1, 1892, Charles O Huff of Corvallis, county ol Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed lu this office his sworn statement so. 6TI9, for the purchase of the S. of 8. W. H of Section No. 32 In Township No. 11 South. Range No. 6 West W. M., aud will offer proof to show that . the land sought is more valuable for its tlmoer or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, Counry Clerk, Oorval li.i, Benton Coun ty, Oregon, on Saturdsy, the 18tn day ol ffao. 1905. He names as witnesses: . . Lawrence Stovall of Philomath, Oregon. George Stovall " " " . Caleb A Davis ' " Zebediah H Davis oj Corvallis, " Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 18th day of February, 190a. Algernon S. Dresser, Register. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY Corvallis, Oregon. ' '4 Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic . ' Exchange. Bays Connty, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FBANCISOO PORTLAND f London San Fran- SEATTLE ( cixco Bank Limited. TaOOMA 1 . . KXTW TTOKK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The'Bepub Uo. LONDON, ENG. London ft San Francisco . Bank Limited. . - . . CANAD A . TJnioti'Bank Canadfoa : . Olives in bulk, fresh and' fine, at Homing's. : . d2itf