The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 28, 1904, Image 4

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The Comiags and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items
- Public In.terest
Wade Malone, of Alsea, was a
business visitor in ; Corvallis this
; week. .-; ." ': ;
Dr. Bennett and bride are to
' return today ffom a trip to Port
land. - -'.--;'-
M rs" Bruce Burnett has been se
riously ill for several days at her
home on Fifth street.
Masses Juliet and Louise Coop
er left Sunday to spend the Christ
mas holiday with Portland -friends.
Misses Mary Nolan and : Edna
Irvine leave today for a visit with
Miss Helen Steiwer, at Jefferson.
Miss Pauline Kline announces
that she will be at home to her
friends on New Year's day.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Blake, of
Wells, were visiting Corvallis rela
tives on Christmas day.
Mr. and Mis. W. C. Swann
left Monday for a visit with Mr.
Swann's sister at Louisville, Polk
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schriber
went to Oregon City Monday for a
visit with relatives.'
Mr. and" Mrs. L. N. Price,
from Irving, Lane county, spent
Christmas with relatives here.
Will Dilley, of Southern Ore
gon, is the guest of his parents in
George Ernest, who is now a
resident of Portland, visited Cor
vallis friends Sunday and Monday.
Herman Tartar came up from
the parental root" until after Cnrist
mas. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley, from
"Portland, are here for a brief visit.
Mrs. Hadley is a daughter of Mr.
1 1 r TV T cl
ana ivirs, n. r. oeeiey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson,
of Portland, are spending-the holi-
days with relatives in Corvallis.
Mrs Henry Stone spent Christ
mas in Independence with .her
mother. She is to return today.'
Mrs. M. C. Miller returned to
day from a visit with relatives at
Elk City. , v
Miss Hazel Elgin ,has entirely
recovered from the attack of scarlet
fever with which she has been suf
fering, at Baker City.
Sidney Evans, a member of the
A. C. Ruby Inspecting Horse Co ,
oi Pendleton, has been in Corvallis
this wtek, selling horses for his
J. G. Kilpack, a former student
at O. A. C. , was a Christmas visit
or to friends in Corvallis. Mr. Kil
pack is now instructor in English
at the Hill Military Academy, Port
land. Among those whom the Christ
mas tide brought to the home's
hearthstone is Degarris Reves, who
is a teacher in the Vancouver nub-
lic schools.
Mr, and Mrs. Perry Van Fleet
arrived Friday from Portland for a
holiday visit with relatives. Mr.
van fleet returned nome yesterday,
but Mrs. Van Fleet remains for a
longer visit.
W. M. Jones of Monmouth,
announces that he has purchased
the John Smith interest in the Hout
meat market. lie is to assume his
partnership in the business Janua
ry ist. Mr. Jones recently sold
his market at Monmouth. John
Smith has been a partner in the
Hout eslablishment for 12 or 14
years. ,
Miss Dora Lindgren, who,
for some time has been stenographer
and assistant bookkeeper at S. L
Kline's, left Friday for her home at
Melrose, Douglas county. She
has resigned her position, and the
vacancy nas been filled by Miss
Madge Baldwin, who has already
entered upon her new- duty in
Kline's big store. Miss Lindgren
will be missed by a large circle of
friends. ;
Chickens from this locality
which ere on exhibition at the
State Poultry Association's show at
Portland, arrived home Tuesday.
For the most part local exhibitors
did not secure the honors which
they were expecting, and probably
not what they would have received
it the hands of other judges. About
, the only Corvallis poultry fancier
who came home with, his feathers
unruffled was Gene Simpson. It
. seems that he swept everything be
s fore hia with his bull leghorns, v -
Horace Locke is up from Port
land for a holiday visit.
Mr. and Mrs W. C. Swann are
to return today ' ftom a visit with
relatives at Louisville.
. Mrs Jones arrived from Amity
yesterday, for a visit with her sis
ter, Mrs N. F. Gilteepie. '-
Mrs Hugh D. Smith of Hood
River, arrived Wednesday and is a
guest at the home of Mrs W T Nor
ton. -
' Miss Mattie Strong, who is at
tending school in Portland, is at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Staong, for a holiday
visit"'' '"; '" ;-.'. -
We have properties that no other agent
can handle if you are interested come
and see as. If you do not know as ask
some citizen of the county of us and our
business methods, We expect to carry
on a legitimate real estate bneiness in this
county whether you have a home for
sale or desire to purchase one it will be
to jour interest to come and see us.
. Try it. The fallowing bargains are
handle.! exclusively by us; watch this
space for new bargains next week.
No 130 4o acres, 25 in .cultivation,
good house and barn, fruit and water,
good timber and pasture, 4 1-2 miles
from town. Price Snoo. .
No 383 10 acres, all in cultivation,
good house, burn, fruit and water, good
location near Philoraat b ; price, $1750.
No 318 15s acres 75 acres in cultiva
tion, good new bouse, 2 barns, good
timber and pasture, well watered by
creeks, good orchard 4 miles from Phi-
lomatu on tne Alsea roaa. .race
No 161 330 acres, 30 acres in culti
vation, balance in pasture and timber;
good house, fair barn, some fruit, well
watered; 1-3 of crop goes with the place;
6 1-2 miles from Philomath; price f 10
peracre. . .
No 46 36 acies, 26 in cultivotion
balance in pasture and timber; good
house acd barn; fine fruit and water;
located in Philomath. Price fo5oo.
No 236 96 acres. 35 in " cultivation:
balance past me and oak timber; new
house ot seven rooms, large barn; well
watered; located oue mile from Philo
math; price $40 per acre.
No 516 93 aures. 6t in cultivation,
balance fine pasture and timber, fair
house, new barn, good orchard.- 5 1-2
miles southwest of Corvallis; price $35
per acre. . .
No 5t7 158 acres, 15 in cultivation,
balance pasture and timber; good house.
of eight rooms, fair barn; fruit and water,
16 miles west of Alsea store oa - Alsea
river; price $1200. . -
No 246 One acre and ' seven room
house located in Toledo, Lincoln county
Oregon; price $250. ; , " ' O..
No 391 105 acres, 60 in cultivation,
balance -fine pasture and timber, new
house of four rooms, two barns, well wat
ered, 1 1-2 miles south of Philomath,
price, f 3500.
No 518 - So acres, 50 acres in cultiva
tion , fair buildings, line orchard, good
timber and pasture, three miles from
Philomath, price $3200. -.
No 520 -2 lots in Corvallis, new house
often rooms, hot and cold water, 'good
woodhouse, fruit house and. some fruit,
price, $2500. , - , . -
No 521 73 acres, 20 acres nnder cul
tivation, good orchard: house of six
rooms, woodhouse, barn 56x60 ft; all un
der fence ; shop, hen house, etc. smiles
from town; 1-4 mile to school R F D :
price fsooo. ' - ' '
No 522 1 1-2' acres in Corvallis, with
fine house of 14 rooms, windmill, hot
and cold water," throughout house,
private sewerage, electric lights at
house, barn and workshop: good orchard
one of the finest homes in Corvallis;
furnace and heating plant: price, $45.
". No 434 20 acres all in cultivation;
fine apple orchard, good house, barn
and wrter; 5 miles south east of Philo
lomath I.400 ' ' -
Amliler & Walters,
Real Estate Agents.
Oar boys' suits are. built to stay with
the boy the hustling boy is the boy we
like to fit out with clothes, the chap that
is never still, climbs trees and fences
and plays. We have got the clothss to
hold them. Nolan & Callahan.
Join the crowds onward to Nolan &
Callahan's great reduction sale.
Olives in bulk,
fresh and
tine, at
Dolls at half pric6 at Hodes Fion
eer gun store. 017-100
I am Here to Stay Attention
' Owing to our inability to get s
location on the street, we have
ODened our store over First Na
tional back, in room li for a short
time. . - ' : ' ' -
We have a nice stock of gold
iewelry which we shall be pleased
to show you. and at prices . below
anvthins you have seen.' WeTdo
all kinds of watch and jewelry re
pairing. Come and see as before
buying your Xmas presents and be
convinced of the trptn.
D. E. Matthews,
Room 12 over 1st Nat'l bank
- ' dl4-tf
Compressed Yeast can be had at
rlornins s. it saves muca time
and lador, ,
Recruits Are Pouring in Infantry,
Cavalry and Artillery Are
. Drilling Oyama- Is to.r
,v , Hays Half Million of
i - Men Other News.
-vroKio, JJac. 'Jo. lofcio -is again
a great - military -. camp and the
scenes of last spring, when the first
armies were mobilized and. dis
patched, are being - duplicated,
thousands of recruits ; and t reserv
ists are assembled, . drilling xahd
equipping - preparatory - to taking
the field.- The permanent and
temporary barracks are filled - and
it is necessary to billet the soldiers
brought to the city. ' ,
f Oyama Field ia the center of ac
tivity, where infantry, cavalry and
artillery are constantly drilling.
The batteries tire blank charges
for the purpose ofbreaking- ia the
new horses. - The general military
preparations are enormous. It is
planned to give J leld Marshal Oya
ma a roogb total ot 000,000 men,
with a heavily increased artillery
arm, besides providing , a defeose
for Formosa and the Southern' isl
ands, in an anticipation ot the Rus
sian second Pacific squadron's at
tempt to seize a base.
The port of Kelung, in Formosa,
has been declared in a state of siege
and. other positions in Formosa and
the ' Pescadores are progressing.
Winter is not interfering with the
Japanese transport Bervice, The
railway between Dalney and Yen
tai is working well and the running
time between Tokio and Liao Yang
is eix days. ,
." Tokio, Deo. 25. The following
report was received, this morning
from the Japanese army besieging
Port Arthur: :
"A body of our right . wing sur
prised the enemy at HouEaoyantun
and Siaofantua at 10 o'clock on the
Dieht of December 24 and subse
quently occupied these villages.
.After gradually dislodging the
enemy, -our fores at 2:55 this (Sun
day) morning occupied the .whole
of Taliuchiatun. .
"Our repeated attacks of the past
few days have been uniformly suc
cessful. All the enemy's advanced
positions, fronting our .right wipg
are now in our hands."
Harbin, Dec. 25. Chinese from
the south say that the; Japanese
have brought 5o,ooo Chinese into
Southern Manchuria, but bavediffi
culty in feeding them. They also
say the Japanese have , prepared
l.ono four-wheeled carts with iron
slrelds in front and on the sides,
which are to be pushed by soldiers,
ar.'i which are to carry rapid-fire
aii'i machine guna.
There is the greatest activity in
H:ubin, where the Russians are
bulling -. enlarged bathhouses,
churches and ahospital. .; r:J
Tokio, Dec. 25. The" Fort Ar
thur besiegers occupied Taliuchia
tun Saturday. It is officially an
nounced that the whole of the Rus
sians advanced positions in front
of the Japanese right have faljen.
San Francisco, Deo. 25. West
erly aud southwesterly gales made
the trip of the George W. Elder
very trying, not only to the passen
gers, but to officers and crew'. The
Bteamer arrived today - 48 hours
from Astoria and 62 hours from
Portland. Twenty-five cabiD and
26 second-cabin passengers arrived
on the steamer, and. all. were glad
to reach port.
Soon after crossing the bar off
Astoria laet Friday morning, the
steamer ran . into rough . weather, j
and until Point Reyes was abeam,
the Elder was plunging and rolling
in seas that were sometimes moun
tainous. On the starboard, or sea
ward side, of the steamer, great
waves boarded . the Elder and
smashed doors and windows.. '
One of the male passengers was
washed from his bunk and injured
by striking on the doorframe. Many
of the staterooms were flooded, and
the water even entered the dining
saloon, lhe assistant cook . was
thrown across the galley by the
lurching of the vessel and sustain
ed serious miury to his left arm
and hand. Passengers on the El
der say it was the roughest trip at
sea they everexperienced.
Estray '
Oue red yearling steer with nnder bit
in left ear. The animal came to my
ploce last July. The owner will please
call at my place and claim property.
- : : F. B; Decker, .'-
Philomath, Or.
Before selecting Xmas presents
see the Llbby cot glass at Zieroli's.
' Sse Moses Bros before ' you- fell
your eggs. ' v. . - - .
: - Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to aU persons con
cerned that the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed administrator of the estate of 1. K
-Gle&son, deceased, by the county conrt of Ben
ton county, suti oi uregoo. ail persons having
clims against the estate of the Sbld 1. E Glea
son. oece&sed, are hereby required to . present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri
ed as by law required, within six months from
the date hereor. to to the undersigned at his
residence in Benton county, Oregouor - at the
oihoe of E. R. Bryson, In Corrallis, Oregon.
Sated the 10th day of December, 1804. .
Administrator of the estate of 1. . Oleason,
deceased, .---:..--.-..,
Natioe of Final Settlement. ; ,
Notice to hereby given 'hat the undersigned
executrix if the estate ot WiUiam Groves de
ceased has filed in the county conrt of Benton
county, state of Oregon, her final account fur
settlement1 as such executrix, of Bald estate,
and that Saturday the-7th day January 1905, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by
said court as the time for hearing all and any
objections to the said report and the settlement
thereof .
Executrix of the estate ot William Groves,
deceased. - . . . t
Dated this 10tb;day Deo 190. ' .
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned hastieen dulvfeppolnt.
ed administrator of the estate of Melissa - E.
Gleasou, deceased by the county court or Ben
ton county, state of yiegon. All persons hav
ing claims against tne estate or tne saia ueussa
. Gleason, deceased, are hereby, required - to
present the same, with the proper vouchers, du
ly verihea as oy law reqmrea within bix montns
from the date hereof to the undersigned at bis
residence in Benton county, Oregon, or at the
office of . B. Bryson in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated the 10th day oi December, A
Administrator of the estate of Melissa E.
. Gleason, deceased.
Watermans Ideal
Fountain Pens
for Christmas
OllftSeeee ' -
-Have you ever been away from
home and tried to write a letter but
couldn't do so because someone else
was using the pen and ink?
xt so, just remember there are
hundreds of others who have -had
this same experience, and not one
of them but what would be- over
joyed with a Christmas Gift of an
always ready pen..
- Waterman's
, Ideal Fountain Pens
You can 'select them frdm, our int
creased Christmas stock.,. You'll
find them Plain or Gold-mounted
as your fancy runs to, and every
pen, regardless of cost, a pen that
will write on the instant, an Ideal
Pen and an Ideal gift. ;
i lne business man or woman
schooi teacher, lawyer, boy or girl
at school, or. the folks at home
will hail with delight at Christmas
Watermam's- Ideal Fountain Pen.
Put this on your shopping list and
select early. - - : ' .-'
No other stock will offer you such
a wide range of prices as ours. ;
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens from
$20 to $45.00 each.
' Wanted.
Highest price paid for'
pullets. S. B. Bane.
Everything in cloth and leather
books from 10c up at Gerhard's.
OAC postal cards and burnt
leather novelties at Gerhard's.
To be Given Away.
A $50 diamond ring, A ticket
goes with each $ lworth of goods
purchased. The lucky number
gets the ring. E W S Pratt's
jeweler and cpticiaD. dTtf
Produce taken in exchange for
goods at Moses Bros new store.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store.
-' O. Address, Box rr.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. -
The -
Corvallis, Oregon.
' Both Phones.
. .'.:. ; : : . For Sale. " .
' Fine corner, good nine roonv house
good woodshed, excellent well of water,
some fruit, three blocks from postoffice;
bis bargain at 900. Call on or' address
V. II. Everett, Corvallis.
dioim. -
. Xmas tree
ornaments at Ger-
Let the Public
There is a New Furniture Store
on South Main Street.
v , -There is a New and First-Oass Stock to Select
From, Including all things required in Fitting up - '
an Elegant House. ' J - j - .
There are Low Prices and a
Choice Line to select from.
Our ad., -but our goods change hands ( .
y. every day. Tour money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
v Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinavare
" A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do tfie
." rest.- ," '
1 3,- i- VI W -O VI
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
For Yaqnina:
' Train leaves Albany. ., ..12:45 P. m
I - " CorvaUis...... 1:45 p. m
" arrives Yaquina. ..... 5:40 p. m
Returning: - ,
Leaves Yaquina..... I..... 7:15 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
' Arrives Albany 12:15 p. rn
For Detroit: - - . -
Leaves Albany.. 1:00 p. m
Arrives Detroit. 6:00 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit 6:30 a. m
Arrives Albany Il:x5 a. m
Train No 2 connects with the S P train
at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves - Albany at
1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at b:oo, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
Train No. 'i arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours In
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. ( . ; ,
For further information apply to
Sdwim Stosts, ..
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. -.
Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany. u
'' " : '
G. li. FARRA,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele-,
phone at residence, 104.-
All calls attendd - 1
Cowauib, Oregos.
Responsibility, $100,000
- Deals in Foreign and Domestic
:. . . - Exchange. '
Bays County, City and School V
, Warrants. ; f" , "
Principal Correspondents.
Ixmdon ft San Frn-
y claco Bank Limited
NHW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morsran ft Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of Tlie Kepab-
Ho. -
IjONDON, ESG . rndou ft San Francisco
. jsanK ijinuceo. . .
O AKADi . UuloiH Cradfoa
r Barred Plymouth Rocks!
'" A - few choice cockerels for sale,
from t2."5o up. Also a few hens and
pallets. -
1 :. W. G. Emery.
.di4 im. ." . Corvallis. ..
V. L
Physician & Surgeon
OrBce, room 14, BanK Bidg. Boars:
IO to 12 and 2 to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, : - 2 Oregon.
Physiciaa & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1. to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham'a drug store.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Office in Zierolf Building, Cor vallis.
First Natl Bank Building,
Only Set Abstracts in County
Dolls: dishes and all kinds . of
pretty things for the little folks, at
Moses Bros. " 12-7
E. Bu Bryson,
' . Attorney-Ab-Lcuw,
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act Juno 1878, . . .
. . . umtea iaK iana umce, .
v Oregon City, Oregon,, "
,' . Nova. 190.
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
Jnne 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toall the Public Land States by act ot August 4,
1892, Charles O Hull of Comllis, oounty o
Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed la
this office his sworn statement No. 6519, for the
zicuce is nereoy Eiven mas m cumwiiauco
purchase of the 8. a ots. w. J 01 bection
So. 32 In Township No. 11 South. Bangs No.
West W. at, and will offer prool to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timoer .
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
....... v.1 1 ..Vi t,ia olatin ti, Hfti.1 Iflntl hnfnrA Vlntnr
P. Hoses, County Clerk, Corvalli.i, Benton Oouu
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day ot Feb.
1905. , . V '
He names as witnesses: ' ' : . 1
Lawrence S to vail of Philomath, Oregon. -l
George 8tovaU . . . . " ' .
Caleb A Davis . i yfy-j.
Zebediah H Davis e; CorvaUis,; .;
Any aii:i mi inrwus vituuiiu;; auveiseiy hut,
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims la this office on or before said 18th.
day ot February, 1905.
.- - . . Algernon 8, Dresser,
. ' . . . . . .. ' Begister.
J - -