'. 4 r. c Vol. XVlI.-No. 37. CORVALUS, OREGON, DECEMBER 7. 101. : B. T. IRVINK Bdltor, and Proprietor A i S II ..:..- I J if Do You A big reduction made on all Ladies' R a J n Coats, Ladie's Jackets Misses Jackets, Boys Overcoats and Suits COME AND SEE Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms, if , ' " Hotel I CorvaUis I Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Sri brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con- veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es , ff capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single j$ rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam- $S ettd Valley. Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and I EMERY'S ART STUDIO jj & South Main St., CorvaUis, Ore'. . - j Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture 3 O. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic .Novelties. 4 Hodes' Pioneer Gun Store Burners Supplies, Tisbing Cackle, Sporting QoOds. SEWING MACHINE EXTItAJS Stock of Gu Bodes at Big Bargain Tatit a Recently opened. New $2.00 per day. RAILROAD DISASTER FORTY FIVE PEOPLE. ARE IN JURED IN TRAIN WRECK. Broken Rail Causes Three Coaches to L?ave the Track Go Dwn Back Into the Stream Orders Were Ignored to Slow Up on -s Bridge. Holden, Mo., Dec. 3. Missouri Pacific passenger train, No. 1, west bound from St. Louis to Kansas City, due here at 4 o'clock this af ternoon, was wrecked at the water-works bridge, two miles east of here, Resulting in- the injury of about 45 passengers, ten seriously. The accident was caused by a bro ken rail, which projected from the track, catching the first coach be hind the mail car, throwing ' it from the track down a 20-foot em bankment, and causing two othei coaches, a Pullman and the diner, to follow it. The broken rail was on the bridge, and the rear Pull man rolled off the bridge into the creek below, and the passengers in side were all seriously injured.- ' Two old ladies imprisoned in tbis car were taken out at the top after holes had been made with axes. The engine, two baggage cars and the mail car passed the bridge in safety and remained on the ..track, but all the remainder of the train was derailed, . . . ' There were 30 members"" of the Warrensburg Lodge, , Knights of Pythias, on the wrecked train, and lew of them escaped injury. The wreck occurred l4 mileB west of dead Man's Curve,, where .the worst wreck in the history of the Missouri Pacific' Railway happened in October, when thirty, persons lost Supposition has it that orders were given the train crew at Center View today to slow up at the water works bridge on account of a bro ken rail there. It seems that the train was behind the schedule time, and thie order was not headed. When the heavy passenger train, running at a high rate of epead, struck thia bridge, stricking the broken rail, which turned and projected from the ground, there was a tremendous crash, and three coaches, diner and sleeper were hurled down an em bankment. - Shrieks and cries arose from mothers thinking of their children, and men lay under the debris, helpless to save their famil ies. The scene was heart-rending. .Railroad physicians were sum moned to the scene at once, and they worked for hours upon the wounded, who were taken to near by houses. One country home was turned into a hospital. A relief train from Kansas City to the scene of the wreck,, returned late tonight, bringing many of the injured to the Missouri PacifioHos pital and other hospitals in this city. Covington, Ind., Nov. 24. Two venerable men ate their Thanks giving dinner today at a great ban quet table on which cover's for 21 were laid, ihe two diners were Lewis Hetfield, eighty-two years, and Colonel James McMannoney, eighty-three years, a veteran ot the Mexican war. Fifty-seven years ago, twenty-one young men promised - to dine to gether every Thanksgiving iJay so loDg as two of them survived. These gay blades, who enjoyed their youth to the full, called themselves "The Raging Fads." When the first dinner was spread in 1847, a bottle of port wine, old wine then, adorned the table and the twenty-one agreed that the man who should survive all the others should drink the wine. Besides Mr. Hetfield and Colonel McMan noney, a third membtr of the club lives,- Robert Brown, of Kansas City, eighty-four years old, who was kept from today's feast by the inflf maties of age. The bottle of port graced the table's centre. N Of the memories that thronged upon them the two patriarchs chose to speak only of the happiest today. They toasted the shades of those who have gone before, speak ing intimately to them, as if they eat around the board. They drank to the -absence of Robert Brown and to each other. "And may you drick this good port," said Hetfield, patting the bottled , No, your.old friend, "or Brown," said McMannooey.' "I praj I may not be the last f us" and tears dimmed his eyes. ME WAS A REAL FARMER. Henee He ' Coolant See the PoettB .' '-. Side ol Farm Ufe. ' - ,2011, -yes," a man in the hotel lobby was .overheard to-say. "I'm a real fanner now. My. farm only costs me about $75 per month" now, so you can see I'm getting along."; Then the man waa heard to comment upon farm labor. ... , 'If s. all right to talk about the poetry of farm life," he said, "but If farm life Is; poetry t want the prosiest sort of ?p.ose in. mine. .Is there any poetry In 'greasing harness? Do, you find any rhyme and rhythm in milking a double jointed, back action cow twice a day? Well, I guess not" . . v . ?Butthere's the scenery," his com panion intersected, "and the smell of gram"-. ' ' -..... - - - - 'TTes," said the amateur farmer, -"and the chlggers, and the red bugs, and holes in the fence, and rats in the seed corn, and the potatoes sprouting. And If you are through plowing or awhile and haven't anything better to do you I fix the wheelbarrow for recreation, or you can see that the pen is made hog proof, or that the water trough doesn't leak too much. Then if ' everything else fails and Irs too rainy to do any thing else you can get out a second hand kit and fix the crupper - on the harness or nail strips of boiler plate on the feed box so that crib eater of a plug won't have too many splinters in him when he dies. Oh, you can bet I'm too much of a farmer to look at trie poetic side of It. I'm a realist farmer; that's what I am." Dallas News. ; - .- -TOBACCO SALARIES. A Cnptorn of the American Colonie ? . Before the Revolution. ' Uef ore the Revolution, ministers of the Anglican church in those American colonies where that church was estab lished; by law' were remunerated "in i.r Instead t f aoney-cMitrylafld gave an incumbent forty pounds of to bacco a year for every tithe payer in the parish, whether churchman or dis senter, white or colored. These terms were handsome enough to secure the pick of the clerical market. In Vir ginia the stipends represented a fixed and unvarying quantity, by weight, of the manufactured leaf; These stipends were rather beggarly in quantity. In a bad year even the "sweet scented parishes," where the minister's salary was calculated on a high priced and exceptionally fragrant tobacco, yielded only about $500 a year. The parishion ers sometimes refused to induct a cler gyman unless he would consent to take one salary for serving two parishes. In 1758, when the price of tobacco had greatly risen, the house of burgesses passed a law fixing the cash equivalent of i debts payable in tobacco at one third their true value, thus wiping out two-thirds of the incomes of ministers. Patrick Henry made his first fame In defending this law when a test case was brought In behalf of the Injured clergymen. " A Dead Mooie. When a bull moose lies dead in the forest he looks like some strange ante diluvian animal, with his square pre hensile muffle and horns spreading lat erally, a peculiarity which he shares with the prehistoric Irish elk and the nearly extinct European elk .of later times. The huge form tells of strength and swiftness, and withal the still dan gerous gleam of the eye, glazed in Its last stare, bids the hunter pause and feel almost guilty of a crime in the de struction of so much that is grand and weird, a feeling very different from the sentiment supposed to attend the slaughter of a deer. But the triumph of mastering the wariest and bravest animal in thewoods by fair still hunt ing and by grimly sticking to the track fornany a weary mile amply atones for" any regrets. Century. Sneak: Thieves In Churches. An old sexton was discussing the amount of stealing that is done in churches. "Scarcely a day passes," he said, "when the church is open with out some distracted woman coming to mo bowed down with grief because somebody has stolen her purse. There are certain contemptible thieves who prey on unsuspecting women who pray so hard that they forget to look after their pocketbooks. The thief watches until the' woman is deep in prayer and then leans over, grasps the purse and sneaks out" Philadelphia Record. - Came In Handy. T "The weather-man said It would rain today, and I'm glad I carried my um brella." "Why, it didn't rain at all today." -"Of course it didn't, but I met the .weather man on the street, and I used the umbrella to bang Mm good and hard." Catholic Standard and Times. ON ARRIVING FORTRESSES TAKEN BEFORE ARRIVAL OF . RESERVES. Six TimeB They Strive to Drive the , Victors Out, but Fail Awful . t Slaughter on Slopes Jap- . ' - anese Reserves' Takes . : v 203-Meter Hill and " Red Hill. Tokio, Dec. 5. Unofficial details received here of the capture of 203 Meter Hill show thai the struggle began at 1 P. M. on the 27th, when the besiegers concentrated the fire of their heavy guns' on the para pets of Red Hill, 3OO meters south of 203-Meter HilL . After that ; the infantry, advancing in widely ex tended order from Kinkiatung and Ukistum,, reached ; charging dis tance. , ,y ; . . four consecutive , charges were delivered between 3 and 4 o'clock. The fourth succeeded, but during the night the Russians made their counter-attacks. The third, which was .especially , furious, drove the Japanese back. On the .morning of tne Zotn, the 'Japanese, instead of advancing by the way of Red Hill, mada a direct move on 203- Meter HilL "The attack began at daylight and was continued with desperate res olution, the Japanese advancing in to the valley between the two hills They received the full fire of both forts and - were decimated," but, sweeping on, stormed the slopes of. zud-Meter ."Hill - and captured the southeast corner of. the northern face.' ,: r In the meanwhile another "force effected a lodgement near the para' pet at the southeast face. - These operations were very costly to both sjd'es.t -. ' Numerous land grenades wwB.tbrowi hy ihe itS.assiaaRas well as by the Japanese. The 29th Russian regiment made a furious counter-attack and bore the Japan ese back from the southeast corner, swspt them down and poured shells into them, which mowed them down. At 5 P. M. the Russians showed clear signs of weakening. The J ap' anese made a renewed rush irom trenches of the southwest corner but the Russians did not move. The casualties of the assailants were very heavy. At tbis critical moment reserves were sent into the Japanese fighting line and with houtB -which rang over whole Port Arthur the assail ant hurled themselves against the Russians, who finally, at 7:30 P M., broke into groups of 20 and 3O and retired suddenly. Almost sim ultaneously the assailants at the southeast angle pushed home their attack and the whole fortress was occupied, at 8 P. M. After this Red Hill was carried easily, but during the eame night the Russians, whose large reinforce ments had been summoned by tele graph and had arrived just too late delivered six desperate counter-at tacks, the last of . which continued from 4 o'clock in the morning till noon. At first the Russians repeatedly closed up to bayonet distance, and therewas a series of hand-to-hand struggles, the assailants falling back and again advancing. Final ly, after terrible losses on both sides the Russians retreated to Anzishan and Esteshan, leaving the Japan eae in assured possession of the stronghold. At Kings Valley. The poles are on ihe ground for a telephone line.from Perry Eddy place to T. 1 . Vincent s. The line will give service to six families John Price, Lincoln Allen, Tom Ramsdall, Henry Plunkett, James Cosgrove and1 Ralph Vincent. All these will be on the extension Another short extension is being built from . Hoskins to Wallace Frantz' place. This will be -com pleted by Tuesday evening. Billy West and bride returned to the valley Sunday morniDg, and were given 4 tin horn and a cow bell serenade that evening by their young gentlemen mends. George Jarard, who' is employed by Tom Allen on the Dick Dunn place, had the small bone in one of his legs broken a few days ago. The eld school building is being torn down by John McCallam, who is hauling the material to his lots in King's Valley, and is to build hall with the same. . . v . . Jake Chambers and Rud Allen are in Pot tland, buying a new stock of goods. , -. - - Several million feefof logs have been rafted down the Luckiamuta. recently, owing to the high water caused by the late heavy rains. " The frost Saturday morning was the first of the season to do any , damage in these parts. Guy McTimmons is visiting his brother at Hoskins. t ' , Mr. Skages brought 20 head of beef cattle to the valley Saturday. '. William Gellatly being; the pur chaser. ' .. -'" : Uso. StrLouis. Nov. 24..Miss Olive Bennett, a pretty- young primary teacher : of the , M sunt , Pleasant school, was on trial before the school board on charges of cruelty, incompetency and insubordination. Testimony showed she frequently punished the pupils and . that she had refused toaubmit to the in structions of her principal, had or dered members of the school board oat of her room and had defied pub lie sentiment. Still she refused to resign and- conducted her , defense with rare skill. 1 v , Nonplussed for a way to discom fit her, the lawyer for the school board called Miss Bennett's pupils, and said: - "All who like their teacher, hold ' up your hands." . , " Not a hand was raised. "All who do cot like their teach- . er, hold up your hands." Twenty pairs of tiny hands were ' raised. - . . - Then Miss Bennett broke down and wept, handed in her resigna tion and the trial ended. Poitland, OK, Nov. 4. -Officers for the Chinese reform army are being recruited from the National Onard of this state, Jitha , Qregonian reports, and about twenty-five mem bers, some locally prominent, have made application. Eight thousand trained officers are wanted. All who make application are bound to secrecy. - Service is promised for five years. Transportation will be furnished, and the pay is to be 20 per cent, greater than that of American offi cers in the tropics. Ihe applicants have been told that the army they are to command will number loU.OOh. New York, Nov. 30. Refused permission to do hard labor at the penitentiary at Joliet, two confessed murderers have begun proceedings in the circuit court to secure their freedom. Judge Windes issued writs of habeas corpus for the men. George Cantos and P. , Pettinatto, and will hear evidence in their cases tomorrow. When Judge Hutchinson sent the men to prison five years ago he ordered that they be put at hard labor. The sentsnce is attacked be cause the court is alleged to . have decreed the men to serve part of their 14 years each in solitary con finement. The prisoners allege that they may become insane from in activity. They declare they have been ready to work, but that since July 1 it has been denied them. The sentence as carried out since the suspension of labor in the pris on is said to be cruel, inhuman and prohibited by the constitution of Illinois. Hillsboro, Or., Nov. 29. District Attorney Allen this afternoon re turned an indictment against Bert Oakman for the murder of Frank Bennett, the crime bein? committed on the night of August 27, in this city. Oakman was brought Into the courtroom attired in a new suit, and exhibited no nervousness when the indictment was read. He will , be defended by George R, Bagley and S. B. Huston. George Hays, of Sherwood, was indicted on two counts, first, for as saulting a Sherwood saloonkeeper, Frank Coldfelt, wltlj e 'butcher knife, and, second, for assaulting the same party with a hatchet. Oakman and Hays will plead Thursday morning. Mrs. Annie McFarland returned from PhilomathWednesday. Her mother remains about the same. P, Zierolf is sole agent for the celebrated high grade Cbase& San born coffess. Have . you tried them? 1-1 .