LOCAL LORE 2TEWS OF VICINITY CORVALLIS AND TOLD IN' BRIEF. 72e Comings and Goings of People ix reopie Men-- of Social Gossip. Personal tion and Other Items Public In.terest" Miss Ht'la "VanHonsen- is - visit- fog Oregon City friend". , A Thursday .visitor io Corvallls was Adam Wllhelm Jr. of Monroe. Ft a three Tiers' vWt at Ktew port, Mrs. J. Ma-ion left' Wednesday. Professor G. V. Sktlton aod fm iVy ie't Tbured-iy In a stay 'of sever al wteks la S:a'tle. I Mrs. E. Graer and daughter left fVe luesi'ay for a visit la the . Alsf a tountry. Mr. and Mra. Hailaa Tajcr-are -rUltlng ia Alien. They left Wednee tiay. Mrs. Fied Duooan of - Summit, was hi Rue.-t Thur-Way of Miss Min !e Wil It. Miss Elizibath Srrhooly of Toe 2a'les errivfd veeierday foe a visit -'nk Crvaliis ffier.d-i. Mr?. Belknap and daughter. Miss jancps, returned Thursday from their tuning at Xewpott. Af er a fevernl wesljri' yUitJwitbl srleod-j in Portland, MUsj Itora MlUer returned home Wednesday. PresMeit T. M, Gateh returned 'trd Oregon. Harold Woodcock cas jusi re-j turned from a visit to Eastern Ore-J gOD. i i M 9hurch S,uth-tomoKow;-.motingcdtQeape48 othr poursiqns weuiog at the usual hours. Among Thursd-iy's visltora- In nrvallU were, Mrs. E. N. Starr and daughter cf Belltountaln. - " ' After an . extended visit with jeta'ives at Amity and Albany, N. F. SSIiespte and family returned home Wednesday. . MUses Madia Armstrong and Ida i3Uupp of Albany, wtra, guests Wed esdav of Mrs. Will Merrill, at Hotel 'Jorvallis. . A" party iff 5 CjiValUs this jweek tr JVlaea on a hunting trip. Atmcg Ibe number wete Wilbert Crofc- and Ike Bmltb. . - . There will be an ice oi earn social it HScFarland chapel on Thursday fveulog August 18. Everybody 1b Tlted ard a good time assured. Usual sfrvlcea at the Church cf CbtlBt. next Sui diy. Morning theme ! "Tha- Victor Crowned. Evening' S.ioing Away from Christ." Aittr being confined to his room teveral days, as a result of vaccina tion, Frauk Thrasher returned to his Spekion in Kline's store, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott King were In Oorvallis Thursday for tbe purpose of making tbe transfer of their store at H:en station to a Mr. Wilde recently arrived from the East. . i Accompanied by Mias Ball and Kiss Qibba. of Olda, Wortmaa & Elag o Portland, Miss Adelaide Greffois leaves today tor an outing at New forr. The Hcdes bakery la now in charge efSHorace Locke, who will operate It permanently. Carl Hcdes will continue-to eonduct a saloon that he owns la Albany. . . . Mls3 Amniea E, Leverett f ireev al years art teacher la tbe XJolver ity of Arkansas has accepted a sim ilar position at OAC. Miss Leverett tomes very highly recommended. Among those who took the teach er's examination In Corvallls this week, were Miss Grace Nichols and Hiss Ada Flnley, of near Monroe, cth being well and favorably known jpung ladles . - For the purpose of taking a look at the Irrigation lands in Crook coun ty. Washington and Idaho, Si Evans cf Eugene, formerly a Corvaltis resld rat, lett this city Tuesday. He is Marching for a suitable location. Thoroughly cured of smallpox, and glad to regain his liberty, Si -Btuuley ras telased from the peat bouse Wednesday. Thureday after- Boon Chief Lane was engaged , ia Jnmlgatlng the premises.' A new livjht system for the store was installed ia the E. ' B. Eornicg establishment Thursday. Tbe light is furtlshed by a Uige pressure gas- olire lamp, and the system is eald to be oce ef tfse best acd most econom ical in use in town. ' ' ' The Georce Smith property, sold - by hfea sometime ago to Mr. Lamley, an Easterner, has again changed ' ndf. The deal wa9 closed WedneB- day eventupr, and the new purchaeer Jb . J. Tta:cu-r, of the-firm of Duntj ft Thatcher. 1 . M. E. church Sunday: 11 a. tu,, anthem by the cboli: fermon, "The Children and tbe Church;" solo, Jan et Blackledge, followed by the bap-4 tisru ct tee couoren. Evening, e er son, "What About so Many Denom jca'ioao-a.e JTheyeigna ot Federa tion and UiS t ? Miss MaurT Morrison leaves today ! Lto visit friend ia Albany. j rW. S. McFaddeo .returned Thuie- Jay' to bta Jnnctton firm. S- I I , .2 ft ' Miss Mabel Cidy left vested ay tor a j kit with her brother at B eburg. j j r"iM Hi ; I catkm afr Newport.' Be left Tuesday, Miss Aland McBee left this weak for a two weeks' viaU with relatives iu Salem. : . , j W. C. Swann la spending a braf vacation, visiting his mother at Oraw fordsville. . Mrs. W. O. McCoy ot OakBdalf, Wash., has a. lived on a visit to her Meter, Mrs. John Wyatt, and - other . . Hi in. ii . yauuus nun jxiiooxj, u p - cobs are enjojinst an outing at BobwcII Springs. They left a few days ago. Af er a year's absence in the Des Chuttps country, William Bogue re turned to Corvallis Thursday, wneie many old time friends were glad welcome him. - " B. W. Johnson and E. B. Brysqn returned Wednesday evening from buctlDS trip of several' days In the EiPjgs valley country. -.' Chatles Heckert has the contract for building the Buxton residence the corner of Jefferson and Eighth. Tb house will be one ti the best in the town.:; ..- .. , : , ; -. On account of the shortness the stalk much spring oats has been mowed by oeigliboriDK farmers... In many instances the giaiu was too shot t to be bound. ' . Alex Donaldson, proprietor of ttje Deckiou 3tocl ranch at DecBton, W j oluiiig, aud J. D. SCtirop, the wel koou Polk county stockman were looking oerthe sheet) industry in Benton Thursday. Both' are exter bively engaged in tbe sheep business. A harvest excursion is to run over f the O. & E. from Detroit 'o Newport BDtj return, tomorrow, it is exten givtly advertised, and will - no doubt attract a large cEOwd. The rats from jjni.Deyoit is sz.pu vana rrom uorvaiu Walter B.a.sei :and Hairy Moe. twolbany boys who have just re turned from a trip by wagon road to" Ynqnina Bay! suffered an acckjent on: tie way home which compellep them to adopt a rather unique modejof trav el. Hayes madb the trip 'on a horse; while. Moa rode . bicycle,. When a, bout 35 miles from home the chain of the bicycle broke The' boy tied a rope to the front of the bicycle and to the saddle on the horse, and thus made progress slowly, being compell ed to -unti the rope to make the as cent and descent of large hills. -i-A dispatch from Logan, Utah, to ths Oregonlan, says: Coach Campbell of the Utah Agricultural College foot hill eleven Of LogaO, baS arrSDged f r a trip to the Coast whtch will start a bout October 22 and will last abiut two weeks. Duiing his trip theelev e . will meet tbe University cf Wash ington, tha Agricultural College of Or egon and tbe TJoiverslty. of Nevada. Negotiations are now pending for a , . i , 1 .u. rT .i i p.. i : r : ,7T "-ill k. .:,een made of the UeigM of the tower and if possible game will be securt d i fact mever has been with Stanford also. Tbe team this year promises to be very strong. After an absence of a year, Wil liam Bogue and family arrived Thurs day and will remain. A year ago last July they left for tbe Cascades and af ter a visit of a few days in Septem ber, they left again, going to the Dee chuites, from where they have just ar-; lived, Flod, on account of whose health tbe trip was made, is .well and strong again.- The family will spend tbe winter In Idaho, but Mr. Bogue will, remain in Corvallls and devote himself to tbe care of his farms. It is apropos to think about 'mountain water1 now. The legis lature meets next winter. -' If: no body rise will put in a mountain Wat er system, tbe people can do It them selves. There are many who think the tatter would be the better plan. Ownership cf public; utilities by cities U widely in vogue , and everywhere popular Corvallls has not authority to sell bonds now, and can only get it from the legislature. That Is why it la not too early to discuss mountain water., -fX.es Corvallls want It? Does she want homeseekers and parents of students everywhere to know that she . has the best and purest water that Is to be bad? Does ebe want tbe best health and best development? X desire to do plain Eewing nursine, . sweeDine . andt cleamns Apply at reBictence on Ninth stree near Gardner's gallery. Phone "14. Mra. Gaorge Ditkej i i i i i I i i v : . v oris Wanted. . -J AS HONEST PORTER. B Het ataielt m Tip f Tea Dollua for Beins Acnua4 . - ' ... tlcgaii HoiMt, ; .v "The tip-exacting- Pullman car por ters are the recipients of a g-ood b.-t hev arnot the worst in the world," remarked a commercial trav eler ito-; a. Washington Star. .man. "4'hey may have a- pretty- fience; way oT calling- for tips, bu when it cpmefs to the. matter of honesty I know one ot them that's th-ere, w'ith-he goous, as the saying goes. ' "i -left Sn Francisco," pr, rather, Oakland, on the -Santa Fe line for f)hifcag6 at '8 otloek in the eveiiihg a eonpie of weeks ago 'last Sunday! Thengang: that I;mt in 'Frisco, had been, rather . too enthusiastic m gv?-ing- me! a- good, time, of it- ou, there on .the day of my departure, so that when I woke' up ontlie train ulong toward 7 o'clock the next morning the1 sleeper bunk 'felt " pretty 'warm and my coppers a Whole lot warmer,' The nearest, in fant, the, first -stoj; at which I. would have a chance tnx those -hot coppers .out was Mojaye. and so" I. hustled (into myclothe to be' ready to hop off the train during the' stop at Mojave for one of those katzenjammer -alleviators. ,r - t "I asked the ' Pullman 1 : Conductor' how long the train would "stop at Mojave, and he replied -that, the stop would last ten miputes. I raced into the v station , cafe when the train pulled into Mojave, , and instructed the man in cn"arge of the bar "to rig me np One' of those long-,' long damp tMngs.1 He-went at the Job in a pret ty scientific manneti and the -piece of wet work that he set before ine was a rare thing- to find, right alongside of the jCailifornia-desert. It. was such a fine and effective creation, .in. fact, that. I asked, hini' to .frame up 'an-T other one, and I 'got away w'ith' this with equal joy. Then I- leisurely strolled to the door to take a look at my train nd: saw; the end -of it curling j-away in the 'rarefied-distance on its way toward, the land of the risinsr sut1 It had(pulled out wiiiout notifying- me,. Jj' hustled into: the ticket office "to ask fhe ntan in' the window when I'd be able to corral another eastbound train,1 !and "he said that' it 'Ud bS alontf at 8 o'clock the next morningfr-the mate to the train that had departed: rwithbut mej there; was cmly one- of the overland ex presses per diem.So there I saw my-, self stuck in Mojave, Cal., the most miserable little sand dune' on the globe, for a 'full twenty-four hours. ' : "But5 that -wasn't the1 worst of it." I had left my Gladstone' bag wide open; on my bunk, with ray wearingr apparel thrown "around the section; every which way, and in. the bag I had placed, .on ithe night before, $200 in gold, coin, the .stuff being top, heavy to carry around in my pockets' with any comfort. ' '- I -. Better at Some Thing Than Other, Sir Thomas Lipton is much more successful in. causing- the pork market to get a move on, says' the Pittsburgh Times, than in imparting speed to a yacht. Ancient Skyscrapers. Numerous: conflicting estimates have denied, and that is that it was a sky scriiicrt St. Jerome, in his commen tary on Isaiah, says that the tower was :: Iready 4,000paces high when God cam- down to stop the work. - A pace is aii'-iit 2 feet; therefore.4,000 paces muM be 10,000 feet; consequently Ba-, bel iv:is 20 times as high as the Pyra- miil? (wnicn are only aoout suu ieeii. Fat : "r Calmet says the tower was 81, 000 1' et high, and that the languages wert- confounded because the archi tects were confounded, as they did not I; now. how. to bring the building to a head. Moreover, it is understood that the Chinese language of to-day was originally the same language as the high German. - "' Those Inqnuittve Youngsters. ' . "Papa, you took the scientific course in college, didn't you?" . "Yes, dear;" I spent two years on sci ence." "When you look in a mirror the left side of your face appears to be the right side, and the right side seems to be the left. The looking glass reverses it, doesn't it?" - , . Bellfonntain Noes. j. Birntb Mr. arid Mrs. W. A, Pool, a son. "The .little daughter of Henry Lamb has been quite sick, but is improving. . . - t Quite a number from this vicini ty expect to pick hope - this year as the price promises to be good. From three acres of fall wheat threshed for S. A. Tharp, he receiv ed 106 bmshels. v nenry rencn, or uorvallis, is canvassing this part .of BantoD, . ta see" what pe can gather for ths ex position at Lewis and Clark Fair. Harold Waggoner, of Eugene,:ia spending a few weeks with his aunt Mrs, Hall, f , -. A drove of goats passed through this place this week, en route to Al Eea. Last winter seems to have served as a lesson to ranchers by the way they are rustling for straw. " Some can hardly wait until the grain is threshed before commencing to haul.- " . This great stock medicine Is a money saver for stock raisers. It is a medicine, aot a cheap food or condition powder ;Thongh put up "in coarser form than, , Thedfprd's .Black-Draught, renowned for the ;cure of the , digestion troubles, of persons, it has the same qualities c'liyigorating, digestion, stirring up the torpid liver.' and loosening the constipated Dowels for all stock and poultry. m It is. -carefully' tre- 13 ;pared and its action is so healthful i that stock grow and, thrive with an E occasional dose in' their food. It cores hog cholera and makes boss grow fat. It cures chicken cholera an roup and makes hens lay." - It cores constipation, distemper and colds in horsesj murrain m cattle, and .makes a . draught animal do more work for .the food, consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farmei and raiser ahould certainly girve ft a trial. - ;- ;'s i' -' It costs 25c a can and saves ten times its price in profit. '-;'? ; ,. PrrTSBUBa, Eas., March 25, 1904. I have been nsine your Blact-lraiiht Btock 'and Potoltry Medicirie oa ; my kinds ot stock food but I have found that your is the beat for nry purpose. v, . J. 8. HASSON. GOiTQ; ... The Cbrvallis' i t ;;;); ... ". primes,1 'v:! For ; Styles Right Prices Right Stock Right Type Right :Plain;Pririting Fancy Printing Corvallis, Oregon HERBINE. , Benders the bile more fluid and thus helps the blood to flow; ita fforda prompt reltet trom Dliionsness, indigestion, sick and nervous headaches, and the over in dnlgence in food and drink. Herbine acts quickly, a dose after meals will bring tbe patient into se good condition after G. h. Caidwell, Agt. M. K. and T. R. E., Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes April 18, 1903: " I was sick with enlargement of the liver and spleeu. The doctors did me no good and I had given up all hope of being cured, when my druggist advis ed me to use Herbine. It has made me sound and welL". 50c. Sold by Gra ham -& Wortham. For Sale Cheap. Two pianos, in perfect tune 'and good condition, at, , :i .-.!-.. . Elackledge's. ' '" I,ost. "'. 1 '? 1 Sunday on the btreets of Corvallis, a childVcrocheted bonnet with red ribf boa ties. - Finder please leave at this office. . - 1 f , C. H, Newth;, Physician and Surgeon .... Philomath, Oregon. '. - When Nolan and Callahan' say rem ants they mean it. ' '" s I f Fiee Fiee Idea! . t; .-: Citation. In the Con at y Court ot the Sutte - of Oregon. For tbe County of Benton. In the Matter of the Estate f) l- 1 of. . , - . .. , Wm. P. By er, deceased. - J - -v ToW.F. Byer and RlUa A. Abrams heirs and deviseetf of Wm. F. Bver. deo:ised. Greetlue: In the name ol thB S; ate c Ore gon you and each of you are nereiiy cite hui required to appear in ttie vountv oou't o 'ttie State of Oreson for the County of lij.ton, t the OouH Hoom ttiereof C'mvmIH-; Ot?ou, on unlay, tae Jytb iUy yf hepieiub -i, 1!K)4, at 11 ock in tbe forenoon of that day, then and there 60 show cause if nuy .yon have: whjvaa ordr of sle should not be made as prayed for in th&petltioh of V. N. Alfor', -administrator ot said estate of Wm. F. Byer, deeeed, of the following described real property towit: Lot's number?, 8, and 9v in ;, block' numbered 4 in Hauaman's( Addition to the City of North Brownsville, Linn Conn'ty, or?con: Lot" un'tn- bared Sin block numbered 10 id Riverside adr dftion. tffAlbina, now within the City of Port land, MutnomaftCfiuntyTOregon: And l,ot nam bered 23, in block numbered 5, lo. Hvde .Park, Washington Couuiy, Oregon. ' 1 ; And you are.further notiQedthat this pjtation Is served upon yon and each of you., toy pub lication thereof in the Corvallis Timea news.-. paper far lour weeks-, under an A order made theHon. VifS11 Warws, judge of gaid.Oourt,, bearing date July 30th. 1901. ' wuBe!s8:'j.ue Honiivircii E.,iiVatters- judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the COunty of Benton, with' the Seal of said Coust affixed this SOth day of July, MO!. , -- n il . - .:.-,. -Utrki.i: By J. F. Irwin, Deputy. r . tt rr E. W. S. PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. Pioneer tiunters Supplies, Tisbing Cackle, Sporting Goods ; ' ": ' SEWrXC ' ilACHIXE EXTRAS -. Stock of Bodes af Big Bargain ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office la Zierolf Buildtar 0 rr illvs. P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALLIS, OR. . Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. O. Address, Box n. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. E. R.: Bryson, - " Attorney-At -law.- Reduced Bound Trip Rates Ae- ., count! World's. Fair. First class tickets on sale Jane 16, 17, 18, Jnly 1, 2, 3, AuguBt 8, S), 10, Sept 5, &. 7, Oct. 8, 4, 5, Corvallis to St. Louis and return, good 90 'da j s witb stop , over ' priv ileges at rates ranging fr'orn, $67,50 to $82.50 according to route chos en. Passengers will have privilege of starting on any date which " will enable to reach destination within ten days from (he sale .date. In quire at Agent Southern Pacific Co. - Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 22. t For Yaquinal " :"" . ' -- ' N -"- : . Train leaves Albany. .. .... 135 p. m " " Corvallis...... x '45 p. m ". arrives Yaquina sr40 p. m r- Retnrningt - ..." ' - Leaver Yaquina.. 7:15 a. m Leaves Corvallis.. .....i...nyo a. m Arrives Albany. ......'. i..ia:i5 p. m 3 tor Detroit: Leaves Albac. .............. iKK) p. m Arrives Detroit. . . 6.-00 p.xa from Detroit; '' 'r jL.. - .'. .Leases Petroit.7....'".?I!j6:'30 a. i AiriyeAnany,,.... ....... 11:15 a. m Train So. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connecrwith S V south bonpd train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S. P north bound train. ' ' '.. ;- .!-..- -: I. Train a connects witti the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany eivipg direct ser vice to Newport and adjaceu t beaches: Train 3 for Detroit; ferehenbnab ' an other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at .6:00, giv ing ample time to reach tbe Springs the same day.'' .. . - ' For further information" apply to: ' '" v Edwin Stons, it ' , .. Manager, H. H. Cronise, Agent Corraliis. --. -Thoa. Cockrell. Agent Albany. .. ;j e;. e. white r Real Estate Co, Are you loQking- for a prap . Or a good Investment? ' If so we-take pleasure in showing you over the co"uatry and are confident "we can give yon the : right price 'on ebme thing will suit you, , s- . , , .- We have tracts from $' to500 acres, r We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm lands, Poultry .ranches,,. Stocfc ranches and'Titnber lands. ' . R4ngin; in prjee" from 7 to $ 125 per acre all owing to lot cation and improvements.' t ' We also have a nice list.of pity proper ty.'1 Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi dences from $350 to 3000 each according to location and impiovemente . we also have some - good business locations. t Offices first door south of reading room, : White & Stone, Corvallis Of. '' ' ' ' 11 ' "i .- '' . i - 1 - ' ' 1- 1 . ' ' m;, "An ounce 'of preven tion is vvdrtrii ajpoiind ' ' of bure." ' ' Prevent any abnormal condition of the eyes by properly fitted glasses ' and you'll prevent at the same time years of mis ery and pain. (Sun Store,:. WILLAMETTE VALLEY, BANKING COMPANY ' Cortalus, Oregon. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buys County, City and School .. Warrants. r Principal Corre$ondcnts. BAH FBANCISOO POBTUUfD SEATTLE , TAOOMA :. London St San Fran- ( Cisco Bank IJmited . NEW YORK Messrs. J.-p. Morgan ft Co ': CHICAGO National Bank of The Itepubt lie. LOlfDOS, ENG. London, San Franctspa Bank Ijiinited. OANAD i. Union Bunk of Canada. . H. S. PERNOTji C Pliysician '& Surgebil Office over postof&ce. Residence Cor:' Fifth and Jefferson streets. ' Hours-10 to la a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. ' Orders may be. eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store. r ,1 For Sale.; - j A few choioe Poland China pigs, boUi sexes, from registered stock, per head J nqnire of Robert Wy lie, Lewisbnrg '