The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 26, 1904, Image 2

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    Oorvallis Times;.
Official Pajer of Bents Cenaty.
Noted Poultry Judge Is to Score at
Coming Corvallis Poultry Show.
The accompanying picture is
that ot C G. Hinds of Alameda
4 0:
r - -iJ- ."'Sir' y
county. California, whom the com
mittee Ij js secured to judge at the
poultry .-how to be held in Cor
vallw in the near future. Concern
ing the sb.r.vv. he write? the local"
secretary, under date of November
Gene M. Simpson, J
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
Years' of the 17th at hand
and has my attention. The Pre
mium Lists were also received this
a. m. and I must certainly congrat
ulate you on the issue. It is as
neat as one usually sees from the
largest shows. You surely have a
band of bustlers and if the show
isn't the banner one of Oregon it
will not be your fault.
Fraternally yours.
C. G. Hinds.
A Rare Treat.
TVip T.ailifs -.f thf ist. M. T5
Church have secured the Adams
Sisters for one ot their unique en
tertainments which will be eiven
; at the Church Tuesday evening
v November 29th.
The Little Ladies come very
highly recommended by .both press
1 c J
are only 46 and 47 inches tall adds
very much to their attraction
Don't forget the date "Tuesday,
November 29th,"
Admission 25 cents, Tickets at
.Graham & Wells Drug Store,
H I I 1 1 1 1 1 I Willi Mie I 111 I 111H.L mrv
And Probably at Her Home at Clem
Miss Carrie Danneman.
It is expected that, by tlus time,
Miss Carrie Danneman, injured
some time ago in an accident near
Condon, has been moved to her
own home at Clem. A late letter
from Miss Lulu Spangler related
that Miss Danneman was- playing
the piano while the former wrote,
and that it was expected that she
would be able to make the trip
home in a few days. In the acci
dent Miss Danneman was thrown
backward against a telephone pole
in such a manner that her back
doubled around the pole. That
she escaped instant death is regard
ed by those familiar with the facts
as almost miraculous.
Contrary to first reports the
horse did not run away. He was
struck a sudden blow with the
whip and the increase of speed
made Miss Danneman' s companion
think he was about to run away.
She reached for the reins and got
hold of but one. This one she pul
led violently, the horse turned
swiftly from the road, and both
ladies were thrown out.
Gorvallis & Eastern
Card Number 22.
a For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 P-m
" Corvallis 1:45 p. m
" arrives. Yaquina 5-40 p. m
I Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:15 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany iKX) p. hi
. Arrives Detroit 6:00 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit ....6:30 a. m
Arrives Albany Il:xs a. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect witn s i" south bound tram,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stonk, .
H. H. Crordse, Agent Corvallis.
Thoa. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
Grangers Talked About the Willamette
Valley. .
Many a nice thing was said about
the-Willamette Valley and Oregon
by the National Grangers, as they
stood in a group at the west end of
Madison street Tuesday, waiting
for the arrival of the train that
was to carry them down the East
side. "The pretty green fields and
the charming scenery we have seen
today have been a source of great
surprise and pleasure to us." said
a Wisconsin lady. "Your valley is
by long odds the finest stretch of
country we have seen on the trip,
said a tall Kentuckian." "We
have heard much about Oregon
and its beauty, but were unprepar
ed for what we have seen in the
Willamette Valley," said a man
from West Virginia. "We had a
most delightful lunch and a most
pleasurable time at your college,
and our visit here will be one of
the delightful incidents . that we
shall have to tell about on our re
turn home," said a lady from'Illi
nois. The excursion party numbered
243. c Regents 01 well, Apperson,
Leedy and Weatherford accompan
ied the party on the trip.
Jlrs. W. B. Evans, Clearwater, Kan.,
writes: ''My husband lav sick for three
months. Thedoctors said that he had
quick consumption. We prMMred a bof
tle of Ballard's Horehound Sjrnp, and it
cured hiin, .That was six years ago.
Since then we havf always kept a bottle
in the house. We cannot do without it.
Eor couahs and colds it has no equal.''
25t 50c, fi.oo. Sold by Graamh &
$3 Rate to Portland and Return.
The S P is selling round trip
tickets petween Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany
to Portland to Portland on Satur
days if Eastside is. taken. Passeng
ers to pay local fare between Cor
vallis and Albany.
Recent real estate transfers filed
at the recorder's office are:
William G Porter to Jesse F
FIintJ2 lots block L Avery's ad
dition, $950.
Maxfield, 123 acres in Kings Val
ley, $1.
Montgomery Winkle to William
G Porter,2 lots block L, Avery's
addition, 5775.
Punderson Avery and wife to J
W Hayes 8 lots block 7, Avery &
wells addition, $400. .
Sadie E Horning and husband to
J W Hayes, 4 lots block 7 Avery
& Weljs addition, $10,
We have properties that no other agent
can handle if you are interested come
and see as. If you do not know as ask
some citizen of the county of us and our
business methods, We expect to carry
on a legitimate real estate business in this
county whether you have a home for
sale or desire to purchase one it will be
to your interest to come and see us.
Try it. The following bargains are
handled exclusively by us; watch this
space for new bargains next week.
No 223 8oacre8, 6jin cultiva
tion, balance in fine oak timber,
no buildings, price $4 per acre;
well fenced, 2 miles from town on
good road.
No 26) &o ftnrps. 4a In cultiva
tion, good house 6 rooms, barn,1:
orchard, well watered, 25 tons bay, 1
1 cow, garden truck, 1 binder, 1
mower, 1 bayrake, located 5 m from
town; price $3,000.
No 34 192 .acres 50 in cultivation ;
new house: good barn; fine fruit and wat
er; good pasture and timber; good team,
wagon and harness, cows, calves, 10 hogs
5 milss to railroad ; $2300.
No 345 53 i- acres beaverdam land
40 in culiivation ; bal pasture; new house
good bam and other buildings; small
orchard; 8-miles from town, price $2500,
No 435 sis acres, 190 in cultivation,
35 acres timber; balance pasture, fair
house, barn, frait and water; near school
and church, 5 miles from town; price
f3S Per acre. .
No 476 50 acres, nearly all under cul
tivation; no buildings: 10 miles from
county seat; en good county road, near
school, po8tofiice and store, price f 1500
; No 509 155 acres, 45 in cultivation;
balance pasture with some timber: good
house, barn, orchard, all under fence;
3 miles from Wrenn on good main coun
ty road ; price $2,000.
No 510 147 1-2 acres in Alsea, fairly
well improved, house of 5 rooms, good
barn, cow barn : 1-2 acre orchard; good
outrange. Price (850.
Ambler & Watters,
Real Estate Agents.
Thanksgiving Marriage at Well Known
' Conntry Home Miss Newton.
At the home .of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. -Newton,
four miles west of Corvallis, at 10
o'clock a. m. on Thanksgiving day,
occurred the wedding of Miss Janie
Newton of this county, to : Mr.
Robert Brown of Oakesdale, Wash
ington. ' ' ; ' : -
The ceremony was rjerfortned by
Rev. G. H. Feese of the .M. E.
church of this city, in the presence
of a few invited friends and. rela
tives Immediately after the ceremony
the wedding pirty repaired to the
dining room, where a bountiful flin
ner awaited them. The decora
tions were pink and white chry-"
sahtbemums in the parlor and din
ing room.
The bride wore a beautiful gown
of white silk trimmed with lace
Miss Newton is a member of the
graduating class of '97 of OAC,
and is a highly esteemed young
lady of Benton county. Mr. Brown
is a wealthy farmer of Eastern
Washington. The bride's bouquet
was caught by Miss Etta. -Smith.
Those present were, Mr and Mrs
G G Newton, Mr and Mrs Cooper,
Mr and Mrs E J Newton, Mr nd
Mrs N. P. Newton, Mrs Cynthia
Johnson, Mrs Janet Smith: Misses
Alva Newton, Etta Smith, Cora
Newton, Robena Smith, Belle Mil
lican, Thia Johnson, , Ella Johnson
Charles Wood, James Wheeler,
Milton Wyatt ' .
Mr and Mrs Brown -left on the
afternoon train, for their home at
Oakesdale, Wash,
To be Awarded at the Corvallis Poultry
This is a cut of one of the prizes
to be awarded at the Corvallis poul
try shaw, beginning, December
8th, and continuing three days.
It is a silver cup, valued at $10,
for the best Buff Leghorn, cock,
hen, cockrel, pullet and breeding
The prize is offered by the Amer
ican Buff Leghorn Club, of Battle
Creek, Michigan.
Best Liniment on Earth.
Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Watet
Works. Shollsbunr. Wis.. Writes: "I
have tried many kinds of Liniment, but
I have never received mnch benefit until
I used Ballard's- Snow Liniment for
rheumatism and pains. I think it is the
beet liniment on Earth. 25c, 50c, fi.oo.
Sold by Graham & Wortham,
winter excursion;rates.
To Yaquina Bay A. new Depart
ure on the S. P.
Recognizing a long felt want, and de
siring to give the public cheap rates
to the C6ast in the winter as well as the
summer, for persons who desire to see
the bounding billows in their wildest
moods and imbibe the pure ozone of the
winter air at the Coast, the Southern
Pacific in connection with the C & E.
have placed on sale taking effect Nov.
2; 1904, and continuing until March 31st,
1905. from all points on their linesround
trip tickets to Yaquina Bay at the same
rate as during the summer time. These
tickets will be sold on Wednesdays' and
Saturdays only and will be good for re
turn sixty days from date of sale.
Dr, Minthorn's baths will be in oper
ation and anyoae who desires a genuine
health resort during the winter cannot
do better than to spend a month or so at
Similar tickets will be sold from Al
bany, Corvallis and Philomath and all
points on the C. & E.
Full information as to rates, baggage
etc, can be obtained by applying to the
nearest S. P. agent or direct from W. E.
Coman, G. P. A. S. P. Co Portland, or
Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. Albany,
P. S. Through tickets to Portland are
sold by the C. & E. at Corvallis, and by'
the S. P., Portland, to Corvallis via Al
bany and the C. & E. at the same rate
as via the Westside, $2.60. C. & E trains
connect at Albany with the Albany,
Portland local both ways.
Read this Column, Yon may Find
Just What You Want.
- Wants Your Business.
"All hands on deck,
Stand to the wheel,"
I am meeting all the . trains day
and night, and if you have any
baggage please call phone 251 or at
Headquarters at Allen's drag
store. , JohnLeuger.
Wanted. - . .'
Turkeys, chickens, ducks and
geese. ; Dressed pork, mutton and
veal. At my store in Philomath
F. P. Clark.
Piano Instruction.
" Piano instruction in all grades.
Pianos tuned in first class manner.
Satisfaction or no pay. Indp. tele,
phone io5. .
. ' F. A, White,
Ladies, cur stock of new dress
goods, trimmings, cloaks, tcuiist
coats, jackets, furs, separate
skirts and fine shoes are up to date
in evtry particular. " .
Nolan & Callahan.
A full, line of Christmas china
ware'just received. Sse Horning.
Highest price paid tor young
Lpullets. S. B. Bane.
Vetch hay, Poland Chirra hegs,
voune stock for sale.
Also English rye grass, - Speltz
1 Kitelsmen woven wire fence
machine. 1 saog plow. 1 3m
axle wagon. 1 reversible 2 horse
tread power. 12 cords of wood.
' L. L. Brooks.
Telephone 155. .
Wanted. .
1 Girl to do general housework
small family.- P.O. box 280.
Blackledge's new furniture store car
ries first class goods.
1500 lbs vetch seed. Address or
phone L. L, Brooks.
Chicken Feed.
Cracked corn for - chicken ieed,
any quantity from one sack to car
load lots. Cheaper than wheat,
We carry a full line of poultry
supplies. F. Li. Miller.
For Sale.
Fall blooded Barred Plymouth Rock,
Brown Leghorn and Black Minorca cock
rels, bred from the best stock. Also ;
Jersey cows, and a quantity of 16-inch
grub oak wood. Order by phone 155
Philomath line, or address,
' H. L. Hall,
.' Corvallis,
Bring your chickens to Moses
Bros. '
Call and see the new and flippant.
line of china ware just unpacked
at the E Horning grocery.
. Mosss Bros, want your produce.
S?e Moses Bros before you sell
your eggs.
Mo?ea Bros pays highest price
for your butter,
Remember Blackledge's new furniture
Don't forget to see Blackledge's up-to
date furniture store, Main street.
OAC souvenir ware just received
at Homing's grocery. Ask about it
The newest and awellest line of
dishes in the city at Homing's.
For Sale.
Fine Leicester bucks. Inquire
or address
J. H. Edwa!ds. Bellfountain.
In Black, White and Colors
Price $1.50, Every pair gu
aranteed, For sale by
Nolan & Callahan.
At Home!
Remember it
minutes to walk
to our New Home (Henderson
Building) nearly opposite Hotel
Corvallis. ; Twenty Cases of Bright
New Goods will be opened in a few
days. ', ,-, ;
(U) Ought
' .
Elk Brand Maple
Syrup with
Olympic Pancake
good bargains in stock, grain,-fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for oar special list, er come and
see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
O. C. T. Co's Steamers leave
day at 6 a.m.; Albany 7 a. m.; Indepeddence 9 a. m.; Sa
lem 10 a. m.
For Rates gall main 2!.
will take just two-
from the old stand
. Real Estate v Loan, and Insurance, i
Corvallis and Philomath, Or
Corvallis daily except Sun
G C. Buckingham, agt