ME Vol. XVlI.-No. 37. CORVALLIS, OREGC CTEVIBER Kyl901i B. V. IBTIHI Kdlteat .. and Proprietor . AS Keep our Store in your, mind It will be an interesting place for the next four wees Besides a big display of all the latest novelties in toys of every kind and the endless variety of o t h e r things such as Celluloid nov e ties, Jewelry, Handker chiefs all kinds of slippers, watch our show windows. m eft v- . ' Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms, i , .1 I '. A;.'v.-.- Hotel Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New; brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con-; veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-j capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single j rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house inthQWillam-: ette Valley. . Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and EMERY'S ART STUDIO ? : South Main St., S CarboD, Platinum and Platino Portraiture O. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS, i i : 3 Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties, t. Modes' Pioneer Gun Store Hunters Supplies, Tisbing Cackle, Sporting ' 6o0d$. . SErNG 1A.CIIX"E EXTRAS Stock of 6 Rodes at Big Bargain S J. C Hammel, Prop. : $2.00 per day." " ' ! Corvallis, Ore . k PLANS AFOOT FOR IT, hcampment For OAC Cadets at Port- , ' land Exposition - "- - , Plans are forming to haye.the O ACL cadet regiment camp for :. ten days at Portland during the Expo sition next ".year. Thcpermission of the- War Department has been secured for the purpose, and guan antee of tenting, cots and other equipment has been arranged for. Though no assurance- ox the Kind has been received, it" is anticipated that the Exposition authorities wlLI provide suitable grounds for the encampment. The cadets of the Washington Agricultural College fif Pullinan are to spend teq davs in encampment at the Exposition it is saiu mat grouuus nave ueeu proraised them! by the Exposition managers. . xhey numoer .300 men and consist of four Infantry com-' panies and band of 30 pieces. .The OAC regiment, outnumbers the Washinetonians by 100, , and com prises six Infantry Companies, and detachments each of artillery 'sig nal corps, engineers corps, hospital corps and band of 24 pieces. The middle - of. June, or immediately after Commencement has vbeen suggested as a favorable date for the cadets to go into camp. It is not expected that the cadets of the two states could camp at the .same time on account of the lack of tent ing and parade grounds. It the proposition be carried out as plan ned, -it will be an attractive feature for the Fair, a novel and excellent advertisement of the college, and not unattractive to the boys of the regiment. . THEIR MARRIAGE FAILED. And Divorce Came Former Corvallis BoyHe is Rich Now?: The Portland Journal relates the following concerni n g .... Orville ' Jen nings, who was a vschcsl!iboyY','and for a- nntabest-of- years-awRisidesi'ofe Corvallis. His father is remember- ed by oldtimers as one of the early engineers on the Westside railroad. The paper says: . .."Mrs. Helen C. Jennings is a pa-' tient at Mount Tabor sanitarium. This is the climax of the sensation al divorce case of a few weeks ago, the strain of which was too great liT her mentality. - ' . i "Mrs. Jennings was sued for divorce by Orville Jennings, on the grounds of infidelity, and he secur ed the separation, He r likewise was1 awarded $5000 damages against John S. Seed for alienating his wife's affections. Jennings was an :? engineer on the Southern Pacific and his frugal ity has resulted in a , fortune of $20,000. He was given the custody of their child: i Nutice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given to all Dersons concern ed lhattthe underiilgDfid has been duly appoint- w auioiuiatrMor 01 me estaie 01 flioilhsa K. Gleanou. deceased by the county court of -Ben ton county, state of Oregon. AU persons hav-' ing ciaime against tne estate 01 tne salu juenssa . Gleason. ueceased. are hereby rea aired to present the same, wllh the proper vouchers, du ly -venneu as oy law requirta wunm six montns from the date hereof to the undersigned at -his residence in Benton county, Oregour or at the office of . B. Bryson in Oorvallis, Oregon. : uatea tne lucnaay 01 ecemoer, im. - -- U. S. Gl.EAsON, Administrator of the estate ot Melissa E. " Glas6h, deceased. - Notice to Creditors. ; '. Notice Is hereby g(yen to all persons . con cerned that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed administrator of the estate of 1- E. Gleason, deceased, by the county conrt of 'Ben--ton county, Stat oi Oregon. All nersona havinff claims against the estate ot the said 1. E Glea son, aeceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri fied as by law required, withiu six months from the date hereor, to to the undersigned at -: his residence In Benton county, Oregon, or at- the omce oi is. K. Bryson, in Corvallis, Oregon. Dated the 10th day of December. 19UA - V. S. GLEASON," Administrator of the estate of Ll. . Gleason, deceased. . , Notice of Final Settlement. Notice lo hereby given 'hat the undersigned executrix tf the estate oi William Groves de ceased has filed in the county court of Benton county, state of Oregon, her final account for settlement1 as such executrix, of said estate, and that Saturday the 7th day January 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing all and any objections to the said report and the settlement thereof EMMA K. 'GROVES, Executrix of the estate ot William , Groves, deceased. Dated tuis lOthjday Dec 1901. lust from Cnicago, a large ship ment of iron beds from $2.75 up also 28 rolls of matting. All new patterns,. Christmas goods. Don't fail to see them at- 1 ' d 10-17 Hollenterg & Cady's B-fore selecting Xmas preeents see the Iibby cct glass at Zierolf's. Sea Moses Bro3 before you sell your egga. '. DEVARNETS HOST, Thereto Ht Live Decoy and Other Things. ' . . .' ; W.. D. DeVarney, the telephone mac, is a.; wide-awake, .-stirring chap, and" to borrow an -expression ficom the side-linersT" lie is in every play.'Snch. air1 individual 3 is at tractive to the newsppers,W The gentleman's latest; exploits are as a hunter. . His fellow-sportsmen-contend that he is the most enthusiastic duck-hunter known to the fraternitx"; It is said that De Varne. permits no obstacle ' to def ter hitn in the pursuit of a wound ed bird.- - He greatly enjoys -wading after his game.- -To go out I into the turbulent waters- until the cold waveo auigc uuuci u suui uiuu, is his delight, and to swim in pur suit of his game is glory beyond acclaim. i. ; ; it. ;- EeT:5 U- f The first of the week while hunt ing in company with other members of the Ione Pine Club, he shot a teal duck which Jell on the-. Oppos ite bank of a Willamette branch flowing partly around Smith island. Devarney's friends essayed to : de ter iiim from the act, but their ad monitions . were brushed aside, and after removing the ' weightier articles of " his apparel, he plunged j boldly into the current. The feat was watched with breathless an xietyi accompanied by "cold chills" but it is claimed that not a . tremor moved the dauntless sportsman through the performance of suc- cessf ullx securing and ; returning with Jbis bird. ;. It was on the same day that,' as the result of a long shot, . DeVarn ey brought down a fine mallard. It seemed; not to be seriously wound ed, and the hunter sought to use the live bird as a. decoy. It could not flyijotberwise it would have continued its course when shot. Still, to prevent : the duck ; from swimming away. DeVarney. fasten ed it, in a suitable place, :: with - sE " iaade from strips of his pock fcbhcealed himself," wiWriervotis art- ticipation. and as he searched the murky heavens for the approach of game, from an unexpected quart er he heard a flutter and a deep re sounding -"quack. ' ' - That was a thrilling moment; but when his vision fell on the game, he saw at once that it was his decoy duck in full flight attached to which was a long white string. ; DeVarney sent after the fleeing bird the entire con tents pf his pump gun, ' but it soon passed safely around a bend in the river, the streamer fluttering a fond and a lasting farewell. :.; AN URGENT APPEAL Grange Members Should Read and act Annual Meeting. ' To the patrons of Bellf ountain Grange, No. 277. . ,r You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of this Grange will be held on the third Saturday of December, 1904, at, which time ofiELcers-will be elected for the en suing yeari ; . ': -V - - : Brother and sisters, this plan of notifying you, and if possible, se cure your attendance, at the' said annual meeting was . agreed yupon at our November . meeting. You land each of you are aware . of the progressive weakening of our order at this place, and if something is not done and that speedily, our charter- will have to be surrender ed. It is" hoped that you will con sider the consequences of losing our grand opportunity of co-operat ing with those of our fraternity who are so actively engaged in the up lifting of our class and with them the laborers and producers of the whole commonweath. An effort ' is being made by our worthy secre tary to secure one or more good speakers from a distance -to - assist us on the above mentioned occas ion. So come' out brothers and sisters and let us renew our pledges and devotion to this noble order, Yours in F. H. C. and with - -Fidelity,.. s - , - G. R. Hall, Lecturer. - For Sale. " Fine corner, good nine room house good woodshed, excellent well of water, eome frait, three blocks from . postoffiee; big bargain at 900. Call on or address - C. H. Everett, Corvallis. dtoim. Produce taksn in exchange for goods at Moses Bros new' store. - SHERIFF'S ,SAt.E. -Notice Is hereby given that by vfrtue- of a warrant issued out of the county court ot the Btateqf Oregon, tor the county of Ban- ton, to the sheriff 01 sara, county, uirecieu and delivered, and dated. October 17th, 1904, commanding the said sheriff to collect the taxes as shown to oe aeiinqnent aa iu ut roll for the year 1903, charged to said -delinquents thereon, and if necessary to sell thA mmrftl articles of nersonat. or -parcels of real property -upon-which, such taxes are levied, as- set- iortn in saia ujt tisu -r . Said rfeUnauent taxnayers. the amount of taxes and the penalties an the several par cels of real property are described aa fol lows, to-witt " ' ' . . . . - , . . Ainuuiiv ui v . -. . Tax and - Penalties. Beuersdorff, ' -AnnieEast half - jot -.- southeast quarter of section Si, township 10, range 6, 80 acres... $ 7.76 Jennings, I. -A. Beginning at the southwest corner oi section ; run -thence norths 40 chains; thence -east 6 chains; thence south 40 . chains ; - thence west & chains to . beginning, 20 acres, in section 25, township 10, range 6. .-. .96 Richardson, S.East half of section - 35, township 10. range 6, 82Q acres - l&.so Strieker, Cornelia - J. Southeast - quarter of soutneast- quarter, - ana 1 acre commencing ' at southeast . corner of ' southwest quarter df - southeast quarter, running north 16 - . rods r- thence west iu roas ; tnence - v south 16 rods; thence east 10 rods - . ;. to beginning, section 22, township 10. range 7. 12 acres. .. . . 4.62 Gains, - Richard Northwest quarter of section 18, township 10, range 7, 160 acres ...... T.76 Hathaway, D. Beginning at ; south- west corner oi soutneast quarter ot southwest quartet of . section 6, township 11, range 7: run, thence north 301-2 rods; thence east 154 . rods to river ; meander down river to section line dividing sections and 8; thence west to beginning, section 5. townshin : 11. ransre 7. - 13.32 acres . . . . .. .... .96 Post, John Northeast quarter of southeast quarter,-except 1 acre to o. B.-iiam&r. section 6. townshin 11. range 7.- 39 acres. .. . ...... 7.00 Doke, B.- M. West halt of southeast auarter. exceot nart sola, section 16, township 12, range 7, 20 acres. . : .96 McWhinney,': Margaret Southwest quarter oi nortnwest quarter . ot section -16' tnwnshin .12. ranKa 7. 40 acres-.. . . ' 1.90 fllAncv.. Peter: West half of section 6, township 11, range 5, 320 acres. 18.60 Haskins, A. M. Northeast quarter of .northwest quarter of southeast quarter; -- southeast quarter oft ' northwest ; quarter - of southeast auarter of section 22. townshin 10. -range 5, 20 acres. .96 Lowe, S. E. Northeast quarter of , southwest quarter; northwest quar - ter of - southwest nuarter of section r 7, township 10, range 5, 79 acres. . 3.88 Rodgers, - M.- South half of section 15. townshin 10. ranee 5. 320 acres . ... -.' .18.601 Govoro, Walter Beginning at point ; east 36.23 1-2 chains distant from .southwest corner of donation, land claim No. 79 section 43, township ' 10 south, range 3 and 4 west ; run thence east 6 chains; thence north : 10 chains ; thence west 6 chains ; -thence south 10 ehains to begm-'- - nine, section 36. townshin 10. range 4, 6 acres . 7.76 Foster, W; H. Beginning- at a point ... which is north 82 1-2 degrees, east . J ' 29.48 chains, and 86- degrees, east -of claim .37Y run- thence south 86 -degrees, east 11.80 chains; north . 4.21 chains to south side of right of way of W. V. & C. R. Co. ; thence- southwesterly along said . right of way to beginning, section '1. townshin 11. range 4. ' Clark, A. L. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter, east half of . southeast quarter of section Zb, townshin 13. range 8. 120 acres 8.15 Erickson, C. J. West half of south west quarter, east half of southeast " quarter of section 26, township 13, , range 7, 160 acres - Ruble, O. J. Lots, 1 and 2, section . 29, township 13, range 1 ; east half of south half of donation land claim No. 37, township 13, range 7, 120 acres -. . Corbus, J. C. Southeast quarter of . southwest quarter, south half . of . southeast quarter, northeast quar ter of southeast quarter of section 34, township 13, range 6, 160 acres ..... : Cox, Anna Beginning at poinf south 89 degrees .48 minutes, east 21 - chains from point 19.15 chains west 25 links north of northwest corner, of section 3, . township J.5 south, range 6 .west; run thence 89 de grees 48 minutes, east 20 chains to 15.55 12.63 13.58 south boundary line of claim No. 46 ; thence north 30 ehains on east - boundary line ot said claim ; thehce north 89 "degrees 48 minutes 20 chains : thence south 30 chains to beginning, except 40 acres- sold to p J. D. Ward, section 34, township' 14, range 6, zu acres. ......... ... George, TSXzj- Northwest quarter (80 acres in Benton county) , section 10, township 15, range 6, 80 acres. Whetstone, Asa An eighth interest in northwest quarter of southeast J quarter, southeast quarter of north " -west quarter, east half of southwest quarter of -section 24, township 14. range 7, 20 acres Coon, Thomas M. Southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 19, township 13, range 6 ; southwest quarter of section 20, township 13, range 6; northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 29, 1.90 - 3.88 1.55 tawnKhin 13. ranefl fi. 240 acres. .. 29.12 rParker, Minnie A. Northwest quar ter of section 8, township 13, range 6. 160 acres 15.55 Wiprut, Morris Lot 1 ; east half of nortnwest quarter or section j.o, townshiD 13. range 6. 131 acres. .. 12.70 Alford, 'A. Beginning at southwest corner of lot o ; run tnence norm 40 chains ; thence east to the river ; thence south meandering along the river 40 rods ; thence west to be ginning,, section 31, township 14, range 4. 19 acres 1.84 Hamilton, John North half of .north west quarter, except 18 acres, sec tion 6, township 15, i range 4, 62 acres . .-. 6.00 Jackson, T: A. South half of lot 5, section 31, township 14, range 4, 19. acres . .... A 1.84. Mulkey, James A. Northwest quar ter or section zz. townsnm J.3. ranee 8. 160 acres . 15.55 Uhipman, U. tu .Nortn nau oi norm- east quarter, souiawest quarter ol northeast quarter, southeast quar ter of northwest quarter of section 26. township 13. range 8, 160 acres 7.77 Hyde,- C. L. Southwest quarter of section zz, townsmp xa, range e, 160 acres .- 15.55 Long, Francis I. South half - of nortnwest quarter, - norm nan oi southwest quarter of - section 34, townshin 12. range 7. 160 acres... 1&S5 Wheeler, George A. Northwest quar ter ot section 14, township is. range 7. 160 acres 15.55 Worthington, James w. West half . of soutnwest quarter, soutn nan oi northwest quarter- of section 28, township 12, range 7, 160 acres... Watt, David Southwest quarter of section 26, township 14s range 7, 160 acres .. Peterson, John South half of south half of section 8, township-.. 15. 7.77 25.05 range 7, 160 acres 15.55 iiuRuier. August Nortnwest quarter - of section 10w township 15. ranga 7. 160 acres 15.55 Palmer; William North half of south half of section 10. townshin 15. range 7, 160 acres.. 15.55 Harris, W. U. Southeast quarter of section 20, township 13. range 6. 160 acres . ... ......... .7 : 15.55 Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Co. . Two acres of land of that certain tract conveyed to James Hamar by ' -. Joseph Newton and wife, by deed 'fS bearing date June 20, ,1885, J- - iiial . ;cordedon page 5 ot Book S, and 'vJi ." said a acres lying in a strip ot iv , equal width along the south side " , and parallel with the main tract ot - .. ... . -the W. V. C. R. R. ; from the '"; , company road run - through said . , k premises in an easterly or north-- -'" ' easterly direction to the north line . " of said James Hamar's land, it being the north line of ; William ' ' Pearson's -donation land claim la ' .". section 28, township 11 south, - . range 6 west, and said 2 -acre strip " ' lying and being "alongside ot and - . ' 1 -adjoining the 60 feet right of way " conveyed to said W. V. & G. R. R. . V. -. . by Joseph Newton and. wife,, by c " deed bearing date September 24, v - 1884, Book P, page 438, being on "" south side ot right of way, 2 acres. - section 28, township 11, range 6..1 Beginning at point 61 teet west and 3 j'7, a feet north of the west end ot bridge . No. 70 on -the central line ot the 1 -. tract of W. V, & C. .1. B, Co., said .... , . - point being on the. west line of k T. ' right of way of said railroad; run thence north 46 degrees, east 63 feet to a stone set in the ground, It being 25.50 chains south and 7.17 chains west of the quarter section " corner on the line between sections - ,, j " - 22 and 23, township 11 south. - i range 7 west; thence north 6 de- grees 30 minutes, west 869 feet to , . . , v a stone; . thence ' following said V r ' north line easterly to beginning; 97 ' acres, township 11, range 7, 97-100. : - acres ; iii Beginning at point in north fork ot - Mary's river 30 feet south of a - point on the central line of the W. V. ft C. R. R.. 184 feet east of west " end of bridge No. 70, It being on 7 . the .south line ot right of way of - ' baiu rauruaa ; uience xotiowmg said -3 - line westerly 1,130 teet to a stone : . set In ground; thence south 80 feet r! to middle of north fork of Mary's ' - river; thence following middle ot ." said river down stream to begin- """"V ning, 1.84 acres, except tract lying , - ' ui cuuuLjr - roau,. townsnin xju range 7 . . " Beginning at stone heretofore re- , rerrea to on south line of right ot , way ui Baia w. v. tt u. a. it., vtf - teet west ot the west end ot bridge ; ' No. 70 and 30 feet south ot central - line of said railroad; run thence " north 79 degrees, west 1,160 feet to . stone, on said south line ot said J rignt or way ; then following said south line to beginning, 1.53 acres, townshin 11. ran en 7 Beginning at point on north boundary ' ' ao ciaim no. a. townsmp 11 .- . south, range 4 west, said point " being 13 chains east of southwest '" corner of claim No. 64, said town- -T ship and Tange, and run south 10 "2 chains, east 17 chains, north 10 chains, west 17 chains to begin ning, 17 acres, township 11, ranga ' ' Beginning at northeast corner of claim N.o. 46, township 11 south, ' Ithe east line of said claim 492 feet ; thence along east Una at right ' J of way of W. V. & ,C. R. R., being 30 feet to center of mam line as 1. now traveled; north 53 degrees 15 minutes, eastr000 feet to county road leading from Corvallis to Al bany ; south 64 degrees, east 1,260 feet; south 3 degrees, east 186 feet to southeast corner of claim ' No. 44 ; thence west 542 feet to be ginning.' containinsr 6 acres, tnwn- -' sni; sracge- H-j -Book S, paga Also all that tract of land occupied - of Corvallis, Oregon, and fully de- -.- scribed in Book 40, page 217, deed records, and containing in said ' ' tract 11.31 acres, section 2, town- " i ship 12. ransre 5 : Lots 2 and'36, in block 1, in the City or -fhiiomath, Benton, county, Ore- -gon ; fractional river lots Nos. 1, 2, - -3, 4, 5 and 6, in fractional block 4. original town of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon ; lots 1 and 2, in ' block 2, in original town of Corval lis, Benton countv. Oreeon ...4n4nftd Fischer, H. F. (heirs) AU that ceiv tain tract of land 60 feet wide com mencing at and extending from the line of- donation land claim of J. -C. Alexander, the whole length ot mill race, through land of Alexan- .? der & Avery, to the grist mill on Willamette river . Beginning at balm tree 12 inches in ammeter south 17 1-2 degrees, east ' 80 links from the southeast corner ; of said mill lot, and run south 42 1-2 degrees, east 17 rods to the ' edge ot the Willamette river thence with river 24 rods to the place of beginning, containing 3.90 acres, section 2, township 12 south, range 5 west ? Beginning at corner of what is known as mill lot on-east line of land sold by Joseph C. Avery and wife to Elizabeth H. Mercer; run - thence north 6.50 chains to Mary's river; thence down Mary's river to the Willamette river and up along the line of' low water mark of said river to the above described mill lot ; south 42 1-2 degrees, west 4.25 chains to the place of beginning, containing .91 of an acre. .. Beginning at Cottonwood tree at nortneast corner ot mill lot of cor vallis F mill, now owned by H. F. Fischer; run thence south 78 de grees, east 94 links; south 36 de grees, -west 1.75 chains; south 52 degrees, west 1.20 chains ; north 42 degrees, 30 minutes, east 2.37 -chains to place of beginning, con taining .28 of an acre, section 2, township .12 south, range 5 west.. Beginning at - northeast corner ot claim io. 4b, township lz south, range 5 west ; thence east 19.23 chaius to -Willamette river thence south 16 degrees with left bank of said river, up stream 5.36 links ; thence west 17.75 chains, north 5.13 chains to place of beginning, containing 9.7 acres, township 12, range 5 Beginning southeast corner of Johnson & Horning s survey on the north boundary line of Nicholson's survey ; thence run east 3.70 chains ; thence north with Nichol- . son's line 27.38 chains to the left bank of said river; thence south 27.02 chains to place of beginning, containing 10 acres, township 12, range 5 Beginning 10.14 chains east of south- . east corner I the J. c. Avery land claim in township 12 south, range 6 west; thence run east 34.86 chains to the left bank of the Wil lamette river; thence with meander of river down stream, north 19 de grees, west 9.75 chains; north 49 ' degrees, west 6.50 chains ; north 74 degrees, west 5 chains ; south 27.38 chains ; thence west 28.70 chains to mouth of slough on west bank ot . said river, down stream to a post ; thence south 11.50 chains to place of beginning, containing 124.28 acres, except 7.3 acres sold, 117.25 acres, township 12, range 5 Beginning in middle of old territory . road leading south from Corvallis to Eugene City where the south ' ' line of Avery's land claim crosses said road; thence 47.40 chains to - the southeast corner of said land claim; thence north 12.20 chains to the low water mark on the west shore of - the Willamette river; - thence down along said low water line of said river to a point 50 ' links north, 42 1-2 degrees east ot - the southeast corner of said mill lot, sold to E. W. Altro; thence . south 42 1-2 degrees, west along the south line of said mill tract 9.25 chains ; north 13 1-2 degrees, west 6.61 chains ; north 87 degrees, west 1423 chains to middle of said - territorial road ; thence south 4 1-2 Continued on page 4. 3