The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 03, 1904, Image 2

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Gorvallis Times.
Offldml Paper of Bentoa County.
Mountain water for Corvallis is
not an idle dream. Engineer Gates
who has built and now owns more
water works plants than any other
man in the Northwest, declares
that the outside cost of a system
would be $50,000, and that it would
be a good investment for the in
vestor. The itatement is not that
of a boomer or a visionary, ' but of
a practical, substantial, well-informed
expert in the water works busi
ness. It was not made in private,
or to a single individual, but pub
licly, before the Corvallis common
council, and the reputation of Mr.
Gates is staked upon it. There is
no question then on this one point,
towit, that mountain water is with
in reach of Corvallis, and would be
a good investment. ' ,
Any reasonable thing a commun
ity determines to have, it can get.
As shown above, mountain water
for Corvallis is not an unreasonable
proposition. It is . a settled fact
that it is not only , possible,, but
that it is practical and would be
profitable "It would be a profit
able investment," says Mr. Gates
The on!y question is, how to get
Several ways are open. ist.
There is enough idle money of de
positors lying in the Corvallis banks
to build two or three such systems,
It is largely the money of . small
holders, who cannot lend it, and do
not use it. It is a hoard and draws
no interest. If the owners of it
could be made to see that a moun
tain water system would, as Mr. a good invest
ment, and give them a safe place,
and a reasonable, even a small re
turn for their money, they would
build the system. ,
2nd. There are solid, substan
tial men in Corvallis who have
money, employed and unemployed.
Some of their employed money is in
enterprises more hazardous, reuqir
ing more'thqught, more personal at
tention by farthan were it invested in
the proposed water works. When
they learn that a gravity water sys
tem is a favorite investment with
bankers, with men who seek safety
and quietude for investment rather
than hazard and bustle; when they
are convinced, in , short, that the
proposed system : will earn them
money while they sleep, and grow
old, they will supply the town with
mountain water.
3rd. The present water com
pany has part of a mountain water
system already built. It has repu
tation, experience ; and an estab
lished business, that ought to . en
able it to enlist sufficient outside
capital to change the source of sup
ply from the Willamette to the
mountains. When it learns that
the people propose to have moun
tain water, and no other, the pres
ent company will put in the sys
tem. .
4th. If nobody else mill build
it, the people of Corvallis can birUd
it themselves.
A Sew ins Machine Was Bought, and
Sold, and Then Shanghaied.
This is a brief tale about a sewing
machine, a sewing laachine agent,
and the trouble the have been
to certain Corvallisites. It in
volves Mr. Abbott of the big feed
barn, Mrs.' Humiston, recently ar
rived from Fayette, Iowa, both of
whom were victimized, and G A.
Price, a sewing machine agent, who
operated in Corvallis daring the
past winter and spring. . Price is
the man who has victimized the
others. . ' '
Price represented the Singer sew
ing' machine people in Corvallis.
He fell into the debt of Mr. Abbott
for horse feed to the "amount of
$?4 45. He represented tht he
had no money to pay with, and
finally persuaded Abbott to take in
remuneration a 1 45 dollar sewing
machine tor $25 In the transact
ion, he exhibited what purported
to be authority from the Singer
people at the nwer figure. So. the
trade wa made, but instead ot a
clear bill of sale, a lease arrange
ment was given Abbott as his cer
tificate of title to the property.
This happened several months ago'
After that, Abbott sold the ma
chine to Mrs. Humiston for $25 in
cash. He also applied .to Price for
a receipt for the purchase: price of
the machine, as agreed-upon, the
debt Price owed the stable man,
plus cents which Mr.: Abbott
tendered, going in cancellation of
the purchase price. But Price
wouldn't, and didn't give the re
ceipt. !
The sequel to it all is that the
other day. Price, dnring her ab
sence,' entered the residence of Mrs
Humiston on Main street, tore the
upper works out of the sewing
machine, and leaving the table por
tion behind, disappeared with the
more valuable part. ' He went with
it hastily to the river, entered a
boat there and rowing across, took
a waiting buggy, and : disappeared
down the Albany road, driving at
great speed. What Mrs. Humis
ton has as her part of the trans
action is the damaged sewing ma
chine table. What Mr. Abbott has
is a deep conjecture as to where he
is to get off in the mixup, What
Price has is the valuable upper
works of the machine, a bad repu
tation for business and a clear title
to trouble when he next comes to
to ...
For Sale.
Vetch, tflover, oats, wheat and timothy
hay, 100 cords of grub oak wood sawed
in 16 inch lengths, order early before the
after harvest advance prices. One fresh
Jersey cow. Can order from Corvallis on
L.L. Brooks. '
Excursion Rates to Yaquina Bay.
On June ist, the Southern Pacific Co,
will resume eale of excursion tickets to
Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both sea
Bon and Saturday to Monday tickets will
be sold. This popular resort is growing
in favor each year, hotel rates reasonable
and the opportunities for fishing, hunt
ing and sea bathing are unexcelled by
any other resort on the Pacific Coast.
.W, E. Coman,
Gen, Passenger Agent.
Portland and Return.
Only - The southern pacific is
now selling round trip tickets to Port
land from Corvallis for it, good coin
Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday
returning Sundsy and Monday givin
ail c3 Eunoay in ronlcnd. The sam 1
atrerecirent orplies fcrm rortlar.deiv, Blackledge keeps large assortment.
Si Bradley, the Southern Pacific Sec
tion Foreman Is in Pest Honse.
The pest house is occupied again.
The victim is Si Bradley, the
Southern Pacific section foreman,
and he has smallpox. The case
was reported to the authorities on
Saturday, and the patient was at
once, quarantined. - Mr. Bradley
had then felt somewhat indisposed
for several days, but had. no sur
mise that his ailment was smallpox
He roomed in the Hemphill build
ing, east across the street from
Graham & Wells drug store, and
boarded at Thrasher's, . and at both
places there were numerous expos
ures. At both also, there has been
a wholesale vaccination of those
who were exposed, and sore arms
will soon be numerous about town.
Mr. Bradley's case is of the us
ual mild type incident to this latter
day smallpox. The main symptom
has come to be the breaking out,
which largely accounts for the fact
that it is so often that a case is well
developed, and numerous exposures
made before its character is detect
ed. In view of this, it would be
well for everybody who has a rash
of any kind to consult a physician
at once.
Mr. Bradley's headquarters was
visited yesterday as usual by Chief
Lane, and the patient found to be
as comfortable as it is customary for
a man to be who is under quaran
tine with smallpox. By "visited"
it is not meant that the chief went
inside, but that he hailed the place
from a safe distance, and didn't
stay long.
, Fitzsimmons.
The full-blooded Clydesdale stallion
reg. Iso. 11013 can be found at Vidito
Bros, stables Corvallis Oreeon. on each
day of the week. Terms $12 to . insure
live colt.
For Sale.
Sis good young cows. One registered
Jersey Boll, five head of young stock,
one good fanning mill, one good covered
light wagon, one 2 horse power cross cut
saw, one good broad-cast seeder will sow
40 acres per day, and numerous other ar
ticles. All will be sold cheap. Time gi
ven to all. Call and see me; yi mile East
of ferry.
1 Iutlttd people a chance to visi' matting,
- ",
In Gasoline Explosion -B. J. Kelly.
' " Formerly a Corvallis Minister. .
B. J. Kelly, well and most favor
ably known in Corvallis, was kill
ed in a gasoline explosion in Port
land Saturday: He was for several
years, pastor of the United Evan
gelical . church in this city, for
the promotion of which he was a
faithful and indefatigable worker.
During his pastorate, his wife came
to her death in an accident scarcely
less tragic than is that vby which
Mr. Kelly has just lost his life.
During the night, she - fell ; down
the stairway of the unfurnished
parsonage, and was instantly kill
ed. He subsequently married again.
The story of his death is thus told
by the Oregonian: : : '
, "While cleaning and repairing
a locomobile runabout at 6 o'clock
last evening, in Kelly's automo
bile livery, at the corner of Second
& Salmon streets, B. J." Kelly, ; a
brother Of the proprietor of the es
tablishment pulled the plug from
the gasoline tank and caused an ex
plosion that resulted in his death
at 10 o'clock last night. ;The force
of the explosion was so great - that
the man's body" was almost entirely
stripped of clothes, and he was lit
erally skinned alive from ; his chin :
to his knees. 1 1 .. ,
A patron of the establishment re
turned from a trip a lew minutes
before six o'clock and ordered his
machine cleaned and put in good
'order for a run today. B.' J. Kelly
the brother of the proprietor who
is an expert ' mechanic, ' at once
started to carry out the patron's
instructions. He had been working
but a short time ' on the machine,
when he" found it . necessary to
empty the gasoline tank. No one
who was in the livery at the fame
is able to tell exactly how it hap
pened, but it is supposed that as
Kelly went to pull the plug from
the tank he lit a match and held it
too close to the tank. Suddenly
there was an explosion that seemed
to raise the building from the foun
dations. The windows in front of
the livery were shattered, and the
noise of the explosion was heard
two blocks away.' A crowd soon
gathered to learn the cause.
When the smoke cleared away
the horrified men in the barn saw
a wrecked auto and the form of
Kelly lying 40 feet from the spot
from where the automobile was
standing when he started to clean j
it "His clothing had been torn '
away, and blood flowed from every
part of his body from the head to
his knees. The skin had been torn
into shreds and' in many places was
entirely removed from the body.
He did not even groan, and it was
first thought that he had been in
stantly killed. '
As soon as those in the barn had
rushed to the injured man ' and
found that he was still alive, a hur
ry call was sent to Dr. : Tilzer and
Dr. Richmond Kelly, who : admin
istered first aid. Kelly's wounds
were dressed as well as possible and
an ambulance call was sent to St
Vincent's hospital, where the in
jured man was taken.
. Mr. Kelly's brother was almost
prostrateed last night as the result
of the accident. . ;
'I do not know the cause,' '.he
said, "as I was not watching him
at the time. I knew that he had
started to clean the machine, and I
was busy doing other work. Sud
denly there came an explosion that
almost deafened ' me. I glanced
around and saw a cloud of smoke
where my brother and, the automo
bile had been a minute before.1 I
ran quickly up the room, and when
the smoke cleared away I saw my
brother lying about 40 feet away.
I thought at first that ; he had been
killed outright." ,
Dr.. Tilzer, who was the first
physician to reach Kelly's side af
ter the accident said last night that
the injuries Kelly sustained were
"The skin was completely torn
from the body from the chin to the
knees," said Dr. Tilzer. "The
clothing had been torn away. I
found a part of Mr. Kelly's cap,
which he was wearing at the time
of the accident, about 50 feet from
where the body was lying, and the
rest of the cap I . could not find,
though I searched. It must have
been blown further - away. The
clothing was torn into shreds, and
was lying all about the room. The
greatest force of the explosion
seemed to have bee about the man's
The automobile which Mr. Kelly
was cleaning was completely wreck
ed. Of the machine there remain
ed nothing but a gnarled and twist
ed mass of wood and metal. The
floor was torn up about the place
where the machine was standing,
and flying fragments of the auto
mobile narrowly missed others in
the room.
At St. Vincent's hospital every
thing possible was done to save the
life of the injured man, but the ef
forts of the . attending physicians
cf were or no avail, ana ne aiea at 10
o clock.
Accepts a Fine Position Irving D.
Burgh, Once of Carriage Factory.
Most Corvallisites remember Ir
ving D. Burgh, who was a factor
in the re-organisation and owner
ship ot the Corvallis Carriage fact
ory, after .its first failure. ;: For the
past five years he has been at la
crosse, Wisconsin, , where he has
been in charge of a large lumber
and line establishment.. In a scare
head article of a column's length,
the LaCrosse ' Leader-Press tells of
Mr. Burgh's acceptance of a prom
inent commercial position at Duluth
Minnesota. Among other things,
the paper says:
f 'The Duluth Lumber Company
of which Mr. Burgh is to be mana
ger, is one of the largest institutions
in the northwest. It always car
ries three or four million feet of
lumber in its Duluth yards, and it
does a large business in timbers
from the state of Washington. . It
is a large shipper on the lakes, and
handles in Duluth the coal business
of the Lehigh Valley Railroad com
pany, which has immense docks at
that point, particularly for the
handling of hard coal. '.
Mr. Burgh has been for five years
one of our most public spirited citi
zens He is a member of the board
of trade, the progressive association
'and other organizations of business
men, and he is a member, . of the
LaCrosse Club and a number of
social and fraternal, bodies! Both
Mr. and Mrs; Burgh have been
highly esteemed in LaCrosse ' so
ciety. At their attractive residence
on North Eighth street, they have
been hospitable entertainers and
they have a large circle of friends
whose good wishes will go with
them to their new home. . - i
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids for the construction ot a
sewer through block I4 County Addition
to Corvailis, will , be received till i
o'clock, noon, July 30, 1904, at the office
of police judge, said city , in accordance
with ordinance No 16S and the plans
and specifications therefore on file with
said police judge. ;
Alex Ren nie,
TP. Avery,
J. M. Cameron,
"- Sewer Committee.
If you try a pair
you'll have the
style, f it and dur
ability of THE
BEST. And you
'll get them at a
price that is right
Remnant Sale!
This is the season fgr closing out all short leng
ths to rid ourselves of Summer goods and to make
.room for new FalLstocks which are now arriving,
so to make a dean sweep and to do it 7 quickly we
have marked all remnants and broken lines regard
less of cost. There are remnant of Dress good,
Silks,. Wash Goods," Table Linens, White Goods,
Towlings, Outing Flannels, Ginghams, Flannelettes
Prints, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Silkoleens,
Muslins, Cretons, Curtain Nets Etc.
Special: All our 25, 30 and 35 cent Wash goods
at 19 cents. Some pretty shades for evening wear.
Out new Dress Goods and Cloaks will arrive a
bout Aug. 1st. Hence the rush to clean up Sum
mer Goods.
AM - IF -
I ;
- i
We want your order for grocer- :
ies, provisions, etc. .
We furnish a nice box and do
the packing tor you.
; Don't forget the place
We M You 10 Big Op!
Best That's Grown
Is None Too Good.
When you are drinking
Coffee it is oar good
fortune to hold the Sole
Agency for the famous
Chase & Sanborn
High Grade
We have all the grades from 2oo
per pound to the highest priced.
Coffee sold by this celebrated firm.
Give Us a Trial Order
for one of their Coffees and you
will use it exclusively.
P. HI. Zierolf
Groceries, Grockery & Stoneware
Agt. for Libby Gut Glass
And see our immense stock of Furniture,
Carpets. Mattings, Wall Paper, Etc before you
buy. We have some elegant
Bed Room Suits
Sideboards, Chiffoniers and
Book Cases
At prices that will astonish you. If we ,
not what you want in stock, we can get it for
you on the first train from Portland. Orders
by mail will recieve prompt attention.
Yours for Business,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Go to Blackledge's New Furniture
Store lor your camp outfit.
Order Your Ice Cream
From The Celebrated Sunset
Creamery Company.. Highest
price paid for Butter fat, Eggs etc.
281 ist Street Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 52.
Bargains in B t alio in 1 im 1 H
enberg & Cfidy's.
Say, Do You Like
To read good books? We have
just received 500 volqmes of choice
leading from Chicago which we will sell
at prices that are right.
Graham & Wells,
Druggists & Booksellers.
With its companions, heart bnrn, flatu
lence, torpidity of the liver, constipation,
palpitation of the heart, poor blood, head
ache and other nervous symptoms, sal
low skin, foul tongue, offensive breath
and a legion of other ailments, is at once
the most widespread and destructive mal
ady among the American people. ' The
herbine treatment will cure all these
troubles. 50c bottle. Sold by Graham
& Wortham.
Get your camping outfits such as tents,
cots and stools at Hollenberg & Cady's
Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new
store. . ' .
Blcakleige keepi all kinds of table
Bird cages at Hollenberg & Cady.