The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 03, 1904, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men-
tlon and Other Items of ,-
Public In. terest
Bora Thuray to Mr . at 4 Mr
G. W. Deutnau, a hod.
B rr T""'1iiy n Mr. rnd Mrs.
Gio. Stootbdck, a boy.
.. Born Suudty, to Mr. aid Mrs.
B.'L. Turner, a bov.
Mrs. J. Mitod went to Pcrtlaod
Thuray, where she will be a busi
ness visitor for several days. ; "
Mrs. D. O. Houck ba' arrivd
from a visit at Newpott aud U the
guest of Corvallis friends. -,,
Services at tbe - Carbolic church
SuDdy at 10-30 a. ro. au l 7-30 pi m..
Fa'her Spiiogetf cffldatlog. ' Alii are
welcome. r ' sl 1 '
Subject at the Church f Cbiisr
Sunday morning, "Goo's Temples;"
eveolofr, "An lotallible GjI "." Even
ing service oeglua at 7-30.
' it a ir-otlncr nf thd Mlnlptrtal
Association last waiHgreed
to bealn the evening ', services fat tbe.
various churches at. 7-30 "af'e's Sep
1st. , . , . . .. ".
8ervlcea will begin at the - Pree-:
byterlan church 8undayt Id the
mornlog, Rey. Cairlck will speak uo
the subject, ' Is there any Benefit io
Affliction?" , 1 1 tbe evening MreCdf
rlek will give; ao a' Jdres, ' Service
will be held at Oak R dge ykl 3 ; b. "fo.
'' i 'S ''' '"i V it
Pcesldlrig Elder M. J." Ballahtyne
will rr ach at tbe TJolted Evangelical
church Siturday eveplng, ,. Sunday
morning ard evening. The' busibees'
of the second quarter -will be trans
acted after the setvice on Siturday
evening. Hours fonservlce, 11 a m.
and t-'ou p. . ui.' ... .
W . H. Dllley, tbe Corvallis car
penter, wa? la Thursday horn Summit
where ba Is . building a hew -store;
for Tlte Rmoey, the well known mer
chant. Tho buiMlog Is to be forty
feet souarf. two stories, with a ball
overheed. ;- v
Dr. acd Mrs. I'atra expect . to
c?.vc M -"-y f...r ths E'"!, to ba ab
sent thiee months. Tbe visit will ex
tend as far north ah New York . City,
and will Include journeys to various
states. Dr. Farra Is to speed a por
tion of bis absence In post graduate
: work In his pre festion.
Jesse Spencer, the well koowd
barber, Is temporarily with the Plaster
barbf'r shop, pending the preparation
of a loom f i- hU occupancy In tbe
Small building. The repairs to the
latter will rf quire a week for comple-
tlon, afcer which Mr. Spencer will oc
cupy tbe notth room, tbe a joining
jroom on the south to be occupied by
iMrs. Small's Icecream parlors.
j Tbe Fire Department meets next
Monday night. Il is important that
there be a good a'tendanoe. Among
j other matters to come up is the an
nual election of officers. Still fresh In
'mind, is the fact that but recently the
department was In a condition of io
ocuous desuetude, due to non-attendance.
A repetition can be prevented
,lt all firemen, active and honorary,
jtemember the date acd occasion.
They collected samples of grow
ing grata out at the college farm tbe
Other day for adding to the State Fair
exhibit. With much labor and pa
tience tbe stalks were pulled during
the day and laid aside for tbe morrow
'That night tbe entlie held of college
cows got out and ate np the samples
to tbe last stalk.
I Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Wilklos ex
pect to leave Monday, or soon there
after for a three months' visit In the
East. They are to gc to S Louis
for sight of the Fair, to Chicago, New
York, and thence for a sojourn at Mr.
Wilkin's old home In Alabama and
Mississippi. They expect to return
home about December 1st. Their
trip will be made in company with
Dr. and Mrs. Fatra.
Guy E. Moore and Mrs. W. P.
Laffertj lilt yesterday for. the East
Mr. Moore goes to Chicago to enter
Columbia College of Oratory and
Dramatic Art, and Mrs. Lsfferty goes
to her old home lu Misf nurl for a vis
it with relatives. BJr. Moore will be
absent during the school year, and
Mrs. Lsfferty will return home In
about two month?. The departure of
Mr. Moore was tbe occaeion of a pleas
ant evening given in his henor by
friends at his mother's home Wed
nesday eveniDg.
Many townsmen are watching for
gravel-hauling to begin on Jefferson
street. That thoroughfare was newly
graied last spring, and so far no
gravel has been put on It, except at
crosswalks. It is understood that
the street committee has contracted
for the work to ba done, but the fact
that there is a delay in beginning
makes it feared that an unusully early
fieabet, euch as 6atne three or four
years ago In September, might pre
vent completion of the job, and occas
ion great damage to the new grade
that wou'd ba certain to result dur-
A business vlei'or from Medford,
Thursday , na Dr. E. B. Picket. 5
Y-terday on tbfir wttftls, CIud
Swhdd ard Cla k Monday departed
for Craf rdevllle f r a visit, t
Chaik-e "White, of tbe Portland
T legrim, was a basinet vbitor in
Cotval'U Thursday.
Miss D illy B.own a'ter a visit ef
a few days io Co i vail is, lefc yesterday
to be tte gtest cf Aloaoy liieoda. ,
Mr. and Mr. I. .,M. Glecn of Ec
geu have attired and a'e guestaat
tbe Iirvttoo home.- ."? -i
j MUs Liooie Small left a ft w das
ago tor ner home at S'lver Lake, aft,er
it visir. wit iiieica iu Corvallis. ' "
L-.r-Mre. EPz ibetb Starr hai arrive1'',
si-.w a vleit oh several month, with
relativta at Gtai-U Pasf.
-Samuel Bine expects to leave JIoc-
day i c a deer hunt id Douglas coun-
, There Is a n w cUrk in the gro
cery establishment tf E. B. Horning.
Hrf Is R68 Adaajt", aud he expects to
remain in tbe buduess lidcHuitely. .
An antral In CotvallU from St.
Louis yesterf ay, was Prof. Charles
Johnson, who has been absent about
two months. . ' " I
T--'af er a week's visit 16 Alsea, Miss.
Gldvs Richardson returned to Cor
vallts Thursday. She leaves today;for
Portland, en route to her home In. Ho
quiam. Wash. .
"' A re?! let c ' on Third street Is now
occupied bv Mr. nd Mrs. Ernest Wil
son. The removal occurred yester
day. - ' t "; i- ' .".!
, -With bis family, ) Mair Hardin
Jc-ft yesterday for San Francisco. After
a month s visit in tbat.ckyj-tbeyi will
sail lor the fnlllpplaee. ,j
James Flett, tbe noted Five Riv
ers chittlm klog, came over with a lead
of bark Thursday. He leaves on tbe
return trip this morning. f t
i The bicycle repair ehop4on Sotith
Main tteet is now . owDed by J. -.ti.,
Berry, who has purchased the inter
eat that formerly belonged to Mr.
" Wednesday afternoon next the
Millenary society of the First Meth
odlet church Is to be entertained by
Mis. Bammel, at Hotel Corvallis.
. Eoroute to their home in Port
land from an outing at Newport, Mr,
and Mrp. John.. Bowie were Corvallis
ggests Thursday. - :j ,;.-::
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bruo'k and
Charles Sbenofield left - Thursday to
take up their residence iu-Portland
Many warm Meeds In Corvallis regret
the departure of the family.
After spending the summer in this
city, Mrs. Ralph Foster left yesterday
for her home at Summer Lake, East
em Oregon. She was accompanied
home by her mother, Mrs. Belt.
For kicdaesses shown acd help
rendered during the Illness and death
of Mrs. McLagan, William McLagan
and children unite in sincere thanks
to all neighbors and friends..
A rattle snake, four feet in length
and haviog.slxteeo rat tie 3 and a but
ton was killed fa Portland on one of
tbe docks the other day. It U the
first instance of. tbe kind within the
memory of any Portlander.
Regular services will be resumed
tomorrow1 at tbe Congregational
church. Sunday school at 10; p reach
lug service at 11; preaching service at
Plymouth at 3, Christian Endeavor at
7 ; evening Bervice at 8. Everybody
welcome. :" .....
Rev. Carrlck and family are to
leave in. the course ot a couple of
weeks for Brownsville, to reside. Dur
ing their residence here the Carrlcbs
have made many friends, and their de
parture for other fields of labor", caus
es keen regret in Corvallis.
' For -the purpose of enquiring into
conditions, and ascertaining the good
points of O. A. C, that they may send
their children here to college, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Cooley of Dundee, Oregon,
were visitors In Corvallis Thursday.
They were guests, during their stay,
at Hotel Corvallis.
Fourth quarteily conference at
M. E. church Saturday evening, Sept.
3d, at 7:30 p. m. Short talk by Dr.
Ford at 11 a. m., Sunday, followed by
the communion service. At 7 :30 p. m.
Dr. T. B. Ford will give his last ser
mon in Corvallis as presiding elder of
the Eugene district. The Epworth
League will resume their regular ser
vices on next Sunday at 6:33 p. m.
All youog people invited.
The transmitters arrived Thurs
day morning for the new Independent
Telephone lines, and the city is now
mostly connected with the switch
beard. It is thought that by this eve
ning all the phones that are now in
position on the new lines will be in
working order, and as soon as the test
is finished a directory will be Issued
and the system will be complete In
Corvallis. There are many desk phones
io operation in business houses, and
they as well as tbe wall phones, .are
models of neatness and perfection of
woikmansblp in the Hoe ot telephone
Prineville, Or., Aug. 30. Prine-
ville and vicinity was visited Sun
day by a hail storm and preceded
by the worst dust storm ever known
in this section. Nearly every house
in town suffered the loss of "wind
ow panes, and the local dealers will
not be able to supply one-fourth the
demand of this commodity until
more freight is received from tbe
, Oak Grove, Notes. -
Tbe shower last Sunday morning
did much good acd was vu yed by
ail. ' '-- ' . i
H. J. Mo:re will not run bis
fruit dryer a3 hjo- prut t) prop 'is
hiit. He has sold bit few prunes
he bas to ths LaseUi Brov, of Al
bany. ... :
J. U. Wilson, th:Conut Adver
tising Corn imoy' photographer, has
been t iking picture io.our n jbbo -
hood.; -(.:'.'!: .tili'.ill
Mi.Jgfs Grove and Birdie Bailc-,
of Cottage Grove, are visiting, with
their coutin. Mis. Paul Johnston.
.The. roads are" Imed.V'i'h hop-
pickers wending their way toward
Independence. -
wV H. FdPter : returned home
from Eastern VVa?hingtonwhera he
1 . i . 1 . 11. . 1 .
uub eeeu at worK iu iae uarveoii
fi elds.
T. B. WillUuosoo and sjn Clyde
are out with th thresher for a few
dayp. ;' ;V
Mrs. William Martin, of Browns
ville, and family, ars- visiticg wilh
their, cousin, R. J, Bailey., r
'" A large number ' of our people
have left for the bop yards at lade-
pendecce, Saturday, r, .-:: .
W. D. Morris has. gone to Salem
again to run bis brother a engine
while threshing the spring grain..
Farmers are expecting a hard
wieter and are housing all the
epnng grain? straw. ; ;j !
Miss Pearl Williamson has irons
to Portland. to make her home with
her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Dwyre.
Mraud Mf&'RPJ' .Bailey and
little daughter. Pearl, snent Sundav
with their daugbter.'Mis. Pa6l
Johnston. '"ir'M-
iMri and MrsiJi Gv Gibson 4iave
returned from .their timber claims
in tbe Cascades. -
H Father McCaulley, who has been
very poorly for, a loog time, is up
and around, but is quite feeble.
Bellefountain Notes. '
1 D. V. Gragg h'aa been laid up for
ten days with a felon on bis thumb.
T M re-. Fawcetti- ,6f " Portland, Is
spending a" few "davs at tbe home of
hereon, T.sK.'iFawcett, "of this
place.. . " . . .
' "The principal attraction "is. the
grand son which arrived at Jbe
Fawoett borne on the 22J ult.". ' -Ed
Banton has accepted a posi
tion 'in 'the McElroy prune dryer,
as head-dryer.
Matvley Buckingham's family
have gone to McMinnville, looking
lor a location. .
w. J. Price sent a load of pears
to Corvallis this week. He realiz
ed 50 cents per buehel for them.
There was a meeting of tbe Tele
pbone iJomDany at tbia place on
Wednesday evening, to make nna
amugements about tbe line.
E. H. Belknap will preach at
Sii! pson's chapel on Sunday, Sept,
4.1 .
E oil Price, n iw located in Port
1st !, is well pleased with his posi
tin" and bas had his household ef
fect;! shipped there. j . j
J. P. Gragg and Tbarp burned
their slashings on Wednesday after
no n. - '
Myrtle Point, Or., Aug. 30.
The Myrtle Point town board has
just awarded to Mitchell & Curren
a contract to put in a system ot wa
ter works. The water supply will
be taken from Mullen's Springs, 4
miles northeast of town, and con
veyed to a reservoir three-quarters
of a mile from town. Eight-inch
mains will be used and the contract
calls for only $18,000. Tbe work
is to be completed in 90 dajs from
the date of signicg.
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
2 ForYaquina:
Train leaves Albany 1245 p. n)
Corvallis isp. m
- " arrives Yaquina 5:40 p. m
1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina. 7:r; a. m
: leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12:15 P- b
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany i:00p. m
Arrives Detroit. 6:00 p. m
4 from Detroit: - '
Leaves Detroit,. ........... 6:30 a. m
Arrives Albany.... 11:15 a. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S r south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S : P north
bound train, i .-, ; !
' Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1:00 p. in., reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day. -
For farther information apply to
... dwin Sxons, -.:.-!
' Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany, -
If you try a pair
you'll have the
style, fit and durr
ability o f .T H E
BEST; And your
'il get them at a
price that is right
Ideal ,
Roaster .
f ; :..;t ; - :-n "M .
At S. L. Kline's.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon.
For:the'County of Bentoni b ' '"
In the Matter of tee Estate ot) '
." . . of , :: . "ii n
Wm. P. Byer, deceased, ) ,
. . .1
To W. F. Byer and Rllla A. Abrams,
aDd devisees of Wm'. F. Byer, deceased.
.Greeting: In' the name of the State of
eon you and each of you are hereby cited
required to:appear in the bounty Court of the
State of Oregon for the County ot Benton, at the
Court Boom thereof, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 10th day of September, leoi. at 11
o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then . and
there to show cause if any you have, why an
order of sale should not be made as prayed for
in the petition of W. 'N. Alford, administrator
01 saia estate 01 wra. Fi m-er, deceased, ot the
followine described real oronerty towit: Lots
number 7, 8, and 9 '-in block 'numbered 4 in
Hausman's Addition to the City of North
Brownsville, Linn Oonnty, Or3gon; Lot num
bered Sin block numbered 10 in Kiversiiie ad.
dition. to Albina. now within the City of Fort-
land, Mutnomah County, Oregon: And Lot num
bered 23, in block numbered 5, in Hyde Fark,
Washineton County. Oreeon ' .': v !
And you are further notified that this citation
is served upon yon and each -ot you, Dy puD
llcatlon thereof in the Corvallis Times news-
paper for lour week, under an order made by
the lion, virgu t. watiers, juuge 01 saiu uourr,
hnnrlnir date July SOth. MM.
Witneas:The Hon. Viriril B. Watters. Judee
01 the county ijourt 01 the Btate 01 uregon, ror
the County of Benton, with the Seal of said
OouBtamxed this 30th day of July, 1901.
, viutuk r. iiustsa, .
ByJ. ?. Irwin, Deputy.
Office la ZUrolf B-uldtn. G rv tills.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box 11. '-:
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed,
i wen ty years experience.
CoRVAiiis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Warrants.1-; v':-
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND ' f iondon San Fran-
SEATTLE r. cue Buk TJmlted. j . t
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morsran A Co.
CHICAGO- National Bank ot Tbe Keptrtj
Iht. LONDON, EX?.-London San Francisco
TtjTilf Limited.
CANADA. UnionBank of Canada.
! V. ' . .1
Just a Moment, Please! ft
jWhynotletTheRoyalTaUorsofChi-x. jS
cago make your fall suit or overcoat? y
When delivery is made, there will also
uc ucii vereu a uireci guaranty covering
the quality of goods, the style and fit
of the garments and the workmanship.
And that guaranty is worth one hun
dred cents on the dollar to you. It
means that you are to be satisfied with.
the garments when you eet them
satisfied that they ere niade expressly .
foryou,Xo your: own measure and it
means that they will wear well, eive "
you good service, and hold their shape as rightly-tailored gar-
mentS Should. r ' ?' " ir..-.-; t:j :t "
s The cost of Royal tailoring is so low that you might almost
think price was the first consideration.. But it isn't, . Value is
first.'' Valtiegiymgis a.t the basis of The Royal Tailors' success.1
The best for the money, always that is the Royal idea.
-c Customers of The Hoyal Tullorj are Invited W guess how
. v many people will attend the World's Fair at St. Louis. Ther -
. otter prizes consisting of ten Automobiles, to lie given to the
ten persons making the closest guesses. The cost of these ''
: Automobiles is $13. 700. There are also eight cash prizes of J
(lOO each, making the total value of the prizes S14.SOO. For ...
very dollar you pay on an order for Royal tailoring you can '
. make ene guess; on a $13 suit you can roaKe fifteen guesses. -i
and on a $20 suit you can matte twenty gue . a, and so on a i,
' guess for every dollar.
The Royal Tailors carry a million-dollar stock of woolens--,
something J sure1' to please everybody ; suits and overcoats for
.toeu'and. bb'ysladies'.iaan-tailored skirts andicoats all1
imade strictly to measure at an actual proven cash saving of
fully twenty-five per j:ent,-iii " ' ' " ; ;. ; i
"But the thing to do is to see the goods and get the prices.
x.ou can. uo xnai Dy caning on
IWhed.'"piiis or irritation 1 exist on' any
part of tho body, tbe application of ' lial-
lara 8 snow liniment gives prompt re
lief. .E. W,,., Sullivan,;. Prop. Sullivan
Bouse El. Reno, O, T.. ..writes, June.
I902:' '"I take' 'pleasure in recommend
1 g Ballard'a SdOw Liniment to 'all who
are afflicted with rheneaatiBm. tt' is the
odIv remedv I. ha ve bund thatgiveaim
IneQiate relief. , 25c, 5pc, f
; Sold, by
Graham & Wortham.
1 E'W-
U 1 '-' '
Hunters Supplies, fishing Cackle .
Sporting Goods
SGViiNG Machine extbas "
Stock of 6 fiodes at Big Bargain
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for our special list, or come and (j.
see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all g
the reliable information you wish, also showing " P
you over the country. - - S
' Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, '
; .' ."; Coryallis iand Philomath Or. : i
Reduced Round Trip Rates
count World's Fair...--
First class tickets ou sale June
16, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, August
8, i), 10, Sept 5, g. 7, Oct. 8, 4, 5,
Corvallis to St. Louia and return,
good 90 dajs with stop over priv
ileges at rates ranging from $67.50
to $82.50 according to, routs chos
en, passengers, will have privilege
of starting on any date which will
enable to reach destination - within
ten days from the sale date. In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
. . . . , , v .,,
-3 t
When a cough, a tickling of an - irrita
tion in the throat makes you feel uncom
fortable, take Ballard's Horehonnd Syr
up.: Don't wait until the disease has gone
b yond control) Mr, and Mre. J. iA. An
draon, 354 West Fifth street. Salt -Lake
C. y.'Utab, writes: " ''.;Wethiuk Ballard's
Hbrehound Syrup the best nfediVine for
coughs and eclds. ' We have used it 'for
several years;; it always gives, immediate
Jtelief, is very pleasant and gives perfect
satisfaction.' 250 50c, Ji.oO. , ol4. by
Graham .fik Wortham.- ; ' "
"An ounce of preven
tion Is ' worth ajpound
', ";'of.(iure." ',!'-!;'7!''-
. Prevent any abnormal
condition of the eyes by
properly .: fitted - glasses
and you'll prevent at the
same time years of mis
ery and pain. :
; i . ; The Jeweler and Optician.
fiuri Store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets.-' Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drag store.
;; - For Sale. ,
A few choice Poland China pies, both
sexes, from registered stock, $s per head
jnire of Eottit Wylif , Lewisburg,