Gorvallis Times. Official Paper of Bnta County. OOBYAUJB, OBKGOK, OCT 1, 1904. - AS TO THE CHURCH. The church, as a society, is not to be blamed for the individual acts of its members. Ministers of the gospel sometimes go astray, but that is not the fault of the church. Even John Calvin tolera ted the burning of a so-called here tic, bnt that is in no sense an ar raignment of Presbyterianism or Presbyterians. Members of the congregation fall out and fight, but they are not taught to do s by the spirit of Jesus Christ. It is mortal to err, and even the uplifting influence of the church cannot make strong every human weakness. Though they may sometimes harm the fair repute of the church, the frailties of human kind cannot change or damage the eternal principles or lessen the magnificent influence for good, the church exerts on human society. The wickedest man, does not, can not desire to blot Christianity from the world. A hundred thousand ha man he ids, severed from bleed ing bodies and piled up before the gates of a city, this was an a chievement of mankind before the church spread a bettering.influence over earth and men. The church is the civilizer, the restrainer of passion, the jnoulder. of higher and better thought, and no shortcom ings of a frail membership, here and there, can be laid at the door of christian teachings. These re ' marks apply, in particular, to an article by Mr. Ingle, in another column, and probably are not in conflict with his ideas. BULLET AND HANS HEAD. One Nearly Struck the Other Boys and Target Rifles. Corvallis boys are over-reckless with target guns. A-Jullet from a 22 rifle struck a bo&djust above the head of an Easterner at Sam Moore's place in the Western part of town Thursday evening. He had been looking at a piece of pro perty shown by a real estate man. The bullet buried itself deeply in the board, showing enough force to have killed the stranger had it struck him in the head It was not a good introduction for a man who was looking for a new home. The next shot from the same gun may kill somebody. Residents of the neighborhood say the use of these guns in the vicinity has made many cases bordering on a bad accident. The ping of a bullet as it strikes somebody's barn or house is not an infrequent noise in the neighbor hood. A better news item than this will be the outcome of the practice, if it is not stopped. LANDINGHAM FAWCETT.' The home of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Fawcett, 761 First street, Portland, ws the scene of a pretty but quietjwedding Sunday afternoon, September 25th, when their eldest daughter, Sarah Flor ence, was united in marriage to Mr. Harris Virgil Landingham, a prominent young business man of Bellfountain, Rev. J. R. T. Lsth rop, pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal church officiating. The house was tastefully decor ated with autumn leaves, roses and astors. The bride was neatly and becomingly gowned in a traveling suit; After visiting relatives in Salem and Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Land ingham will return to Bellfountain where they will be at home to their friends after October 10th. Order Now Freeh Yaquina bay oysters to arrive today at Zierolf'a, Notice to Taxpayers Notice is hereby given to all con cerned that taxes will become de linquent on the first Monday in October and that all property on which such taxes are cot paid at that date will be liable to be ad vertised and sold. Also a pen alty of 10 per cent and i2 per cent interest for six months will be charged against all taxes not paid on or before that date. The ad dition of penalty and interest is re quired by law, and I shall have no other alternative than to collect it in case of delinquencies. M. P. Burnett, Sheriff of Benton county. Corvallis, Ore, Sept 19, 19O4. TO HAVE SIX COMPANIES. Of Cadets in the OAC Battalion Never but Four Before Over Five Hundred. A few years ago, there were but two companies of cadets at . the col lege, and there . were scarcely enough students to keep , the ranks properly filled. This year there will be six companies in the, battalion- There has never" been but four before. The largest number J of cadets in the battalion' in the past was about 290. That was at the end of November last year, when the maximum was reached. Now there are already. 360 and a prospect of -enough to swell, the total long before the end of Nov ember to over 409. The instance shows something of the lncreaee in the number of students at the college. Another instanc is the chapel exercise, shortly before nine o'clock each morning. Once, a few years ago, there were -only enough students to about half fill the seats in the chapel. That was seven years ago, when the total enrollment for the year was 217. At chapel yesterday the benches on the floor were crowded and jammed with students, There were chairs in every possible niche and nook, and each accommodated a student. There were students standing in the rear, and an overflow of stud ents standing in the corridors. On the platform besides the faculty, the senior class was seated. Be hind them and clear around the room there was a row of chairs, and a student on each. The fac ulty chairs were so . crowded " for ward, that the limbs of some of the occupants almost hung ever the edge of the platform. And with all this crowding there were scores of students notable to enter the chapel at an. l be number or students now is 507. It passed the 500 mark last Tuesday afternoon. ' It is more than a hundred mote young people than were in attendance at the same time last year. It - will be 650 or more before the swallows come again. The count does not include pupils in vocal music, in strumental music and other side issues, but is confined exclusively to bona fide students in the regular college courses. The - number is more than double that in 'the col lege courses of any other education al institntion in Oregon, More than sixty students applied ; for quarters at Cauthorn Hall and had to be turned away for lack of room. Real Estate Transfers. New deeds filed for record dur ing the past few days are: J. W. Foster and wife to W A Wells, block 3, Averv & Wells addition, $5- . Mattie A Worthington and hus band to Millard Long, - lot ' 55, block 38, Brawns addition to Phi lomath, $257. Ella McKlroy and husband to H J Blaesing, black 37, Brown's addition to Philomath, If.ioo. FM Abraham et al to Morse Burnap, 2 lots, block 17, County add. $2,6co. F M Sutford and wife to J Andrews and wife, 1 1-2 lots, block 4, County add, $900. State of Oregon to Squire StroW, 40 acres in Alsea, $50. David Perrin and wife to Charles H Perrin, 18 acres near Bellfoun tain, $300. Millinery Opening. At Mrs. J. Mason's Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct, 6, 7. & 8th. Show your colors, call on S. I,. Kline for campaign buttons. Fiee for the asking. If you enter the Night school this week, f 10 will pay for bock keeping and penmanship, or short hand and typewriting, for 10 weeks Dant miss this chance. Attend the Night school. Eclectic shorthand is the best. Taught in the Corvallis Business College. Enter the Night school now and get the special rate. Trespass Notice. Hunters or others found tres passing on my premises, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law?. Wm. Knotts. Blue vitrol, lime and cement for sale at Klines. BEGINS TUESDAY. New Morning and Evening Train Service 00 the C ft E to Albany. - A new morning . and evening train between Corvallis and Albany giving facilities for a , Corvallisite to make the round trip to Portland and return in a single day, is to go into 'effect on the - Corvallis and Eastern next Tuesday. The new train will leave Corvallis at 6 o'clock a. m., connecting at Albany with the 7 o'clock local which arrives in Portland at 10 a. m. The arrival arCprvallis in the evening will be at about 7:45. making close con nections at Albany with the even ing Southern Pacific train which leaves Portland at 4 o'clock. The arrangement will give Corvallisites opportunity to start at Corvallis at 6 in the morning and reach Port land at 10, to stay there six hours for' business purposes v and then make Corvallis again before eight o'clock in the evening. Or, the round trip can be made to Salem, with a return either at 1:30 in the afternoon or 7:45 in the evening. It changes the old worn-out ar rangement by which, in Order to do an hour's business in Portland, a Corvallisite had to waste the better part of three days, and gives an up- to-date facility which places Cor vallis in a long deserved touch with the outside world. ' ; It is the Cascade train that is to be utilized for the new service. A growth of transfer business from the Westside over the C & E to the Eastside. has much to do with the new arrangement. This' business is so increased tht 60 to 80 cars a week are regularly transferred. All the Westside traffic in carloads, destined for Southern and Eastern points, instead of crossing the steel bridge at Portland, comes this way, as does a large portion of through Portland business, destined for the same points. The occasion for use of this route is that the transfer over the C & E at Corvallis is less expensive than is the toll for load ed cars across the Portland steel bridge. .The switching of the cars in this traffic and its transfer has largely fallen upon the regular Ya quina passenger. On many occa sions however, special C & E trains have been called into requisition to help handle the business, until at last it has been determined by the C & E management, in orer to meet these freight requirements, and also to give the Corvallis travel ing public a better service, to put on the iiew train. It is expected that it will be permanent.! A service of the kind was once in vogue on the C & E, but the passenger business failed to pay expenses, and it was taken off. After that, Corvallis people petition ed the S. P. to put on a morning and evening train over the West side. This train service came near Materializing at one time, but a change in the high officials of the company when the plan was on the point of being adopted, caused a change in the programme. Fair Postponed. The committee in' charge of the fair to have been held at Willam ette grange hall on October 8tb, have postponed the event nntil October 22. - 5 . BEGISTmD TRADE MARK 1 1 cADIUMKllrC Is the most versatile fabric of modern looming A BETTER silk for greater uses at a lesser price. It's soft and lustrous enough for an evening waist or strong enough for a petticoat material all in one. The fabric itself best substantiates theseclaims. Radium.Silk is cbout half the price you'd expect to pay for so wearful a silk. "Gordon" ,The latest from New York serge blue and black hats low crowned and wide brims, to be pul led down in Iront. Jix elusive agen cy at, , S ,I,.KUces. ' MORE NEW PHONES. List of Those Added to Iadepend s j eat System. 158 . Alexander, A. B., res. - 291 Avery, P., res. 286 Allen, J. .F-, res. . 197 BentonConnty Flour Mill. 281 Berry, J K, res. , 215 ; Bauer & Wilkins, tailors. y 186 Bryson, E R, res. - " 180 Callahan, Thos, res. . 78 Cauthorn Hall. 188 Coyell, G A, res." 239 " Chipman, C, res. 282 Crawford, T H, res. 295 Elgin. G, res, 284 First Natl Bank. 193 Fischer, H F, res. 176 Fischer, A W, res. 195 Francisco, F, res. 275 Gatch, TM; office. . ' 285 Gatch, T M, res. ' 279 Green, E F, Rev, res. 296 Heckarr, C I,, res.. 293 Hurt, O V, res. 247 Hawley, A W, res. 191 Henkle, A, res. 179 . Hayward, E C, res. 283 Horner, J B, res 280 McKellips, CM, res. ... 182 Phillips, C res. 183 Price. J II, res. 294 OAC Cleaning Co. 254 Simpson, E, res. 287 Skelton, G V, res. 185 Taillandier, Prof, res. " 288 Underwood, J L, res. 292 Wilson, E E, res. ' 222 Willamette Valley Bank. DAT AND NIGHT. Aad a Big Perce of Men Sawmill and " its Saw Logs. A midnight blast of the well known whistle of the Corvallis saw mill has been a source of wonder to many who have heard it, of late. The mill is running- day and night now, and the, midnight whistle is the call et the mill bands from la borto refreshment. Save an hour in the morning, another at noon and another hour . in the evening, .the machinery of the establish ment is now in operation through' out the 24 hours. The increased activity is to saw the hardwood logs in the boom, so that logs may be reached for making f r lumber, for which there is now a stiff local demand. It is also a precaution a' gainst the damage floods of the coming winter may do in carrying away some ot the many logs Mr. Strong has now in the stream The names of 52 men are now on the mills pay roll. Found. , .' A plate of false teeth. Owner can recover the property by calling at the Times office and paying for this notice. Hantere Attention! You are hereby warned not to hunt on the J W Writsman farm. Dont aBk permission. E. A. Blake. Millinery Opening. Ladies are hereby invited to call and see the display of fall and winter pattern hats Wednesday and Thursday Sept 28 and 2gth, Mrs. C. A. Gould. - W. L. Douglas 3 and $3.50 fine mens shoes-best in the world. Nolan & Cai lahan. Say, Do You Like . To read good boots? We have just received 500 volumes of. choice reading from Chicago which we will sell at prices that are right. Graham & Wells, Druggists & Booksellers. 50 boys suits at 25 and 50 oents on the dollar at Kline's, $10.00 Reward. Lost, strayed or stolen, black and white Llewellyn setter dog, about three vearB old: left Corvallis about' 1st of Jane, goes by the name of Mack, has scar on hind leg, made by barbed wire; I will pay $10.00 reward for information leading to the recovery of the dog. M. P. Burnett. ' Yaquina Oysters. . Will arrive for the first time this season at Zierolf'a today, and will be received each week on baturdaj thereafter. Phone your orders. HATS - TTi a?TJJ J nil. most attractive stock of high. and Winter we ever had the 4. ' mt.' ' J Lfa.1j1.u11a. - j.iixa viiuiu CAUiitib wimiii iih h. i r ei 1 1 1 ui m i.itw r mi j jt vi j. yy t;cLi ju aumuci iui lticu. - 11 lines of House Furnishing dry Rugs, Lace Curtains and Portiers. TT7 Tl "T j. vi o mo iwtu uiai.riuui.ura uiiHN' 1 1 r 1 1 . 1 1 .m 1 1 iimHH iTiHinu Broadcloth, Utz & Dunns Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes, Gil- 1 A T T 17 OA TjIao Dotinwnn TTnnrAn AO AA TT4 Jtaaium bilk. uerDv Jkia liioves. Awywu suits and Overcoats for boys and young men, Buttonless Suspenders, Hamilton Browns Heavy Boots and Shoes for Men women and Children, Dutchess Trousers, 10 cents a button $1.00 a rip: Bull Breeches Strongest (Jo s .Best on maxm bmts to measurement, f orest Mills Knit I InrlATwfinr tnr l.nmfis nnn Dress Goods and Trimmings. ly Cravenette Rain Garments. , A critical inspection of Stick respectfully solicited: Bring in your favorite catalogue from abroad and we will duplicate any price in it. 3 Ought 5 USE 5 j Elk Brand Maple Syrup with Olympic Pancake Flour . WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BOTH. HODES' GROCERY. IF YOU ABE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry . Ranches, write for our special list, or come and . see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish also showing you over the country. AMBLER & WATERS. - Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, . CoryaHis and Philomath, Or. Fitzsimmons. The fall-blooded Clydesdale . stallion reg. No. 11013 can be fonnd at Vidito Bros, stables Corvallis Oreson, on each day of the week. Terms $V2 tb insure ive colt. For Sale. Vetch, clover, oats, wheat and timothy hay; 100 cords of grab oak wood sawed in 16 inch lengths, order early before the after harvest advance prices. One fresh Jersey cow. Can order from Corvallis o telephone. - j - L.L.Brooks. OFF A. T i 1 1 Grade Herdhandise for nle&snrAnf snhmitxinor to rvnr 1 1 1 1 I an 1 r t 1 1 uiuu i v .111111 rri ijfimmt Goods, including Art Squares c AT i.lli 1 r 1 .1 lur uie iouuwid? ceierirRLHCi nnvH vw nrnosror nFoara i 11 1 l j 1 3 1 H.T - n m T Ti1- 4o AA work Pants made. Lamm & I .nilnrpn. ftlficrfinT. RT.Oftlr m Cloaks Jackets and priest our bright new Fall and Winter Lost. An 8th ai my corp pin. Finder please leave at Times office. Freeh and fat Yaquina Bay oys ters for the first time at Zierolf'a next Saturday, Order now. Schpol bcoks and school supplies of all kinds at Graham & Wells. For boys school suits, Kline tas tbebig stock at little prices.