The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 08, 1904, Image 1

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    County Clerk 'i Mn
and Proprietor
A -.7
1 H ;
- y
Iiadies' 1 Jackets j f
N tMisses jackets;..
Fvrom . one of the leading .Cloak
Houses in the Unitecl States, .
Jiaue fso leiud
A big spipment of
Overcoats and Shoes.
Gents Suits,
See the goods, get the prices and
itWili pay you.
3. S. HARRI!
. ... yteri,ft. , w
flat-1-' .Zw r-y rwr-us.-
Hammel,, Prop.
;1 -7 ?
. ; .J-H'Of MO" i : '. y I
Leadiug Hotel in Oorvallis. Kecently opened. New$
brick buttding. . Newly furnislied, with . modern ein-
veniences. . Furnace Heat, Electric fljglits, tFire Es-f
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. .. Leading houseVin theillatn-1
ette Valley. v
Elates: $1 .00, 1.25 and $2.00 per day. f-
"01 c c msh
"An .ounce of prevent
1-5 si .'. ' xt' C '
uuit 14 worm d pouna
of cure." X
"Prevent any abnormal!
condition of thceyes by
properly fitted glasses
and yoa'll prevent at the,
same time years of mis.,
ery and pain. -
OUT. ' ;
The Opinion Is Based on. Oft-Re
peated Assertion ; that the;
. Squadron Would Make No i
Sortie Until Hope " 'f'.
' Hope Was Gone '.' '
Othei News. rf ;
Tokio Oct. 6. Tokio has advices
that late yesterday evening a naval
battle had occurred at foit Arthur.
While no details are obtainable oth
er than that the ; fight is said to
have followed a sortie on the part
of the Russian squadron, the belief
prevails that tbere can ne OA aWPMttii;;anii.tha mll-AStiasa nnt
vessels, as is well known, are in no
eondition to meet Admiral Togo's
well-equipped and : thoroughly pre
pared fleet. In addition to this the
Rugsian8 are feriatly inferior in
A Eortie at this time by the Rus
sian fleet would have peculiar sig
nificance, as it would indicate the
land forces had found their position
had become untenable, . and the fall
of the stronghold ?B now expected
to fall auicklv. !: It has been etated
on numerous occasions lately,' and
on the best of authority, that the
battle-torn fleet bottled up in the
harbor of the port would make no
further attempt to escape, until the
latt hope of relief orholding out
had gone. -
Free Bus. ' - " " ' - """fine Light Sample Rooms.
I . A;,;. ' Hotel-ll
than In many years. The Canadi
an bridge which connects Purcell
with Lexington is reported entirely
washed away. The Santa Fe tracks
tare under water near Purcell, and
no trains reach that point. - The
Santa Fe depot . was flooded laBt
night, forcing' the employes to leave
thebuCdinf;. " - ' 1 'U
- - - . i . . . ) i
Hillsboro Or:; Oct.-6. An un
kbowu piisoner, locked in the Gor7
nelins jail at midnight last night,
met a horrible end early this morn
iug, his body be jog found in the
middle of the jail floor with the inv
sidet of the building . badly charred
frorn a fire which . the imprisoned
man is supposed to have caused by
smoking. ' '
., The prisoner, who was a good
looking man pf. about SO years,, was
looked up for being drunk and! dis
orderly; The fire did 'not gain sufc
fficient headway, owing to 'lack of
draft, to. reaoh, the outside of the
ly wa4 notdiscovered " until "nearly
this morning. V i
At an inquest this morning noth
ing could be discovered on the dead
man's body to disclose his identity,
and be will fill an unknown grave
at Cornelius. He told one man at
Cornelius yesterday that he was
from, Chicago. He : did ' not have
the appearance of a confirmed hobo.
He was of light complexion. ; His
clothes were burned off for the most
part, but he is supposed to have
met" death through asphyxiation
before the flames reached Turn. -
Stven Men in Oklahoma .Watching
Bridge 'Are Missing TrainB
:'Are Stalled Damage in '.
1 , New Mexico .Cannot '
Now Ba Estimated " t
' Other News.
Santa Fe, N: '-M., Oct. . 4. Re-
v- - SAVED HIS LIFE. , . , -
j. W- Davenport, Wingo. Ky., writes.
June 14,1902: -'I want to tellyoulbe-.
heve Balla'.d's Snow Liniment saved my
life. I was under the treatment of two
doctors, and they told me one f : my
lungs Vas entirely gone,.- and- the .other
badly affected, -. I also had a lump in my
side I don't thiok I could, have lived -over
two months longer. -1 was induced
by a friend to try- BauenTs SnOW Lini
ment The first application gave me.
great relief; two fifty cent bottles cored
me sonnd and well. It is a wonderful'
medicine and I Tecommend it to suffering
humanity. 25c, 50c, $1.00. -Sold by
Graham & Worthim, " . . .!; .- t r ,.
the city and. ran in streams through
residences and business houseB. So
far as known no . lives, were. .lost.
The Roswell Opera bouse and about
, 7 : i -r . 1 1 ne rosweii upera nou
porw receiveu new a U1UH"UM business and residence, houses
Pu . .I 1 lerr"7 "u"w j collapsed. . ..The jdike that was erect
Chefoo. OJt. 6. Shortly after
midnight this morning the boom-
fng of big guns was heard outside
of the harbor of - Chefoo, and the
cannonade quickly increased in rap?
idity and intensity, lhere is no
minds ot any 01 tne
- - - Philomath Items
J. Moses and family will move to
Corvallis Wednesday
Miss Nellie Clark of Portland,
came to Philomath Saturday to re'
sume her studies at College of Phil
omath, is--. t ; j 5 . ;
'. Rev. . McElroy and family . will
move to, Oregon City , this week
: Mr. Ambler is - :puilding a new
property -on
that the loss, of life occurred in the
past week is greater than heretofore
(.believed. At least 20 peCrsons per
ished," and all : Bections have not
baeri definitely heard from.' I, .
. Ten Santa. Fe passenger trains
are tied no "at . Santa-Fe tonight,
but passengers are beinz sent East;
and West over the Rock Island and
Southern Pacific roads connection;
being effected ' through 5 the " Santa
Fe ventrar wmcn resumed, opera
tions today. 'f1. .
Oklahoma City, O. T., Oct. 4,
One man has been beard from, sev
en are stilrmiBBlng and the 'names
of six are known of the party "of
eight men who went' down "with the
wagon uriugo ueiwoou uoiiugiup.
and Purcell last night at '9 oclock
after: battling .with ithe -Swift 'rush
of waters' for many hours in ' their
vain" attempt tOT)revent the bridge
from going, the only connection be
tween the two towns. Judge Hock-
who lives at Byers, near Lex
ington, is the man heard from, but
ne can tell nothing ot ' the other
men. '"""- " ;"' '''..'
As all telegraph and telephone
wires in the south and Bouthwest
portions of Oklahoma and the south
eastern part of the Indian ' territory
in the flooded districts are down,
information is hard to get, but that
obtainable is to the Effect that the
people ofe the city here that a great ,. ,A :t,. KrrQ;noD
blSlUferogeBA a bo
Of the harbor, it IS believed that h?nntA 'irianr ' - wai-eis. aio reucuiug. auuvi-iTirooHosyrapr'omrraeo'ii
th Rncoinn flfifit within the harbor
Mr.- rugsley, ot tne nrmot rags-
ley & Soott, has moved into the
residence which he purchased from
Mr. Hawkins,
of Port Arthur made its final dash
for the open bp a and has been in
cepted by the Japanose warships.
Others believe the .Russian ves
sels made an attempt to reach the
harbor of Chefoo, where they could
dismantle after safely coming with
in the shield of neutrality.
St..Petersburg, yet. b. It is ru
mored here tnat the Port Arthur
fleet hss made a sortie out . of .the
horboJ and engaged the Japanese
lhere is considerable commotion
at the war office, -where dispatches
have been received, but no confirm
at ion of the report is yet obtaina
All S Petersburg believes, how
ever, that the Port Arthur fleet has
made another dash for the open sea
or for the nearest neutral port; and
that the Japanese fleet is endavbr-
ins to prevent" the Russians . from
escaping. 7 ' :.
Miss Emma Barber and Mr. Wal
ter Newton were married last Wed
nesday and have gone to Alsea to
spend their honey moon. ""
Prof; 0. V. White is building att
addition to his residence. "...
Elder Mauer, of Salem, preached
at Beulah churoh last Sunday
morning. :
Rev. Jones has been verv sick
the past week. Rev. Parker preach
ed in his place last Sunday. ' " :
. The Jeweler and Optician.
Washington; Oct. 4. Henrv . C.
Payne, postmaster-general"- of " the
United States, amember of the re
publican committee, r & stalwart of
his party, with the history of which
iq his home state ana nationality,
he had been ideutined for many
years, died at his apartments at
the Arlington Hotel at 6:13 tcnight
aged. 60 years.' "Death was due . to
disease of the mitrar Talve and dl
lation. of the .heart.. . ... .
Air. fayne naa Deen in poor
health for at least two years, bnt
bis last illness covered only seven
daysman attack of heart trouble last
week;' 'precipitating" the end, at a
time when, after a rest, he appear
ed to have recovered a small meas
ure of the vitality impaired by years
or arduous labor. Death- this af-
tet noon came after nearly six hours
of unconsciousness.. . ' '.
.. JPiMeer Gun Store.
Bunters Supplies, Tisbing Cackle
Sporting Goods. .
Stock of 6. BocJes at Bm Bargain
Bellefountain Notes. .
Farmers are busy; sowing' fall
grain. bOme few have hmshedSQw?
ing while others are just beginning:
School commenced in our burg
Monday, the 3d, with Miss Dunlap
as principal and Miss Allie Reader
as primary teacher. jg
Mr, and Mrs. Virsil Landing'
ham returned - from-Portland Tues'
day.! VThey are for' tho. present at
the borne of the bride's brother,- T
K: Fawcett. ' . . , . ';
Mrs. G. - W. Howard had the mis
fortune to have ber knee" thrown
out of place recently. - .r .
Several of nur farmers have pur
chased disk plows Among others'
we notice W. S. ' Humphrey,' David
Hoggins, J. L. Caton and George
Teams from Oorvallis are haul
ing clay from the farm of H.; T.
Bn&tow. " . - -
y .- , s-
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. : Pv
. O. Address. Box ir.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Xwenty years experience. ; ...... . :
Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 4
The South Casadian river,-west of
here, which has never been so high
as during the present flood, has
caused great damage to railway
tracks and bridges, washing out the
'Frisco bridge, five miles west of pend your evenings m the
Thomas, and bridges on all roads Study of.boakkeeping, penmanship.
west ot Purcell, I. X. . A great wave snortnana and typewriting, m
of water rushed down the river the Lorvalus Business Colleg
without warning, driving people
Irom their houses in the bottoms,
So far as known no lives have been
Ardmore, I. T., Oct. 4 The Ca
nadian river near Purcell is higher
- ine inorougn, snort, and com
plete courses in the business col
lege meets the wish vof earnest
students. 20 to 30 weeks and we
place you in a position.
ed by the city was washed out.;
; There have been no trains either
north or south einceThureday.. The
railroad bridges over the Pecos riv
er, have been; washed away.. .'
' '; Seed For Sale. 7
- Vetch hayj Speltz, rK li-h ; rye
grass seed, l second-h i .d -gon
axle '3 1-4. . 1 1 Kitelamo : woven
wire fence machine. 1; gaeg plow;
i5roords joak wood. .cTbeBojr are
bar'gafns :c in machinery, ;.; - are
neatly as good., as pew except .
wagon; and can order. i: from,-..-Corvallis:
by telephone. ; - i; .,
i.-iiss -'iii ct.ii :Xe, L Brooks.j
r . , VTHE BEST DOCTOR.: ;,.,
r Rev. B. C Horton,- Sulphur Springs,
Texas, writes, July 19, .1899. ''X have
used in my family Ballard's Sqpw Lini
ment and Horehound Syrup,: and they
have proved certainly satisfactory.: The
liniment is the best we- have ever used
for headache and pains. The cough syr
up has been our doctor for the last eight
years." 25c, 50c, i.oo.- - Sold by Gra
ham & Wortbam :; ;
was reported tonight from Taloga,
but it is thought if the water goes
down at the present rate not much
damage could be caused by a sec
ond rise. - - "
The Santa Fe depot at Purcell
had four feet of water in it this
inbrnihgand tonight it to said it is
tlear, ;Sihc6. last night the Erd and
Anaaaritq Driuge-in aqao; tne aa-
pulpa-DeDniHOa division bridge of
the 'Frisco at Francis, I. T., the
Choetow bridge at Calvin,. I. T
have gone down. Santa Fe trains
coming into this city from the north
go as far as Noble and come back,
Trains east on the Choetow cannot
go farther than Holdehville. West
on the' same road they turn back
frbra Geary.; No 'mails have been
had from the South and Southwest
for many hdurs.'and it is not known
when any can' be had from these
sections: " ' r- y s
The Rock Island today sent out
a large number of men west to re
pair its track and clearing away for
the building of bridges
Cures Winter Cough. -T.E.
Gover. ioi N. Main St., Ottawa,
Kan., writes: '-Every fall it has:- been
my wife's trouble to catch a severe cold,
and therefore to cough all winter' long.
oottie ot More- -
and has been -
able to sleep soundly-all night long.
Whenever the cough troubles her, two or
three doses stops the cough, and. she is
able to be up and well." 25c, 56, J 1.00.
Sold by Graham & Wortham. - -
Notice t-i Creditors.
Notice 1 herebv elvon to all persons that
the undersigned has been appointed guardian
oU the estate ot James W. Dunn, deueased,by
the county court of theState ol Oregon, for Ben
ton county and has --qualified. All persons
having claims against said estate are - hereby
notified to present the same, to the undersign
ed at the office of W. S. McFadden 1st tNatlonal
Bank bulldingrCorvallis, Oregon, duly veri
fied within six months from this ydate. . Bated
Sept 14, 1904. ' '. . ' '' - '
Guardian of said Estate. ' '
Las Vegas, N. M., Oct. 4. "In
the history of the Santa Fe no such
damage ias been sustained before
as in that stretch' declared Gener
al Manager Mudge, ' who arrived
here today after walking nine miles
through Shoemaker Canyon. Ful
ly five miles of "track have? -been
washed . away and two great iron
bridges are gone. In places the
washout is complete, - the entire
roadbed having been destroyed be
yond hope of repair.; It will -be he
cessary to blast a long distance in
the solid bluff in order -to ; build a
new roadbed. Mr. Mudas said Sun
day is the earliest : possible date at
which even a 10-mile transfer can
be made, and by no possibility can
a train be brought ' through before
October 14. A train from Trinidad,
Colo. reached " Springer - tonight,
trains will move south 'from here
tomorrow. - ' : - , '
A Las Vegas merchant made an
effort to drive to Mora today, but
was unable to get within five miles
of the townJ He passed Loma Par
da and saw only one booss 'stand
ing; ' ; ..
, ' a Summons. - '.. '
In the Circuit Court of the State ot . Oregon
for the County pf ienton.
Ella Tyler, Plaintiff, : : ; : - : "
. - vs. .
Howard Tyler, Defendant. : ; " - .
Tq Howard Tyier, above . named defendant,
In the name of the State of Oregon- you are '
hereby required and commanded tQ appear
and answer the complalut filed against you In
the above entitled suit in said court .on or be
fore Monday the 28th day of November, 1904, and
If you fail goto appear and answer thV plain
tiff will take a. decree against you for the relief
demanded in complaint herein, tbwit:
A decree dissolving the marriage; ' contract
now existing between yoa-and the plaintiff and
for the care and custody of Homer Tyler and
Fran e Tyler, the issue of said marriage, by the
plaintiff and further decreeing her the costs
and disbursements of this suit against ' you.
: This summons is published by. order of the
Hon. Virgil E. Watters, County Judge of Benton
County .Oregon -duly made on -September 12,
1904, in and by which order it Is prescribed
that this summons be published In the .Corval
lls Times, for six consecutive, and successive
weeks. . The date of the first publication ot this
summons is Sept-I7, i904. : . . 'f :
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Roswell, N M., Oat. 4. Ro3well
is a scene of desolation.. The flood
that started Thursday night has re-
ceaea. - ma aamage win be over
$100,000.. For days it was impos
sible to get in telegraphic commun
ication'' with outside : points. The
electric plant was 'flooded and the
city was in darkness, i Water was
three feet deep in the main part of
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time -Card Number 22.
For Yarjuina: . i -- ,
: Train leaves "Albany. .,'....12:45 p. m
' - Corvallis...... 1:45 p. m
"; " arrives Yaquina. . ; . ... , 5:40 p. m
Xeaves Yaquina. . ." ... . . . ... ' 7:15 a. m
i Leaves Corvallis. .. ; ujo a. m
- Arrives Albany . ... . J2:j5 P m
J For Detroit! . -, . -
iieaveB Aioany..... imp.m
Arrives Detroit : '. 6 .0 0 p. m
4. from Detroit: '
Leaves Detroit. ...... ......6:30 a. m
? Arrives Albany ............. 1 1 :iS a. m
. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or . three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train ' - - i;--;. i'
' ' Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbuah and
other mountain resortsj eaves Albany at
1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv- .
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day. ... , .
For further information apply to
- ' Edwin Stonb,
- - Manager-.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell Agent Albany.