The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 23, 1904, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
Official Paper ot Benta Coutr.
Circuit Court Next Monday List of
4- - ' ;'j; Case to Ceme up.
James I,. Iwis, Plaintiff, ' vs.
John McGee, Sr. Defendant.- Ac
tion. - ' ' 'i -
Palmer Ayers, Plaintiff, vs. E;
TV. Strongs Defendant: Action.
G. R. Farra, Appellant, vs. A.
"Wilhelm, Administrator Estate of
Samuel Rickard, deceased, respon
dent. Appeal from County Court
J. L. Lewis, plaintiff, vs. H. J.
Suiter, defendant. Action. .
Fred S. 'Elliott, & Ernest Elliott,
plaintiffs, vs. Ada Elliott, Emmette
Elliott, Seth Elliott, Lilly M. El
liott, Annie Elliott, E. E. Wilson,
and M. R. Elliott, defendants.
J. R. Fehler, plaintiff, vs. School
District, No. 13 Benton County,
Oregon, & J E Wyatt, George
Cooper, ' J A Parks, directors of
said Dist; and E J Newton Clerk.
Writ of alternative mandamus :
William Milton Howell, plaintiff,
. vs Adam Wilhelm & Sons, defend
ants. ,;, .
.: Mary E Herbert, T M .1 Coon,
etal, plaintiffs, vs A L Coon, de
fendant. Suit-for sale of real pro
perty. The State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs
r James Guier, defendant. Crime of
rape. ..- - .
, Cail G Hodes, plaintiff, vs He
manW Hall, and Flora Hall, de
fendants. Jamea E Hamilton, plaintiff, vs,,
Webster Holmes, and W H Hol
mes, defendants. Suit.
. Ella Tyler, plaintiff, vsj Howard
Tyler, defendant. Suit, Divorce. ,
AC Freeman, plaintiff, vs, Jen
nie Freeman, detendant, . Suit for
Paul Truitt plaintiff, vs Charles
A McCullongh, defendant. Suit to
quiet title real property.
Mary H. Whitby, plaintiff, vs
Roscoe E. Edwards, Alice Edwards
Augusta Strake, John Strake, ' M.
. P; Totten and Leah J. Totten,
defendants. Suit , foreclosure of
mortgage real property:
Kola. Neis, as administrator of
.the partnership estate of William
, Faber and Kola Neis, as Faber &
. Neis. plaintiff, vs John Whitaker
action for damages. .
, T W B Smith and Nancy J Smith
. plaintiffs, vs John McBee, Maud
. Grubbs and Thaddeus Gr-ubbs, de
, fendants, suit for sale real property.
. W J Shipley, Geo W Shipley,
C G Shipley, J W Shipley, : Char
, lotte Shipley, Emma Mason," Etna
McCoy, Charlotta Bonebrake, and
.. Elmer Shipley, plaintiffs, vs M E
Farley, and Amy A Lerwill,' de
fendants, suit for sale of real prop
. erty. , .
Frances A-Isbell plaintiff, vs
"James P ; Jsbell, defendant, L tuit,
Maud Strong, plaintiff, vs D J
Strong, defendant. Suit, divorce.
11 Ral Estate Transfe rs,
-Gille A. Fisher and husband to
S. W. Bowser, 20 acres near Mon
roe, $150.
B. F. Hyland to E. A. Morgan,
6 lots, block 8,"Wilkins' addition,
S. M. McLaganto Wo. McLagan
, 3 lots, block 1 1, In Uorvallis, 52,000.
R. S. Blodgett, by administratrix,
to Rosella Rowland et al, 562 acres
at Blodgett, $8,000.
S. N. Lilly to D. B. Taylor, tract
of land adjoining Corvallis, $9,000.
Ellen J. Dexter and husband to
C. A.'.Wood, one lot in Philomath,
F. H. Hughson and wife to E.
Hartsock, 49 acres near Albany,
' $720.
A. KN. Brown and wife to Hugh
Herron 4 lots, block 2,- Hdffmans'
addition. $900.
Chris Widmer and wife to Archie
Henshaw, 24 acres near Albany,
$720- ;
Highest price paid for young
pullets. S. B. Bane.
Mrs, Gould has just received a
new line of furs and hair goods.
Latest Etyles and price9 to suit the
Anything you want, from toys
to dry goods and groceries, dishes
and novelties, at SJoEes Bro?. Call
tin them'. " -
. .
All kinds of gooJp. Towest prices
and best values at Moses .' B;f.
Groceries, dishes, drygoods. Call
and eee us.
Piece of Bone From Skull And Took
Blood Clot Prom Brain..
An important surgical, operation
was performed on Henry - Seits of
Alsea, Sunday evening. - A" piece
of skull an inch Jong, and half an
inch in width was removed .and .a
large clot of blood that rested , on
the brain was taken ' ;away. The
patient was on the operating table
for two hours, but he rallied after
ward, and at last accounts was
much . improved. - : '
Two months ago, Mr. J Seits fell
down stairs at his home in Alsea,
and sustained a heavy blow on the
head. Not much . attention was
paid to the matter until a constant
and violent headache, appeared.
The condition - grew , worse . and
worse until 10 days ago, when Mr.
Seits was brought to Corvallis for
medical treatment. ' Saturday his
condition became alarming, and an
operation was .determined upon,
Relatives were sent for and . after
their arrival Sunday evening, ';. the-
knife was applied. . Dr.. ; Cathey .
was in charge of the case, and. Drs.
Pernot and Farra were assistants.
After the operation the patient ral
lied, and Monday morning was
able to converse intelligently with
relatives. , He was in a state ' of
unconsciousness before "the opera
tion, and shortly afterward explain
ed that he remembered nothing
that had transpired since'; leaving
home a week before. The patient's
wife, and his brothers, : Frank," : A.
L- and M. L. Seits were all present
during the operation. Mr. Seits is
at the Farmer's Hotels
'- We have properties that no other agent
can handle if you are interested .come
and see us. If yon do not- know us ask
some citizen of the connty of us and oar
business methods, ' We expect to carry
on a legitimate real estate business in this
county whether yon have a home for
sale or desire to purchase one it will be
to your interest to come ' and see ' us.
Try it. ' The folldwing' bargains ,: are
handled exclusively by as; watch this
space for new bargains next week. - . -
:No 22 80 acres, 6b in cultiva
tion, balance in fine oak .timber,
no buildings, price $41 per acre;
well fenced, 2 miles from town on
good road. r. 1 v
r No 263 80 acres, 4o in cultiva
tion, good house 1 6 rooms, barn,
orchard, well watered, 25 tons hay,
1 cow, garden truck, 1 binder, 1
mower, 1 bayrake, located 5 m from
town; price $3,000.-
No 342 192 acres 50 in cultivation;
new house: good barn; fine fruit and wat
er; good pasture and timber; good team,
wagon and harness, cows, calves, 10 hogs
5 milss to railroad ; $2300.
No 345 531-3 acres beaverdam ' land
40 in cultivation ; bal pasture; new house
good barn and: other buildings; small
orchard; 8 miles from town, price (2500,
No 435 ' 215 acres, 190 in cultivation,
25 acres timber; balance pasture, , fair
house, barn, fruit and water; near school
and church; '5 miles- from town; price
35 per acre. . . :
No 476 50 acres, nearly all nnder cul
tivation ; no buildings: , 10 - miles J from
county seat; on good county road,' . near
school, postoffice and store, price f 1500
No 509 155 acres, 45 in cultivation;
balance pasture with some timber: good
house, barn, orchard, all . under fence;
3 miles from Wrens on good main coun
ty road; price 2,000. , a : ;
; No 510 147 1-2 acres in Alsea,- fairly
well improved, house of 5 rooms,-. good
barn, cow barn : 1-2 acre orchard; ' good
outrange. Price (850.
Ambler & Walters,
- Real Estate Agents.
Ladies,' our stock of new dress
goods, trimmings, cloaks, touiist
coats, jackets, furs, separate
skirts and fine shoes are up to date
in every particular. -; -
Nolan & Callahan.
A full line of Christmas china
ware just received. See Horning.
- The finest line of toys in the city
at Moses Brothers. . ,
Piano Instruction.
. Piano inetmclioa in all . grades.
Pianos tuned in first class manner.
Satisfaction or no pay. Indp. tele,
phone 4o5. : -F.
A. White,
Turkeys, chickens, duck9 and
geese, pressed pork, mutton and
veal. At my Etore in Philomath.
. F. P. Clark. -
Wants Your Business.
"AU hands on deck,
Stand to the wheel,"
I am meeting all the trains day
and night, and if you- have any
baggage please call phone 251 or at
Headquarters - at Allen's drug
btore, John Lenger. -
Saw One Football Game and Played In
Another All in One Day.' . '
- Dr. Bennett and Ray Waltz, of
Bellfountain journeyed to Corvallis
Saturday to see the-football game;
They- started '.home ; afterward..
The horse shied and threw the man
of medicine out of the buggly.' ' In
the parlance of the day, ihe made a
touchdown in -the muddy road.
Meantime young Waltz, the buggy
and the horse had. a scrimmage in
a mud hole,, and in the pile up the
horse broke away and started off in
an end run without . interference to
stand off the doctor's touchdown by
making another goal at the family
stable' up at Bellfountain. V
; Then the other two players figur
ed it out that they were skinned,
and started to hoot it to Off Wilson's
to telephone for another tig when
their" horse ;, came charging back,
headed apparently for a touchdown
in the direction of Corvalhs. 1 He
was playing fierce and they man
aged to stop him. This play ended
the game, which was spectacular in
its features,, and a'fter some delay,
the three journeyed together in the
direction of Bellfountain. - As a re
sult of the two games- in one xiay
the " doctor- was laid - up Sunday
with a stiff neck and Mr. Waltz
with a lame back. - - .
Illustrating the Importance of a Course
in Jlousehold Economy. ,
"Why, my dear," said a Cor
vallis husband to his young wife,
as he began the carving process at
dinner, "You failed to remove the
crop from this chicken when you
dressed it." ''''
""Oh, I certainly was not so care
less as that," rejoined the wife." -!
' 'I ' think you were. Are you
acquainted with that portion of the
poultry's anatomy commonly called
the "craw?" - ' ' -
"Why certainly. Its the" tongh
skin oil the inside of the gizzard' '
""No it isn't There is the weak
link in your chain of poultry lore."
And the husband proceeded to
substantiate . his contention by
puncturing the membranous organ
and exposing its contents.
Notwithstanding, the young
wife contended against the disclos
ure and -bathed her - arguments in
tears, aud did not entirely colriVse
until the 1 heartless husband called
in a neighbor lady to , add to the
already overwhelming testimony of
the prosecution. Further particu
lars are likely to appear in the
diywce proceedings.
Blackledge's new furniture store car
ries first class goods. - - '
To Yaquina Bay A. new Depart-
' ' ure on the 8. P. '
; Recognizing a long felt want, and de
siring to give the public cheap rates
to the Coast in the winter as well as the
summed, for persons who desire- to see
the bounding billows in their wildest
moods and Imbibe the pure ozone of the
winter air at the Coast, the . Southern
Pacific in connection with the C & . E
have placed on sale taking effect. Nor
2; 1904, and continuing until March 31st,
1905. from all points on their linesround
trip tickets to Yaquina Bay at 'the': same
rate as daring the summer time. ' These
tickets will be sold on Wednesdays and
Saturdays only and will be good for re
turn sixty days from date of sale. '
I Dr, Minthorn'a baths will be in oper
ation and anyone who desires a genuine
health resort duting the " winter cannot
do better than to spend a month or so at
Similar tickets mil be. sold from Al
bany, Corvallis and Philomath and all
points oi the C. & B.
Full information as to rates, baggage
etc, can be obtained by applying to the
nearest S. P. agent or direct from W. E.
Coman, G. P. A. S. P. Co ' Portland, or
Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. Albany,
. P. S. Through tickets to Portland are
sold by the C. & E. at Corvallis and by
the S. P., Portland, to Corvallis via Al
bany and the C. & E. at the same rate
as via the Westside, $2.60. C. & E trains
connect at Albany with the Albany,
Portland local both ways. " - -t
' Bargain".
Vetch hay, Poland China hcga,
young stock for sale.". ? -
Also English rye grass, Speltz
1 Kitelsmen woven wire fence
machine. 1 gang plow. i8$.
axle wagon. 1 reversible 2 horse
tread power. 12 cords of wood. V
L. L. Brooks.
Telephone 155. "1. ; "".
Girl to do general housework
small family. P. O. box ,280..
A Fine Display Collected By fcenton
. . , , County Court. -. -
A pretty" sample 'collection of
Benton county fruits, grains " and
grasses is on exhibition at the of
fice of Ambler & watters iniiotel
Corvallis. 1 The collection; is the
result of efforts of the county court
to secure suitable f and creditable
products for exhibition at the Lew
is and Clark fair. To that end the
court offered small cash prizes for
the best samples, Ihe awards to be
made -November. 22nd. .But; the
time for awards, in the expectation
of receiving additional samples, was
later fixed at 2 o'clock next Satur
day, the 26th. In the meantime,
it is hoped that Benton county'
farmers, and others having samples
of fine apples, pears or dried fruit,
will bring them to- County Judge
Walters for exhibit and competition
for the awards. -A platef ui of any
sample of dried.fruit is sufEcent.
Not less than three apples or pears
are necessary for a sample of these.
The best ; among all the samples
are to be preserved 5 in the green
state and so placed on exhibition at
the fair. ;.- . ' ' '- ''s -j- ' y; '
About 20 varieties of apples
are already m the preliminary ex
hibit, and the whole number 1 of
samples 52, The fruit is nicely
polished and is especially attractive.
There are on exhibition 25 samples
of wheat and oats rand ; a large
variety of grasses including' vetch,
clover, rye, alfalfa orchard, red top.
etc. Samples of Benton i; county
corn in the ear,.; are also a surprise
to many on account of their size
and perfection. '- It would 1 be well
for every citizen to call and take a
look at the display. ; A ' visit will
prove instructive as well as pleas
urable. . ,;;
It was hoped that the delegation
of Grangers that visited this locali
ty yesterday might be shown ' the
exhibit, but the time -of the mem
bers "was limited and they could,
only be shown about : the Oregon
Agricultural College, the , primary
object of their coming being to visit
thatanstitution - Nothing gives a
more favorable impression of a
locality than a creditable display of
its fruit, cereals and grasses.
For Sale. , - ' ,
. Pull blooded Barred Plymouth Rock,
Brown Leghorn and Black Minorca cock
rels, bred from the best stock. Also ' 3
Jersey cowb, and a quantity of 16-inch
grub oak wood. Order by phone - 155
Philomath line, or address,
H. I,. Hall,
' ,'.,; . Corvallis.
Bring your chickens to , Moses
Bros. . ' ' ' ' : ' "...; '
' Call and eee the new and. elegant
line of chioa ware just . unpacked
at .the E B Horning grocery.
Moses Bros, want your prodnca.
Have you seen the astonishingly
elegant display of fine china ware
at Moses Bros new store. , -
; See Mo3es Bros before j ou sell
your eggs.
Mo'es Bros pays highest price
for jour butter, ;:;; J
. Remember Blackledge's new furniture
store.- , . ;
Don't forget to see Blackledge's' up-to
date furniture store, Main street.
. OAC souvenir ware just received
at HorniDg's grocery. Ask about it
Tbyey are. at ;,the i .Arcade--their
line is full and ,t elegant. Moses
Bros, gladly quote prices if . you
aek them. , '"
The newest arjd swellest line of
dishes in the city at Homing's.
For Sale.
Fine Leicester bucks. Inquire
or address "" - -
J. H. Edwards, Bellfountain.
In Black, White and Colors
Price $1.50, Every pair gu
aranteed, For sale by ,
" Nolan & Callahan. -
Better Overcoats and Suits for boys than those bearing
the above label, are not to be had will be hard to find
their equal in point of style, quality and comfort. The label
shown : in the illustration means that every garment upon
which it appears is guaranteed, both by us and the maker.
Elk Brand Maple
n Syrup with
Olympic Pancake
: Flour. '
good' bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ;
, .Ranches, write for our special list, or come and
j see us. . "We shall take pleasure in giving you all
' ; ' Iho reliable . information you wish , , also showing
you over the country.
' Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
. t Corvallis and Philomath, Or. .
100 Buff Orpington . cockrels for
eale. Some very cheap.. .Why not
oe-t snmft new blood in vour Den
of mixed chickens and double your
egg supply. J?, i4. wilier,
- Corvallis.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of 'Graham &
Wells' drug store. " Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.----
All calls attaadd
; Physician & Surgeon "
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. . Hoars:
. JO po 12 nd 2 to 4.
Corvallis, : Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Eesidence Cor.
Flftfci aid Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. in., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eii sA-Gwiujiin & Wortham's drug store.