The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 10, 1904, Image 4

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Ladies Cloaks, Jackets, Tourist Coats, Seperate tSkirts; Furs Men's and Boys Overcoats must be
closed out immediately. Price, is not the consideration, winter is flying and the time is short.
We, have made, reductions for December that will make a hotrtime on our Clothing and Cloak
Departments. Com Early before sizes are broken. .
Nolan & Callahan; ; (Henderson BIdg.) : Corvaiiis, Oregon.
Ther Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public In.terest
George Nichols of-Albany,
was visiting relatives in this city
W. S. McFadden left Wednes
day for an inspection of his Junc
tion farm.
Miss Mary Wilhelm returned
to her home in Monroe Wednesday ,
after a visit with Corvallis friends.
Services at the Catholic church
Sunday at the usual hours. Ev
erybody invited.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L,. Clark of
Alsea, have been business visitors
in Corvallis for a couple of days.
E J. Garrow arrived the first
of the week from Gazelle, Califor
nia, for a visit with his family.
Mrs. Chadwick is a pippin
in. fact, a whole orchard of pippins,
But the Codling Moth has her
now. .
i -Mrs, Copeland of Siletz, is the
guest this week of relatives in Cor
vallis. " E. A. Bell of Blodgett. was a
visitor i ti Corvallis several sdays
this week.
' Among those attending the
poultry show in Corvallis this week.
was C D. Minton of Salem, editor
of the Northwest Poultry Journal.
Mrs. R. L- Weatherford and
children of Harrisburg, arrived
Thursday evening" for a visit' with
relatives in this city.
William Bogue is to leave to
day to join Mrs Bogue at Moscow.
Idaho If he finds conditions to
suit, Mr. Bogue may decide to lo
cate in that state,
, D. C. Eeker. formerly of Ina
vale. has purchased tie Pagh iarm
this side of Oakville, in Linn coun
ty. The place comprises 75 acres,
and the price paid was $8,500. The
sale was made by Henry Stone.
A wide variety of new job type
and other printing raaterial has just
been received at the Times office,
Any and all orders for plain xr fan
cy work will be neatly and prompt
ly executed. '
A sermon entitled, "Young
Men to the Front" will be given at
the M. E. church tomorrow night.
College students and all young men
especially invited. Everybody wel
come. . ,
Congregational church: Morn
ing 6ermon. "God's Preventatives"
evening. "The Queen of the Or
ient," to be followed by the Queen
of the Occident. Cleopatra, Queen
of Egypt, and Victoria, Queen of
Great Britian."
Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. S. . L
Kline left Baton J Rogue, La. , for
San Francisco. In the former city
they visited relatives of Mrs. Kline.
Since leaving Corvallis, November
15th, they have been in St; Louis,
Nashville, New Orleans and other
souther points. ,
The largest thing in the veg
etable line ever seen in this section
is a beet at the office of Ambler &
Watters. It weighs 47 pounds,
measures in circumference 31 1-2
inches, and is 30 inches in length.
The beet was donated to the Amb
ler & Watter's collection by Mr.
Dilly, residing near Tangent' who
was in Corvallis Wednesday.
Presbyterian church: Services
will resumed in this city tomorrow,
-Sunday. Morning service at 10
o'clock. Evening service at 7:30
Sunday School at 10 a. m. C. E.
at 6:30 p.m. Rev. M, S. Bush,
the pastor-e!ect will" arrive Friday
evening, and will commence his
work here Sunday. Come out and
2iear him and a cordial
will be extended."
Local news on every page of
this issue. . . -
The encroachments of adver
tisers cramps the news space of the
"Times,", but it will be better, by
and by.
A visitor at the poultry show,
and on business, Thuoeday, was J.
M. Buster, of Alsea.
Services to be held at the
Plymouth church tomorrow - after
noon at 6 o clock. Everyone is in
vited. '
William Riddle, oi Monmouth',
one of Polk county's extensive goat
raisers, was a business visitor in
Corvallis, Thursday.
Among Thursday's visitors at
the Corvallis poultry exhibit were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter, of Bell
fountain. Moses Brothers wish the pub
lic to take notice that their store
will be held open until eight o'
clock evenings, from dow until af
ter the holidays. 5
Henry Robinson returned from
Alsea Monday, where he had been
visiting relatives for a few days.
On Tuesday he was taken aeriously
ill, and has Bince been confined to
bis home.
Clum Reed, who has been con
fined to his home, most of the time
in bd, with rheumatism , for the
past four or five weeks, is not im
The sale of holiday art icles by
the Presbyterian ladies, to have
taken place at the residence of Mre.
W. L. Miller. Dac. 20th, has been
changed to the 17th. -'The sale will
ba 00 throughout the afternoon and
evening. - .- f -
Road master Donnell, . of the
Southern Pacific, was in town
Thursday, making surveys of a
proposed sewer to pass through the
Greffbz block, and one block of the
railroad depot grounds. There is a
strong jdehiand among residents in
the vicinity for the sewer, , -
The wonder is, 'how : did they
make the poultry show eo successful.
Not even the promoters themselves
expected so muoh. - The array of
exhibits and their character is
plendid, and ought to be seen by
everybody. . ,
People in the ' south end of the
county in town yesterday, complain
of tbe condition of the road in
Booneville Lane." They -say there
are two bad holes there now that
will, before winter ends, become al
most impassible, unless repairs
are made. .'
-W. S. Locke sold two . dressed
hogs this week whose combined
weight was 690 pounds, . and tbe
amount of cash obtained for them
was $40. While this is not the larg
est weight recorded here for that
number of hogs, the transaction is
such as toencouiage the business.
-Subject at the Christian'chnrch
next Sunday morning, "The Holy
Spirit and His Mission in the
World." In the evening the pastor
will give the third of a series of ser
mons on the life of Christ, subject,
"The Public Ministry of Jesus."
All members of the church are urg
ed to be present at the morning
meeting as matters of importance
relating to future work will be pre
sented. ' ';
Five of tbe defendants ia the
land-fraud cases have been found
guilty of conspiracy - to defraud.
The jury waB out .but a short time.
There are two other counts on which
most of tbe defendants are . yet to
be tried. Marie. Ware waa not con
victed of conspiracy, but she will
figure prominently on a charge of
forgery ia one of the cases yet to be
tried.,- . J " " .
Mrs. Anna Shedrick left yes
terday for Bridal Veil, after a visit
at the home of James Herron. '
Landlord Hammel. of Hotel Cor
vallis, is the victim of a standing
joke at the poultry show. Bad boys
secured a number of scrub chickens
and entered them for exhibit in
Mr. Hammers name. Various pla
cards tall of their pedigree and good
points A photo of the landlord adorns
the coop, and a miniature hobby
I horse is displayed as the prize won
A by niB birds.
Mrs. F. A; Helm is visiting
Portland frierjus.- She left Thurs
day. Judge Hamilton passed through
town yesterday en route to Toledo
where he begins a 'term of court
Monday. - v -
The beauty of the fancy birds
at the poultry show makes every
body want to go into the chicksn
business. " -
Mr. Taylor and family arrived
Tuesday to take charge of the 210
acre farm recently purchased from
Eli King.
The sad intelligence reached
Lewis Hollenberg in this city
Thursday, of tbe death at Hubbard,
Iowa, of bis father, who was quite
aged. ,
D. M. Smith is perfecting ar
rangements for moving his family
to Portland shortly, a residence
haviog been secured for their occu
p incy.
The First Spiritual Union of
Corvallis will bold services, in Bar
rett Lyceum on Sunday at 3 p. m.
Doors open at 2:30. A cordial in
vitation to every oije.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Hmdsaker, of
Eugene, who has been visiting at
the nome of their eon. Rev. 1. 0.
Hand-aker, returned home yester
day. . ' - . ..
: Rev. Feese will, deli vera- dis
course st the M. E. courcb tomor
row bt 7:30 p. m, designed especial
ly (or joung men. The subject is
"Young Men to the Front." Every
bodv will be welcome.
. Carl Abrams, city editor of the
Salem Statesman, is lyingdangerous
ly ill at the home of his parents at
Lincoln, in Polk county, with ty
phoid fever. Mr. Abrams graduated
at O. A. C. with the class of 1900.
Continued from page i.
degrees, west along middle of said
road 20.40 cnams to beginning,
containing 77.98 acres, less 5.78
acres sold, 72 acres, townsoip 12,v
range 5 ......
Beginning at southeast corner of
claim iNo. 41, townsmp lz. south,
range 5 west ; thence east on Alex
antler's line to the D. W. Nichol-. ,
so's southwest corner; thence x
n.r h along said Nicholson's" lino to
Vr.;ii rivef ; thence down said river
to. line of claim No. 41; thence
so.;ih to beginning, containing .16
ci y.n acre, section 1, township 12,
rc ;e 5 ...... ...... . - r .
Beg ; iing at point 5.13 chains south -
of northeast corner of claim No.
4u, township 12 south, range 5
wo-.fc; thence east 17.75 chains to
A .it river; thence with meander of
r:r.-r up stream,' south 25 degrees,
WL-t 6.45 chains to post on south . . .
lire of section 1, on the south sec- -tis
,n line 14.85' chains ; thenee north ; :
5.S7 chains to place of beginning, .....
containing 9.50 acres, section 1, -..
township 12 south, range 5 west '
P, Oi B.l. .. . w. . . . .. ,314.20
Hines, Zilpbia Northeast quarter of .
southwest quarter of section 10,
township 12, range 7, 40 acres... 3.SS
McLain, J. W. Southeast quarter of
section 32, township 11, range 6,
160 acres " 7.76
Reader, Sylvester P. That part of
lot 58, block 13, lying south of O.
R. R. Co. right of way in City
of Philomath 1.20
Bryson, R. S. Undivided half oflots
ana iu, m diock id. Job s
addition to Corvallis 1.96
Mangus, Elizabeth rFractional lot -
east of block 14, N. a. & p. Avery s
addition to Corvallis . .. 18.65
Mulkey, A. G.. (heirs) Block 9,.
vveiis addition to uorvallis 6.35
Robertson, Ina L. Undivided sixth
part or claim jno. 4 (frobate .
Journal No. 5, page 35-escribed
as follows: Beginning at southeast
corner of a 100-acre ract sold to
H. C. Lewis by John Stewart and
wife, at post set for corner
marked "A;" thence"" east- 67
chains ; north 47 degrees, east
10.50 chains; north 4.S9 chains,
west 74.78 chains, south 12 chains
to beginning, section 25j township
11,. range 5, 14 acres. 3.70
Ryder, Ed and Mary Lot .5, section
township Id, range 7, 18 acres. - 2.05
Smith, Gilbert Lots 5 and 6, block
5, O. T. Corvallis; lot 1, block 6, O.
- T. Corvallis; fractional river lots 5 -and
6, in fractional river block 2,
- O. T. Corvallis --..V. ...... 42.99
TafpR. TEmma lAits 5 and fi. in hliwlr
28, County addition to Corvallis.. 15.42
Oregon & California R. R. Co. , r
Southeast quarter of northwest
quarter of section 33, township 10, '
-range 5, 40 acres ... - 1.96
Oregon -& California ;- R. Co.
Northwest quarter of northwest
. quarter of section 27, township 13, : f
range 6, 40 acres. .. ..... .. . .. 1.96
Clark, Madge C, north half ot south
west quarter; southwest -quarter of , .
- southwest quarter sec 14, township,
14, range 7,120 acres 13.76
Gregg, A. J. Beginning at Southwest
corner of Thomas and Albert Al
ford's land; thence east to river;
thence with meander of river south
far enough to contain 8 acres;
thence west to line of lot 5 ; thence v
north to beginning, in section 31,
" township 1A south, range 4 west,
containing 8 acres. .77
And on Saturday, the 31st 'day of De
cember, 1904, at the hour of 2 p. m. of said
day, at the sheriff's office, in the court house,
In the City of Corvallis, Benton county, Ore
gon. I will sell the- above, described real
property at public sale to the person or per
sons who will bid the amount of taxes, costs
and penalties accrued against each piece or
parcel of real property, and -take a vtiflcate
at the lowest rate of interest, for cash,-subject
to redemption, to satisfy .said warrant,
costs and accruing costs., -
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. -
Dated November 26th, 1904. , . . :
E. B. Horning has arranged to
get fresh Compressed Yeast from
Portland regularly. Whv not try
Trespass Notice.
. All persons are hereby notified cot to
trespass non any lands belonging to the
undersigned for the purpose of hunting.
Any person found on our premises with
a gun will be treated as being there -for
the purpose of huntiag. This includes
night shooting which is prohibited by
law. ,
Any one violating the terms of this
notice Will be prosecuted to the full ex-
ktent of the law. We mean business.
.' John Fisher,
E. E. Raber.
" Dick Kiger.
.j dio4t.
Compressed Yeast can be had at
Homing's. It saves much time
and lador. v ..,
Dr. Dayton, the eye specialist, will be
at Hotel Corvallis until Saturday night.
Examinations free. .
The best line of hosiery in this
city, bought direct from - mills at
Henkle & Davis. d74t ,
Indies! If ypu once ess Cim- :
pressed Yeast, you will have no'
other. Ask for it, at Homing's, j
Wanted, .
v Sewing by tbe day. Inquire at
Mrs. R H Colbert's residence, two
blocks north and one block west of
court faouee.
Mi3 Paarl Guthrie. djt
We have properties that no other agent
can handle if you are interested come
and see as. If you do not know n9 ask
some citizen of the county of as and our
business methods, We expect to carry
on a legitimate real estate business in this ;
county whether you have a home for
sale or desire to purchase one it will be
to your interest to come and see us.
Try it. . The following bargains are
handled exclusively by ns; watch this
space for new bargains next week. , - ;
No 511 120 acres, 16 acres ia . cultiva-.
tion, fair house, 6 rooms, 2 barns, i acre
fine orchard : well watered: 21 head of
goats, 32 head sheep; 3 milk cows; 2
two year old heiiers ; 2 two- year old
steers; I yearling steer; 3 calves; 1 good
team; wagon and fa arness; plow; ' cnlti
vator: 1 harrow: new mower and hay
rate 25 ton hay; 6 miles northwest of
Bellfountain; price 2,000.
No 512 160 acres; So rich bottom land
60 acres hop land; balance pasture and
timber . house, barn, sheds, etc ; all un
der good fence; 21-2 miles from ; Cor
vallis: price f 35 per acre. ;'
No 298 161 acres; 140 acres in culti
vation; good house; 2 barns; good orchard
well watered ; good . pasture and timber;
2 1-4 miles southeast of Philomath;
price $6000. . "
No 127 32 acres i5 acres in prunes;
4 acres in apples; balance in cultivation:
well watered; good fruit dryer ; fair
house and barn; located l mile south
west of Philomath; price f 3000.
. No 88 45 acres, all in cultivation;
good house, barn, truit and water; . lo
cated 1 mile southwest of Philomath;
price $2250. .
No 39 80 acres; 40 acres in cultiva
tion ; good houss, barn, fruit and water;
fine timber and pasture; located 6 miles
from Philomath;' price f 2250.
No 168 20 acres 2 acres garden; good
orchard ; fair house and barn; well wat
ered, near school: 3. miles - southwest of
Philomath; price $750. j
No 182 262 acres on main county
road 2 1-2 miles from Corvallis; 210
acres fine grain land, 12 acres orchard;
balance timber and pasture; price - $4o
per a'jre.
No 183 160 acres all nnder - cultiva
tion; 2 barns; large house; good out
buildings; fine frnit; well watered; 2 1-2
miles from Corvallis, price $00 per acre .
'.. AmWer &; Watters,
Real Estate Agents. .
Let the Public
There is a New Furniture Store
on South Main Street.
There is a New and First-Class Stock to Select""
From, Including, all things required in Fitting" up
an Elegant House. ' &
There are Low Prices and a
Choice Line to select from.
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
, for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
, . .Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy .Cbinaware
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
Visit our
sC?. 5. 7. sS. sO.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, Bank Bldg. Honrs:
. , 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. '
Phone, office 85. Residence 351.
Corvallis, t Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
: Office over postoffice. - Residence Cos
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104. : . : -.
All calls attendd
Corvali-w, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals ia Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Warrants. -
Principal Correspondents.
(ton don Si San Fran
C Cisco Baok Limited.
NKW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morsran A Co.
CHICAGO Mational liank of Tbe Bepab
Hc. IOinOX, EVn London ft San Francisco
Bank Limited.
CANADA , rnlonBantOanadfoa
Store we do the
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon
Oflice In Zierolf Building, Cor vallis. O
First Natl Bank Building,
Only Set Abstracts in County
Dolls; dishes and all kinds of
pretty things for the' little folks,' at
Moses Bros. - ... 12-7
E. B. Brysoii,
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 187S,
United States Land Office,
- OregonCity. Oregon,
- NOV 9. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that In - compliance
with the provisions ol tbe act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber- lands lu the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toall the PubHc Land States by act of August 4,
1892, Charles O Hal of Corvillis, county of
Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed In
this office his sworn statement Ho. 6519, for the
purchase of tne 8. K of 8. W. a of Section
No 82 lu Township No. 11 South, Bangs No.
West W. SL, and will olfer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuab le for its tlmoer
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
p Moses, Counry clerk, Corvallis, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, tne 13th day ot Feb.
1905. . . .. -He
Dames as witnesses: . ' 1
Lwrence Stovall of PhUemath, Oregon.
George Stovall ,. " " -
Caleb A Davis " - u -Zebediah
H Davis oi Corvallis,
' Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aoovedescribed lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 18ih
day of February, 190j. ,
Algernoa S. Dresser,
. aegis ter.