LOCAL LORE. MverUaemente In this column ehargwl foe at ibatawoflt oenu per Un. . : . Transfers of real estate filed for record during the past few days are: C.E.RobinMjn o R C.Thbmp son, the Maxfield property, adjoin ing Corvallis on the north. 5 acres $i,7oo; Mary C. Bryson to Virgil E.. Watters, block 15 and half of block 18, Dixon's second addition, $100; H. Milbourn and wife to WillianMilboutn, land near Philo math, $100. The well known farm of W.A. Wann at Yachats has changed hands. Mr. Wann has sold it to Mr. Seigel, lately arrived from Arizona. The price paid was $6, e.00. not including the cattle. The new owner has taken possession, and Mr. Wann and family have re' moved to Salem. - A son, Fred Wann is a student at , OAC. The father goes to California shortly, in the hope of finding relief trom asthma. Mr. Wann is one of the stable men of the country, and a gentleman of high character. E.'U. Will,' Albany's - music dealer, is closing out at' "Vacnfice sale" his 'entire stock of music.'mu sical instruments,' sewing machine. Every article at cut price, many ar ticles to go below cost. . We want to open a general' music house in Portland, Ore.', by Nov 1st, so to avoid, boxing and , shipping, we give the public the biggest bar gains ever offered in this line. 20 sewing machines to close out. Sec ond hand organ's- from $10 to $25 Come quick, we want to close this sale by Nov 24th. GONE TO SEATTLE. THEIR MORNING WALK.- T It was very narrow escape. It happened in the Corvallis S3W mill the other night. The machin ery was in notion as Charles; Bard well stepped over a shaft. -' The pin in a collar n the, shaft "caughfj toe lower portion ot his ; overalls. Slowly but surely the leg" of the ov eralls began to wind aronnd - the rhaft. Closer and closer the- limb was drawn down to the revolving piece of steel V , The victim .shouted and fortunately the mill operatives heard. Fortunately, also, the ma chinery was not running-' at full speed, The wheels were quickly stopped, ana in the nick ot time. But a fraction of one more turn of the shaft would have broken : the limb. Plans are materializing for an extension of the C & E track along Water street to the Corvallis saw mill. ' Superintendent Sullivan was in town Thursday, and with Maria ger Strong went over the ground to ascertain the feasibility of .the scheme. It is understood that the mill people have offered lt6: furnish .the ties as an' inducement to the railroad to put in the extension. No announcrmeut as to whether or not : the plan will materialize has been made, but it is known to be in contemplation, ' " ' J ' ? " f ' " Emmett Tayior and a friend hunted birds on Muddy the other day. . They chased about, here and there, through field and wood. just a9 hunters always' do such' things. It was late in the day when they arrived on the bank, of a stream that they thought was Muddy." "By gosh; I never thought xauaay: fan :this way belore'. re marked Emrre t, dazed like. "And I'll be .'durn'd il it isn't a bigger and clearer stream than it" used to be" he added as in open-eyed, won-, derhe surveyed the swift' moving waters below."" "This isn't' Muddy; It's Mary's" river," remarked a far mer standing by. - And so it was Mary's river, a full four miles from Emmett s rig,' tied on Muddy: the rig tnat was to carry mm and his companion to town. . Of - course Emmett wasn't lost he had hunted all that territory over from boyhood, and knew it, .inch by inch; it. was Muddy .that waa.astray. A citizen remarked yesterday upon tne apathy 1 with respect to issues In the present political, cairi- paign, and 'added that, after all', it was just as well - Another said there may be lack of interest in political issues, but it is more than counterbalanced by growth of in terest ia the pending question of li quor or no liquor in Benton: Every where, be said, the question of whether", the saloons are to be banished, is discussed, both in town and country ; districts. .1 The ques tion, he said; completely over shadows presidential issues. In view of the interest In the question, the Times column's will be opened to a discussion of the quest from au standpoints, if there are corres- ponaents wno desire to do so. Articles should, be" concise ,and pointed, and not to exceed 7 or 800 words in length. The fair 'way in such matters isVto let the name of the. writer' ;appeafot: j ubllcaUfoij dui aanerence ,to th?s rule tf,nrifit w-iEElvw, ", OAC Football Eleven, Game There This Afternoon. , - V .The eyes of OAC students end many townspeople are on Seattle today. There this afternoon, - one of the stronges: football teams OAC has put out in years will go against the University ot Washington team, that for two years has held undis puted supremacy in the North est as football champions. The game is the fourth between the two; in stitutions. " the Oregon boys having II on: victory to their credit, and tne I lX7ackincrtn nn turn : : IHi A ri tQ a II strong hope among their Iric.ds, ' yrds- 'v. .1... 7-v. . -A.1- p-aDes in a rarmer s c mac me vregon xaas.wui ue me annual scores us a result 'of tins afternoon's battle The OAC men,1 with Coaches Steckle and Trine, lett Thursday afternoon. Thay took an 11:3 train out of Portland, and should have reached Seattle at 7:30 yesterday moraine. At Corvallis, a large party of students and mem bers of the faculty, including Presi dent Gatch, were at the station to see, the boys off. Good wishes JKand God speed were in every greet- ing-wiTfl taenia tanuwi-ztp Beoffl Bee'the stfOng metf were sent alone their way. The teanr uf in excellent condi- tion fojrthe game. u - Bvjs not in thlineup,s bit Steiwer, a promis- Otherwise; xhp.Jineup.is a$,f jMfi Cooper ia at the other . end, aad Abraham and Bower are at tackle. The guards' are". Bnndy and Dun lap,, and big Walker, is at center. Root" and Williams ' are., at half,. Rinehart at quarter and Captain Pilklngton atfullback. The latter faces the Washington men for the ..first time,, one .incident or another having kept him out of the games of 1902 and 1903. The same is true 01 uunay, wno, tnougb a 1 member f the team, both yeari1. took no part in eitber game, - on account of his late ' arrival ' each time at college,; is In ;fact,r all along the line, the team is stronger, than it was in either of the contests of the past two years. v Information from Seattle ia to the effect, likewise, that the. Wash ington men 'are a strong aggrega tionl They have swift backs, Cand though several men in the team are new, the statement is that they are good. Dean, a half back of whom much is said, is a high school play er from Bellingham.: Neither Mc: Donald, Shearer,' Speidel,vSigris.t or Lantz, alt' star players, of last year, are with the .Washington men this season. .ut suDstitutes. tne UAU men took a goodly , number. Carter and! Finn go for ends, and the latter also for tackle. ;. Little and .Von Der HeUen for substitute ' guardsj and -Sweek - for full or nalfBack, Without Breakfast and on an Unknown Path How Senator Avery Journeyed. : 1 he man who : journeyed with him. tells this abont "how Senator Avery recently traveled to ,Corva" lis; The two, one of whom was Abe Woods, were enrout by train j from Eugene. The question -" of whether they should go to Albany vnd hire a rig, or foot it over from Tangent came up. Avery , was for the Albany method, and :. Woods for the Tangent route. At 5:. last Avery rami; over, to Wo d's way of thinking, and at four o'clock on a, Sunday morning,t, they, hoofed it out of Tangent t on the, seven or eight mile walk to Corval!is.r ;-. L Of breakfast, ' there a none, for the farmers all along the way were, still abed; ' Wop-Is' vowed tie, knew the way well,"," and Avery trusted everything 10 him"; -V, ' ' They leacted the Calipooia bridge all right, but . there . they took the wrong road " Meantime, according to Woods, "the senator was getting leg weary , and was disposed to lag behind. One time he looked backand'saw Avery 400 eating g-apes in a tarmera dooryard. All this time they wers steering in the wrong direction,' and it was not until they had gone four expensive miles out of their way that they discovered the horrible truth. "The Sunday school bells were ringing7 and the forenoon was far spent when two leg-worn footmen, dusty with the 14 miles walk with out breakfast, limped into town and headed straight for some friend ly spot on which to sit and - rest their tired bones J' Senator Avery's rifcxt trip from; Eugene to Corvallis Will not be by the Tangent route. Stylish- Styles; for : Women) ,5 Yoa'll never know what exctlleut gar-, ments are made ready to wear fur women until you have seeir our new display of Fall styles. They are better by far than you would exct to see. ; v There's so much style, such graceful fit.- heat work and beeomingness to them they're sure to please you immensely. The fAm-field standard of. Styls" la--bel sewn in every itarrn,ent.is a guarantee , of all that's desirable in high class attire. We pell this lint-, .because ,itV. the kind women of good taste appreciate. 1 Whether you are tbiDking of a coat or a skirt, . they're jlL ihe tacue , in good qualitiesiV f ; f Call and see what is "the fashion." t .Tf Trices range from $3.50 to ?2U -IfA ' wonder" at $7.50. itm.u: The White House : Corvallis, Oregon. THB PLAT STILL 0W. 'U. HUM, J .... , 1 . 1 mmimmmmmmm 1b4 They Call Back Other la Acttrs Sequel to Ftotball Game. . ItJs lots f of fun, to .read the Albany i and Eugene papers, on the football game - W e d - nesday between elevens i... irom the two towns. A head line in the Eugene Register, reads thus:. "Ore gon wins from Albany. : UmcialJ Stewart the Varsity's most formid abl opponent." A headline in the Eugene Guard goes like this: 'As saulted , football players Albany toueh on college team, struck Frank TemDleton." Trouble occurred tn gymnasium while -y cleaning up. General nux-up averted. 0 y. The, Albany Democrat says; .'.'One big fine looking. ,,. football , 1 man . from Eugene childishly said, ." Well, I'll never play in Albany again. , Boo hoo..' . : TheTopening sentence in an arti- cle in the Eugene Guard is this: "In the gymnasium of Albany col lege,, after, the football game yester day, occurred pne of the most brut al- and dastardly assaults on ,a col- lege man yet recorded. With great indignation :he. , Guard pro ceeds to explain the details like this: The University of Oregon players bad gone -to , their dressing rooms and , were , conducting themr selVies'1,111 a. gentlemahlv manner,; whn f withoht ' a sign of warning, Sansi i!i)olan,' t ?a "young'; tough siof Albany, and whq plays pa thg team stepped and planted a'terrific: blow on Frank Templeton'3 face,- il. OS' 53Ei'LES Ladie's Coats, Children's and Misses Jackets i 6k ' 'e "b r. i a . ,8!. Our Fall line for 1904s comprises a variety of styles .frichj cannot ail to win your ap proval a-Nowt is, the vtimetto btiy while our stocH:isi: complete in every detail: ft D6n?t buy until-y ou have seen this line; Root is Jn; training, a-ssnbstielgtagripg sbim andcovering-him auarter. and has develoned fine-1 T.;ir3s - ' 'Tt.'- -rr.s- quarter, and . has. developed fine ability for Jtheplajceii .'. ' utners wno accompamea -tne team are:,Mrs. Trine.LBush Davis, manager, stimson U. G. Simpson ahdW.R'.Burrowsr - " i i W m: j r; -..; !lt ' ' . Ne FaU Shirt Waists in Mohair, Silk and Flannel. : Styles and prices- to suit all. OREQOK.- .1 " The Eilers Kano House T is selling out the .stock of pianos and organs at.E. U.. Wills .musjc,store at Albany .during, the next ten days. Prices; are cut to close out 40 pianos aad organs, in two weeks. New pianos, 147.00, organs ; for $45.00. ' Sale 'will close before Nv ist.' " ' ' " ' Highest price paid for young pullets ,'. , ! ' Sl' BrBane. : Estray Notice. with . Tblbod! . v"The 'affair was" tin looked for as there, was cause for. such action '.A number of Eugene ;play ers ' immediately interfered,. amongbom ,wasl JJlaude.rray, . who received a stiff blew on the , neck,'taggerijpg him for a moment. Templeton was wholly unprepared and was not looking for troubje ;,but after the affair happened he begged to have it put with Dolan. , , ' As a result of the assault, school spirit was running high in Albany last night and for a while further trouble was feared.; The 'varsity students declare that never againwill they play Albany, and also that if. Dolan appears in. Eugene he will he run out of town. Until Albany -can cut out such men from her school other colleges will have nothing to do with her, among which wil be the Oregon Universi ty, which will do its best ' to get even. ., . A young bull .about 3 years old, came to the Whitby farm-10 miles northwest of Corvailis ,two .weeks ago. Owner can get hm ,by .pay ing for notice and . pasturage.. He is very gentle butbieachy. : ' Exchange. - Xos Angelea oity property value I4.500. Will, Jrade. 4 tot JBentaa. county farm. i. ,Five acres, Xmprqved, near- Sa lem, Ore, will trade for i 'small iract MMftVaf XJorvjaUe,', Atnwer J? Watttre. $io.oq ewfijdl4, s " : Lost, it rayed or stolen, black and white Llewellyn eetter dog, about three yean aid: left Corvallis about ut of Jnne, goes, by : the . name of Mack, hs icar on hind leg, made by barbed wireI will pay $10.00 reward for information leading to the recovery of the "nog. . . , -If. JP. Burnett. yaqaina.pystera. - Will arrive for the first time this season at Zierolfs today, and will liitLfloiiiB "1ST.;, '-I Bplete.i;with' Kne Fall Furmturt; lot the" arJbnamcnt of the" home. Aijd right here you -wiU' fiod'rare aluM ; less bargains. This popular establishment is ar-tnouey 'SaYing' -center for ,you on - i : We hav just received a large line of stoves, to ; wMeh " We " cordially: invite your inspectiorri' we " also - handle 81itha! 104 ' Wasdrhgfanitev?are and tinwarei .We keep picture mould ing and do all kinds of:picture-fraiming ?with neatneSfranddis-" -patch.,'!,: . We are fljC'Hpnse-Fnrnishers And don't - forget itl : :l .3 --ft ' 1 IUUUU1 llUIVJ not- G1DY N B. Second Hand Goods bought and sold. - PEBNQTrr Physician & Surgeon Office over poatoffice. Seaidence Car. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hears 10 to IS a. .. 1 to A b; at. -1 Ontars tan; faa For Saleii 'iu . : Firatclasa Bhakes.-"-Enquire of Tozier& Ingle har&efB etore r. 1 ' I am Hefe Bar qnidk and safe delivery. Call cn r ,! ttt . j n , j ....... . urasuiiuu w 00a oaw. . Those desiring '" wood sawed caiti !- secure services by1 leaving word-t J. il'$itTy. We'save you'jjW4 by it or own foel-j;0ur oba8f.r' ea me too highfr. than,';.othersi fcpJwii h Woraata'a bm