LOCAL LORE. . NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. - Tha Coolings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men- tloa and Other Items of j Public In.terest . There was an enrollment ai 'Wil lamette University, Wednesday, cf 100 students. . '.i iSGiCl Hon. J. W. Hobbs, deputy Intern al revenue collector, paid Crvalllsa boelaees visit Saturday. ' Ike Heath aDd family, of Aleea, left Thursday to take up their resi dence la Washington, near C jlfax. On account of the high pi ice . of waod, they ate beginuiog , t usefeoal ior fuel a'. Eugene. B. E. Glbaon anivfd from Port land yesterday, to take a baud io the . pheasant shooting which begins today. Go out acd see the old champion football team on O. A. O. field this af ternoon, nrd attetd tbe; reception" to them In the armory this evening. s Aftfr a two weeks' visit in Colum bia county, Mrs. O. W. Adams and 4wo daughters returned to tbo'r home In Corvallis, Thursday. ' A. D. Ska;g9 and family moved ;hls week from Blodgett to a place sear the Bonton County. Mills, lu jhe liclnity cf Fnilomath. Adam Assell is conducting a luDch couoter in the Wueetefeltealouu, where salads,' pigs feet. sandwiches and oth er lunch i3 served. V. t The crop of late Crawford peach es Is no w ilpe in the Eiger orchard. The fruit will be delivered to those leaving orders with Mre,iE.,G, Kfeer. Mr. acd Mrs. Frank Bowersox of Salem, arrived Thursday on a visit ' to reUiives and for a s'ason o hunt ing Mongolian pheasants. Hubei t Scogglns, Horacn McBrlde and Fred EJwurds, of the '97 football team, anived Thursday- and have' been busily engaged greeting old irieuds. J ; ;'l '! 1 7 O The sixth bl-erjnial Fruit Fa'r oc- surs at Hood River on October . 1 3, 14' aad 15. The display of .fruit In which ibat tec i n excels will bo worth seer log.. i r 5 v - The firemen give a smoker In thtdr tall Monday evening. A feature will lists brought for . the occaioa from Porilncd. i -J ',, senator Hoar, the veteran sena- . Jor from Massachusetts, who bai bete figure on the floor of the United States eeuate since war .times, died, Thursday, utter a lingering iljness, , . Copies of tha "Times" containing the original list of subscribers to the Sidepeudent t-yetem are to be had by application at thlaofQce. Added names, appear la this Issue, and tha two make a cjaiidtftelldtof aliphoae cow in uee. v For a two week' visit; with rela Hres in Oorvallis, Mra. Maty Lewis of Iddlar.apolK Indiana, and John H. Smith, of Fresno, California, arrived " In Corvaills Thursday. Tbey aa a sister and brother cf Georce Smith aci of Mrs. W. G. Lane, ot otvallis.! Mrs. Mulkey and little, daughter Jert yesterday for Portland where they will la future reside with their son and , brother, Moriaunt Goodnaugb. . After prayer service at the Methodist church . Thursday, evening, a farewell jcepep ...!ion was tendered Mts.JSluiky Albany Democrtat: Alton Coates will leave tomorrow, morning .for Port and, where he will rshesrsa with" the llultnoroahs preparatory i to " going with them to California Io two or three weeks to pHy Berkeley and Stanford, occupying the position of half back, afier which be will return to Albany to play with the Albanles. 1 ' :'? The lineup of the . Albany fcot- iSall team, aa reported by the Herald Je: Fullback, Eogemard; " quarter Coa'e; right ead. Underwood; left end, Francis; right tackle, Dolan; left tackle, captain Griffith; right guard, Dupul?; cen'or, Mack. The Herald says, "the positions of. right and left half and left guard are yet to ill." - ; The district missionary conven tion which tvas hell at tte Chtistlan church Slouitay and Tuesday of this watk was a success, both In point of atteai'ance aud lu work acoomplished. A district evangelist io the person of 2tev. A. A. Burg' of Monmouth, was employed to labor among the church es. Among these who were present from abroad were Rav. Clark Bower and family, W. B. Herderson and daughter, from Albany; A. A. Beery of Monmouth; Rev. Daxls Erratt, pas tor of the Christian church at Salem, and Rev. J. J. Evans, state secretary of the Oregon Christian Missionary convention. t-A committee of the. city council has agreed to recommendations to be made with reference to the franchise lor the electric railroad for permla ioa to pass through jCorvallls streets. The route recommended Is Third street, and tha company Is required to newly gravel the track on . each aide to a distance et 12 feet from the end of the tie?. The only other re- sjuuemt-jo vi importance is mat toe company must begin work within six months after acceptance, and 9U djs ciTn tnr the acceptance. G. J. Roberts left Thursday to reside la Akea, with bis mather, Mrs. O. A. Banneman left Tues day for a several weeks' stay atClem- Born, Monday, to Mr. and "Mrs. Ira Bodlne, of Corvalus, a daughter. Miss Florence Wicks leaves Mon day to enter the Gaod Samaritan hos pital. 'Father Springer returned yes terday from a brief business : trip to Per land. ..;- ; Mrs. Bidders and son "Joseph, of Wella, were Corvaills visitors this week. 1 ; After a visit with Corvaills friecda J Mr. Bert Apgar returced Tuesday to her home In Eugene. ,. ' ' ' Mr, and Mrs, T F.. Porter. have airivedfjr a short vloit with ihei parents. " ; ..;- . -A.'iu8ine';yfelt6r? .in ' Corvaills Wednesday was W. H. Burkhart ol Salem. r 'i Among :thot e on the sick jltet In Cor vallia this we'rk bra Mrev Schick and Mrs. Haaeetl. ' Thurariay Je:se Lewln' " arrived from Cottage Grove, tor a visit with bis sister, Mrs. M4 T. S :arr. 1 1 i.. - A guest this week of Mrs. E. W. S.Pratt is Mrs. -Ewiog of Blodgett, form's rly a Oorvallia tesident. ,: A marriage license' was Issued Tueeday to Walter Newton and Emma Paiker both, ePhilomath. Visitors" with "tforvallir relatives Wedn'erday and Thursday were Mr. acd Mrs. C. B. Starr of Mjnroe; !-.For cna.day this ,weekr. Mr8, Hl- ram Gould of Newberg was the guest of her so n and family In' Oorvallis. For a visit, with relatives la this City, Ben Elgin came up.from Oar ton Wedaesdayite He will return ?J;he flrsti.f next wgek Jl. iWj. Vi Mr. and Mts. S. H. - Baldwin of IcdeDendence were Riieats Tuesday aBdiWednesaay fOlj 6fl" Mrs.v Harfey'Han. The Albany wagon brl?ge, which was closed for several days for re pairs, was re-c pened to traffic Thurs day morning. -, -r-A, barn - belonging. rto George Seott bt Philomath burned' Monday Eight. ..The Iocs was about S5Q0, with, nq lusurance.3 1 f igj fj Mrs. Sanger ha9 arrived, from Pdr.tland to join her (Tu.6band here.": Mr. Sanger bas for some time oper ated a shoe shop on Maia street. . . i v . ..- i i c,. j i t 8 ; ! ; Mrs. William Edward, formerly Miss Carrie Baldwin of Oorvallis, Is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Maur ice Sender at Albany. Her home la tjow'at IodianapolK SY . 1 "' On bU5lness''pertalQing ;to' -the proposed new train service between ClralHs ad Albanyi'Ji, K. Veather-' ford was a Corvaills "visitor ' Wednee "lay. . r , ' . .. l - Mrs. D. S. Cameron 5 who with her husband formerly resided in Cor valMs, where abe la remembered by many friends, is ing at the point of death at her home in Poniard. Her .ailment is consumption. . , . , ' j'am'es Herron'of Trieh' Bend wa3 in' Corvaills Wedneeday, and dlspoejed of his hop crop at 25 bent per pound. A supply cf-bandaome new furniture was taken out when Mr. Herron re turcei home. f The.?alem Journal lias figured out that jrad clover paysi S24 an acre in' Oregon, Logan berries,-$350, straw berries, $156, grapes. 8300 to $400, alfalfa, $50, a thlrtyeigbt cow dairy. $1,000 per year, onions. $1,000 to $1,- 500-iQilcfttlog tbat...thfra la money .In other things than wheat. t '"-irTwo-nlce rooms ta the Flrs-Na; tlbnal Bank ballding"have been flted up for the Corvaills Business College. The college is now , in session. The Night School' meersfoa1' Tuesday and Friday evenings 'cf eacfr week. f;Tn atrcKtlon is .given 1 la shorthand, bookkeeping, penmanship, type writ log, latter writing acd rapid calcula tions.. Prof. L. W. KaJlen, a- grad uate of the famous Zmerian College, of Columbus, Ohio, has charge Cf the penmanehip. - ' - 50 little and big i oys suits at 25 and 50 cents on the dollar. A $10 suit for $5. These are last sea sons goods but the styles ar&- al most the same as this year's e,tyl s. At Kline's. - NEGLECTED COLDS. . Every part ot the mucous membrane, the nose, throat, ears, head and lungs. etc., are subjected to disease and blight from neglected colds. Ballard's Hore hound Syrup is a pleasant and effective remedy. 25c, 50c and $ 1. w. Atendnck, Valley Mills, Texas, writes: "I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughs and throat troubles; it is a pleasant and most effective remedy. Sold by Graham & Wortharn. - Wanted-An Idea Who flui tMafc of Borne simple thing to p&tent? Protect toot Me&st tber may bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKBtTRX COTTatent Attor. ney. Washington, D. for their (1.800 prlso offer L iiss 01 two auaarea uratagw wuwa. HOME- TESTIMONY: - . rn ' Dr. Damn, the truly eminent physictn and epecialist, whose of fices are 1 xated in the new Hotel Corvallie, in this city, for about a month, is now ready io attend to tatients tfff.cted or euffeiir g ; from any special disease. The number less testimonials which he bsars from all . parts of Oregon : aside ftom the great nambfr r.wiiiah he has- published in the"Times"! dnf- ing tte pa?t year is wholly suffi- cjent to convince this community or any other, that his ability In his profession ranks very high. The, cures inwhicb.Je has been success ful by his treatment with electrici ty and medicine, nave been exceed ingly astonishing. .1 The fdlTowlng testimonial is from one whose truth and veracity his never been questioned in this city for the 14 years he has been among yoo, and i8 therfore an unimpeacha ble testimonial. We refer toJamts E. Durham, of the "Times" office. He eaya " V'JAHES TE. DtTRHAM S CARD T "For-a Jong time prior- o . going ondr Dr.-'DarriiV-JtreatHHBnt, one year ego, I had been sorely afflict-, ed with rheumatism and kidney i troubl8,TIt, wag , almost impossible fo walj.J?nrfrg tr. Darriq's latt visit, I took bis electrical and me 1 ical Jreatment and after a few weeks my rheumatism and kidney complaint was -thing of-the past. v urmermore, x win tiate mat; Jt was freqaently sorely attacked;with cramps ur njyfeet arnkles and the calveB o,mfi h g;itbi8nub. )rce, that 1 was oblieed to lunarj oat of ted many; timtt, and so bard iwefe the attacks that they would jeaye the effected emits Quite eore for urbbeihio C4a. Jiy ve not experi enced even one such amictionioce I placed myeelf under Dr. Darrin's electrical treatment. He wjio is afflicted with the same ailments will raies it if he fails to place him- eelt upder? the doctors treatment 'durii g his" Staj here in Corvallis. I, recommend . the doctor' with' full eonfidBrjceitd all iffiicted. H's offi ces are at Hotel Corvallis. . I am ton nected with the Corvallis Times and cap. be. found there acy 1iooe by" any .one, who' would like to hear a verification of this testimony by word of month of by letter. ' v James E. Durham, . - : ' CorvaJh,Or. The No1le Bed Man Today. - "Yes,'f aafd'i'the portj and -consequential gentleman In the observation car, "these plains were once roamed , over by savage red "men. The Indian In thbse days was a famous hunter. When he was not on the trail of the bear or the buffalo he was on th,e scent of the white man.' "He is on the cent of the white man ; yet said the dapper little tourist with green goggles.? .1. The portly one smiled indulgently. "IX.iv do yjn make that?" he asked.. ."1 don't It was made at the .mint.' Ar 1 the observation car grinned appre- ch. lively. Kansas City Journal. a 'H " 3 4-; ; Proof of Woman's Amiability. 'If e thing stands as a sure proof that wf::ian is an amiable creature; easily p!o sed and satisfied with her lofi '. And tb: t is that when she bnys a dress re:..!y made she rejoices because it. Is fflfMi better and cheaper than fussing to nave it made;--Hd when- she has it made herself shajKOBdera why peo ple ever get -thinga eady. aiade. when one can have clothes made 'Must as: one wants them and cheaper!" Philadel- PiBiinettB.2f 'it. in . I : 4 ii:: y ? . 17ader Pros Examination. : Counsel Tour age, signorina? Young Lady (bashfully) Oh, I hardly like tc- tell you. . Counsel Tet I must Insist on knowing it. Pray tell me how oldy1ou were ten years ago. Young ! Lady (cheerfully)"- Oh, twenty-three! '- Fan- fulla. ; . : , ' The Proper Term, j - Cholly Gayboy I heah yon tremark- ed that no girl would be wise to mar ry Gussie Vhitless or me because we were too fastidious. Miss Sharpe-Tou haven't got It quite right I said yon were "two fast idiots." Philadelphia Ledger. -" , With Respect to Flab Stcries. Harry Fish diet is said to be good for the brain.-. Harriet That may be bo, but going to catch fish seems 14 be awful hard on the morals. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. .'-.., ; Notice. : - PersonB haviog pipe tongs or other toola borrowed from Huston's hardware store are requested to re turn them at once. ." -; v '' ' :'. To Hunters. All persona are hereby warned not to trespass on our lands, sit uated 8 miles south of Corvallis, either by hunting or otherwise. . - T. W. B. Smith. - " "'''- J. G, Smith. .. For Sale. . Two registered Oxrord Down rams and four halthreeds.' 1 1 Peter Whitaker We are not afraid to make a lot ,of"noise-about--ViVv--'.: 'Cop y Hg K t 19 6 4 ,b y Hart Schattner arx .-. -t h Our ad., hut our goods change hands r; 1 . every day. ; Your money exchanged ; ; for Value and Quality is the idea. : : " . Bi g LinelFresli Domestic lain and FaneyiCliawai . A large and .Ojr.clrs Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store we do the rest. 6 S .Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture ;. ';'0. A.: C. AT!tllL!C:!fN6;S I X j; " Art Calendars,' Sofa Pillow Covers', ' - ' .. . ... And other Photographic Novelties. . .' WILLAMETTE : VALLEY BANKING COMPANY RespoRSibUlty, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. : Bnys Ccunty, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAJf FRANCISCO POKTI-ANI f lon'don A San Fran- SEATTLE . t cisco Bank Tjmited, TAC03IA I . NEW YORK Messrs. ,T P. Morgan & Co. CHICAGO National Bank of Xhe Repub lic. LOTTDON', ENG. Loudon & San Francisco Bank Limited. CANADA .-Ii.ii i I n LCatadfoa Blackledge keeps large assortment matting. of ; BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Plurog cheeks, -flushed with the soft glow of nealth and a pure complexion, make all women beautiful. Take a small dose of Herbine after each meal; it will prevent constipation and help digest what you have eaten. 50c. Mrs. William M. Stroud, Midlothian, Texas, writes, May 31, 1901.. "We have used Herbine in our family for eight years, and found it the best medicine we ever used for con stipation, bilious fever and malaria." Sold by Graham & Wortharn. , glotbing for we bape Schafner hand tailored suits and - overcoats. .V ": : ; We would be delighted to show them to you. -v;- .Fine BlacK Bress Suits. ten and Imported. " varied line. Bernisig Best That's Grovyn Is None Too Good. When you are drinking ',. 1 . Coffee it is our good. " -r fortune to hold the Sole " Agency for the famous Ciiasi HigfilGrade We have all the grades-from 2oo per pound j to the . highest priced. Coffee sold by this celebrated firm Give Us a Trial Order ior one or tneir uottees and you will U8e it exclusively. P. m. Zierolf Groceries, Grockery i'stoneware Cofees At. for' Libby Gut Glass PROFESSIONAL E. E. WILSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Zierolf B lildia , O r U Us. O G. It. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, - Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells' drag store. - Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. . Tele phone at residence, X04. ; . . , Ail calls attended promptly. - E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law. C. H. Newth, Physician: and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. ; . B. A. CATHEY Physician-& Surgeon -Office, ro6n?14, Bank Bldg. Honrs: j , . .. 16 to ia nd 2 u 4. ' 1 Phona, office 83. Residence 35K Corvallis, ' s j : Oregon. P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALLIS, ".QH.ci Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. v ai. o. Address, Box'n.: : - Pays "highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. , Satisfaction., guaranteed. Twenty years experience.;; . Notice to Creditors. , - ' ' Notice 1 hereby given to all ' persons that the UDdertlffned has been Appointed euardian of the estate ot James W. Dunn, deoeaseii.'by the cotinty eourt ot theState of Oregoa, for Ben lo&couQty ana nas quaimea. au persons haTin elaims against said estate 'are hereby notified to present the same, to the undersign ed at the office of W. 8. McFaddn 1st ;Natlonal Bank building, Corvallis, Oregon, dnly reri. fled within six months from this, . date, ' Dated SeptH, 1904.. -.. T . ... ' ' ' :! K. DUNS. Guardian of said Estate. . - - : J - Summons, , In the Circuit Oourt of-the State, of- Oregon for the County of -eutou. Ella Tyler, Plaintiff, v . vs. ; Howard Tyler, Defendant. - " To Howard Tyler, above named defendant, In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required and commanded to appear aud answer the complalut flled against you in 1110 suite euiiiiieusuu in sam court on or be fore Monday the 28th day of November. 1904, and if you fail so to appear and answer the plain tiff will take a decree against vou for the relief demanded in complaint herein, towit: a aecree aissoiving me marriage contract now existing between you aud the nlaintiflPand for thecare and custody of Homer Tyler and Frank Tyler; the issue of said marriage, by the plaintiff and further decreeing her the costs and disbursements of this suit against vou. - This Bummons is published bv order 6f the Hon.Virgil E. Watters, County 'judge of Benton County .Oregon) duly made on September 12, lvui, in ana Dy wnicn oruer it is prescribed that this summons be published in the Conci lia Times, for six consecutive .and successive weeks; The date of the first publication of this summons is oepl K, I'ju. W- 8. McFADDEN, V Attorney for Plaintiff, .. . XtraSooD ; GIptHeS For boys, little , fellows and yottng men - see Nolan & Cal lahan. ' ' ; ' Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 22. 2 PorYaquina: . ... . . Train leaves Albany. . . , ..... Corvallis.. .-' ' " arrives Yaquiua c ' Returning: Leaves Yaquina , Leaves Corvallis , Arrives Albany 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany. Arrives Detroit from Detroit: -Leaves. Detroit ......... . Arrives Albany.., 12:45 P- n , t:45P- m 5:40 p. m 7:15 a.m 11:30 a. m 12:15 p. m . i:00 p. . 6:00 p. .6:30 a. m ...Il:l5 a. m Train No. I arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or -three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. . ' ; Train No 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. ' Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the same day. . -For further information apply to . Edwin StonK, Manager. H. H. Crotuse, Agent Corvallis. Trios. Cockrell. Agent Albany. SPRAINS. S. A. Read, Cisco, Texas, writes, March 11, 1901: "My wrist was sprained so bad ly by a fall that it was useless; and after using several remedies that failed to give relief, nsed Ballard's Snow Liniment, and was cured. I earnestly recommend it to any one suffering from sprains." 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold by Graham St Wortharn, 1 Oorrlnn data at TClinn'a. , Knar 1 styles just in. At Kline's.