r. "fc Oorvallis Times. Official Paper of Bentea Comity. OOBY4XX18, OBKGON, 6KPT 7, 1904. MOUNTAIN WATER.' " The Willamette river is the sew er of the Willamette valley. Growth of population and the natural tend ency of people mote and more to get rid of filth and sewage wDl cause it to be us;d more and more as a ceneral drain. More and more it a - will be made to carry away the ex crement. filth and vile sewage of growing and multiplying towns More and more sewage systems will be built in these towns, acd more and more these will empty; their dirty cargoes into the stream. More and more people' will die and be buried , and more and more will the drainage and seepage from burial places find its way into the water that people by hundreds and thous ands are daily drinking. Ultimately, certainly, absolutely, pollution of the Willamette will so increase, that it is but a question of time when people will be driven to some other source of water sup ply. Even this very moment may be the time that the change ought to be made, for aught anybody knows. Enecially is this true during the At y season, when the volume of wa-er flow is at the min imum and the opportunity for. pol lution simple and easy. : Is this not a reason tor Corvallisites to think occasionally of " ways and means for getting a water r supply from the pure, ; uncontaminated streams of the mountains? Wouldn't Corvallis capital,- rather than lie unused and dead in local 'banks bet ter be invested Jd a mountain water system which Engineer Gates de clares would only ccst $50,000, which, he says would be a good in vestment?' Or! if this hoard' pre fers to lie unused, will not the peo ple, or the city council, or some body endeavor to ' enlist . cap' tal from otherwhere to bring : water to Corvallis from the mountain?? V. Corvallis can get mountain. , wat er 11 sne wants it. tor so many people ard so good a town, a $50, 000 investment, that in mouctain water would mean so much, is but a trine. United, constant and in telligently directed insistence upon a best water supply, will bring it Why not try? AS A PRECAUTION. ' The time has come when it is important that persons with a rash or other breaking out about the body or face should consult a phy sician without delay, to the end that if the ailment be smallpox, quarantine can be established before scores of people have been exposed. Unless greater care in this respect is observed, it seems likely that Corvallis w ill be a long time in get ting rid of the disease. It is highly esstntial for the good ihe 1 schools that sufficient care be observed to effectually the trouble. Business 11 other people in town breaking out on the face, must either establish by the advice of a physician that the case is not small pox, or go home and stay there un til a cure is effected. - SUZANNE OF KERBYVILLE.' What it is Corvallis Boy's New Book Fact and Fiction. Dennis Stovall's new book, "Su zanne of Kerbyville," is a mining camp story, and is very readable. The plot is laid at Kerbyville, Southern Oregon, the chief camp in the famous Althouse district, which was at one time one of the leading mining camps in the South ern Oregon country. . The date is in the early Fifties, and advantage is taken of the Indian wars that raged in the section during that time to interweave bits " of fiction and fact together in a way that as sists in giving the narrative a touch of real life. The attempt of Rogue River John to massacre the settlers at Big Meadows furnishes the in cident for the closing chapters of the book, and incidentally' suppies excuse for the arrest of a miner, the father cf Suzanne, as a traitor and spy, for his court marshal and death sentence, and . for Suzanne to save , him, which she does in a dramatic manner. Four excellent characters are created in the book, and their pro- trayal is' painted clearly and faithfully,. The book is not xf the gory character that might be ex pected from a miningcamp and a young writer, but . keeps ' fairly within the realms of reason ; and real life. Best of all, it turns a very pretty , moral, and is well worth the few hours of time requir ed to readit. '' , WAITING FOR THEM. Transmitters for the Independent, Telephone Company All Day Service on. Non-arrival of transmitters is the occasion of another delay in the in auguration of i general service on the Independent telephone ; system. A supply was shipped from Kansas City a week ,; ago last Thursday, and it was confidently expected that the invoice would reach Cor vallis by las' Thursday or Friday, when the transmitters could be ap plied to the phones already installed and universal communication begin. But Thursday, ' Friday, Saturday and Sunday came without the transmitters. Monday also came and still the missing contri varices failed to appear. Meantime, but 32 of the local phones have trans mitters, and these have been in stalled in business houses and are in use, largely in. switches with the rural lines. Yesterday, lit was expected that the long delayed shipment would . arrive, and that connections could bespeedily made. Until it does arrive the extension of the service to all subscribers will be delayed. . Meantime, an all day service is maintained at the central office.and th& linemen are constantly pushing the work of put ting in and connecting up residenre phones. Mr. DeVarney has :been at Salenr for a day or two, looking af.er the interests of the Indepen dent Telephone Company, which expects to push its extensions v, ith energy in all directions. TOO MUCH LIGHTNING. For an Oregonian The ' Flashes too Bright and Thunder too Load In v Arkansas. County Clerk Moses arrived Sah- day morning from a two months' kfisit East. Most of the time was spent m Arkansas whre there is a vast tribe of the Moses kindred. A happier man to get back to Ben ton than was Mr. Moses. has . not been seen a long time. ' His teeth have been chattering most of the time since he has been away on ac count of . the East rn electrical storms. Sixteen people in various parts of the state were killed dur ing the six weeks he was in Ar kansas. - Bred and born in Oregon, where thunder storms are rare, the county clerk was unprepared for the brilliant effects in this line that the East affords. "Sometimes" he says, "it seemed to him that the lightning flashe - were continual and with electric fe - all round him. it was so light that he could read a paper." "People said that the lightning was 100 mites away," he continued, "but it seemed to me that it was right where I was. The rattling of the windows, arid the vibration of the walls of buildings to the reverberation of .the thunder peals are such as to make an Ore gonian, fresh off the grass, awfully hmesick. -w - . In Arkansas, Mr. Moses found, in some of the , remoter districts people still living in-the little old log cabins of - the pioneer , days. 1 he state, however, is last improv ing under the development ol coal, lead and copper mines, -and : in the production of peaches. ; He visited one family that shipped out 28 car loads of peaches during the season, and one small town in the vicinity sent abroad 201 cars in a week. Many court houses were visited on the trip, and in but few pf them is the work abreast with the. work in this line in Oregon offices. In one county, he found the county .clerk actually using' Oregon forms., - Mr Moses also visitea a tew days in Nevada at the home of his brother who is principal of the Indian school on the .Owyhee reservation . W. L. Douglas 3 and 3.50 mens fine shoes-best in the world. Nolan & Cal lahan. ' ' : . ' " . ' . For S tie. : Fresh vetch and cheat my place five miles north fetd at of Cr vallis. T. A. LyOgsdon Hop Pickers Wanted. Inquire at City cents per box. Restarant. Jim Sing. 45 Brick for Sale.. In quantities to suit:, snd at rea eoualje rrioes. '" At Corvall s brick yard?... ' W. C. Corbtt, Prop... . Notice. i ,' , Is hereby given that ou and after Sept 10, 1904, the (jity Delivery Company un der an agreement -with the merchants, will not deliver any feed on Saturdays! . Robinson & Birrell. Props. Gordon hats at ' Kline's. New styles just in. At Kline's. . Notice of the First Meetiag tf , -: Creditors. M - la. the District Court of the tin ted States for the District of O.-e- on. ' . . . , ' , the Matter. of In Binkruptcy. M, Bruok, - ) To the creditors of H., M. Brunk Corvallis in the County of Ben- and District aforesaid, a bank et:. ,.'. .'. -. . Notice is hereby . given that on let day of S?pt, 104, .the said M. Brunk was duly: adjudged pkrupt, and that the firEt meet- of his creditors will be held at tvalli?. OregoD, in my office on 10th day of Sept, iqr4 at one Jlock in the afternoon, at which e the faid creditors may attend. ve their claims, appoint a trns- examine the ' bankrupt, - and sact such ether business as may perly come before eaid meeting. ed Sept 6, ioe4. :. . , E. Kolgate, ':. . Referee in Bankruptcy. Patbmark. Is now at home and ready ' for ervice. His trainer claimed that le had plenty of speed, could go a luarter in 30 second 3, but did not bave the wind to hold out. Jesse Brown. s , For Rent. A furnished - house - containing four rooms, one door 'south of Christian church. For further in formation call this week at resid ence of P. A. Moses. I li GATHERING HOPS. All the Yards in fall Blast Many Cor vallisites are Afield..- The hop pickers are afield. - Op erations began in yards all over the valley Monday. A special train oi 18 cars carried pickers from Port land to the Independence and Bu ena Vista yards. - People also came out of Portland by steamboat loads, all species of locomotion being tax ed to accommodate the rush to the yards. . - Picking began in the Corvallis yards Monday. In the Beach yard across the Willamette 100 pickers are employed, which is even - more than enough to keep the dry house constantly filled." The crop is not so heavy as in some former years, but the quality is superfine, not ev en a trace of lice or mold being ap parent It is estimated that the yield of the yard will ; not. be- le-s than 35,000 pounds. Picking in the Lilly yard began at the same time. The conditions thei e with respect to crop are - sim ilar to those in the Beach yard Ov er ,150 pickers are employed .The absence cf rain during past weeks, has, with respect to lie ;and mold been a fortunate ! weather feature. Picking began in the Whitaker yard Monday. . The usuil force of pickers there is 75, many of the same pickers returning to the yard, year alter year. ;.-.? , All day Sunday, wagons loaded with camping outfits, and people passed through - Corvallis, enroute to the Independence and ' Buena Vista yards. Many Corvallis 'fami lies joined in the exodus, expecting in Ihe field to take a summer out ing and at the same time to turn an honest penny. Monday . morning, before most people were astir, many of the local population were out with baskets and dinner 'pails, hur ikying to the Beach and Lilly yards. The gentler, sex was well represent ed in the tramp to the fields, and many a winter garment, suit, rir bon and bonnet will be - the fruit of what frail hands gathered from the golden hops this year, tbatin quality. quantity and "price, promise' much for everybody who has to do with them. ' " - Scientific EzK Test. . : '.A new and simple method for testing eggs is published in Ger man papers. It is based upon the fact that the air chamber in the flat end of the egg increases with age. If the egg is placed in a solution of common salt, it will show an - in creasing inclination td float with the loftg axis vertical. , . A scale is attached to the vessel containing the salt solution so that the inclination of the floating egg toward the horizontal can be meas ured. In this way the age of an egg can be determined almost to a day. ; A fresh egg lies in a horizontal position at the bottom of the vessel; an egg from three to five days old shows an elevation of the flat end so that its long axis forms an angle of 20 degrees. With an egg eight days old the angle increases to 45 degrees; with an egg 14 days eld to 60 degrees, and with . -one three weeks old to 75 degrees, while an egg a month old . floats . vertically -rupon the pointed end. , ... Piano Tuning.1 A. S. Draper, tunsr for the Allen & Gil bert-R maker Co, is in town for a few dayp.' .Lave orders- -at Hotel Corvallis as soon as possible. For Sale. ' . . . 100 feet ct picket fenclDg. Inquire of W M Crrea 813 3rd street. ' ; . '-.' For Sale. Vetch hay from barn, cat hsy t8 50 in field, grub oak wood sawed 16 In. long, one second haod wagon 3J axel one short horn cow, aod one Jersey cow. Can order from Corvallis on telephone, " , . " L.L.Brooks. Lost. , From the pasture of Wiley Win kle on July27th, a bald faced, two year old, steel gray filly. Has two white hind feet and white spot on right side. Will pay a reasonable reward for information that, will lead to recovery. ... W. H. Wilson, Alsea, Ore. - C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. When Nolan and 2ats they mean it. Callahan say rem- Elackledge keeps large assortment matting. of . .. ; . i: JJ'X.i. -,"VS - rf -KT -Sift--P- jVSfSi "SfTk 'rap! -ppMsf Qvim 'If 1$$$' We wish every young make it a point to personally self the unusual excellenca and TTsOPULAR LALATE 11 f LEASERS TTOOTHSOME EMPTING U HINGS TTVELIOIOUS JjAINTY ILESIRABLE i . , - better nabiscos of Mail Telephone or HODES' ilice TDings i me House Such as Dressers, Chiffioners, Sideboards, Settees, . Upholstered Chairs, Rockers, Couches, Center .TableSj Stands and many other useful and necessary articles, can be found at Hollenburg & Cady's grand : ' J FURNITURE EMPORIUM. Come early and avoid the rush. We make prices right and guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. Lots of new goods comind this week. . . ,? " ; H0LLE1ERG & lof I THE LEADING FURNITURE HOUSE . Corvallis, Oregon. Order Your Ice Cream From The Celebrated Sunset Creamery Company. ; Highest price paid for Butter fat, Eggs etc. 28i--i8t Street Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 52. B. A. CATHEY OtBce, room 14, BanK Bids'. Honrs: " 10 to 12 od 2 to . ' Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, : . : Oregon. I am Here For quiet and safe delivery. CaU . on John linger, Phones 483 or 306. THE CLOTPKS BEARING THIS LABEL man in this community would visit this store and see for hinw smart nature of these clothes Our Olives all kin da. Our ?ickles all kinds. But stop, try them, you'll want more. Our candies are fresh and delicious. If vou don't believe it try. our . 30c a lb. French candy I When you entertain, ' do it proper. Our line -ex -il ' 01 iancy ctiKes, cooKiew and wafers could be no all flavors in stock. send your order to GROCERY. I : ' -For Sale. J . Vetch, clover, oats, wheat and timothy hay, 100 cords of grab oak wood sawed in 16 inch lengths, order early before the after harvest advance prices. One fresh Jersey cow. Can order from Corvallis on telephone. L.IBrooks. Get yonr.camping outfits euch as tents, cots and stools at Hollenberg & Cady's '. . ; Say, Do You Like To read good ,books? Wei have' jnst received 500 volumes of choice reading from Chicago which we will sell at prices that are right. Graham. & Wells, -Druggists & Booksellers.