The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 17, 1904, Image 1

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    Vol. XVII. Xol 23.
Editor and lroxriterw
Big Cut on
For August
All ladies fine shoes at a
big discount and some odds
and ends in all kinds of shoe's
at half price. Summer cotton
and wool fabrics at a great
sacrifice. Lots of bargains
for this month.
Come and See
Business Men and Firms of Prom
VALLIS. ' ' -;
This bank claims by light a lead
ing place in these pages, as it is an
institution which is a great credit
to our city and is doing a large and
increasiog volume of business. It
is one of the soundest and moetlib
erally patronized banks for a city
of tbis fciza in the state, and it is an
important factor in the prosperity
of our city and community. Only
the sa'est kind of banking is trans
acted bv these gentlemen, and tbey
realize that the officials of '. a bank
must be especially careful in all
their dealings for theirs' is a sacred
trust, indeed. The growth and de
velopment of this bank is a matter
of local pride and every inducement
is offered our people to open . ac
counts, whether the 'amounts be
large or small; and t&is bank has
ample resources to make loans to
its customers. :
, , The officials are men of honor, of
marked financial capacity, and no
worthy movement for the benefit of
the community ever appeals to tnem
in vain.' The bank was established
in 1830 and is capitalized at $50,
000." This bank having safely
protected the fioancial interests of
its customers through the several
panics of the last two decades, mer
its careful consideration.
The tfficials are M. S. Woodcock,
president; C. E Moore, vice-presi
dent: Walter T. Wiles, , cashier
George E. Lilly, assistant cashier
and C F. Wiles, director. It is
with pleasure we reward this bank
a high place in these columns.
Free Bus. . . . . Fine Light Sample Rooms.
1 slPPSIPil Hotel .
1 Corvallis
' iLUm
J. Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New?
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con-v
veniences. Furnace Heat. Electric Lierhts. Fire Es-
5. capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant, suites. Leading house in the Willam- M
utwj v auey. .......
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain anfl Fancy C&inaware
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
B Borning
XtraooD Glothes
For boys, little fellows and
.'young men see Nolan & Callahan.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly.
The luxury . and magnificence of
this house would open the eyes of
the most fastidious Easterner and
he would marvel indeed to hnd in
a town of this size on the Pacific
Coast such a well appointed, large
and altogether superb caravansary.
It is an imposing brick structure
occupying the best location in the
city, - and nothing that the most lux
urious guest could desire is lacking.
It has been under new management
since last October and no expense
was spared in remodeling, fitting
and furnishing the entire establish
ment ar d excellent taste, and a
thorough knowledge of up-to-date
high class hotel requirements have
been shown throughout. :
A word should be said concern
ing the home-like atmosphere of the
place, despite the luxury, and the
guest is made to feel at ease imme
diately, on crossing the threshold of
this establishment "and "nothing is
left undone to cater to the slightest
desire. . The service is prompt,
couteous and obliging. The table
would suit an epicure and the best
markets are ransacked by Mr. Ham
mel to place before his patrons the
most tempting dainties and finest vi
ands. Notning is too good to be
placed before bis guests and the ser
vice is on par with the sumptuous
ness of the table.
Mr. and Mrs.. Hammel. the pop
ular host and hostess, have the fac
ulty of 1 handling to its perfect
satisfctiori the tourist and traveling,
as well as town custom. Personal
ly they are of pleasant address,
suave, and believe in deeds rather
than words, preferring to let their
record speak for itself. Mr, Ham
mel has been in the West . for 16
years and was a prominent represen
tative of the lumbering business for
a number of years.. His location
here is a source of congratulation to
the people and we would add that
Hotel Corvallis is headquarters for
the traveling and transient trade to
Newport, and the touistswho have
traveled all over the West, takes
pleasure in saying a good word for
this house.
To our many readers we point
with pride to this enterprisicg real
ty firm. They stand at the head
of the real estate dealers in Benton
county. This firm is thoroughly
identified with the west and more
over are well acquainted with Ben
ton county, its people and resources.
Mr. natters lsourcountviudgeand
Mr. Ambler has opererated in this
line during the Bast twelve years.
Judge Watlers and Mr. Ambler
united their forces harmoniously
and effectively last March, and
have many genuine, bargains for
investors, speculators aod hotne
seekere. ; For further information
apply to Messrs. Ambler & Wat
ters of Philomath, and Cor value, for
their bargain LIST.
None of the "arts" come nearer
our homes and affections than does
photography. ;By its means the
poor as well as the rich are enabled
to preserve the pictured resemblance
of loved ones and to adore their
walls with productions of the mas
ter artists. Among the most skill
ful members of the profession in this
part of the state is Mr. WJ.Emery
ofCorvallis. He is a true artist of
talent and attainment whose heart
is in his work. He has been in this
place since boyhood. Prior to em
barking in this commercial enter
prise, he followed, for many years,
the broad and noble field of teach
ing. - " ''
It is a satisfaction to mechanics
of all kinds to know that a shop is
close at hand where every nonceiv-
able kind of repairing can be done.
Such a place is the Corvallis Bicy-;
cle works, operated by Mr. 1, W
Daley. He is an expert workman
and skilled in everything petaining
to his. line. He makes a specialty
of repairing bicycles, safes, type
writers, guns, locks, &c, thus meet
ing the constantly growing demand
in this community. Mr. Dilley has
conducted this business successful
ly here for seven years and operated
a gun, lock and light machinery re
pairing establishment in Scio for 15
years prior to locating in Corvallis.
He served on the city council three
years, and two years was city mar
shal of Scio. He is an expert ma
chinist and merits generous mention
in this edition.
The desire to preserve the pic
tured semblance of loved ones is as
natural as life itselt and we take
pleasure in presenting to our many
readers a brief sketch of Mr. Gard
ner. He is an expert artist and
has been many years in the busi
ness. He does all kinds of photo
graphic-work in a thoroughly artis
tic manner. He is located near the
college walk and is a great fav
orite with the students who are al
ways good judges of that kind of
work. He is an earnest, enterpris
ing,' progressi ve citizen and we take
pleasure in according him a high
place in these columns. '
believe in giving full value and
they make it a rule to satisfy cus
tomers no matter how difficult they
may be to please. Promptness and
trustworthiness : charactize them
and. a good-rig can - be had at any
hour of the day or night. : They
have been established in- the livery
business one year aod have both
farmed in the county for a number
of years. They have both filled the
office of city constable, Virgil 'Vidi
to being the present efficient encum
bent. The Vidito Bros, rank ameng
our progressive business men..
This is an institution which well
deserves cordial endorsement at our
hands. It is ooe of the best equip
ped steam laundries in this section
of the Willamette Valley and mer
its very generous mention in these
columns. This is a model estab
lishment and la open for inspection
at all times, and the entire machine
ry and. whole force can be seen at a
glance, as the customer steps across
the threshold. Skilled, reliable help
is employed, good wages paid, and
every package is returned without
a single article missing or scratch,
tear or burn.
Prices meet all competition and
Mr." J. K. Johnson; the - popular
proprietor, who has operated here
one year, is building up and estab
lishing a remarkable trade. Laun
dries such as this are of great ad
vantage to a community- and Mr.
Johnson bears au excellent reputa
tion r He is of the progressive type
that merits a high place in these
columns. .
. Messrs. Fruitfe Waggoner oper
ate the Brick Livery Stable which
is in every way up-to-the-mark,
therefore in mentioning the livery
interest 01 the town we will say a
erood ' word for these gentlemen
They understand this line from top
to bottom, and they are splendid
horsemen themselves, lhey con
cructtbeir business in an .honora
ble, progress ve way and they leave
no stone unturned to satisfy their
patrons. They are well qualified
for trade and we do not think one
can be better served in the livery
line in our city. Tbey also do con
siderable in the feed and Bale lines,
and tbey iq snoit, rank among our
energetic, enterprising business men.
They have operated here as a firm
for two years and Mr. Fruit has of
ficiated as deputy sheriff of the
county. They are gentlemen to
whom we award a high place in
these columns. '
cessful establishment. : It is "well -
located and pains are taken with -
every patron to make him feel at -
home. The table is excellent, ser
vice first-rate, and the rooms are
nicely furnished.- A room can be
had here at any time of the day or
night and by the day, week or
month. Mr. Brunk is an excellent
business man, knows just how to
handle custom and is a model
host. Therefore we award him a
high piece in these columns. ' 1
Mr. Harris is a substantial business
man who should be given due cred
it in these pages as haying taken a
prominent part in the developnent
and progress of our thriving city.
Though originally from Mississippi,
he has been a Westener for many
years having operated in Corvallis
for fourteen years. . This is the
piace 10 get iuu value tor every
penny spent.. The stock consists
of clothing, drygoods, notions, hats,
caps, boots and shoes, gentlemen's
furnishing - goods, and articles of
many kinds.
- Mr. W. B. Lacy, a graduate of
the State Agricultural College, is
head clerk, and is manager during
Mr. Harris's absence. He has been
with the establishment for eight
years and is a young man of brains,
and sterling honesty and integrity
of character. . He is the type of
young man whom men of large en
terprises seek for responsible posi
tions. We must not forget to mention
Mr. E. R. Alexander who has been
with Mr. Harris for seven years and
is one of the moet popular and effi
cient salesmen in oar city. We as
sign ims nouee a nign place in
these columns. . ' .
Feeling that this mention isthor
oughly deserved we take pleasure
in directing the attention of our ma
ny readers of this special review edi
tion to this livery establishment
They are gentlemen of integrity and
practical knowledge and their large
trade is proof that they run their
barn on correct business principles
Nowhere are horses belter looked
after and their rigs and turnouts
leave nothing to be desired. Tbty
One of the chief causes for the
prosperity of this favored section is
the development and extension of
our banking facilities and the his
tory of this institution has been an
unbroken record of success and pro
gress since opening in Sept. 1902
It has been conducted on sound
conservative principles and its man
agement has been characterized by
sagacity, energy and the most hon
orable principles. Altogether the
affairs ot the bank are in a most
gratifying condition. The officials
are men of the highest social and
commercial standing and are rated
as gilt edge. The officials are Tho
mas Leese. president, William Scott,
1st. vice president, J. CDudley 2nd
vice president, and JN. Wilkinson.
cashier. We award this bank a
high place in these columns.
We have excellent tailoring es
tablishments here, but none better '
than this concern, and Mr. Craven's
standing is such that he is entitled
to commendation at our hands. He -carries
a very select stock and by
patronizing him one can be as well
dressed as if his clothes were made
by a metropolitan tailor. He has -a
splendid location aiid has follow- -ed
the busioes-i lor a number of
years. For style, fib aid finish he .
is unexcelled and bis credit in com
mercial circles is first-rate. The
work of Mr. Craven during his res- :
idenca here speaks for itself, and
needs no encomiumB at the hands
of the press. '
This gentleman is one of the lead
ers in his line. He gets a large
part of the trade here and is a man '
who can always be counted on. He
handles books, stationery, newspa
pers, musical merchandise, , etc.,
and he conducts all his affairs on
the high plane of honor 'and enter
prise. He is a native son of Oregon,
having been born ia Corvallis and he
graduated with honor from the
Mount Angel College. He has
proved a most important and wel
come addition to the business inter
ests of the city, believing fimrly in
the West aod in "printer's ink."
The mercantile career of Mr.
Houston during the past fourteen
jears is one that speaks for itself
and needs no encomiums at the
hand of the press. His large and '
well-selected stock of hardware, tin
ware, stoves, farm implements and
machinery of all kinds, buggies,
wagon?, etc., will compare favora
bly as to quality of goods and pri
ces quoted with any other house of
the kind on the Coast. He believes
in giving full value every time, and
the large trade which be enjoys and
reputation which he has established
for himselt and his house are at
tested thoroughly by the constant
swing of his doors, and by the very
liberal patronage of thecommunity.
A very competent official of Cor
vallis entitled to a place of honor
here is our popular and efficient
postmaster. He has filled this po
sition during the past six and a
half years and post office affairs
never ran more smoothly. Mr.
Johnson . is prompt, polite, and
courteous to a degree and was pro-'
prietor of the Gazette 4 years before
he was appointed to this important
responsibility. He was born in
Pennsylvania and came' to Oregon
in '79 from Nebraska. He is a
gentleman of the "'royal blood
type who believes in adjusting ones
sell to the higher law ot life and
then assist the RACE to do the
same, UNISON is the word of the
It there is any business man in
Corvallis who should be well spok
en of in these pages, it is Mr. Black
ledge, for be has built up a large
business and his establishment is a
credit to the city. Mr. Blackledge
has always carried on his affairs in
an honorable, progressive manner
and he Stands high in our com
munity as a pushing, wide-awake,
strictly honest merchant. Mr. Black-
ledge carries a heavy stock of house
hold and omce lurniiure and no
house gives better value for the
money-than be. tie has been here
for some years and was formerly a
teacher. He is a progressive citi
zen of the best type, and we accord
him an honorable place in these
We must lay special stress on our
hotels, as the stranger must first of
all seek accommodations. Fortun
ately our city is well equipped in
this way, and we wish to state em
phatically that the Occidental is
well managed, comfortable and sue
This is a millinery emporium
which merits a good word at our
hands. The latest bats and bon
nets are here displayed, and prices
are never high. We do not hesitate
to say that our ladies can do just as
well in this establishment as they
can at any other place in the state.
She has excellent lasie end deals -only
with the lealicg firms in the
millinery line, obtaining the latest
styles as soon as they are out, and
she takes the greatest pains to suit
her customers. Her parlors are
well stock with hats and bonnets
that would please the most fastidi
ous, and she holds her trade re
markably well. Miss Johnson is a
lady of refinement and sound busi
ness judgment, and during her past
ten years of commercial life in this
business has established an excel
lent custom. We, therefore, award
her a high place in these columns.
Dr. Logan, Physician.
The professor of medicine is one
of the noblest as well as the most
important of callings and those who
adopt it must be at once learned o
sound judgment, energetic
Continued on Page Two.