The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 28, 1904, Image 3

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lAOrcrtlaementiiiithU column chorgadfoi
M IbstataoUt oenti par Una. .
Frank Groves arrived Sunday
from Bremerton, Wash., for a hol
iday visit at home
After a few days visit , with
their son, H. L. Hall, in Corvallis,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hall left yester
day for their home in Polk county.
Miss Edna Groves, who is a
teacher in the Hood River schools,
is visiting her mother during the
1,1 igg F-U1UU . " .
of Philomath College, is spending
the week with Corvallis friends
Next Saturday evening, the
eve of New Year, the drawing for
the fancy table cover on which
Father Springer has been selling
chances, will occur: at Nolan &
Callahan's store at 7,3op m. Come
and see who gets it. , ,
They mention the name of
Mayor Davis of Albany, in connec
tion with the -land fraud . investi
gations of the land frauds by the
federal grand jury of Portland.
The Rev. H. D. Chambers
will hold services in Episcopal
church next Sunday at n a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Holy communion will
be administered after the morning
service, Alt invited to these services.
x ne ot xv. amiuumiea a. uuc
farerate for round trip for the hol
idays. One half rate for children,
but no tickets will be sold less than
25 cents. Tickets will be good go
ing to all points from the . 19th to
30th, and for return up to January
7th inclusive.
Mrs. J. C. Mann and Mrs. D. M,
Smith are soon to take up their res
idence elsewhere. Mr. Smith and
Mr, Mann have been absent from
Corvallis for some time looking up
locations. ' The former is to have
his family residence in' Portland,
and the latter in Marion county.
a t r-: i J r
y melius lu v-uivaius vciy
much regret the departure of these
Shentt Burnett is having a
protracted spell of illness, some
thing in the.nature of pleurisy. A
few days ago a slight operation was
performed for the purpose of re-
: 11 - c n . . i r .
-; xuuvrug ti txiuc VLUU - uuiu UUIU
his side, but he does not improve
rapidly. Telt hopes to be out by
next Saturday to attend personally
to the sale of land for delinquent
taxes,- t
Monday, a strange four-year
old child was found wandering
about the north part of town in a
distressed frame of mind. The child
was unable to give any account of
wno n- was nor wnere it uvea
Mrs. W. G. Woodward cared for
the little one, and Deputy Sheriff
wens Degan a searcn ror its pa
rents. It transpired that the child's
mother is Mrs. Kees, who resides
near the Baptist church. The child
naa strayed away trotn home while
the mother went for mail about one
o'clock. . .
There is much complaint at
the college about the acts of those
who help themselves surreptitiously
to plants, flowers and shrubbery
that grows about the campus.
First one and then another carries
away, a flower, a plant or, a slip
with the idea that it will make no
difference. The aggregate of these
little thefts is that those in charge
find their, efforts to beautify the
grounds practically lost. As fast
as they build up, the flower-seekers
tear down. It is innocent enough
individually, but collectively it as
sumes the character of an indefen
sible depredation. Those who
want flowers should apply for them
of Prof. Coote. Sometimes there
are things that can be spared, and
always in such instances those in
charge wilt ho fnun4 tn Kn.l.
3 .wuu. fcW tt. uyu
obliging and generous.
A Pcrtlander and his wife sat
in the grandstand during the game
Monday. They were Multnomah
supporters. Signs of distress hung
all over them through the first half.
At one time in the second half,
they began to fly again. The Ag
gies had the ball and were going
( tuiivudt; . auu. SLCdUliy IU Ward
Multnomah's goal. Root had a
fashion throughout ; the game of
hurdling the Multnomah linemen
for sure and good gains. It seemed
to worry her badly. She stirred
nervously every time Root did it
At last she could stand it no longer
and when Root had just" vaulted
for another five yards, she ripped
out, "I'd think they'd learn to stop
that." Evidently, the old man
was mad about Root's actions, but
so tar he had been quiet, . The old
- lady's remark, however, evidently
. nettled him worse still. He rioned
out a repiy, - xou darned tool thev
can't Stop it."
7-Q A.. Danneman, of Clenvis
paying his family in this city a vis
it. .
Claud Gatch and familjrof Sa
lem spent Christmas with Corvallis
-Smith Mann of Salem is spend
ing the holidays with .relatives in
Corvallis.,.-!,'-'. .
'' Miss Lulu Newhouse left San
day for a week's visit with Port
land friends'.
... .. , :
Miss Essie Adams returns
today from a brief visit in Port
land. . .- ' ,
Walter Sheasgreen left yester
day for Albany, after a holiday vis
it at the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. - Wm. -Crees are
spending the holidays in Portland,
with the family of their daughter,:
Mrs. Grousbeck. " ,' .
Junction City ' Times: Miss
Mamie Starr of Corvallis is ; the
guest of her brother, ' John . H.
Starr. - ., .
The W. F. M. S. gives its an
nual tea next Saturday from 5 to
9 p, m. in the. church parlor; , A
good program has , been-prepared
to be rendered- from 8 to 9. v
Oscar Groves, of Dallas, and
Miss Marie Groves of Albany,
have arrived to spend the holiday
vacation at the. home of R. M.
Gilbert. . ; ; -
Miss Delphiaa Haenel " arrived
Saturday, from Parkplace, where
she is teaching school, to spend the
Christmas vacation with relatives.
iHomer Allen, formerly of the
Corvallis Western Union . Tele
graph office, accompanied by his
mother, left Monday for Pendleton
in the hope that the change, may
benefit his health. . .
A new house , is under course
of construction on a three acre tract
formerly known as the Fennick
property, near Crystal Lake ceme
tery. Ed Baldwin is the owner
and builder.
Harry . Hlgate was in Corval
lis on a brief visit , Sunday. He
has work in Oregon for several
weeks, and is soon to make a more
extended visit to relatives in- Cor
vallis." . -
Patachc tie Great Percheron Colt, is
0 Purchased By T. JL Fawcctt. v
A business transaction of more
than passing interest -to horse-
breeders of Benton county, occurred
Saturday in Corvallis. It involved
the transfer by sale;, to T. K. Faw-
cett, of the two-year-old : imported
Percheron colt, Patache, of .-which
extensive mention was made in the
last issue of the Times. This ani
mal was imported from 7 France ; by
McLaughlin Bros., after he had won
the highest honors which could be
bestowed by the . French govern
ment on a colt of his class. In
this country he 1 has also won - the
highest awards of several very pre
tentious stock exhibits,' and he will
surely advance; the .stock interests
of this locality very materially.
One of the awards which the French
government bestowed upon this
colt is a solid gold circular medal
nearly three inches in diameter and
more than one eighth of '. an inch
thick. It bears elegant inscrip
tion and figures. This animal's
weighs as stated heretofore, is 1880
pounds. The price which Mr.
Fawcett is said'to have -paid for the
colt is $4,400 ". v ,-'
- Mr. Fawcettjs residence is - at
Bellfountain, 'He is also the own
er of Fanion,;' ah , imported Per
cheron horse whicli. will be four
years old in April, and which is
a very nne specimen of horseflesh:
Conti nued from Second Paga.
Read this Column, You may Find
Just What You Want
V- Wanted. . . '
Turkeys, chickened docks and
Dressed pork, mutton and
veaL At my store in Philomath.
F.P. Clark.
If in search of jardiniers call on
E. B. Horning. He has a fins line
' : ' Something New . .
; Malleble iron beds, warranted
for 25 yeaf si against -any breakage
whatever. We have the exclusive
sale of them. We respectfully so
licit your inspection. v
,A .' Hollenberg & Cady -.'
- d2i-4t
' Chicken Feed. -.
.. Cracked corn for chicken L feed,
any quantity from' one sack to car
load lots. Cheaper than: wheat'.
We carry a full ' line of V poultry
supplies.; F I,. Miller. ,v ;
JDmiiiiiiiaal SaUd
Our Great Annual Reduction jSale will begin Thursday,
Dee 29th. . Every article in our big stock will be sold at
Sweeping Reductions, except W-L.: Douglas shoes; this, be
ing our first reduction since opening dur large new store, we
intend making it the greatest in the . way of value giving.
Sale will last 30 days. ( ' ' ' -
Bring vour
Bros. .
chiokeDa to Moses
100 Buff Orpirjgton cockrels for
a1e. Some very cheap.-; Why not
get some new blood in your pen
of mixed chickenB and double your
egg supply. ' F, L. Miller,
; Corvallis.
If you want fine china go to
Zierolf's. He bt3 the largest and
a Dst complete line in the city, i-i
Progress ,of Work 0. A.C.'s Experi-
ment Farm. : !
The principal Portland attraction
to Corvallis excursionists last Mon
day other than the football game,
was the Fair Grounds. The prepa
rations already completed or well
under way are sufficient to give vis
itors some idea of the exposition's
scope in reference to grounds and
buildings. The site is an admir
able one, commanding an extensive
view of the Cascade mountains, the
city of Portland, the Willamette riv
er and Guild's Lake, in the center
of which there is a wooded island.
Upon this island the United States
government buildings are under
construction. There is no doubt
that in the way of location the Le
wis & Clarke Fair will surpass any
exposition so far held in this coun
try or elsewhere. -
The .. principal structures and
buildings to be erected by the com
mission are the electric tower, hor
ticultural building, water tower,
forestry, foreign, liberal arts, agri
cultural, fire department, public
comfort, public shelter, machinery
and electricity building, the bridge
of nations, which connects the main
grounds with the island. Tbe most
noteworthy of these which are
about completed are the forestry,
foreign exhibits, liberal arts and
agricultural buildings.- The three
latter are extensive and beautiful
structures, but perhaps the most
attractive and unique is the forestry
building. This,, throughout, with
the exception of the roof, presents
a fir bark surface. Immense saw
timbers put together in regular log
cabin style : form the walls, and
other parts, -which,' on account of
their form, could not be natnrally
bark-covered, are artificially cover
ed, with bark.
What is known as the experi
mental farm, embraces between sev
en and eight acres. It is under the
supervision of the Oregon Agriult-
ural college. Their ground has
been tastefully laid out in walks
and plots and much seeding" and
planting has already been done.
Large varieties of perennials have
been planted. " Annuals for the
most part will be attended to later
A great number of plants are being
grown at the college which are to
be transplanted in the spring on
the experiment farm. Lawn and
other grasses have already been
sown and they are doing nicely.
x here are to be seventy-five plots
of vegetables. Prof. Coote v visits
the grounds every few weeks and
poshes the work, .of which he has
the supervision, as rapidly as the
weather conditions will permit,
Root was stopped from another
touchdown - for the : orange- , He
had broken away from the scrim
mage line with the ball under his
arm. . Two big Multnomah . men
made ,for him, ; but he straight
armed both and went. Chester
Murphy alone was in striking dis
tance of him. Murphy had to stop
him or Root would be free for an
other -touchdown. ' Every person
in the galleries saw the crisis and
hung breathless cn the outcome.
Root ploughed on, ready to stright
arm. Sut the wuy Murphy Knew
the force of that arm. He ' had
seen two men fall - before its resist
less sweep. At the supreme and
only moment, he threw himself and
threw v himself and with one hand
seized Root by the ankle. , The
play won the game for' the Port
landers by what it saved.
The OAC line and the way it
held was a striking feature of the
play. It was far safer than was
ths heavier line of the Portland
ers. Many an assault was direct
ed at Bower but that redoubtable
player always hurled it back. Time
and time again Bundy"s and Dun
lap's and Steckle's . positions jvere
tried for openings but nearly . al
ways ineffectively. -. It -was not un
til the grouping of a combination
of fresh star players that "enabled
Multnomah to get away for end
runs that the clubmen were finally
able to make headway.. ..
One of the prettiest features of
the game was hurdling by Wil
liams. He cleared Murphy in one
of these for a seven yard gain . to
the eminent surprise of that tricky
warrior. Two boys that made
good in the game were Rae Walker
and Emily at ends, both of whom
played star ball, while Rinehart
from whom much was expected,
never played more brilliantly.
.,. ; - IOSt. .
Gold ear drop with setting of white
stone. Liberal reward will be paid for
its return to Times office.
$3 Rate to Portland and Return.
- The S P Is selling round trip
tickets petween Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
Or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, - either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany
to Portland to Portland on Satur-'
days if Eastside is taken. Passeng
ers to pay local fare between Cor
vallis and Albany. . , '
53053 Fanion35473 ' .
" Imported black Percheron . stallion.
Will be at Corvallis after January i.,For
farther information address - " .
T: K. Fawcett,
rJ, ..... . . i . . Bellfountain, Or,-;
Toys for children at
store. -
Hodes' gun
Perry pictures at Gerhard's..
- Bids for Wood.
For specifications for bids to . furnish
the Oregon Agricultural College with
wood for the college year beginniBg July
i, 1906, apply to T. H. Crawford, clerk
and purchasing agent t
Corvallis, Ore,, Dec. 12, 1904. : di4 t-6
E. W. S. Pratt,; jewaler and op
tician, will give to the holder of the
lucky number, a $50 diamond ring.
One number given with each . $1
worth of goods - bought between
Dec 5, 1904, and Jan 5, 1905:
:, ; - XMAS 1904. .
Holiday Handkerchiefs
Holiday Novelties
Holiday Linens
Holiday Gloves
Holiday B ags
Ladies holiday Belts
New holiday Pillow Tops
Ladies holiday Neckwear
North Star Woolen Mills Blan
kets make a useful Christ-
mas Gift.
r. L. Miller
J8See North Window.
. Lost.
1 .... .. ..
A gold brooch, on streets of Corvallis.
Wishbone and heart design. Finder
please leave at Times office.
Wanted. - ''
Work, washing, or bousecleaning. Ad
dress bos 43, P. O., Corvallis.
For Sale -
Black Minorca . cockerels i for sale
from choice laying strain of Minorcas,
Fare blood eggs for sale in season.
, . i J. A, Gilkey, ' .
College Hill, Corvallis.
Election Notice.
The annual stockholders meeting
of the Great Eastern Mining Com
pany will be held in Corvallis, Or
egon, on January 2, 1905, at 7-:30
p. m., for the purpose of electing a
board of directors to serve one year
and transacting such other business
as may properly come before such
meeting. . . Geo. Lilly, :
'Fountain pens from $1 to
$5 at
y Boxing gloves, - punching . bags,
and other things to delight the boys
on Christmas day. Hodes Pion
eer gun store. di7-im. -
- - 1 - . -. - 1
This Space
New Years Greeting
Announcemnet of