Gorvallis Times. Offldal Paper of Benton Cowtr. OOKVALXIS, OBKGON, OCT IS, 1904.- HOW IT LOOKS. In the beginning there seemed little hope of democratic success in : the approaching presidential elec tion. If, however, the big repub lican journals of the East , become much more strenuous, the country will soon be persuaded that Mr. Parker is likely to be elected. Here for instance, is the New York Tri bune, solemnly declaring that ! Mr. Bryan is deceitful in his announced support of Mr. Parker, and that in secret the Nebraskan wi 1 knife the jurist candidate. ' ' -; If there is one thing in the world for which Mr. Bryan is preemin ently noted, it is that he is candid frank, open, and without political secret. His chief political failures have been due to his :" aggressive, open, fearless adherence to that beloved principle of candor, and his unswerving hatred of guile and deceit. Een his worst political enemy admits that -whatever Mr. Bryan promises, that he performs to the strictest letter. , All fbis:is what makes the big papers absurd of statement, and arouse general suspicion that they are scared, so scared that they grasp at ,i every straw to hedge against defeat. They behave so hysterically,; wail so vo ciferously, and beat the " bashes so strenuously that it looks ' like vMr i Parker -.might geV tier?. V.- IP TRUE, WHAT? Where City Governs. State Caanet ' ' ", "A Queer Predicament. -1 A legal proposition raised in Portland sends shivers up the backs of Corvallis city authorities. It is held there by some lawyers :' that where authority is granted v under charter from the legislature to reg ulate, govern, and penalize certain offences, ' the state law covering such offenses does not apply. That is to say, belief is expressed that wherever city laws apply, state laws do not. '" Judicial , decisions are . quoted from several : states which give the contention' color- of sounddoctnne. The Oregon supreme court has never , passed on the point. '; . '' Should euch a theory stick, cur ious consequences would appear in Corvallis. If one man should at tack another with a dangerous weapon in the city Jimits, the only penalty that could be mete J out to him would be a fine of $io to $ioo. The case ' might ' "be aggravated enough to send him under the state law to the pententiary, , but", that could not be done. ' '' Or, in Port land, for instance, and the same would be true under,' similar con ditions in Corvallis, the ' state ' su preme court has intervened 'under state law to V prohibit gambling. The city authorities are' willing to1 permit gambling. ' But if the ; con tentipn suggested, be sound, "; the city authorities will prevail, and the law of the' state cannot prevent - the city authorities from permitting gambling in Portland. There always seems to be a hole through which lawyers can squeeze thiough any man made law. A Place of Interest. It is interesting these days lo note the activity that is oo amoDg the business houses of Cor vallis. . Ev ery one is on the jump, and clerks are busy frm dawn .. to . dark. Among the places where, there is no ,timt for rest . among;. . the ' em ployes is': the ' O. : J. , Blackledge furniture . ' store yon' .souths Main street. Thursday, a large- ship-' mont of fine bamboo goods arrived' aad has been placed n oa display. Along with this comes a new . line of Morris chairs, fine rockers, good mattings, a complete line of pastel and other first grade pictures, auob as has never been seen In Corvallis before, and, many 'other new goods. To any one who has. not paid . a late visit to this housa, and priced the handsome stock that is ever there, it would be wise to say, go and see Blackledge.! The visit will pay you and you will . find what you. want. ; -;. v.,;, Free Lessons. Prof. L. Karlen givea a trial les son free in the Business .college. Ypn Tuesday and Friday evenings of thU weak, from 7 tta, J IS REGIMENT WOW.: Instead of Battalion Cadets to Have Mounted Men OAC's . ' Army. Big things are doing in the mili tary department at the college as a result of the increase in attendance. When arrangements are. all perfect-: ed and the cadets at some time ap pear in full array It" wiH be seen that the little army out on College Hill is on a war footing. Instead of a battalion, the organization has become a : regiment, with 380 men instead of about 250. There are four full companies of infantry, each numbering 64 men, or two more men than in a full company in the United States service. There 'is a detachment of cavalry, consist ing of a captain, , first, and second lieutenant and 24 men., including non-commissioned officers, all to be mounted. For the latter purpose horses have been secured.1 There is a detachment of artillery, with two field pieces, with captain and first and secend lieutenant . and 16 men, a signal corps, with a captain. and lieutenants and a number .of men, and the. regimental band of 23 pieces,, commanded by , the .ad jutant of the regiment. The ; or ganization is provided for under general orders issued by Lieutenant Quinlan, Wednesday. The; whole is under command of Lieut. Colonel H- C. Darby, and his-staff, will be: Captain J, Wi Carlson; Adjutant Captain O, -A. Webber, . O. , M.: Non-commissioned , Staff. Sergeant Major H Jt. tAuldjQ, M, and. Com-, missary Sergeant L.hoel JDium, Major G. J. Dodson; Major T. ,A. Garrow,. , Com.-: Battalion,! Infantry; 1 st Lieutenant C. Swann, Adju tant; 2nd Lieutenant B. Pilkingtoa, Qr If, and , Coralssary; Jtfon com missionedt .Staff 5 Sergeant -Majo$ C, SBeqsQa.jj 1 1 hltHs tr ' Bandr-v 'At 1 :-, Drum Major, G. J. Dodson. Prio, Musician,-. E. Wetmore. ; Sergeant,. .W. Proebstal.! Corporal,, E.Adams.i S i t, c Company A :" ' "' 1 ' Captain, P L Adams, 1st Lieut., J. S. Tannock. 2nd Lieut., F A Williams., '1 Company B ' ' " ' !'"" r ' Captain, R. L. Stout. : " ' ist Lieut.; D C. Little. , 2nd Lieut , M; B. Moores. Company C ' '. u; " Captain, E Eddy. ist. Lieut., J R McGormickt I 2nd Lieut M B Belden. t Company D : - , ' . . . , , : Captain, F B Davis. , ist Lieut., F M Roth. :, 2nd Lieut ., B T Jordan, Cavalry Detachment Captain, 6 S Moore ist Lieut, E V Hawley. 2nd Lieut., R C Shppard. ' Artillery Detachment-r- ' Captain, F.Q Stimson. ; .; ist Lieut.,, M;. Hinrichs.; -I 2nd Lieut, j G H Root. , ; ,; ' Signal Corps - ' ''' ' " ' -' ; Captain, L R -Harlan. . -!: ist Lieub; H C Get?.. :, , v, i ; 2nd Lieut W Abraham. , ; . ,. -, FROGS AND FROLICS. , Butterflies and Bees aad ; Flowers ' ; Little Children Himlc Them A : I ; v Coming' gyent.'"-' ,? ; ' An event of wide interest in town is to be the performance, under the auspices of ,the. OAC Athletic Union at the ..Opera House next Friday evening. . . , Fairy . land will have full sway, and over too little tots and larger youngsters , '. , with a sprinkling bfLypung . women will appear in-what will prove to be the most charming, cantata and fairy spectacle ever produced in this city by amateurs. ; The play has been given .over 800 times in various cities- .of the country, . and has al ways , proven most popular. Last winter it was., produced -under the same management in Albany, and it was for months thereafter the -subject of favorable comment by press and people. - The costumes foe .the performance are a unique feature, and consist of. the richest silks, velvets and satins. ; s - -The scenfery and stage .settingfwill be in accordance with the other lavish preparations, and . those ia charge are determined to - have . the most thorough presentation that it is possible to obtain. .RJLCollins is director and he- has been busy all week in drilling his numerous fair ies, midgets, gnomes and guards, and has embodied in the production the : prettiest and . most unique of recently - invented drilL . The drill of the bees and flowers by little tots in appropriate costrune,vanother by the butterfivleuards. to the music of Bohemia, a clown: drill .by.: four ooys, and other features so.nnmec OUs that .they cannot.be enunieraN: ed here, ,1 will be: involved' in .the playi'?i k HOW TO KEEP IT. Sweet Cider Sweet Result of a Collese . Experiment Fruit Juice Three s. . Years Old. Experiments by Prof. Perriot at the college have evolved a method by which cider and kindred bever ages may bs kept sweet for J a per iod of years. Prune-, juice in a sweet state, put up thTee years ago was opened the other day and was found, to be in as perfect a state of preservation as the day ii : went into the bottle;' Cider, kept for a less period, but long enough to de termine that it can be preserved for a man's life time if '7 desired, . and was . likewise ; found to ,:-' be sweet and as . pleasant to " the taste : as the . day it; "Was - put up. Jlne metnod . prevents any ferment whatever, and leaves - the apple juice or prune juice in ex actly the same state 'as when it came out of the fruit. For, carry ing out .the preservative.' process;' bottles or glass vessels capable of being hermetically sealed, are re-quired,-and beyond this : there is no expense exceptthe labor, and ac cordingly the , process " is - within reach ot all. who desire. With cider apples rotting under the trees or selling at 10 cents per , bushel; the process Opens a way for con verting that whiph is now a waste into a means of much profit. An industry for the manufacture" and preservation of sweet ddeT for the market by the plan, , would. v ' un Qoubtedly develop into a business of large proportions. . Califdrnia has been enriched from the sale of the juice of her grapes,' and Oregon by sale of the juice of her apple as sweet cider could ' put by a hand some profit annually. -; i I Prof.' Pernot's method of pri servalion of cider is as'followsr " .-1 "As cider come8 from the,' press, i( is' filtered tbroogh sbestb3, oT any other material which- will '.re-' move all the pomace that'is held ia suspension,' so that after ; bottling there will be so sediment. '-'; ) "After filtering, the cider is inv mediately placed in clean bottles, and. corks placed loosely " on top,' the bottles are then put in a steam chest and steam turned on until the contents of the bottles register a temperature of 160 degrees. This heat is maintained for 1 fifteen ; min utes, the steam is then ' turned off and the chest allowed to cool down without openiug 'the door. Twen ty four hours '. afterwards 1 they are again steamed, and twenty loar hours after that the operation is repeated for the last time; while the bottles are still hot, .they are . tight ly corked, and after cooling in the steam chest the corks are - clipped in hot canning wax which I finishes the sealing. ' '' " " f . Cider and other fruit juices may be preserved in the same way and used to an ' advantage' in ; the preparations - of many : delicacies for the table as. ' : well . as being .used as a beverage." - s :;i . Show your colors, call on L. Kline for campaign but'one Fi9 fof the asking. ' i i ' iv -."-. THE BEST DOCTOR. Rev. B. C. Hortoh; Salphur'Springi, Texas, writes, July. . 19, ! 1899. , .'U;have: used ia my family BaUard'a Spow LinU ment and.Horefcound Syrup, &m& they have proved certainly satisfactory. ' The liniment is the best we have - ever iised for headache and pains: The cough syr up has been our doctor (or the last eight years." 25c, 50c, t.oo. Sold by Gra-, ham & Wortham. . , , - " .1 Cares Winter Congh. : J. E. Gover, 101N. Main St., Ottawa Kan., writes: "Every fall , it has been my wife's trouble to catch, a severe cold, and therefore to cough all winter long. Last fall I got for her.a bottle ot. Hore honad Syrup. She need it and has beea able-to sleep; soundly all .night long. .Whenever th cough troubles her, two or three doses stops the cough, and she' is able to be up abd well." 35c, 56, Jr.oo. Sold by Graham & Wortham.' : SAVED HIS LIFB. J. W. Davenport, Wingo. Ky.i writes, June 14, 1902: 'I want to tell you I be lieve Ballard's Snow Liniment saved .my life. , I was under the treatment of two doctors, and they iold, me one 'of 'my lungs was entirely gone, and '' the other badly affected. I also had a lump In my side. ; I don't think I could have, lived over two months longer. I was induced by a friend to try, ' Ballard's ' Snow Lini ment' The first application crave me great relief; two fifty cent bottles cured me soand and well. , It ia a -wonderful medicine and X recommend it to suffering; umjMBiij. . 35c, 50c, . l.QO, OOiO, . Oy Graham 4 "Wortham " . " " v ; - A Question of Tacks. - , Any reader of this paper sending 25 cents in silver, by postal note or in stamps, will be seat- - The Daily Journal one month! ithe .v Sunday Journal i wo months; or ; the Semi Weekly Journal 1 three; . months .or the Weekly Journal 1 oar months. and in addition a match sale filled. with.tacks;i postage .-.prepaid. AtU iress, ne journal, Portland. Ore; JUDGE AND Jack . Woes One Hade for the Other Are .Benton Jack Rabbits Belgian ' .' , ' " Hares gone Wild? J i Will Jack rabbits continue to multiply in Benton?. .. . Are they real," old fashioned Jack rabbits, -or are they of the Belgian hare tribe? A' farmer t whose boy r recently slaughtered two of them believes they are an offshot of the now.'de- funct industry; m iBelgiatt - hares, and not Jack rabbits at ali." Judge Greffoz, who is not an authority on any .:. subject outside of: game chickens, city law, bull terriers and watch machinery,1 thinks' they are as likely- to be - hares as ' rabbits. The Judge sat on a stand out back of the Jackson -farm the other morning, and watched for a deer to pass, r The flies were bad that morning- and - the Judge- fought them-to a standstill while he sat m the shade and listened to the bay ing of a hound that he t was mor tal certain was" after' a deer. He wasn't violating any law, either in fighting flies or holding down the stand, for it was ..not his hound that was baying. By and by the voice , of the hound was-nearer. , It grew louder and louder and the Judge forgot the flies as he cleared his. voice and with; his judicial, hand, seized his shooting iron. ; . Thenr too, .the bushes parted, and bounding along in full flight irom the., pursuing hound was ra magnificent , back- Jack rabbit of, Belgian bare, as the case is. And now, his Honor can net: talk' of Jack rabbits - without having a.bad taste.in his month and It will be a cold day, a hitter (day for any prisoner jwho may enter his court; and inadvertently J speat one kind word' in behalf of.' the Jaek rabblitribeisJ" i ; m i mam, ' Meanwhile,1 i the . Jacks are far moreinuaarous than theyi used to4i be, aad the guess is that by and by they-will dodge 'ott of every fence corneir 'and s hedge-' row at theay proach of the passerby Even now they- are a' source of Treixatioa to .the hunter,' whose 1 dog is led astray! into a fruitless and undesirable chase. So far,: no report h&3 come to hand of damage the rabbits-have done to young orchards' or gardens; and there is doubt if they-willver become a pest.v,!--- '';:. A r . ' For Sale. -i Four fine Berkshire' sows with four to six -young pi gi each.-r To be seen at my farm a mile ! tnd a half southwest of Corvallis.'; ,v ' ;' ' Saonuel Whiteside, ; R F D No 2, Corallls: - ! Ladles., try the Derby Kid Glovea, every .hair guaranteed. ; ;Por sale by Nolan Callahan. :. SiV;' . , r ' .'; . , , Seed For Sale. X i Vetch hay, Speltz, English rye grass seed. .. 1 second-hand wagon axle 3- -41 1-1 Kitekmad woven wire fence machine. ;1 i gang ; plow; 15 cords oak wood. Theee are bargains i in machinery,' ' : are peairly .aal good as nnewv-except wagon, nd can order from Cor vallis by telephone. s ' . , vv ; ra-v -uvi . lU'Brooks.'- i --' ! - Wanted. i;' - v: ! r ' . i A five or seven room dwelling and grounds will ! rent the right place by the year.. Preference in location north of college ;a street. Report at once to ,; ;.t? . j ' ' i?ni i-' v j' Ambler & Wattera. V "-'. . 1 -. i:.'.'d J:i -:-' Mimic War in California Ia strikingly described in Oat ober number Sunset . magazine.' Articles , by General If ac Arthur and otherB. : Beautiful colored drawings. . Many industrial : ar. tides,',., sketches' stories, . etc. lo cents' from all newsdealers. : x ' Slue vitrol. lime and cement far sale at Klines.- ; 3vmvi. - ; Js the most versatile &bck of modern looniietg .'-:'"-' A BETTER silk for greater at a lesser ?pnee.- szuv.s ?aa et wtr , It's soft and lustrous aoough for an evening .waist or strong nogh for a petticoat material all inona. 1 The fabric itself best -substantiatas theseclAims.i Radium Silk it ebout half the price you'd expect t By fir-warM silk saae c O0I?l6jiiaot' juu$ii Trespass Notlce.i ' i HnnterB or others - found tres passing on- my ' premtees, will - be prosecuted-to -the full extent of the law 1. 1 , --suioJ J :- Wr. Xaatfl. ' . ! VT V : Sold through Agencies everywhere with m VI UAKAN Tt L Ul UeiltT NdllblclUlIUIl limn I tomes with Hats offered at nearly ! twice the'Drice cr1 i pw xi j j ' USE El k, Brand Map! e Syrup Olympic; W Flur, H - WE, ARJE, HEADQUARTERS FOR r3A 1 ! tv r . 1: rts'tt" '1 ? YOU ABE L0OKtfil SO Ood bargains in stock, Inches,4 write for our special . lisWr come and r see us. We Jinall lake pleasure in' gjving you' all' the reliable information you -wish," also showing you over tto''(untry; - ' AMBLER & WATERS. fi- CorvaBis and Philomath, Or. i 5it?as : RtzsimmohsT"""" - Tba full-blooded Clydesdale stallion regl'No. 11013 can be found-'at Vidfto Bide, stsbles CorvalltsOregon, on : each day of the weekr Terms fi2 to ingnre ! S G. R. FARRA. : Physician &Sttrgeon, Office' up stain back" of- Graham & Wells' flrng stor,KesJdenc oil the bonier ot Madisoa and Seventh. Telo- ! ! with Pancake BOTH. grain, fruit and poultry ; Real Estate, lioan, and Insurance, Fresh and fat Yaquina Bay oys- ters for the . first Bxst time at '' Zieroff s I next Saturday, Order 'now, School books and echool supplies of all kinds at Graham & Wells. B.:a: CATHEY-J OiBce room 14, Bank Bldg;. Hotzs. Pbona, eSSce S3. Bwldenoo 581. r dfrfBir' Y-t-A.-vugs - a 3