The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 07, 1904, Image 1

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    Vol. XVII. No. 2'f.
B.F. TRVINB Gilt or,
and Proprietor .
. : . . : 1 X. - .
- 1
Our Complete One
ot Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies
Fine Shoes, Munsing Underwear
and Gaps have been received.
- ; .
Other Departments
are receiving uew goods and es
pecially would mention the big
line of Ladies Dress Skirts in a
variety oi weaves and colors at
prices that dety competition.
Big line Table Linens. Napkins,
Umbrellas and almost" any thing you
need in the Dry Goods House Line.J
Call and See, . - ,-
Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms.
Hotel 3
'"1 -1 ft' C
rir . . -...;r'v;'
Hammel, Prop.
Neatly Every Passenger in the Car
Injured Hit; by ( a World's
, Fair Train on the Wabash
at a Crossing Passen
gers Thrown Twen
. ty Feet Oth
er News.
St.' Louis, Mo., Sept. 3. In one
of the worst tail tray accidents
that bas oecurred in this city since
the fair opened.. 15 persons are
known to have been killed this af
ternoon and the list of injured in
cludes nearly every passenger in
the car.
The car was of the St. Louis sub
urban -line, on the Meramec Hi
lands division, carrying about 80
persons, and was bit by a world s
fair shuttle train on the Wabash at
1:30 this afternoon at the Sarah
Btreet crossing.
arrived in (own with portions of a
petrified dinosaur, called; the trice
ratops, which were exhumed . from
their ; geological graves on Hell
Creek in Dawson county. The discov
ery of the prehistoric remains is one
of the greatest in recent years. The
load weighed " 2500 pounds. The
remaining portions will weigh
about the same, and it will take un
til Fall to complete excavating them.
A couple ot : years ago -three : of
these petrifactions were found' to
gether, and Mr. Hornady, of the
New York Geological service, had
one of them taken out and sent
east. The animal was 25 or 30 feet
long, and the head was six feet in
length aad five Teet across. It ex
isted in the later Mesozoic times.
Walla Walli, Wash. Sept 2.
Charles C. Clark was hanged in the
penitentiary here at 5:41 this morn
ing for the murder of his mistress,
Leila Page,, at 01ympia,-Wash., in
March, 1q03. Clark teemed to take
Che death penalty as a matter of
course and displayed great indiffar
ence as he took his ". place on the
trap under the noose.
Thirteen minutes after the . trap
had been sprung by Warden Dry-
A large party composed mostly of an 'B P
r r I rri anrt r Kalnn nrnnnnnnorl noon
Stakelburg Is Behind Liao Yang
Is Still Burning St. Peters
burg Admits the Possibili
: - ty of a General With- . .-
' . ' ' " drawal Masked .
J - by Tall Graces. -
London, Sept. Actual
news from the front as regards the movements of the troops.
ly unexpected 6 re. A panic ensued
and one regiment alone lost 1500
men, halt of its total strength, iol- "
lowing is the full text of the report:
"Today, September three, the
greater part of the- Russian army,
including the First Siberian army
corps, is occupying positions south
of the branch railway from Yentai
Station to the Yentai mines.
"The Japanese, although they
were in the immediate vicinity of
our troops today, confined them
selves principally to sniping from
the Chinese cornfields. .
: "Our troops, which were posted
at Liao Yang, are crossing to the
right bank of the Taiti river.
. ''The area of operations is almost
j entirely covered by growing Chin-
I PUQ n.fYtn vVtinll n root 1 xr imnmaa 4 V. m.
Leading Hotel in Gorvallis. Recently opened. New j
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern eon-:
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single!
rooms. Elegant suites. .Leading house in the Willam-
ette Valley. , :
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. J !
tourists on their way to take an out
ing at Meramec ' Highlands filled
the trolley coach to the doors. The
car stopped at the crossing and ac
cording to the rules the conductor
looked ahead on the track and wav
ed bis hand to the motor man to in
dicate that all was clear. The mo-
torman started the car forward. At
that time the Wabasn train run
ning at a high rate of speed was in
sight, but probably half a mile
away. - Under ordinary conditions
the car had plenty of time to cross
the track. ;When it was half way
across, the powerin the feed wire was
turned eff and the car stopped. An
mstint later tne train hit tne trol
ley car. The coach was literally re
duced to splinters and some of the
passengers were thrown 20 feet
The locomotive was partially wreck
ed. Motorman Cook jumped, but
wa3 fatally- hurt by flying splin
' As quickly as possible the engin
eer brought his train to a stand
t-till , the telephone was used to call
all available ambulances and doc
tors to tne scene, i be train crew
did all in its power to help those
caught in the wreck.-
J. R. Burbaok, conductor of the
train, said: "The trolley car seem
ed suddenly to lose the power and
come to a dead standstill right on
the crossing. We were moving at
the usual rate of speed. The crash
was deafening. People were hurled
into the air. The engineer applied
the brakes quickly, but possibly
too late. We struck the car jast
back of the middle."
' The street car was in -charge of
Motorman Theodore Codk and Con
ductor Patrick Sheehan.
by -physicians a minute - later the
body was cut down. !
Clark rose briskly when called
this morning and after breakfaet
ascended the steps to the gallows
with great nonchalance. He had
no statement to make, - but left a
letter directed to his mother at
Olympia, who has made every ef-
tort to save ner son s me. a local
minister was with the condemned
man for two hours last night.
Clark was 28 years" of age, the
son of a widow and had' received a
good education. Several years ago
he fell into bad ways. . He killed
Leila Page, his mistress, because
she was about to leave him for
another gambler. He accompanied
the woman to her apartments in
the tenderloin of Olympia. During
the night he cut the woman's taroat
aod smashed her head with an axe.
Then the murderer cut his own
throat and took poison, but recov
ered from the effects of both.
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea. .
W. H. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss.,
writes August 15. 1902; "I want to say
a word of praise for Ballard's Snow Lini
ment. I stepped on a nail, which caused
the cords in my leg to contract and . an
abscess to rise in my knee, and, the doc
tor told me that I would have a stiff leg,
so one day I went to J. F. Lord's drug
store (who is now in Denver, Colo.) He
recommended a bottle 01 snow liniment.
I got a 50c size, and it cured my lee. It
is the best liniment in the world.
ABSCESSES, with few exceptions,
are indicative of constipation, of debility.
They mav, however,, result from blows
or from foreign bodies, introduced into
the skin or flesh, such as splinters, thorns
etc. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
operations today is exceeding mea
ger. One report was receive! here
tonight from Tckio to the effect that
General Kuropetkio, with all troops
which were on the north side of the
Taitze river, is now marching as
rapidly as possible toward Mukden.
The report adds that this follow
ed the operations of General Oku,
who succeeded in cutting off Gener
al Stakelberg and that the latter's
army is now surrounded on the
south side of the river and hopeless
ly lest.
Liao Yang is still in flames, ac
cording to this . same source, and
desperate fighting has followed an
attempt ot that part of the Russian
army which has been defending it,
to cross the stone bridges and join
Kuropatkin's command.
The advance of Kuroki toward
the railway line was so effective
and pressed so hard that the fight
ing finally became a parallel race,
Kuropatkin being compelled to ad
vance toward Mukden as rapidly as
the Japanese general attempted to
outflank him and thrust his forces
between Kuropatkin and that point.
The report contains no estimate
of how many men are in Stakel
burg's command, but it is presum
ed they number nearly 50,000. The
opponents have been so close today
that the Japanese were actually
against the Liao Yang walls. The
fighting wan continuous and des
perate, but report has it in Tokio
that" the Japanese were success
ful. only in this, that they prevent
ed the Russian rear guard from
joining Kuropatkin's retreat.
"The retreat of Mai -"--General Or-
loffs detatchmftit je-urday was
largely due to the li -- i h which
the force was ass'il d among the
millet fields. -
"General OrlofTs losses were con
siderable, one regiment alone losing
1500 men. , - -
' Every part of the mucous membrane,
the nose, throat, ears, head and lungs, .
etc., are subjected to disease and blight'
from neglected colds. Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup is a pleasant and effective
remedy. 25c, 50c and $1. W. Akendrick,
Valley Mills, Texas, writes: "I have used
Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup for coughs
and throat troubles ; it is a pleasant and
most effective remedy. Sold b Graham
& Wortham. ' -
Plump cheeks, flushed with the soft
glow of health and a pure complexion,
make all women beautiful. Take a small
dose of Herbine after each meal; it will
prevent, constipation ana help digest
what you have eaten. 50c. Mrs. William
M. btrond, Midlothian, Texas writes,
May 31, 1901. "We have used Herbine
in our family for eight years, and found
it the best medicine we ever used for con
stipation, bilious fever and 'malaria."
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Cbinaware
Portlabd, S3pt.3. Portland Jour
nal; ' Edmund Crtffield, the High
Holy Roller apostle, every time he
bas been in court, has refused to
permit counsel to be appointed to
defend him, saying, "The Lord will
defend me."
As indicative of what he expects
to bs his fate, Creffield called Coun
ty Jailor Grafton ud to the bars in
I front of his cell yesterday and ask
ed him all about the penitentiary
at Salem. He wanted to know
whether preachers were permitted
to visit convicts and if Bibles and
religious tracts were allo wed in their -the hills.
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
E B Borning
-var 4- tf Ny Cfc- i-
hands. He asked a large number
of other questions.
"W hat do you want to know
this for?" queried the jailor.
you expect to go there?"
"Well, if Gsd so willed it, I sup
pose I must accept my fate,'- said
the "apostle." .
Boulder, Mont.. Sept. 2. Drag
ged to death more than 100 yards
and crushed beneath the load of
logs he was attempting .to chain
more securely, William Ramsey,
an aged wood hauler of Stringtown,
met a horrible fate in the lonely
hills 12 miles north of Walkerville.
Rameey was missed by neighbors
nearly two weeks ago, but, as he
was in the habit of making long
stays in Butte, nothing was though
of his absence until bis horses wit
parts of their harness attached werj
found roaming-about the wood
Search was at ooce instituted, anl
tke body was found where Ramsa
was known to have been logging
When discovered tha n
- St. Petersburg, Sept. 3. The day
has heen one of tha greatest tension
in official circles, due to absence of
news direct from the field and of
numerous unofficial reports from
Mukden to the effact that Kuropat
kin is falling back on that point
It is reported that be left Stakel
burg's command to guard Liao
Yang as long as possible and thus
prevent the forces under Oka and
Nodzu from crossing the Taitze riv
er and assisting Kuroki in bis op
erations. x
Kuropatkin, having Kuroki thus
cut on from the other wings of the
Japanese army, has undoubtedly
hurled his forces with all the power
he possesses against the Japanese
north ot
mams ot the untortunate old ma
were in an advanced stage of
composition, so much so that th
were removed with great difhcultl
Ramsey had evidently been trl
ing to tighten the chain whi
bound his load of logs when
chain broke and part of the lol
fell acrosi his body. In the
man's death throes, or in his effoV
to escape from the weight wh
Mvrtle Point, Or., Aug. 30.
The Myrtle Point town board has
just awarded to Mitchell & Curren
a contract to put in a system of wa
ter works. The water supply will
be taken from Mullen's Springs, 4
miles northeast of town, and con
veyed to a reservoir three-quarters
of a mile from town. Eight-inch
mains will be used and the contract
calls for only $18,000. The work
is to be completed in 90 dajs from
the date of signing.
Philomath Items.
H. McBride and his sister.
Lettie, returned from
last week.
Mr. Fisk has moved into the res
idence property 00 College street
which she recently bought.
Rev. Jones has moved his family
into the new parsonage.
Mr. Pogsley has bought the Haw
kins property on Main street
will shortly take possession.
Circle No. 488, Women (
f. :n : :
II. Mill I II. .1 I II I
XtrasooD Glothes
For boys, little fellows and
young men., see Nolan & Callahan.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np stairs back of Graham &
Wells drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly.
Butte. Mont., Sept. 3 A Leth'
bridge, N. W. T., special to the Mi
ner reports the killing of three I pinned him toUhe ground, he . h
painters, residents of Chicago, who kicked and dug away the grou
were engaged in the painting of the several feet around the log. T
etandpipe erected in connection scene tells a silent stoiy ofater
with the municipal svstem of water ble death in the fastness of the Ion
works. - ly woods near Lowlands, where
' The three men were in the em- sound answered his cries eave th
ploy of a Chicago firm having the echo of his own voice. Ramsey waj
contract . for the construction
of the etandpipe. They were at
work on aswinging scaffold near the
top of the standpipe, about SO feet
high, when one of the ropes that
held the ccaffold broke, and the
three men fell to the ground, all be
ing instantly killed.
Mills City, Mont., Sept, 2. W.
H. Utterbeck, representing the
Carnegie Museum at Pittsburg, Pa.,
a German, 60 years of age, and had
no relatives in this country.
S. A. Read, Cisco. Texas, writes, March
11, iqoi: "My wrist was sprained so bad
ly by a fall that it was useless; and after
using several remedies that failed to give
relief, used Ballard's Snow Liniment,
and was cured. I earnestly recommend
it to any one . suffering from sprains."
25c, 50c, f 1.00. Sold by Graham &
ed j