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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1904)
Gorvallis Times. QOdat Pafer of Beatea Outr. QOKTUXIB, OBXOOIC, DEC 8 1904. THE ORANGE LOST. By Single Point, Imt Twice Crossed ' . Multnomah's Goal Big Excursion. Defeated, but covered with glory, - vanquished, but -showered with plaudits, beaten' but wearing laurels no college team - in the Northwest, has worn before, is the record the OAC football team made in a great game with the Multno mah team in Portland Monday. It was by the mere trick - ot a goal kick, the deft swing of the famous Chester Murphy's right leg that the clubmen were able to claim victory over the Aggies, and even this precious victory was - only snatched from an apparently inev itable defeat after the Fortlanders had summoned ball players from all over the Coast to save them from the fierce rushes of the re doubtable college boys. Until the last few minutes of the game the college boys were winners. With in five minutes and ten seconds af ter the kickoff the grand stand was , wild with the plaudits of OAC rooters because of the fact that the sturdy Aggies, without giving the Portlanders a chance to once handle the pigskin, had forced them over their goal line for a touchdown and a score of five points. In another 40 seconds of play, the Aggies went over the Multnomah goal line "for a second touchdown in one ef . the most spectacular plays ever seen on any field, having in less than six minutes of actual play rolled up a score of more points against Multnomah than was ever scored against her on her own field by any team, club or college. This performance they followed up by taking the ball on their own 25 yard line and by the same whirl wind play that had served them so well so far in the game, they marched without a break down the fied 65 yards to Multnomah's 25 yard line where they were pen alized 15 yards on a bad decision and lost the ball at a time . when they were going at a five yard clip for a third touchdown. By this time Multnomah's sup porters around the sidelines were paralyzed, and the managers and players frenzied with . the situa tion. They had thought no col lege team could score . on . their giants. In the morning, when an OAC man had said to a certain op ponent ot the Orange. "We are go ing to score on them today, " he re joined, "Well; you brought your gall along with you." When the half closed, with the score 10 to o in favor of the Aggies, Multnomah realized that she was up against the hardest proposition she had ever struck. But it is the reputation of the clubmen to win, and there is a measureless resource with which to do it. That it could not be done with the original lineup everybody knew. The second half played with the same Multnomah warriors against the powerful Aggies meant a Multnomah defeat of 20 to o. So, there began a scramble for new meh. Hurry calls , were sent for the best material within the . re sources of the club. When the giants came on for the second - half there were new faces and new forms everywhere. Pratt, a great Cal ifornia player was at tackle. Stott, a famous quarter this year on the Stanford team was at end, Loner gan, coach of the Columbia Uni versity team and a famous Notre Dame warrior, was at half. The whole back field was new with the exception of Chester Murphy, " With all of this and other recruit ing, the supporteis were still afraid ot the handful of collegians, and ' the supporters set up a . yell of, "We want McMillan; we want McMillan." That fierce old war rior who had led Multnomah to so many victories, was in the grand stand. Four clubmen hauled him out of his comfortable seat against his will, and led him bodily to the club house and. made him don a suit. Back they brought him to eo in at fullback, where he played inrougn tne rest ot the game. The result of all this was that the Aggies were simply stopped in their career of victory. A bunch of eleven boys, splendid as they are, couldn't play the. whole Pa cific Coast, and the football chief tains of three or four generations. Sheer force of numbers and - con stant recruiting from an inexhaust ible supply spent them to a degree that broke down their ' magnificent offense. The big men rolled : on them, and wallowed , over . them in the sawdust arena, with a rising tide of strength, that , taxed the endurance of the Aggies to the ut termost. Still, they fought against the overwhelming odds with a tig er play that held the Multnomah men down in the long second half I to two touchdowns- making ' the game a tie so far as crossing - goal lines was concerned, and leaving the final turn of victory to the is sue of a goal kick. ' -The game is characterized by experts as one of the greatest ever played on Multnomah field. Ches ter Murphy, the star in many a gridiron contest, is : reported to have said afterward, that it was the hardest game that he ever played in. A well known sport ing editor said: "It is the best game seen on Multnomah field in years. Another sporting editor said, "OA C is the strongest college team that played in the Northwest this year." -"-":r """.r ' "-'-: The Oregonian says: "The farmer students sent against , the clubmen an eleven that was,' by all odds, the best and fastest that ; the club has met this year." George McMillan, the veteran coach and former captain of the Multnomah team said: "It was one of the hardest, cleanest and best football games ' ever played on Multnomah field. It took just 24 plays for OAC to cross Multno mah's goal, a feat never before ac complished against the club team." The game won for the Aggie players such a repute as they never gained before. That they managed to score at all against the clubmen was a surprise to experts. When they repeated the performance and actually played rings all arourd them throughout the first half it was a revelation, and when , in the face of overwhelming odds they played the giants to a standstill throughout the game they made their performance for the day so spectacular that the 3,000 specta tors who saw the game, Multnomah supporters and all, showered them with plaudits and admiration. Though a defeat, still it was a victory for the Orange. Two hundred and twenty nine people journeyed from" Corvallis to see the game. The special train pulled, out with four coaches well filled and another was added at Forest Grove. Orange " colors adorned the; cars and locomotive and added color to the attire . of the passengers. In Portland hun dreds of OaC students and alumni had gathered to see the game, so that when the excursion train ar rived orange colors and orange en thusiasm was everywhere. At the game before the play began it look ed like there was more enthusiasm for OAC than for the clubmen, half a dozen times over, and by the end of the game, by their brilliant performances the Aggie boys had the good will and admiration of everybody, hundreds of Portland people shouting for them as full lunged as the best OAC supporters.. The game was replete with bril liant features. Until the very last moment the spectators hUng breath' less on every play. . The spectacu lar touchdown by the Aggies on a kickofl in the nrst half and a few seconds of play showed what might happen in a made the lookerson know that until time was called, the game , was anybody's. In that play Murphy caught OA C's kickoff on the Multnomah ten yard line and started to run in. Al most at the same moment a figure in a yellow and blue jersey struck him like a catapult. It was a ter rible tackle, so fierce that the ball dropped, a Three more figures in the orange and blue sweaters were by this time on the spot; How they had got ,thtre through the phalanx of Multnomah men, no body knows. How they could have passed the giants, nobody has yet guessed, but they were there and one of them got the ball. It was Abraham. The others piled at' once on Murphy, while Abe shot away for a touchdown. It was all I done so quickly and so brilliantly that it was over before onlookers knew what was taking place. Then pandemonium broke loose. The galleries were a shrieking, scream-' ing mass of excited and delighted people. The play was a wholepippin orchard because of the matchless work of the four OAC gladiators in getting at the right spot at . the right time. Kenneth Cooper was one of them, and it is said to have been he that made the tackle that dislodged the ball from Murphy's grasp. Another was Abraham,' but the other two are still unknown In the play Cooper sustained a sprained ankle, and -shortly after ward, after having , played one of the most brilliant ends ever seen on any team, was forced to leave the field. - , unce, ajow walker nearly re peated the performance, that made him famous in the Eugene game. lie bolted through the , Multnomah line and piled up a play. His fierce onslaught upset the man with the ball,, and he dropped it. Walk er was on it like.- lightning, and in a twinkling was away. One lone man was between him and an open field, and after a six or seven yard run, the big center was stopped. , it was only by a scratch that Concluded 011 Third Page. In order to dispose of my entire remaining stock of DOLLS, ALBUMS And Christmas Novelties I have placed them on sale at 25 per cent Reduction; S. L KLINE, 1.50 books from 7.5 c fo 1.2 at Gerhard's. . : Eastern Oysters. At Chipman's Restaurant. ' DONT STORM Becaase you have lost your spec tacles. . , . . GOTO Matthews, the optician, and get a new pair and you will BE HAPPY. . ; Boom 12, over First National Bank. , di4-tf Bargains. One ton vetch seed. Also Eng lish rye grass, Speltz, vetch straw, Poland China hogs, Shrop shire bucks. 1 Kitelsmen woven wire fence machine. . 1 3axle wagon. 1 reversible 2horae tread power. - 5 corda of wood. ' Silo cutter and elevator; one 24 foot silo, holds 13' ..tons. Power cutter, elevator, gang plow and silo will be sold for $125. v ' v" If. I. Brooks. --Telephone 155. Sale off Wrastoias ; (goods AT XHE:, BUSY BIG STORE: E. B. Hornincr has arrancpH tn get fresh Compressed YeaBt from Portland regularly. Why not try it? ': ' Indies! If you once use Com pressed Yeast, yon will have no other. . Ask for it, at Homing's. If you can't find what you want at book store prices try Gerhard's. Entire, line of ladies purses and bags at 25 per cent discount at Gerhard's. A $50 diamond ring at Pratt's, Ticket with each $1 worth of goods purchased between Deo 5th and Jan 5th. Lucky number takes the ring. ' , r . y d7tf DAILY BOATS . The O. C. T. Co'a steamers leaveB Corvallis d'ly except Sunday 6 a m Albany " 7am Ind'pend'ce" " 'gam Salem " " 10 a m For rates etc, phone Main : 2I. G.L. BUCKINGHAM, ' ' 'Agent. the: white: house, CORVa l L.1 53 dR ET:'" l V Ik 4 ' W- W- -fc.b -.k. 4.- 4 -fe-b 4 - -- - - j WlSTliS IS CUIUS. Let Santa Glaus put good things in the stocking, Bute put good things in the stomach. Everything Fresh Oranges, Wax Beans, Turkey, Lemons, Asparagras, : Macaroni Bananas, Corn,.' , Cider, Apples, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Grapes, Mincemeat, Catsups, Figs, . 1S Honey, . Capers, CrarjEoSSS Preserves, Worcester Sauce, Celery Cheese, Chow Chow, Lettuce, Oysters, Salad Dressing, Onions, . . Shrimps, Mustard, . Sweet Potatoes, Lobsters, . Olives, French Peas, . -. Plum Pudding, SourKrout, Etc Don Forget We have a large stock of Candies, Nuts,, Cookies, Fancy Crackers, Nabiscos, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, Glazed Cherries, Pineapple and Ginger, Pop corn and Xjnas Candies. See. the nice things in our window. HODES' GROCERY. V Satisfaction Guaranteed Pictures from ic up at Gerhard's