LOCAL LORE. (AdTertlaementilnthl column charged Car M therateofii cents per line. ' New invoice of street bats just received at Mrs. J. Mason's. President Campbell arid? Prof: essor Straub of Eugene, were guests of A B. Cordley Saturday. M. W. Bartmess. of the 1904 ' class, of OAC, who is now instruct or in mechanical drawing in Hill's Miliary Academy of Portland, has been the ; enest thi3 week of old friends' in Corvallis. He came Saturday to witness the big football game on OAC field.' Horace Brodie, who was editor last year of the College Barometer, ' has been the guest since Saturday , of friends in Corvallis. He is now studying law in his father's offico'in Portland. Monday morn- j ing, Mr. Brodie gave a talk in the college chapel, by request ot Presi-; dent Gatch. I. H. and R. D. Woodward were very much pleased to receive a pair of China Pheasants from Gene M. Simpson of Corvallis Ore; this week. The birds came in the best of condition. They are quick as a flash and as handsome a bird as one could wish to see. The fe male is somewhat like the prairie chicken only prettier. The male, however, is perhaps equal to a bird of paradise. His shiny neck, beau tifully spotted back, and extremely long dressy tail make him a rare specimen of a bird. The Onlooker, Haviland, Kansas. Anvent that proved of more than passing interest occurred at the First Methodist church Friday evening," It was an informal recep tion tendered Rev. and Mrs. Feese by: members i of the congregation. The church parlor was filled with guests, who vied with each other in making. the occasion one of plea sure for all. Features of special interest were a vocal solo by .Dr. Cathey. two piano numbers by Frank A. White, who graduated from the OAC musical department last June, a solo by R. N. White, and a violin number by Winnifred Gates, Sandwiches, cake and cof fee concluded the evening's enter tainment. ' '.-'';. The team of Robert Gellatly took a lively spin down Main street Saturday afternoon. - The driver left the horses, attached to a top buggy, standing in front of the ; Austin blacksmith shop while he ; went inside. The animals struck out for home, and in front of the brick stable a wheel came off. - The delivery wagon of John " Lenger stood by the pavement , in front of the Zierolf grocery, and with this the runaway collided, tearing off another wheel and otherwise de- - mousning tne buggy wntcn was left by the wayside. The horses continued their , flight and were caught near the Bodine warehouse. .Mr. ' Gellatly rode home with a neignbor, leading tne runaway team. C M. Ca'dy of Koseburg. made .a brief visit .with: relatives in Corvallis Saturday. ', - '( Many - Corvallis . families , are planning to eat Thanksgiving din ner at Hotel Corvallis. It is also understood that several dinner par ties are forming for the : occasion. An elaborate turkey dinner is to be served and the reputation 4of the establishment in the line is sure to attract many to the place tomorrow: Dinner will be served from 12 to 2. ' The city council held an " ad journed meeting Friday , night, to dispose of - accumulated - business, and to receive the report of the special water committee, relative to the offer of the present water com pany to install a .mountain" ; water system. The report of the com mittee was not ready, and after dis posing of other business, the meet ing was adjourned to next Monday night. J - ' . '- - A party was given at the home of Grace Starr near Inavale Thurs day evening in honor of her nieces, Misses Lura and Mae Peter son of Washington "county. A very pleasant evening was spent by all present. A delicious luncheon was served at midnight. The guests we e, Me.srs Chappel. .Day. Starr, Totten, Rickard. : Chester : Starr, Arrants and Charlie Starr; Misses Lura and Mae Peterson, Marion Chappell, Elsie Jones, Grace Starr, Bessie Peterson, -Vena Rick ard and Gail Starr. - ' The National Grange visited OAC.yesterday. .' The party in cluded 243 delegates, and came by special trainj arriving at 11 o'clock. They visited tbe various depart ments, of the college, and at noon were entertained at luncheon in Agricultural Hall An address of welcome was delivered by President Weatherford of the board of regents and Prof Berchtold spoke- In behalf ol the faculty. , Aaron Jones of In diana," master of:: the? National Grange, delivered"a fe'icitious res ponse. Dr. Witbycombe was toast master. - The excursionists left for a trip over the Eastside at 2 o'clock. STILL MISSING. , All awnings now street and others to be: on Main : fAncfranrAr1 . are Subject to the '-supervision of , street committee and the fire , chief, . All awnings to be constructed must be supported by iron brackets and must be at least eight feet from 'the' pavement. The materials to ; be used and the plans involved in the construction must be approved , by the street committee ana fire chief. Any awning- condemned by these authorities must be removed I or the removal will be made by the city and the expense be taxed : against the property. ... The above. regulations are imposed in an . or dinance that passed the city coun cil Friday night. A fine of 5 to . $20 is provided for .violation, Cotton on the stem is a thing which was exhibited in Corvallis this week. It came all the way from Arkansas , having been sent to Victor Moses by friends in that state, knowing that it would be viewed with interest by many per sons here who had never seen the article in any stage of growth. In the package of cotton there were samples just opening the pod, oth , ers in full bloom, and also samples showing its condition after the process of ginning, or cleaning. The cotton buds begin to open when they are the size of a walnut, and the fluffy white cotton gradual ly rolls jout until it reaches a mass which, when slightly compressed, would equal a small apple. What has originally been the cot ton pod becomes petals. These, in the samples shown here are attach ed to a stem one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and the stem is attach ed to a stalk one-quarter of an inch in diameter. Cotton seeds tbe size of small white beans grow pro miscously within the fiber. Accompanying the cotton sent to Mr. Moses there was a quantity of hickory nuts in various stages of development. These also are new to many Oregonians. Burglar and his. Bullet Officers Sure They Know him. . As yet nothing has developed in the burglarv case. ihe man who got the bullet frpm Officer Osburn's revolver in , his body has managed by some means to ... keep his hiding place a secret. , ihe sus picion the officers had as to the identity of the man has developed into almost - j practical ."certainty. They have a photo, which several persons have recognized as a man who was in the saloon during the day and evening "-' preceeding the robbery. : Diligent search was made for .him all over town the following morning, but. he was nowhere to be found. -fHis only meansof leaving at an early hour was by train, . and these the officers visited V! He ' dis appeared so suddenly that -J; little doubt remains that he went; ;?ya flight and that -it was he 'jrto crouched behind the bar. at WeuSt felt's when. Officer f'Oiburh -fired through: the window.' ' " 1 l" Added to the ' circumstances is the fact that the suspect is an all roundcrook. His line 6f work is larceny and burglaryTHe has been in jail, several times ' ! on t these counts, and is wanted now in Port land. He was once m the Benton county jail as a "Lincoln county prisoner, and at that time he gained notoriety by holding up Sheriff Rickard and permitted Ed Scott to escape with a spectacular dash, for liberty and a day of all round sen sation in town', which ended before aight fall with the capture and re turn of Scott to jail. The suspect's name is Jf red mcMurray. Union Service. . The Young Peoples societies of the various churches ' will hold a union service next Sunday evening at the Baptist church at 6 o clock The first part of the meeting ' will be ;., devoted to Thanksgiving thoughts while the latter part will be 6n the subject "How Intemper ance Hinders Missions." Let all come and make this meeting enthusiastic one. " r Get acquainted with Moses Brothers, the new merchants. Call and see their. big line of new goods Toys for the big boys and girl?, toys for the little tots Santa Clans has headquarters at Moses Bros. - Wanted. 1590 lba vetch seed. ' Address phone L. L, Brooks. ' Chicken Peed. Cracked corn .for chicken feed any quantity from one eack to car load lots. Cheaper that wheat We carry a full line of . -poultry supplies. F. L. Miller. - ' i r . UNIVERSITY WON - .' ' I Annual Football . Game The Score is ' " Six to Five. ,:-, . . - ; . The annual game of football he tween the state university and OAC elevens is history, ' and the record reads. TJ of O, six; OAC five. The game turned pn the picking of a goal, and by the token, victory res ted with - the university! "With a deft and accurate swing of his right leg, Joe Templeton, captain of ihe university eleven, sent the oval spinning between the goal posts and set the score of his team in a notch that the Oregon Aggies near ly., but not quite': matched. . It was a beautiful kick, " made . from a dif ficult spot, and, though, nobody knew it at thetime it won the Northwest College Championship for the U of O eleven". It came aft ter the game .hadbeen 'in progress but : eight minutes, but it was the last point that : the University... men were able to score in tne game. Fighting again-t the odds "of this early; score crippled with three of their veteran team, mates put of the game without their, captain, and with but six men playing in their regular positions, the resolute Aggies held their -unhandicapped antagonists to this original score throughout ) the remaining forty wo minutes of ; plav. Better still, with the spirit of last ditch fighters, after , being worsted in the first, half, they rallied, and in the second half, carried the ball more and made more yardage than did their un scathed opponents, made a bigger percentage of . gains, : and nn addi tion, notched out a figure for their own score, that will always tell the story that T after all, it was ..only a - goal .3 kick that, won the, game It was a gallant stand by a gallant band and it is no wonder that the men they strove against went home without a note-of triumph or ban ner flying, and with many an ua-der-breath expression of thankful ness that the old leader and his veteran mates were , not in the team ; It is Dow Walker, . the redoubt- -able center in the OAC line to whom the Aggies owe their touch down and the prestige that achieve ment gives them. . Others 61 the old guard did their duty that day and none more than Williams and Abraham, and Bower,' Dunlap, and Rhinehart, and so did Ray Walker and Steiwer and Emily and Cooper as long as he lasted, ' of the new men; but it was Dow Walkerwho. with a totr weight of men on "top" of fcim in" a pile up, ' .crawled out of the heap with the : coveted oval in his arms, crept away unobserved to a safe distance, and then leaping "to ' his feet sprinted away like a-;quart-- tfr horse for a 90, yard run and a touchdown.' ' ' ' -; It was a run that chilled " the marrow and froze the blood of the' Eugene rooters, but it, made the grand' stand roar and ' screech and scream as it never . did ; such things before. . Walker had been playing like a demon from the moment the game opened. His ankle was in a plaster of Paris cast, and it pained him every step, but he had torn up the Eugene line and tackled all ov er the field. He was handicapped to be chief man in the sprint, under the circumstances, but when he found himself loose with the ball, he lit out to do his best. Arnspig er and Reid of the University tried to catch him, but the big fellow looked back and saw them coming. Before that, they , had gamed a little on him, but they didn't- any more. Over the slippery ' field in lull flight the "big fellow went, over it, in hot pursuit . went the lemon men while the Aggie rooters yelled and screamed with delight. But it was no use. - Over the goal line plunged the. big runner and there he"planted the precious ball" safe and "sound for a touchdown . for the orange and turned with a grin to see how the rest of the fellows were' making it. Up the field ' with the others, came Joe Templeton, tears coursing down his cheeks. It was he who had Jumbled the half, and his mortification ' was complete. Comfort came to hini only when it came time for somebody oh " the Aggie team to try . for . the goal. Cooper was to have ' done the kick-- j. ing, but he had lelt the game in the first half. Not a man " among them had ever tried a goal kick in a match game, and Rinehart begged for a volunteer. To succeed was to tie the game, and it was then as never before that Captain ' Pilking ton was-missed. -The lot fell to Rinehart, and the plucky - little quarterback tried, and missed. The ball was wet, K slippery and heavy. Never an Aggie blamed the lad, but the tears welled up in his eyes, and peace reigned '.once more in Joe Templeton' s heart. The story of the game is one' .of strong offense on both sides,,; ' of somewhat superior defense for the University and of marked superior ity for the' Aggies in handling the , ball s Claims are m !c that 1. ' the visiting elevea was lar stronger, c,' continued on pag four,- j "a 3 - X Ladies. wool waistsn all the new colors in plain and fancy trimmed that - 1 .-...-.......areso popular this fall...... . VI am going to sell for a limited time jast 'sucH waists at Prices that can't - "v . . help"but me you buy.............. . v - .if', 7 v Rw ar tbe Prices $1.25....: waist..: $0.99 1.50 waist... 1.19 2.00 waist 1.38 ' 2.50...:...:. waist .1.88 3.00 waist 2.31 3.50 waist 2 92 " 4.00 wai.-,t ..... 3.17 450 .....'.-.....;. waist...;.... ... 3.63 5.00: waist 4.09 Mail . orders promptly . .Carefully filled and 1,1 9 K3LiIEB3TES Th e ;fW h ite House Corvallis, Oregon. FORGED SALE OF Men's Wool Underwear 75 CENTS. EACH . , Through a mistake of the manufacturers we have re- - ceived a. full , case of men's wool underwear, and. , . ' the expense of reshipping1 is so great that the '( company has given us a discount which . i - v- . enablesvus to place, them on sale ' - '' i '' ' .' i..Y': '..h J-'l VY '' ' i '" This underwear is our regular $1.00 grade and is one of the best values over offered in this city. . We Iso place on sale men's heavy wool socks worth 35c t per at 25c. - - : - - - - f. L. Miller J8See North Wincfow. . Summons, r. - - . la the Circuit Court of the S: of Oresom rfcr the County of Benton. . , XUa Tyler, PI. lut.IT, v- - BowaroTyler, Defendant. , 1 ' N To Heward Tyler, above named defendant, . m the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required and commanded to appear an4 answer the eomplalut filed against you ta the above entitled suit in said court on or, be fore mraday the 28th day of xovember. 19M, and if yo fail so to appear and anawer the plain tiff will take a decree against youv for the relief demanded in complaint herein, towlt: . i - - A decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff and lor the care and custody of Homer Tyler and Yrank Tyler, the Issue of said marriage, by the plaintiff and further decreeing her the jnomU and dlebUTsem uts ol this suit agalnBt you. This summons Is publUhed by order of th Hon.Vb-gil E. Watters, County judge of Bentox - ijonniy.uregonj auiv maae on tseptemoer u 1904, in and by which order it is prescribeJ that this summons be puDllshed in the Oorral lli Times, for six oouseuutlve and snooesslv weeks. The date of the Ursl publication ot this summons is Sept 17, 'JH. . . . W- s. McFADDEN, - attorney for Plaintiff. For Sale. ; One hoTse, 1250 poundp. "- Gne mare, 1.350 pounds. One McCortnack binder in good orders- Ooe bnzz paw and frame. ' Ofle harrow ene plow; also ' other farm impleoseiits. tFonr fine lots, improved. Gnnd small house with barn and fruit; close ito -car line ia Portland. Will sell or exchange for Corvallis property. For further information call on or address C H. Everett, . Corvallis, Oregon. ReairiAnce curcer Second and fVan Bnren ste. Job Work eit this; Office. Coming. The champion of . the world James J.' Jeffries & Company,, in the great backwoods drama, "Davy Crockett," at Albany Nov 2nd. Handsome new line of pastbl and Emedallion pictures, just 1 arrived at Blackledge's furniture store. ' . .ii. YOU "WILL 10 iELL get To take advantage of our .offer, during -November and your Wall Paper at a Reduction of Ten Percent. We have a very large line to select from.": We ialso have on hand the largest line of Rugs and Ingrain. Carpets ever shown in our Do you want a new or second-hand Ail you have to do is spacious carpet room, cook-stove or heater? To-Sall at:our Store And we will cheerfully show you the goods. " Please remem ' ber, we do not Miskepeesent. What 'we say in our ads is . . exactly so, and you can depend upon it. . " , 'In Morris Chairs we have the largest line ever shown in Corvallis. Building Paper, Carpet Paper, and Deadening Felt, always on hand. Do not fail to call , And Get our Pnces. s- -'' ' " H O LIE NBERG & GADY. CQoiDleta Ho usef urnishers. Corvallis, Oregon.