The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 28, 1904, Image 1

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    Jonnty ClrVi Zm
ox '- A i i " - '
Vol XVIL-No. 37,
ad Prepriotoz -, ,
: Keep our Sttr
' , " in your mind
It will be an interesting place
for the next four weelis
Besides a-big display of
all the latest' novelties Viii
toys of every kind; and;: the'
endless variety of oZt:h e r
things such as. Celluloid novi
e ties, - Jewelry, Handker
chiefs, all liinds. of -slippers,
watch our show windows
BLAZE, . "
City SbopperS Ran for Their Lives
Two -Blocks Destroyed r in
Business Section Maa,
; jump's and.Is .Killed. :
interesting one at present to the im
prisoned actress.-' Before her trial
the district attorney offered to ac
cept bail in $20,000, but this could
not be raised, and the prosecuting
officers declined to indicate today
whattheir attitude on this point
wilt be." District Attorney Jerome
said he had nothing . whatever - to
say at present as to whether ha
wouli- agree to a lower bail or
whether he would - accept .. bail at
all. s.v: - ... ,
Free Bus.
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
- - 'V- - -Hotel -Zfimm
J. C Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. .New :
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Kine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley. ' y -
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Sioux'. City. ; Dee. 23. A Tare.
which resulted in the death 01 one
man, a monetary loss roughly- esti
mated at $2,000,000, aodahe de
struction of nearly two blocks, start
ed in ihe basement of the Pelletier
deparlmsnt store building at Fourts
at 8 o'clock tonight. The -district
burned over lies in the
business portion of the city and
among the buildings were several
of the most substantial structures
in the city.'. V In these buildings
were located a large number . ot
stores and several wholesale estab
lishments and three national banks.
The fire started in the basement of
-the store, but its origin is in doubt,
The man killed waa.a tenant, in the
Massachusetts.; blookt who jumped
from the fifth story.. M -'..- rr
A -large. , number of Christmas
shoppers crowded the stores, and
it was with dinjoultviat--aii man
agefW..eprom:.?. ibe burnitfg"
building. '-.The' flames., enveloped
much of the building before the fire
department arrived, and was quite
. i - . . Tn ,1 1 . .
rjeyona control. : r or -mree aours
and a half until they had got be
yond racge of the . large buildings,
the flames carried - everything in
their path. . Both telegraph com
panies were put outot business oj
reason of their wires all being
burned out. and the office ' of the
Western-Union was destroyed. Al
though a great number of telephone
circuits were .within the district,-long-dittance
circuits were later es
tablished with outsiuerpointB. .
From the Pelletier. store . the
flamea spread to the Massachusett's
building. - The hre continued west
ward, driven by a brisk wind. In
the course of their flight, the flames
were communicated to a score
other business places located in
the building west of the Toy block
Several families lived in the rear of
the building, but so far as known
all the occupants escaped. ?
Leaping across the alley, the hre
next spread to the smaller build'
ings facing Fourth street. When
the flames had reached a point near
the Tribune building, facing Pierce
street, the firemen concentrated
their efforts and managed to pre
vent the destruction of the Tribune
building, although it was much
damaged.. The outside depart
meots did not arrive in time to of
fer" material aid. :
sf South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. ' j?
3 Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
sf - . : k
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, K
And other Photographic Novelties,
, v-f .
. U. CUilFs music Rouse
- - .,
. of Albany, Oregon removed to 350
Alder "street Portland Oregon. Write
for prices, save money. Special atten-
tion to mail orders . .
Cecilian, the Perfect Piano Player.
Pekin, Dec. 24. The Chinese
yesterday seized 3,600,000rounds of
Russian tine ammunition near Feng
Tai, in the vicinity of Pekin. The
ammunition was consigned to
Kuseian hrm at Tientsin, and was
evidently for Port Arthur.
- The , shipment was concealed
amo:-.g bales of wood brought . on
the backs of camels from Kalgan
the caravan being in charge of theJ
agent of a German firm.
This mornln Nan Patterson
sked foi news from the jury.' She
became hysterical while awaiting
att answer, and the Tombs warden
went to Bee her.' He assured her
that there was no uews, and that
sha cQuldnot possibly hear any-
i was announced in
the -courtroom before her.
Instead of reassuring her. this
news made her worse. She had a
severe attack of hysteria.
Dr. Levin, the Tombs physician,
was. Bent tor in a hurry and pre
scribed for her. About thlsstime
her father arrived at the Tombs,
Owing to her state of 'collapse he
was" allowed to go to see her. As
so"6a aa she was somewhat compos
ed vshe was led across the bridge of
signs to the criminal court building.
When the jury came in at 12:30
Miss Patterson became very nerv
00 . The color of her face seem to
detpeiK and ber whole attitude
shewed that she was undergoing
keen, suffering. When the jury re
ported their disagreement, and 4he
justice discharged them, she turned
to her father and threw herself -on
his shoulders, weeping bitterly. Up
to the last she had hoped to be free
in time to gs home to Washington
to spend Christmas with her moth
er, and the disagreement was a
most poignant disappointment to
her. The old man tried to comfort
her, but she fell fainting in his
arms. ...''
The eirl was revived from her
her fainting spel but continued to
sob hysterically. Justice Davis
hanked the jury and remanded
Miss Patterson to the Tombs. She
I was ied out . sobbing violently and
,S. a state of severe .nervous col
apse T ''"': --if? --
Nan Patterson collapsed again
when she was being taken across
the Bridge of Sighs. It was said
she was in a serious condition for
the time being. She was revived
sufficiently to be taken to her cell
where she again collapsed.
Once in her cell Miss f atterson
wept. A Tombs missionary tried
to comfort her, but she would not
be comforted. She cried for her
father, but when he was admitted
to her cell she did not immediately
recognied him. The father wept in
company with his daughter.
"Dou you think, she asked the
missionary, "that the jury believed
me guilty because I broke down
and cried along toward the last?
Yon remember after I had stood
Mr. Raad'B attack as long as I
could, I just had to break down and
erf," and I thought that maybe I
was that kind of woman."
The missionary reassured her
and she became more cheerful.
Expect to Appear Before Grand
Jury Tuesday Mitchell Calls
the Report That He Got
Pay for Promoting -.
Patents, "an In- -t;
fernal Lie."
General Uku's headquarters, via
Fushan, Thursday, Dec. 22. The
Russians along the front of Gener
al Oku's army during the night
December 20 made a determined at
tack on Lamuting, but ware driven
back with heavy losses. The Jap
anese sustained no caeulties.
Dismounted Russian cavalry at
tacked the cavalry ou the extreme
left of the Japanese line- on - the
night of December 20-21, but were
repulsed with heavy losses.
Small detachments of Russians
nightly attack the Japanese out
posts and patrols, but with no suc
cess. " .
New York, Dac. 23. The jury in
the case of Nau Patterson on trial
for the murder of Caesar Young, re
ported to Justice Davis this morn
ing that they wet-anable to reach
an agreement, and were discharged.
It was reported that six votes for
conviction stood as follows: One
for murder in the Becond degree,
two for manslaughter in the first
degree nd three for manslaughter
in the second degree. It is said
there was no vote for murder in the
first degree. .' ; '3- .
- The question of bail is the most
Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 24
Tarred and feathered after having
been accused of poisoning the stock
and burning the barns and grain of
Gus Lmdstrom, a neighbor, John
Pawling and his housekeeper of
Andrus, Wis., are guarding their
homes with shotguns. A quarrel
took place between 'Pawling and
his nearest neighbor, Gus Lind
strom, a few days ago." The night
following, the burning of Lind
strom'a property and the extensive
poisoning of his stock occurred
mysteriously. Pawling was sus
pected and a whitecappers' visit
followed. Masked men dragged
Pawling and the woman from their
beds to a barn lot, where they were
stripped, tarred aud feathered.
They were then ordered to leave
the community and never return.
Pawling, however, returned and se
cured the arrest of eight of the
wealthiest men in tbmt section cn a
charge of assault.
Moaes Bros pays
for your butter,
highest price
Sheet music at half
hard's. .
price at Ger-
Cut rates
on subscriptions at
Bean (he
- sf
m mi w Have Always BosgS
Portland, Dec. 24. Senator John
H. Mitchell and Congressman Bing-
er Herman, who arrived last night
from Washington, will not have an
opportunity to appear v before the
federal grand jury until next weak,
as the jury adjourned at noon to
day until next Tuesday morning.
When interviewed this morning
both Senator Mitchell and. Binger
Hermann emphatically 1 asserted
their innocence of any complicity
in the land frauds. Rumors that
Senator Mitchell had received large
sums of money in consideration , of
his services in expediting the pat
enting or fraudulent claims were
denounced by him. as "an infamous
lie." Congressman Hermann de
clined to make any detailed ..state
ment until he had an opportunity
to learn the nature of the charges
against him.
No further indictments were re
ported "before the adjournmuit of
the grand jury, but is said that the
jury has practically agreed r' to in-j
diet Ormsby, termer surerm-
tendent of the 'Cascade- forest . re
serve, and U. Hi. Liootnis, iormer
special agent of the land depart
ment, both of whom are charged
with having aided the Puter ring
by sending in false reports upon
tile fraudulent entries in ' township
11-7. . . . -.' , -Dr.
VI. H. Davie, mayor of Al
bany, was a . witness before the
grand jury this morning, and it is
rumored that the purpose in call
ing him was to inquire into his al
leged M8c$i!)riU.with.!heland.
frauds in Linn county. At the time
when those frauds were committed,
Davis was chairman of the republi
can countv central committee of
Linn county and his relations with
Binzer Hermann were close. He
had correspondence" with Hermann
on the subject of the pretended en
tries in township 11-7, and this cor
resDondsoce- is an important ele
ment of the evidence in the govern
ment's hands. ' :
In March, 1901, Davis wrote to
Hermann, who waB then " United
States land commissioner, saying
that about 40 citizens of Linn and
adjoining counties had established
squatters' rights in towaship 11-7,
in the year 18q2, and that when
the township was included in the
Cascade forest reserve they suppos
ed that theit claims had been for
feited, and they made no further
improvements until the fall of lyUU.
In that year, Davis wrote, "they
were informed on what they con-.
sidered legal advice, that the years
intervening would be credited to
them as that of bona fide residence,"
and they thereupon proceeded to
make final proof. ' '
"They have since ascertained,"
Davis further informed Hermann,
"that they bad not complied with
the law, and that all this was done
under a misapprehension of the
law." Io behalf of the alleged set
tlers Davis requested permission
for them to withdraw their final
proof in order to enable them to
take the necessary steps to complete
. At the same time that this letter
was written C. E. Loomis, then spe
cial agent of the land department,
also wrote to Hermans endorsing
what Davis had said in reference to
the claims in township 11-7. Loom
is referred to the persons interested
in the claims as "some very good
friends of yours." and it was after
the receipt of these two letters that
Herman made the claims "special"
and patents were issued.
Davis is said to have become sub
sequently the owner of some of the
claims in township 11-7.. ": :' -.
It 13 believed that the ' cases of
Davis, Loomis and Ormsby will be
disposed of by the grand jury be
fore Senator Mitchell and Congress
man Hermann are given a hearing.
George C. Brownell's- alleged con
nection with the frauds perpetrated
by Henry Meldrum will be invest!
gated Jater. - .. .
Senator Mitchell, when eeen at
the Portland Hotel this morning,
declared in - most emphatic terms'.
his entire innocence of any part in.
the land frauds.- He spoke with in
dignation of the- charges - against
him and said thai he would hava -no
difficulty in disproving them, '
"1 hate little to say at this time
except to declare in the most : uu
qualified terms that I was . in no, ,-
Vfltr mnMHiAri lirrha find fvanrio .
said the Benator. "I have done a
erreat deal of work for neonle of Or- -
egon who bad business with the .
general land office and I was fre
quently floode jLwith letters asking .
my assistance, but I have never :
been concerned in any fraud upon v.
tne government, until l am thor
oughly acquainted with the alleged -
t.:i c li 1 f t.
rumored accusations against me. I .
can a.v Tifctln mnr." "'.' .
. "Que of the rumors is that you
Vartaiirfifl 1 a vera onfna f nnVtnaw a .
1 v. wv v v. v imge uua vi ujvuuj iui
expediting claims to patent. Is
that true?" :
"That is an infernal lie," replied
Senator Mitchell with indignation. -"If
that statement is made hy any
one it ia an absolute falsehood." . '
"Then you received no money
for your services in expediting the
claims in which Puter and Emma
Watson were interested?" .
"No, air; and if any one has ,
sworn to anything of that kind it
is infamous perjury. There is not
one word of truth in it. Not one
dollar was paid to me." -.
Senator- Mitchell stated that he '
tvuiuu nave Bomecoing iurtner to .
say for publication a little later af
ter he had had opportunity to learn '
the nature ot, the charges against
him. A protracted conference was
held this afternoon between Senator .
Mitchell and Assistant Attornev-
Gjeneral Heney. -
Congressman Hermann who re
turned from Washington in com
pany with Senators Mitchell, ap- r
peared at the postoihee . building .
about ten o'clock thiB morning..
The grand jury had just begun its
ARsainn. but tha RnnirrflRPman . madA
no effort to evade the iurvroom. He
called upon United States District
Attorney John Hall, with whom be
was closeted for half an hour, and
afterward visited Judge Bellinger's
office. ,c : . t I vi LXic u u nao uatu nuns 4w -
had to say about the rumors con
necting him with the land frauds,
and he replied,
"Until I have found out the na
ture of the charges against me I
can say very little, except to assure
you that I am in no way involved
in these frauds. I have no fear of
the outcome."
"Were you acquainted with Pu
ter before he came to you with that
letter of introduction from Senator
"Only very distantly, very dis
tantly," said Hermann. "I had
met him two or three times before
that. But my acquaintance with
him was very distant, just as with
the rest of the people concerned ia
these transactions."
The congressman . was not dis
posed to "discuss the subject fully
until he has opportunity to learn
more definitely the precise charges
which be must meet, and the con
versation ended.
It is freely asserted by the secret
service men now in the city that
efforts have been made to tamper
with the grand jury, in the inter
est of persons suspected of complic
ity in the land frauds. The jurors
come from all parta of the state and
many of their friends and acquaint
ances have recently appeared in
T ,1 1 1 -J . 1 1 i
have aroused suspicions of a deep
laid plan to approach the jurors
and influence their proceedings.
oe man whose actions have ex
cited especial suspicion is Henry
Ford, a private detective. Secret
Service Agent Burns says that he
has positive proof that Ford made
overtures to the defendants in the
Putor trial offering to "fix" the ju
ry which was trying them, but the
proposition was rejected.
Lewiston, IdahoV Dec. 2. Offi
cers have hit on a novel plan to rid
the town of bad characters. Any
one caught and found guilty of a
petty offense is given a shovel and
put to work on the street. The of
ficer gtts oat cf sight and the man
makes a sneak. The plan has been
tried many times, and the man has
never been known to return.
Holiday Rates.
Oregon City Trans Co will sell tickets
to all points for 1 1-3 fare the round trip
Tickets on sale Dec 21 to the 24th. Good
returning Jan 3.. Boats leave Hon.,
Tnes.. Thursday and Saturday, at 6 a. ia.