The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 07, 1904, Image 4

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The CuuIig3 Golus of People
. Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items
Public Ia.terest
Poultry show begins tomorrow.
The chickens. Lava come here
to roost.
The lo3al market has" beeo
bare for a day or two, of' Extra C.
sagar, much used by hou3wives.
A eapply is expected 60on.
Mra. C. L. McCaus'.and arrived
Friday from California to join her
husband, who was recently statioD
here as presiding elder of the M
E. church, South, .fur this district;'
Milton Young on Monday join
ed the ranks of the Corvallis trans
fer people. He is now operating
what has heretofore' been known as
a job-wagon, which is intended
more especially to quickly convey
light loads.
James Brorlie returned last
Monday from a three-months' visit
to relatives in Scotland. ' When he
tok his departure from Corvallis,
he thought of remaining in the old
ountry, but the general conditions
there did not suit him so well as
-Adolpb. Leder, m ntioned e'ee-'j
where as having arrived from Slut
gart, Arkansas, has purchase! lots
out of the Henry Gleek holdings
sear the carriage factory, and is
shortly to begin the erection of a
dwelling bouse thereon. The Le
ders a;o friends of Louis Hollenberg
of ihe furniture store. " ,
Sunday was quarterly confer
ence at the First M. E. church.
Presiding Elder Hollingshead was
present aud delivered two strong
and highly interesting sermons to
large congregations. This was his
first visit to Corvallis, and Rev.
Hollingshead declared himself high
ly pleased with the place, speaking
in particular with - the
stand the town had recently taken
on local option.
In College chapel Monday
morning Prof. Horner gave a short
talk relative to the farmer's short
course that is to open at the college
January 9th Prof. Horner stated
that so many Eastern Oregon farm
ers are planning to be present at
the coming course, that much more
extensive preparations will be? nee
essary than was at first intended,
The fact is a demonstration of the
growing popularity of the farmers!
snort course, giving tne Dusy peo
ple an opportunity for advancing
with the age, without taking time
. for a full college course.
In Miss Snell's room at the
college Friday evening, the Juniors
entertained the Seniors in a most
pleasant manner. A literary pro
gram was given, which included an
instrumental solo by Miss Gretta
Harrington; address of welcome,
Miss Alice Edwards; response,
Karl Steiwer; recitation, Miss Lu
; ella VanCleve; vocal solo, Arthur
, Bouquet; recitation, Miss Minnie
Phillips: mandolin duet, Miss Una
Stewart and Marion Stokes; read
ing, Ronald Esson. Games and
dainty refreshments were enjoyable
features of the evening.
Miss Melvena Elgin had a nar
row escape from losing the sight of
one of her eyes Saturday after noon.
Miss Elgin iis a saleslady in the S.
L Kline store, and she stood upon
a box to Tea;h for a sofa pillow
cover that hurig upon a line. Just
as she reached up, another of the
clerks sprung the cash carrier box.
Miss Elgin stood in line with the
carrier, and it struck her above the
. left eye with great force, knocking
her down and causing a large lump
to appear on the forehead. Striking
but two inches lower, the blow
would certainly have put out the
: eye.
Residents of the suburbs along
the Monmouth rosd are exhibiting
a poblio spirit not prompted by the
chief of police as is the enterprise
shown by many people within the
aorporate limits of the city, inr- re
spect to improvements, especially
in oonsttuution of sidewalks. In
the locality earned Messrs. Locke,
-. Tavlor and DavU are building a
long stretch of sidewalk, extending
, from tha Hdi'ey houses to the
Crees Lan? a cis'anoe of probably
half a mile. The walk is three
feet wide, the decking Is' laid crosB
wise upon three lines of stringers,
and is otherwise well constructed.
It is' outside the city's Sphere of in'
Suecce &al we therefore must as'
Eume that - the property-owners
. male the improvement through
dttira t3 have tiling right.
Mrs Charles Lee is to give an
"Afternoon'-' at her home today.
Roscoe Bryson of Eugene,
spent Sanday with relatives in Cor
vallis. - '- : ..".-'. - -, ;?'-:. :
, Adam Wilhelm Jr. of Monroe,
was in Corvalis Saturday, enronte
to Portland. . 7.
.-' Jesse Moses went to .Portland
on a business trip, Sunday. Here
turned yesterday. - ; ,
Don't fail to call on the Bap
tist ladies at Miss Johnson's mil
linery store, Dec. 9th. ;
A new city job wagon has just
been put into service, It is opera
ted and owned by Milton Young. ,
Miss Sylvia Michael of, Lan
caster, is a guest for this week at
the Mi P, Fruit home in Corvallis.
The Ladies "Coffee Club will
give a dancing party in Firemens
Hall Friday evening. Fechter's
orchestra of Albany, has been se
cured and a pleasant evening is as
sured those who attend.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dowling now
occupy a residence in Job's addi
tion. They moved te Corvallis
Monday from Monroe. '; "Mr.- Dow
ling is a- brother-in-law of O. J.
Blackledge, and will be employed
in the Blackledge furniture store.
Saturday, a bunch of keys was
found and brought to the Times
office to be advertised. A few
hours later, the owner called and
recovered his property. This is
another example of how advertising
pays. - . . -
Fruit & Waggoner . have just
brought from the farm a colt which
is the pride of its owners and to all
horsemen a source of admiration.
The animal is six months old. It
was sired by v the German coach
horse, Excellenz, and its dam is of
Morgan stock. The youngster
may be seen at tne brick stable.
Mrs W. H. Seits returned
Sunday to her home in Alsea, her
husband having so far recovered
that her presence in Corvallis,. was
no longer deemed" necessary. Mr.
Seits, who" was recently operated
on to relieve a pressure on the
brain, will soon be able to go to his
home, being now almost as well as
' Private Sile. . "
Until Jn ist, at my farm, "
miles S W Corvallis. I5 tons of
hay, grain, Chatham fanning mill
feeder attached, 2 horse grain drill,
Gem seed sower, 12 disc 20 in disc
harrow: seedei attached, plow 3 eec
iron lever harrow, '4 cows, 2 year
old colt. 7 enoat?, and numerous
other articles. '
. C. A. Bareinger, d72t
D. E. Matthewe, Chicago optician
will open an optical store in Cor
vallis about Dec 1st. Wait for him.
Have your eyes fatted by our
resident optician, D. E. Matthews,
E. W. S. Pratt, jswsler and op
tician, will give to the holder of the
lucky number, a I50 diamond ring
One number given with each , $1
worth of goods bought between
Dec 5, 1904, and Jan 5, 1905.
Sewing by the day. '' Inquire at
Mrs. R H Colbert's residence, two
blocks north and one block west of
court house.
Miss Pearl Guthrie. d7jt
Dr. Dayton the eye specialist,
will be in Corvallis on his regular
visit Dec 8-9-ioth. Office at Ho
tel Corvallis, 12-7
Everything new, everything at
tractive, everything you can think
of, Moses Bros. . 12-7
All kinds, sizes and colors toys
toys, toys at Moses Bros,
One ton vetch seed. Also Eng
lish rye crass, Speltz, vetch
straw, Poland China hogs, Shrop
shire bucks.
1 Kitelsmen woven wire fence
machine. . -
1 35axIe wagon, r reversible 2horse
tread power. 5 cords of wood.
Silo cutter and elevator; one 24
foot silo, holds 13 tons. Power
cutter, elevator, gang plow and
silo will be sold for $125.
J4.I4. Breoks.
Telephone 155.
S. L. Kline has one of the, pret
ties trimmed Christmas windows
thathas been Been in Corvallis in a
number of years. The oard work
ia especially attractive. - ,
Those Who Attend Poultry Show
; Feuf Awards Each Evening. j-
It is a band of hustlers that" is
behind the Poultry Show.'- Prizes
are offered not only to those who
enter exhibits, ': but. they are given
those who attend. - JFour hand
some prizes will be ; given the
general public, each evening,- the
decision to be made by a drawing.
With each admission ticket sold
there will be a stub, The latter
is placed in a box, and "each even
ing after the contents is thorough
ly shaken up, four;' of the stubs
will be drawn out and the holders
of tickets to match will each, secure
a prize. The list of, such prizes is
as follows: . .- '- ' " ; ' '. '.."-:-
Thursday December 8, Firstprize
Trio White Leghorns value f 10,
donated by Gene Simpson.-- ' - Sec
ond prize. Pair ; Buff Orpingtons
value $7.50, donated by F. : L.
Miller. Third prize. Pair Silver
Laced Wyandottes value $5, donat
ed by ..P Mrs.1 Geo. ,- Linderman.
Fourth prized Setting Barred Rock
eggs, value $5, donated by W. G.
Emery. N -'
Friday evening December 9 First
prize, Trio White Wyandottes. value
$10, donated by Dr. Bowen Lester.
Second prize, Pair Buff Leghorns
value $7.50, donated by Gene
Simpson. Third prize, Pair Buff
Rock Pullets value $5, donated by
Mrs. J. A. Buchanan." Fourth
prize, Setting Buff Orpington eggs,
value $ 5," donated by F. L. Miller.
Is Staunch and Cosy Its Dedication
FSnnday, and Without a Debt.
After a half , dozen successive
rainy Sundays, the sun rose clear
and bright, turning to crimson ban
ners the soft gray clouds that ush
ered in December 4th, the day set
for the dedication of the new Sitnp-
son chapel, a $2,000 church, which-
takes the place of the old one built
in the Belknap settlement -during
the winter of '61-2.
- Filty years ago last ;September,
in a little log school house, about i
mile from the site of the present
building. Bishop Simpson held the
second M. E. conference ever held
in Oregon, and in memory -and hon
or of that truly " great . . man, the
name, Simpson Chapel is still re
tained. ' ' '''A'
Dr. Rader of Portland, who was
to have preached the dedication
sermon, was quarantined at home
because of scarlet fever, but for
tunately Dr. Rockwell - of East
Portland, was secured to take his
piace.: -
The house was filled with people
when the pastor,' Rev. Zimmerman
began tne services by announcing
a hymn which was followed by an j
earnest uplifting . prayer' by Dr.
Rockwell, who at its close, read i
the 43 psalms, that beautiful trib
utc to the temple of Ziou..
he choir with Mrs. , M. M
W41tz at the organ, and Dr. Cathey
as director, then rendered in an
impressive manner, that fine dedi
caii m anthem, beginning, ''Except,
the Lord build the house they la
bor n vain that build it." -' After
wh ch Dr. Rockwell gave a very in
teresting and helpful address from
the textr "The ? Church of God,
which he hath Purchased with his
own Blood." 1 In a broad minded
way. Dr. Rockwell, spoke, not ' of
his own denomination, but . of the
fouhdatioa principles which under
lie every true church, and all right
living, and which alone can give
either churches or individuals the
stability that endures. , y
At the close of the sermon, Mr.
L. N. Edwards made a statement
of the. financial condition of the
church. It was shown that 'after
receiving $250 promised by the
church extension fund, there would
remain due to complete the base
ment and put in a furnace at a cost
ot $100. Donations were called
for and in a few minutes $265, was
subscribed, $25 of which was, a gift
from the membets of, the ; M;" E.
church of Corvallis.
In the beautiful service of the
M. Jfi. cnurcn, tne Duuaing was
then formally dedicated to the serv
ice of God, after which the audience
repaired to the unfinished basement
where a most bountiful .lunch and
hot coffee was served to about two
hundred people. The new church
is a thine-of beauty and doubtless
will be a joy forever. It is a strict
ly up-to-date building, mod era v in
all its appointments, and though
comparatively , small, is , large
enough tor the needs ot tne com
munity. The workmanship both
within and without, and from foun
dation to spire, is of the very best,
and the painstaking effort and self-
denial required for its completion,
deserve much praise.
The best line of hosiery in this
aty, bought direct from mills at
Henkle & Davis, " - . d74t
- ' - Protected the Jndxe.
"- After -the Jury In a Texas case had
listened to the charge of the court and
had gone to their room to deliberate
upon the verdict, .oae of the twelve
went right -to the point by Baying:
"That thar Pike Muldrow orter be
convicted an gen'ral principles.- He's
bad as they make em." : '
As the hum of approval went around
a weazened little juror said, "I heerd
that Pike guv it outhat he'd go gun
nin fur us, if we sent him up, jes'
Boon's he got out, an' fur the jedge
too." . .. ';
."We must pertect the Jed ere." thev
agreed, and the verdict was "Not guil-c'
ty." Detroit Free Press. .'.- .
1 A Peculiar Ornament. .
" Berlin has probably one of the most
peculiar ornaments for a reading room
that has ever been seen in a similar
position in a civilized country. This is
a gravestone which stands, large and
massive, in one CfcrnerNof a small room.
It' is not only a gravestone, but is in
its legitimate position at Ihe head of
a grave The history of Its location in
the house is interesting It was not
put up in the house, but the house was
built around the stone. Its original
position was' in the burial grounds in
the churchyard at St Hedwig's.
How Could He Help Itt
He-Do you . think marriages are
made in heaven? , She I don't know.
Perhaps they are,. but Pd be satisfied
with one made in or, that is, of course,
I -wasn't thinking what oh, Charlie,
do you really mean It? Chicago Record-Herald.
' .
; - . Nothing Definite.
Her Mother Mr. Bloman has been
coming to see yon for quite a long
while, Maude. What are his inten
tions? ; Do: yen know? She Well," I
think he Intends to keep on coming.
Philadelphia Preu.
.. We have properties that no other agent
can handle if yon are interested come
and see us. If yon do not know us ask
some citizen of the county of us and- our
business methods. We expect to carry
on a legitimate real estate business in this
county whether you have a home for
sale or desire to purthaia one it will be
to your interest to come and see us. -Try
it. The followingA bargains ; are
handled exclusively by us; watch this
space for new bargains next week.-
No 511 120 acres, 16 acres in cultiva
tion, fair house, 6 rooms, 2 barns, I acre
fine orchard: well watered': 21 . head ef
goats, 32 head sheep ; 3 milk - cows ; "2
two year old heiiers ; 2 two year ' old
steers; I yearling steer;"3 calves; t ' s;ood
team; wagon and h arness; plow;, culti
vator: 1 harrow: new mower and , hay
rkke 25 ton bay; 6 miles northwest of
Bellfountain; price 2,000.
No 512 160 acres; 80 rich bottom land
60 acrea f.op land; balaWce pasture and
timber, house, barn, sheds, etc; all un
der good fence; 2 1-2 miles from ' Cor
vallis: price $35 per acre. ; - -1
No 298 161 acres; 140 acres in culti
vation; good house; 2 barns; good orchard
well watered ; good , pasture and timber;
2 2-4 miles southeast of Philomath;
price 6000. . '
No 127 32 acres 15 acres in prunes;
4 acres in apples; balance in cultivation
well watered; good fruit - dryer; - fair
house and barn: located 1 mile south
west of Philomath; price $3000.
No 88 45 acres." all in. cultivation
irood house, barn, trait and water; lo
cated 1 mile southwest of Philomath:
price $2250. :
No 39 80 acres; 40 acres in ; cultiva
tion; good houBa, barn, fruit and water;
fine timber and pasture; located 6 miles
from Philomath; price I2250. -
No 168 20 acres 2 acres garden; good
orchard ; fair house and barn; well wat
ered, near school: 3 miles southwest of
Philomath; price $750.-
No 182 "262 acres on mam county
. -
road 2 1-2 miles from Corvallis; 210
acres fine grain land, 12 acres orchard.
balance timber and pasture; price' $4o
per a'jre.
No 183 160 acres all under cultiva:
tion; 2 barns: large house: good . out
buildings; fine frmt; well watered; 2 1-
miles from Corvallis, price 5o per acre.
Miler & Walters,
- -Real Estate
, Mrs. W. B. Evans, Clearwater, Kan
writes: '"My husband lav sick for three
months. The doctors said that ' he had
auick consumption. We procured a bot
tle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it
cured him. That was six years ago,
Since then we have always kept a bottle
in the house. We cannot ds without it.
Eor coughs and colds it has no . equal.
25c, 50c, $1.00.' Sold by Graamh
Wortham. - . r
Rhenmatism, lumbago and sciatic pains
yield to the penetrating influence ot Bal
lard's Snow Ximmen. It penetrates to
the nerves and bone and being absorbed
in the blood, its healing properties are
conveyed to every part of the body, and
effect some wonderful curas.- 25c, 50c,
$1.00- Sold by Graham & vvortaam
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged -for
Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
v Domestic and Imported. -V
Plain anfl Fancy Chmaware
- . - A large and varied line. " x
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete Visitrour Store we do the
Gorvallis & Eastern
Railroad V
Time Card Number 22.
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany....
. Corvallis...
"'" arrives Yaquina.....
Returning: ;
Leaves Yaquina........
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany
..12:45 P- n
... 1:45 p. m
.. 5:40 p. ID
.. 7:15 a.zn
..11:30 a. at
..12:15 p. m
For Detroit:
Leaves Albany.:
....... i:00 p. a
Arrives Detroit... 6:00 p,
from Detroit: y -
Leaves Detroit ...6:30 a, m
Arrives Albany .......11:15 a. m
Train So 2 connects with the S P train
at Corvallis and Albany eiviog direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush ' and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
:oo p. m., reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv
ing ample time to. reach the Springs the
same day- - - '..:
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours is
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. . . , .
For further information apply to
Edwin Stons,
- - Manaect.
H. E. Cronise. Aeent Corvallis.
Thos. CockrejL. Agent Albany, .. . ,
Djn't fail to ' view their stock
w'hen buyihg ChrietoiBS prsente-
Moses Bros is the place. Pradoce
taken. . 12-7
To Yaquina Biy A. rew Depart-
ure on the S. P.
Becognizing a long felt want, and de
siring to give the public cheap rates
to the Coast in the winter as well as the
summer, for persons who desire to see
the bounding billows In their ' wildest
moods and imbibe the pure ozone of the
winter air at the Coast, the .Southern
Pacific in connection with the C. & B.
have placed on sale "taking effect Nov.
2; 1904, and continuing until March 31st,
1905. from1 all points on their linesround
trip tickets to Yaquina Bay at the same
rate as during the summer time. These
tickets will beold on Wednesdays and
Saturdays only and will be good for re
turn sixty day s from date of sale. .
Mice .Dr,nthorn's baths will be in oper
ation and anyone who desires a genuin
health resort during the winter cannot
do better than to spend a month or so at
Yaquina. ' ...
Similar ticketB will be sold . from Al
bany, Corvallis and Philomath and : all
points on theC. &E.
Full information as to rates, baggag-
etc, can be obtained by applying to the
nearest S. P. agent or direct from W. E.
Coman, G. P. A. S. P. Co Portland, or
Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. Albany,
P. S. Through tickets to Portland are
sold by the C, & E- at Corvallis and by
theS. P., Portland, to Corvallis via Al
bany and the C. & B. at the same rate
as via the Westside, 2.60. C.& E trains
connect at Albany with the Albany.
Portland local'both ways.
Corvallis, OregoJi.
Responsibility, $100000
Deals ia Foreign and Domestic
- : Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents,
PORTLASO . f London San Fran.
SBATTXB . ( clsco Bank Limited.
NEW YOBK-Mers. J. P. Morgan Co.
OHICAOO Kstional Bank of Tlie.Kepub
Uo. LONDON, VffOr. London A Ban Franeiseo
Bank Limited. .
CANADA . TJnionBanVdanadXom
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanH BIdg. Hoarst
7 ' 0 to 18 nd 2 to 4. ' -
- ' Phono, office 83. Kesldenca 551.
CorvalUs, : t ; Oregon.
Physician ;& Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Besidence Co.
Piftb and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m.,1 to 4 p. m. - Orders inav be
eft at Graham & Wortham'a drug store.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104. 1
am calls attendd -:
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Office in Zierotf Bailding, Oor vallis. O
- ATTORAii l-AT-LAW. .
First Nat'l Bank Building.
Only Set Abstracts in County
Livestock auctioneer
Office at Huston's Hardware Store.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays -highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
E. R. Bryson,
' Health is absolutely impossible, if con
stipation be present. Many serious cases
of liver and kidney complaint have
sprung from neglected constipation.
Such a deplorable condition is unneces
sary. There is a cure for it. Herbine
will speedily remedy matters. C. A.
Lindsay, if. M., rsronson, i'la.,,
Neb. 12, 1902: "Having tried Herbine,
I find it a fine medicine for constipation. '
50c bottle. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Dolls; dishes and all kinds - of
pretty things for the little folks, at
Moses Bros. 12-7
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 1878, '
umtea bitb .uanaumce, y
. Oregon City, Cregen,
. ' . HOT.l0t. - - -
Notice Is hereby eiven that In compliance
uritb. the provisions ot the act of Congress of
JnnsS,1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands lu iha6tatesof California Oregon
Nevada and WasMngton Territory- asenenaea
toftll the PubUc Iid States by act ot August 1,
1892, Charles O Huff of Corvallis, county o
Benton, state OI Oregon, naa uus oay mea ia
this office his sworn statement SO. 6519, for the
purchase of the 8. H of 8. w. a of Section
So. 82 South, BangeNo. 9"
West W. H.. and will otter proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its umDer
or stoue than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
P. Moses, Connry Clerfc. Corvallis, Benton Ooun
tv. Oretron. on Saturdsy, the 18th day ot Feb.
He names aa witnesses: ' ' -' .
Ijiwrence acovaii ot rniiomatn, uregon.
George StovaU " "
Caleb A Davis " v' '
Zsbediah H Davis oj Corvallis, "
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In tSis office on or before said 18th
day of June, 1805. ,
f Algernon Si Dresser,