The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 02, 1904, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public In.terest
Mr?. Rosenberg of Seattle Is the
guest f f Miss EJa Jacocs. She ar
rived Sunday.
For a visit with her butbasd.
O. Lester Paul of the Academy cf
Music, Mrs. Paul Mo Jtfonday for
F-r a trip to the St. Inula Fair
Sir. C. C. Gbipaiao left Mondav. She
Kill be absent two mootha.
With hla family O. L. Fiarage
baa removed from Carvallte to a
place near Philomath. He d?part4
the last of the week.
Spencer Bieknell and family now
occupy a residence near the C. & E.
Hepjx, bavlag just moved la' from
lb sir ranch.
There was aQ enjnyabl dancing
party at tbe Artisan ball In Wells,
Fillay eyenlutr, with a gooi attend
ance acd gocd music.
Sunday, JMl-ss Grace Huff and
T&Ub Bertha Davis returce 3 from a
lew dava vl-lt wlr.h the family of W.
B. Wasbburo. at Brownsville.
cranes uow ana wile are mov
ing Into tbeir residence one door
Borth of tbe D. D. Barman borne.
On a business trip, Horace Lilly
of the firm of K. M. Wade & Co, left
"Wednesday for. Salem, Portland and
kher points. . ..
Miss E litb Sheak. who la in
structor In music at the Philomath
College, was a Corvallis visitor Sun
day, s. . ;
After a two weeks' visit with
Mlse Louise Cooper. Mlaa Eleie Lyons
returned Siturday to her home in
James J. Jtffilea, tbe pugllst, is
to appear at th? Albany Opera House
tomorrow. Thursday fvanlng. In a
production of "Davy Crockett."
r.i i . .
me iaw piuLiiuiLiug iue uae ui
bicycles oo the sidewalks closed yes
torday and hereafter tbe pedestrian
will have to take hla chances . with
tike wheel, on the city walks.
With hla family, Julian McFad-
ion has rmvel from hi late raoch
to Corvallis. He occuplsa the prep-
frfy recently vaeated by the Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. Cale have moved
?rom their ranch across the' river In
Lino county, to e bouse near the el-
3trlo light plant where they will hare
fter resi Je.
The handsome home of J. L. Un
derwood In tbe western portion of
town baa a new owner. He is A. J.
Handy, a recent arrival from the
East, who took possession of the
property Saturday.
An enjoyable Halloween party
was given Saturday evening at the
heme of Marlon Chappell, near Ina
vale. A number of Oorvallls young
people were In attendance.
A meeting tbat promises to be
Interesting is to occur In College
chapel next Sunday. It la a joint
meeting of the Y. M. and Y. W. O. A.
and everyone Is Invited to bs present.
Among those who attended tbe
funeral of Mrs. Wllbelm at Monroe
Monday were, Mrs. F. P. Sheasgreen,
Mrs. Philip Phlle, Mrs. Gerhard, Mrs.
3. O. Houck, August Webber, Miss
Ethel Ingram, Miss Treasie Callahan,
James Callahan and Mont Baker, i
During a recent gathering of
OAO professors at - Yoncall, where a
termers' Institute was In progress, a
dinner party was given them by Mrs.
Applegate, mother of the Applegate
twins, former well known and popular
students at tbe Corvallia college. Tbe
affair was much appreciated by the
After a residence of a year or
two In this city, Mrs. Chester Dolph
te preparing to remove to Portland.
Tbe three little daughters are to leave
this week for tbe new home, where
Mies Bettie Thorp, the governess,
has everything ready for vthelr
reception. As soon as business 'mat
ters can be arranged, Mrs. Dolph
will join them.
There will be services at the
United Evangelical church every
night this week except Wedneeday.
Tbe pastor will give bible studies on
the "Holy Spirit." Next Sunday will
be membership day. Prof. D. M.
Metzjar of Dallas will preach.
Pun Avery, George Waggoner
and DUley the fixer, returned Friday
evening from a hunting trip in the
Qa3cadc3. Three daer tell victims to
the prowess ot Waggenor who slipped
out and went hunting alone while
Avery and DUley were engaged in
awapping yarns by camp, "by grab."
Janet Blackledge baa been suf
ftrlng for several days with an Injur
ed limb. The accident occurred Sat
urday. It la stated that a boy riding
about town on a horse rode over the
little girl on her bicycle, Injuring her
ao that ene cas been barely able to
get about. Tbe boy according to the
ohlld a account did not pause to see
what riamaiTA harl honn ilnnA hnf.
....... wWMO-. wv
hipped up the horse and rode away,
I - JW -1 J! 1
The affair might easily have
most serious If not fatal,
-Harold Woodcock and Walter Wade
were Albany visitors Saturday. -
Boy Sims arrived frcm Seattle
Sunday, and Monday re-entered col
lege. - , v . .. . ,-
Mrs. Gacrge Bebrell has returned
to her home In Alsea after a week's
visit with Oorvallls relatives.
A caeeof chicken pox has ep
peared in the Durno home In the
southern part of town.
William Hawkins left Mondiy for
bis home in Pon land, after a deer
hunt od Mary's Peak la company with
his coueio, John E. Wyatt. ,
The enrollment of students at the
college reached 540 Monday, more
thin 100 more than at the Christmas
holidays last year. Counting muale
students, the enrollment Is now more
than 600. -
' Five weddings are understood to
be scheduled tor tbe near future. Tbe
first or the series happens today, when
Miss May Elliott, ot Mountain View,
and Mr. Wood worth, of Portland, will
appear at the altar at - tbe bride's
borne. . - .
Mr. and Mrs. W: B. Russell of
Portland, arrived In Corvallia Monday
to visit a few days with Mrs. Bussell'e
aunt acd -uncle, Jifr. acd Mrs. L. A.
Barker. Mr. Barker is connected with
the rrady-prlnt department of the
American Type Founders Oo., and Is
ecjoylng a few days ot rest. Before
be winds up his vacation be expects to
look up a homestead in the vicinity ot
Toledo. .
James Hcffmaq aged 62 years,
died Siturday at Pendleton, while en
route from Baker City where he hed
been seeking health. He was bulled
yesterday at Eugene where be leaves
a wife and daughter. Mr. Hoffman
was well known In Benton county.
where, with bis mother and brother
Henry, be spent bis boyhood. :.
Two lovers who eloped from ' a
town In Belgium, and who were sup.
posed to bave cummltted suicide, two
bodies having been Identified as theirs
by the father of tbe girl, having been
found In France. They bave returned
home and been forgiven by the par
ents, but cannot be married till they
aie legally restored to life by the an
nulment of their death certificate;
Tbe Philharmonic Ladles Quar
tette of Chicago, an organization wide
ly tamed In the West, is scheduled for
a concert in the Armory November
19th. Three members of the compa
ny are Diamond- Medal graduates ot
tbe Chicago Musical conservatory, an
honor that falls to few women, and of
these two have been on the road for
10 years. An Impersonator and char
acter reader, a violinist and quartette
singing makes up the programme, B,
von Turner, representing tbe compa
ny,, was In town yesterday, and com
pleted arrangements for their appear
ance In this city. The concert will be
under the auspices of the Atblstic TJn
Ion. '. .. ' v-f
What la understood to have been
town hoodlums, tore away the figure
of tbe fountain at the entrance to the
college grounds Monday night, and at
last accounts tbe missing piece had
not been located. They also tore
apart tbe stone seat and moved a por
tion of It to a spot several yards away.
Both the fountain and- the seat were
placed on the ground by graduating
classes, and Interferences with them,
even as a Halloween prank are excuse-
less and despicable. This Halloween
business- is a fraud anyway; and It
ought to be dealt with as severely as
the law will permit. Tbe fountain and
seat should be restored by them, or
tbe guilty parties ought to be sent to
the penitentiary, It that be possible,
no matter whose sons they may be. :
Wheat valley 86 & 87
Flour 4.10 to 4 25 per bll.
Potatoes $ ,75 to 85 per cent
Eggs Oregon, 28 per doz.
Butter 12 c to I4per lb.
Creamery 25 to 3oper lb.
Wheat 80 per bushel.
Oats 39
Flour 1. 15 to 1. 25 per sack
Butter 50 per roll
Creamery 70 per roll " .-.
Eggs 25 per doz . .
Chickens I5per pound
Lard 15 per lb
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that seal
ed bids will be received by the sew
er committee until 12 o'clock a. m.
Monday, the 14th day of Novem
ber. 1904, for the construction of a
sewer through block 14 original
town of Marysville, now Corvallis,
according to the plans and speci
fications now on file in the office of
the police judge. .
A certified check of fifty dollars
must accompany -each bid, .
The right tCreject any or . all
bids are hereby reserved.
. A. Rennie, .
- P. Avert,
J. M. Cameron,
Sewer Committee.
Notice to Creditors.
notice is hereby given: to au persons that
the undersigned has been appointed guardian
of the estate ot James W. Dunn, deceased, "by
oii county ana nag qualified. All persons
uaYiug cuuma against Bala estate are Hereby
notified to present the same, to the undersign
ed at the office ot W. 8. HcFsdden 1st :Natlonal
I Rank hnlldlnff. Onrvalll. t
laed witum aiimontua from Dated
lOon. IX lQftl
septi. ism.
Guardian ot said Estate.
Bellfoantain Notes.
. - - "
N Mr. Spatt will return to Califor
nia eoou -
' Mrs. Walters' daughter Irene, of
Southern Oregon, is with her moth
er of this vicinity. Her health is
very poor and she hopes that th
change will benefit her. .
Woodcock and Taylor - have pur
chased the Spaight property in
South BellfouQiain..- -
Mrs. W. T." Nichols, of Sweet
Home, is visiting her 'parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Rees,' of this
W. R. Goodman, of Libert v, is
building a fine place for C. E. Ban-
ton. - , -
Bsllfonntain church has a""new
coat of paint Charles Bowen did
the work : . ,'- v
- The ladies of this place have or
ganized a Ladies Aid Society.
Ed Rickard Is having a serious
time with his eyes. While sowing
grain be accidentally got some blue
stone in one eye. ' He consulted a.
Salem specialist and it is feared he
will lose the sight of one eye.
At Summit'
School at this place commences
the first of November with Miss
Edwards, of Monroe, as teacher.
Mrs. Robert McFarland has
turned from Philomath. -
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Zumalt were
Corvallis visitors last week.
Mrs. Liebi has returned from a
two weeks visit with Corvallis
friends. , .: '
Mrs. Rbbnett has purchased 90
bead of sheep of Mrs. Charles Han
son for their Harlan ranch.
C. H. Mattoon is home from Port
land and pther valley points. ;
Laura Ska'ggs has returned home
to remain. -..
Philomath - Items. ;
Key. Nash has moved to New-
burg where he will enter the mer
chandise business.
""Mrs. .-lv Cooper, ot balem, is
spending a few days in Philomath
with her mother, Mrs. McCullough.
A party of students went to. Ma
rv's Peak ilast Friday,, returning
Saturday. They spent the night
there eo as to view the sunrise.
. Albert .Wood and family, of Mon
mouth, visited friends in Philomath
last week. . , . '
Mrs. W. Springer came up from
Monmouth last week on business,
Mayor Ambler visited in New
port last week and reports ' beauti
ful weather. ;
Mrs. L, ft. Moe, ot Albany, re
turned home Friday from a visit
with her niece, Mre. C. H. .Newth
Dr. Newth has been appointed a
number of the county board of tx
anjtning surgeons for pensions. -
ffe have properties that no other agent
can handle if ycu are interested come
ami dee us. If you do not know us ask
son citizen of the county of ns and our
bnsiaess methodB, We expect to carry
on a legitimate real estate business in this
county whether you have a home . for
sale or desire to purchase one it will be
to your interest to come and see us. V -
Try it. The following bargains are
handled exclusively by us; watch . this
space for new bargains next week. -
- No 495 4K acres west of OAC; good
two story house of 8 rooms; barn j6x 30;
Shed 12 x 30, chicken house and wood
shed; orchard of 100 trees, all fenced and
good well and water,-price $2600.
" No 496 29.41 acres 1 mile west of Cor
vallis; good house of 11 rooms: bars 40
x 50; poultrj house 10 x 60; good" wood
shed and fence; all under cultivation, 7
acres could be irrigald, orchard,, a
sightly home overlooking Corvallis.
price $2600... ',
- No 497 252 acres 150 in cult, balance
timber and pasture; four wells of water
two good houses and good orchard,
and good spring: all fenced in 5
fields, five miles west of Corvallis; pri'je
f4o per acre. - s?
No 498 59.70 acres all in cultivation
except y'i acre ash grove; two good wells
house of four rooms; barn for four horses
chicken house and woodshed, all under
good fence, young orchard and small
fruits; i5o yards from store and i,ost
office and less to school and church
price 2000. - 0
No 492 89 acres about 6 miles from
Uorvallis: 5 acres in prunes; 12 acres
under cult. 40 acres timber fir, oak ' and
maple ; bal pastnre; new house of ten
rooms: milk house, barn for 4 horses and
10 cows ; house No 2 of 4 rooms in fair
condition, good spring at each house
barn and chicken house etc; fruit dryer,
cap. 75 bu. per day; new goat' or cattle
shed: 30 cherry trees, 40 apples, 2 horses
4 cows; xyr. bull; a calves; plow disc
harrow, wagon, hack road cart, 3 sets
double harness; work and garden tools;
Friday IIov. 416
: Big New York
- Success
Beautiful Pictorial Illustration
of life in the Metropolis. -
Your Father
Your Mother
Your Sister , ;
.. "Your Wife .
Your Sweetheart
' Your Children '
Prices:; First 6 Rows and 1st
.Row in Gallery 75c
Balance of house 50g
Sale of Seats Graham & Worr
; tham's next Thursday
V tost. ---ji . :;
A coat, Sunday Oct. 23rd, be
tween my place and Bruce. Finder
will be rewarded for the return of
same. Roy Rickard.
Our shelves are laden yvith
Palate - Pleasing Delicacies at
Pocket-Pleasing Prices,
Staple and Fancy
Manufacture, vie with each oth
in attracting your attention and
trial. The list would 11 a large
The Crockery and Grocery .
Store of ....... ..
price, $3000. $2000 down and bal to suit
at 6 per cent. '
No 493 r 72 acres garden land 1 - . mile
from . Albany : h ouee 6 rooms and cellar ;
barn 32x40, barn No 2 29 X 30; two good
hog pens, wood shed chicken house etc.
all under fence: 4o acres under cult. 12
acres timber; good orchard and small
fruits, 30 rods from school ; price 7200,
No 494 2 acres i mile from Corvallis
house 5 rooms; barn 16x20 all' fenced j
some fruit, price I750; terms easy." '"$750.
No 358 40 seres 15 in cultivation bal
ance timber and pasture ; price $500 ; 2
miles from store and postoffice,
- -
No 359 "160 acres 20 cleared balance
timber and pasture well watered; fair
buildings; 3 miles from store and post-
office 1-2 mile from saw mill, price (7.50
per acre. "
No 365 75 acres 40 acres beaverdam
land in cultivation, good pasture and
timber, good house and new barn: price
f 3000; 8 miles from town.
Ambler & Watters,
, Real Estate Agents.
v Horse For Sale, -
' Saddle or driving horse about
900 or 1,000,' H. W. Oleman.
One of Our Swell Garments
U V-J fJMr
M :
Our ad., but our goods change hands ' ,
every day. Your money exchanged :
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresli Groceries
; . Domestic and Imported.
f lain aii Fancy CWnaware
-A large and
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store wedo thev
rest. . .
G; B fiorning
- - 'South Main St., Corvallis, Ore.
Carbon; Platinum and Platino Portraiture
r " Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers,
. And other Photographic Novelties,,
. V . Corvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
- Exchange.
Buys County, City and School
, Warrants. .
. " ' ,
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND f London San Fran-
BKATTLE f cigco Bank Umited.
TAOOMA . ' I -
NEW TOBK Messrs. J. P. Mora-an ft Co.
CHICAGO National Bank at Tne.Bepab
llo. aVONDOK, KVG . London A Sam Frandsoo
Bank Limited. . . ,
CANADA . trnienEaiik Canadfoa
Office in Zierolf Building, 0 jrvillia. O
. Prices Eight
Made Right
Fit Right ,
$7,50 to $25
S. L. KLlnii
The White House.
varied line.
Office at Hnston'sHardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box ir.
Fays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
E. R. Bryson,
C. H. Newth,
. Physician and Surgeon ,
Philomath, Oregon.
Have Dr." I) we enre yonr head
and eve ache bv removing tbe
cause with a pair of bis superior
glasses ' - .