The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 07, 1904, Image 3

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J. H. Harris returned Monday
from a business trip to Portland.
, Miss Florence Adams returned
Saturday evening from a brief vis
it with Portland friends.
Two lots have been purchased
by Artie Starr from Norton Adams
and a handsome two story dwelling
is being erected by the new owner.
The property is just north of the
Clum Reed residence, in the north
ern part of town.
F. P. Sheasgreen returned Sat
vrday evening from a two months'
visit at his old home in Newbruns
wick, Canada, and points in Minne
sota and Massachusetts. Twenty
three years has elapsed since. Mr.
Sheasgreen left his native home in
Canada, and a pleasant visit was
The city election held at Phi
lomath Monday resulted as follows:
Mayor, W. T. Bryan; recorder, W.
H. Boles; marshal, A. Taylor: treas
urer, J. E. Henkle: councilmen first
ward, Guy Frink, R. E. Pugh: sec
ond ward, G. A. Scott, O. V. White
third ward, W. A. Jolly, G. I.
Mrs. Anna Beach has disposed
of her handsome residence proper
ty opposite the cout house, south,
to Mrs. M. A. Canan. A part of
the house is occupied by Postmast
er Johnson and wife, and it is un
derstood that Mrs. Canan will oc
cupy rooms in the remaining part.
The consideration is not known.
Miss Carrie Danneman return
ed to her home in Corvallis from
Clem Monday. Miss Danneman
has not yet fully recovered from the
injuries sustained by her in a re
cent runaway near Condon, but
it is thought she will soon be in
possession of her usual good
health, benefit from the change of
location being hoped for by rela
tives. The tax levy for the Corval
lis school district this year is to
be two mills. Last year it was
six. The new levy was made by
the board of directors at a meeting
Friday night. It is for payment of
one of the outstanding $1,000 bonds
and to meet the interest on the
balance of the bounded indebtedness.
Hazel, the twelve year old
daughter in the home of Mrs. El
gin at Baker City, is ill with scar
let fever. Much concern is felt by
relatives lest iiarence, tne nine
year old son, may also contract the
disease, which on account of his
catarrhal troubles might set up
serious complications.
Invitations are out for a sock
social, to be given at the new
Simpson Chapel, at Bellfountain,
on December 28th. The invitations
are in verse, and are accompanied
by small socks made of silk, into
whidh the guest is requested to
place twice the number of pennies
as the number of the socks they
wear. The affair will no doubt
draw a large crowd and be well
worth attending.
Accompanied by his family
and three brothers, Adolph Leder
arrived in Corvallis Saturday from
Arkansas. The Leders have leas
ed the residence vacated , a few
days ago by Louis Hollenberg, and
have taken possession The new
comers are well pleased with Ore
gon, and state that several other
families from their old home neigh
borhocd are arranging to move to
this state in the near future..
Connection was to be made
..Monday of the Corvallis farmers
Independent telephone lines with
the Dallas line, the meeting place
being near the Wrightsmau place,
on the Tampico, line. Up to the
present, 248 telephones of the new
company are in service in Corvallis
32 orders are yet unfilled, and 50
from Kansas City will be install
ed as soon as they arrive. Good
service is making the new system
very popular.
The proposed fire alarm system
. for Corvallis was discussed at 'an
adjourned meeting of the city coun
cil Monday night. Next Monday
night the council will determine
whether or not the system will be
installed. The estimated cost is
about f 180. The plan is such that
in case of fire, a message phoned in
to the central otnce of the Inde
pendent system, would immediately
set the fire bell to ringing. All the
operator in central would have to
. do to ring the bell would be to press
a button. The taps of the bell
would indicate in which of the four
fire districts the fire was to be
found. By the arrangement every
Independent telephone -in town
would become a fire alarm box.
me pnone company oners to care
for the plant and do the bell rine.
ing without charge to the city. The
matter is in the hands of the Fire
. and Water committee, of which
Councilman Rennie is chairman.
The system ought to be installed.
Here's a welcome. to the faith
ful old hen. With her eggs and
henlets, so multiplied and so mul
tipliable, she leads the world - in
producing wealth, and all she asks
is, -enough to eat . ,
And J. J. Scrafford Lies Beneath His
- Deftth and Funeral. '
After a long life of four score
and seven years, J. J. Scrafford was
laid to rest in North Palestine
cemetery Monday. ' Death occurr
ed from the late home in Corval
lis at seven o'clock Saturday even
ing. A brief funeral service at the
house, was " conducted by Rev.
Mark Noble Monday morning.
Then the funeral party followed the
remains to North Palestine church,
near Wells, . where the regular
funeral exercise of the Baptist
church was conducted by Rev.
Noble. Near the church was the
old home of the deceased, and the
church itself his former place of
worship. Old neighbors, gray
bearded and hale were, present to
pay a last tribute of respect and
esteem. Xhe occasion was a fit
ting close to a life that began while
the United States was but little
more than the original colonies,
with James Monroe as thejresident.
The interment was in the cemetery
at the church.
Death was caused by a general
breaking down of the physical
machine. Two years or more ago
there was trouble that augured ev
en au earlier fatality. The mind
suffered then, and when on the
street sometimes; the old gentleman
was unable to find the place he
wanted to go to. A few days ago
worse conditions than ever appear
ed, involving a relapse into uncon
sciousness, and a gradual sinking.
The life spark went out at seven
o'clock Saturday night.
The deceased was a native of
New York. In early life he mov
ed to Iowa, where he resided until
1866. when he came to Oregon
settling in Benton county. The
sunset of his life was made peace
ful beyond the usual with the aged,
by reason of the kindly and con
stant care always accorded him by
Mrs. Lessa Scrafford, his daughter-in-law.
Over 3000 Already Entered Every
Known Variety Represented Big
Show Assured.
Tbe Corvallis poultry show at
the Opera House next Thursday,
Friday and Saturday promises to
surpass the most sanguine expect
ations of poultry fanciers and will
undoubtedly be the' best exhibition
of egg producers ever seen in the
Northwest.- Those in charge of the
show have spared neither pains nor
finances in arranging every detail
and they are receiving the co-operation
and encouragement of fancy
poultry breeders from all over Ore
gon and in some adjoining states.
The state of Washington will be
well represented as ' already many
entries have been made from there
in Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds,
agd Bantams. Several entries are
promised from California today.
In our own state, outside of Benton
county, there are over one hundred
birds already booked fpr exhibition
and the contests for blue nbbons
in some varieties promises " to be
close and interesting., The Ply
mouth Rocks, . both barred and
white, and the Wyandotte family
in white, penciled and silver-laced,
will be here in abundance. The
display of L,egborns, in white, buff
and brown, will be a feature of the
show, while the Orpingtons, Blue
Andalusians, Gray Dorkings, and
other fancy varieties will make . a
very attractive display.
Already over 300 chickens have
been entered for competition and it
is expected that this will pass the
400 mark before night. Chickens
began arriving Monday and the
first pen to enter the show was a
dozen Blue Andalusians from Mon
mouth, Every train now brings
birds and while the breeders around
Corvallis are preparing to give vis
iting poultrymen a warm reception
they will also give them a good run
for the ribb mS' in all varieties.
Don't fail to visit the show as it
will be well worth the time and ex
pense. '
Read this Column,, Yon may
Just What You Want.
-If you want fine china go to
Zierolf'e. 3?e has the largeBt and
mott complete line in the city. 1-1
.You Dever dreamed of the like
tbe finest line of chin&ware in
this part of Oregon, at Moses Bros.
'' Wanted. -
- Turkeyp, chickenB, ducks and
geese. ; Dressed pork, mutton and
veal. At my store in Philomath.
F. P. Clark.
, Piano Instruction. ; .
Piano instruction in all grades.
Pianos tuned in first class manner.
Satisfaction or no pay. Indp. tele,
phone 4o5.
' . F. A. White,
If in search of jardiniers call on
E.; B. Horning. He has a' fine line
If you want to eee eome fine iron
beds call on Blackledge, the furni
ture dealer. He has them. "
Ghristmas Greeting,
Are beautiful selections .of . desirable and appropriate gifts
for both old and young men, women and children. . This
season's purchases satisfy the' requirements of taste, quality
and novelty. The added virtue of reasonable prices is not
neglected. We are justified in giving a certain assurance of
high quality and complete assortment, insuring satisfactory
selections in all cases. We know that you -will appreciate
these efforts, and we ask the privilege of showing our new
arrivals. Extra help engaged for the Holiday rush, "
We advise early selections.
ijetiderson Bunding opposite Hotel Corvallis.
Highest price paid for
pullets.- S. B. Bane.
- Chicken Fetd.
Cracked corn for chicken feed.
any quantity from one sack to oar-
load lots. Cheaper than - wheat.
We carry a full line of poultry
supplies. ' F. L,. Miller.
"Cthck, cluck, xluck," -
As she sits in her pen,
Where the crowds come to gaze
on her shape.
"Cluck, cluck, cluck,"
She warbles again,
And the Johnsons and Miller
keep step.
"Cluck, duck, cluck,"
As the crowds come and go,
Then Lester exhibits a grin;
And Simpson smiles sweet
And pleasure's complete,
When they list tp the song of the
To be Given Away.
A $50 diamond ring. A ticket
goes with each $1 worth of goods
purchased. The lucky number
Rets the ring. E W S Pratt's
jeweler and optician, - d7tf
Bring your
chickens to Moses
Moses Bros, want your produce.
See Moees Bros before you eell
your eggs. -
Mcea Bros pays
for j oar butter,
highest price
Ivost or Strayed.
Brown mare, lOOo pounds '.white
hind feet, shod all round; last eeeo
Nov 30 on Monmouth road. Return
or leave info mation at Wineear's
Feed barn. d7it
A special sale of shoes at low
prices at Henkle & Davis'. d74t
Christmas Presents.
Xmas will soou be here and we
have just opened up a fine line of
holiday goods, as follows: Toilet
sets, autograph and photo albums,
all of the latest books of fiction
from 15 c up, a fine line of bibles'
and burnt leather books, picture
books, combination game boards,
ladies shopping bags and purses;
music rolls; the finest line of sta
tionary ever brought to this city ;
we have also added a fine line of
violins, mandolins, bar j 03, guitars,
accordians, harmonicas, etc, . at
prices that are right. Call and ex
amine our line and you will be as
sured of courteous treatment
whether you buy or not.
tf Graham & Wells,
For Sale.
Two acre tract of land, good
house, barn, . outbuildings, team,
wagon, and harness; over 200 bush
els of oats, hay for winter; chickens
and bees, one cow, two-thirde in
terest In 2o acres of grain. Call on
or address .
J. A. DawsoD, '
Tons of Earth Fall on and Suffocate
WeU Known Benton Farmer
B. B. Banks. -
While laying tiling on his farm
near Granger late Friday evening?
a cave of the walls of a deep ditch
covered B, B. Barnes, a ype.ll known.
resident of " Benton - County, and
suffocated him before relief could
be afforded. Forty five minutes
later, enough of the dirt had been
removed to' extricate the body, but
life was extinct. Within a com
paratively short time thereafter, an
Albany physician arrived post hasts
at the scene, and endeavored to fan
the spark ef life into new activity.
but all enorts at restoration - were
futile. A newly made mound in
worth Palestine cemetery, near
Wells is a mute testimonial of the
fatality, and another reminder that
while 'yet in the midst of life, still
are we in death. !
Mr. Barnes was an' old , resident ,
of Benton County. For years he
lived on the Scrafford farm near.
Wells. After that, he bought a
farm of his own, just across the
roadfrom the Gf anger store. That
was several years ago. The even
ing of the accident, he was laying
tiling to drain a portion of a field
in which, accumulation of water,
was went to do damage. A son
was with him at the work. The
father was in the bottom cf the
ditch, which was jo feet deep, and
the son stood waiting on the bank.
The father was adjusting tiling in
the bottom, and while doing so
occupied a stooping position.
Without warning, a big .mass of
earth suddenly broke and fell from
the high bank. It forced Mr.
Barnes to the bottom of the ditch,
and covered him under full three
feet of heavy dirt.
The situation of the son for the
moment was terrible.; At first he
attempted to clear away the dirt
himself for the release of the father
but he soon saw that with his two
unaided hands the removal of the
tons of earth -was impracticable.
Neighbors were not far away, and
he sought their assistance. Will
ing hands worked with . feverish
haste to extricate the man, buried
alive in the excavation that he him
self had digged, and at the end of
45 minutes after the cave, the body
was found. It was lifted from its
place, but after too long a delay.
Suffocation had done its work long
before. The funeral occurred Sun
day, and the interment was in the
cemetery at North Palestine. . A
wife and three sons are the sur
- 100 Buff Orpington cockrels for
sa?e. Some very cheap. - Why not
get some new blood in your pen
of mixed chickenB and double your
gg supply. - F, -U Miller, -
-V: ' ' Corvallis.
Handsome new line of pastel and
medallion pictures, just arrived at
-EHacledkge'e furnitare store.''"'
$3 Rate to Portland and Return.
The S P is selling round trip
tickets petween Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train . from Albany
to Portland to Portland on Satur
days if Eastside is taken. Passeng
ers to pay local fare between Cor
vallis and Albany.
Best Liniment on Earth.
Henry D. Baldwin, Supt' City Watei
Works, Shnllaburg, Wis., Writes: "I
have tried many kinds of Liniment, but
I have never received mach benefit until
I used Ballard's' JSnow liniment for
rheumatism and pains. I think it is the
best liniment on Earth. 25c, 50c, ji.oo.
Sold by Graham & Wortham,
XMAS 1904.
Holiday Handkerchiefs
Holiday Novelties
Holiday Linens
Holiday Gloves
Holiday Bags"
Ladies holiday Belts
New holiday Pillow Tops
Ladies h oliday Neckwear
North Star Woolen Mills Blan
kets make a useful Christ
- mas Gift.
f. L. Miller
J8See North. Window.
Bauitba f Iba Kind You Haw Ahrats Bought
Village Improvement Society ;'
' - -
A regular meeting of this society
will be held on Friday evening of
this week at 7-30 o'clock, at thej
county court room. Members and
all friends interested cordially in-;
vited. - ., .
is Nothin
g Better
-- - . :
For a Christmas present, than a nice easy Eockee, Picture or Eng. We have them
in styles and prices to suit the most fastidious. Nothing adds more to the
appearance of a room than a nice Brussels or Ingrain Carpet. Why
' not take advantage of our reduction sale and get Car- '
pets at a small cost. We are fully stocked on
all furniture goods...;
The Rainy Season is on
And you will use your umbrella for many months instead of throwing it down
when you get home buy one of those nobby umbrella holders. They are some
thing new and can be seen no where lse but at our store. Then while you are
hre just look over our line of Dresses, Couches and Center Tables. Our Heaters,- -Stoves
and Eanges are as cheap as the cheapest. We aim to treat everybody right
and alike. ' .
Complete Housef urnishers.
Corvallis, Oregon.