The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 27, 1904, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men- -tlon
and Other Items of
. Public In. terest
A Wednesday visitor
from Alta-
ny wafc Lauatir; man Si
Dr. Maud Holt la to leave today
tor Salem, to reside.
From a two weeks' outing at New
poit, Miss Clara Fisher returned borne
Wednefdiy. -
For a vlnlt with Corvallis reli'ivee
Miss Lottie Roee came up from Fort
land, Thurediy.
J. L. Underwood ard family re
turned home from an outing at Caaca
dia, Thursday.
After a pleasant cubing at Cascs
(31a, W. H. Mi Mabon and family, re
turcel borne Thursday.
After a seven weeks' visit at New
port, Mrs. Lucy FraLcisco return
ed home Wednesday. " .
From a visit with Poniard friends
Miss Juliet Cooper was a returning
passenger Tuesday. .
Misses Zje and Li.iira Yaotta
-were guests yesterday of Mrs. B. W.
Wilaon. Tbelr borne Is In Balem.
Returning pleasure eeekrra from
Newpoit Wed net day were Rev. Green
and family. -
(Jharles Sheoofleld r turned from
the coast Weduerday, and proceeded
Wednesday, Mrs. Mulkey and
Mrs. Eva Miller, rf Summit, came In
for a vUlt with friends.
Accompanied by her daughters,
Marie ai d Evelyn, Mrs. B. A. Gtth-
ey lift yesetdij for s. two weeks' visit
in Portland.
Mis. T. H. Wtllshpr.Bccompauied-
by Miss Vivian, leaves today for a ten
days' visit with Ed Cum miDgs, la Port
land. A ffueet at the home of Judge acd
Mrs. Watter8 this week was Mrs.
Mead', if Utauu jvrr-. She uepaited
, for her home Thuisday.
Three tons (f chittlm balk was
brought In from Alsea by Wade Ma
lone i his week, and stored la a Heal
For a visit with friends, Mr. ard
Mrs. W. T. Small are to leave tomor
row for Turner, Msrioneoubty. They
will return Monday.
El Aldcleh, of tha class of 1900,
O. A. O., low holds a good position,
in PerdletoB, with a chanc for pro
motion ns bs letrns tba business.
Mrs. Peters, accompanied by her
daughters, Verna acd Pansy, left a
day or two ago for the bop fltlds ot
Polk county.
After a two weeks' visit with ber
sister, Mrs. Meog, In this city, Miss
Mabel Thrift departed Thursday for
ber home at Shedds.
Ed Bryan and wife have arrived
from Idaho for a visit with Benton
county relatives. Both are former pop
ular joung people of this county.
Prof. J. B. Patterson arrived We1
needay, and was shaking bands wttb
old friends. Mr. Patterson baa been a
medioal student at St. Louia for the
past year.
The welding of Stanley Starr and
Mies Emily Florence Turner, both of
Portland, la to occur next Thursday,
In tbat city. Mr. Starr is a former
well-known Ootvalltslte.
With his family, A. O. Miller left
this week for Portland, to reside.
For some time Mr. Miller has been
agent tor tbe Singer sewing machine
company, with headquarters in Cor
vallts. Incoming passengers from the
bay Thursday were Mrs. C. Greffcz
acd daughter, Miss. Adelaide. The
latter left Immediately for Monroe,
where she will be a guest at the Hean
el home.
Reports from Mrs. Nina Rycrafr,
ot Alsea, who was recently the subject
of a sugicai operation, are eecourag
log. Although far from well. Mrs.
Rycraft la slowly Improving, with tbe
chances for complete recovery decid
edly In her favoi.
In honor ot the birthdays of
"Adoiph Peterson and J. C. Hammel,
two of its members, the Degree of
Honor of Lodge gave an informal re
ception Tuesday evening. There were
light refreshments and a general good
New and modern fronts are to be
placed In the Graham & Wells drug
store and the Huston hardware estab
lishment. Tbe roofs are to be raised,
maklog the ceilings conslderbly high
er, and other changes made. W. O.
Heckert has the contract, and a num
ber of men are now engaged on the job.
- An informal dinner party was giv
en by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Locke,
Wednesday evening, In honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Georee Kerker. who left
Thursday for California. Only a few
Intimate friends were present, but the!
affMr was most er j -nbln, .
Mm. Djlpb. and ch'llren retnrn-
e 1 Tbcr dy from a la Portland.
From a eek at tbe Bay Frank
Stiotg riturced Thursday.
Dr. George A.nelle is to arrive
today for a brief visit, at the John
Smith borne. -, - , . ' ,
S. N. Wllkins acd family are to
I'avo la a few days f r a vltit at the
Exposition at S. Louis.
George and - Collie Cathey de
parted Thursday f r a mouth's trip to
tbe Bohemia mines.
Elmer Mays, a firmer Corval'le-
Ite, now amerchmt of Gleocoe. Oi e
gon, was a Cotvallis visitor Thursday.
For hunting add fishing trip at
BlgE:k, Z.H. Davis left Thuroday
a'teroooti. ,
Mr Gout, who ell r ceotly and
sustoiut u a severe injury to her nip,
la tl wly Imfr ving at her borne od
the lwir Alst-a.
Major Haidia an 3 family leave
Thursday for San Francisco. They
sail tor tbe PBilippices abeut tbe first
of Octorer. .
After a pleasant outing at New
pert, Rlehriid Grabam and family re
turned borne Thursday. ,
Prof. Mordaunt Goodnough left
Wednesday on a business trip to
An af ernoon lei was given bv
Mrs. H. F. Flecherat ber home in
South Corvaliie Thurfdiy.
Tbe Evening Whist Club was ec-
tr'atoed in a most pleasant manner
by Miss Grace Gitcb, Wednesday.-
For an outing at Monterey,
George Armstrong and : family de
parted Thursday. . -'
George Wbitesldee, who .has been
very low with typboiJ fever, Is slow
ly recovering.
Harvey Louneberry, traveling
freight agent for the S JUtbern Paclflo
waa a Thursday visiter in Corvaliie.
From a visit to Portland and var
ious points In Washington; v Miss
Mayme Crawford returned home
Thursday. - T- . .
Mrs. William MeLagan is : very
111 at the home ot her daughter,
Mrs. Tucker, in this city. The pa
tieut is quite aged, aad doubts ot her
recovery are entertained.
Ea route tJ Astoria, where he will
engage 40 Chinamen to work in his
cancery at Horence, O. W. Hurd, of
Florence was a Coavallis visitor tbis
week. Tbe Steamer Boscoe will meet
Mr. Hurd at Astoria, and be used In
transporting the celestials to Florence.
Carda have just been received in
tbis city announcing tbe marriage, a
tew days ago, in Huron, South Dako
ta, of Prof. H. Tallaotier, who is to be
principal of rbe piano department at
O. A. C. the coming year. The an
nouncement cays that the newly mar
ried pair will be "at borne" in Cjrval
lis, Oregon, after October 1st.
Voting for the handsome silk flag
comes to a close next Wednesday eve
ning. It is the universal wish that O.
A. C. may be the winner. No other
Institution or organization ran make
such good use of a flag as can tbe boys
In blue at O. A. U., and none need It
worse. Let every one cast their bal
lots for the pride of Corvallis the
Agricultural College. -
There was a wedding at the borne
ot Mr. and Mrs. Carmi Hotchkiss, in
Job's addition, Thursday evening. The
bride was Miss Pearl Hotchkiss, and
the groom Ernst Wilson, of Mountain
View. Tbe ceremony was performed
by Bev. Deck, ot the Evangelical
church. The young people aro welt
known and many fiiends join In con
gratulations. Out at the Bodice & Peck ware
house, many Improvements are being
made. Tbe grounds have been clean
ed up. tbe building repaired and Im
proved, scales put In position for
weighing stock, a yard fenced-in, and
now a windmill and tank with a
trough tor watering stock, are to he
put up.
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
a ForYaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12-45 P- IB
' " Corvallis 1:45 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 5:40 p. m
I Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:15 a. m
Leaves Corvallis .11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany .13:15 P- m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany i:00 p. m
Arrives Detroit 6:00 p. m
4 from Detroit:
leaves Jjetroit b:w a. m
Arrives Albany 11:15 a. m
Train No.i arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hoars in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
. Train No a connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1:00 p.m., reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to -Eswiif
H. H. Crordse, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany.
New line of wall paper, just
ceived at Blackledge's.
Made a Profound irr predion ta the
Race Reports of 'Whtppitig '
Negroet Militia CiT.ra to
"- Resign Other News.:-
v Siateeboro, Ga., Aug. IS. Tb.9
exodus of negroes following the
burning to death by tbe mob of the
condemned murderers, Cato and
Keed, continues. Tbe terrible pun
ishment met td rut to the slayers
of Henry Hedges and hi family
has made a profound imprestion on
the negroes, and - all of them are
frightened, notwithstanding tbat
there is no desire to harm tbe bet
ter cIbbs of the colored people. In
rare instances irresponsible .bands
of Marauders have acted, without
reference to the characterof tbe ne
groes attacked, as in the case of old
man Roberts and his eon, but these
acts are deprecated by all. Roberts
bas lived seventy jeara in this com
munity, and commands the respect
of every good citizen. " .
The fleeing of the negroes threat
ens a shortage of labor in the cot
ton fields, where cotton picking is
soon to commence.
Reports from the country herea
bouts tell of various whippings of
disreputable negroes, and of the in
tention the people to clear Ballcck
county of them. There are also
stories of the shooting of negroes,
bat none of these is substantiated.
Offers of assistance in subduing the
negrors have been received from
Brunswick, -Valdosta ; and other
points in the state. -
Gaines, bead of the largest negro
church in tbe county, acensad by
Reed as being tbe chief conspirator
of the Before Day Club, ran away
this morning. Reed said that Gaines
was under bond to pay a certain
sum of money, and ipstitued the
plan of murder for the purpose of
raising money to discharge . his
debt. ' - - : : . . ,"
. A thoughtless young man placed
the bonea of tbe burned negroes in
a boz today and shipped them by
express to President Roosevelt, tc
companied by a note saying that
Reed and (Jato were two negroes
with whom be would nevejr . eat,
The box was taken from - tbe ex
press office by wiser citiztus, who
convinced the young man that he
was doing a foolish thiog. "
Handy Bell, implicated by Reed
as a ringleader in the murders, was
seen today in the voods in the rear
of a distillery about five miles from
here. J. A. McDougal, owner of
the distillery ,-who found him aim-
t4ely wandering about, asked him
what he thought of tbe burning of
R ed and .Cato. He said that they
b"ould have been burufd. McDou
t 1 permitted him to go acd he
-truck across the country.
rbe negro shot yesterdsy 'by a
pse that thought him to be Han
is v bell has not been identified.
The officers of the local military
c mpany are preparing to send their
resignations to the GovernorLaa'd
ing citizens are endeavoring to dis
sudetbem from this intention. An
officer declared that the members
of thejeompany were required to
give up loaded cartridges issued,
and that otber and similar cart
ridges were iecued to fewer . than
half a dozen soldiers. 'He said that
orders were given that there should
be no firing. The local men lay tbe
blame on tbe efficer in command.
Captain Hitch, of the Savannah
It is not denied that the mob
with the two negroes on the way to
the stake passed within a few yards
of the soldiers stationed about the
jail, and that these soldiers could
have rescued the negroes.
Omaha, Aug. 18. Two hundred
passengers on the southbound Un
ion Pacific express last night owe
their lives to the courage and pres
ence of mind of ten-year-old Claud
Nickeison, of Valparaiso.
The youngster while walking:
1 along the track from Mead, discov
ered that a long trestle was in names
He ran two miles to notify the sta
tion men at his town.
The express was brought to a
stand still a few yards from the
burning bridge by darager signals.
The bridge fell -while trainmen were
alighting to ascertain tha reason for
the delay.. "' .
Chefbo, Aug. 24. Information of
undoubted authenticity state that
the Japanese armored cruisers Nis-
snin anu .ivasaga nave Domoarded
and silenced the Russian forts east
of Golden Hill at
the entrance
Port Arthur.
Rolled barley, shorts bran, cricked
corn, and wheat at Dunn & Thatchers.
If you try a pair
you'll have the
style, fit and'dur-
ability o f T H E
BEST. And you
'll get them at a
price that is right
Free Free
At S. L. Kline's.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon.
Jor the County of Benton.
In the Matter of the Estate of)
of 5
Win. F. Byer, deceased. 3 . -
To W. F. Byer and Rllla A. Abrams, heirs
and devisees of Wm. F. Byer, deceased.
Greeting: In the name of the State ot Ore
gon you and euch.of you are hereby cited and
required to appear in the ('ountv Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of Benton, at the
uourt iioom tnereot, at uorvauis Oregon, on
Saturday, the 10th day of SeDtember. 19M. at 11
o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and
mere to snow cause it any you have, why an
order of sale should not be made as grayed for
in ine petition or w. xt. Airorff, administrator
of said estate of Wm. F. Byer, deceased, of the
following described real property towit: Tjots
number 7, 8, and 9 In block numbered 4 in
Hausman's Addition to the City of North
Brownsville, ijinn connty, oraeon: Lot num
bered 8 in block numbered 10 in Biverside ad
dition, to Alblna, now within the City of Port
land, Mutnomah County, Oregon : Ami Lot num.
bered 23, in block numbered 5, In Hyde Parlt
Washington County, Oregon.
ADd you are further notified that this citation
Is served upon yon and eaoh of you, by pub
lication thereof in the Corvallis Times news
paper for tourweekfl. under an order made by
me 11011. virgu wauerp, juoge oi saia uourt,
bearlne date July 30th. 1901.
Witness:The Bon. Virgil E. Wat tern, Judge
ox me tonaty uonn ox tne state 01 uregoa, xor
the County of Benton, with the Seal of . said
Coust affixed this 30th day of July, 1904.
By J. F. Irwin, Deputy.
Office la Zierolf Baildtasr, (J ryillia. Q.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays highest prices for alt kinds of
Uve stock, batistaction guaranteed,
Twenty years experience.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Boys County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
London A San Fran-
( Cisco Bank limited
NEW YORlt Messrs. .J I' -Tnrsran Co.
CHICAGO National Bank ot Tlie;Repab
LONDON, EXG London ft San Franctwo
Bank .Limited.
CANADA, CulonBank of Canada, :
Just a Moment, Please!
vvnynotist iiieK.oyai lailorsoltJlu-. ;
cago make your fall suit or overcoat? Uv
Yfcen delivery is made, there will also T'
uiiivcicti iticti, g uiirin.y covering ;
the quality cf goods, the style and fit
of the garmests tad the -workmanship.
And that guaranty is worth one hun
dred cenia cii the. dollar to you. It ;
meaiis that you are to be satisfied with '
the carineBts when vou est them
forjqu,to yonrown measure and it
means that, they will, wear well, give
you good service, and hold their
The cosu of Royal tailoring is'so low that you might almost
think price was the first consideration. ' But it isn't. Value is
first. Value-giving is at the basis of The Royal Tailors' success.
The bst for the money always that is the Royal idea.
Customers of Tho Royal Tailors aro invited to guess how
... a.., vvvvmx wui cuuuu mo noria s x atr-at ot. Jouis. They
efer prlxesponsisting of tea Automobiles, to be (iven to the
tea persona making the closest guesses. The cost of these
Automobiles is 813,700. There are also eight cash prizes' of
SlOO eich, miiing tbe total value of the prizes S14.50Q. For
etery doUir yau pay on an order for Royal tailoring you-caa
mate one gness; on a $15 suit you can make fifteen guesses,
and oii $20 3-ait you caa maKe twenty cue . a, and so on a
gueae for every Col2a.r. , . .
The Roval Tailors carrv a million-dollar stort
something sure to please everybody; suits and overcoats for
men and boys ladies' man-tailored skirts and coats all
made strictly to measure at an actual proven cash saving of
fully twenty-five per cent. '
But the thing to do is to see thegoods and get the prices.!
You can do that by calling on .
When pains or irritation exitt on anv
part of the body, the application of Bal
lard's Snow Liniment gives prompt re
lief. E. W, Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan
House EI Reno, 0.--T.. writes, June 6,
I902: 'I take pleasure in recommend
ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who
are afflicted with rheumatism. It is the
only remedy I have found that gives im
mediate reiiei. 85c, 50c, f i.uo. . Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
- 1
Piotieer dun Store..
punters Supplies, Tisbing Cackle
Sporting Goods
Stock of 6 Bodes at Big Bargain
good bargains in stock,
Ranches, write for our special list, or come and
see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing g
you over the country. '
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Reduced Round Trip Hates Ac
count World's Fair.
First class tickets on sale June
16, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, August
8, 9, 10, Sept 5, 6, 7, Oct. 3, 4, 5,
Corvallis to St. Louia and return,
good 90 da j a with slop over priv
ileges at rates ranging from $67,50
to $82.50 according to route chos
en. Passengers will have privilege
of starting on any date which will
enable to reach destination within
ten days from the sale date. In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
Co. .-.
shape as rightly-taflored gar-
When a cough, a tickling or an irrita
tion in the throat makes you feel uncom
fortable, take Ballard's Horehound Syr
up. Don't wait nntil the disease has gone
beyond control. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. An--derson,
354 West Fifth street, Salt Lake
City. Utah, writes: 'We think Ballard's
Horehound Syrup tbe best medicine for
conghs and colds. We have used it for
several years; it always gives immediate
relief, is very pleasant and gives perfect
satisfaction. 25c,. 59c, $r.o0. Sold by
Graham & Wortham. .
"An ounce of preven
tion is worth ajpound
: of cure."
Prevent any abnormal
condition of the eyes by
properly fitted glasses
and you'll prevent at the
same time years of mis
ery and pain.
' V :
he Jeweler and Optician.
grain, fruit and poultry 1
' " Corvallis and Philomath, Or. 4
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poatoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. nr., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be .
eft at Graham & Wortham'a drug store.
For Sale. '
A few cboioe Poland China pigs, both
sexes, from registered stock, $5 per head
sqnire of Eotert Wylie, Lewisbnrg,