The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 17, 1904, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of Peopife
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public In.terest
Mr?. Tedrow ltft Monday for a
two weeks camp at Sewpcr;.
Mrs. Siiah E. Canthorn' has re
turned ffotn the country.
. For aa outlatt at Newport, Mrs,
Harold S r mg left yesteidij.
A Newport passenger returning
to Cjtvallls Monday was Mra. H.
AraoDZ pleasure eeekera t the
beach for the past wt ek 1 Miss Har
riet SheaBgreeo.
Miss Sipha Elgin returned Sa'ur
day from S ilem, where ebe has fce?n
for tbe past two monthc
A Corvallls visiter Monday was
Frank Lucas, of Monmouin, tbe post
master of tbat city.
Mio Jliigg'e and Mary Winn of
Irish Bend have anived and are
guests at tbe A. T. Grugett home.
August FUher'a automobile has
cbancrsd owoers. The purchaser ii
Harold Woodcock.
Mis. J. I. Jores left Monday for
CrawtordsvlUe, for a visit at tbe home
of Mr. aod Mr. Sam TburstoD. Sbe
will be absent several weeks.
Miss Hattle YanHousen cf this
city was la Oregon City several days
last week visiting at tbe borne of Mrs.
Clara Wbeeler Burn.
Ed Andrews,-formerly with 8. L.
Kllie. has accepted a position as sales
man In tbe F. L. Miller dry gord es
tablishment. il. si. tioiies auu J. O. Wuete
leldt npeut Suurtay with their families
who are camped near tbe Zin place
in Alsea. They report a royal lime,
with plenty of venison and trout.
Accompanied by her nieces, Misses
CarJlioe and Norma Greffoz who bave
been visiting her for some months,
Ui. r.haJ-e r..i. Stock
ton. California, Friday, for a visit with
Oorvaiiis reiatlvw.
After a sis weeks' absence in Io
wa, Illinois, Colorado and othermtrs.
D. D. Berman is expected home this
week. He bas bad a delightful trip,
but bas found no place that suits bid
as well as does old Oregon.
Everyone who went to the bay on
Sunday's trio had a good time. The
day was Idal, aid six coach loads tf
people took advantage of tbe big bar
vest excursion fiom Detroit to New
port. Reports from there Saturday
stated tbat a big mountain fire was
raging in tbe vicinity of Nashville,
and that travel on tbe wagon road
was Impossible, teams being obliged
to go to the Big Elk route. Further
particulars have not beea received in
lee cream soda and water melons
la the treat tbat will be given all who
attend the Christian Endeaver social
tbat is to take place at Plymouth
chapel, Friday evening. The proceeds
of the affair will go to the church ot
that denomination. Everyone Is
promised a good time.
Among the Incoming passengers
from Portland Friday was Mrs. Glenn
Wlnslow, of Pendleton. Monday, ac
compaultd oy her mother, Mrs. Ruth
Clark, she Ms for Nov. pert for a ten
days' outing. Mrs. Wlnslow bas been
In 111 health for sometime, acd hopes
tbe sea breeze and change ot climate
nay work a change tor the better.
Prof. J. B. Horner, one of Oregon's
cleverest educators, was on Tuesday's
tialn en route for Klamath Falls, on
business in connection with the State
Agricultural college, cf which institu
tion be is registrar and holds thecbair
ot Latin and history. Ashland Ee-
The dernacd for catalogues at the
college exceeds that of any past year,
It is only surpassed by the demand
for Cuivailia uweiiieg houses. Both
bear witness of a large attendance ot
students at O. A. C. the coming year.
The number ot students would be
greater if the supply cf available
houses was larger.
The big Rlngliog shows and cir
cus will be in Albany September 1,
and on this occasion excursion trains
will be rua ca the CrrvaliU & Eastern
railroad from both ends of the line, at
- a fare tor tbe round trip Dob to exceed
$1. Tbe two special trains will both
arrive in Albany before the street pa
rade, which will be held at 10 a. m., on
Thursday, September 1. The train
from Yaquiut wtii l; e that place at
5:15 a. m., arriviDg in Albany at 9:35;
the one from Detroit will leave that
place at 6:25, arriving In Albany at 9:
25 a. m., giving tbe passengers ample
time to see the parade. Both trains
will leave the Albany station for tbe
return trip at 6 p. vo thus giving the
excursionists plenty ot time to visit
the big lUrgllDg shows for the after
noon performauce.
Mrs. Mary Bryson u visiting her
son. Roscce at Eugene. ;
A pascrnger fur St. Louis Sacdiy
was Charles Blakeeiee, cf this city.
Wcrkmen are engaged this week in
placing a new roof on tbe Hcdes gro
cery etore. ; -
Mrs. Jackson Bates, of Dayton,
Wash., bis arrived for a visit wltb
Benton relatives and friends. -
Morday visitors of Oorvaiiis
frit nds wtre William Hare and wife of
Albany, en route to the, vicinity cf
Coon's Mill, tox a vaca'fon.
After an outing atthebay.Mre.E. j
M Ek and children returned borne Mon
day. A passenger to Portland Monday
was Miss Mildred Starr. She will be
the guest f her sister, Mrs. Perry
Vao Fleet.
- Harvey Hart and George Green
left Saturday for Southern Oregon, to
work in tbe Southern Pacific section
Tbe small room adjoining tbe Dunn
& Thatcher store on the north is to be
occupied by tbe Schick barber shop io
the near future.
After a visit with Mr. and Mrf.
A. T. Grugett. Miss Bessie Trulove
left yeeterdty for ber borne at Tall
man. After a successful clnkehip in the
F. L. Miller 8t( re, Kay Cady has re
signed to accept a poeitlon lnthelaun-d-y.
After a week's visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Conrad Meyer and family who are
now occupying their ' cottage at tbe
Bay, Mrs. Philip Phile returned home
After a three month's visit at. tbe
home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. flout
lefc Monday for their home in Io-va.
Tbey are to go via St. Louis and will
also visit la Southwestern Nebraska.
- This iisae of the "Times" is large
ly devoted to a wrlte-Aip of local busi
ness bouses and business men, and tbe
space for news matter Is correspond
ingly reduced. It le probable, howev
er, that the write-ups will be found to
be ot more than ordinary Interest.
Sheriff Burnett returned home
MoDday evening from .a week's visit
with his family at Catcadia. He states
that there are 30 tents now pitched at resort, and tbat between 20 sd
30 guests are boatdiog at tbe hotel.
Soda water from tbe springs near by
is the feature that attracts many to
this resort.
A handsome span of bays with
light wagon attached had tbe right of
way on Main street a few seconds yes
terday morning, They traveled north
war J at full speed never checking for
the numerous bystaoders who attempt
ed to stop them, and disappeared in
tbe direction of the sawmtll. Tbe ve
hicle made bold leaps as it struck
crossings, but was still intact when
last seen. The outfit was the rousta
bout wagon for tbe Witbam thresher.
Votiog for the big silk flagt con
tinues to be interesting to many, and
the little ballots are dropped into tbe
d ff erect boxs at the Dine stores wh -re
tickets ate Riven with each 25 cent
purchase. Up to tbe present the vo'ej
stand: Firemen, 6542; pubile school,
5711;' O. A. C, 5177; M. W. A., 1593;
W. O. W., 1092: K. of P., 1020; Rebec
cas, 1054. The final count in the con
test occurs on the evening of the 31st,
and the lodge or organization receiv
ing the largest number of ballots will
be presented with tbe prettiest ban
ner in town.
If you try a pair
you'll have the
style, fit and dur
ability o f T H E
BEST. And-you'll
get them at a
price that is right
Rolled barley, shorts bran, cracked
corn, and wheat at Dunn & Thatchers.
For Sale.
A desirable residence and twelve
lots on South Sixth street. All or
a portion of the lots will be sold to
puit purchaser. For terms and
particulars enquire of E. P. Gref
foz, Corvallis.
Wanted-An Idea S
Who can think
of tome simple
thlrur to Datent?
Protect your Ideas: they may brlngyon wealth.
Write JOHN WDDEKBURN CO "Patent Attor
neys. Washington, D. C for their Sl.SU) price offer
and list ot two hundred in Tenuous wanted.
Continued from Page Two. -
ticn strictly on its merits in these
column?. The mill bas a rapacity
of 25.010 feet of lumber per dv
and, moreover, this enterprise car
ries all kinds of builder's supplies
including doors, : window?, dressed
lumber, cut bardwood, - iot-ullor
pins, brackets '&e. Mr, Strong ba
followed t-e uiacufatturicg -busi-tesa
all his lite and was awarded
nseda) certificates bv 'the Psn AmT
ican Exposition and South Carolina
for displays of Oregon wood, in the
furm of saw log?, plaiiks, beams',
pins, fi-lloep, etc. Il is with pias
ure we award this public spirited
gen'leman generous mention in
tue.-e column:-.
. Dentistry is advancing these days
byweaps and bounds and it is moe
than ever necessary to sees only
those practitioners who are well I
educated both in theory and prac- j
tice and who are also high minded,
conscientious and sympathetic In
addition it is proper that our dentists
should occupy a leading position
and Dr. Taylor is a gentleman who
has no superior in his profession in
this section of the state. He has
practiced dental survey here since
'76, officiated as Police Judge three
years and chief of police two years.
He is a graduate of the State Agri
cultural College, class 74 and the
Pacific Dental College, Mississippi.
One of the most important of our
business interests is that of supply
ing the public with good whole
some meat and here we take plea
sure in calling the attention of our
many readers to the establishment
which makes a specialty of poultry,
dressed veal and dressed pork.
'1 hey have operated here nearly a
year and are doing very well. Mes
srs Smith & Boulden are well ac
quainted throughout this district
and are numbered among our suc
cessful business men. Mr. Boulden
was in the quarry business for
three years and also has a small
farm close, adjoining the city. Mr.
Smith has followed the butcher bu
siness for several years.
There is no ranch of Commer
cial enterprise more important or
representative in character than the
drug business, and we wish to draw
particular attention to the firm. For
a town of this size it is a well equi
pped establishment. The best and
purest of drugs, proprietory medi
cines, toilet articles, perfumery, etc
are found here and prices are al
ways reasonable. Messrs Davis
& Son keep pace with the times
and have operated here fourteen
years. Mr. C. W. Davis is a regis
tered pharmacist and thoroughly
understands the compounding of
perscriptions Mr. Davis has been
in the County 20 years and was
c ty treasurer 2 years.
This establishment is one of the
most popular of the many exten
sive commercial establishments of
1 lie city, and the stock carried was
selected with a care to meeting the
proval'' of the fastidious of this
community and is conspicuous for
cdicate workmanship and artistic
esign. Beautiful gems, of the pu
rest rays serene, in all the latest
and fashionable settings: watches,
clocks, silver and plated ware, op
tical goods and captivating wed
ding and Christmas gifts, go to
makeup a display of goods that
delight the eye, and the proprietor
is one who knows the best when he
sees it, and is of such sterling integ
rity that he will have none other in
his store. He has 05 erased in this
city five years and has followed
this business for twenty-one years.
In '72 Mr. Henkle first opened
his doors to do business with the
public. He crossed the plains with
an ox team in '53 and is a"pioneer"
of the Pacific Coast and Philomath
that merits very generous mention.
He operated the leading general
merchandise store here for a num
ber of years and after a short inter
mission opened up again last year.
He is a gentleman of the "royal
blood" type whose word is as good
as the wheat and in social as well as
commercial circles he stands in the
front rank. He is a gentleman
who commands very honorable
mention here.
The Cash Store operated by Mes
srs Hill & Son commands general
mention. They conduct a flourish
ing establishment and carry a good
stock of dry goods, groceries, boots
and shoes; and confectionery.
They have established a brisk trade
by courteous treatment and by car
rying the best goods money could
buy anywhere. They have operat
ed here 16 years and both have ser
ved the interests of the city as re
presentatives of the "august body"
of "town fathers." Mr. W.W. is a
Democrat who serves his party
"faithfully" and moreover is a
promising politician for whom we :
predict a "Shining Career."
One of the most important of our
business interests is that of supply
ing the public with . good whole
some meat and we take pleasure in
calling the attention of our readers
to this meat market. On the 8th
of August Mr. Gibbons embarked
in the enterprrse successor to Bur
nap & Burnap. He operated in
dairying and farming for the past
few years and was in tae grocery
business, for some time in Kansas
prior to pitching his tent on the
Coast". He is energetic, honest to
the penny, of the progressive type
and therefore merits very liberal
mention here.
Mr. M Burnap, the popular pro
prietor of the Central Hotel and ef
ficient mayor of Philomath, com,
mands general mention in this re
view edition of the progressive bu
siness men identified with the grow
tb. and prosperity of this section of
Oregon. He has operated the ho
tel very successfully one year and a
half and was employed in the gro
cery and butcher business for two
years. He officiated as mayor of
Almene, Kansas prior to pitching
his tent on the Pacific Coast. The
genial "host and "hostess" of the
Central house leave no stone" un
turned, for the comfort of the stran
ger and traveling Commercial man
W. U. T. CO.
A highly esteemed resident. t effi
cient and popular agent for the
Wells . Fargo and Western Union
Telegraph Company is tbe above
named gentleman. He has officia
ted in this capacity 16 years and
filled the City Alderman's chair
three years. He devotes his ener
gies enthusiastically and zealously,
on behalf of the companies whom
he represents nd moreover is a na
tive Oregonian of whom we are
proud and take pleasure in award
ing him a high place in these pages.
As we chronicle our leading and
successful business and professional
meo, Here are some gentlemen wbo
must not be forgotten as thev are
masters of their trade. They have
long since established their reputa
tion as artisans of skill and judg
ment, and the very large run ot
custom well "attests the verity of
this statement. Tbey are native
Oregonians and have been in this
business for fireen years so that
they thoroughly understand it in
all it- phases and the H urable char
acter of their work needs no expla
nation at our hands.
Mr. Senger is a gentleman who
stands high among our shoemakers.
He knows hi trade thoroughly and
he does work for eome of our best
people, who recognize his skill. He
has. followed the business for twen
ty years and understands it thor
oughly. His place is well equipp
ed and be does a large repairing
business. He is a wide awake citi
zen, is doing well here and bears a
good name in all the relations of
life. Although he has operated
his business here but six months he
is getting his share of the patron
Our genial Democratic County
Treasurer has the distinction of
having been elected for five terms.
Prior to this be was Deputy Record
er for one year and has held the of
fice of Clerk of the School District
for seven years. ': He was born in
Oregon and is an honest, reliable,
and thoroughly capable gentleman
We therefore assign him special
mention in these lines.
Mr. Maagas is a substantial busi
ness man and we must not fail to
say a good word for him. He oper
ates his business according to the
principles of commercial integrity
and by giving good valne for every
dollar received. He operates a
lunch counter and confectionery es
tablishment that commands a large
tourist custom. Mr. Mangas is an
expert carpenter and commands ve
ry generous mention here.
Mess rs Bodine & Peck are num
bered among the most honorable
business men we have and we will
do wrong in not mtntioning them.
They are active and wide awake al
ways looking out for trade. They
handle hay, grain, wood, feed etc.
and have very large storage rooms.
They are progressive in their busi
ness methods and tbe result is seen
in their growing trade.
1 E-mumi
1 11c
In the County Court of the Stale of, Oregon.
rortne county ol ceutou.
In the Matter of the Estate of)
Wm. F. Bj-er, deceased. .
To W. F. Bver and Rllla A.- Abrams.
and devisees of Wm. F. Bver. deceased.
Greeting: In the name of lh State of Ore
gon you and each of you are hereby cite and
required to appear in the ' ounr.y rouit or .the
State of Oregon for the Connty of Benton, at the
Court Room thereof, at. Corvnliis oregou, on
Saturday, the ioth day of September, 1A04, at 11
o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and
there to show cause if any you have, why an
order of sale should not be made as prayed for
in the petition of V. N. Alforn, administrator
ot said estate of Wm. F. Byer, deceased, of the
following described real property towit: Lota
number 7, t, and 9 in block numbered in
Hausman's Addition to the City of North
Brownsville, Zann Connty, Oregon; Lot num
bered 8 in block numbered 10 in Riverside ad
dition, to Alblua. now within tbe City of Port
land, Mutnomah Oounty, Oregon: And Lot nam
bered 23, in block numbered 5, la Hyde Park
Washington County, Oregon.
And you are further notified that this citation
la served upon yon and each of you, by pub
lication thereof in the Corvallis Times news,
paper for lourweeks. under an order made by
tne lion, v irgu r. waiters, juoge oi saia court,
bearing date July 30th. 1901.
Witnes:The Hon. Vireil E. Watters. Judze
of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Benton, with the Seal of said
Coust affixed this 30th day of July, MOt.
V1U1UK tT.
By J. F. Irwin, Deputy.
The Jeweler and Optician.
Eunters Supplies, Tisbing Cackle,
Sporting Goods,
Stock of & Bodes at Bis Bargain
1 -
Office in Zierolf Building. C mlls. O
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box ir.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twfenty years experience.
E. R. Bryson,
Attorney-At -Law.
Reduced Round Trip Rates Ac
. . .. count World's Fair..
Firet class tickets on sale Jane
16, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, August
8, 9, 10, Sept 5, 6. 7. Oct. 3, 4, 5,
Corvallis to St. Louis aod rsturn,
good 90 days with stop over- priv-;
ilegea at rates ranging from $67.50
to $82.50 according tn route chos
en. Passengers will have privilege
of starting on any date which will
enable to reach destination within
ten days from the sale date. In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
For Yaquina: .
Train leaves Albany .12:45 p. m
- ' " Corvallis 1:45 J. m
. " arrives Yaquina 5:40 p. m
Leaves Yaqnina
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany ,
For Detroit:
Leaves Albany........
Arrives Detroit. .......
. 7:15 a. m
.11:30 a. m
,12:15 p. m
. i:00 p. m
. 6:00 p. in
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit.......
.6:30 a. tn
arrives Aioany...., 11:15 a. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albanv in time
to connect with S P south bound train.
as well as taring two or three hours in
Albany before departure of: S f north'
bound train. .
Train No 2 connects with Jhe S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany givitVg direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitehbush and
other mountain resorts leaves "Albany at
1:00 p.m.", reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day. ' . .
For further information apply to
Edwin Stonk,
H. H., Agent Corvallis.
Thoa. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
Real Estate Co.
Are you looking for a Home
Or a good Investment? : ' .
If so we take pleasure in Bhowing you
over the country and are confident we
can give you the right price on some
thing will suit you.
We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres.
We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm
lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches
and Timber lands. Ranging in price
from $ 7 to S 12$ per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements.
We also have a nice list of city proper
ty. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi
dences from $3io to $3000 each according
to location and impiovemente we also,
have some good business locations.
Offices first door south of reading room. '
White & Stone, Corvallis Or.
"An ounce of preven-.
tion is worth a pound
of cure."
Prevent any abnormal
condition of the eyes by
properly fitted glasses
and you'll prevent at the
.same time years of mis
ery and pain.
Gun Store.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays Connty, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
London ft San Fr.n.
j Cisco Bank Limited.
NEW YORK Megars. J. P. Morgan ft Co
CHICAGO National Bank of Tne Bepub
lic. LONDON, ENG. London ft San Francisco
Bank Limited.
CANAD V UnionBank of Canada.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drug etore.
For Sale.
A few choice Poland China pigs, both
sexesT-from registered stock, 5 per head
Irqnire of Eobert Wylie, Lewisbnrg,