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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1904)
Jim LOCAL LORE. ( Mvertteemontt In this eolomn charge! for M the rale of I cents per line. New fall styles of Hart haff ner aod Marx clothing at Kline's Remember the flag contest will close Aug 31st. - - A visitor this week at the home of Marshall Miller is Frank Miller, of Rickreall, Polk county Ed Collins, of Columbia county, and his little son were visitors last week of Corval is friends- S. L. Kline who is present in SanFrancisco, has purcaased a new cash carrier to take the place of the one which has done service in his store for the past iourteen years. 'Doc" Jackson and family left Monday for a three weeks' outing at the bay. They were accompa nied by Miss Ida Locke. Among the business visitors in Corvallis Monday was B. Bady, of near Albany. He was looking for hop pickers for his yard in that vi cinity. Work is being rushed in tear ing down the three old buildings on Main street to make room for the Henderson brick. The lumber taken out has been purchased by M. C. Miller, and will be re-built into a large barn ou property belong ing to Mr. Miller, in Job's Addition. Everyone who comes will have a good time. All are invited. The place is the reading room parlor, the hour three o'clock, and the day Thursday. It is the regular mon thly meeting of the W. C T. U., j and features of special interest have been prepared. The ordinary estimate of thresh ing machine men is that the fall ' sown wheat this season is only about 10 per cent, of the usual yield. On many farms the yield at threshing time exceeded expec tations of the owners. The contracP has been awarded Charles Heckert for important im provements to be made to the dwel ling of Mrs. Ann Smith two miles south of town. New foundation, new roof, a large porch and new windows throughout are features of the plans. . . Work is to begin in a day or two. " "" ' Report has it that the contract has been awarded for important im provements to be made to the build ings occupied by Hustons hardware store and the Graham & Wells drug store, aud owned by M. S Wood cock. The plans contemplate new floois, raised ceilings and modern fronts for each building. His friends who are not ill formed have been wondering for the past three days what has bappsned to Ueorge Lilly . Mis countenance wears a perpetual grin, and if he were a candidate for office he could not grasp more cordially the hand of everyone who passes the time of dav with him. It is a son, born Sunday. A runaway team was a sight ou Main street early yesterday morning. The horses started at the Wheeler wagon shop, ran down Main street and on north to the Walter Taylor residence, where they were stopped by Mr. Taylor. The outfit belonged to Ed Smith, dcliveryman for J. R. Smith and company. No damage was done. Chittiui is five cents in A1sea and five and a quarter in Corvallis. Forty,-tons of the Alsea bark has been sold at prevailing prices. The total product of the Valley this year will be in the neighborhood of 250 tons, or about 20 car loads, and the statement is that a large portion of it will be sold. An equal amount of the bark will not be peeled this year, awaiting a future season and a better figure. News from him is to the effect that Bey Rickard, who recently underwent a surgical operation in the Good Samaritan hospital of Portland, is not doing as well as had been hoped for. Just what the reason is for his slow recovery is not stated, although it is probably due to the fact that Mr. Rickard suffers much from stomach trouble, for which an operation may yet be necessary. Recent real estate transfers on record at the recorder's office are: Scott King and wife to Richard Wilde two acres land store at Wren, $700. The purchaser is a recent arrival from the east. Martha F. Smith and husband to James M. Lambley, house and lot in Corval lis, $1,600. Miss Clara Fisher to S. L. Henderson, wall right, $300. J. R. Wyatt to C. S. Cooper and wife, 160 acres in Kings Valley .$Soo. An easterner arrived in Cor vallis Monday from Iowa. . He was Mr. Jones, a brother of J. W."-Jones of Inavale, Bentn county. The new arrival will be followed in a few days by Ma. , Hullroy. who is an other Iowa man, and who is in en route to Corvallis with the car load j of household goods and live stock j that belongs to the two gentlemen J named. Mrs.' Hullroy has been with Corvallis friends for some months. The families will make! their homes in Benton. - Work is being pushed on the new Independent telephone line that runs to Monroe. Two instruments had been placed in position up to Saturday, and conversations were carried on between there and town. The phmes are on in the Casper Zierolf ' and the Julian McFadden homes. Three rural lines, one to Mt. View, one to Monroe and the other to Philomath, are now con nected with the new switchboard and are in perfect working order. RHEUMATISM, When pains or irritation exist on any par; of the body, the application of Bal lard's Snoa- Liniment gives prompt re lief. E. W, Sullivan, Prop. Snllivan House El Reno, O. T.. writes, June 6, I902: ' I take pleasure in recommend ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have found that gives im mediate relief. 35c, 50c, $r.0o. Sold by Graham A Wortham. For Sale. Two reentered Oxford Down rame and f jur tMirbieed-. 1 1 v Peter Whltaker. For Sale. ' Large 8 room hiup, 3 late, plenty of fruit and shade trees, a splendid home place, flue IncatloD. W1U be cold at a tf taken before the 1st of Sept. Tt-roas f asy. Call 6th aod Van Bureo S. CotvallH. 2w Mrs V. E-py. Work Wanted. I desire to do pltin pewing, nursing, sweeping and cleaning. Apply t re-idence on Ninth stre t rear Gardner's gallery. Phone 714. Mrs. Gaorge Dickey. HERBINE. Renders the bile more fluid and thus helps the blood to flow; ita fiords prompt relief from biliousness, indigestion, sick and nervous headaches, and the over in dulgence in food and drink. Herbine acts quickly, a dose after meals will bring the patient into a good condition after G. L. Caidwell, Agt. M. K. and T. R. R., Checotah. Ind. Ter., writes April -18, IQ03: " I was sick with enlargement of the liver and spleeu. The doctors did me no good and I had given up all hope of being cured, when my druggist advis ed me lo use,' Herbine. It has made me sound and well." 50c. Sold by Gra ham & Wortham. For Sale Cheap. - Two pianos, in perfect tune and good condition, at, . -.- Blackledge'e. For S tie. Fresh vetch and cheat feed at my place five miles norlh of Cor vallis. T. A. Logsdon.. Chittim Peelers. Pool your bark; advertise it to be sold at a certain date with the privi lege of rejecting all bids; This will enable buyers to buy at less es pense The money they would have to pay their-agents can" be paid you, and you will yet realize your 20 cent per p und. Chittim will coon be gone and there is no thing to take its place. Nothing as cheap as Cascara at 95 cents per pound. Don't ba afraid to pcol with one who knows. Removal Notice. On account of buiLiing brick, at old stand, Turner's grocery has moved one door north of Hollen berg & Cady's second hand store opposite Farmer's hotel. Store op en every evening until 9 a. ro. For Si'e. Team of horses 6 and 7 years old. Price $125. S. H. Moore Those Inquisitive Youngsters. "Papa, you took the scientific course in college, didn't you?" - "Yes, dear;- I spent two years on sci ence." ,- - "When you look in a mirror the left Side of VOur fare flnnMrt nttAftiA-rifrfct u &r- side, and the right side seems to be the mil xne looking glass reverses it, doesn't it?" Beet Salad, or Chopped Beets. Cold boiled or baked beets, chopped quite fine but not minced, make a nice salad -when served -with a dressing of lemon-juice and whipped cream in the proportion of three tablespoonfuls of lemon-juice to one-half cup of whipped cream, and salt if desired. Good House keeping. v ... Notice of Sewer Assessment. . Notice is hereby given that the view ers appointed by the Common Conncil of Corvallis to estimate proportionate share of cash to property owners for con structing a sewer through the alleyof block If. County Additions to Corvallis have filed their report, and said viewers have ascertained and determined that the following property will be directly bent fitted in the au.ounts u.eutioned to wit. . v ' ' ' -.' Lot I .block 14 Connty addition Cor vallis, Virginia Espey, owner. 22.87.v Lot 2, block 14. County addition Cor vallis, Virginia Espy, owner, $ 22 88. ... Lot 3. block 14; Connty addition Cor vallis, Virginia .ieiey, owner, $22.88. Lot 4, block 14, Connty addition, Cor vallis. John Spangler, owner, S22.87. Lot 5, block 14, Connty addition Cor vallis, John Spangler, owner. $22.88 Lot 6. block 14, County addition Cor vallis, John Spangler. owner, $ 22.88. IiOt 7, block 14, County addition Cor vallis, EHsa Chrisiager, owner, $22.87. Lot 8. block i4. Connty addition Cor vallis, Eliza Chrisinger, owner , 22.88. Lot 9. block 14. County addition -Corvallis, Eliza Chrisinger, owner, $22.88. us block 14. County addition Cor vallis, S P Hunt. owner, $22.87. Nortbj lot 11 hi ck 14, Cotinty addi tion Corvallis. S P Hunt, owner, 11.46. Lot 12 block 14 Connty addition Cor vallis, Sherman Wade owner $22 87. Sooth half lot 11 block 14 County addi tion Corvallis Sherman Wade $ II 46. That within ten dais from the final publication of this notice, which will be on the 3rd. day of September 1904. the owner of any property above mentioned is herebv required to file with the Police Jndge of Corvallis any objections he -or she may nave to the nodings ana as sessment of said viewers. . E.P.Greffoz, Police Judge of Citv of Corvallis ... W. L. Douglas 3 and $3.50 mens fine shoes-best in the world. Nolan & Cal lahon. - Excursion Rates to Yaquina Bay, On June 1st, the Southern Pacific Co, will resume sale of excursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both sea son and Saturday to Monday tickets will be sold. This popular resort is growing in favor each year, hotel jates reasonable and the opportunities for fishing, hunt ing and sea bathing are unexcelled by any other resort on the Pacific Coast. . W. E. Coman, Gen, Passenger Agent. STOP THAT COUGH. When a cough; a tickling or an irrita tion in the throat makes you feel uncom fortable, take Ballard's Horebonnd Syrup.- Don't wait nntil the disease has gone beyond control. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. An derson, 354 West Fifth street, Salt Lake City. Utah, writes: We think Ballard's Horehoond Syrup .the best medicine for coughs and colds. We have used it for several years; it always gives immediate relief, is very pleasant and gives perfect satisfaction.' 25c, 50c, $i.o0. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Fitzsimmons. The full-blooded Clydesdale stallion reg. No. 11013 can be fonnd . at Vidito Bros, stables Corvallis Oregon, on each day of the week. Terms 12 to insure live colt. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given, that the County Court of Benton . County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the construction of a bridge across Mill Creek, in Alseal Valley, at the September term of said Court, in accordance with plans and specifi cations at the County Clerk's of fice. Bids to open September 7th. at 1 o'clock P.- M-, and the Court reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Dated the i of Aug. 1904. Victor P. Moses, clerk, ; By J. F.Irwin, Deputy. - Buy your harvesting outfits at Nolan Q Callahan's. Best That's Grown Is None Too Good. When you are drinking Coffee it is our good fortune to hold the Sole Agency for the famous ... Chase I Sanborn High Grade We have all the grades from 2oo per pound to the highest priced. Coffee sold by this celebrated firm. Give Us a Trial Order for one of their Coffees and you will use it exclusively. P. HI. Zierolf Groceries, Crockery & Stoneware A$t. for Libby Gut Glass Coffees Guaranteed Past Black. Black Cat Brand Chicago-Rockford ' Hosiery Company, Kenosha, Wis. Alltyles All Prices BLACK CAT BRAND CHICAGO-ROCKFORD HOSIERY COMPANY -Kbhosha, Wis. Newport Pleasure Steamer. The steamer L. Roscoe of Florence, one of the best and most comfortably furnished of the ocean-going tugs on the Pacific Coast, has arrived at Yaquina Bay for the season and will do all kinds of work on the Bay. such as transport ing passengers, towing ships, etc The L. Koicoe will make regular trips over the Yaqnina bar daring the outing sea son on Sundays and visitors to Newport especially those g oing on the regular Sunday excursion can enjoy the delights of a trip over the bar into the waves of the broad Pacific. Lost. From the pasture of Wiley Win kle on July 27th, a bald faced, two year old, steel gray filly. Has two whi'e hind feet and wbitfi' spot on right side. Will pay a r-asonable reward for information that will leid to recovery. W. H. WilsoD, TN Alsei, Ore. For Sale- First class cedar posts for sale. B. F. Ireland & Bro. CorvalliB R F D No 4. REDUCED EXCURSION RATES From S. P, and C, & E. Points to the Seaside and Mountain Re sorts for the Summer. 1 On and after June 1st, 19O4, the South ern Pacific in connection with the Cor vallis & Eestern railroad, will. have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De troit at very low rates, good for return until October 10th, 1904., Three day tickets to Newport and Ya quina, good going Saturdays and retort ing Mondays, are also on sale from all East side points, Portland to Eugene in clusive, and from all TVestside points en abling people to visit their familiea and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets, from all Eastside points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all Westside points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over-privileges at Mill City or any point east enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breitenbnsch hot springs in the Cascade mountains, which can be reached in one dav. - ' - Season tickets will be good for return from all points until October 10. . Three day tickets will be good going on Sat urdays and returning Mondays '"only. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good going vfa the Lebanon-Spring " field branch ; ' desired. Baggage on Newiy--1 ' , checked through to Ncv . yaquina tickets to Yaquina onlj Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis -for Yaquina ard Newport. Trains on the C, & E. for Detroit will leave Albany at 7 a m enabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same day. For information as to rates, .with beau tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and vicinity can be obtained on application to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany W E Coman, G. P. A. S. P Company, Portland, , ' Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $3. 75. " " Yaqnina, 3.25 " " Detroit, 3.25 Three-day rate from Corvallis to New port. $2.50. Are you going hoppicking? If so, call at Blacklelge'a new fur niture store for. tent?, stoves and camp Etoole, etc. Gordon bU a Kline's. New Btylea just in. At Kline's. BLAGK CAT KQSERY ! Triple knff 1eATHR3T0CKJNi Hake BLACK CAT BRAND Chicago-Rockford Hosiery ksxosha, wis. IF YOU ABE LOOKING FOii riuMi, RtiAL . good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry j Ranches, 'write for our special list, or come and i see us. We shall take pleasure in giving 3'ou all , e the reliable information you wish, also showing P you over the country. g AMBLER & WATERS. Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance. Corvallis and Philomath, Or. ! EMERY'S ART STUDIO 4.- South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. Carbon, Platinum, and Platino Portraiture 3 . O. A. C. ATHLETIC Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, K And other Photographic Novelties, C C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. When Nolan and Callahan say reni ants thsy mean it. We Don't Want . But you must come early if you wish to se cure some bargains a, our" ( Great Summer Reduction Sale" . Wash Goods and Summer Dress Goods ' At Cost ; Ten per cent reduction on Table Linen and Napkins " " Lace Curtains and Sereens v " Calicoes, Percales and Ginghams " " 50 cent Mixed Wool dress goods " " Cretons, Silkoline "and Darperies " Towels and To vsrelings Bargains in odd and ends Ribbons and Lace .20 per ct red. on Embroideries & dress Trimmings Other Bargains on the remnant counter. We pay top price for country produce. Goods with a Reputation. The) have Quality in Construction Co. 6 II W. 4 K AND SCENIC VIEWS, jp IOSt. Sunday on the streets of Corvallis, a child's crocheted bonnet with red .rib bon ties. Finder please leave at this office. Blackledge keeps large assortment of matting. to Hurrv Ten Corvallis, Oregon. , Mine.