LOCAL LORE. STEWS OF CORVALUS AND YICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items of Public In.terest For a ten days' visit io Portland, Mrs. John Allen left Monday. SIic Ai:iugba,'-ii of Oalsey, was n y-inict 10 uorraius Saturday. A. Mrs. Homer Lilly returned Mon day from an outing at A'ewpoit.. Judge E O. Potter ot Eugene, was a Corvallis visitor Friday. Frank Thrasher was a Sulphur Sptlngs visitor Sunday. 8. L. Kline has just a few mere worsted remnants on the bargain counter. Mrs. Hammel and Miss Ed Jicobj tpertSuoday at Newport. . Walter Sheaagreen arrived from Koeeburg Sunday for a vaca'lon vie- u borne. ' 3JUs Paujl'oe Kllce expects to Jfrave today foa visit with Portlacd Iriende. f Charles Sheffield and Burt Xates were Newport passengers Mon day. Mlsa Edith Bertbold left Satur day for a two months' visit to points In Washington and in Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gruggett and Miss Ada Winn spent Sunday at New port, ST. F. Gillespie left yesterday for a vU It with relatives in Clackamas county. Atter a pleasant Coast, Mrs. James Monday. outing at the Bier teturned xrifd Sunday friends' in In- from a brief visit with uVpvc dance. - . ffialeb Davis was over from bis Big Elk ranch, Monday, transacting business. Misses Ida and Hat tie VanHooe en left for Portland Saturday, fir a ven dajs' r.!:rt Mentis. Hfss Ttna fiflrretr. if Pbilrrath, was a business visitor in Corvullls Slonday. Charles Peroot aad mother left JVIonday to occupy their Newport eottagr. Visitors at the home of their son Harley. from Filday until Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hall of Polk Bounty. Miss Et a Carter, a former stud ent oi OAC student, was a vUitor to town Saturday. She resides at Hal ley. Mlsee3 Ella Perkins and Augus ta and Julia Schroeder of Tillamook, arrived Sunday, and after a visit with frlendd Ufc Monday t)i New port. v Greatly benefitted by the change of climate and refreshed by her vaca tion rest, Miss Eva Starr returned home Monday from the seaside. Norton Adams and J. H. Albright are engaged this week io building a modern fruit house at the Samuel Wyatt home, a coupla of miles west 9t town. J. H. Harris and family leave to day tor a tbres weeks' camp at Cas radla. The will be accompanied by Miss Cloy Buchanan and Mrs. F. At Helm. Eber D. Moasio, who was com pelled on account of 111 health to leave college In tbe middle of last year, is now at Pendleton, and is to re-enter OAC In September. . Agnes Sweek who was In college ene year ago, Is a compositor In the Times-Herald office ot Burns. Miss Ames expeots to return to OAO In September, accompanied by several ot ber couipuuijus. Dr. W. C. Brown, a Benton coun ty boy, recently located in Burns for the practice of his profession, and. Is meeting with success. He is tbe son ot the late Andrew Brown, who was ene cf the first school superintendents at Benton county. W. Scott Gonrian, who graduated - from OAC in '93, is superln tendent of one of the ptincipal transfer com pan ies ofLaGracde. Scott speaks gladly oi tbe college days of Tore, and never aaitaes an opportunity to eprak good word tcr OAC. ., w An Easteiatr who anived last May from Nebraska and who pur chaeed tbe five acre traot of land formerly known as the French prop eity, h James Andrews. With bis wife, Mr. Andrews left Monday tor PoitUud to reside, The departure iareur t:el by many newly made friends in this city. The switchboard for the new In dependent telephone system has not yet arrived, and the work' of placing tne instruments is consequently re tarded. The main part of the switch board was bhtpped from Katie a9 City on tbe 23rd of June, and la etill on the road. A smaller part ot the same . uwip vrr.f to crrive.laBt evening. Cbarles SI well cf - Junction was transacting buslcess in CorvallU Mooday. After a weeks' outing at Newport George Belt returcei Sunday to re sume bis position in Kline's. Mr. Joeepb Taylrr of Pbilomstb. left Sunday for Portland, to be wlrh ber daughter, Mrs. B. J. Kelly, ard attend the funeral of Mr. Kelly. . Cbarle9-liernotand- mother left Monday to occifpjCthelr cot'age -at Viewport. Miss A goes Webber returned Monday from Aifny wbete ehe' visit ed friecda for a weefiy ., - Mrs. Sarah Moore and MissGlad dys Moore arrived Saturday from a six wttka' visit toPrlnevllle. -Tire-lsrlleBte ed-WBne3lde' tSrfsherbpgins the eVason today aj Walter sfrrttfe's place.eeven miles sou- h C'f tuWU. ,y The Cooper Bros, threshing out fit began operations Monday, north of town. Their first wor was far Gus. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kline left New York on the 29th for San Francisco. Their son Walter left Corvallls last night to join them io the California metropolis. Signs of immense size and bright coloring now ornament tbe sides of the EB Horning acd G rat am & Wells store buildings. The work has beeo done the past week. - Holleoberg & Cady have recently ba i their build ing ornamented with a eimlhr design. Cotvallia has a good delegation in attendance at the Oregon Develop ment League In Portland. Among the delegates who went are J. R. Smi b, August Fischer. M. S. Woodcock, Dr. Faira, J. M. Cameron, and E. Allen. Most of the delegates are accompani ed by their families. 9.B. Addlton, of Portland, has beena Corvallls visitor for a day or two. Io the old dys he was forsev- ral years a popular salesman . in the mercantile establishment of Jacobs & Neugass. He is now engaged in the real estate business in Portland, and by tbe boom prices in that town is doing extremely well. He returned home yesterday. People watched with much inter est the stringing of the big cables of the Independent telephone company Monday and yesterday. The cable line is on Jeffeis'on street, where the big poles were put in position. Dur ing the process of stringing it, line men were at the top of every Alternate pole for moie than half the length ot the street. Tbe cable was unwound from i eel, whence It passed over tbe top ot the pole, and then ran through pulley devices near the top of each pole. At the far end, a horse was bitched, supplying the necessary pow er to move the long and heavy cable. The latter contains over 100 insulated wires, all encased in an outer coating of lead. The cable is one of the large items of expense in the construction of a telephone system, tbe one now being installed, costing $2.50 per foot. How fire, under favorable condi tions can be controlled with absolute ease and certainty was exemplified cn Main street, the other evening. A traveling agent of a chemical com pound for extinguishing names gave the exhibition. A big box, four feet quare and eight feet high containing lDflammabiee, was get on fire. Coal oil was thrown on la quantities and tne whole Ignited. Within a tew moments tall column of names as high as the First National bank shot upward. The eoene was in the street at the Occi dental corner, and tbe huge column of flame was awesome to some ot the week-nerved among the scores ot oc - o lere. When" tne name was at its , height; tbe agent attacked it with his compound, and in less time that tbe fact can be told here completely Diot ted out the big - fire. The spectacle was a matter of much wonder to bystanders.- Tbe eompound is a powder tbe Ingredients ot which le a secret. A email tubular appliance Is used Tor throwing It, and it is sold at $3. The oompound is undoubtedly valuable to have handy tor subduing fires in their early stages in homes or business pla - ces. Lost. Sunday on the streets of Corvallis, a child's crocheted bonnet with red rib bon ties. Finder please leave at this office. For Sale First class cedar posts for sale. B. F. Ireland & Bro. Corvallis K F D No 4. Rolled barley, shorts bran, cracked, corn, and wneat at Dunn 2 unatcners. Stray Hog. One black and white sow came to my for place July 27. Owner please call same. Walter K. Taylor. CROUP. Is a violent inflammation of the mncons membrane of the wind pipe, which some times extend to tne larynx ana nroncniai tabes; and is one of the most dangerous diseases of children. It almost always comes on in the night. Give fieqnent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Syr up and apply iSallard's Snow Liniment externally to the throat. 25c, 50c, $1. Sold by (jraham & Wortham. For Sale Cheap. Two pianos, in perfect tune and good condition, at, Blackledge's. AT PORT ARTHUR. GENERAL ASSAULT HAS BEEN BEGUN ON THAT . - FORTRESS. Expecting Aid from General Kuro patkin's Army Public Build-. ings Are Being Used for Hospitals Other ' . News. '" - ;- Chefoo, July 30. Refugees who ave just arrived from Port Arthur or, firm previous reports that a gen eral assault has been begun by tbe Japanese on that fortress, and they declare. that tbe Russians are ean guine that tbe Japanese could not succeed in capturing tbe place, even thought they tad twice as many troops. Tbe Russians, according to the refugees' storiee, are still hoping for sucoar from General Kuropat kin. They are unwilling tobelieve the reports of his defeat at Ta Tche Kiao. The refugees . further con firm the reports that the Russian fleet is io 8 state of repair, bat say that the fleet is unwilling to attack that of Admiral Togo, on account of the mines which the Japanese place nightly at the entrance to the harbor. - It was believed at Port Arthur that if the ' Vladivostok squadron or reinforcements from General Ku ropatkin should arrive, the Russian fleet would take the risk of going out. ' ; ' Ammtuition is said to be grow ing scarce, and large fort guns are not oft-n discharged. Attempts to manufacture ammunition in Port Arthur are repotted to have been failures. All of the public buildings are being used for hospitals. The sick and wounded are being well cared for by volunteer nurses. Toe wounds made by the Japanese are dangerous only when vital spots are reached. Hundreds of badly wounded have quickly recovered from their wounds. - . An American named Holt reports that Lieutenant Newton A. Mc- Cully, the American rJaval attache, now at Port Arthur, is well. Chicago, July 29. Declaring the Lord had commanded him to end the packing house strike by killing all the strikers, John A. Leed, a negroj caused much excitement at the stockyards today. He was ar rested alter a struggle and fouud to be carrying a loaded revolver. The police are in doubt whether he is in sane or only shamming. Eighty negroes beii g transport ed from the stockyards in two cars on the Lake Shore road, were thr twn into a panic by a furious at- ttt. k by a mob ot zuu, throwing s'- hp, wbich demolished nearly 'ev er v window in both cars. Explo-si-n-s of two torpedoes warned the en ei -er to etop. I istantly a mob rushed out from places of concealment, and the rock-tl.r-iwlng began. Three policemen ft-"dine upon the platforms beat k the rioters, while tbe frighten ed negroes hid under the car seats, and the train pulled away from the scene. Chicago, July 29. If the Freight Handlers Union should attempt to enforce an order forbidding all mem bers from handling consignments to and from the stockyards, the ac tion will be fought by the Ameri can Anti-Boycott Association, and ! the Federal authorities will be ask led to intervene. So asserted Dan iel Davenport, executive agent 01 the association, who arrived in Chi caeo from Bridgeport, Conn., to day. The freigbthandlers' order was adop'.ed by its 'council, and then suspended pending a call from President Donnelly. Mr. Daven nort said the threat is similar to one in the case of Debs in the A. R, U. etrikeof!894. "We will order freigbthandlers trot to touch consignments from the trust packers juBt the moment that President -Donnelly asks it," de claredi - Presideat Carran, of the freigbthandlers, today. He added: "That request may come at any moment." Newport Pleasure Steamer. The steamer L. Boscoe of Florence, one of the best and most comfortably furnished of the ocean-going tugs on the Pacific Coast, has arrived at Yaqnina Bay for the season and will do all kinds of work on the Bay, such as transport ing passengers, towing ships, etc. The L. Boscoe vUl make regular trips over the Yaqnina bar during the outing sea son on Snndays and visitors to Newport especially those going on the regular Sunday excursion can enjoy the delights of a trip over the bar into the waves of the broad Pacific. HEAT WAS FIERCB. For Webfoot yMercary Spared High Hottest Day of Season. The hottest day of the present summer was last Sunday. Ther mometers soared during the day as they have not soared before in a long time, and fat people perspired and mopped their brows as they don'f want to do again. The high point in the' temperature for the day was about three o'clock in the afternoon. Thermometers on Main street at that time were lingering around the ioo mark The one at Greffoz's registered ioi, at Rose's, ioo, and at other places 98 and 99. The big maximum thermometer in the weather office at the college shows that the highest point touch ed was 98, which is high enough. At three, - however, a welcome change in conditions came, such a change as is only usual in favored Corvallis and contiguous territory, a sea breeze, fresh from the ocean set in, and before the evening was passed, it was cool enough for an overcoat or wrap. Bellfotratain - News. The junk man has canvassed the neighborhood yery thoroughly."" Charles Hixon is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Clyde Tharp. The showers of Wednesday have refreshed the air after the very warm weather. Grain will be in the shock by the last of the week. Preaching service last Sunday ths 31st, by the Christian minister . of Eugene. Carl Humphrey has been quite sick the last week but is improving rapidly. H. T. Bristow met with a very painful accident,, recently. Some thing had pone wrong with his binder and while looking under the machine ran a etick in his ear. Luckily for him, tbe drum of the ear was not injured. Teacher's Examimatioii. Notice is hereby given that a public examination will be held for all appli cants for teachers certificates in ' the court house in Corvallis, Oregon, begin ning at 9 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, Aug ust 10, 1904, and continuing until Sat urday August 13, 1904, at 4 p. m. The following program will be followed. For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 10, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing nnti Saturday, August 13 at four o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. , Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy chology. Mor County Papers., Commencing Wednesday, August 10, at nine a. m. and continuing until Friday August 12 at four p. m, First, Second and Third Grade Certifi cates, Wednesday Penmanship. history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic school law, civil government. Primary Certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading, arithmetic. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology Dated this 23rd day of July, 1904. Geo. W. Denman, County School Supt. "Citation.. In the County Court ot the State of Oregon. For the County ol Benton. In the Matter of the Estate of) of wm.-F. Byer, deceased. ' ToW.F. Bverand RlUa A. Abrams, heirs and devisees of Wm. F. Byer, deceased. Greptinz: In the name of the State of Ore- eon tou and each of ?ou are hereby cited and rpanlred to aDoear ill -the Oountv Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton, at the Court Jtoom inereot, at uorvains, ureou, uu Rutnrrtfiv. the" 10th dav of Seotember. 1904. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,, then and! there to show cause if any you nave, wny an i-n-rier of Bale should not be made as prayed to in t.h nntiHon nf W. N. AlforO. adminlstrato: of said estate ot Wm. F. Byer, deceased, of thd foiinwtno riasp.rihari real TrorertY towit: Lots number 7. s. ana v m oiock uumwiw i. Hausman's Addition to the City of NortB uwra-neviiio. T.inti Onnntv. Orison: Lot mm bered stn block numbered 10 in Riverside ad rfitiM, tn Alhlna. nnw within the City of Ponj land. Mutnomah County. Oregon: And Lot nun! bered 23. in block numbered 5, In Hyde ParM v.-n r further noun! that this citatior Is served upon yon and each of yon, by pub lipAtionthereof in the cnrvaine limes news narwr for lourweek. under an order made bi the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, judge of said Oouril bearing date July 30tn. rsui. u-iinoMi' - Th Hon. Virzil B. Watters, Judi ,v, rviintv !ourt oi the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton, with the Seal of said Const aifixed this SJiU day of July, 1904. . VIOTOK P. MOSES, Clerk. By J. F. Irwin, Deputy. When Nolan and Callahan say rem nants they mean it. fiee-Fiee The Ideal Roaster See Black ledge's fine couches. For Rent. ; House of seven rooms, ham and twelve lots; known as the McCaustlnnd Block, H.S.Moore. C.-Hi Newth, Physician- and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. Cleerfully Recommend' atisms. for Rheum- O. G. Higbee, Danville, 111., writes Dec. 3, 1901. "About a years ago I was laid up for four months with rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment ; one bot tle cured me. I can cheerfully recom mend it to all suffering from like afflic tion." 25c, 50, Si. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Painting and Paper Hanging. All orders promptly filled. Phone E. W. S. PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. Pioneer Runtcrs Supplies, Tisbing Cackle, Sporting 6oods. SEWING MACUESE EXTBAS Stock of Gu Bodes at Bid Bargain E.E.WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office li Zierolf Baildia, C -viUi9. O P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALLIS, OR. Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. Pa8senger8 will have UUvlleyj of starting on any date which will enable to reach destination within ten days from the sale dat9. In quire at Agent Southern Pacific Co. - Gorvallis & Eastern , Railroad Time Card Number 22. i ForYaquina: Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 p. m ' ?- Corvallis 1:45 p. m ' ,,"rrivesTaquina......i. 5:40 p. xn l Returning: Leases Yaqnina... ........ 7:15 a. m Leaves Corvallis n 130 a. m - Arrives Albany.,... ia:iyp, m j For Detroit: Leaves Albany ....." i:00 p. m Arrives Detroit 60O p. m 4 from Detroit; Leaves Detroit.. ....... ....6:30 a. m , Arrives Albany... 11:15 a. m. - Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with SP' south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S F north bound train. - Train No a connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at 6oo, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the same day. For further information apply to Edwin Stonb, Manager. FT. HJCronise, Agent Corvallis. Thoe. Cockrell. Agent Albany. E. E.WHITE Real Estate Co. Are you looking for a Home Or a good Investment? if so we take pleasure in showing yon . ever the country and are confident we . can give yon the right price on some thing will suit yon.. We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres. We have Fruit landsf. Hop lands, Farm lands, Poultry ranches-. Stock ranches and Timber lands. Ranging in price from $7 to $125 per acre all owing to lo cation and improvements. We also have a nice list of city proper- -ty. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi dences from $350 to I3000 each according to location and impiovemente we also have some good business locations. Offices first door south of reading room. White & Stone, Corvallis Or. "An ounce; of preven tion is wortba pound - of cure." Prevent any abnormal condition of the eyes by properly fitted glasses and you'll prevent at the same time years; of mis ery and pain. Gun Store. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY COHVALLIS, OllKOOX. - Responsibility, $100,000 : Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buys County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAIf FRANCISCO I. PORTLAND SEATTLE London Sc San Fran Cisco Bank Limited . TAG OKA NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morean A Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The. Repub lic. LONDON, ENG. London San Francisco Bank Limited. CAN AD 1. UnionBank of Canada. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffiee. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store. ' For Sale. A few choice Poland China pigs, both sexes, from registered stock, is per head Inquire of Eobert Wylie, Lewisbnrg,