The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 24, 1904, Image 4

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v ,
",-'. The Coalings and Goings of People
, .t; SociaECossip, Personal Men-
t " ? r an(i Other Items of ,
' . 1" . : Public In.terest
? .j - Af--rfc wetk'e vi-ir i
i " Dillingsreturutd hontiK Sau:diy
' - J-tSt. W. G. Emery was abayward
".r&Kjeftfcer, fcatuiuay, ior a week's out-
,'y. t ;, , ifr s-iturJ-y Kuet at Hotel Coty.,1
v - '.':, wet .6.- H.jfccera and wiie.of P.'iri-
"j-iA -pa'aid-iy visiter in .Corvallis
I , iiW4ir JJrltdiiey, ot Airlie, Polk
county. ;
" ' .For a week&V visit with Salem
' "JfleLdi,MvaacJ Vita. W. O. Tiitiebft
. M!as Adlilda Hecker ,cf Wells,
:' -. was an over-Jsttflday vtsiuriwlth Crr-
- . vallli fUeid. V ; . !
v- .'"it
" wguaday vlaitora in .CorvallU from
Albany were Vlcior E Jholm and ''Da
"vid AQdereou. ...
8 . Mlas Mary Jocei has b en virit
." ; lrig relatives a Suver, Polk Uounty,
' the past week.
3 ' ; ',
V 'f Bavins sperit , two 'weeks most
, pleaauotly at Uie coae.t Gtorge Henkle
f s arrived tin me Saturday, v
Jerry Heokle and daughter . I
Philomath, were visitors attbe bay,
from S'ltuiday until Monday.
Alter 0' extended' tilp-, through
i u"'the Eitf t, Mr. and lira. S. L. Kliue
.V,... sttarned to Corvallis Safurda, J
A ' XUairie,- arilvedtliefirefc ' of ih week
from Btdford, Iowa, aud are guests at
tbe CaOneron boue.
t" X-l,uJiij'i- CfJirallti Monday
V en route from Albany to the seaside
for a two w:tika' ouiiog, we.e Trcl. a.
0. Sohmitlt aDd wife. : ,'; fS-.! '
1 A Corvsllla visitor f jr a. few days
last wees was W. P. Espey, a former
vell-knowo student. Mr. Espey will
eoter eikleythis aW f Vfi 1
foiawug otid paper hanging has
been Rolna on ac Caurhorn Hall dar
ing th past ween. UaviJ 1'ung 9f
Albany i the workman.! j V I'
After p, visit c f several days wi h
Cottage Grove wlhtlve", Mrc. Sl- Ty
Ingram aud daughter, Miss .Ethel, le-
turnect home yesterday. ; f s
Having moved into their hatd
some new cottage on Fourth s'rJt.,
Mr. aid Mr". James Blerare bow at
home to ttwir ma iy frieDds.
, ' ' Dr. E.'U. Taylor U ti leave
shortly for Port! t;d where he will
und-rjo a surg'oal . otritioo. Dr.
McKenzie will perform tUe operation.
His friends wera pleased to ten
Walter Kline on the s! re jtn Satur lay
He has tyeen on an exceeded visit to
, Baa Francisco, and reports a delight
ful vacation.
A concrete walk and new aad
modern deeign steps trf the potch are
improvements tbar. Adi'Bd Brotbera
are makiug t the E. n. Taylor rasi
dence on Tbi'd street.- - - -
Sites E;ta Carter, who gradnawd
with the QUm oi l:nt Jute from O. A.
0 , nw hol-ia goo pcsltloa as ster
Miapher in tiiehi'.v tfflsa of J. K.
WtyLh-'if jr 1, at Alban;-.
! :t .
O. A
: r-'f '.,!.' '!:itc!lt- r to f taer
i- fall. nu'i Colvig, p,
-'t i f -Snthfro Orci-on,
vt-lati,.SiiiturJtt .
was iu C
A former wcli-kaown fi'iul'tit of
O. A. C, who attended the Suuie
TJniversity lai't yes r, N J -ho .Withy
combe. He Is to rc-pn'rr the Agriotil
toial college at the opening if echoul.
Charles K -nt e ly came up from'
Portiac d a f,w d:ys Hgo, aud took
back wlttj him the I alance of his per
fioual ffl'ecis, baviag decided to locate
in East, Portland, wht re he has pur
chased property.
All members cf the Maccabees
are earnestly requested to attend the
meeting Wedcesdav evening Aug. 2i.
Distiict Deputy Oomuiiuder Joo. B.
Gentry will ba with us and explaiu the
new rate proposition.
' Friends in Corvallis are pleased
to learn ot the success cf Miss Clara
y' Byerly, of the class of -1904, O. A. O.,
who has been elected to a position as
I teacher in the eighth grade cf the
Hood River public school.
The building formerly cce.irptai
. ,)y tbe Bauer tailor shop has been
; ' moved eouthward to adjjio the Chip-
man restaurant. Next week Mrs.
Small is to occupy the former with her
I ice-cream and confectionery stock.
J A number of young people epent
a delightful afternoon across tbe
Willamette river in Beach's grove
Friday. ; A . luncheon, and . various
games were tbe afternoon's pleasures.
Those participating were, Misses
Florence Adams, Florence 1 Wicks,
Louise Gilbert, Essie Adams, Myrtle
Harrington, Cara Wilson, Gretta
Harrtcgtoo; Mesa re Arthur Bouquet,
Roee Aoame, Bush Wilson and Will
Wick. Mrs. Gale acted as chaperone
Thomas Nolan returned from
Newport, Saturday.
A visitor Id town since Monday is
K. E. Gibsun, of Portland. y.
From an f xtecdf d eastern' tour,
D. D. BerOiaa returued home jfrlday.
i Elmer acd Wsl er Taylor cf Al
sea, were Goivallis visitors Monday.
Fr-m a week's visit . with friends
at Well, Mis li iih JLitily leturuJ
A guest f her sister this week
has been Mlcb Gacjlce Wtckiuud, of
Pr f. Sha of O. A. C, is with the
Aldrich-Wickd camping party in the
Five Rivers country.
, Mi's, Elmer Bethers and - littl
son 1-fc jjiturday f or a couple uf
weelss' vicit at Toledo.
Theearly crop et peaches in the
Risl- f uichard will be ready to piek
Sjtuidiy,' August 27tb.
1 For a week's outing at Newport,
August FUetiet aud family were departs
iug pissengaie, Satuidav.
- - . f i
A gueet of Corva'lis friends thfs
wet k Is Mrs. Lura Campbell, of Alba
ny. She arrived Monday. .
Dauit-1 Evan8,af:er a four months'
trip thioogn the Siuslaw country, re
turned to Uoivallis Satutday.
Passengers to Portland, Sunday,
i t a week's visit, with relatives ' were
Misses Louise ana Juliet Cooper. -
, Mrs. C. H. Chipman and children
left Thursday for a 'ten days' I visit
with the family of F. M. SpehceC
H. W. Wal z, with the Methodist
Book concern of . Sin Francisco, was
in Corviillls MoccUy on busluess.
Improvements being made to the
Dr. (Jathey dwelling this week include
a large ptrch, 6x26 and repair! in
general. I : I . - .
W.fO. Heckjrt. of Eugene, , who
has tbercomrac Hor the Henderson
'btick, has arrived atd is looking after
business, v f .- i ,
' Late uews from her ds that- Miss
Margaret,8nel, of Q. A. C,is now vis
iting at Snell Seminary, at Berkeley,
GalirorLla. t - . ( ;
Mrt.-Henrphill arid children and
Mrs. Mary Hemphill returned Mon
finy. from a visit with trlends near
' - Mrs. Clifford Gould was taken sud
denly 111 at her millinery establishj
msnt, Siturdiy, and has since been
cocfited to her bed. j,., . 'l i t t
After a week's outing at Newport
Mis. Glenn Winslow is to arrive .Jn
OorTaUis tbd-iyj ajidf leav? Friday for
her home in Peudle.tOD. ' r
Among incoming ' passengers Sat
urday were J.- P. titapleten and wife of
YancbuveTi Wash.' Mr, Stapleten 'is a
prominent attorney of that city. , , ,
An incoming passenger from Ya--quina,
Monday, was Miss Mabel Da
vis, sne returned yesterday, naviug
betn the guest of Mrs. M. Brunk,
A prominent business man of Dal
las, was transacting business iu Cor
valiis Saturriay. He was Oscar Hay
ter, editor of-the "Dallas Observer." ;
Much benefitted by the vapatlop,
Miss Ann- Thompson leturoed Satur
day from Newport to resume her po
sition in Nolan & Callahan's big store.
; The foundation is being laid for
i he new residence that James Horoiog
i to erect on his recently purchased
propu-ty west of the Bodine & Peck'
warehouse. i ,
The little-Jdaughter of Mr, and
Mra.,Vern Woocdcock was burled at
Ueliefountiiio last Saturday. Particu.
!ars tf the deatSi have not been learned
iu this city. ;
Three b.ya ectftlad on Main ttteet
ia frc nt of the Heoklo & Davis store,
Suuday hf-eruooo. One of the show
wicdows is smashed. Nirues of the
part!" ae koWD. ':.
The closing exercises of theisouth
iho. ! Hi Al'sea are to be held at ' the
Graege Hall iu that vicinity Friday
eveuiog. Evertbcdy is invited. ."Supt.
Denciaii !li be preseut.
A fishing party went to Mary's
Peek, Saturday, returning home Mon
day uioridDg. They wera Dave Heae
tOD, Johnny Johnson acd George Ir
viue, and they had a royal time, j
A son was born recently to Mr.
and Mrs. Ray MoComb ot,
Washington. Mr?. MeComb is well
known iu Corvallis, where in girl
hood she was Miss Clara Newbouse.
There was a hayrack party Sat
urday night. It started from Ply
mouth and' went to the Philomath
camp ground, where a bonfire and
refreshments were the features of tbe
Tbe excavating is now camp leted
and work on the foundation will be
gin this week on the Henderson brick
This is only one of the many improve
taeuts that are so numerous about
kpwn this summer. ' ?
A good position, with a "eatis
faetory salary attached, has been ac
cepted by Carl Rhinehart, a member
ot last years graduating class at OAC
Tbe ofler comes from a Portland
machine shop, where Mr. Rhlnebart's
electrical education will be of fract
al use. i
The sawmill operated by F. J.
Oberer, of this city, located about sev
en nines from here, was burned last
Saturday. The belting and frame
work was destroyed. The fire started
from sparks from the engine. A large
amount ot lumber was saved, but some
was burned. Tbere was no Insurance.
Mr. Oberer intends having the mill re-
ba" oaoe.-Portland Telegram.
, " ment;
Japnepe 'Ihid Miin' Forts ; on
" Pigeoof Bly feidt Japanese
Lope Heavily ''in Frcnt of
Port Att3iir-s Squadron ,
:- Headed . lor :; Pert'
:.: Arthur.;
Chefo., Aug. 22. The Erst -detailed
uews of tbe generul assiull
o i Poit Arthur indicates that a ire
meudous ct fiict is: wugine, and
that; victor- is Lauiug in the bal
ance, i i " ' vi , 1
' Chinese SwholfV Port Arthur
jeeterday and' arrived"' here today
say that tbe Japanese by making
desperate charge, wbicb were reio
forcedjby an artillery fire from Shu
shyeniand Louisa Bay, 'swept from
tbe noitb into tbe Pigeoa Bay ter
ritory and drove the Russians back
from; the main fo:t. l
' The grounti being compiratively
flat in this vicinity, tbe Japanese
were: unable, to bold it in the face of
the Russian artillery 'fire, and they
retired north, an eighth of a mile
btyopd tbtf zone of the fire. E , t-
The Chinese declare that the Jap
anese captured one. important fort,
located on the Itzshan Hill?, mid
Way between" the west seaiioaet and
the railway, on a line? drawn ' ap
proximately from a point midway
between Pigeon and Louisa Bayp.
, . The fighting resulting in thecap
tuie of this fort was very severe.
1 he. position was first subjected to
afoom-bajflmeL'it of over 48 hours.
Tben the Japanese infantry assault;
er it apd.,c6npEeIled: the .RissianB
id retifpJ Tije j'RiefianVajrtillery
ftjen qircteo a heavy nte on the
spot and compelled the Japanese Id
thtir turn to retire. i ;
, V ' t
J:. t'li i , l ' ' i : - ' - ' "
St. Petersburg Aug. 21. Empe
ror Nicholas has received the fol.
lowing rneijsage from Lieutenant
General -Stoetsel, comnianding the
military forces st Port Arthur, dat
ed August 16: l
r '?The Japanese, Snade a.-tlwd days'
i attack oii nur position ' under the
p.feloYaia Wountaitis, etir ' Lbuisa
By. All their attacks were re
pulsed:';!'' i-i j ' ;
"The Ugloyaia, Vysokaia and
Diviston'aia' Mbuntins remain "in
our hands. . ; " '
, i"Th8 enemy's losses were very
great. -A
'This nmrning a r prpsentative
of the Japanese army, Major Yama
maoka, presented himpelf at our
advance post with a latter signed
by General Nogi aud Admire! To
gs, detaa idirg the surrender of ttie
futress. The proposal was of
ci urpe, rejected. .. .? ; :
"I have the happiness to report the troops are in txcellent con
li ion and (bat ihfy heroic
Cbefo", Aug. 12. The Japanese
I., ye swept tbe Russians from Pig
fT ! Bay anr) captured Ibe worth -i
-.-most fort of; the w?steru line of
i. tier defeases at P,rt Arthur. The
l.'ussiin artillery prevents the Jap
-uese- from occupying the '.-fort, on
Pigeon B;V...;' i '
-Chtfoo, .An
0filCM.ll? Oui,
Rufe-JlJO CIU.::
L it
i-; been
iirci.-i h-ie ; the
a r Nov:k was sunk to-
k ovsk;by'. rthe J ipan
i cr'uii-er Obi-ts aod
day eff Kar
ese . protect
Karsakovsk is. a tort on the
southern coast of the S -khaliu, oii'
the coast of Sib.- ria, .and Ktiout -52t)
miles nottbefift of Vladivostok. '
Tbe Ncv.k was one of the llus
siau fiett that -steamed out from
Pert Arthur on iLe. men iog of Au
gust 10 to force its way through the
Japanese lines. She entered Tsing
tau the night of August 11, but got
away from there the night of Au
gust 12, having remained less than
24 hours.- She was then erroneous
ly reported to have been suck 40
miles from Teingtau.
The Novik was next repotted
heading fot Vaodiemen Strait at
the southern end of Japan, evident
ly in an effort to reach Vladivostok
by way of the eastern coatt of tbe
Japanese Islaedf. Yesterday it
was reoorted from St. Petersburg
that the JNovik had reached Karea.
kovek. From the fact that the Jap
anese cruisers met- the Novik- off
the southern end of Sakhalin! it
would appear that the Russian
cruiser had passed through the Ku-
rlle Islands and was endeavoring
to reach Vladivostok by way of La
Perouse strait, whisb. was Used by
the Vladivostok iquadron -- when it
raided tbe eastern coast of Japan.
ViSfited-An Idea
Who can think
ot some slmDle
thing to patent?
Protect your tdeut ther nay brine yon wealth.
Writ JOHN WSODERBlTRN CoTpatent Attor
Bern. WamUttfftoo, D. for their 91,800 pne e&vt
h4 liMt oC two hundred laTonUoas wii(a
If you try a pair
you'll have -the
style, fit and dur
ability; of THE
BEST. And you
'll get them at a
price that" is right
Rolled barley, shorts bran, cracked
corn, and wheat at Dunn & Thatchers. 1
Times .; ' 1
r, t
- For
Styles Right
Prices Right
Stock Right
Type Right
Plain Printing
Fancy Printing
Corvallis, Oregon
'El" E'. -WILSON, ;;
Uiiioe la Ziirolf Biilliii, 0-vitii.s. O
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
Oorvaxus, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
' Deals in Foreign and Domestic "
' " Exchange.
Buys County, City and School .
"''' '"' ' '.' Warrants.' ' ' ;
" ' ' -;.r
i Principal eorresondents.
SAX FKA.NCISt-O ) , ; ... -,
PORTLAND j ( Txmdon St San Fran
SKATTXE , f r.i. T.lmitd .
N'KW TORE-Messrs. .T P. Mortal Co.
CHICAGO National Bank at The'Bepob-
- lie.
LONDON, ENG. Ijondon ft San Francisco
lianSt Limited. .
CANADA. TnionBank of Canada,
Fiee Fiee
. ' Citation. ' ' ' -
... i - - - - :' -
In the County Oonrt ot the State ot Oregon.
Foi- the County o Beutuu. . .
In the Matter of the Estate 01
Wm. F. Byer, deceased.
To W. F. Byer and Rllla A. Abrams, htirs
ana aeviseee ot wm. jr. jsyer, oeVrtstd.
Greeting: . In the name of lh Siate .f Ore
gon you and each of you are h-reoy-' cite;r ao-t
lequirea so appear m tne ' ou-ir.v ;ouit o' xna
State of Oregon for the Co'nnry tti Benton.' at.the
Court Hoom thereof, at Oorvrfl:, orexou, on
Sftturday, tne iuth tiny of yepiembtfr, 1,904, at 11
o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and
there to. show cause if any you have. why an
order oi Bale should hot be made as Stayed for
in the petition of W. a. Alforr., administrator
of said estate of Wm.. P. Byer, decoded, of - the
following described real, property towit :: Lots
number 7, 8, aud 9 in block numbered 4 in
Hausman's Addition to lhe (tty of North
Brownsville, Liun Connty, oreeon; Lot num
bered 8in block numbered 10 -in -Riverside ad
dition, to Albina, now within the City fit ;Poit
land, Miitnomah Ovunty, Oregon : -And Xot num
bered 23, in block numbered 5, In. Hyde Park
Washington County, regon. ' ' ' ' - V--'
, And you are further hoti&ed that this citation;
is served upon yon and each of you by .pub
licatton thereof in the CocTallis Thnea news
paper for lour weeks. under an order made by
the Hon; Virgil E: Watters, judgeof 'said Courts
bearing date July 30th. 1901; ! .
Witness:,; The Hon., Virgil E. Walters, Judge
of the County Court I the Btaus of Oregou. -for
the County of Benton, with the Seal of ; said
Coust affixed this 30th day of July, 1901 .. i
P i By. J. F. 'Irwin;. Ueputv..-- ,
r The Jeweler and Optician.
'Buntcri1 $i$pfies fishing .Cackle,
I ;Sf0ll.-f fciiy " !
5 'TTriPV'rS
good bargains in s
Ranches, write for o
see us. ; We shall ta
the reliable informal
you over -the eourrt?
Reduced Round Trip ; Kates ' Ac
v fc count- World's Fair. '
First class tickets on sale Jane
16, 17, 18, July 1, .2,: 3, August
8, d, 10, Sept 5, 6, 7. Oct. 3, ... 4, 5,
Corvallis - to St. Louis and, - return,
good 90 dajs with slop over priv
ileges at rates. ranging from $67,50
to $82.50 according to route chos
en. Passengers will have privilege
of starting en any date which will
enable to reach destination within
ten days from the sale date. In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
a For Yaqnina:
Train leaves Albany.
fc ' . " Corvallis..
" " arrives Yaquina. .. .
I Returning: . ..
J,-eaves VQti- . . . .
Leaves Corvallis.".
Arrives Albany...... ..
3 For Detroit. -
Leaves Albany.....".,.;.
Arrives Detroit
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit........
..12:45 P- m
. . 1:45 p. m
.. 5:40 p. m
7:i-5 . n
..11:30 a. ra -..19:15
p. m
... iKX) p. m
6:00 p. m
,.6:30 a. m
.. 11:15 a. m
Arrives Albany..
. Train No. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train.
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. . , . . ,
Train Nq j' connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giviig direct ser
vice to Newport aod adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbnsli and ,
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1:00 p. m., reachina Detroit at 6:00, giv-,
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same dav.
For further information apply to
Euwin Stone,
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
Real Estate Co.
1 ,.; Are you looking for a Home
v, ; Or a good Investment? ;
If so we take pleasure in showing you
over the couutry and are confident we
can give, you the right price, on some
thing will suit you. ,
We have tracts.from 5 to I500 acrest
We have Fjiit lands, Hop lands, Farm
lands, Poultry ranches, ' Stock ranches
and' Timber lands. ' : Ranging' in price
from 7 to S125 per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements, j
, ,We also have a' nice, list of city proper
ty. Lots from '75 to $500' each. Resi
dences from $350 to $3ooo'each according
to location! and imptovemente we also
haveisome good business locations.
Offices first dopr south of reading room.
r White & Stone, Corvailis Or.
"An -ounce of preven-:
tion is worth a'pound
'of cure." 1
Prevent any abnvmal
condition of the eyes by
properly fitted glasses
and you'll prevent at the
,j same time years J of mis
ery ana pain.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over pbstoffice. Eesidence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. : Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. : Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drug, store.
j?br Sale.. .
A few choice Poland China pigs, both
.sexes, from registered stock, 5 per head
squire of Eobert Wylie, LewUbnrg,
. 1 - .1
y- i ut rn
: 'J J- I- 'J t