J LOCAL LOBL NEWS 0 CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. TSue Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items of Public In.terest Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ooffes of Monroe were in Corvallls Wednesday. Miss Pauline Kline lef c yesterday tor a vUit with f den da In' Portland. Hugh L. Leepf r of Ha'sev wa a bueiaeaa visitor In Corvalila Wednes day. - Weinesday visitors In town were William Stewart and Roma Medially oi Halsey. From a visit to her husband at Clem, Mrs. C. A. Danneman returned to CorvalllB Wednesday. From a vleit In Salem, Mra. J. W. Crawford returned home Tburediy eveclng. Mrs. Jane Hare of Albany, is the guest thU week of Mrs. E. R. Lake, in this tiiy. Among Wednesday's visitors jo town from abroad was Train Dis patcher Roberts of Albany. After a visit la Portland, Misg JTellle Cameron and brother Amy, re turned home yesterday. Miss Erta Smith returned Sunday from a visit with her sister, Mlsa Bo- fcena Smith, at Haleey. From a visit with relatives, Mrs. B. A. Catbey returned last sight from Halsey. Miss Maud Morrison left Thurs day for Forest Grove, after a . visit lth Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bates Mrs. Hannah McFeron of Halsey, ins arrived for a visit with her daugh ter in this city. Mrs. J. M. Nolan and Mrs. Mary Eboer and daughter, Anna, left ' yes terday for a week's visit In Portland. Mrs. F. W. Benson of Roseburg. kit Thursday after a few days' visit with her eon, who is a student at Miss Eda Jacobs left Thursday top Rraeburg, from whence sbe will proceed to Bjswell Springs for a vis it. Wednesday visitors in Corvallls were Mi. E l Stouc and Mrs. Beck of Albany, and Mrs. Strowbrldge : of Tortland. The first of this week H. B. Cramer began the erection of a reel dsnre on bis property in .Wells and JfcElroy 'a addition. j The last of th8 present season's ! supply of cascara bark left Corvallls Wednesday. It went to Detroit and was eblpped by M. C. Miller. M. E. church South Tomorrow Morning and evening. Subject of ev ening, "Why 1 am a Southern Meth adiat." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Miss Loube Gilbert was called to Dallas Thursday to be at the bedside t Mrs. Willard Gilbert who is .ser iously HI. For a visit with her cousin, Miss Winnie Cameron, Mis. Linton Lewis is expected from San Francisco in a Jew days. Her home is in Atlanta. Georgia. , Rev. and Mrs. HandFaker return ed Thursday morning from Eugene where they were called by the ser loas illness of Rev. Haoeaker's mother. Among those who witnessed the iootball game on Wedneeday, was Bill Williams, of Alrlle, father of Floyd Williams, a star player on OAO's all-star tetm,. For the purpose of attending the Shakespeare Club meeting. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schmltt were over from Albany Wednesday evening. Congregational church Service a usual in the morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class for young men at 10. Evening service at 7-30. Late -real estate transfers filed lor record are; E. E. White and wife to Stella HaddeD, south 30 feet of lot 9, block 6, CorvalllB, S400. W. H. Green and wife to Mrs. G. P. Amb ler, part of lot 88 in block 19, Philo math, $100, At the home of Mrs, M. S. Wood- , soc-S Tuesday afternoon occurred the weekly meeting of the Afternoon Reading Club. Iatere&ting features were a talk on the subject of her re- cent vlMt to the Sf. Louis Fair, by Miss Bertha' Davis ; a paper on, "Ben Johnson," Mrs. W. A. Wells, a bcok review by Miss Paulina Kline, singing by the (Jlub, and an elaborate ban quer-. The affair was most pleasant. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Bertha Davis. Dr. Tufts, representing the Anti- Saloon Lesgue for Oregon, will be In Corvallls and vicinity the latter part the week and next Sunday. He- will spoke la Philomath on Friday even ing. With his assistant he will con duct services in the Corvallls church es as follows : Id the Baptist church and M. E. church la the morning at 11 o'clock, xo the Evangelical and Congregational churches In the even ing at 7-30. All rally at the Man church at 3. Chris - A Corvallls visitor this week was George Houck of Eugete. Mrs. F. E. Edwards is confined to her bed this week with illness. . Boss Nelson of Independence was a visitor in town Wedce dv. ' Services at the Catholic church tomorrow at the usual - hours. AH are invited. For a two weeks" visit with her parents near Philomath, Mrs. Nettle Gellatly-Tfcayer bas arrived from Astoria. Don Holgate bas arrived from Port land for a visit with Corvallls rela tives, i Miss Letba Pattern of Halsey, is a guest this week tt the M. M. Davis borne. - To spend the winter with his sis ter at Siletz, Amos Elisor, for several years operator of the Corvallls cider factory, left Thursday. Claude De Volt, an O. A. 07 stu dent, was summoned to his home in Kelso, Wash., Tuesday, by a message bearing the sad tidings tbat his fath er was dead. W. O. Heckert bas completed his work in this city and expects to leave today for Eugene where he has a con tract for building another new resi dence. Among others who came to Cor vallls fo see Wednesday's football game was Frank Seits of the Five Riv ers country. A party of young folks accompanied him. Frank Selts steps higher than usual since the 8th insr. It's a 12 pound boy and Fiack is the grand father. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Warnest of Five Rivers. - A- second great-grand child was born in the family . of Mrs. Victoria Gerber of this city. The parents are Mr. aod Mrs. Freeman Vanderhoof, and they reside in Portland. li s a boy. ' - Mr. T. B. Williamson and Miss Ruth Cauthoin were united In - mar riage at the home of A. A. Williamson near Wells Station, on the 25th, Bev. F. W. Launer officiating. They bave the best wishes of many. Albany Democrat: Captain Elsie Francis, of the girl s basket ball team, bai received a challenge for a game with the O. A. C. girls, but the Albany girls bave not yet practiced but may play later. "The South and its People," U the subject of the sermon to be delivered by Bev. Feese at the Methodist church Suaday evening. The address Is sociological discussion of the, topic, and deals with the historical and so cial relationship of the Southern peo ple. ; . United Evangelical church: Tem perance rally Sunday at 7:30 p. m., the meeting to be addressed by a prominent anti-saloon worker. Eve ry evening next week at 7:30 Bible studies on the Holy Spirit will be giv en by the paHor.' Theme Sunday morning, "Pentecost, in Relation to the Church." 'The Fatal Wedding" is to be at the Opera House next Friday even ing. It comes after a four nights' j engagement at Cordray's in Portland, and thence opens up at the California Theatre, San Francisco, for two weeks. It Is under the same management as the well remembered "Are -You a Ma son?" and the same advance agent tbat brought the latter to Coivallis is routing it. - The time is ' rapidly approaching when the legislature is to convene. Corvallls hopes to see a mountain water system installed next year. Preliminary steps are necessasy before definite ac tion can be taken, and these should be arranged before the legislature meets. There is no time to lose. Bad trouble is on at Cottage Grove over Miss Shlveley, the teacher who was discharged from the high school because her diploma was missing. The diploma, regularly is sued from the State Normal at Mon mouth, has turned up. Miss Shlvely Insists that she has a contract to teach In the school, and her friends'declare that she shall. The school board, which has installed another teacher, declares that she shall not, and there they are, And they are going into the courts to settle it. Members of the board should have required the diplo ma when Miss Shlvely was hired, and since they did not. they are responsi ble tor the muss. Among the social events of the week, was an "At Home" from 3 to 5 Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. E. B. Lake. The afternoon was spent in an exchange of greetings. Above the hum of conversation could be heard selections from the late op eras furnished by Fechter's orchestra stationed in the library. The after noon closed with a delicious and daintily served luncheon. Mrs. Lake was ably assisted in entertaining by Misses Pauline Kline, Grace and Bertha Wilson and Mrs. Hare oi -Albany. The invitations numbered fifty-seven and were as follows. Mesdames E. R. Bry son, Coote, Inez Wilson, B. W. John son, A. J. JobnsoD, Elgin, Cordley, Gatcb, G. W. Davis. Crosby Davis. E, If, Pernot, Callahan, Covell, Skelton, Kolsley, Harper, Andrews, Miller, Woodcock, John Simpson, Hay ward, u. M. L-ee. Kennle. Tallantler, 'ulton. Selling, Jacobs, Huston, Hout, Harris, Berchtold, J. M. Porter, John Smith, J.u. wuson, r. a. Kline, Ready, Hor ner, Green, L. F. Wilson, John Allen, McKelllps, Irvine, Wlthycombe, J. W, Crawford, Gene Simpson, Hammel, Wells, Nolan. Waggoner, and Hare of Albany, Misses Snell, Kline, Gatch, ! Holgate, Crawford, Fisher, and Lev- erett. o a g won. DEFEATED UTAH FOOTBALL PLAYERS BY BIG SCORE. Fifteen Hundred People Saw the Game Excursionists - Came - from Neighboring towns to See the Play and the Utahans. Fifteen hundred people saw Or egon snatch victory from Utah at college football on O. A. C field last Wedneeday. They saw the swift and poweriul lads sweep con stantly around the ends of the heavy Utah line, driving the heavy Utah backs before them, and saw them dash over the Utah goal line for ho less than eight touchdowns in but forty minutes of play. Forty-five to naught was the final score, and the figures represent but part of the difference in the power and speed ef the two elevensLong er halves and a desire of Oregon to mora humiliate the inter-mountain state could easily have raised the final total to 80 or 100 to a goose egg. Big as were the invading players and formidable as they were in their desire to hold up the colors of their state, they were far oat-classed by the swiftbacks and powerful line of the Oregonians. The hopelessness of their cause was demonstrated in the first minute of play. . Captain Pilkihgton won the toes and elected to receive the ball, His men ran it in to O. A. C.'s 30 yard line on the Utah's kickoff and starting at that point and, without a break, fumble or pass, rushed their opponents back through the 80 yards of checkered field for the hrst touchdown, requiring less than three minutes of play to do the stunt. The story of that first touch down runs like this: Utah kicked to Bower on the 20 yard line and be ran in the ball 10 yards before a Utah man nailed him, Root round ed end for four yards and Williams finished the required yardage.: Wil liams skirted end for three yards, Rogers for two and Root got away for a long dash of 35 yards. Wil liams reeled off 16 yards more, Root tore off another 10 around end and Williams went the necessary five yards to cross the Utah goal line. Pilkington kicked goal. -As that play went, so went the rest, of the game. Utah made yardage but three times in the forty min uses of actual play, and Oregon failed to make yardage but twice. At straight football Utah forced the ball but 26 yards, while Oregon rustled it a total distance of 421 yard?. Even at punting, the men from Utah were out-classed, and in a duel in the last half in which sev punts were exchanged Oregon gained ID to lzu yards on every kick. In one instance, Captain PiUiogton punted a sheer sixty yai, ana the man who caught the spit-re was downed in his tracks by bot the Oregon ends, Steiwer and O A. O. rolled up a score of 28 to i.ught in the fiist half. It was twenty-five minutes in length. The last half was reduced to 15 min Utes, and in that time another - 17 points was added to the Oregon to tal. The final score is identical with that made by the University of Washington against the Utahans last Saturday, in 10 more minutes of play. In tbat game the score was eleven to 0 in the hrst half, against 28 to naught, made by O. A. C. in an equal length at Corvallis, .The game was replete with sen sational plays by the Oregon backs and linemen. It was at the latter that the main assault of the Utahans was made, whenever they bad the ball., borne of their line men as well as some of their backs were of very large stature and fine physical proportions. - Nearly all were magnificent in ' size and strength. In their desperate ef forts against hopeless defeat these men hurled themselves repeatedly against the Oregon line, which af ter the first few assaults held with out a break. In one instance, Oregon made touchdown on a eingle play, after getting the ball. Pilkington had kicked to Utah's three yard line and the ball was run in 13 yards The giants - began to pound the Webfoot line, but in three playi lost the ball on downs. Oregoi took, the ball on her 18 yard line. and Williams tripped around end for a touchdown. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over poetoffice. Residence Cor Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Qwham & Wortham's drug Btore. Friday Hoy. 4t& C0RY1LLIS OPERA HOUSE Big New York . Success , The Fatal Wedding :E m POTHER AND 1 r F0R r46 ARE WAIT""" Beautiful Pictorial Illustration of life in the Metropolis. ; A PLAY FOR Your Father g -Your Mother Your Sister Your Wife Your Sweetheart Your Children Prices: First 6 Rows and 1st Row in Gallery 75c. Balance of house 50c Sale of Seats Graham & Wor- tham's next Thursday Lost. A coat, Sunday Oct. 23rd, be tween my place and Bruce. Finder will be rewarded for the return of Same. Roy Rickard. Toothsome Hits ! Our shelves are laden -with Palate - Pleasing . Delicacies t. at Poeket-Pleasing Prices, . Staple and Fancy IMRORTED AND AMER1GAN Manufacture, vie with each oth in attracting your attention and trial. The list would 11 a large Catalogue. The Crockery and Grocery Store of . . ." . . . . P. M ZIEROLF Notice ta Contractors. Notice is hereby given that seal ed bids will be received by the sew er committee until 12 o'clock a. m. Monday, the 14th day of Novem ber, 1904, for the construction of a sewer through block 14 original town of Marysville, now Corvallis, according to the' plans and speci fications now on file in the office of the police judge. A certified check of fifty dollars must accompany each bid, - The right to reject any or all bids are hereby reserved. A. Rknnie, P. Avery, J. M. Camekon, . Sewer Committee. Notice ti Creditors. Notice Is hereby given to all persons that the undersigned has been appointed guardian of the estate of James W. Dunn, deceased,by the county court oi th estate of Oregon, for Ben ton county and has qualified. All persons having claims flgainpt said estate are hereby notified to present the same, to the undersign ed at the office of W. U. McFadden 1st : National Bank building, Corvallis, Oregon, dnly veri fied within six months from this date. Dated Sept U, 1904. B. DUSS. , wi v: . . Guardian of said Estate. One of Our Swell Garments "H. S. 6c M." fJJ Han Sduffacf V- J & Man .rV Hand Tailored -WS -DO ' NOT -:0FTEN GHMQE , Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Tour money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Bit Line Fresb Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plaiai FaEy CMnaware . A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store we do the rest. B South Main St., Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture O. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS.' Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY Corvatxis, Oregon. Responsibility $100,000 Deals in Foreig'n and Domestic . Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FBANCISCO PORTLAND . f London San Fran SEATTLE , , f clsco Bank Umlted. TAOOMA ) NEW TOBK-Messrs. J. F. Bf organ Co. O lire AGO National Bank of Xlie;Kepnb llo. IXINDON, ENG. London A San Francisco Bank Limited. - CANADA UnicnEaiik Canadfoa E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. Office tn Zierolf Building, Carvillvs. - Prices Right Made Right Fit Right $7,50 to $25 S. L. KLINE The White House. Eorning i ART 1 Corvallis, Ore. P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALLIS, OR. Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. O. Address, Box ir. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. ; E. Bryson, Attorney -At-Law, C. H. Newth, . , Physician and Surgeon , Philomath, Oregon. - Have Dr. Lowe and eye ache by cause with a pair glasses cure your head . removing the of his superior