The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 28, 1904, Image 4

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Tie Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of r
Public In. terest
Mrs.Kuth Clark left yesterday
for Pendleton to rseide.
A. Crvdlll3 visitor Friday was
WiUUm Hall of Stleaj. He left Sit
urdiy for Polk county.
CatI Holes w.-.s a business visitor
ia Albiny Monday.
Those Interested should take no
tice tli-tt the boar J ot equil'Zktion is
ki eemioa this week.
Suaiay visitors Id Cjrvallls from
PhlliKiiata were Newton Alfcrd acd
Walter Shea?greea spent Ban lay
at tbe home of uls parents, returalng
t3 Aloaay M jnday.
An over-Sunday visitor in Cor
vallis was Mrs. William Back ot Al
bany. For tbe purpose of atftodiog tbe
funeral of Mr. Gradwohl, a pioneer of
that city. Miss Eda Jacobs aod Miss
faulice Kline were in Albauy Mon
day. Occupants. of the Charles Ever
ett house uq north jVIaln ae
H.Dicks and family, tecently arrived
Irom Oklahoma.
M. A. Gooduough ba3 sold his
residence on tailroa i street to Mr.
Jcnee, a recant arrival from the Ens".
Mcnday, Oacar Long lpfc for Sa
JecQ, where he will enter Willamette
University for the purpose of study
ing medicine.
The Coffes Club held its regular
monthly meeting Monday afternoon.
The occasion was ot a' social Dat Ure,
and was enjoyable.
Mrs. Joeepb Ripley came up
from Portland the first ot the weak,
and has been the guest ot OorvallU
relatives, and friends.
A Portland visitor In Oorvallla
,, p..g, f :r7 rjaya na been Mrs. Jack
Cruthers. She la the mother of Mrs
Chester Dolph.
License to wed was Issued Mon
day morning to Frank Taylor and
Silas Genevieve Klioe.
The cleaning and dyeing e3tab
lishmeot of Oate Brothers has just
lct eca' cf paper, and
presents a tasty appearance.
Mrs. Will Hogai p . Albany, has
Seen tbe guest of Coryaitls friends
since the last of the wetffti
Visitors at the home of Rsv. and
Mrs. Moses, this week are Rev. W. T.
odder of Grants Pass and C. Cook,
ot Myrtle Craek. They arrived Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs John Wbltaker are
to leave shortly for a trip East. They
ate to start October 4th, and Captain
George li.iblusou will be a membtr of
the party.
Baling the crop is la progress ov
er at the Beach hop yard. The yield
ot the yard was 2,500 boxes, or in the
neighborhood of 30.0U0 pounds.
Sheriff Burnett is a busy man
tils week. Tbe time for payment of
taies closes next Monday, and as a
result the money is coming in at a
Hvelj rate at the sheriffs counter.
H. Uullroyd, who recently came
to Corvallls from Iowa, Is erecting a
house on lots adjoining the Evan
gelical ohuroh property, in the nortb
sm part of town.
This afternoon, at the home of
Mrs. Harper, a social affair is to take
place that promises to be most en
joyable. Forty ladlo3 are to be pres
ent, and Mrs. E. Andrews and Mrs.
Harper are the hostesses.
For a visit at the Sr. Louis fair
Mr. and Mrs. M, RobiDson started
East Tuesday. While abeent they
will also visit relatives in Iowa, Illin
ois and Wisconsin.
Among the new students at the
college is Prof. D. M. Granville, who
has been for six years principal of a
normal school In Idaho. He is tak
ing the pharmacy course, which draws
Jo the college many high-standard
. student?.
Mrs. J jlla M. da Moulin loft Sat
arday for Mrmree, where she will be
gin her duties as a teacher In the
Monroe pehocl. Sh? was accompan
ied by her eon. Walter. Mrs. Emll
Howard of Bellfountala has also
been rngagoJ to teach In the tame
The erection of four new dwell
ings was begun last week. Guy
Seciy la buUdliig a neat cottage on
lots Immediately .south ot the 'Alex
Campbell home, and C. ' A. Trpxell Is
erecting another near tbe carriage
factory.. Another for Will Horning
M being buiit beyond Mary's river,
and James Horning Is building on his
lots we3t ot town.
A shipment of 40 telephone in
struments for city- patrons arrived
Saturday tor the Independent system.
Ten ot them jvera placed in ' position
Immediately. and orders for others
soctlnua to pour Into the main office.
Work is progressing nicely on the
Sailtountaln line;, although there bas
been something of a lull In activities
along the other; routes, due to the fact
that fanners tr busily engaged with
their own work."
James Flett arrived Monday from
tbe cbittim ranch. !
Dr. Witbycombe left Monday for
North TaSima, Washington.
Miss Laura Beck wit b, who spent
last year la Corvallis, la r expected Sit
urday from Minneapolis.
With his family. Mr. Meng is to
leave next Monday to. Illinois, to reside.
After a visit with bis eleter, Mrs.
T. H. Welleber, Oliver Ingram left
Moriiy for his home in JunctionCity.
4moDg cew students at the college
is Mies aeoggln, a Bister of the well
known balf-back who jsras a member
of tbe famous 1897 football team.
E. J. Dunn, who is settling .up the
affairs of tbe late Gilbeit Brothers
Bank at Salem, arrived Sunday trom
a business tiip to Coos Bay. and left
yesterday for Salem.
A neat new room for his occupan
cy baa been completed ia the Small
bull Jiog, and Jeate Spencer is to re
open bis barber shop to the public to
day. Forrest Smlthson, tbe 10-second
O. A. C. sprinter has returned to col
lege for the year. With the new and
old material at band, it looks like next
spring's O. A. C. track team wilt be a
The' 8700 insurance that she had
on her residence and contents has been
paid in full to Mrs. Ed Cline, whose
bouse was destroyed by fire about four
weeks ago while she was absent at tbe
hopyard. J. he loss was adjusted by
D. C. Kise, trustee of the McMinnville
company, and the amount turned over
to Mrs. Cllne, Saturday.
Dr. James Pruet of Oakland, Cal
ifornia, arrived Monday on a brief vis
it. Many years ago Dr. Pruet was a
resident ot aectm, wbere ne iouna a
wife in Miss Buckingham, of Belle-
fountain. His son was a recent em
ploye in F. L. Miller's store.
Mrs. Catherine Wade, Union coun
ty, arrived Monday and is domiciled
in tbe Charles Pearse cottage. She is
to reside in Corvallls while her son
Walter Wade completes bis course at
O. A. C. Mrs. Wade bas recently re
turned from a vtelt to the Sr. Louis
L. Whitlow of La Graode, bas
been a Corvallls visitor for several
days. His daughter has entered O. A,
C, and is l ocated at Alpha hall. About
the holidays Mr. Whitlow expects to
come to Corvallls with bis family to
reside until his daughter completes
her education. Mr. Whitlow leaves
enoviy for a trip to tne St. jjouis ex
The annual reception to new stu
dents by tbe Christian Association at
the college was given at the Armory
Friday evening, and the function was
one of tbe most successful of the kind
yet given at tbe Institution. The crowd
was extremely large, and the spirit of
forming new acquaintanceships, enthu
siastic. Each guest was, as usual, pro
vided with a neat notebook, in which
students, new and old, wrote their
names for each other. Numbers un a
short programme were, piano solo and
eucore by Prof. Talllanaiar; recitation,
Lena Tartar; duet, Kev. and Mrs
Green ; address, Prof. Lake; piano so
lo acd encore by Prof. Talllandler.
Sunday Record-Hera'd, Chicago,
Sept. 11 : Warren J. Durham, for for
ty years a practicing lawyer of Chica
go, died yesterday morning at bis res
idence, 4017 Ellis avenue, after an ill
ness of a few days. Mr. Durham was
born at Waterloo, N. Y., July 30,1834.
He graduated from Hobart college, Ge
neva, N. Y., taught for several years
in Racine College, Racine, Wis., stud
ied law In the office of Strong & Ful
ler of that city aod came to Chicago lo
1863, entering tbe law offices ot Sleep
er & Wbitlng. In 1876 be compiled
and published the Real Estate Stat
utes ot Illinois, and was bringing this
work down to date aod completing a
digest of it at the time of his death.
For many years be had been a mem
ber of Christ Reformed Episcopal
Church. He was married by Bishop
Cheney in Chicago in 1869. He is sur
vived by his wife. Mrs. Janette Durham;
a brother, James Edgar Durham, of
the Corvallls Times, Corvallis. Oregon;
a eister, Mrs. Harriett A. Smith, of
Marsballtown, Iowa, and a nephew,
Warren W. Smith, cashier of tbe South
Chicago Savings Bank. Tbe funeral
will be conducted at bis residence by
Rev. Ralph Finley, Rector of St. John's
Reformed Episcopal church, and inter
ment will be at Rosehill.
Eugene Guard : Richard S. Smith
returned to the city Saturday morn
ing and immediately took charge of
the 'varsity football squad. And to
say the least, things moved off with a
jump. Dick has ability to control and
organize men, and also knows the
game of football in every detail. Al
ready he enjoys the confidence of ev
ery student of the university, and
without an exception he is the best
coach who ever lined up a squad on
Klncaid field. Tbe university is ex
ceptionally fortunate in securing his
services, and under bis direction the
best team In the history ot tbe Institu
tion ought to be developed. The boys
were put through a spirited practice
Saturday. Smith expects to have tbe
boys in shape to execute plays at once
and on Wednesday will line up for the
first scrimmage. Eugene and the Pa
cific Coast will see a new style of play
this year under Smith's direction. It
it were not tor tbe fact that material
is scarce for some portions. "Dick"
would have a much better opportuni
ty to bting out his work. However,
he is not at all discouraged over tbe
outlook, and says be can develop, a
team if the boys will work. -
(Salem Journal, June 22, 1902.) '
Mr. A. J. Byeia, of Independence,
accompanied by bin son, A. G. By-
erg, called at tbe Journal tmce this
afternoon and made a statement rel
ative to tbe condition of theyoUDg
er man. -He bad been dtaf from
Ms infancy, ai.d later tbe difficulty
gradually increased to such an ex
tent that be was almost totally deaf.
Two months ago the young maa
came to Dr. Darrin for treatment
and today called at the Journal of
fice to state that be could bear as
well as an; body. Tbe reporter
talked to him in a low tone of yoics
and was convinced that bis bearing
was of the best. This remarkable
cure of necessity makes tbe young
man feel bappy, aod his lather is
more than pleased. Their purpose
in coming to the Journal office was
to make a statement to the public
concerning the wondarful cure.
I, A. G. Byers, being duly sworn,
depose and say that the above state
ment written by the journal repor
ter relative to my being healen of
deafness by Dr. Darrin is absolute
ly true. A. G. BYERS.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, D. Hofer, a notary public, in
Salem, Oregon, this 10th day of
June, 1902.
(seal) E. HOFER.
Notary public for Oregon.
"Dr. Darrin: My hearing is all
right yet, aod has been ever since
being cured by "you last -year.
Tbere is no sign of deafness now,
and can be reierred to by letter or
in person at independence, Oregon."
Dr. Darrin will give free consul
tation at the new Hotel Corvallis,
Corvallis, September 28th to Oc
tober 30th, from 10 to 5 and 7 to 8
daily. Ail curable chronic, acute
and private diseases confidentially
and successfully treated. Circulars
and question blanks sent free to any
address and correspondence Solicit
ed. Most cases can receive home
treatment after one visit to the doc
tor's office. Batteries and belts
furnished, with full direeiions for
their use. Varicocele, hydrocele
and stricture cured. Cbargesatthe
rati oi $5 a week or in that propor
tion of time the caee may ntquiie.
St. Petersburg, 8et)t. -22. The
Jayanese, according to a dispatch
received here, have attacked the
Daling Pass by assault.
A ttubborn resistance was made,
against them in the hope of retard
ing their forward movement as
much as possible and thus delay
ing the general battle in or near
Mukden which is being actively
prepared for by Generol Kuropat
kin. It was not without great loss of
men that the Japanese succeeded in
in capturing the position. They
mailt saveaai ineffectual attempts
to i ;ike it by using artillery fire of
a iint character but finding this.
att n pt unsuccessful, swept up the
hot-ins and seized the Russian po
sit'. t by direct assault.
'1 tie Russians fought until the
ver last, pouring a devastating fire
frou, small arms into the ranks of
the oncoming Japanese, who had
apparantly made up their minds to
take the pass regardless of the cest.
Considering the fact that the
Russian losses were 280 men, it can
readily be believed that the Japan
ese losses must have been consider
able. The desperation which led
to the taking of the pass points con
clusively to the suspected plan of
the Japanese which is undoubtedly
to attempt another such envelop
ing movement as was fought off
Liiao xang.
Kuroki will undoubtedly now
throw hiz men out in attempt to
again cut off Kuropatkin from Har
bin, or com pell him to . again fight a
retreating battle.
Kuropatkin' this morning made
report that the Japanese have as
sumed the offensive and have ad
vanced irom Bsnaipudze to Findia
lun, which is but 20 eerets from
Mukdeu. As this is comparatively
close to the Russian lines, the- bat
tie cannot be much longer be de
Oregon City, Sept. 24. Pete, be
lieved to be the oldest horse in the
Pacific Northwest, died Monday at
the farm of George Lazelle, at
Mount Pleasant, his age being 33
years. For more than 20 years
Pete was the proDerty of G.Cau
field, cashier of the Bank of Ore
gon CiU, and both Mr. and Mrs.
Caufield thought the world of the
old horse. It is not often that a
horse lives to be 33 yearB of age,
the average life of man. For many
years past Pete'has been able" to
work, and it was only two weeks
ago that his sight failed him and
he had to be ted by band.
For Sale.
Two registered Oxford Down rams
and four haltbreeds.
t f Peter Whitaker
W e are not afraid to make a lot
of noise about v
Copyright 1904 by
Hart Schaffner s? Marx
.UK iUIl
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Tour money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinaware
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
B Bertiing
i South Main St., Corvallis, Ore.
jt ; :
Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers,
And other Photographic Novelties.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND (tondon San Fran
8KATTLK f c!sco Bank Limited.
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LOKDOS, ENG. London & San Francisco
Bank Limited.
CANADA . I rif 1 1 ml Canadfoa
Blackledge keeps large assortment of
' Plump cheeka, flushed witli the soft
glow of health and a pure complexion ,
make all women beautiful. Take a small
dose of Herbine after each meal; it will
prevent constipation and help digest
what yon have eaten, soc. Mrs. William
M. Stroud, Midlothian, Texas, writes,
May 31, 1901. "We have nsed Herbine
in oar family for eight years, and found
it the best medicine we ever used for con
stipation, bilious fever and malaria."
Sold by Graham & Wortbam. .
for men
for we
& Marx"
hand tailored suits and
overcoats. .'
We would be delighted
to show them to you.
Fine BlacK Dress Suits. '
Best That's Grown
Is None Too Good.
When you are drinking ,
Coffee it is our good
fortune to hold the Sole
Agency for the famous
Chase & Sanborn
High Grade
We have all the grades from 2
per pound to the highest pric
Coffee sold by this celebrated fir
Give Us a Trial Order
for one of their ' Coffees and
will use it exclusively.
P. IH. Ziere
Groceries, Grockery & StoneJ
Co ees
A$t. for Libby Gut Glasj
Office la Ziirolf Blildm?, Ofvillvs.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office op staiis back of Graham &
Wells' drag store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly.
E. It. Bryson,
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
' Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bids' Hours:
IO to 12 and 2 to 4.
. Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, : - : Oregon.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. F.
O. Address, Box II.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. k -
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby Riven to all persons that
the undersigned has been appointed guardian
ofj the estate, o( James W. Dunn, deceased, ;by
the county court of theState of Oregon, for Ben "
ton county and has qualified. All persona
having claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the aarae, to the undersign
ed at the office of W. S. McFadden 1st National
Bank building, Corvallis, Oregon, dnly veri
fied within six months from this date. Dated
Sept H, 1901.
Guardian of said Estate.
. Summons.
- .
In the Circuit Court of the State of -Qfegou
for the County of -entou.
... ,' r:
Ella Tyler, PluiDtilT, .
Howard Tyler, Defendant.
To Howard Tyier, above named defendant,
I11 the name of the State of Oregon, .yu are
hereby required and commanded to appear
and Hnswer the complalut filed against you in
the above entitled eutt in said court on or be
fore Monday the 28th day of November. 1904, and
if you fail so to appear and answer the plain
tiff will take a decree against you for the relief
demanded in complaint herein, towit:
A decree dissolving the marriage contract
now existing between you and the nlainthTand
for the care and custody of Homer Tyler and
Frank Tyler, the Issue of said marriage, by the
plaintiff and further decreeing her the costs
and disbursements of this suit against vou.
This summons is published bv order of the
Hon.Vlrgil E. Watters, County judge of Benton
County .Oregon; duly made on September 12,
liU4. in ana dv wmcri order it is nrpsorlhprl
that this summons be published in the Corval
lls Times, foe six consecutive and successive
weeks. The date oi tbe first publication of this
summons Is Se pi 17, i00.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
XtrasooD Glothes
For boys, little fellows and
young men see JNoian & Cal
lahan. '
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
t For Vaqnina: . '
: irain leaves unny. ...... iz;45 p. m
" Corvallis 1:45 p. m
" arrives Yaqnina 5:40 p. m
1 Returning: '
Leaves Yaqnina 7:15a. m
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albanv . .12:15 c t
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany.
Arrives Detroit.
4 from Detroit: .
Leaves Detr
Arrives Air
Train No,.
to connect
as well as I
Albany VJ
vie '